At 94 Apollo Astronaut Finally Reveals Why NASA Never Returned To The Moon

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In the summer of 1969, an extraordinary event  occurred that changed the course of history   for America and the Space Race. Nearly  ten years earlier, the Soviet Union   startled the world by sending the first  satellite into space. And on July 20th,   1969, the Apollo 11 mission achieved  what was previously deemed impossible.   But why hasn't NASA returned to  the moon after all these years?  Join us as we investigate how this living legend  of space exploration has finally stepped forward   at the age of 94 to reveal the untold story  behind why NASA has failed to return to the moon. Exploring the moon wasn't the main goal. President  Kennedy played a crucial role in starting the   Apollo mission in 1961, which aimed to land  humans on the moon. This move is often seen as  

brave and forward-thinking. Kennedy declared that  the United States would reach the moon before the   1960s ended. However, Kennedy wasn't interested  in exploring the moon just because he liked it.   He saw it as a way to gain an advantage  during the Cold War. The Soviet Union's   progress in space, like launching the Sputnik  1 satellite and Yuri Gagarin's space journey,   made America feel threatened. Kennedy saw  the moon as a chance for America to show its   power by getting there before the Soviets. Even  though NASA didn't have everything it needed,  

it rose to the challenge. Many people worked hard  to meet the tight deadlines set by Kennedy. Later,   secret documents revealed that Kennedy's main  goal was to show off America's industries and   political strength through lunar exploration.  The Apollo Project became a symbol of America's   advanced technology and its belief in its  ideology during the tense Cold War era. The  

United States made it to the moon before the  Soviet Union, despite the Soviets starting   ahead in space exploration. This was because the  United States government gave NASA a lot of money,   allowing it to do big projects like Apollo. The  United States also improved its rocket technology   and spacecraft design quickly in the 1960s.  NASA's earlier programs, Mercury and Gemini,   helped a lot by giving valuable experience  and knowledge. When President Kennedy said   in 1961 that America would put a man on  the moon before the end of the decade,   it seemed like a big goal, but it was realistic.  America used new technology, successful missions,   and careful planning to finally achieve  the amazing feat of landing people on the   moon with the Apollo 11 mission in 1969. Even  though Kennedy might not have cared much about  

exploring the moon personally, his ambition pushed  humanity to reach one of its greatest milestones. Number 14: Apollo 11's Traumatic Return The Apollo 11 mission faced many challenges   that almost turned into disasters. Neil Armstrong  and Buzz Aldrin, the astronauts on the mission,   encountered a critical problem  after their historic moonwalk. As   they were preparing to return to the Command  Module, they discovered that a vital switch,   called the circuit breaker for the engine arm,  was broken. This switch was crucial for arming   the engine that would lift their lunar module  back into orbit. Without it, they couldn't leave  

the moon's surface. Aldrin used a felt-tip pen to  push the broken switch into the closed position,   improvising a solution to engage the engine arm  circuit breaker. This improvised fix ensured that   the engine arm was ready to fire when needed.  Despite this success, their challenges were   far from over. After a journey lasting  195 hours, 18 minutes, and 35 seconds,   Apollo 11 touched down in the Pacific Ocean for  recovery. However adverse weather conditions   caused the spacecraft to land 13 miles further  from the recovery ship, USS Hornet, than planned.

Number 13: NASA’s Confusing Alien Encounter Many people are captivated by the idea that   aliens might pose a threat to space travel,  with some believing that NASA is hiding this   information. According to this theory, encounters  with extraterrestrial beings during space missions   have caused space agencies like NASA to  either stop exploring space or keep these   encounters secret. Supporters of the alien threat  conspiracy theory claim that NASA and other space   agencies have come across highly advanced  alien civilizations during their missions,   whether manned or unmanned. They argue that  these encounters revealed hostile intentions   and technology far beyond human understanding,  leading authorities to keep this information   from the public to prevent widespread panic. This theory suggests that NASA, possibly working   with other government agencies, has hidden  evidence of alien encounters to avoid causing   chaos in society. Supporters argue that if the  public knew about the potential alien threat,   it would erode trust in space exploration  and scientific progress. Some point to  

incidents like the Apollo missions or robotic  exploration missions, claiming that evidence   of extraterrestrial encounters exists but has  been deliberately concealed. NASA, however,   operates as a civilian agency with principles of  openness and transparency. Their mission includes   scientific discovery, technological innovation,  and sharing knowledge with the public and   international scientific community. Despite this,  some remain skeptical and question whether NASA  

