Assess your on-premises environments with Azure and partner tools

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Hi my, name is Abhishek Hamer Jonny and I'm from the azure compute, team I lead, program management for Asscher migrate and Azure site recovery I'm, going to be joined by Liza from cloud Mize and more from turbo nomic as we, walk you through the process of assessing, your on-premises, environment, to migrate, to Azure with. Confidence, there, has never really been a better time to migrate to ash or IT. Is looking, to optimize on, the efficiencies. And gains. That cloud can drive for businesses, and asher, is enabling that for our customers our. Customers continue. To think of migrating. To the cloud and, optimizing. Their IT spend as the top two drivers in 2018. And 2019. In addition. To these drivers there are a few other things that are driving the migration, journey to the cloud data. Center expiration as customers, come up to data center lease expiration. They, are looking for cloud, to basically suck in all of that infrastructure, that they were running on premises. Similarly. Integrating. Acquisitions. There is no better way to gain efficiency. From an acquisition pretty. Much compressed, that time to realize the value of an acquisition then. Migrate, to the cloud, capacity. Needs when you're scaling up your business or you. Know going or expanding, or diversifying, into a new area makes. Cloud or optimal, choice to, drive migration. Software. And hardware refresh is another great examples what's driving the migration, journey. Security. And compliance, customers. Are realizing, that Microsoft, the trusted, cloud that Asher is can, enable a better security, and compliance posture, for customers, then they can do that themselves and, honestly. All of that is driven around and pivoted by application, innovation, customers. Want newer better ways to deliver value to their end customers and, cloud, is enabling, that momentum, for them and that's exactly what we are seeing with everything. That's happening, with a, short now. In addition to all of these drivers, for the cloud migration what's. Really, complementing. The cloud growth is the, fact that as sure as a platform continues. To innovate every. Single week every single, day a few. That I want to call out for you are, new enhancements. In Azure migrate. Makes. It very easy for customers to assess, their own premises, environment, for lifting. And shifting apps, data, and infrastructure. To the cloud even, on investments, in database migration, service make it easy for customers to, move to newer platforms, like sequel. Managed instance image or or sequel, ash or all, of these innovations are pretty much centered, around our promise. To help customers migrate. To the cloud and provide. Them a platform that can really help value, for. Their business and it's, starting to show in the customer momentum, customers, like all scripts and Chevron have, you know enabled, massive, gains through, their migration, to Azure and these are few of the many thousands, of customers, who, are realizing, value, of the Azure platform and, continue.

