Hallie Jackson NOW - Feb 22 NBC News NOW

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[Music] how's the weather where you are wherever you are it's the top of the hour and we're coming on the air with yeah really nasty winter weather it could bring historic snow across the Midwest Millions facing alerts for heavy winds that are going way past the speed limit in a minute we'll take you right into the heart of the storm and that is Minnesota plus our team is just now learning that Alec Murdoch's defense team is considering calling him to the stand to say he did not kill his wife and son but is that a good idea also down south a murder Scandal that is upending the number two college basketball team in the country why Alabama's head coach is facing sharp criticism for comments about his star player and in our original our team is going one-on-one one with new homeowners who bought during the pandemic ever heard of buyer's remorse many say they wish they never bought and some of the country's top food brands are going way out on a limb to keep customers while you may be seeing new Special Sauce drops or olive oil in your coffee that's coming soon that's going to be later in the show Good Day to you I'm Tom Costello in for Halley and right now the northern part of the country is in the thick of this massive and potentially historic snowstorm take a look we've got a look right now from our philia driving through Minnesota's Twin Cities yeah that looks like a mess doesn't it you could see we've got up to a foot of a foot and a half of snow already in the Twin Cities these storms have 68 million people under winter alerts stretching from California to Maine it's bringing a mix of everything from wind to ice to snow freezing rain you name it and winds putting 62 million people under wind alerts wind speeds as high as 85 miles per hour that's stronger than the max speed that Most states allow on the roads just take a look at these trees and signs literally shaking the flag there Tucson Arizona and in places where it's snowing like what you see here in South Dakota it's creating dangerous blizzard conditions especially out on the roads take a look at this very close call from Wyoming a highway patrol officer just barely got out of the way in time as that semi truck came barreling down the road the highway patrol tells NBC News the roads were covered in ice and the driver was going way too fast the travel situation looks no different in the skies about 1500 flights canceled and we've got about 3 500 delays already building we're going to go with niola niola Charles right now in Minneapolis she's in the middle of this in just a minute but first we start with NBC meteorologist Bill Karens all right Bill walk us through this boy this looks like a mess it just depends where you are Tom I mean we got as you said everything but the kitchen sink so we haven't had any reported tornadoes today we're seeing the end of our tornado watch over the next hour this went through St Louis it'd be nice if we can eliminate at least the tornado threat for the region but that will continue for just about one more hour we'll wait and see if they reissue a new tornado watch here for areas of Indiana as far as the worst of it I think the freezing rain is going to be the biggest issue we already have about a quarter inch of ice it's covering everything in Southern Michigan and also Southern portions of Wisconsin and Northern Illinois those areas already have a quarter inch of ice and it's still going to continue throughout the evening we could see power outages maybe even a few areas widespread especially in Michigan throughout the overnight hours so losing power temperature in the 30s is not fun that's one of the issues then of course we have the snowstorm now Minneapolis the forecast has changed if you don't love snow in Minneapolis the forecast has been in your favor yesterday at this time it was looking like somewhere possibly around 18 inches total total now we've lowered that to possibly maybe about a foot total so not in the top five not record-breaking anymore from Minneapolis so maybe that's a piece of good news for you but it still doesn't matter because the roads are still going to be almost impassable especially South Dakota portions of Utah and Western Minnesota it's light it's fluffy and it's just blowing all over the place this is additional ice so we've already got about a quarter inch and we could add another tenth to almost a quarter inch especially in areas of Michigan so that's of a big concern with power outages and then we still have to deal with snow going over to ice throughout New England in the Northeast as we go throughout the evening and that's taking place right during the evening rush hour here so right now we just updated this to 69 million people we have blizzard warnings 10 miles outside of Los Angeles first time the national weather service has ever done that for that area an additional snowfall about six to ten total more in Minneapolis already you've had about four inches on the ground Sioux City 2-4 and then as far as the Northeast and New England goes Vermont this is good for ski country but if you're traveling up here tonight it's going to be dangerous and Tom we'll leave you with this it hit a hundred in South Texas today it's negative seven in Bismarck we had a temperature difference in the middle of the country of about 110 degrees that's just amazing Bill thanks very much let's get now to niella Charles she's in Minnesota uh all right now I'll describe what it's like in the Twin Cities right now we're talking about a lot of snow but bill says not the record amount that we were expecting right so this may land in Minnesota's top 10 store snowstorms in the history but although the numbers say that significant the minnesotans we have spoken to say not so much and if you look out here this because they're used to this they've been built Minnesota's tough they say so that's why we did speak to a lot of people who've been through here again just continuing with their everyday activities