is truly transparent about any potential  encounters with extraterrestrial beings. Number 12: Strange Structures In The Moon The idea that strange things on the moon   are stopping us from exploring space has caught a  lot of attention lately. People who believe this   theory say that puzzling stuff on the moon,  like weird buildings or unusual happenings,   are making it hard for us to explore more and are  making space agencies not want to go back there.   One thing they talk about is strange structures  and objects on the moon's surface that we can   see in pictures from different missions. They  think these things might be signs of aliens   or really smart humans doing stuff up there. But Some people say that astronauts and space  

agencies saw scary things during earlier  missions or in pictures from satellites,   and that's why they stopped going back. They think  maybe they saw aliens or something else that made   them stop exploring. These folks believe that  governments are hiding these things to stop people   from freaking out or to protect their interests.  They say that if we knew about these weird things   on the moon, we might not want to explore space  anymore, or we might find out secrets about aliens   or new tech. But there are other reasons why we're  not going back to the moon right now. It's not  

just because of weird stuff up there. We're told  it's mostly because of money, changing priorities,   and how hard it is to send people into space.  Some space agencies are focusing on exploring   Mars instead or finding ways to use things in  space. Scientists are always studying the moon,   though. They've sent lots of robots to look at  it and have taken tons of pictures and data. Number 11: The Hidden Lunar Ambitions In the 1960s, there was a big race between   the Soviet Union and the United States to get to  the moon first. President Kennedy made a famous   speech in 1961 saying America wanted to go to the  moon. But the Soviet Union kept their plans to go  

to the moon a secret until much later, admitting  it in 1989. Even though they denied it publicly,   the Soviets were working hard on their Luna  program, which kept going even after the   Americans successfully landed on the moon in  1969. Instead of sending people to the moon as   the Americans did with Apollo 11, the Soviet Union  focused on sending robots and unmanned spacecraft,   like the Luna missions. These missions had  different goals, like orbiting the moon, making   soft landings, and bringing back samples. However,  the Soviet Luna program faced a lot of problems,  

like things breaking, issues with the  rockets, and not having enough money.  One big failure was when the Luna 50  spacecraft crashed just before Apollo 11   landed successfully. To make it short, the USA  got to the moon first and won the space race. Number 10: Cost Effectiveness Of Moon Exploration The Apollo program, which aimed to land humans on   the Moon, was too expensive. The US government,  already short on money, wasn't keen on keeping  

up the funding for more Moon missions. Making new  technology and spaceships for lunar missions would   have cost a crazy amount of money. Also,  after the first Moon landing -Apollo 11,   people weren't as excited about going to the Moon  anymore. They thought landing on the Moon was  

cool, but more of a symbol than something super  important for science. This made it less urgent   for NASA to keep going back to the Moon. NASA  decided to focus on other stuff. They started   working on things like the space shuttle program  and exploring closer to Earth, like low Earth   orbit. It turns out, using spaceships over  and over again is cheaper than going to the   Moon every time. They had other big projects to  worry about, like the Hubble Space Telescope and  

the International Space Station. Back when the  Apollo program was happening, it was also a big   deal because of politics. The US and the Soviet  Union were in a big rivalry called the Cold War.   Landing on the Moon showed that the US was super  advanced technologically. But once they did it,   the need to keep going to the Moon kind of faded.  Even though the Apollo missions taught us a lot,   some people wondered if there was much more to  learn from going back. NASA had already picked up  

rocks and data from the Moon, so some scientists  thought there wasn't much else to gain since going   to the Moon was risky. There was a scary incident  on Apollo 13, and even though technology got   better, going to space was still dangerous.  People started worrying more about safety,   and if something bad happened in space, it could  cause a lot of political problems. Even today,  

going to the Moon is still tough. It costs a  ton of money, and safety is a big concern. Some   people wonder if it's worth it scientifically.  But, there are new plans to go back to the Moon. Number 9: Malfunctioning Of Saturn-V The Saturn V rockets were close to blowing up.  

