ATI Technologies Wikipedia audio article

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Aarti. Technologies. Inc commonly. Called RT, was a semiconductor. Technology. Corporation. Based in Markham, Ontario. Canada. That specialized. In the development. Of graphics, processing. Units. And chipsets. Founded. In, 1985. As, array technology. Inc the, company, listed, publicly, in. 1993. Advanced. Micro Devices. AMD. Acquired. RT, in, 2006. As a, major. Fabrication. Lessor, fabless, semiconductor company. RT. Conducted. Research, and development. In-house, and, outsourced, the manufacturing. And assembly, of its products. With. The decline, and eventual, bankruptcy of. 3dfx. In, 2000. RT, and its chief rival, Nvidia, emerged, as the two dominant, players in the graphics, processors. Industry. Eventually. Forcing, other manufacturers. Into, niche roles. The. Acquisition. Of RT, in, 2006. Was, important. To AMD's, strategic. Development of, its fusion, generation. Of computer. Processors, which, integrated. General. Processing. Abilities, with graphics, processing, functions. Within a. Chip. Since. 2010. AMD's. Graphics. Processor. Products, have ceased using the, RT brand name. You. Topic. History. Li carlão. Francis. Lau Benny, Lau and, cork, un ho finded. RT in, 1985. As, a ray technology inc. Working. Primarily in, the OEM, field, Artie, produced, integrated. Graphics cards. For PC. Manufacturers. Such as IBM. And Commodore. By. 1987. Artie. Had grown into an independent, graphics. Card retailer. Introducing. EGA, wonder. And vga, wonder, card product, lines that year, in, the. Early 90s. They released, products. Able, to process graphics. Without the CPU. In May, 1991. The, Mac 8 in. 1992. The Mac 32. Which, offered, improved memory bandwidth. And GUI, acceleration. RT. Technologies. Inc went, public in. 1993. With, stock listed, on NASDAQ and, on, the Toronto, Stock Exchange. In. 1994. The, Mac 64. Accelerator. Debuted. Powering. The graphics, expression. And graphics, pro turbo, offering, hardware, support, for ye v2, RGB. Color space conversion, in. Addition, to Hardware, zoom early, techniques, of hardware, based video, acceleration. RT. Introduced. Its first, combination. Of 2d, and 3d, accelerator. Under, the name 3d, rage. This. Chip was based on the Mac 64. But, it featured, elemental. 3d, acceleration. The. RT, rage line, powered, almost, the entire, range, of RT, graphics, products. In. Particular, the, rage Pro was one of the first viable, 2d. + 3d. Alternatives. To 3d, FX's, 3d, only, voodoo chipset. 3d. Acceleration. In, the rage line, advanced. From the basic. Functionality. Within the initial, 3d, rage to, a more advanced. DirectX. 6.0. Accelerator. In. 1999. Ray. 128. The. All in wonder product line, introduced. In. 1996. Was, the first combination, of, integrated. Graphics chip. With TV, tuner, card and the first chip, that enabled, to display, computer. Graphics, on a TV set. The. Cards, featured. 3d. Acceleration. Powered. By 80 is, 3d. Rage -, 64. Bit 2d, performance. TV, quality, video, acceleration. Analog. Video capture. TV, tuner. Functionality. Flicker, free TV, out and stereo, TV, audio, reception. RT, entered, the mobile, computing. Sector, by introducing, 3d. Graphics, acceleration. To, laptops, in. 1996. The. Mobility. Product, line had to meet requirements, different. From those of desktop. PCs, such, as minimized, power usage. Reduced. Heat, output. TMDs. Output. Capabilities. For laptop, screens, and maximized. Integration. In. 1997. RT. Acquired, Tseng, labs as graphics, assets, which, included. 40, engineer's. The. Radeon, line of graphics, products. Was unveiled in. 2000. The. Initial, Radeon, graphics processing. Unit. Offered, an all new design with, DirectX. 7.0. 3d. Acceleration. Video. Acceleration. And, 2d. Acceleration. Technology. Developed, for a specific Radeon. Generation. Could be built in varying, levels, of features, and performance in. Order to provide products, suited, for the entire, market, range from, high-end to budget, to mobile, versions. In. 2000. RT, acquired, AR TX which, engineered. The flipper, graphics, chip used in the noon and Oh GameCube, game console. They. Also created. A modified, version of. The chip codenamed, Hollyweird, for the successor. Of the Gamecube, the Wii. Microsoft. Contracted. RT to design the graphics core, codenamed. Xenos, for the Xbox, 360. Later. In. 2005. Arty, acquired, Terry, owns cable, modem, silicon, intellectual. Property. Strengthening. Their lead in the consumer. Digital, television. Market. Ky. Ho remained, as chairman, of the board until. He retired, in November. 2005. Dave. Orton, replaced, him as the president, and CEO of the organization. On. July. 24. 2006. A, joint announcement, revealed. That Advanced, Micro Devices would. Acquire RT, in a deal valued at, 5.6. Billion, dollars.