we've seen so many people walk past me run past me also just walking their dogs and they say it's a nice day here in Minnesota listen to what they had to tell me this isn't nothing new to minnesotans you know we we're used to this so even if it does get bad we're we're used to it snow is one thing but cold I guess is the other thing so uh it's not not that bad it's 17 degrees Ryan it's in the teens I'm not planning on being outside long [Music] see Ryan didn't believe me when I told him it was colds although the schools here throughout the state are closed a lot of businesses are still open Tom even the Mall of America is running its normal hours and the state had its high school girls hockey State Championship today if that still happened because they said they weren't going to let just a little bit of snow stop them and even more Catholic Church officials say they're still expecting people to come in for Ash Wednesday Tom uh listen didn't I see you in Los Angeles yesterday and now you're in Minnesota uh what you must be feeling a little bit of whiplash yourself he has a little bit of whiplash coming from LA but I'll have you know Tom I have collected my stars here because my first job was in Rochester Minnesota so I'm getting acclimated again reacclimated back home all right Kyle thank you very much appreciate it other news now the Supreme Court looks like it will not take steps to completely upend the internet as we know it that's the vibe that legal experts are getting after the justices we're asked the question can Twitter be sued for quote aiding and abetting a terrorist attack can Twitter be soon the case is connected to that 2017 killing of a Jordanian man in an ISIS attack on Istanbul unlike the case against Google that we talked about yesterday this one questions whether Twitter can be held liable under a federal federal terrorism law that was put in place after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombings this Tech case is kind of the sleeper between the two overshadowed by that Google case but if the justices ruled against Twitter that could mean a wave of lawsuits targeting companies if they don't do an effective job of moderating extremist content legal analysts Angela sanadella is with us now to walk us through all of this this sounds like the justices are really not sure where to draw the line here and they're hesitant to radically change social media on their own can you break this down for us Tom I would agree with that so the ramifications of this case are massive it's whether or not not just social media but really any company that has a wide vast user base could be held financially liable for any user on that platform not even whether or not that user use that platform to commit the crime itself so that's the central question now we heard the conservative Justice today be very skeptical of this we heard Clarence Thomas and also Neil Gorsuch really asked the question of whether or not just that person supporting that one person versus supporting that person in the commitment of the ACT is really what the statute was meant so here we have what Neil Gorsuch is saying you read the anything as his object the act of international terrorism rather than the person who committed the ACT and that that seems a pretty abstract way to read the statute yes it is it is an abstract way to read the statute that's what the conservative said now obviously we had the Liberals asking different questions we had justice Jackson bringing up today the question of willful blindness maybe willful blindness is enough because like every Supreme Court case it comes down to definitions what is substantially what is knowingly did they substantially and knowingly Aid in a bet these are massive questions you know one interesting point here the Biden Administration appears to be siding with Twitter in this case in part because of how a potential ruling could impact Banks yes so this is fascinating because usually we see big Tech on the opposite side of Biden we see Congressional hearings where Tick Tock and Twitter and meta Facebook Instagram they're all just getting hammered by the Biden Administration but that's a difference between what the government wants to regulate and whether or not they want to give private individuals a cause of action so opening up the floodgates here to basically say any private individual who is affected by terrorism could then sue any business whether or not it's Bank social media or any user platform with just just be a massive headache for the Biden Administration boy it is a talker though because you can be on either side of this one and having a very important and informed debate all right Angela thank you very much now to Ohio where fear and anxiety linger for the people in East Palestine at the Town deals with the Fallout from that toxic chemical spill and another big name politician stopping by today former president Donald Trump toured a creek and a fire station a now and he's donating cleaning supplies and water to the community and he's pointing fingers at his likely 2024 rival Joe Biden they were doing nothing for you they were intending to do absolutely nothing for you Mr Trump uh the latest and the revolving door of politicians coming in and out of East Palestine Secretary of Transportation Pete butterjudge will be there tomorrow all of this while Emergency Management teams go door to door today handing out resource packets for people in a one mile radius of the train derailment site and a new health clinic is opening up seeing patients NBC's Ron Allen is in East Palestine you know Ron I do think we ought to set the record straight here he suggested the bite Administration is doing nothing they've had teams on the ground from the very beginning while the president was of course dealing with NATO over in Poland right yes Tom but this is a county that Trump won by 17 of the vote in 2020 and his critics would argue that that's a big reason that he's here as he's beginning his campaign for president and he received a hero's welcome there are people