In the late 1960s, when people were just starting  to explore space NASA had an incredible plan:   they wanted to send humans to the moon. To do  this, they built a gigantic rocket called the   Saturn V. This rocket was a real powerhouse,  designed to carry astronauts beyond Earth's   atmosphere and to the moon. The Saturn V  was like the superstar of NASA's fleet,  

playing a crucial role in the Apollo program  during the '60s and '70s. Not only did it carry   astronauts to the moon, but it also helped launch  the Skylab space station into orbit around Earth.   The Saturn V stood an impressive 363 feet tall.  Fully loaded with fuel, it weighed a staggering   6.2 million pounds, making it one of the heaviest  machines ever built. And when it roared to life,   it produced a mind-blowing 34.5 million newtons  of thrust at liftoff, enough to power dozens of  

cities. And when it came to carrying cargo, the  Saturn V was a beast, capable of launching over   130 tons into Earth's orbit. When it came to the  moon, it could still haul an impressive 50 tons.  The first test flights of the Saturn V were  nerve-wracking affairs, with Apollo 4 and Apollo   6 launching without any astronauts onboard. These  missions were all about putting the rocket through   its paces, making sure it was up to the task of  carrying humans into space. But it wasn't until   Apollo 8 that the Saturn V carried its first crew  into orbit around the moon. Though they didn't  

land, the astronauts of Apollo 8 made history as  the first humans to see the far side of the moon   with their own eyes. Subsequent missions, like  Apollo 9 and 10, continued to push the boundaries   of what was possible, testing out new spacecraft  and procedures in preparation for a lunar landing.   Then, in 1969, came the moment the world had  been waiting for Apollo 11. With the help of  

the Saturn V, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz  Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the   lunar surface, while Michael Collins orbited  above in the command module. But the Saturn V   wasn't done yet. It went on to launch more  missions to the moon, including Apollo 12, 14,   15, 16, and 17, each one building on the successes  of the ones before it. Even when things didn't go  

as planned, like during the infamous Apollo 13  mission, the Saturn V proved its reliability,   safely returning the crew to Earth  despite a near-disastrous malfunction. Number 8: The Famous Neil Armstrong Declaration Neil Armstrong's big declaration upon landing   on the moon has lasted through time, echoing  through history. However, the famous phrase,   "That's one small step for man, one giant  leap for mankind," might have been slightly   changed. Armstrong himself later said he had  said, "That's one small step for a man." The   difference comes from a problem in the audio  during the Apollo 11 mission. The important   "a" in "for a man" was supposedly not heard,  leading to the wrong quote that has stayed for   years. This small grammatical issue caused  a lot of debate and careful examination,   with Armstrong talking about it in 2006. Then comes Peter Shan Ford, a careful computer  

programmer, who looked closely at the audio  recording. His study found a quick, unclear sound   between the words "for" and "man," suggesting  Armstrong did include the important "a" in his   famous saying. At first, whether Armstrong said  "a man" or not might seem unimportant. But in the   context of the space race and humanity's hopes,  every word Armstrong said was very important. Number 7: The Lunar Dust And Carbon Nanotubes One big challenge is the lunar dust, which is   very different from the dust we have on Earth.  It's made up of tiny particles and sharp glass  

pieces. This dust sticks to everything because  there's no wind or water to wash it away. To   spend more time walking on the moon's surface and  studying it, scientists need to make space suits   last longer. This is because the moon's surface  is not as safe as it might seem. Naya came up   with a big goal in 2015: to make space suits  last longer so astronauts can spend more time   outside their spacecraft. The idea is to make  suits that can withstand 100 extra activities,   called EVAs, totaling about 800 hours on the  moon's surface. This would be much longer than   the Apollo missions. Making better suits is  crucial for setting up a permanent base on   the moon. But why is lunar dust such a big  problem? Well, since it sticks to everything  

it can damage space suits and equipment. When  micrometeoroids hit the moon's surface, they   create more dust. And because there's no weather  to wear it down, the dust just keeps building up.   When the sun shines on the dust, it gets charged  with electricity. This makes it even stickier and   harder to get rid of. To tackle this problem, Naya  started a challenge in 2021 to come up with new  

ideas. One solution is to use special materials  that can repel dust, like conductive fibres and   electrically charged brushes. Another idea is to  make suits with fabric that mimics the structure   of insect wings. NASA is also working on adding  an electrodynamic dust shield to space suits.  NASA's plan for keeping astronauts safe  during long stays on the moon involves   using tiny tubes called carbon nanotubes -CNTs.  These CNTs are super lightweight and tough,  