To Bring more and more of their apps data and infra into, ash or now. Let's look at a most common, as your migration journey and to be honest there's a few different things that customers tend to do when. You're thinking about the mass migration customers. Tend to use lift and shift as a way to move their were close to the cloud so. You're pretty much free hosting, what you were running on Prem in the cloud but, there are a few other options you, could potentially refactor, with containers or. You could reorder TechEd with pass offerings, or pass modules, like running, your data bases in a past service or, you could pretty much rebuild. Your entire app with newer modern, cloud paradigms, with cloud native computing, and cloud first technologies, now. Irrespective. Of which path you choose, to migrate to the cloud the. Stages, are three you, start off by discovering. And assessing, your on-premises, environment, to really figure out how you want to get to the cloud and what is it going to cost you to run in the cloud you. Then choose a migration, option, that best meets, the need either you do a mass lift and shift or you, modernize as you go along and then. Once you're in the cloud you continue, to optimize you, enable secure, and well-managed, infrastructure, for your applications, once they are in the cloud or you gain from efficiencies, in the cloud or potentially, even containerize, workloads that have been brought into the cloud that's a journey you get on once you are in the cloud now, Microsoft has tools for every stage when. You think about assess, as your migrate database, migration, assistant and sequel server migration assistant, enable. Tumors to assess the on-prem, infra and data for migration, into ashore I'm gonna quickly get into the azure migrate piece of this conversation, and show you how Azure my great works and even give you a cool demo showing, all the capabilities, that we've enabled when. It comes to migration database, migration, assistant and, Azure site recovery enable. Free easy to use at scale, options, for you to get to Azure and then, once your image or our platform. Capabilities enable. Secure. And well managed infra it's offerings, such as as your backup as your site recovery and cost, management but. That's tools from Microsoft, we also have, a very expansive. Ecosystem. Of partners who, are enabling, technologies, in each of these areas a few, I want to call out cloud, amaizing turbo Nam ik enable great solutions, for assessment, going, to a shore, similarly, cloud and your offers a compelling offering, to migrate, workloads, into ashore the. Most important, thing is that the customers, gets a choice to choose what works for them when, they are looking at migrating, to a short now, let's start talking about how do you go about discovering. And assessing. Your on-premises, environment, with, Azure migrate. Azure. Migrate is a new service we g8 a few months ago and it, offers, capabilities, that help you discover, your on-prem, applications. Your virtual machines and even the dependencies. Across the various tiers of the applications, so that you can start getting insightful. Assessments. On what's, ready to go to a short, and how best to get there you. Get estimations. Such as what's the right size of running the workload in assur customers. When they tend to run workloads, on prem routinely. Have over-provision, infra at, times they also have under provisioning, but as they are moving to the cloud that's the right time to do some spring cleaning really. Figure out if you need all that capacity, and how, best to save money when you're running in a short you. Can also figure out what is it going to cost you to run your workload in a short so of course running a workload in Azure is obviously much more cost effective but you can save even more with the cost assessment that we provide with Azure migrate, now. Azure migrate currently supports, the VMware platform, for, discovery, and assessment, but, very soon we will announce capabilities. For hyper-v and fill pickle server discovery, and assessment. With Azure migrate. Additionally. We are also working very hard to seamlessly integrate our migrate, with Azure site, recovery so, you can have a contextual. Handoff between your discovery, and assessment, and the, actual migrate phase of your entire migration journey, so. Let's start talking a little bit about as your migrate in detail I promise I'm going to show you a demo but, before that let's, look at how things really work conceptually, with Azure migrate.

You. Start off by creating an on-premises. Appliance, which is called the ash or migrate collector, to, start connecting to your vCenter environment, so you can perform discovery, the. Way to do that is if you have a vCenter, server environment. Simply, download, the collector, appliance, in an ova format, from the azure portal. Import. It into your vCenter, environment, it comes up as a virtual machine appliance, once. That is done data from the vCenter, platform, this is existing. Performance, data and configuration data, starts. Flowing into Azure migrate, where, it gets processed and, then, within a few clicks you are able to initiate, assessment. Creation, which, you tell you things like is your book you would ready to go to ash or what, size of VMs do you want to run in a short even what type of storage you may want to run in a short and what, is it going to cost you to run in Azure and what savings you can get from, moving to a short, so. All of that I'm going to show you in a demo but that's how it works conceptually. Now. In terms of new features we've, done a lot of innovation, in the last few months since as your migrated released I want to quickly call out we now support hash or reserved instances, so you can price what is it going to cost you to run reserved instances, in a short we, are also supporting, Azure gov as your Germany and as your China as target regions for your migration and as, you may have heard Microsoft. Recently, announced support for Windows Server 2008. 32-bit. And 64-bit running. In a shore Azure, migrate can now give you recommendations for. Those workloads moving to a Shore as well I'm going, to quickly jump over to a demo environment and, show you how all of this works so, here I have a vCenter vSphere, environment which. Basically has all of my virtual machines that are running my applications, so, I'm logged in to the VMware, vSphere client and, I can see that I have a fee virtual machines that. Represent, an app that is running my payroll system, so, the VMS that I'm interested, to migrate to ashore, are part of the payroll app and they, are the front tier VMs the middle tier VMs and some data VMs basically. It's nine virtual machines that are making up my app and I know about them because I have, context, on what my app is but Azure my grid can even let you figure out if you don't know all the, virtual machines that may be part of your app so now that I have seen my virtual machines let, me take you over to the azure portal, to see how you can actually get started, so. Back on the Azure portal, you can see that you can create what's called an azure migrate. Project, which, can hold all of your, discovery, data in one place the. Azure my great project, in so many ways is a repository of what you're running in your vCenter environment, so, you can create a new as your migrated project, by simply giving it a name so I'm going to call mine canto so you. Can specify, a resource, group that should be holding, this migrated project, and then. You can choose a location, where you want to run your ashram a great project from now. The thing to notice that the azure migrate, project, can be placed in any Azure, region the region from, where you do the assessment does not necessarily, have to be the region where you will migrate so. From one as your project, you can do an assessment for any and every, Asha region so you don't really need separate, projects in separate Azure regions so, I'm gonna go ahead and create one project and then I'm gonna see how I can get started with the rest of the process. I'm. Going to quickly jump over to a project that I created, already and. I call it empty because it's not hosting anything, right now the. Easiest, way to get started is by downloading the, azure migrate. Collector, appliance, and connecting. It to your V Center environment, when. You first come into an empty azure project, you get the prompt, to get started, simply. Click on discover, and assess. Once. You click on discover machines, you. Get the steps that you need to perform to import, that OVA that you download from the portal into your, V Center environment. So, simply click on download, you download the OVA file create. A collector, virtual machine out of it V Center admins. Are pretty, familiar with how you and OVA to create a virtual machine in the vCenter environment, once.