here who you say exactly that that the EPA was on the ground from day one they say and people here you talk to don't believe it or they didn't do anything they will they will tell you and they were criticized President Biden for traveling to Ukraine when this situation This Disaster was unfolding closer to home so that's what was going on in the background of this visit take a listen to how this resident talks about the federal government and what they've been doing so far take a listen foreign [Music] government uh big time um they really could have come through and helped us out a lot better but they just if the feeling that I get is they just don't care about us so there's there's that and meanwhile I think most residents here are trying to stay away from politics and get on with their lives they should also point out that yesterday at the briefing the governor of Ohio who is a republican Mike dewine and the governor of Pennsylvania who is a Democrat Josh Shapiro newly elected said made a point that this is not about politics that they're working together and that this is not a partisan matter and that they want to see this community made whole and that is their objective together jointly despite whatever else is going on in the background Ron bring us up to date on what is happening on the ground there to help these people to get to expedite help to them well you talked about giving packets of information out and the clinic opening they're here they're really trying to be as transparent and as and meet people where they are as much as possible that clinic opened yesterday because people are still complaining about health issues today they uh they said they started doing more medical examinations of people not just doing a survey the packets of information are designed to give people phone numbers resources if they need testing they need medical help whatever because again they're trying to and this is the federal government there's the state government there's the local County government they're all trying to do what they can to try and help this community and it's now some we're almost three weeks from the derailment also contributing what they can what they say is Norfolk Southern the rail company which of course is the Big Bill in here for most people um so on the one hand you have these high-profile visits but on the other hand you have people just trying to get on with their life lives and so there's there's that and a lot of concern uh uh here about what happens when the politicians are no longer coming and the media isn't as interested a lot of concern from people about how their lives will be then yeah Ron thank you very much Ron Allen on the ground the suspect in the Club Q Massacre is in court today as a judge decides whether there is enough evidence to support hate crime charges over three days of preliminary hearings the judge will hear testimony and review evidence describing the scene inside the lgbtq plus nightclub before deciding if the bias motivated charges should stick now you'll remember the suspect is accused of entering the bar in Colorado Springs and opening fire killing five and injury nearly two dozen more and all 200 323 charges NBC's Maura Barrett is on the story for us Laura the hearing is about to make sure uh the prosecutors can move forward with the hate crime charges what did we hear in court today along those lines there's been a lot of things jumber covering the aftermath and at the time there were a lot of rumors and speculation from patrons of the club who went every weekend saying that they might have seen the suspect there before and that's not been confirmed because one of the detectives with the homicide unit that's working on the investigation so that according to the scanner ID data basically when you go in to scan your ID and say you're above the age of 21 to enter the bar shows that the suspect had been there at least six times prior to this shooting and they had been there earlier that evening before leaving and then returning they also examined cell phone data which appears to show that the suspect downloaded an app that looks like they were trying to live stream something later that night we've also learned that they the suspect created a website where other admins told police that they often used language that was racist or homophobic slurs and so when you're talking about those hate crimes that's something that the defenses or the prosecution is leaning heavily into and we've also learned about some things that have been found inside the suspect's apartment that were quite surprising the they found parts of AR style rifles that don't have any serial numbers so they don't know how to do a background check on that and they also found shooting targets some of which were decorated with the rainbow flag so these are all new things that we're learning just in the first day of this hearing and it's expected to go on for several more days Tom we saw the video of the suspect there in his yellow prison Garden we should remind the audience that he was beaten severely by some of the patrons inside the bar and that's why he looks bloodied and kind of beat up in that situation this is all preliminary though what's the talk on when and if this actually goes to trial well as you noted in the beginning here the suspect faces more than 300 charges some of those are on first degree murder assault and those bias motivated crimes or hate crimes and so basically over the next few days the judge will decide whether all of those charges are upheld and whether there's enough evidence to go to full trial and we expect by Friday by the end of the week to get a sense of when that trial date will be set Tom all right Maura thank you very much more a Barrett for us at this hour President Biden is flying back from Poland leaving Europe with tensions running High between the west and Russia now the treaties that keep the world's biggest nuclear Powers at Bay they're on pause right now after Russian President Putin said he would suspend his country's participation in the deal