ATEEZ(에이티즈) log_logbook#89

ATEEZ(에이티즈) log_logbook#89

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Today, the opening is represented by Woo Young We’re here to shoot for the first broadcast of The Show, today we’re wearing technological outfits These shoes are mine, as you know My pants got out of my shoes, wait a minute Yesterday, in Idol Star Athletic Championship… It’s still non-broadcast^^ Hello ATINY~ We’ve finished performing ‘Guerrilla’ I’ve sweated a lot, so I cannot show you my face ATINY, thank you for supporting the ‘Guerrilla’ Now, I’m going to change my clothes And I should prepare for our next ‘Sector 1’ stage, I’ll see you guys in ‘Sector 1’ costume~ Selfie time! San is wearing his costume for ‘Sector 1’ - San, take my photo with your phone - No Yun Ho can’t take a selfie because of his gloves - With the selfie mode - This costume is for ‘Sector 1’ - Fix the camera… Now, we’re going to pre-record ‘Sector 1’ performance I haven’t worn my glasses for a while, I wear my glasses for the first time for these clothes So I hope ATINYs love it And I’m not sick now, my throat often gets hoarse recently due to the lack of the sleep This vibe is… You’re filming an advertisement, right? You’re walking as if you were filming an advertisement It’s not an advertisement Song to the Min to the Gi San to the… San to the San to the San Goodbye, I’m leaving for ‘Sector 1’, bye~ We had fun for filming ‘Sector 1’ because the support of ATINY We still have a lot more things to do Hong Joong, Seong Hwa, and Yeo Sang MC And I don’t know how many performances are left for us because it is post-record But I think we would be happy with you, ATINY Happy Yun Ho Okay… I’m going to be Brother Puppy for today He is one of the MCs with Yeo Sang for today, they will pay him for today’s work (?) As an idol member… - He really wanted to be MC - I dreamed to be MC I asked them to let me be the MC as soon as I heard about it When our manager asked us, “Who wants to be the MC?”, he said, “Me!” right away It was my dream anyway I’ll do my best Brother puppies appear as MC (Real puppy appears) A big puppy, Yun Ho! Wow They’re not going well already? ???: My dream job was MC Hello, I’m taking some rest after finishing pre-recording ‘Sector 1’ After taking some rest, we have post-recording too So, I should refresh myself and perform again, right? See you later, guys, bye~ San quickly came back We already finished pre-recording, but some fans have waited for us We’re going to show them our live performance, bye! Announcing the first place of THE SHOW! They won first place for the first time with ‘Guerrilla’ Wow, we won the first place ATINY, thank you for letting us win first place while performing ‘Guerrilla’ Thank you, thank you, thank you so much Yeo Sang! Say something to ATINY ATINYs always want me to give a trophy to ATEEZ And finally, they have their wish fulfilled We're really grateful to you, ATINY, really How about shouting out, “8 makes 1 team!” Show ATINY how much we love them, two, three, 8 makes 1 team, let’s go! Thank you~ I have ATINY in my heart ^^ We’re here to prepare for the first performance of ‘Guerrilla’ in Show Champion We’ve already performed for… one, two, three… It’s so early in the morning, but ATINYs are already waiting for us now So, we’re going to do our best on the stage Hello~ We’re here to pre-record for Show Champion~ The time is 6 a.m. now Today’s pre-recording is 6 a.m. Wake up! I look really good on the camera today, right? We will do our best for the pre-recording again After the pre-recording, we would perform ‘Sector 1’ and film the VCR… We made our comeback this week, so we’re going to be busy, hwaiting everyone Our pre-recording started at 6 a.m. and now it’s 6:52 a.m., thank you for coming in this early morning It must be hard to come to Ilsan while raining, thank you so much, hwaiting for everyone! (Easily ignoring) - Can you just react? Woo Young is so nice We’ve finished our pre-recording perfectly We’re preparing for our rehearsal to perform ‘Sector 1’ live stage Specially, Woo Young, Seong Hwa, Yun Ho, and Hong Joong going to have MC special interview We can introduce our new track to you guys We’ll do our best for our rehearsal We’re waiting to perform ‘Sector 1’ Thankfully, we’re nominated for the first place Many ATINYs sent us lots of loves So, we’re going to do our best on the stage We’re going to be ATEEZ who deserve to receive your love Then, let’s go for today! Goodbye! Oh, it wasn’t turned off We’re in my hometown, Ilsan, it’s the Ilsan MBC We’re wearing leopard printed clothes for ‘Sector 1’ If we win again, we want to share the good news with ATINYs, hwaiting! Announcing today’s first place! (Congrats) ATEEZ won first place two times in a row! (Congrats) - Wow, what’s happening? I have good feelings, I really have good feelings for this week ATINY, thank you for giving us this precious gift for two days in a row We have lots of happy moments with this comeback We’re highly motivated and gain strength again I think we have to work harder ATINYs gave us a precious gift, so we’ll try hard to give more precious gifts to you, too We’re going to do our best until we become ATEEZ who deserve ATINYs’ love Thank you so much, ATINY I hope you enjoy the rest of our performance My happiest moment is when ATINYs are laughing happily in front of us It feels so good while watching you guys enjoying our performance ‘Guerrilla’ will make ATINY happy ever after~ Okay, let’s shout out “8 makes 1 