You've Done that you, simply connect, your collector, to your V Center environment, and discovery, data starts flowing in it's as simple as that now. What I've done is I've already, downloaded, the, collector, appliance, and I have imported it into a virtual machine that's now running my collector, once. You've done that and you log in to that virtual machine for the first time you, get a very simple experience, that in four steps helps you configure, your as your migrated project to get started with assessments, so. As step one you, need to make sure that you can connect to the internet now, this can happen via, a proxy, or without a proxy, based on your security rules you. Need to make sure that VMware, power CLI, is running, as. Your magnet uses VMware power CLI to interact, with the vCenter platform, and that's why we need power CLI, you. Then specify, the vCenter, server that, you're going to be using so the vCenter server that I showed you as part of my demo which, had my virtual machines I have provided the credentials, and the location, for that vCenter environment, now. A cool thing is that you can scope, your discovery, based, on the hosts and the clusters, that you want to discover now, this is particularly helpful if you're running a multi-talented, environment, and you don't want to discover everything, at the same time in one project so you can scope it down to the host, or the cluster that makes sense, to you from assessment. Perspective, I'm, gonna stick with the one that I have already selected notice, that it says it has 292. Virtual machines, you. Can then specify the migration. Project, that, you're going to connect to so, the empty project that I just created, I simply provide that migration. Project, and the key to the project and it's. As simple as that I can initiate the collection process and then within a few minutes I would have my discovery, data available.

In The azure portal, and I'll be ready to create my first assessment. Let's. Quickly jump back to an environment where this discovery, has already been completed so. I have 292, virtual machines as the scope specified, I also. Have a few assessments, and groups but I'll show you how to get there and I, can basically now get started so. What I'm going to do is I'm, ready to create an assessment and I'm, gonna play the persona, of a you who already knows, the virtual machines that are going to be part of that migration, process, so, since I am running my payroll app and I know the nine virtual, machines that are part of that app I'm, gonna go jump right into picking my inventory myself so. I click on create assessment. You. Now get the option, to name the group and as, your migrated group works, as an, application. Or the, group that defines the virtual machines that you will migrate at the same time, so, since I'm migrating, my payroll app I'm gonna call this group, payroll, and. Because I already know the virtual machines that are part of my payroll app I'm gonna go ahead and search for the word tier and find, the nine virtual machines that are part of that app so, I selected, the nine virtual machines and I clicked on create assessment, it's as simple as that create, the group bring, in your inventory and your assessment is ready now notice, that the row says that the assessment. Is being computed but, what you'll notice is that if you click on it insights. Have already started flowing in because. As your migrated connected, to the vCenter, platform, data, both, performance, and configuration. That was already, available on, the vCenter platform, has already, been sucked into Azure migrate, we, can now start giving, you assessments, without having to wait pretty much any amount of time and you can get started with your first assessment, let's. Look at what an assessment, typically tells you so.