President Biden critical of Putin's move earlier today during a meeting in Poland with leaders of the so-called Bucharest nine foreign [Music] remembering that Putin and his deputies have hinted strongly that they could use nuclear weapons on the battlefield in Ukraine Russia's former president and prime minister and current Kremlin official Dmitry Medvedev writes on telegram quote if the U.S wants to defeat Russia we have the right to defend ourselves with any weapon including a nuclear kind NBC's Kristen Welker remains on the ground and more salt that was Kristen I believe yelling at the president so Chris and the president went to Ukraine to Signal really continued support for the war effort and now Russia is rattling the nuclear saber was the White House expecting that kind of a threat foreign well look Tom first I have to give credit to my colleague Nancy Cordes she was in the pool today our voices do sound a lot alike but she was the one shouting at the president today and she did a great job and got that sound bite but look the White House is always prepared for saber rattling by Russia in this instance though the timing is significant of course the world about to Mark the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion in Ukraine and so it really adds extra urgency let me read you the forceful response from a White House official who says Russian rhetoric around the potential use of nuclear weapons remains as unwarranted as it is irresponsible this official adding the president's Focus remains on helping Ukraine here's a little bit more time of what the president had to say today his forceful words for Russia take a listen I said you keep asking for the symbolization of NATO you're going to get the natoization of Finland well it happened not only are we as strong as well we're stronger [Music] Tom the president's point there is basically saying that NATO only gotten stronger since Russia's war in Ukraine and invasion of Ukraine began and I just want to say one point about the Bucharest nine those were high-stakes talks today the president meeting with key allies in Eastern Europe they have a personal stake in this because of the geography because they feel threatened by Putin's aggression so the president's message to them today Thomas that the United States will continue to stand with them that a threat or an attack against one NATO country is an attack against all really high stakes talks here with a lot on stage a reminder it's Ash Wednesday so you saw the ashes on the president's forehead uh with the new start treaty suspended are we looking at a new arms race between the U.S and Russia that is of course worst case scenario and the biggest concern as of right now Tom based on my conversations with Administration officials they're saying look they were bracing for this Russia has been signaling this they have not been in compliance with the new start treaty for quite some time and they say it could have been worse you could have seen Putin pull out altogether having said that there are some real concerns because this will mean potentially decreased inspections this will likely lead to less communication and Tom the big question is how does this conflict end if there are no diplomatic talks if diplomacy is slowly dying that is the big concern here and that this move is just yet another escalation by Russia at this really critical moment Tom and Putin seems completely backed on the corner and adamant to just continue pushing this forward uh Kristen thank you and Nancy Cordes our colleague and competitor uh thank you for the question all right coming up we've got some major news out of Alec Murdoch's double murder trial file what NBC is learning about whether the disregard the disgraced attorney plans to take the stand that's coming up next plus the The Man convicted of killing rapper Nipsey Hussle has been sentenced we'll have the details coming up in the five things [Music] all right what do Emotional Rescue and Twist and Shout have in common rocks music greatest rivalry could it be soon coming to an end that's coming up in the five things we'll let you guess on who we're talking about first up though some breaking news in the so-called double murder trial of the century down south the crime of the century down south Alec Murdoch's lawyers are telling NBC news that they are considering calling Murdoch to the stand tomorrow that means the man who's accused of killing his wife and son would have the chance to answer questions about what happened on that night in June let's get right to NBC's Katie Beck she is in South Carolina so Katie this is a huge gamble here what's the play from the defense yeah it is a huge gamble Tom and it's why defense attorneys rarely rarely put their clients on the stand it opens them up to all kinds of questions about inconsistent statements and timelines not to mention the mountain of evidence that we've heard over the past four weeks which includes a lot of alleged Financial crimes as well so it really opens the door to a lot of things the reason why they may be considering this is because Alec Murdock is really the only witness that can answer to that kennel video which still has not been explained or refuted by the defense perhaps the prosecution's strongest piece of evidence that places Murdoch inside that kennel within minutes of those murders when he says in fact he was never at those kennels on the night of the murders until he discovered their bodies so they can't answer that question with another witness this may be the only way to get an answer to the jury on that but as you said it's a huge risk and I think one that's weighing heavy on them right now hey uh Katie Hallie posed this question to our legal analyst Danny savalos on whether to call Murdoch last week on this show let's take a listen to what he said and he was very blunt put out your defense attorney hat here would you put out Murdoch on the stand because that's the next big question I'm interrupting your question no I would not put him on the stand pretty definitive there no