Ask the Expert: Custom fitting Microsoft Business Apps for your industry | ATE403

Ask the Expert: Custom fitting Microsoft Business Apps for your industry | ATE403

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Hey guys thanks for joining, us at this am ibm, ask the expert, session. I'll just walk you through a few housekeeping, rules before we get, get going. So first of all just use the chat to ask some questions. Um, questions will appear and we'll approve those. Um, vote for your favorite questions, to to get them moved up to the top, and we'll have all of our experts, answering those questions, um verbally. Um, and and we'll, take it from there. So the session's going to be recorded. So yeah help our moderators, don't spam or post inappropriate. Comments, in the chat, and make sure you adhere to the microsoft, code of conduct. This is the code of conduct. If you break this i've got a special set of skills. So that's all i'm saying. So we're covering a few different industries, here today we've got the automotive, industry, distribution. Retail, industry and public sector. So get your thinking caps on guys. So first and foremost, let's uh meet the experts. First of all like to invite jane jung to introduce, himself. Good morning good afternoon, and good evening to people. My name is james, i've been with ibm about 20 years, my entire career has been focused on customer, relationship, management, platforms. I've spent the last. Six years, building our microsoft, public sector practice. And just recently, in the last year it moved over to run our health and human services, practice. Across, all the public markets. Thanks james, so so i'm martin peele and i lead the microsoft, centre of competence, across emir, at ibm. I've worked in the, d365c. Space since version, 1.2. All of what 17, years ago. Most recently, i've been working in the automotive. Space assisting. Oems, with their, digital, transformations. In my coc, team we create, repeatable, templates, to accelerate. The transformation. Process. So one of which is a, d365. Solution, for automotive, which, i'm responsible. For. If you want to introduce yourself next please. Good morning everyone this is sushant, waraku. I'm an ibm partner, responsible. For our retail, industry. Services, business, across. The u.s, pacific, northwest. Region. I've been with ibm, for over five years now. And have experienced. Uh, really the convergence, of vedic industries. Retail, communications. Technology. Entertainment. Um. And i look forward to discussing, more on how the microsoft.

Platform, Could, could help our clients in the consumer, and retail industry. Be successful. Thank you. Fantastic, thank you sean. Ayman if you'd like to introduce yourself. Hi everybody, good morning morning good afternoon, good evening evening. So, i'm moriarty. I'm an associate. Partner, in ibm, services, based over in the uk. And i am aligned, to the public sector. But similar to james i'm also on the extended leadership, team for our healthcare life sciences, uh division within wooden public sector. I am a, delivery, focused, individual, so i'm principally, involved. In. Delivering large-scale, transformative. Programs. Uh, primarily. Using. Uh the microsoft, suite, of, azure, products, so everything. From, i as up the stack, across through the data analytics, thesis, i'm looking forward to seeing some, questions come in very shortly, thank you very much. Thanks for that amen, uh tebow would you like to introduce yourself. Good morning, good afternoon, from friends. And, so i'm associate, partner, serving, the distribution, and cpg, sector. Since more than 13 years now. I'm. As well the microsoft, practice lead in france. I'm, having, a, focus, on. On the food food industry. I'm considering, background, for international. Clients, i'm doing, transformation. Projects, modernizing. The client landscape. On the cloud and supporting, the move. From a traditional. B2b, business, to. A new d2c, model. Um as well having a good exposure, with uh with oms, order management. Systems. Thank you. Fantastic. Thanks tebow, and we've got last but by no means least we've got a louis gallardo, trying to introduce, yourself louie. You're on you're on mute i think, i look at. It. There we go. Appreciate, that a little bit of technical, challenges, on my end and uh but uh. Last but not least as martin said so thanks, i'm. Ecstatic, to be here today. Uh. My name is louis gallardo, i'm the microsoft, consulting, services, leader globally, for ibm. And, i've been in consulting, about 25, years. In a variety of roles. And. In particular, focused on financial, transformation. Supply, chain, and, sales and operations. Planning. My industry, background, goes broad because of my finance, background. So it cuts across. Consumer, industries. Retail. Government. Manufacturing. Across the board media and entertainment, going on and on but, uh. I'm happy to be here today with this group of, panelists, and industry, experts, and and look forward to. Having a lively dialogue, and and get tons of questions, here and and hopefully help you out with your, microsoft, investment. Nice one thanks louie. So let's let's get right into it and i think we'll we'll start with um with james young first of all um. So james. What are the top industry, trends from your perspective. In in public, sector. Well i mean i i think there's quite a few. Uh, if i start with the the one that's the biggest right now it's obviously. Uh. Anything, that's dealing with return to work and vaccinations. Um, obviously around the pandemic, that is really. Upended, the entire, industry. This year. Changing, the way we go to market, changing how deals are worked. And. Specifically. Within the united states each state and county has their own initiative. Since we don't have a federally mandated, one which means that there is just. A lot of diversity, in terms of how people are responding, to it, so we're seeing. Everything, from using. Dynamics. And other crm, tools, to do contact, tracing. To seeing power, apps used, for return to work. And return to school. So there's a lot there, i think in terms of how people, are. Using technology, to streamline, processes. The biggest, challenge, with that is, just that. Our understanding, of what's being done and how we're responding, to it are changing daily, if we step back from the immediate. Um. Issues and challenges, that our clients are facing.