I'm Going to look at as your readiness as the first widget. That tells me if my virtual machines are ready to go to a Shore so, of course I had nine virtual machines, Azure. Migrate tells me that six are ready to go to a shore, for. Three of them as your migrates telling me that there is some conditional, readiness. That I need to look at for example, one of my virtual machines is intentionally. Running the EFI, boot as, a process, to boot itself now, as you may know efi is not supported, in Azure that. Said as your site recovery can on runtime convert, your efi, based virtual machines into BIOS based virtual machines so even though it's saying unsupported. Boot. Type you can still migrate, this virtual machine with Azure site recovery and that's what the suggested, tool is telling you it, also, tells you that you're potentially running, a Windows platform that, is not supported, in a shore and it says the Windows Server 2008, 32-bit, VM has been detected but, as you may have already heard Microsoft. Now supports, running Windows Server 2008, 32-bit, so, in pretty much just the amount of time where that official announcement, goes out as you're migrated would automatically, updates, its logic, to start flagging, this virtual machine is actually ready and not just conditionally, ready so that's the power of azure migrate, being able to keep. In track and keep in touch with everything. That's happening on the azure platform to. Enable assessments, and discoveries, which are very relevant from what's happening in ashore on an day to day basis, similarly. You may have been running a linux platform that the vendor may not support running, in ash or for example an older version of Sint OS or Red Hat but, I'm gonna assume everything, is ok from an assessment and a readiness perspective. And I'm gonna start seeing what, else I have available in my assessment so. From an assessment perspective. Notice I also have a cost estimate available. Of what is it going to cost me to run in assur let's. Look at what this cost looks like, turns. Out the, azure migrate system has actually made a recommendation on, each, of those VMs and what VM size they should be running in ash or so for example my data tier VM can run on an f4 series now, this is recommendation. Based on actual, usage, of the VM since, we are able to look at the performance data, on the VM we can figure out what's the right size if you have over provisioned, we can tell you based on CPU, proc, and data usage on that virtual machine that, what's the best VM family to go to it can really help you save cost and not, spend on. Infrastructure. Now. For any reason, if you want just change the, considerations. Of the assessment, you can do that as well so, for example, if you want to assess for any other agile region, than the one that you've chosen because, the rates may be different in different geographies you, can simply select the target details that work for you so, notice the same as your migrated project, can help you do an assessment, for, every, single agile region you don't need a project in every single region, similarly.

As Your migrated because now it supports reserved, instances, you can figure out if you want to do pricing, based on a one-year reserved, instance or three-year reserved instance or you don't want to use reserved instances so you can do that and we'll factor in the cost when, we tell you what is it going to cost you to run in ash or you, can also benefit, from as your hybrid benefit for Windows servers so if you have Software, Assurance which covers moving your Windows Server licenses, to ash or simply, select yes and you'll, get a cost plan which really mimics, the cost you're gonna pay for running those workloads in Azure very powerful, in terms of what you can do with your assessment and. Even specify, how you want it to be very lenient or very strict I'm. Gonna stick with the defaults, and I'm gonna go back to my assessment, so, with, my assessment set, I already knew what my app was I already knew the VMS in the app I'm pretty much ready to migrate the. Other thing that the azure migrate, assessment, tells me is that what tool I should be running to do the migration to a sure so, notice for the, VMS, it's telling me I can use as your site recovery for. Some of the VMS where it detected the database it's actually telling me use database, migration, service you can pretty much create a migration strategy, which is a composite. Function of, moving, VMs, to VMs, in a short or moving, databases to sequel managed instance or sequel, assured now. This is assuming that you knew exactly what, your app was and what the VMS in the app were now, routinely when you're doing mass migrations, to ash or thousands, and thousands of VMs you probably don't have the luxury to figure out with, every app admin, that what we am sorry running apps, in turn usually, depend on other infra, within the data center and it becomes very hard to figure out what really is the boundary of an application to, be able to figure all of that detail out as you're migrated also lets you do application, dependency, modeling, and the way to do that is pretty straightforward you simply, go into the, machines view this, will show all the 292.