no no in the meantime the defense focused on trying to poke holes in the crime scene and the character witness that were at times Witnesses really who a double-edged sword from Murdoch's credibility so walk us through what we've heard now right that was a close friend a colleague of Murdoch's Mark Ball and he was on the stand today doing what the defense initially wanted him to do which is sort of dismantling sled's investigation talking about the mistakes they made the evidence they left behind the fact that they didn't rope off this crime scene effectively and let all kinds of people walk all over that property uh right hours after this crime had occurred he was very effective at doing that task what was not so effective for the defense is when the prosecution got up and started asking him more in-depth questions about discovering the alleged Financial crimes of Alec Murdoch and how that impacted his view of Murdoch's character here's what he said on the stand about that foreign who he really was wasn't he obviously effortlessly and easily lied to you for years and you didn't know it didn't know it didn't know it and didn't catch it [Music] staying on the stand he was doubting everything he ever knew about Alec Murdoch not something the defense was probably hopeful to hear in court today uh probably more wanting to be focused on that inadequate sled investigation sort of a double-edged sword that Witness yeah sounds like it Katie thank you Katie Beck let's get you over now to the five things our team thinks you should probably know about tonight number one The Man convicted of murdering rapper Nipsey Hussle sentenced to 60 years to life in prison today Eric Holder Jr was convicted of first-degree murder after he shot the rapper at least 10 times also injuring two bystanders also had just been nominated for a Grammy for best rap rap album of the time at the time of his death in 2019 he was 33. number two a group of anti-Semitic protesters can you believe it they gathered out side the first previews of the Broadway musical parade it's a true story about the false conviction and lynching of a Jewish man in the 1900s the show's star Ben Platt says the ugly and scary displays outside the theater are a reminder of why they are retelling the story number three a renowned science fiction magazine has been forced to stop accepting submissions listen to this after a massive influx of stories written by AI artificial intelligence the editor of Clark's World said he had to ban about 500 riders for submitting machine generated content just in February alone he says that number has skyrocketed since the rise of chat GPT number four one of rock music's most famous rivalries will be working together for a chance and a change the Beatles Paul McCartney is teaming up with the Rolling Stones to play bass on their albums the 80-year-old McCartney is is reportedly just playing on one song but fans are really excited to see the rock Legends come together you know what I'm going to say for some satisfaction nut bird is rolling his eyes in the studio number five the James Webb Telescope captured an image that has astronomers scratching their heads what you're looking at is a cluster of six massive galaxies created relatively soon after the big bang the only thing is they are so much bigger and so much more mature that anything else from that era and while still not confirmed the discovery is already upending theories about the origin of this massive Universe we all all a part of when we come back a bunch of companies in Britain are trying something a little new and different what they found it's being called the world's largest trial of a four day work week maybe coming to your company NeXT plus a potential 2024 Republican presidential candidate making a stop in a Key State today will take you there live when we come back [Music] oh and listen up a number of companies in Britain have been trying out a four-day work week and now the study is complete and guess what almost everybody likes it 56 of the 61 companies that were part of the study are going to keep going with the four-day work week 32 hours 18 are going to make it permanent right now now employees work four days and earns the the same salary that they received when they worked a five-day week the study lasted six months the largest in the world with multiple universities involved here 71 percent of employees say they were less stressed out less burned out better quality of life and data showed employers were less like employees rather were less likely to quit the lead researcher on the project thinks this could work in the United States I think people recognize it's time to use this incredible uh Automation and digitization and technological change that we have uh to give ourselves a little bit of a break isn't that fascinating we've been working in the coal mine since the 1930s Megan Fitzgerald who joins us now from London uh you know that's when we set this five-day work week and now she argues it's changing because technology allows us to be to have time off and be more productive at the same time thank you yeah you're absolutely right I mean and and that's what this trial suggests that out of the 61 companies that participated in this six month long trial they found that productivity actually increased and then when you take a look at Revenue that increases well some companies say they saw it soar specifically when you take a look at the six-month time period that they did this trial and compared that to the same six month period in the previous year they talked about how employees are less likely to call in sick less likely to quit how they were happier at work and of course when you look at different sectors like the restaurant industry that also is very impactful on business Revenue so it all goes hand in hand and then of course as you mentioned employees the mental health they reported they talked about how they were able to have that work-life balance where they were able to be more productive at home spending more time there but also more productive