The. Acquisition. Consideration. Closed on October, 25th. 2006. And included. Over two billion dollars, financed. From alone and 56. Million shares, of AMD, stock. 80. Eyes, operations. Became, part of the AMD. Graphics product. Group, GPG. And 80 eyes CEO. Dave, Orton, became, the executive. Vice president of. Visual, and media businesses. At AMD, until. His resignation in. 2007. The. Top-level management, was, reorganized. With the senior, vice president and, general manager and. The senior, vice president and. General manager of, Consumer. Electronics. Group both. Of whom would report, to the CEO of AMD. On, the. 30th, of August, 2010. John, trickler, announced, that AMD, would, retire, the artie brand for, its graphics, chipsets. In favor of the AMD, name. You. Topic. Products. In, addition. To developing high-end. GPUs. Originally. Called a VP, you visual. Processing, unit. By, RT, for, PCs, and Apple Macs RT. Also, designed, embedded, versions, for laptops. Mobility. Radeon, PDAs. And mobile, phones. Imogen, integrated. Motherboards. Radeon. IGP, and others. Rubi, a, fictional. Female, character. Described, as a mercenary. For hire, was. Created. By RT, to promote some of its products. Computer. Animated, videos. Produced. By Rhino, FX. About, Ruby, on a mission, being a sniper, saboteur. Hacker, and, Sauron appeared. At large technologies. Shows, such as CeBIT and say. Topic. Computer. Graphics, chipsets. Graphics. Solution. Small, wonder, series, of 8-bit, ISO cards. With MDA. Hercules. CGA. And Plantronics. Color plus, compatibility. Later. Versions. Added, EGA, support. EGA. Vga. Wonder. IBM. EGA. Vga. Compatible. Display, adapters. 1987. Mac series, introduced. 80 eyes first, 2d, GUI windows. Accelerator. As, the. Series, evolved. GUI, acceleration. Improved, dramatically. And early video acceleration. Appeared. Rage. Series. 80 eyes, first. 2d, and 3d, accelerator. Chips. The. Series, evolved. From rudimentary. 3d. With 2d, GUI, acceleration. And mpeg-1. Capability. To, a highly, competitive. Direct3d. 6. Accelerator. Would, then best-in-class. DVD. MPEG. 2, acceleration. The. Various, chips were very popular with, OEMs, of the time. The. Rage 2, was used in the first RT, all in wonder. Multi-function. Video card, and more advanced. All in wonders, based on rage series, GPUs. Followed. 1995. To. 2004. Rage, mobility. Designed. For use in low-power. Environments. Such as notebooks. These, chips, were functionally. Similar to, their desktop, counterparts. But had additions, such as advanced. Power management. LCD. Interfaces. And dual, monitor. Functionality. Radeon. Series, RT, launched, the Radeon, line in 2000. As their consumer. 3d, accelerator. Add-in, cards, its flagship. Product line, and the direct, competitor.

