Artificial Intelligence and Women

Artificial Intelligence and Women

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wealth footprint volume one this is an incredible book now this book is written by 13 experts who share their knowledge their experiences their expertise and their stories in order to help you move from where you are to where you want to be it is about looking at what we have and where we are hi this is clarity coach lucy and this is tuesday talks at three welcome a big welcome to our episode we celebrate the women authors who have decided to impact their environments both internally and externally well today we spotlight joan messier my co-author in wealth footprints volume one her book is called the future in technology through a woman's eyes and and she quotes chitra bhaskar little girls with dreams become women with vision how powerful is that well she is here in person to share her life lessons and to leave us with three simple tips on how we can look at where we are what we have and make amazing growth choices joan is passionate about technology and we have the question today where have you interacted with artificial intelligence please share your thoughts and contributions here on the live chat and we will sample them i am just going to check on our live chat to see that indeed we are live so that we could be able to take on this question as opposed which is where have you interacted with artificial intelligence please share with us and yes indeed we are live we are live fantastic and we already have our first viewer there and our second and our third and keep on coming in nancy great to see you as you can see the question today is where have you interacted with artificial intelligence please engage us here on the live chat we want to hear from you well welcome joan i would like to bring her up on to the screen now joan is here with us and she is my fellow co-author in wealth footprints volume one nice to see you there joan hi how are you i am very well you've been on tuesday talks at 3b4 and this is your second appearance thank you so much for accepting our invite thank you very much glad to be here oh most welcome well your book is about robotics and artificial intelligence but please before we go into into that area of discussion tell us a little bit about yourself thank you thank you so much lucy hi everyone good morning good afternoon good evening from wherever you're joining us from i'm so glad to be here and to share my knowledge uh first as lucy has just introduced me my name is joanne besia i'm the founder and ceo and an author of te of tech mindset africa but i am a mother first and that is something that i tell everyone even at this particular meeting and talk if my children need me i would log off immediately that's the passion i have about my children and that is that basically informs what i do so one of the things that i do is run an organization called tech mindset africa where we educate africa in basic artificial intelligence so what do i mean by basic artificial intelligence so artificial intelligence is going to revolutionize africa as we are going to discuss throughout this particular session but what we basically do is the question is how do we impact the customer care how is the doctor in hospital going to you know be affected and what should they do about it how is the author going to react how is that you know housewife going to know about artificial intelligence how is it going to be important you know to their children to other generations and that is where we come in we educate you at the basic level what it is where you can find it what are the opportunities and what you need to do about it the future is here and tech mindset is here to take you through this particular platform and what i value as johann besia is creating a platform that would change lives because i lived and that is why i championed technology as a platform for africa's voice to be heard over to university wow thank you for that introduction i love that you introduced and opened up with you are a mother and i really would love to see later on during our discussion how we can impact the next generation when it comes to technology today for their future i hear that you value being a platform where lives change because you live and this is a powerful statement so my next question would be then why did you write this book that is called the future in technology through a woman's eyes a very interesting title for a book why did you write it so listen this is quite interesting because um based on the time that i was writing that book i was at a point of change it was a point where you know joanne you go forward or you stay down forever so it was that private point where i needed to change or stay down so i would tell you three things uh three reasons why i wrote the book so the first was to validate my quest for change if i was going to change i was going to do something big and one of the things that i had to do is to put down my thoughts on what i was reading what i was doing and the second point was the reason i did was how do i raise the voice or rather how do i put my voice to those who would not be able to reach me how do i how do i introduce my voice out there on what we're going to do or what we're doing so i thought one of the ways to reach africa or rather the people who will be listening to me is through a book and thirdly and lastly was to find a way to educate africa in what i had learned through that period of change so three key things is one obviously i needed to validate myself and change but secondly i needed to give my voice to and you know a tangible uh item that would reach the world without me necessarily being present and then thirdly obviously is to educate africa in artificial intelligence something that i'm really passionate and personally going to explain throughout this session wow wow it just it sobers me up because you've just hit on a point that i always share when i'm going through my coaching sessions and it's a framework that i have it is called the creator framework and the creator framework i came up with it especially during the time of the pandemic because simply and purely we had all been hit by the same thing at the same time and therefore now we could not say oh this happened to you