team” Two, three, 8 makes 1 team, hwaiting, thank you~ Guerrilla! Right, today we’re here for M COUNTDOWN comeback stage! M COUNTDOWN’s stage setting is as magnificent as Show Champion’s stage setting We’re going to do our best for you, are you ready? Let’s do well for today’s pre-recording! ATEEZ came back after the pre-recording Okay, we finished pre-recording, how do you feel? M-Countdown prepared red-colored stage settings as our clothes so it was really impressive And I showed off my costumes on my YouTube live, and the responses were so good I want to say thanks to everyone, and this is our first and last costume - Really? - Yes, this costume is… No, I think we would wear it once someday But we should stay in shape to wear this… Today, I wore my shoulder girdle like this And I think I would look pretty good Yun Ho usually holds his microphone like this while singing the last hook He looks like a medieval knight with his clothes when he raises his hand like this I think it’s the killing point Gosh, today I was… They’re praising each other again Min Gi’s part is getting more and more gorgeous, and I feel proud of him We’ve finished our pre-recording for M COUNTDOWN and we’re going to perform ‘Sector 1’ It suddenly reminds me of my middle school days Suddenly? He didn’t sleep well, that’s why he’s in his late-night mood We’ll be back with ‘Sector 1,’ goodbye~ We’re about to go up on the live stage for M COUNTDOWN It’s time to perform ‘Sector 1’ in M COUNTDOWN, and we prepare something different for today What do we call this? Bolo tie! Bolo… what? They prepared a bolo tie for our new impression ‘Sector 1’, today’s performance would be our last performance on the music show You would perform again in Ulsan, right? Right, we still have to perform in Ulsan But the performance in Ulsan is non-broadcast Ulsan performance is non-broadcast If you keep doing that, I’ll blame you Okay, hwaiting for today and ATINYs, you did so well for the first week This would be on Behind the Scenes for the second week Yes, this would be on Behind the Scenes for the second week M COUNTDOWN is on the first week… but it would be on “Behind the scenes for the second week” Now, we have to go for a live interview, and I should organize my words first, bye! We’re about to perform ‘Sector 1’ and thankfully, I became the ending fairy for ‘Sector 1’ I don’t know what would be the most appropriate ending I was like “Would it be better to act cool? Or would it be better to act cute? But I’ll act cool this time, I already acted cute for the ending last time Photo time before going up on the live stage Now, it’s time for us to go for our interview and performance Wait for our live show They finished their live stage perfectly! ATINY, our M-Countdown live show is finished Now, we have to move on to our next live show, Music Bank Hello, ATINY~ A week has already passed since we pre-recorded Music Bank, and I’m feeling good It’s really exciting to meet ATINYs while we’re performing And 165 of our fans are going to come to the Music Bank live show I hear that they are getting our polaroid photo while we’re preparing I heard that our fans were really excited about those photos What pose did you have for your photo? Like this… This is my signature pose It’s like I’m covering the sunlight pouring down on me and I hide it in a cool way That’s the poses I had for my photos ATINYs who get photos of this pose! Your lucky gauge is max We should go for the pre-recording, bye~ See you later~ We’re preparing for our next content Today, we have an interview because we’re nominated for first place, so we’re preparing many things Today’s outfit color is brown, we spiced up our white or black costumes with brown color As you can see, my skin color is brown What are you doing? Hong Joong is coming right after I start saying something I was saying, “Thank you for making us nominated for first place” Gosh, really We won first place twice already Right We were already grateful and happy when we won first place once But ATINYs would be so happy if we win again, I think that’s why we want to win the first place ATINYs, we should win first place in Music Bank… Right, it’s the first time We’ve never won before We’ve never won before, so we want to win the first place If we win first place today, San would deliver the winners’ speech Okay! Let me try ^^ Just prepare yourself Okay, then I would do my best I would go blank when we go up on the stage, so San you should deliver the speech And you should do this while I’m preparing it Later, we should record the opening song for KCON Right What number did you get for the recording? I’m number 5! I think I’m number 5? I’m number 4 Number 5, you’re number 6? Gosh, I’m number 6 Who are you? I can hardly speak now, but I can sing on the stage I have to use my voice a lot while rapping, but my voice sounds good on the stage I’ll take care of my voice and my health while doing my best for you (Congrats) ATEEZ won first place three times in a row (Congrats) Nice! We won first place~ Look at this~ (Here comes the trophy) It’s their first trophy on Music Bank It’s our first trophy Gosh, thank you so much, I didn’t expect it… And lots of ATINYs had come to see our live performance We really wanted to win first place, and before the announcement…ATINYs were cheering us But we were too nervous, anyway, thank you so much It’s like a dream, we should be more responsible now We should do better from now on, ATINYs let us win the first place We will do our best to become artists who go well with our gorgeous ATINYs Two, three! 