ASPP Weihai news the prospects of SovElMash Interview with Victor Arestov

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Hello. Dear colleagues partners. And investors you're. On the channel dude of smartest, I'm as always Alexandra so driven and today we are in students2. Dale and Victor, Ariston came here to visit us today he will share with us the latest news and the results of his activity, and I think that each of you will be able to learn a lot of new interesting things, enjoy. Watching, Victor. I'm glad, to welcome you here this time in our studio, recently. We have visited, you and now, you are here in SOL mosh good, afternoon I'm also, happy but, I would like to correct you you, came to visit and, I've come help yes. That's, true so, basically, I feel, at home here in, southern wash it. Is, also. Part of me or, I'm, part of it I don't. Know it's. Difficult to say but I feel at home here, so, I'm. Saying, I've come home, of. Course, you can come more often but, you. Can set up a direct. Deliberation. Channel it, would be nice actually way, hi Moscow, we, would be very happy about that, Zella no Grodd the, green channel must be opened. But. So I'm, also, happy, when. I'm here I feel, like I'm an indispensable, part, of the whole process and I'm, also happy things. Are changing, much faster, here than in, way hi although, a lot of people may think that in way hi they are also changing, quigley of course, we're working together dynamically. So. It. Is very pleasing to see how everything, is improving, I have. Noticed that last time I was here it, was last year in May six, months, ago I'm. Here, in the studio now in. The own studio, of, sabotage. Of cars. And it's impressive it's, a completely new level that's, why this is also impressive. And. Makes us take the same steps in China. Because. For me I don't, know it makes no difference if, it's China or, Russia we're. Aiming at and. Ruin the market of more than one country, so. These connection, the fact that we want to enter joint, global markets. What. Should drive us it's. Not aimed at the economy, of some, particular country. We're aimed at the economy, of our company, yes the economy of salamis, that's right. And in fact everyone who is part of it and the places where the branches will be open later we. Must look at this in, an, open-minded. Way so. That it is much broader not, field specific, I fully. Agree with you indeed therefore. The fact that I happened, to be in China being, from Germany, if, it didn't succeed somewhere, in Europe well let's. Go where it works we must search for all the new ways that's. Why it is also fatal. To focus, on the, Russian market only, of course. We, achieved by pursuing, and there is no other way to say it well when other markets, will get involved, the Russian market will do so too because. Markets, are markets and, you, need to enter those where, you can develop successfully. Of course this, is a cyclic, process, I would say and one market, rose in other because. If something has become popular somewhere, then, let's say a representative, solvent, how the market, will look at it and say oh what, an interesting thing let's try it in, layman's, terms. Victor. Can, you tell us what interesting, processes, have been taking, place in China and, Germany since. We came to visit you. What. Have you managed to achieve. Maybe. You have some interesting news from, Thailand. We've. Heard a lot about it, and we want to learn about it from you personally. Rumors. Are spreading yes. Things. Keep going we. Are now completing, the certification. Of the, b6. Blas car which. Was used for testing, we. Did all the shooting people. Will be able to see as I understand. Has only been partially shown since the certification. Is being completed we, hope that this certification. Will have been completed, by, the end of the month and we are ready to enter the European, markets, with this car. Similarly. The, K cross, had. A good motorcycle. You. Have very good impressions. From its, being currently certified, yes. The, same for me well. It seems to me that any person, riding this motorcycle will. Have a satisfied, pace no less I like riding it most of all especially, on the Chinese roads it's, just, great no, traffic jam is a problem, and this dynamics. Is of course impressive. These, movement, is certainly, inspiring, because, these. Vehicle, is being prepared, for the European, markets, of course though. Not, only but. When there is a European, certificate. The roads are open to other countries, too here. At the same time right, after your departure. We. Started, testing. Lightweight. Drugs. So. Far. They. Use. Da. 100. Assam motors, ie. 7, kilowatt, this. Is an extended version yes. And the, da 112. Model, will, also, be available eat. All depends, on the consumer, so, far in China the orders are for the vehicles with the speed of up to 45. Km/h. And. It's clear that 1.5. Ton trucks. Require.