because you're in that situation and this happened to somebody else because they were in that situation we were all hit at the same time we were struck at the same time by the pandemic and for me when i wrote this framework i was looking at myself and the way you're saying you need to validate that change i looked at myself joan and i discovered there were three ways one of three ways that i could respond to this pandemic i could either stick my head in the sand and i call this the freeze state stick my head in the sand and hope hope and hope that when i lift my head out everything would have reverted back to what it was before well that was very foolhardy the next one was victim i could blame everybody and everything around me and be comfortable in that victim mode so that i didn't have the responsibility of of moving forward that was the second one again very full hearty and that is how the creator mode came up where you are stepping up you are seeing the situation you're taking the opportunity from this challenge from this down moment and you're choosing to fall forward you've got no clue what you're going to meet ahead there but your mindset that you have just shifted and you've acknowledged change by falling forward and being a creator and this is what you did you were validating your quest for change but first you wanted to change you felt there was a need for change and so they're there we are in sync totally joan amazing and thank you thank you for sharing that the other one was about your voice and um again in one of my trainings not my coaching in one of my trainings i talk about the choice of voice and choice of voice does not necessarily allude to how loud or how soft or what kind of tone or intonation or pitch you're using but the choice that you use the medium how are you moving forward in this case you're talking about your book to become your voice i'm loving this it's as if you've taken one of my courses but i know this particular one you did not take but again it validates me and and what i am sharing by way of my knowledge and that brings me to educate africa you speak of educating africa the reason for writing your book and this is powerful if we could all take that one thing that we know about beyond any reasonable doubt that is our passion and we choose to educate this world would be a better place africa for africans would definitely be the go-to hashtag that we would all be subscribing to thank you so much for writing your book and and thank you so much for being part of us as we all as we all wrote this book together but then what values do you touch on in your book john so now thank you lucy first of all i'd like to commend you because you see the kind of experiences that you're talking about then i'm talking about you know you want to stick your head in the sand you want to you know you you're having the victim mentality you want to blame everyone and everything it's the same space that most of us get into and i'm glad that sometimes as women and i'm sorry i have to be as uh selfish as possible we we we are speaking on behalf we are standing in the cup of many women going through the same you know process and and the fact that we have a platform you have created a platform to voice this you know you know these concerns what people are doing about it is really commendable and thank you leslie for that so allow me to get now to the question that you asked me about the values that i bring out in the book uh first if you read my book you'll understand that the whole journey of this book was about curiosity so how i started tech mindset africa i started by being curious i wanted to know you know i'm an avid reader i'm an avid reader and i read a lot of books but mostly i'm scared for some reason i was cured towards technology and that's where i found my passion so when i was reading a book by alex ross technologists in the of the future i came across artificial intelligence now please understand i did not move forward from that when i when when i got to that fish i tell it i got stuck like i said wow i read over and over and there's that thing that comes from you know from from your gut that you need to to learn this you need to know this and basically that's how my curiosity now got the better of me and secondly you know another value that i've taught is philosophical if you want to do something if you realize your passion be positive you know be inquisitive about your intention what it is that you want to do ask questions look for the answers in the right places be philosophical about it and then thirdly uh brought out very clearly becoming educative in in whatever you want to do and that is what happened in my book the fact that i learned what artificial intelligence is i went further and started educating the very basically what it is what people need to do and what it's going to do for africa and what we need to do about it and then lastly is how do we become pragmatic about the solutions that we come up with we we have a myriad of solutions for everything but if you have to make a change if you have if you need to make an impact you need to be pragmatic about it you need to be realistic you you need to look at the actual problems and look at the actual solutions and these solutions going to work for you how are they going to work what what's you know what's the practice that needs to be put in place to make that a reality because otherwise if you if your solution orientation is not pragmatic then your quest will be frustrated and little frustrating the process so those are the values that i've clearly brought out from the book be curious be philosophical about your intern of your intention and be educative educate what you know and be pragmatic as you do that very profound values right there and as you went through them and described them and explained them i can relate to it perhaps i would have used different words but i just absolutely love the choice of words to describe these values and and the ethics and the principles that then are a by-product of these values are definitely something that you would live by but then today in today's world there is the buzzword sustainable so my question is how do you keep these values sustainable that's a good question lucy because you see um once you identify your values and