making them perfect for strengthening space  suits. Unlike heavy metals like copper,   CNTs don't weigh much, but they still conduct  electricity well. By adding CNTs to the outer   layer of space suits, NASA can make them stronger  without adding extra weight. To make this work,   NASA weaves CNTs into the outer layer of the  space suit fabric, which is made of materials   like Gore-Tex and Kevlar. This helps prevent  the fabric from breaking down, especially when   high voltages are involved. They also have  to be careful not to use too much voltage,   or it could damage the fabric. The special part of these space  

suits is their ability to keep themselves clean.  They have a system that uses electrical fields to   push away tiny bits of dust that might stick to  the suit. They've tested it out on a prototype   knee joint, and it worked well, getting rid  of almost all of the simulated moon dust. Number 6: Religious Practice in the Space Before the mission, Buzz Aldrin wasn't known   to be very religious, but he secretly prepared  to express his Christian faith when he landed   on the Moon. He saw the Lunar Landing as  a chance to show his personal beliefs.   He made arrangements with his minister  to have communion on the lunar surface,   which is a symbolic way of worshiping in the  vastness of space. This private ceremony happened   shortly after the famous moonwalk, but it's not  widely known in the history of space exploration.  

Aldrin wanted to keep it secret because NASA  was worried about how the public might react.  Even though he wasn't the first person to pray  in space, he was the first to have a Christian   sacrament on the Moon. Aldrin took bread and  wine that had been blessed on Earth and did   the Holy Communion. He did this while getting  ready to step onto the Moon's surface as the  

second person to ever do so. He asked for a  moment of silence and invited his teammate,   Neil Armstrong, to join, but Armstrong  respectfully chose not to. NASA didn't   want to talk about Aldrin's communion because  they were afraid it might cause problems,   like what happened during the Apollo 8 mission  when astronauts read a passage from the Book of   Genesis, and people sued NASA. But over time,  people have come to respect Aldrin's actions. Number 5: Mark Of Humans On The Moon The mark of humans on the moon from   the Apollo 11 Mission goes beyond just the  American flag planted there. Footprints left  

by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are perhaps the  most enduring symbols of our presence. With no   weather to wash them away, these footprints  could last for centuries. But there's more   to the story than just footprints. Part of the  landing module stage was purposely left behind,  

carrying a plaque with a historic message:  "Here men from the planet Earth first set   foot upon the moon, July 1969. We came  in peace for all mankind." This act,   along with the placement of tools and equipment,  aimed to commemorate the achievement and promote   a message of peaceful exploration to everyone. However, not all the things left behind on   the moon are noble. Due to weight limits, the  astronauts had to leave behind various items,   including hammers, scoops, and even human waste.  In total, 96 bags of human waste were left behind. Number 4: The Space Launch System The Space Launch System SLS is NASA's   big dream machine for exploring space. It's  a giant, super-powered rocket inspired by the   legendary Saturn 5. The SLS is built to carry  really heavy stuff way out there where Earth's  

gravity ends. The interesting thing about the  SLS is that it's not all brand new. It's kind   of a mixtape of NASA's greatest hits. It borrows  a lot of its tech and smarts from past missions,   like those trusty main engines from the old space  shuttle program. Those engines have been there   flying countless missions with hardly any hiccups.  And because they've already proved themselves,   using them again saves a ton of money  compared to making all-new engines. Some   of the same companies that worked on the mighty  Saturn 5 are still in the game today. Boeing,  

for example, is a big player, leading the  charge as the main contractor for the SLS.   The SLS is a time traveller, tracing  America's journey into space from the   Saturn program in the '60s to today.  And its mission is to boldly go where   no one has gone before like sending humans  back to the Moon and even onward to Mars.

Number 3: Private Space Exploration Effort In recent decades, the space exploration scene   has undergone a remarkable transformation with  the rise of private space companies. Instead of   relying solely on NASA, companies like SpaceX,  Blue Origin, and United Launch Alliance have   taken centre stage. They've crafted powerful  rockets capable of venturing deep into space,   challenging NASA's long-held dominance in  space transportation. SpaceX's Falcon Heavy,   which debuted in 2018, is hailed as the mightiest  operational rocket ever built. But it's not  

alone in the game. Others like United Launch  Alliance and Blue Origin are also in the race,   developing heavy-lift rockets that can rival  NASA's own Space Launch System SLS. While these   private rockets might not match the sheer brute  force of the SLS, they pose serious competition.   Some even suggest that these private companies  could render NASA obsolete in rocket development.  However, NASA begs to differ. Instead of seeing  these companies as adversaries, NASA views them   as partners in a shared mission. NASA envisions  a future where both sectors work hand in hand,  