Machines, That I have in my ashore migrate project, look. For at least one, virtual machine that you know is part of your app so, while I know the nine bm's and a part of my payroll, app I'm gonna just stick with one so I'm gonna pick the middle tier VM one and I'm, gonna start from there notice, it tells me that I can view the dependencies, on that virtual machine so I have the dependency, agent already running on these virtual machines I, click. On view dependencies. And very. Quickly I get a graphical representation. Of, everything. That's happening, on this, virtual machines what, are the inbound, connections what, are the outbound, connections, what are the different processes that are talking to other virtual. Machines and I, can basically start getting a sense of what my application, is so, it tells me that the middle tier VM is talking, to the front tier VM and it also tells me that it is in turn talking to the data tier BMS what, I can now do is I can start selecting, virtual, machines one at a time and basically. Create, a new migration, group which, is based on application, dependency, so, in many ways the group is now even, more high confidence, because instead, of simply relying on the app admins, instinct. Or tribal knowledge I have, now, benefited. From the dependency, view that's available in the azure migrate project product for, free to, figure out what my application, boundary is so, I'm going to select these four virtual machines and I'm gonna create a new group and again. I can give the group a name so, I'm gonna call it contoso, 2. And. Then I can select the virtual machines, and, I can also say while I'm creating a group go ahead and also create my first assessment so you shouldn't have to create, a group and then go and create an assessment we can do it all at once now. The other cool part of all of this is that. Azure migrate also, supports the ability to figure out recursive. Dependencies, for. Example, if this group was interned, depending, on something, that may have not been captured from a VM view you, can simply click on viewing. The dependencies, for the group and you can start figuring out any other virtual. Machines that may be part of this group so, I click on View dependencies. At the group level and, sure. Enough I, should find, a virtual machine that had, a dependency. On the app as a whole but, did not show up as a if you went about the VM process so, you'll notice here I found a middle tier vm 2 which, was not directly, talking to widdle tier VM 1 but, it was talking to one of the other VMs that the middle tier VM 1 depends on and all, I can do is I can simply say add that machine into the group and, the. Group becomes, even, more high confidence, in so many ways, my grade can tell you what, is a real boundary. Of your application, or the set of VMs that you're going to migrate to ashore you can be very sure that you're migrating everything. That needs to migrate, and you won't have any uptime, issue or application, issues once, you've migrated, to a shore, and that's pretty powerful and all of that is available for free and available, for vmware already, generally, available, so. That was a demo that i had for you guys let me quickly jump back to my slide and talk, about few of the other assessment. Tools that are available already, and, how, you could go about thinking, about which one works for you and, which may be a better choice now, in my conversations. With customers there. Are a few different criteria, that customers, think of when, they think about which assessment, tool works best for them and it routinely comes up if the customer, prefers, a tool that maybe from Microsoft, or if it's a free tool customers. Also deeply care about can you discover, your infra and your apps without, installing, an agent, customers. Also tend to have infrastructure. That may expand VMware, hyper-v, and physical, servers so can you have one tool that does it all, similarly. Some customers, also care about application. Dependencies, so what I just showed you with that contour so payroll app for. A customer that does not really know how many apps am i running how many of them are legacy systems, and what are the VMS. Application. Dependency view can be very very powerful to make that high confidence decision, and. Then also you may have a lot of inventory data available, in existing, CMDB, systems, and you may have the preference, to pull all of that data into your assessment, tool instead of starting all over again so. In the context, of all of these considerations here's. My recommendation there. Are a few different tools from both from Microsoft, and our partners, that can help meet each of these goals and the, tool that works best for you is something.