And Look at a longer term i think there's still a big move. On going from. Monolithic. Systems, to modular, systems. So if we look at the, the primary. Health and human services. Applications. Uh, eligibility. Snap, tanf, substance, abuse. Child welfare. Traditionally. States, have spent. 50 to 200 million dollars. To implement, these giant, monolithic, systems that they're locked into. For a decade, plus to reap their return on investment. The federal government. Co-funds, those systems, and sets a set of guidelines, and practices. That must be followed and one of those that they've put into the new guidelines. Is that those systems have to be modular. Tools like dynamics, 365. And powerapps, make that very, simple because you can build, an individual, module. Use. Azure enterprise service bus and logic apps to connect it into the legacy, system. And. Modernize, them module by module. Giving a lot of, time for, the ability to see what's working what's not working, and then if a module decides. You need to move it to a different platform. It's modular, you can say okay i just want intake moved over i just want investigation. Moved over, i just want uh. Fraud and abuse moved over you can do that whereas with the monolithic, systems, they weren't able to do that they were locked in. I'd say those are the, that gives you both a short term, what are we seeing right now with the emergency, procurement. And a long term what we see with uh health and human services, as a whole. Nice one, yeah thanks a lot james fascinating, stuff, so i think, let's let's switch it up now and let's let's go from public sector, to to retail. So shashank. I think um there's a similar, question really what what are the top industry, trends. From your perspective, that you've seen in the retail, industry. Thank you martin. Uh, the retail economy, has. Has definitely, bounced back more strongly, than, than most including myself, expected. Although the momentum, appears to be, tapering off a little bit in august. Uh we we do expect, you know discretionary. Spending to be a little reduced, through 2021. Given the pandemic. But one thing is very clear the impact of the pandemic. Is, is here to say it has, it has led to change in behavior. Across. Consumers. And across, enterprises. Which is not a temporary. Change. You know we have seen sales still being bifurcated, between essential, and non-essential. Retailers, of course. Essentially, led by, e-commerce, a huge surge in e-commerce. Um. Where where foot traffic in the stores continues to be slow in the wake of, the pandemic, which is still, we're still not out of the woods yet. Um. We, as as as james mentioned. The way we work. And how we collaborate, with everybody. Is completely, changing, it is no longer okay to just focus, on. Uh digital, transformation. Uh with our customers. Enterprises, have to reinvent. How they operate their business functions, inside out. Using digital technologies. And experiential, technologies, and that's where. Uh the microsoft, tech stack with its uh with its resiliency. And with its ability, to accelerate, that transformation, comes into play, so very important that's a very important point that james made which is enterprises. Have to completely, reinvent, and very quickly reinvent. How they do business, how their employees work. At the with each other. Um. The, the customers. Uh the customer the consumer attitudes, have shifted, rapidly, right. There's increased, focus on personal and family safety. On health. Wellness, and well-being, and and people are really. Decluttering. If you may rebalancing, their wants and needs. What that has led to is uh, digital-led. Customer, engagement, has become the new norm.