leveraging each other's strengths to achieve  common goals. For instance, NASA plans to enlist   commercial companies to construct and operate  lunar vehicles. However, public perception   of space exploration has evolved. While NASA  continues to advocate for its vision of space   exploration, there's a growing scepticism among  Americans about the necessity and importance of   returning to the Moon. Some argue that NASA should  prioritise addressing urgent global challenges  

like climate change, leveraging its expertise  in satellite technology and scientific research. Number 2: The Race for Resources Beyond Earth As people from different countries and private   businesses show more interest in exploring  space, many wonder why we're doing it and   what good it can bring to humanity. One big idea  is whether becoming a spacefaring species can make   life better for us all. People are talking  a lot about mining in space, especially on  

the moon. There are some good reasons why  this could happen in the next few decades.   One thing people are excited about mining on the  moon is a substance called helium-3. This stuff is   pretty rare on Earth, but it's all over the moon.  Helium-3 could be a game-changer because it can   be used in really clean nuclear reactions. These  reactions could help make energy, treat diseases,   and detect radiation. The moon's surface is  covered in a layer of loose stuff called regolith  

and It's packed with helium-3. That makes it seem  pretty attractive to try and get it out. But it's   not just helium-3 that's got people interested.  The moon is full of all sorts of useful stuff   like metals—iron, titanium, aluminum, and more.  These metals are everywhere on Earth, but getting   them from the moon could be easier and could  help set up bases there. From these minerals,  

we can make oxygen, hydrogen, and water, which are  essential for life and fueling rockets. The moon   has rare Earth elements, which are super important  for making gadgets and batteries. These elements   aren't rare on Earth, but they're tricky to  find and dig up because they're spread out in   the ground. If we could mine them on the moon, it  might be better for the environment and give us a   more reliable source of these valuable resources. Lots of countries, like China, America, Europe,  

India, and Russia, are interested in mining on  the moon. Even private companies are eyeing up   the chance to get in on the action. But here's  the thing: there aren't any rules about mining   in space. Existing space laws don't say much  about who can own what or who can dig where. So,   if we do start mining on the moon, we'll  have to figure out who gets to do what and   who owns what they find. If we do decide  to go back to the moon, it probably won't   just be a quick visit. It'll likely be for a  long time, maybe even to set up homes there. Number 1: Haunting Encounter With Celestial Melody During the final journey to the Moon before the   historic moon landing, something incredibly  strange occurred - a strange sound of music.  

Apollo 10 embarked on its mission on May 18th  to 26th 1969, just a month before the official   lunar landing. This mission was essentially a  practice run, orbiting the Moon in preparation for   the upcoming landings. Everything appeared to be  going smoothly until an eerie incident took place.   As the astronauts traversed the dark side of the  Moon, they experienced something truly peculiar.  

It's been speculated that they heard mysterious  sounds like music emanating from the void of   space. Some have even suggested that these sounds  resembled an otherworldly orchestra, prompting   thoughts of extraterrestrial involvement. Despite  the astonishment of the astronauts, the occurrence   remained under wraps for nearly half a century,  until NASA disclosed the recordings in 2016. The   astronauts' reactions were captured in their own  words. They described the sounds as reminiscent  

of "outer space-time music," expressing  their bewilderment at the peculiar auditory   phenomenon. These mysterious melodies were akin  to a haunting, alien serenade, echoing through the   vastness of space. What made this encounter even  more perplexing was the timing and location. The   sounds manifested at the furthest point of the  Moon from Earth, a region where communication   with NASA was temporarily severed. In that remote  expanse, isolated from terrestrial transmissions,   the astronauts found themselves enveloped in the  enigmatic melody, unable to ascertain its origin   or purpose. Despite numerous speculations and  hypotheses, the true nature of these celestial   harmonies remains shrouded in mystery. Was  it merely a natural phenomenon, an echo of  

cosmic vibrations, or perhaps an encounter with  extraterrestrial intelligence? The questions   linger, inviting speculation and fascination,  as humanity continues to explore the depths of   space and unravel the mysteries of the cosmos. What do you believe is the reason why NASA has   not returned to the moon? Let us know your  thoughts in the comments section. And if you   enjoyed watching this video, make sure to give  it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel.


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