in the workplace uh So based off of this particular study Tom this was a win-win yeah it was and this trial was only done with 61 companies which is about 3 000 workers the question is how well would this work in bigger companies both in the UK and in the US because there is some reluctance with big companies concerned about not being responsive to customers kind of stepping out of the business ongoing business operations on a Friday or a Monday for example yeah you're absolutely right I mean the jury is still out on whether or not this model is applicable to all companies certainly across Britain and across the United States because different companies obviously do different things but specifically here in the United Kingdom you know keep in mind economists are saying that you know productivity growth is a challenge for the UK economy but nevertheless uh this this study the findings are going to be presented to members of parliament as a way of trying to urge politicians to implement this across the country this four-day work week for folks just working 32 hours a week Tom yeah it's interesting though the UK and the US economy are so different the UK economy is so challenged right now but uh it's a fascinating study we're gonna have more on NBC Nightly News by the way about this research Megan thanks so much coming up maybe you or somebody you know bought a house during the pandemic and maybe you've had buyer's remorse if so you're not alone some of the problems new homeowners have been running into coming up in our original foreign [Music] GOP primaries are off to the races with hopefuls both official and not making trips to key States today South Carolina Republican senator Tim Scott is in Iowa laying out his vision for the country I see 330 million Americans getting back to celebrating our shared blessings again tolerating our differences again he is still not making his bid for the White House official yamiche Alcindor joins me now from Des Moines Iowa snow Zone yamiche if you're looking at who's going to run in 2024 look to Iowa right what kind of a welcome is Tim Scott getting there well Tom I should tell you I'm really happy to be indoors because there is a little snow and a little rain but I am in Iowa which is of course this critical State it's going to be the first state that votes in the Republican primary come next year and Tim Scott is getting in some ways a warm welcome he spoke at Drake University and we talked a lot about cultural issues saying that America is a land of opportunity not impression he claimed that we're Democrats we're causing crime by with quote what he called quote prosecutors but we also talked to some diners um earlier today at you know before he was speaking at the University about Tim Scott and about the other contenders that have been visiting this state take a listen to what someone told me foreign [Applause] so there you heard it voters and that I talked to were they're a little eager to maybe move past former president Donald Trump when you push people on what who could actually win they said it's not really clear and Tim Scott is one of those people that they're like maybe he could win maybe he couldn't he's saying that there is enough of a lane for him to possibly jump in but we're not sure when he's going to do that Tom yeah we still don't know who the Democrats are going to put up right I mean we think it's President Biden we really don't know there's some speculation that he may not do it after all but any indication today on if and when Senator Scott could actually declare to the Run for the White House well it's a key question because Tim Scott is one of a number of likely contenders that have been in Iowa we'll be a vice president Pence here we had Nikki Haley was officially running I should say that Donald Trump has not visited the state when it comes to Tim Scott that's the key question I'd love to ask him um what we get so far is that he's the least hiring staffers it seems like he's getting some key hires on his Super PAC it sounds like he's at least playing with the idea of testing out his dumb speech when I heard him today at Drake University it sounded like a campaign speech he was ticking through all these different topics when it came to race or the board or even talked about abortion saying at one point that Americans have lost so much faith in the country that they've also lost faith in life so there's a little bit about abortion and leaning into that um but it's not clear when he will actually officially say I am in the race and it's not clear if he feels any time pressure because from our understanding he can raise money as a senator and use that later if he wants to run it for president so an interesting thing definitely someone to watch along with a number of other people Tom all right yamiche thanks so much appreciate it stay warm there in Iowa Alabama men's basketball star Brandon Miller will play tonight against South Carolina despite new details from police about his alleged role in a fatal shooting near Campus Tuscaloosa Police say Miller brought a gun to his ex-teammate Darius miles on the night in January that Miles and another man are accused of murdering 23-year-old Jamia Harris miles was kicked off the team after the shooting he says he's not guilty Miller is not criminally charged in the case and his coach Nate Oates says he's not in quote any type of trouble however coach Oates is facing a lot of backlash per se Miller was just in quote just the wrong spot at the wrong time NBC's Juan Venegas joins me now guad as we understand it Oates is now trying to walk back those comments right uh he is Tom so this started yesterday during a press conference that Nate Oates uh had a midday in that press conference he was asked about Brandon Miller uh he responded saying he could not control what his players did off the court he added as you mentioned that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time now after receiving backlash later on Tuesday evening the coach released a statement in that statement he indicated