you want them to be sustainable the first thing you do for everything that you intend to do when you wake up in the morning for example what i do and i'm not saying this is the way for everyone uh first i write down what i want to know how my week will end i want to know how am i recording before i started and that will guide me on the kind of objectives that i need to put in place so i always choose i i try to avoid bombarding myself with so many things i want whatever it is the goals that i'm going to set to be sustainable so i write them down and i don't put a lot of things i choose three key things if all fails if i fail to do anything today those three things must be done so i put them down based on what those three key things i want to achieve at the end of the week will be so one of the ways to be sustainable with your intentions with your values whatever your values are your value could be loving your parents okay calling them every day your value could be loving your children like i do everything that i do one of the things i put down believe it or not is to call them at a particular time when i know i can talk to them that is a value and that is sustainable i've made that sustainable i've just not said it because i want to talk about it so if you want to be sustainable in your intentions put them down coil your objectives around them and put them to action that is the only way that your goals your intentions your values are going to be passed on to who you want them to be passed on to or to what you want them to be passed on to and that is how you see or rather identify your results at the end of the day wow you are looking at the end result and then that end result is informing your action of here today how powerful is that just as internal growth job because then you're intentionally committing you're waking up in the morning and that is what you're already sending out to the universe and surely like just as you have said even if you don't do anything else that those three things are your focus and you you will agree with me that what you focus on that is where all your energy goes to so you already have pre-distinct your day you have decided i am focusing on these three things and as you focus on them and it's your values and things you want to do and intentional a lot of things that we can learn there um for the audience and things that we can take home already if we were to finish this session here and now and be able to say what have we taken away from joan besia it would be that you know intentionally having your values and making sure they are part of your objectives of the day oh john that is so powerful thank you absolutely thank you the question for today is where have you interact with artificial intelligence and we're asking you the audience to share your thoughts and contributions here on the live chat so that we can sample them and i just want to recognize linda ruto and lisa yani for joining us so i would like you to tell us as the audience artificial intelligence your understanding of what it is before joan steps in and breaks it down and packs it for us how she knows best how have you interacted with artificial intelligence because it is an exciting space but once you recognize that it is in your life every day there is a better appreciation for it definitely now don't i'd like us to read a chapter from your book a chapter that you feel would be able to take your message forward even faster because we're encouraging everybody to to buy to buy the book and hopefully at the end you will tell us where we can find the book so what chapter would you like to read for us so that we could get a message and understand something about your book ah that is interesting that is interesting because um there's a there's a chapter that i go over and over most of the times when i'm reading the book and uh just allow me i this is a chapter about women starting this technology journey okay uh plus should i can i go ahead and just read that it's a very short go ahead and read it yes great so this is what coils basically my book and uh what i say is the future of technology is female okay to embrace a more diverse future for women in technology leadership we need to learn teach empower support and appoint more women into embracing the future that is artificial intelligence i am one of them taking my role as a woman empowerment agent very seriously i found the following steps will lead to success in this vibrant industry first is read that's what i was talking about curiosity collect and read every book that talks about future technology identify your passion and take notes and then secondly invest invest in yourself by taking courses attending seminars and events dress to look the part and learn to communicate thirdly become establish your domain of expertise in technology apart from that you could do it through business consultancy or creative innovative masterpieces in your department or organization whatever you do be your passion let it be your passion and grow it and then fourthly teach teach others what you know to grow your brand and authority in your chosen filter within technology and lastly time don't rush and give up give your vision a minimum of three years until you succeed so that's the part i love about my chapter wow and what does it mean the most it means it means my daughter actually it means my children let me be honest about this because as much as you know if i go away today okay i at least i would have left this book with my daughter as a woman and tell her listen when you go out there whatever you do you don't even have to do what mommy does but please understand that mommy's artificial intelligence is going to affect you so just learn be curious about it even if you love how to do even if you love cooking know what facial intelligence is going to do for cooking okay take off books about cooking and technology take all books about cooking and ai if you want to teach if you become a teacher whatever you become please make sure that you invest your time and you learn how artificial intelligence is going to impact that field so to me it basically means a legacy for the female generation and the generations that we're going to bring up moving forward wow legacy that's powerful jonathan thank you so much for for dropping