That You can choose from our vast array, of tool that are listed on the Azure migration, center for, example our partners can do discovery, and assessment, for heterogeneous. Environments, including, hyper-v, and physical, servers so, while I show my grid does not have that capability yet, it will very soon currently. If you want to choose one of our partner tools like claw demise or turbine, ohmic you can do that some, of our partner tools also already offer capabilities. For importing, from existing. MDB and other sources and that, choice is something, that you can make once you've looked at what really matters. To you from an assessment and discovery, perspective, so, here's, my guidance use, Azure migrate, if your very cost-conscious, and you're looking for a free option to get started, especially. For a VMware environment, if. You feel very comfortable having, an azure branded, to lasso migrate is a tool that you that can help you also. Because as your magnet ships from ash or any new. Azure SKUs, and changes, to the azure platform will, reflect in the azure migrate, assessments, pretty close to when they become available some. Of our partners follow their own release cycles, so it may take them a little while to declare, support, for a certain SKU so you may have some confidence issues with the assessment, at, the same time use is V tools when it makes more sense to you especially when, you're looking, to assess heterogeneous. Infrastructure, which may be VMware, hyper-v, and you don't want a different tool for for, those scenarios if you want one tool that covers it all look, at one of our partner tools, that are already available or, if you're looking for agent, less dependency. Visualization. Now in the case of azure migrate, we did need a dependency. Agent on the VM to be able to figure out dependencies, and what, the processes were doing on that virtual machine some. Of our partners actually offer that capability without agent, and you may want to look at those, tool options, if they work for you more. Importantly, use. The tool that best meets your need because, you want to get to Azure with, confidence, and you want to get to Azure real, quick to, start extracting, value, from, the azure platform all. Right now that we've seen what Azure, migrate can do for you let's, bring in cloud Mize to see how they are discovery, and assessment, capabilities, health so I have Liza here from cloud amazed and she is gonna show you just that thanks. Abhishek my name is Liza burn Ella and I'm a customer success manager, at cloud ah mais khalad. Amis is a cloud computing analytics, platform that, provides detailed, analytics, and automation to, speed and simplify, cloud migration planning and execution, the. SAS platform, offers both agent, base as well as agent list data collection, approaches, in order, to meet nearly, all enterprise, needs in different verticals Claddagh. Mais can also accommodate for both single, tenant as well as multi-tenant. Architecture needs. In all our region, we. Begin with the assess module and here the platform, is providing a detailed TCO, analysis, some. Of the key value drivers are right sizing, customizing. The reports to meet the project needs and providing. Granular, at olynyk's we. Then move into the planned module in which Klan demise will automate application, discovery and dependency, mapping this. Is where the majority of our clients find the most value because, it eliminates the traditional, manual work when it comes to migrating to the cloud as well, as provides essential. Data critical. To planning a successful, migration the. Migrate module allows. Clients to migrate, seamlessly, through our integrations, with, ASR, among, others you, can use these integrations, to help, reduce risks, as well as overall accelerate, the migration, to Azure in, short. We've delivered over 2,000 assessments, and worked with Fortune 500 companies large, enterprises, such, as cable Nielsen. Footlocker, and more with, over 70 thousand nodes deployed Klan demise has been able to reduce planning, cycles on average a 75%, primarily. Through that automation as well, as see significant, cost savings for our our enterprises, on average. Of 48 percent primarily, through right sizing and optimization, we. Will now take a more technical dive into the demo, here. We are with Claddagh Mises assess module and in this phase what we do is collect system level data so things like CPU memory. Network, i/o disk i/o now. What cloud buys does that's unique at this phase is apply proprietary.

Thresholds, And public cloud benchmarks, this, is what allows the platform to very accurately project cost of performance into, Azure the. Data and the charts disability, down below represents. The observed data on-premise as well, as the predicted, data in Azure. Clients. Can use this data to not only validate, and understand, the Claddagh Mize results, but also very. Quickly identify, workloads, that you may be able to potentially further optimize, you. Can drill down into each specific, machine and see the data at a more granular level this, allows you to provision more precisely on an ongoing basis. This, particular, graph is displaying, CPU, and as, you can see all of the peaks and valleys are time-stamped. Claddagh. Mises designer feature allows, you to make sure to the results very, quickly within the UI some. Of the changes that you can make are taking, advantage of the azure advantages. Such as our I purchases. Or hyper benefit use you. Can also make your own changes, in order to meet the specific needs that are driving this particular, project. Here. We are in Klara Mises plan module at this stage we collect application, level data so, things like the executable, names firewall, rules so on and so forth now to the left you can very quickly identify. Machines, in the environment, to. The right you can identify applications, as, well, as their dependencies. Here. We have a group. Within. Groups or assets, and assets, can be considered as move groups within. The move groups or machines. The. Applications, to the right represent, applications, that have some sort of communication, happening in the environment you can, filter this by either multiple. Machines or, individual. Machines. Beyond. That you can very quickly search, for a particular machine and. Identify. That in the platform. To. The right again are the applications, that have some sort of communication, happening from this particular machine here. I can quickly see PHP, which, would indicate a web application once.