To Nvidia's. GeForce. The. Original, Radeon, DDR. Was a TI's first. DirectX, 7, 3d. Accelerator. Introducing. Their first Hardware. T and L engine. RT. Often, produced, pro versions. With higher clock, speeds, and sometimes. An extreme, XT, version. And even, more recently, XT, Platinum, Edition P, and X TX, versions. The. Radeon, Series was the basis, for many RT, all in wonder boards. Mobility. Radeon, a series, of power optimized. Versions. Of Radeon, graphics chips. For use in laptops. They. Introduced. Innovations. Such as modularized. RAM chips, DVD. MPEG. 2, acceleration. Notebook. GPU. Card sockets, and power, play power, management. Technology. AMD. Recently. Announced, DirectX. 11, compatible. Versions, of its mobile, processors. AMD. Cross. Phi X this, technology. Was ATIS, response. To envy ID IAS, SLI, platform. It's. Allowed, by, using, a secondary, video card, and a dual PCIe. Motherboard. Based on an RT crossfire, compatible. Chipset, the ability, to combine the power of the 2 3 or 4 video. Cards, to increase, performance through. A variety of, different rendering. Options. There, is an option, for additional. PCIe. Video. Card, plugging, into the third PCIe. Slot. For gaming, physics, or another, option to, do physics, on the second, video card. Firegl. Fire. Pro launched. In 2001. Following. A TI's, acquisition. Of fire GL, graphics from, diamond, multimedia. Workstation. CAD cam video, card, based on the Radeon, series. Fire. MV, for, workstations. Featuring. Multi view for, multiple, displays, with 2d. Acceleration. Only usually. Based on low-end products. Of the Radeon, series, now, integrated. Into fire, pro series, although, AMD. Strongly. Considered, making the functional. Part of the RT drivers. Open-source. Before. The merger, with AMD, RT. Had no plans to release their, graphics, drivers, as free software. Proprietary. Patented. Optimizations. Are part of the value we provide to our customers and, we have no plans to release these, drivers, to open source. In. Addition. Multimedia. Elements, such as content. Protection must. Not by the very, nature be, allowed to go open source. Topic. Personal. Computer. Platforms. And chipsets. I GP. 3x0. Mobility. Radeon. 7080. Is, first, chipsets. Included. A DirectX. Seven level, 3d, graphics, processor. 9100. IGP, second, generation. System, chipset, i, XP. 250. Southbridge. It. Was notable, for being a TI's first. Complete. Motherboard. Chipset. Including. An RT built Southbridge. It. Included. An updated, DirectX. 8.1. Class, graphics. Processor. Express. 202. Hundredths. P PCI. Express. Based, Athlon, 64 and. Pentium, for chipset. Support. SATA as well as integrated. Graphics with. DirectX. 9.0. Support, the first integrated. Graphics chipset. Seducer. Express. 3,200. Similar, to Express. 200. But designed, for optimal, crossfire, performance. In addition to the above chipset. RT, struck, a deal in. 2005. With, CPU. And motherboard. Manufacturers. Particularly. Asus. And Intel, to create onboard. 3d, graphics, solutions. For Intel's, range, of motherboards. Released, with their range of Intel, Pentium M, based, desktop. Processors. The, Intel, Core and Intel, Core 2 processors. The D 101. G G C and D 101. GGC. 2 chipset. Codenamed. Grand. County. Based. On the Radeon, Xpress, 200. Chipset. However. High-end. Boards, with integrated. Graphics, processor. IGP. Still, used Intel, GMA. Integrated. Graphics, processors. The. Deal with Intel ended, with the purchase, of RT, by AMD, in. 2006. With, Intel, announcing. Sis IGP, chipset. D201. GL. White chipset. Codenamed. Little. Valley, for. Entry-level, desktop. Platform. Replacing. Their Grand. County. Series. Chipsets. Topic. Multimedia. And digital, TV, products. All, in, wonder series. A series, of multimedia. Graphics. Cards, which, incorporating. TV, tuner, and Radeon, family, graphics, cards, onto one add in card which, after, being seemingly. Discontinued. Was relaunched. As all in wonder HD. On June 26. 2008. TV. Tuners. TV. Wonder and HDTV. Wonder, a chipset. Family, providing. TV reception, of various, analog, TV, and digital, TV signals. Pal, ntsc. ATSC. Dvb-t. And, so on with, first generation AV, Ivo technology. Also, supporting. Cable, card and clear, QAM. Technologies. Theater. A family. Of QAM. And V s BD, modulators, for, the digital cable ready, and ATSC. Environments. Remote. Wonder. Wireless. Remote control, series. For, RT multimedia. Products. Operates. Using, radio, frequency. Away, from mainstream. Implementations. Using, infrared. Topic. Console, graphics, products. Flipper the Nintendo.

