AlphaGo - The Movie Full Documentary

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[Frank] It's intensely contemplative.. [Frank] Go is putting you in a place. [Demis] When I was a kid, I loved playing games.. So let's start off with Breakout.. Well, they're not so good at Breakout, and they didn't know about that strategy.. [in English] [Fan] I am Go professional player.. [in English] [Fan] I'm born in China.. [Demis] Dear Mr. Fan,. [Fan] When I see this e-mail,. [Demis] We needed to get Fan Hui to DeepMind. [Demis] We think of DeepMind as.... [Demis] We've been working on AlphaGo,. [David] And so, this has been a really long journey.. [Demis] So with Fan Hui, we started talking around. [Shane] A lot of people have thought that it was decades away.. [Frank] There's only one type of piece.. It seems really simple. [chuckles]. [Demis] Go is incredibly challenging for computers to tackle. [Demis] If you ask a great Go player why they played a particular move,. -[Maddy] Nice to meet you. -[Fan] Oh, hello. Nice to meet you, too.. [Demis] So with Fan Hui, we agreed a best-of-five match.. [Fan] I play with AlphaGo.. [Fan] The first game, I make some mistake ,. [David] In that first match, I think something clicked for him. [Fan] The second game, I tried to change my style.. [Aja] And several times after the game,. He said he wanted to go out for fresh air. [chuckles]. [Fan] I feel something very.... [Maddy] I worried whether he would even come back.. [chuckles] You know, he seemed very low,. [Fan] I told Maddy, "This is the first time in the history. She told me, "Yes, we know. [chuckles]. [Errol] The computer named AlphaGo,. [male reporter #1] Artificial intelligence researchers. [Martin] It really is a big leap forward.. [Cade] The technologies at the heart of AlphaGo,. [John] AlphaGo found a way to learn how to play Go.. [Demis] The whole beauty of these types of algorithms. [Fan] My wife called me.. [Demis] The Go world was skeptical. [female reporter #1] A match like no other is about to get underway in South Korea.. [male reporter #2] Lee Sedol, the long-reigning global champ.... [male reporter #3] This guy is a genius.... [male reporter #4] ...who will take on artificial intelligence program AlphaGo. [Demis] But we won't know its true strength until we play somebody. [translator] "I will not be too arrogant,. [Demis] We don't know how well. [man #1] Yeah., [Cade] There was still so much of a question. [Andrew] Lee Sedol is a 9-dan professional.. [Janice] Go is taken seriously in Korea.. [Yuan] On the surface, it's a game,. [Chihyung] In ancient China, Japan, Korea,. [Joseph] Master Kwon started this school,. [Master Kwon] Since he came from an island, he easily drew attention.. [Janice] Lee Sedol was a little boy. [in Korean] [Sedol] When I was young,. [Janice] He wants to do something that's innovative. [Aja] Roughly ten years, he dominated the professional Go world.. [in Korean] [Master Kwon] Lee Sedol. [Joseph] Definitely, Lee Sedol is going to win the game, five-all.. [David] We had our evaluation match last week.. [Demis] So, we're working round the clock at the moment,. [David] So we have researchers, engineers, valuation guys.. [David] Aja is the lead programmer, and built the original search engine.. [Demis] So Aja's responsibility is quite a big one.. -[Aja] I'm feeling excited. -[man #2] Yeah?. [Aja] Many of my friends, they are very excited about the match.. "Just prepare AlphaGo." [chuckles]. [Hajin] Hello..

[Hajin] Yes. Perfect.. Who made AlphaGo. [Demis chuckling]. [in Korean] [Hajin] He said that he was once. [Demis] and then I stopped playing when I was about 14.. [Hajin] "After the match,. [laughs] [Hajin] "How does that sound?". [Hajin] "I'm not sure if it's okay to ask you this question,. [David] With more time, I think,. [Demis] We realized that if we wanted to prepare. [Aja] We invited him as an advisor. [Aja] It's very precious that we have Fan Hui with us.. [Fan] When Demis tell me,. [Shane] The superheroes always have. [David] We can think of there being this space of all the things. [David] And it's really hard for us to characterize. [Fan] Everybody in the team. [David] Well, maybe we just need to be realistic.. [male reporter #5] Lee Sedol is getting ready to rumble.. [David] Tomorrow, Julian and George, they pack up version 18,. [George] What we should do in the time remaining. [Aja] Have you arranged the place. [Cade] When I got here,. [Cade] There's some national pride involved.. [Fan] All the world gave the pressure to Lee Sedol.. [David] I just really hope we win this first game.. [Chris] Hello, and welcome to the DeepMind Challenge,. I'm Chris Garlock of The American Go E-Journal.. [Michael] Well, the excitement is pretty palpable here in the hotel.. - The cameras... -[Chris] The media is overwhelming.. [Chris] All right, folks. You're here, you're gonna see history made.. [George] We had worked so hard. [Seongryong] AlphaGo is thinking too long at the second move.. [Soyong] Yes.. [Aja] I was a bit nervous.. A strange opponent, I think. [chuckles]. [Seongryong] This is the first time. [Myungwan] Yeah, it's very aggressive.. [Seongryong gasps] [Soyong] How dare he disconnect it?. [Seongryong] This can't be right.. [in Korean] [Seongryong] This could make. [Michael] I just saw him looking at his opponent's face..