I Select that application, the Claddagh my's platform, will automatically, map out the dependencies that, were observed during the data collection period. Furthermore. You can drill down into that specific, dependency, to understand exactly how, the two machines are communicating, so, to the right will notice PHP. Is a process, running on the client machine sequel. Server is the process, running on the server machine this, indicates, that you have a front-end of the web application, communicating. To the backend what we'll want to do in this case is reconcile, these dependencies, and build, out a logical, move group that's one way that you can create a moot group based on these inter dependencies, and you do that very quickly within the cloud of Mies platform, through, this move interconnected, button, you'll. Always have the flexibility, to add this as something that exists, or create, something brand new in this, case we'll create a new group and an asset to label it accordingly. We. Still have one more step to do because we'll also want to pull in the backend applications, in. This. Case will now add it to the group that we just created but create another new asset to differentiate, the back-end from the front end. Now. That we've created a three-tier web application, as you can see in the platform, you, can then focus on these particular machines and you'll notice now the data to the right has changed, some, of the valuable, data that cloud Mize will display here are things, such as the firewall, rules so, here you'll be able to identify inbound. Outbound and, UDP rules if you, open up one of these tabs you'll also be able to identify the process name the porter communicate server and the IP address, so, this is displaying what needs to be pre-configured, from a security standpoint prior, to the migration. You. Can also import, a CSV in order to apply tags that may already exist in your environment or use, those tags to create groups this. Can be very valuable when, working with large environments. Because you're able to take, a CMDB, for instance and the, internal, valuable data that exists there combine, that with the data that exists in cloud Mize in order to get a holistic, view of your environments and more, quickly and swiftly plan, the migration. Claddagh. Mises advanced filtering allows you to drill down into each metric that was collected you can filter the machine and filter. By computes. Here. You can see there's many ways to identify machines. Very quickly one. Way that most clients use this is to identify those, machines that may need to be upgraded prior to the migration an example.

Of This would be the filter by either the, OS version. Another. Example to filter by would be the sequel version. Our. ASR, readiness report will generate a report that will tell you whether or not the work list can be migrated via ASR, as they, are today or not if they, cannot, be migrated, via ASR, today, we, will point that out but also provide, how easy or difficult it, is to make the change that needs to happen, once. You're ready to execute your migration you can take action directly from the Claddagh mais platform, here. If you choose migrate, your environment. Select. ASR, in this specific case. You'll. First need to enter your arm credentials, into the Claddagh mais platform, once, that is completed you can then begin the setup and installation on, the configured server. After. That is finished, you'll select the configured server. Pricing. Design as well as workloads, you would like to migrate, the. Appropriate machines will populate down below, first. You should always begin with testing, once, you identify, that the testing is successfully, completed within the Claddagh mais platform, you can then execute your migration and directly take action, in order to do so you'll. Be able to access all of the log files throughout this entire process, ultimately. This integration, will help reduce the, migration, cycle by, 75%, this. Concludes, the Claddagh mais portion of today's session thank. You so much Liza I think lo demise has some really powerful capabilities. For heterogeneous discovery. And assessment, for ashore great, stuff alright let's now bring turbo, nomicon the stage I'm, joined by more from turbo nomic and she's gonna show you the capabilities, that turbo Nam ik has for, assessment, and discovery, for a sure, thanks. Abhishek, my, name is 'more Colin Thailand I am the cloud CTO at herb anomic as. Abhishek has clearly laid out deciding, to migrate to Microsoft, Azure is a no brainer what's, challenging is how to get there in the fastest, and most cost-effective, manner, first. Organizations. Must assess and understand, their existing, environment, from, this assessment they will need to profile, the workloads that will move to Azure and identify. The compute, and storage requirements. Then. They must map, requirements, for each workload, to one of millions of combinations of, SKUs storage. Tiering and configurations. As well, as mapping the various pricing alternatives, offered by Microsoft if that, weren't enough workload. Demand is constantly, changing and the azure service, catalog continues, to expand, offering. More options, and services bottom. Line even. With weeks of work to assess the resource requirements, of your on-premises, workloads, this, is beyond human scale. It's. Time for a new approach the, turbo Nam ik a I powered decision engine leverages. The power of software, not, people in spreadsheets, to deliver the industry's, fastest, most accurate assessments. For Azure migrations, turbine. Amex agentless platform, installs, in minutes discovers. The complete on-premises, estate in hours, and then, automatically, determines, the cloud computing storage resources, needed, for applications, to perform at the optimal, cost while. Remaining compliant, in Azure. Including. Reserved, instances, and Azure hybrid, benefits, how, does Trevor anomic deliver the fastest, most accurate cloud, assessments, via. Agentless API, driven software. Our platform. First build the model of the on-premises, estate all the way from the applications, to the underlying infrastructure.