that that loaded world legacy and and i i'm sure you'll agree with me the message to anybody listening to us today is you need to leave your legacy and one way to do that is to document your story and if you're interested in knowing how to document your story reach out to me reach out to joanne reach out to any of the core authors of wealth footprints volume one because we were just like you uh short of two years ago and today who would have ever thought that we would be authors and co-authors our stories are out there they are making a difference already there's a platform here where we are sharing our stories and it is beautiful it is a journey where every day myself and my fellow co-authors are growing as a result of choosing to document our stories the future of tech is female this is what john believes in the very deepest of her hearts it is a powerful statement yeah she encourages us to read to invest to become to teach you know now these ones would be the things that we have seen around and we can relate to uh i love what you say about giving it time and not giving up because we tend to be very impatient especially in today's generation where we want the instant gratification therefore if i write a book now i need the success now if i come up with a concept now i need the success now john is encouraging us to give it time to give that vision a minimum a minimum absolute minimum of three years give it time trust the process thank you for sharing that with us john and being vulnerable that it is about that legacy you're leaving for your child absolutely wow wow that just uh you know it calls for a moment of silence because that is just so deep that is just something i'm going to read a chapter from your book which which touched me and and just explain i will explain why it touched me now this particular chapter is titled the power of pausing at pivotal moments and this allows for deep reflection in my opinion so this chapter really touched me and i will read i will read it says pausing at pivotal points there have been many moments in my life when i needed to step up i recall having to lead a class of students without any leadership experience i had to push myself to learn fast fail faster i mean listen to that you were allowing yourself to fail because the power in failing lies in you getting up and you know just the fact that you wanted to fail faster so you got better at it and that you put it down in the book this is so relatable and move fastest in my high school already at a tender age you kind of had this principle going so during my career i was also challenged when i had to lay off employees as a result of a contract ending abruptly and this happens to us and and not only a contract ending abruptly but things that come to an end things that we thought were there forever suddenly there is a change there's a shift in the very playground that we are on and when it shifts what do we do again we come back to creator freeze victim mentality and you say i had to to close i beg your pardon i had to close indefinitely i had to orientate myself to create dialogue with the teams and explain to them why they had been laid off and what had happened that was tough because even if rational explanations make sense to someone there are many consequences to suddenly being without an income and many of us can relate to this joan yeah there are some principles that have helped me stay grounded through my life and have helped me in my current role and then you go ahead to share them i just want to give a message to the audience that throughout this book every single author leaves us with takeaways leaves us with personal experiences and and joan you know is the same like every other author she is no exception in fact she gives us so many takeaways and there are so many that you have to buy this book guys and read it i will pick out two that for me what takeaways or aha moments or things that i could resonate with and the first one that i will pick out is i shall read there is always opportunity to do better and differently you know just the possibility of knowing that we can move forward we can fall forward even though we don't know where we are headed but we have the intention the hope to keep it moving like my daughter would say keep it moving mom just to have that intention is is powerful in every situation that we're in that we see a possibility and that we are we have a positive outlook to it even if it is doom and gloom just just your mindset but i digress i digress yeah so but as leaders we i could be here forever joan i tell you but as leaders we understand that what is done in public needs to be consistent with what we do privately now that is my first one what is done in public needs to be consistent with what happens in private the person that you are from within you need to be able to nurture that person with the values and that is why the question to the question to joan was very very profound as to what her values are and where the sustainable do you believe in your values and if you don't it's okay we just need to rewrite that narrative but you need to be true to yourself first only then can you pour from that cup and then do this publicly so that like i say in the darkest hour of your life if somebody wants to poke you and produce what would come out it would be it would come out as that very spirit that's within you so that's one thing that touched me especially during this time in kenya we are going into our elections this is the time when our values will be seen when our ethics will be seen when we will step up and step into the world as we really are within we owe it to ourselves that's the first one the second one i absolutely love the play of words here joan um and i am very sure my my grandson would enjoy this and appreciate this this is what you say we can imagine ourselves into a whole new world we can imagine ourselves into a whole new world you see no situation is permanent the fact that you can imagine yourself into a whole new world set your intention and as jones sets her intention every morning and says this is how the end result is going to be so this is what is expected of me that is internal growth i promise you there will be pearls of wisdom on this particular session so you go on to say this means having a compelling