Um. As splendid is split, as spending is splintered, across more stores as you buy online. You know to win the customers, share a wallet you have to make sure that your product or services. Is completely, differentiated. Or essential. Uh, your experience, needs to be delightful. For the customer. And the 2020, digital shopping season, is going to be a true. Digital, first, shopping season in november and december, we are expecting, growth by about 35. In those months, on online shopping but it will be primarily. A digital, shopping season. Finally. You know fulfillment, is going to be extremely, important. Uh, for for retail, uh whoever gets your product faster to your door, wins, wins your uh takes your money. And. And we will continue to see what i call as corporate darwinism, in the industry where. Uh. Does, the wise who are not only, not only, optimizing, their costs. But also investing, in their growth, will continue to prosper. But the week will get acquired. Or eliminated. That's kind of the overall trends. Uh that we're seeing in the marketplace, again, velocity. Uh flexibility. And resiliency. Are are the key things for any enterprise. In the industry today. And uh you know i believe we'll talk about that the microsoft tech stack is well positioned to really, help them across those dimensions. Great it's a shot and uh definitely interesting, insights, there. And uh i do want to hear a little bit more from thiebold on the technology, side but we did get a question, from. Uh the q a, and and maybe james i can toss it over to you to start, it says does ibm, have a packaged, offering, on the return to work piece, that is by industry. And if yes has it gone live anywhere. So we do have, a mobile, app, that has been set up it's called ibm, community, health. That supports, return to work and return to school. The only place that's live so far is sonoma, county and we're taking it live. For fort bend texas, schools. The app is really, a health check. Type of feature. So, you log in the morning you list if you have symptoms. It can record, whether you've been tested, and what your results, are so that that information, can be shared up, it's got a few other features, in there. But to be honest, the. Characteristics. The things that are gonna need to be tracked. Um are evolving. Uh and i think that's one of the reasons that our mobile app has done really well with that, is that it's enabled, us to quickly roll out new questions and new information, that needs to be collected. Around the symptoms. Diagnosis. Codes. And, you know just preventative, measures, around who you've had contact, with. We're not currently, tracking. Or, syncing, with the other people you're around that's manual. But i think we'll see. That. The expectations. Of the information, that gets shared, is going to evolve, as the virus evolves, right now people are still very sensitive, about. Collecting. Automatically. Who you're around in your office. Or school. And we'll continue to monitor that for, public opinion. Excellent. Hopefully. That uh answered the question but maybe thiebolt, we can uh. Spin to you in in france, either, uh anything around return to work and and uh. If not maybe, you can just kind of expand on sushant's, comments, uh relative, to microsoft. And, in the european. Region yeah, yeah yeah, i will elaborate, on what uh, sushant, said. Um sushant, mentioned, something which is very important, it's the the increase of the e-commerce. Definitely, retailers. And distribution, clients. Needs to be omni-channel. They need to be a new channel, but they need to be consistent.