Trevor Anomic then profiles, the application, components, as well, as the ayahs or containers, where, they reside, mapping. Them to the ideal cloud configuration. Turbo. Nanak looks at the resources required by every application, if an, organization, has the same application running in a dev environment versus, a production, environment they. Don't necessarily need, the same SLA, for that same application so. Even though the demand profile of resources, is going to be the same our resulting. Recommendations. Will vary based on the performance, requirements. Organisations, might be willing to sacrifice some, amount of performance on a dev or test instance to pay less than what they're willing to do in a production environment with. Organisations, paying by the minute, there is a cost associated with every decision they make there. Are literally millions of options to consider when selecting from the innumerable, SKUs, provided, by Microsoft, Azure every. Decision made has an impact on compliance, performance. And the cost of that instance, in, a, world of dynamic, work loads whose consumption, demands, change minute-to-minute. Customers. Need turbo nanak to understand, their hybrid estate, and begin, leveraging, migration, plans to drive the best outcome, with. Trip anomic customers. Understand, the precise costs, of migrating, their applications, like for like compared. To a trip anomic optimized, resource, profile, prior. Optimization. Ensures organisations, migrate right-sized workloads, eliminate. Over-provision, and the migration of underused, resources. Making, it a key step in controlling costs from day one to, keep migrations, on track and on, budget. Furthermore. Trip anomic models the cost options, of different licensing, strategies, and discounting, mechanisms, such, as our eyes and Azure hybrid, benefits, the. Result customers. Can quickly build a data-driven business, case that supports a responsible. And effective assure migration, turbo. Nama quill also provide the actions, to decommission, or repurpose. The vacated, Hardware on premises, to, increase the our why, once. An organization makes, the decision to move to a sure trip anomic is there to assist them with the rest of their cloud journey including. Migration, planning and ongoing optimization. With. The assessment, complete, in a matter of hours Turbo, na make through our precise, real-time, understanding, of resource requirements, generates. A detailed optimized. Migration, plan that, drives the potential, savings in seven, days or less, our. API driven platform, can integrate the plan into ASR, to, facilitate, the migration once. An azure customers. Unlock elasticity. By scaling compute, storage and azure sequel, to, meet demand and continuously. Adopt new SKUs including. Promo SKUs as they, are released, turbo. Nanak eliminates, the costly use of wasted, or underutilized. Resources, as well, as schedule the suspension, of dev test workloads, for off hours, combining. Optimization, actions with discounting, mechanisms, turbo, nam ik automatically, generates, a granular, cost comparison, and compelling, business case to, support and accelerate a customer's, journey to Azure as a. Top Microsoft, is V we couldn't be more excited to help accelerate, an organization's, digital, transformation. By providing a simple fast and accurate, platform, designed. To assess an organization's, on-premises. Estate plan. There are migration. And optimize. The resources they need to continuously, deliver the, best performance, at the, lowest cost while. Maintaining the, integrity of, business, policies. Abhishek. Thank you for the opportunity, back, to you all. Right that was a great demo on turban omec thank you so much more good stuff that brings us to the end of this video I hope you found the content useful and I thank so much our friends at Klaw, demise and ergonomic.

For Doing this together with us thank, you.


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