Bigger, Capacities. For speeds, that. Are much, higher than that but, I think our viewers will be very interested, to know why. China limits the speed to 45 kilometers. I mean. Is, it due to the traffic, itself, the average speed in the city or it is what private enterprises, have, this. Is purely political and, economic, restriction, because the speed of 45 kilometers, per hour does not require any, special certificates. In, other words this, is a vehicle that is allowed for a straight, traffic, it. Is much more profit, for companies, for, branches, of industry, because. It doesn't incur large. Certification. Expenses, these, are the speeds that allow, save, speeds I mean and. So, if. You look at the entire market, in China. Mainly. Scooters, motorcycles. Small. Cars then, this is a speed of up to 45, kilometers. Per hour this. Is the main thing I mean it's an economic, factor, that. Allows you to produce usable, vehicles. With. Minimal, costs. And. Basically. If you had been there and looked. At how this three-wheeled. Vehicles, go. These. Are the companies that are engaged in service. Maintenance. Cleaning. Beautification. Landscaping. In. Other words these whole service, niche uses. This vehicles, that, goes with the speed of up to 45, kilometers. Per hour but for now all these vehicles specifically, powered by an internal combustion, engine IC, e or are they also powered by electricity no they're mostly electric, if you notice, that in China there, are these old smoke, houses with, internal, combustion engines big, tractors, they. Still work on ICS, but. Most vehicles, are powered by electricity. But. The fact that we are looking at Ornish, now what, makes our motors different, is a big retort its, consumption, this is understandable, but the fact is that a bigger, talk allows you to apply these vehicles, in mountainous. Areas even, if we consider China the development, of China. So all these vehicles. These. Lightweight, ones. Are. Driven in flat. Terrain areas, in. More mountainous, Harris electric. Vehicles disappear, yes, I, see. That this is our nation it, is clear that those niches will be filled too but. When. Companies, realized, that these vehicles can, be promoted, in mountainous, areas and our, tests have also shown, that these motors, are not sensitive. Mountainous, terrain they're, not affected, because the torque is good and. These. Vehicles will. Go in this direction yes. And by the way you can probably think a little about the following, topic, I understand. That China is a dynamically, developing country. And it's, quite possible that the high mountain areas will, also be, populated, in some way over time as far, as I know, classic. Vehicles with an internal combustion engine, also. Start, to break quite badly when the air is rarified, they. Lose power I have seen multiple times when. A powerful tractor tries, to go up a mountain there is a road train and it is talked like in just a little bit of power and some of the vehicles used to push it so that it can keep going what about electric, motors do they need enough oxygen, to work does. This factor affect, their, operation, I don't, think so, oxygen, doesn't seem to go through the wires I haven't, noticed it maybe, some micro particles, I don't, know it's something that physicists, and chemists. Should consider, let, them deal with it, but it makes no difference for, an electric, motor so. Again it turns out to be a promising, niche that you can occupy and, work. We. So the first electric, cars for. Example Kangoo. Which, is still run in Monaco, we're. In another slope, there two fully. Loaded car opted, to Tong's it. Goes up at more than 40 degrees slope I mean. For a sentence, well. People that were afraid of just getting in the car because all you can see is the stars this. Demonstrates. That these vehicles can, be used freely. In such areas and these. Problem, is solved, the, general combustion, engine doesn't work in the areas where the rarefied air for, an electric, motor it makes no difference the, main thing is to make sure the, battery doesn't swell if you take it into space well you can simply press, it with something I mean. All these issues are solvable, but.

The Lack of oxygen, or, the pressure change, doesn't. Affect electric, motors, electric. Vehicles. Well. I will. At the same time answer, the question, about the developments. In, Thailand. Those. Mortars, that were the. First to be tested, on the. Right people ask are. The. First batch of these motors, has. Been shipped to Thailand. To. Be used in electric, cars. Dock, dogs and. Electric. Boats large. Electric, boats so. It's not the boat that was demonstrated, well that one was a low-speed I mean the speed was up to 25, kilometers per, hour but, when. People tried they. Want to go a little faster so, now. The demand for d112. Motor, will. Increase, because. This allows you to drive at a much higher speed. And, the. Increase in power allows. You to transport, more people, because. There are ships. That. Are larger, than boats and. His. Collaboration. With. Energy. Glory allows. You to attract a lot of attention from. Environmental. Enthusiasts. But it's not just for environmental, enthusiasts. Is. The solution to environmental. Pollution problems, that. Have afflicted Asia, because. The relocation of all the industrial, Sandra's and industrial, plants to Asia has. Led to the contamination, of rivers, air, and. Environment. And land. So. Transition, to solar energy. Electric. Motors, boats. Powered. By solar energy and, electric. Motors. Allows. Us to improve. This. Environmental. Situation. We. Must also take into account that the population, density is usually, very high in these countries and diesel. Engines and like being. Everywhere. Have. A detrimental. Effect these. Boats in tourist areas, are. Like, taxis, in Moscow, well. A little as density, there are no traffic jams, there well, you can imagine that these diesel, engines made, such a huge amount of exhaust gases, that. It makes it impossible for, people to live there so, the transition to electricity, and, solar, energy, allows. You to completely, change not, only the environmental. Situation, but, also the quality of life of people, who live there this. Is why the government, is supporting, us and the. Print, media, are paying attention. I'm. In the Prime Minister took part in the demonstration. Of our. First solar boat, project. Which. Encouraged, moving in this direction. Thinking. About. Using bigger. Power vehicles. Therefore. I expect that in the future, we. Will develop even more powerful. Motors, answering. The question, of why we started, with small motors, this, was just the answer small. Low speed vehicles, with. The power of 800. Watt up to, 2.5. Kilowatt.