Across The channels. So not only. With e-commerce, but, also with the call center. Marketplace, physical, stores. It's very important, what the clients, are expected, it's it's to have, to be consistent. Across the channels. And this is really where, microsoft, can help, the clients, with the dynamics, 365. Associated. With a. Power platform, or power bi. Dynamics, 365. This kind of umbrella. Offering the flexibility. To choose, a specific, application. To cover all operations. So traditionally. Finance, supply. Marketing. Share. As well as other applications. Like commerce, sales, and this is where it's it's, it's interesting. This is, this is specific, application. But. Ensuring, the integrity. The data integrity, the data consistency. Across the different, modules what we can call modules. So you are having. Specific, application. So. Affiliate. Which are fiddling with the client requirements. Um. But. Within, a, same, and a global, platform. And this is i think, where microsoft, is very interesting, it's to create. Business platform. Not only. An application. But creating, a global, platform. End-to-end, platform for sure. From the, the users. Doing the operations. To the finance customers. And. The differentiators. Microsoft, is adding, um, but there is a, lot of, but we can we can highlight. Um. All the things which are related, to the productivity. Um the intelligent, workflows. The, artificial, intelligence, for for sure, um, helping, the the users to reduce the workload. And to focus, on what you should mention it's the the user experience. Um to focus on on, where the value is and the value is not to perform, operations. The value. Is the is, the is the brand. Is the the value we are bringing to the to the users. So dynamics, 365. On the cloud. Is really. An enabler. For the omnichannel. Strategy, for our distribution, and retailers. Excellent. Appreciate, that insight. I don't see any more questions so maybe uh. But iman, do you want to, elaborate, on anything. Uh, from a public sector standpoint, in in the european region. Yeah absolutely, i mean obviously, certainly from a uk perspective. We have. In this new normal been effectively, on on a degree of lockdown, over the last six months so the level of, working from home has obviously gone through the roof and that was. Seen across the public sector where previously, it wasn't envisaged, that. Many of those personnel could work from home. So what we're seeing in this is, a increase. In the number, of. Should we say shadow i.t, implementations, or homespun, applications, that are suddenly. Suddenly. Appearing. And now six months into this there's a realization. That some of these, some of these applications, are now supporting. Critical services. Because they've been spun up from people being at home, and where we're seeing the appetite, go is is is is into the sort of power up space, to, move away from the homespun, once column like access, or, or an excel macro. Into something that can be more cloud native that can be more secure, because obviously security from the public sector. Is is absolutely, crucial. And we're seeing that drift, towards that, you know along with the other transformative, elements about being, you know more flexible, more scalable. In, in light of covert responses. Definitely, good stuff. Um. You know i think maybe just to. Pivot a little bit here maybe some more, questions. Um. You know. James, maybe back to you, i know you talked about. Some microsoft. Solutions. But. Can you elaborate, on some, on the key microsoft, solutions, you see, clients investing, in in your industry, and, and how they may be leveraging, them and, even further how is ibm helping them with that. So the two that are, coming to mind most, is, azure. Infrastructure. As a service, has become. Uh one of the biggest. Um. Just moving, a lot of workload, into azure. Uh, and then because of that we're able to leverage, azure, services. For a lot of the integration, work. So we have a platform. Uh called connect360. That is. In essence, a data fabric. Pre-configured. Uh to connect, into. All of the major, health and human service, systems. Within state and local government. We've stood that up on azure, for orange county california. Which is larger, than. Most states. I think their population, is around. 8 or 10 million. Within that county alone. So by leveraging, azure, to do that we're then being able to say okay now we can use powerapps. To do other services. And just expand, from there because of the way it's all integrated. The other, uh that i've seen most recently, is teams. Has not traditionally, been an area that we have focused, in, um, but because, people are working, uh, virtually. You know more and more, uh, the social collaboration. And how to work. Uh remotely, and still collaborate, has become very important. Uh so for instance right now in rhode island we're helping with their, um. Contact, racing and investigation. Process. And they're using teams so we're defining, the business, processes, by which people will collaborate.

Using Teams. Those have been the two biggest. Uh my expectation. Is that we'll see power apps really start to grow. More and more in state and local government. And that's, probably. Going to go towards. I hate to use the term micro services. But, very pinpoint, solutions. Where you just need something very simple, and you don't want to pay for an entire, platform. And i think powerapps, is going to provide that uh ins, you know just hand over hand. For state and local government. Yeah i definitely agree we're seeing an explosion, of power apps out there and i think. It's definitely, across the board in all industries. Uh, with that, we are getting another, uh q a, uh. Question, and maybe this will be good time for you martin. They're asking how are auto companies, leveraging, microsoft, business apps. Yeah thanks louie so i mean i'd say over the last over the last two to three years we've seen, quite a significant. Uptake. In the automotive. Space. And this is this has really come around a few main areas. You know i mean the technology, that's been, the demand has been around has been dynamics, 365. Ce. But the the real true areas, of that have been around, you know connected. Sales and marketing, journeys. Um, and also customer, service. The interesting, piece around those which you know. You know implementing, customer service or automating. Customer, journeys isn't, doesn't sound crazy but, when you factor in the scale the automotive, companies, have been, getting these solutions, in play. It becomes quite a significant. Change, so, so if you look at a couple of our main clients who have, not just implemented. These tools. You know in you know in a single country but, have rolled out across. Across the european, landscape. So we've seen we've seen that significantly, rising, and i think, more recently. We're also seeing a lot more demand. Um specifically, around powerapps. And, in covid, times as well, we've seen a bit of a surge in demand, around modernizing. The the commerce, front end. Which i think, was driven by that initial closure, of dealerships.