vision that guides our direction my vision of technology for women of africa persisted through my high school during my career and mostly now for i know it will come to fruition you have claimed it the words that we use the words we choose the meaning that we give to life that is where our energy flows so it is important that you believe already in what you have set out to do what your vision is and joan i'm so grateful that you were able to share this with us from such a profound moment so that was my takeaway that we can imagine ourselves into a whole new world i absolutely love it so that we can have that vision something to drive towards and then secondly that what is done in public needs to be consistent with what happens in private wow joan is there anything that you could add to that absolutely absolutely if i add us for the moment but what i would say now on you you bro you brought it out so well until i don't know what what more to say you know these are your words josh these are your words i'm saying i i think i should have let you write that book because you're speaking well but no no no i'm glad um you see you see the point is um how how how do we how do we bring our vision to play without looking back you know we get to areas where sometimes you just you're tired that you know the world brings a lot of things but let me tell you it is you who tells the world what to bring you okay you ultimate of your life basically that's that's what i'm trying to hear today to about so whatever you're going to you know uh envision for your life just know the ultimate decision is yours and not any others it's not the world it's not your neighbors it's not your friends it is yours this is your life and you're the one who gets to to live it i'm just going to recognize uh oh joffrey samaganda is here thank you so much joffrey you stay looking great ladies thank you so much joffrey uh joffrey is the one who brought us all together to write this book amazing concept thank you so much joffrey and then we've got grace gematia who says awesome thank you grace we've got linda ruto who says i think it's the smart technology that we interact with regularly like siri thank you so much linda linda is answering the question that we have today and the question is specifically where have you interacted with artificial intelligence or ai and linda says siri so yes definitely siri is a.i are we doing well is siri a i john you are the expert siri is a i that's actually voice ai what we call voice ai it basically interprets what it is that you want it to do and it gets you the information at the click of the button of siri that is artificial intelligence so it is alexa is ai alexa also is a.i yes and there's so many there's sophie there's so many and there's also sophie i mean isn't it just amazing um or rather shall i use a better uh uh statement it is mind-boggling to imagine the you know the back end the work that is put in for for siri to have this information just by responding to my voice prompt and it doesn't matter which which country i am from what accent i have just anyway that's a topic for another day that is definitely a topic for another day it is i would love to know more it was it was albert einstein who said i have no special talent i am only passionately curious and you talked about curiosity so my question is how can one use curiosity to advance their career in technology i'd say one thing actually i put them as three you have to read again you have to read and you have to read did i say you have to read basically what i'm saying if you're empowered to read in whatever way please get information read your books read you know journals read newspapers written newsletters whatever you have to do capture information at its role interpret it put it in your you know in your system then pick what works for you but what i'm saying for you to feed your past of curiosity please read that's basically what i'm going to say read without which i mean learning learn whatever you have to do create a basic foundation if you want to learn about technology find a book that talks about it okay listen to an audio that talks about it learn if you want to know about being a doctor you have to have the basic foundation read learn teach yourself basically just read wow yeah you know joan um in my business as a consultant as a coach as a mentor as a trainer i have come to appreciate technology and the convenience that it gives me it's it's just so amazing that this this this little phrase at the touch of a button how real it is in our lives literally at the touch of a button i am able to send money from one place to another whether it is from through m-pesa whether it is through my bank account name it i can do it conveniently from my phone at the touch of a button i can come up with use the app for shopping and use it so seamlessly done it's integrated with other platforms and all that is done and i don't have to think about it's all done in the back end and i have my doorbell ringing in under so many minutes and things are delivered to me i mean i i am the old school where my oven and my cooker is all about knobs i went on holiday a few months ago and i got into this kitchen and i started scratching my head because i knew this was a cooker but how was i gonna work this cooker and i looked there and i could see there was certain colors of buttons that were under the color of the cooker and i started to think about grayed out areas when i'm on my laptop and i thought these must be the grayed out areas i began to make connections and technology and i started pushing buttons and before i knew it i had fire going or other heat coming up i did not dare try to see how the oven worked as long as i got my my table top working i was fine but it got me thinking about technology technology is right into my kitchen again on holiday once i went to the washroom and lo and behold there was this toilet that had buttons had colors and when i started i forgot what i was going to go to do in that toilet i ended up playing with the buttons i was amazing what this toilet did it is just to show how much technology is part of our lives today perhaps we're just moving through it without appreciating what it does for us by way of convenience so for me an attitude of curiosity is important it's