Ikal Experience Highlight Yucatan peninsula Mexico 2021

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You know how in life, you know... all of us are actually kids of many different ages of many many different nations of many, many, many different concepts and different ideas of what we are, what we are supposed to do on this planet and what clothes we wear and what costumes we wear to present to the world how important or talented or beautiful all of us are, right? But underneath there, there is a kid. And what the kid wants? The kid just wants to play The kid doesn’t want to go to school and get to be educated in some sort of nonsense, right? The kid wants to play! And I feel that if we have this idea, not a concept but the feeling the acknowledgement, the remembrance of it... that all of us just always wanted to play and that all of us had to go through the educational system it doesn’t matter what school it doesn’t matter what country, it doesn’t matter what languages, or what structures, infrastructures we had to go through as growing humans Underneath, that kid always just wanted to play, right? That's why this beautiful little friend travels with me...HanuZorba

He is the reminder that all of us have this playfulness inside and yet through the periods of our life we are growing up and we think that we know something We think that we can contribute to the world, we think that we will change the world We think that we are so important and so knowledgeable or so deep or spiritual All kinds, all kinds of things, which are beautiful things, right? but underneath sometimes there... for an individual to know when he sleeps in bed or stays alone for some time he knows: yihhh...there is something itching here! yihhh...there is something painful here yihhh...there are lots of jukes (cockroaches) are around... wandering around and talking and talking, talking and so much talking there, right? And again, we come back again to the kid. What the kid wants? To plaaaaay! And what the grown-up kid wants? To play! But also contribute, contribute, contribute...and also to take care, also to care

also to help, also to nourish, and yet, what the kid wants to do still and most and first of all, what the kid wants? Tooooo plaaaaay! So....in this new kind of incredible f***king phenomenal time that all of us were waiting for, what to cry about? There are many concepts on the Internet we see in the news sometimes we hear about even though probably most of us do not watch that, right? What do we do? We keep on playing It's also sometimes important to go through the self, deep portal so we can rejuvenate, so we can see ourselves so we can see the shadows that we are carrying that we live through many lifetimes, maybe, do we remember? Some of us may be, some of us maybe not Some of this information we got from the books, from the things, from the ceremonies There is a sense of remembrance, there is the sense of knowing And what the kid wants to do? To play! How the kid gets to be playful? Well...he needs to remember WHAT In his mad world (when the kid stays alone) WHAT the kid does? He plays! Does he care about what mama and papa say? No. The kids just has the toys to play with, right? And in that madness, in that incredible beautiful fantasy world, the kid plays So, all of us adults, we can complain but we also need to be aware of what is going on around us If we want to change the world, what do we do? We go to mama and papa The first thing, we go to see is mama, papa because we can see those qualities that... we are immortal beings and yet we are in the body And yet, we have the bloodline, and yet we have to deal with all our ancestors Sometimes we don’t understand, who comes through us: Oh! Grandpapa, thank you very much for visiting! Oh! Grandmama, thank you very much, you gave that quality to me! Wow! Thank you very much that you gave me that quality Actually, because it brought me right here! And why? And why!? What is this for? When something is painful, it means that something needs to be looked at, right? We speak of Mother Earth so often and we say we need to nourish the Mother Earth Can we nourish ourselves? Can we see the signs when something is wrong with the body? Not always... What do we do when we see? We slow down...

But the kid wants to do what? To play! When something hurts, what the kid does? Aaaaaaaaa!!! Right?! What the adult does? The adult gets serious! That’s the difference! So...dear little kids of many ages,...Yeaaahh!!! Let’s just keep playing, let’s just keep offering! Let’s be unafraid of our limitations and yet our greatness! Let us be in our center, so we can share that with the world Because what the world is out there? It is us! It is not separate! It's never separate! That ocean behind us, is it separate? It is not separate! We have seen it through countless experiences: it is not separate! What the adult should do? Take care of that kid! Take care of that kid! Take care of that kid! Take care of that kid! So the kid can play purely, authentically, honestly... Fun!!! Having fun...Having fun...also…! Be generous! Be generous! Come On! All together! Giving thanks, I&I, to the beauty of all! To the people, the people, my brothers and sisters! Giving thanks and praise to the love that surrounds us! To the music of...Harmonia!!! To the beauty of life! To the beauty of Mother! To the beauty of the ocean...Yemanjá!

We are together! To the beauty of Oshun! Sweet water, we bless you! To the beauty of my sweet, soul family... I have missed you all! Thank you for being, all! In this beauty all... of the voices of angels...

Well! There is something else to the story. This is not over! Because the kid plays, right? And then the kid plays with somebody else And then it grows up and what the kid forgets on the way? He celebrates life, right? He does all kinds of beautiful things, or she And then, all of the sudden, the kid gets to remember that there is something else that exists in the world This world is also a nature world. It is not just a background setting for a kid to play Maybe the kid doesn’t know exactly what it is yet what is "that thing" under his feet, or her feet Many are saying what it is... ...for a kid to really know...he needs or she needs to really meet "this thing” And hopefully, "this thing" would be kind to the kid Because maybe for a kid, also, it is essential to be kind to it! Somebody would call it Mother Earth, somebody would call it Mother Nature Somebody would call it a Grandmother, somebody would call it many, many different names In every language, there is a name...

And what if a kid just sits... and listens... what she says... What if a kid will just open up to hear what "IT" says?!...

Let’s hope that she will say kind things... Love is space... Space is..... LOVE Oh!... It's gone somewhere... It goes everywhere...

Here and Now...


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