Under, Under lockdown. Great. Hopefully, that. Answered the question, and. Kind of pivoting, back. Uh. Guinness is shot maybe the same question, that, we had for james, to you. Uh i i know you're. Uh, been seeing quite an uptick of of, microsoft. Technology, interest maybe you can talk a little bit about. Uh some of the things that you're seeing and hearing and, and, what clients are are investing, in your space. Thank you. Uh. Well as i said you know. The challenge right now is to make sure that. As customers, are. Are interacting, and engaging, more digitally. Uh, you are able to offer the right products and services, to that customer, at that point in time. And, fulfill, it in time as well. And which requires. That. Your physical, and digital, experiences. Both in the store, as well as online, are seamless. In fact the entire customer. Experience, across the lifecycle, is seamless, now, in order to do that your underlying, platform, and technology, your applications, your infrastructure. Has to really connect, in a seamless manner too. What the microsoft. Tech stack does well is by. By design. The the architecture, is more coherent, it's more clear it's more open and connected. Across, the business applications. And the underlying, infrastructure, and platforms, that the show provides. Which is which is which is which is an awesome thing to have for our customers, because. It just. You know it just accelerates. Their, ability. To digitally, reinvent. Their solutions, or their products or their services, for their end customers, because, they do not worry, have to worry about. The integration, endpoints, and then, and of course you got to do this across the cloud and across the edge. And that's another area where i think microsoft, has really focused on building its power. Power apps, and building its underlying infrastructure, in a way that it all, seamlessly, connects together and i'm seeing that, that, sentiment, in our customers, where they're using the productivity, applications. They're using azure, as the as the base platform, in the cloud, and they they feel that, that's driving, that, that velocity, for them that they need in their business, i hope that helps. Okay. Uh. Maybe pivoting, back to um. You know our european, colleagues, and in terms of. You know ibm's, approach, and and, industry, specific, areas. Uh, maybe iman, you can start. Give us a sense of you know, ibm's, approach to microsoft, solution, strategy, implementation. And implementation. And adoption, to drive real business. Yeah transformation course thank you thank you louis i mean from from my perspective, and, in central government, i'll, start with. I've. Never seen greater levels of collaboration, between our organizations. And in terms of. Jointly, coming up with. Propositions. That meet our citizens needs. And in, trying, to understand, the differentiators. And that, involves. Principally, you know, microsoft, bringing their extensive experience, from the the azure platforms, the capabilities. Of that, adding on the enhanced, data and analytics, capabilities. That are now you know coming through you know with recent, you know re-release, of azure synapse. If you, combine, that, with the, the systems integration, experience the change management experience and that talent transformation. Experience, that ibm can bring to it it's a very compelling, package. And what we've realized in our collaborations. Is that. It's not one party going to the other asking for help it's both parties effectively, co-creating. Solutions. And that's that that has become a compelling proposition, and it's and it's gaining significant, attractions with our without with our central governments and our healthcare life science. Clients. Got it got it no. Variance. Interesting. Uh zebel, what about from you from uh yeah, my consumer industry standpoint. I definitely. Agree with with what you said iman. And this is what we said with our client. As well in in france. We are, no more just implementing. Or delivering. Services. We are, co-designing. We are co-creating. We are. Co-operating. The things. We are. Yeah and this is really where the the the changes. Uh, compared, to, uh. To last year's. Uh, we we are not just implementing, we are building together, we are building business, platforms. And not only. Application. And again. I have an example, from a very recent one from distribution. To distribution, to to liberate, on, what james. Young. Said, around. Asia um, so, this is for leader in the in the pet food, um, they they are distributed.

In In some, physical, stores which were closed during the pandemi. So they they needed to um. To change their mind in a very uh. Short term. In less than two weeks. We managed to open, a web shop, through asia. Available, for the final customers. And this is really where we can see the yeah, the interest, of of. Of the, of the azure. Uh. Possibilities. And, and, the the connection. And, uh with the the other. Components. Um so just a a, simple example. To uh, yeah to highlight. The power and the fact that the clients are really. Uh moving and moving. To to asia. Great, great. Yeah real quick uh, martin i'm gonna. Uh switch to you here we did get another, question. Uh have you seen business apps replacing, or enhancing, traditional, lean six sigma tools and tests. And you can talk about that more broadly, from from your perspective. Sorry was that one for me lily. Yeah i think if you could take that one more broadly that'd be good. Yeah so from from from a six sigma perspective. I mean. I don't know if we've seen business apps replacing. Or. Enhancing, that but the, the real the real, area that i'd sort of take that to. Is, is really around the ibm, garage, method, and and we're seeing a lot more uptake. Um, internally. And we're you know we're taking this to market. From from a microsoft, perspective, as well, i think we're seeing customers, of all sizes, benefiting, from from this methodology. You know combining, things like enterprise, design, thinking. Agile, devops, and, and digital, change to to deliver that. Impact, at scale. And of course, from from this perspective. We've been successfully, delivering this remotely, since since lockdown. Um i mean coming coming back to that we've commissioned, a report, through forrester, thank you found that the the methodology. Itself reduced. Design, time by 75. Dev time by 33. And it was you know twice as fast to market. So and a good thing from a microsoft, perspective, is our accelerators. Drop right into this garage, process, providing this, like a tool kit and a foundation. To really speed things up even more. Yeah great, excellent, insight. And thank you for the question out there, hopefully that helped. In general for those that did ask questions, uh feel free to, drop a line in there or visit our. Ibm, partner, page. Uh we'd love to connect with you and answer more questions, and and even get a follow-up meeting. If we can. So with that though i think we're, um. If we've got a little bit more time here or or. How we uh. Uh, continue. On. So louie while we're waiting for some other questions to come in why don't we turn around and ask you a question from a global perspective.