a state of agreement active interest yes so you could see i i stopped cooking to figure out this cooker i stopped going to this nature nate call of nature and i started playing around with the buttons on the toilet but it then allowed me to embrace unfamiliar things and give me a greater opportunity to experience life and i and i love that i love that yeah and i mean i mean it varies from one individual to another there those of us would be so afraid of the unknown and therefore not interact with it but anyway i am digressing like i said before now knowing this information joan what support can be offered at an early age so that we can be able to embrace this technology faster so i'll actually take you back to your story what are you talking about being amazed at the cookers being amazed at the toilets as a matter of fact i'll even share with you my experience i went to one where by just sitting at the toilet he told me about in my temperature my blood pressure it also told me about my you know uh my blood level what what i needed to do you know and all this information was sent to me via the app of the hotel like about my health and suggestions they were obviously not going to tell you what needs to be done or bring your doctor immediately unless it's a fatal situation but what i'm basically trying to say is you say we this generation your generation and i lucy right now we're just passing through okay we experiencing this because it's a transition it's a transition moment but if we do not pass this knowledge to our children if we don't tell our children what is happening in the world it will be our fault because when they grow up they will fail because they won't know how to interact or they will have to learn from the ground up but why do we want to do that to our children when we have the opportunity to and that is what i'm saying let's go back to our books whatever you're interacting with whatever you're experiencing learn more about it expose your generation expose your children about it let them now start developing the curiosity you're talking about let them start asking questions let them now start developing solutions in that direction and trust me eventually the children and they are africans they are going to change africa and that is what we need to do before we leave this world how do we get our children empower africa to you know talk the same language or engage with the world in the same way the only and best way is to educate and empower our children now which brings me to what you just asked how do we advise you know how do we person this knowledge to our young ones educate them expose them talk to them about it so for example there's there's a program that we are testing it is not live yet but we are testing with digitalization but like what you're talking about is digitizing okay we are testing on how can our children start learning unconventionally digitally we're taking them from books from physical classes to online we tell we're trying to use their daily experiences on how to draw how to read how to listen to music and to you know to extrapolate this digitally online and get results so that's and that is the only way to get them to the system of technology and that is what say if you have children at home you don't even have to have children they're generations that look up to you the generations that follow expose them if you have an opportunity if you can empower them drive them towards technology because if you're not there and you have the power to do that it will be unfair for them for them not in have not having to learn about technology while you have the opportunity to teach them basically so whatever you do please take that step and educate well curiosity makes the mind stronger i believe joan and we need to encourage this curiosity and it comes naturally for children so when we see the curious curiosity we need to nurture it you know because then the children will start to observe new things uh they will be curious about something and their minds will begin to expect and anticipate new ideas this way we help them grow well you are pursuing your passion in the world of technology what would you advise someone who says that they cannot find their passion or that they have more than one passion so uh i'll make this personal because it has worked for me i don't know if it would work for the audience but i will say it anyway because possibly it might i would advise we are human beings and we are intuitive beings we have the power and ability to react to you know situations around us so what i would advise for you to do and it's something i've read about as well that's what it works for me i would advise you to dig into your childhood and think of what came naturally to you when you it was that overwhelming feeling you know uh or a lamp on your throat that came as a result once you figure that out for example for me it was given every time i gave and someone just looked at me that i said thank you i would have that love that throat like i'm almost crying you know and i thought i i figured my passion is giving okay that makes me feel good so how can i build my passion and career around it and that's why i educate i give what i know and once you figure that out that's where your passion is you don't even have to go over mountains and valleys to look for it take back to your childhood what is it that you liked doing is it playing is it dancing is it singing whatever it is that is your passion don't overthink it and then build your career build your world around that passion that's how i found mine basically oh wow that is beautiful it's so simple to relate to well you encourage people to teach others what they know so they can grow their brand and authority in their chosen field um what are some of the ways that this can be accomplished wow there's so many ways that teaching is you know is it's diverse there are ways like the classroom we can teach people through physical classes which by the way that that is going off like in the next five years there will be no classrooms but virtues unless you're doing something that is practical like lab tests etc uh the other ways are giving talks giving speeches like what are we talking about what we're doing you and i today that is teaching okay the interviews are the online