that the entire time he's tried to be thoughtful uh repeatedly he's also said that this is a tragic incident um he added uh saying that the statement came across poorly he also said that at some point law enforcement repeatedly or had repeatedly told them that no other student athletes were suspects uh in this case of course referring uh to Miller he said that those were the details that they had he also added some more information in that statement on Tuesday evening saying that there had been a prayer uh that the team did at the end of practice is keeping the victim in their thoughts so he first answered that question during the presser and they released a statement later on Tuesday evening Tom all right well Miller is the big star for Alabama a potential NBA draft pick for the Crimson Tide the number two team and the nation walk us through all of what's what's going on here lots of play Tom he's the star player and you know we've been learning details uh you know by the minute there's more information that we're learning as of today so on Tuesday so we had that press conference where the coach spoke but there was also a preliminary hearing in court where a detective revealed new details of what the detective says happened that evening so you've got the two individuals Darius uh miles and Michael Davis accused of capital murder various miles who is a former player on the team who knows Brandon Miller now according to the detective that evening miles sent the message to Miller asking him to bring his gun to the area where this incident happened Miller then arrived in his vehicle miles went to the vehicle pulled the gun out and then gave that gun to Davis and Davis is the one that then used the gun to shoot at the victim these are the details that were received from the statement made by the detective right but now we have new information Nation circulating online of a possible statement from an attorney representing Miller that have new details Now NBC News has not confirmed that that attorney is representing Miller or the details in that statement that began circulating just minutes ago and working to confirm that the details that we have now Tom are the ones that came from that detective in court yesterday saying that Brandon Miller had that gun in his car and after receiving a text from Miles he arrived at that area again and then miles pulled the gun out of the car so there's a lot of details as this case continues now both Darius miles and Michael Davis are being accused with capital murder and as of now Brandon Miller is not accused of a crime and as the coach said he's not in any type of trouble he is expected to play tonight Tom sounds like it's it's uh fast changing so guad thanks for staying on top of it all right now we want to bring you to the the original with in-depth reporting on a topic that we've been watching existing home sales slipped almost one percent last month down from December to January and over the last year down nearly 37 that according to new data but that wasn't always the case back in 2021 existing home sales set a 15-year high with folks making a lot of deals during the pandemic to get more space to get out of big cities and that action all that action in the market led to Quick Decisions by some home buyers not everybody is happy about it so we want to bring you the latest zinc play smoi has the story foreign home buyer Kate Fox is feeling buyer's remorse after purchasing this Santa Rosa California house in March 2021. hey hey guys welcome nice to meet you fox submitted an offer on the house the same day she saw it after a one-hour tour the 39 year old waved the home inspection saying the sellers provided a recent inspection but after moving to her surprise the two-bedroom one-bath Bungalow required a lot of Renovations within the first week of moving into this house the hot water and the shower kept cutting out the first big rain the paint on the mantle started bubbling bubbly because there's a water leak Fox's experience isn't unique according to Amanda Pendleton home Trend expert with real estate company Zillow prior to the pandemic it used to take about three weeks for a home to be listed for sale and to go under contract during the pandemic that was happening in seven days Nationwide in June 2020 nearly 20 percent of successful home offers waived the inspection contingency according to real estate brokerage Redfin compared to just 13 percent a year earlier pre-pandemic for Fox that came at a cost I had not budgeted to spend ten thousand dollars in the first year after spending six hundred and thirty thousand dollars to buy the house about three out of four recent home buyers had regrets according to a 2022 Zillow report and about one-third regret getting a home that required more maintenance or work than expected at the peak of the pandemic housing market inventory was down 45 percent compared to pre-pandemic levels so the water about a lot of homes to choose from it all came as Millennials America's largest generation reached Prime home buying ages according to Goldman Sachs plus mortgage rates hit a record low according to the St Louis Federal Reserve Bank and the spike in remote work also may have fueled demand the high competition the rising prices the low inventory and this extreme time pressure you just had a lot of home buyers who ended up at home that may have been less than ideal Fox still has Big Dreams for her 1929 home with hopes to renovate the kitchen but she says the unexpected repairs have hampered her efforts do you regret buying this house I regret feeling the pressure of having to buy the house and then also I regret not not knowing what I didn't know Fox still committed to make her new house and it's important to add that Home Inspections catch a wide array of issues and we actually reached out to Ian Mayer a certified Master inspector in California about whether or not the issues Kate Fox encountered would have actually been caught by a home inspection he tells us it's hard to catch a sporadic water problem but a review of the water