What Are you seeing. Globally. That kind of connects, microsoft, technology, across the different geos. What would you say, has been the number one thing you're seeing. Yeah you know i think, when i look at. Right now, clients. Biggest, focus, uh. You know it is clearly. A couple things, uh one is is this movement to cloud, and i think just in general, that is. That is transcending. Everything, industry. Region. Um. Geography. Uh, and, and i think that we're going to continue, to see that. As clients, move into, you know this chapter, 2 phase that we talk about at ibm. And. Really start to see companies, move their, heavier, thicker. More complex, applications. To the cloud. And, that's going to come in a variety of ways and looking at that from a microsoft, technology, standpoint, that can be, you know custom applications, to azure, that could be, you know uh. Upgrading, to to d365. That could be, you know. Shifting workloads. To some, completely, different solutions, and using powerapps. Uh as a way to to to make that move so. I think that. That is. By far the biggest. Tidal wave of a change, that that i see. Um. You know across the globe and and uh, you know i think, we as ibm, as well as our our partnership, with microsoft. Earn. Are, are in the best position, of anybody, to help at that intersection, of, of technology. And industry. And be able to, you know capitalize, on those investments, and and, bring out the most. Return on them, uh so that it's really based on business benefit, and and not just. A fad or or, following, the way that everybody else is on. But but truly doing it in a correct way. To maximize, business benefit. And i think just to add to that louie from it from it from again a uk public sector perspective, we are. Increasingly. Seeing. Large government departments. Insisting. On a cloud-first. Approach, rather than a traditional, dc, approach. And that's not just limited to enabling, applications, or back-office, applications, we are we're talking about elements of. Critical national infrastructure. Or business critical workloads. Being moved to the public cloud and managed effectively, in the public cloud, at scale. So it's i mean it's incredibly exciting times certainly for the european context, in in the public sector, and the partnership we have with azure. And with microsoft, in general. Yeah i think that's definitely a best practice, you know, those companies that are. Innovating. And. Rethinking. Uh. How they operate, how they do business how they interact with their clients.

Uh, Clearly. Are are the you know, leaders, in their space. And stand out. Not to say that there there isn't a lot of hard work and there isn't a lot of things to do relative to the overall. You know uh move to cloud but but that, you know those that are standing out are truly innovating, using this as an innovative. Uh, you know point in time. So with that. A little bit. Go ahead. I think i think time's, up i've been told louis i think we could we could probably go on, for a little bit longer but um. Yeah i think our slots, our slots, over. All right well i wasn't, quite sure if they would just cut us off or you know as. Since. We can continue, to talk so i i will just say, uh you know on behalf of, ibm. Uh thank you for taking the time to, submit your questions, and listen to us here. And uh, you know, hopefully. Listen to the recording, as as this moves forward. Uh, and and continues, on at ignite and, and thank you to our panelists. Really appreciate, it and and for those of you that may have follow up questions with them, uh, feel free to reach out obviously linkedin, or as i mentioned our ibm. Partner page has has some contact, information, to be able to connect with us. Thank you very appropriate, timing there so uh, you know there is definitely some, call to action and and please. Uh connect with us we'd love nothing more to, to talk further with you and and specifically, we're hitting, business application, today where we have a, uh, value, assessment, that we. Utilize, and and, uh, offer. So uh please connect with us and we'd love to talk more. Thank you everyone. Have a good day. Thank. You. Thank you.

2020-10-04 20:21

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