- And that's just kind of a habit. -[Chris] It's just an instinct,. [Michael] Yeah, it's sort of something that Lee Sedol would do. -[Chris] Right. -[Michael] It's just a habit.. - because Aja Huang isn't AlphaGo, right? -[Chris] Right. Right.. -[Seongryong] No. That's... -[Soyong] I guess Lee is mistaken?. [Seongryong] He was about to make a move that makes no sense.. [Seongryong] This is the thing we were most afraid of.. [Soyong] Yes., - Self-doubt. -[Seongryong] Self-doubt.. [Fan] With a human, when you play,. [Demis] Stone in. He's going in.. [Demis] That is not a confident face.. [Myungwan] I can't believe what I'm seeing right now.. -[Andrew] Okay. -[Myungwan] I think Lee Sedol,. - if he doesn't respond correctly, -[Andrew] Uh-huh.. [Seokhyun] We are all astonished,. [in Korean] [Seongryong] What is this?. [Seongryong] The reason I stopped talking a minute ago. [Aja] I can feel his pain. Like he was.... [Fan] Maybe AlphaGo is very strong now,. [Aja] I think he resigned in a very polite way.. [David] I feel really good. I feel like I really believe in AlphaGo.. [male reporter #8] In the battle between man versus machine,. [female reporter #2] DeepMind put its computer program to the test. [male reporter #9] AlphaGo beat a professional player. [Demis] In research,. [male reporter #10] In a matchup between man and machine, who wins?. [Julian] If you look at Aja, he avoids all the cameras like crazy.. [Chris] Hello, and welcome to Game Two, Round Two,. [Andrew] The reactions on the ground here from the folks in Korea were just stunned.. [in Korean] [Yeowon] Can you tell what Lee. [Changhyuk] Yes. Lee seems to be very tense.. [Chris] Lee Sedol on white,. [Michael] My impression is that maybe he underestimated AlphaGo,. [Changhyuk] The last two moves make me doubt AlphaGo's ability.. -[Yeowon] But we have to stay alert. -[Changhyuk] Yes.. - Yes. This is difficult. - AlphaGo is hard to understand..

[Michael] If I see anything about AlphaGo. - when it thinks it is ahead. -[Chris] Yes.. [Thore] There's the policy network,. [Thore] So if we now take a position like this,. [Master Kwon] I hope he gets over this pressure and enjoys the match.. [Chris] Ooh, it looks like Lee. [Fan] Lee Sedol go to smoke,. -[Changhyuk] Oh. -[Yeowon] Oh, wow.. [Chris] I thought it was a mistake. [chuckling]. [Fan] When I see this move, for me, it's just a big shock.. [Michael] And I wasn't expecting that.. [David] The professional commentators almost unanimously said. [Cade] I am very much watching the game through these commentators.. [Fan] I want to see Lee Sedol when he see this move.. [Chris] He is back. Lee is back.. [in Korean] [Sedol] I thought AlphaGo. [Fan] Normally, he has to think. [Cade] Go is like geopolitics,. [Fan] This move is very special,. [in Korean] [Sedol] This move made me think. [Michael] This is a tough game. - do what he wants. -[Chris] Right.. [Andrew] That's not a good sign.. [Myungwan] Oh. Oh.. [Andrew] Lee Sedol just slapped himself on the side of the head.. [Myungwan] Oh, wow.. [Fan] I just see Lee Sedol.. [Michael] Because then white... Oh, he resigned.. [Cade] There was this heavy sadness. [Cade] You feel elated, and you feel a little bit scared.. [Julian] For us, AlphaGo is obviously just some computer program.. [Nick] The tendency to anthropomorphize AI systems. And invariably, you see this Terminator picture.. [Fei-Fei] We're really closer to a smart washing machine. Than Terminator.. [Cade] I think that people are right to think. [Chris] This is it, folks.. [in Korean] [Hyunwook] Lee Sedol had a day off. [Hyeyeon] I mean, Lee Sedol is upset. Yeah.. [Aja] In the beginning, there was a fierce fight,. [Chris] Oh, that's a pretty move.. [Master Kwon] But I think the pressure. [Fan] He tried to fight directly in the game. -It's looking good for us. -[Michael] Hopefully, I think.... [Hyeyeon] I don't know how to describe the situation.. If I were black, I will resign. [chuckles]. [Michael] Even if black can live there.... [Chris] You saw history made here tonight.. [Michael] AlphaGo has won again. Three straight wins.. [Chris] Three straight wins. Has won the match.. [Fan] When Lee Sedol resigned the game, he looked like unhappy.. [Demis] You know, suddenly, I feel a bit ambivalent about it,. [Maddy] I couldn't celebrate.. [Sedol] I can't believe this is happening.. [Cade] You could see that he was more relaxed. [Fan] He don't feel like confidence,. [Chris] Can Lee Sedol find AlphaGo's weakness?. [Hajin] Everyone is still cheering for Lee Sedol.. [in Korean] [Taegon] Lee Sedol has chosen. [Hojung] But I am not sure it will benefit him.. [Fan] I want Lee Sedol to play his game.. [Michael] It's developing into a very, very dangerous fight.. [Hajin] I think that he is already planning on trying something.. -[Andrew] Lee Sedol magic! -[Myungwan] Nice.. [Myungwan] Oh, what would be the magic move?. [Chris] Yeah, he has just burned, like, seven or eight minutes,. [Myungwan] I don't see anything.. [Fan] Lee Sedol is very patient.. [Michael] This is the hinge of the game.. -Basically, I believe that this time... -[Andrew] He found a wedge.. [Michael] It's going to change the equation. [Andrew] AlphaGo has just played something maybe unusual.. [Michael] You know, I'm not actually sure what AlphaGo is trying to do here.. [Chris] What's that about?, [Michael] I don't really understand it.. [Andrew] This could be that it actually can't find a way through.. -[Michael] That was one time. -There it comes, though.. -Yeah, it has made a mistake. -[Michael] Yeah.. [David] I felt this mixture of this sinking feeling in my stomach,. [Aja] I knew after move 78, after, like, 10 or 20 moves,.