GameCube, Codenamed. Dolphin, during, production, contains. A 3d, accelerator. Developed. By AR TX Inc, a, company acquired. By RT, during, the development. Of the GPU. Flipper. Was similar, in capability. To, a direct3d. 7. Accelerator. Chip. It. Consisted. Of for rendering, pipelines. With, Hardware T&L. And some, limited, pixel, shader support. Innovatively. The chip has three, mebibyte civ, embedded, one ts ram.4. Uses. Ultra, fast low, latency. 6.2. Nanoseconds. Texture. And frame buffer, Z buffer storage, allowing. Ten point four gigabytes, per second, bandwidth. Extremely. Fast for the time. Flipper. Was designed, by members, of the Nintendo, 64. Reality. Coprocessor. Team, who moved from SGI. The. Flipper, team went on to have a major hand, in the development. Of the Radeon. 9700. 100. Xenos. Microsoft's. Xbox. 360. Video game console. Contains, a custom, graphics, chip produced, by RT known, as our 500. C one or more often as xenos. Some. Of these features, include the embedded, dram edram. The. Xenos also, features, that true unified. Shader. Architecture. Which dynamically. Loads and balances. Pixel, and vertex, processing. Amongst, a bank of identically. Capable, processing. Units. This. Differs, greatly from. PC, graphics, chips of previous, generations. That have separate. Banks, of processors. Designed, for their individual. Tasks vertex. Fragment. Another. Feature, presented. In xenos is the hardware surface. Tessellation. To divide a surface. Into, smaller triangles. Similar. To true form in terms of functionality. Which. Is an advanced. Feature as, it is not presented, even in the DirectX. 10, specification. The. Recent, generation. Radeon, are 600. GPU. Core inherited. Most of the features presented. In xenos except. Edram. Hollywood. Successor. To flipper, part. Of Nintendo's. Gaming, console, we. You. Topic. Handheld. Chipsets. Imogen. System-on-a-chip. Sock. Design, introduced. In, 2002. To bring integrated. 2d, and 3d graphics. To, handhelds. Devices. Mobile, phones. And tablet, PCs. The. Image and mm. 298. Included. DVD. Quality, recording. And playback TV. Output and, supported. Up to a 12 megapixel. Camera, with, another line of image, and products. The. 2300. Series, supporting. Open glass, 1.1. Plus extensions. The. Image and line was rebranded. Under AMD. And sold, to qualcomm, in, 2009. Image. And TV, announced. In February. 2006. Allowing. Handhelds. Devices. To receive, digital, broadcast. TV. Dvb-h. Signals. And enables, watching, TV, programs, on these devices. The chipset, includes, tuner, demodulator. Decoder. And a full software, stack operates. Alongside, the, image and chip, besides, full, products. RT, also, supplied, 3d. And 2d graphics. Components. To other vendors. Specifically. The Qualcomm, MSM. 7000. Series salt, chips of handheld, and upcoming, freescale, I. MX. Processors. RT, claimed, in May. 2006. That, it had sold over, 100. Million cell, phone media. Coprocessors. Significantly. More than 80, is rival. Nvidia, and announced. In February. 2007. That, the firm had shipped a total, of 200. Million of image and product, since. 2003. After the AMD, acquisition. The Imogen, and zilean were sold off to Qualcomm and, Broadcom. Respectively. Topic. High-performance. Computing. Aarti, firestream. Using. The stream processing. Concept. Together, with close to metal CTM. Hardware. Interface. After. The AMD. Acquisition. It was succeeded, by AMD, firestream, in. 2006. Rebranded. As AMD. Stream, processor. Until, 2012. Topic. See, also. Comparison. Of arty chipsets. Comparison. Of RT graphics, processing, units. FG. Lrx. Linux, display, driver, used, for RT video cards. Radion. Radion. Are 800. Video, card. Video. In video out vivo. Topic. Competing. Companies. Nvidia. Matt, rocks. 3dfx. Interactive.


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