heater could indicate similar issues to what she had similarly a roof and chimney survey would reveal Visual Evidence of potential leaks overall though home buying experts emphasize the inspection is a very key part of the buying process to protect buyers back to you yes it is Zin clay thank you very much still to come would you want your morning coffee with a little olive oil by some of the biggest brands are taking some big bets coming up next plus the winner of Maine's massive Mega Millions jackpot is coming forward sorta we're going to explain coming up in the local [Music] [Music] foreign our job is to cover hundreds of stories each day and because you nor I could possibly read watch or listen to every single one of them our bureaus have done it for us and here's what they tell us is going down in their regions it's a segment we like to call the local from our Western Bureau the man accused of shooting and killing a Catholic bishop in Los Angeles has been charged with one count of murder if convicted he faces anywhere from 35 years to life in prison he was the husband of The Bishop's housekeeper the Sheriff's Office says the case is still under investigation from our D.C Bureau Montgomery County Maryland police are offering a twenty thousand dollar signing bonus for new police officers the chief of police says it'll put them on a Level Playing Field with competing jurisdictions amid a nationwide recruiting shortage the bonuses do still need to be approved by the city council County Council and from our Northeast Bureau some lucky person in Maine just claimed the 1.35 billion

Mega Millions and we do not know the person's name because they accepted their win through a limited liability company an LLC Maine does not let lottery winners remain anonymous but they did say the winner would only be identified as a company for now Starbucks today says it has a new drink that will Blend Coffee and and wait for it here comes they're adding olive oil they're calling it an oleato and they're rolling it out and where else California this spring with an oat milk latte and iced espresso and a cold brew offering now the move comes after Heinz said it's teaming up with what it calls influential Fried Chicken Partners I wonder who that could be to release a line of limited edition hindsauce drops they're not alone food companies have been struggling with inflation and supply chain issues causing profit margins to shrink of course so some companies are responding by launching new products and Partnerships that they hope will bring more customers in and let them keep hiking prices on all of us let's bring in MX news business and data reporter Brian Chung buddy olive oil and coffee I mean does this really mix and why are we seeing these Brands Branch out into new territories right now well it probably doesn't literally mix because the oil will probably end up Rising but I mean look it's a drink that I might try for what it's worth this is just one way that Starbucks is trying to pull in more buyers in this tough inflationary environment where a lot of Shoppers are trying to rein in the amount of spending that they have hence one reason why Starbucks wants to send these drinks out they want to kind of in lean into the customization if you will of a lot of these types of beverages to get people to pay five or six dollars for a drink and this is coming alongside another Trend as you mentioned Tom which is customization and also Partnerships we're seeing from the likes of Heinz for example these new types of sauces they want to partner with these Fried Chicken companies they haven't said which one you might imagine there's one prominent one but ultimately they want to use this to try to test new type new types of sauces and whether or not they can actually end up going to Market in full if they do well for example in some of these drops is what they're calling it they might try to unveil it in Mass after that all right well we talked about Starbucks and Heinz what other Innovations are we talking about are you hearing about that we could see soon yeah well there's a big conference down in Florida from a lot of these consumer packaged Brands and one of them is canagra and they had a number of new unveiling lines that they hope to uh kind of use this Innovation for and one example and these are a little bit ridiculous there's a Dolly Parton Duncan Heinz cake maybe for people named Jolene there's a Swiss Miss keto uh company uh keto line that they hold will kind of entice low carb fans there's also a Wendy's chili in a can for those that can't make the trip out to the fast food restaurant and then lastly Orville Redenbacher seasoning they have a Cinnabon flavor for those that just really like that sweet taste that they associate with going to the mall these are all types of things again that companies are trying to do to get around inflation if they can't get people to buy at a cheaper price maybe you bring them in at the high price with some of these gimmicks all right well listen people may not know you are a big sneaker head uh that you have I don't know how many shoes how many any sneakers you have that can be 30 or so okay so we're also talking about right buying limited edition shoes what can we expect from these fine silks drops and then you're and then your passion as well yeah fashion passion well again these drops are limited in nature they only do them for a certain amount of time just like sneakers for example but look we saw something very similar with McDonald's in 2017 they released a Sichuan sauce which is kind of in conjunction with Rick and Morty a very popular show at the time they were selling for about fifteen thousand dollars on eBay so there is a resale market for that there is indeed Brian Chung thank you that's a wrap for this hour We're going to have more here tomorrow same time same place the news continues right now thanks for watching our YouTube channel follow today's top stories and breaking news by downloading the NBC News app


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