[Michael] I do get the impression. [Demis] Look, look, Lee is confused. He's like, "What is he doing?". [Taegon] Oh! Oh!. [Michael] I don't really know what AlphaGo is trying to do here.. [Myungwan] Is it a mouse misclick. - from Aja Huang? -[Andrew] Nope, that's the move.. [Chris] I mean, those, you can clearly call those mistakes.. [Michael] Yes, of course.. - that we have seen moves like that. -[Chris] Right.. [Myungwan] White.. -[Andrew] White. -[Myungwan] I think white is winning.. [Andrew] Come on, Lee Sedol.. [Andrew] So, he has found his weakness.. [Andrew] I think it looks like Aja Huang maybe, sitting there,. [Myungwan] Did he smile?. [Andrew] No, I haven't seen him smile yet.. - I think he is still checking. -[Myungwan] He's so serious.. [Andrew] He's so serious.. - He wants to be careful. -[Myungwan] Yeah.. [David] So, what's the percentage?. [Julian] It shows as 18.2%.. [David] The next move should be resign.. [Cade] The most amazing game.. [in Korean] [Sedol] I heard people shouting in joy. [in Korean] [Sedol] But I didn't expect it. [David] It does leave me a little bit in awe of the human brain's power,. [Chris] Welcome back to the Four Seasons.. [Andrew] The place is a madhouse downstairs.. [Maddy] We were really excited for the fifth match,. [Fan] For me, I don't think AlphaGo will make the mistake again.. [Fan] He play some moves.. [Chris] Are we seeing another short circuit?. [Michael] I think it could be a kind of a misreading.. [Chris] And we are.... [Michael] That it is looking good for Lee Sedol?. [Chris] It's looking good for Lee Sedol.. [Michael] It's a bad move.. [Michael] Someone was telling me that maybe it had.... [Julian] The whole game, we thought that AlphaGo. [Julian] As it turns out, none of us know Go well enough. [Chihyung] But after a game is finished,. [Chihyung] I think it's important to study more. About AlphaGo's mistake-like moves. [chuckles]. [Frank] To me, the most amazing thing to come out of my understanding of Go. [Frank] A "slack move" is a move that looks lazy.. [Martin] Machines will have the capability not only to crunch. [Sedol] What surprised me the most was.... [Michael] White lights up in places, but if we count it like that, it's 1.5.. [Michael] The parting in the center,. [Jimyung] Looks like he's considering resigning.. [Seongryong] Yes. I think he is thinking of resigning.. [Demis] I mean, I think it just really is a once-in-a-lifetime thing.. [David] And I'm unbelievably proud of the team.. [Ioannis] When I started doing artificial intelligence,. [David] There are so many possible application domains. [Cade] He improved through this machine.. [Martin] I remember hearing a talk by Kasparov, who says that, uh,. [Fan] This is a unique experience.. [in Korean] [Sedol] I have grown. [Fan] This event is done,.


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