8 makes 1 team! Hwaiting! Thank you ATINY~ Thank you, our staff ~ Oh, right, I should drink Ceylon tea before the rehearsal Some of you might wonder why I’m drinking this, but you can see this drink quite in the music show Sometimes, it tastes really good, so I want ATINYs to try drinking Ceylon tea It’s like when we’re about to go up on the stage Make my video black and white Add shouting sound effect Just blur out to him (It’s not what Seong Hwa had thought) Are you going to crush the stage today? I’m going to crush Seong Hwa(?) You should not crush the stage, you might go into jail, don’t crush the stage Don’t you think my hair looks shiny today? There’s a special way to make my hair shiny, but it’s my secret Okay, now we have to prepare for our ‘Guerrilla’ live show on Show! Music Core After the camera rehearsal, under the stage, there’s my favorite camera With the camera, I can show you my great gesture I like the camera because I can use it efficiently I’ll do my best with the camera TMI! I’m going to dye my hair tomorrow I should say goodbye to my ‘Cruella’ hairstyle Today’s TMI… I finished putting on my makeup in sixth-order And one more TMI is I ate sushi for lunch After Show! Music Core, we should go for the fan signing (Hand which refused by Woo Young) - And we can do a lot more things… (He accepts it well) - We want to make lots of good memories with our fans (Who’s the brother?) We’ll do our best to give you great times Seong Hwa is taking selfies with an octopus doll I’m sorry Taking normal(?) pictures again I’m sorry, octopus On holiday, my favorite food is blanched octopus made by my grandmother I prefer its body to its legs, and this has a bigger body, right? (Who would do like this interview carrying a doll?) - Its color is really good It looks pink when we steamed it well (The steamed octopus doll) I’m getting hungry I’m not going to fall down You guys called Goggles Min Gi when ‘Deja Vu' You guys called Go-Min They came to me when they have some worries… They asked me to see my beautiful moment again, so I wore my goggles and it makes me nervous It’s hard to perform with the goggles because it might fall off Hello, I’m San I was trying to film this inside, and the editor said… “Okay, let’s get quiet for a while, San is taking the video~” Then everybody started to pay attention to me, so I had to get out There are lots of busy people around here Anyway, I should choose the edit point Edit point I’m an octopus~ You’re a squid Checking the video It’s funny but annoying The live broadcast starts - We’ll do our best Two, three, 8 makes 1 team! Hello, we’re ATEEZ Okay, now we’ve finished recording Show! Music Core What? Are you the MC? Yes, I’m the MC Okay, MC Yeo! That’s great, Woo Young, that’s what I like (Then encore^^) Okay, we finished our performance on Show! Music Core Yun Ho! Can you tell me how you feel for the second week? ATINY’s support for us was really impressive while we were performing on the stage I think we should repay them as much as possible So, we have to do our best on the stage That’s why I want to work hard for our performance Okay, hwaiting, then Seong Hwa? You look handsome It feels so good to win first place, but when I see ATINYs happier than us I think that’s why everyone wants to win the first place Seong Hwa, say what you didn’t say before… Oh, you allow me to speak now Lots of ATINYs said, “Congratulations for winning the first place” And we answered, “No, it’s all because of the love ATINYs gave to us” But ATINYs always said “No, you could win because you did your best” The reason why we could do our best is ATINYs gave us lots of love and support, so we can win the first place When we first danced to ‘Guerrilla’ for the first time, we wondered if we could really do this However, we gained more strength due to ATINYs’ support while performing on the stage Thanks to you, ATINYs I want to say congratulations again to ATINY Okay, ATINY, the show must go on! Let’s see you tomorrow on Inkigayo~ Hello, everyone, we’re in Deungchon-dong SBS to perform on Inkigayo As you know, we’ve already done post-recording, so now we’re preparing for our live performance Tomorrow, we’ll go to Ulsan to record our performance for Show! Music Core If there’s any ATINY in Ulsan, I hope you come and see our ‘Guerrilla’ performance Hello, I’m Min Gi I’ve waited to perform on Inkigayo for the second week When we pre-recorded our performance for the second week, I think it was good If today’s video is uploaded quickly, I want to monitor them as soon as possible Enjoy our performance today and wait a moment for us, thank you Today I visited to store in Inkigayo and they noticed my birthday And they gave me popped rice as a birthday present, I want to say thanks to them The live show is finished too! Goodbye~ The first place of Hot Stage! Right, today is our last performance of the second week in Inkigayo We’ve done our performance in front of ATINYs, from last week to today Thanks to ATINYs who support us cheerfully When we saw the video, it was really great, and I think today was a good time for me Now, we should go for our fan signing and share our good memories with ATINYs Today’s performance on Inkigayo was really exciting too, ATINY, goodbye~ We’ve finished recording Inkigayo, now we’re going to meet ATINYs See you later, bye~ ATINY! Inkigayo is finished!

2022-08-22 17:56

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