Are. In high demand in China, that's. Why we started with a V a 90, motor which. Is 3. Kilowatts, so we. Cover this market, and the market as I understand, it is very big at, least judging by what we have seen there this, is true most. Of the transport, is represented. By electric, vehicles such, as mopeds. And the like well, some, lightweight vehicles, yes this is exactly this. Direction. And these mass production. Is real mass production, it's not hundreds, of items its million, of items. If. We just count the numbers, china. Produces millions, of this three-wheeled. And two-wheeled, vehicles, a year. This. Is not comparable, to Europe, or Russia especially. Russia. Since the eruption is a little more active in this direction, therefore. The market, needs, to be taken, into account and, looked, at if we want to enter other markets, we. Need to look at how we will enter, this Asian. Market, so. It turns out that today the. World can drive electric motors, is, underway, yes, this. Is the main direction and and. It's. Important, that we constantly keep in touch and that we are constantly working with Dmitry. Aleksandrovich, yes. Our, decision, is that the main work in the industrial direction. Will. Take place here. I. Don't. See any point in getting involved, more, actively, we. Have demonstrated that. These. Vehicles, work. But. The main developments. Should be, made here, these. Centres should be engaged in doing this Salamis. Should be engaged in development, and distribution. And. Markets, are another matter the way we are going to promote this I mean, we need to use the same base that we have developed in China and we can and we should use it because it ensures enter, in the markets, and we're. Not aiming at a private consumer, we're interested, in companies, I mean the industrial, application so. In fact it turns out it's the principle, of business-to-business, such. A b2b, sector and. We, do not offer the product to the end consumer. Well. Today, there is such a policy, as I understand, or can, it also be changed no. I would not consider this way, just. The final consumer, who the final consumer is well, it's, somebody who's already buying a ready-made car, or boat yes, in that sense well. If we consider this the, end consumer is, the manufacturers. Who, use motors, yes, right I mean well it's for manufacturers, exactly, in, other words what we actually do with the cars is in fact, the following, we, make a prototype, model of a motorcycle. A car and provided, for production, that. Is we. Bring it to the final stage, using. Arm waters, and then. Provided, for production, in other words we do not have a go to. Produce the cars. We. Need to show that companies, can, use our more. So. We are not aimed at private individuals, although, private, individuals, are not excluded, we help them and a lot of people have already attained. When they use our modders and, encounter. Some problems with a controller, or settings. They. Can contact. Even. Me I do not refuse to help although, it takes time but it. Is important, to make sure people, feel all the benefits, all. The, opportunities. Of, this. Machine's but. This is really serious work, because. In these case the consumer really understands, what they use and, what, opportunities, they, have in. Other words even. If we take the final consumer a private. Individual, having these vehicles, although. We say that we. Do not target them exactly but we do not draw them because. Even the final, consumer. Eventually. Buys finished, products, from those manufacturers. Who. Produce these, cars. Motorcycles. Scooters. And, boats. It. Doesn't matter whether it's a rental company or, some other companies, these. Are private consumers, this is a market. In. Fact a market. Consists. Of private, individuals, in fact is true. Let's. Put it this way the. Stage one the cycle, definite. Lands so. When we were starting it, was a direction aimed at attracting people, to show. These. Vehicles, work. There. Were private individuals, who took and tested, them and we tested the vehicles ourselves. But, over. Time it's. About targeting. Companies. And, this. Is the direction to follow and the largest number of companies, or manufacturers. Is, located. In Asia it. Is impossible, to disregard, this fact. Thank. You very much this, is very interesting I think. That if you have any news our, viewers, will. Be able to, find. Out about it there, will be news. Sure. We. Thank, you for today's.

Interview. And wish, you success in your work we wish success to all of us because by, and large we're, pursuing a common girl and the company Savile March is a big and good home for everyone therefore, we will definitely, succeed, thank. You - thank. You for the opportunity, to. Be here for, the opportunity, to communicate. With people for. The opportunity, to go on there because. This is our joint work it. Will help us to move forward, together. It. Is not only. Useful. For an. Individual. Team member, but. Also, for. The whole team, and. For the investor, teams our team. And for. Southern March on the whole. All. The best thank. You very much.


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