classes like what you just mentioned uh you were given online classes you know uh that is one way of you know taking taking forth what you know to the world and also mentorships you know you if you get someone to mentor and immediately your children your patients that is teaching them what they need to know yeah so i would say basically that there's so many ways of teaching pick your you know pick your struggle and use that to educate the world yeah there's one that i do and i've done for the longest time until on one show like this one i was actually given a term was given a name and it was intentional teachable moments and i realized i'd always done this i'm that logical person i'm coming into a conversation what am i getting out of it i i don't do things for the sake of doing them i do things for the sake of growth value what am i getting out of it so intentional teachable moments i realized was actually a term and a thing and when i'm with people and i have a moment in that time environment or conversation i do not let it pass by i bring it up and that is a teachable moment because that is coming from my personal experience and i have walked it like you gave us an experience an example earlier on which is personal when it came to your passion so i would add in intentional teachable moments but then the question then begs who taught you how to do what you do joanne i'll be honest with you and this brings me to my initial point when i was telling you when i wrote my book was through a moment of change okay so i met a lady we were working on something a project or something and she really like literally pulled if she was physically present should have drugged me into into this but this area that i'm about to explain so uh i i want to mention action wealth right and this is how i met uh the the founder of action or that is jeffrey samaganda and called us into a trial class or talk about you know writing books about how to create wealth i thought okay this is one of those causes guys to take i'm so frustrated you know i but i said johan listen you said you're going to change can you make up your mind right you know the the the the talk to yourself kind of moment so i got into that and from the first day i would lie to you i did not know that you can educate by what you know and that is how i learned i don't know what your way of learning is or what your way of teaching but if you have to do if you have to start from somewhere and if this resonates with you please find action wealth contact me contact lucy contact jeffrey so my gander you can find him on facebook google actual wealth and i'm not like i'm not saying this is not [Music] i was able to write a book it was through action wealth i i found tech mindset africa it's through uh you know actual world that i was able to speak to the world and expand my skills that is where i started and if you have to start on something please find google those two in fact google joffresa makanda or google action wealth footprints wealth footprints okay those are the areas or rather that is a platform you need to get to know about it just be curious remember first thing you have to do before you get into something be curious get information and make a decision but that's why it started and that's what recommend you start wow powerful you know you know john many of us in uh virtual sessions and uh what you do with the information that matters because i'm very sure there were many of us who responded to that call for that particular cohort but look at how we really you're laughing i remember vividly like it was yesterday you do huh there were so many of us and at the end when we finished and i remember joffrey samaganda saying this there are many of us here today and i paraphrase and starting out at the end of the day he was going to be very surprised if he even had 10 of people remaining i mean he had a little bit over 10 percent and these people went ahead and wrote the book together and we are the core authors here and definitely i go back to that message we are all given information we are all given 24 hours in a day it's what you choose to do with your time and what you choose to do with that information that then becomes a game changer for you you don't have to respond to every opportunity but when we do respond to an opportunity show up and do something about it so here we are we are on a platform today and we are able to help other people to come together with their legacy for the world so yes like jones says contact us or contact joffrey samaganda directly or action wealth and i confirm that this is not a sponsored session thank you so much for sharing that joan how can we find your book oh please find it on amazon say digitally all right find it on amazon just uh uh type in the word technology through a woman's eye or just type in money joanne persia and you'll be directed to the book immediately and it's it's it's not trust me it's not causabili based on the wealth of knowledge in that book you you don't have a reason not to in fact if you don't after this session i'll be very mad because it's an opportunity to learn to learn a lot from you know many women you know many ladies and a massive amount of knowledge by just a book you if you need to start something if you need to know about you know personal growth if you need to know about technology if you need to know about agriculture if you need to know about food all this in one book you just need to go to amazon type in what i've just told you johannesburg here look for technology through a woman's eye and all that information will be there so please go ahead and do that great and we'll be dropping all this information her facebook linkedin her ig into our chat so that you can be able to contact her going back to the book there's even a kindle version so if you are not interested in holding a hard copy a paperback in your hand if you have the app for kindle you can just be able to order her book through amazon on the kindle version what about coaching and training because you've told us many things so if we want to hear more whether for ourselves which would improve our business lives or our domestic lives or the lives of our children um do you have any coaching or training yes um thank you thank you for that opportunity lucy so um see i said one of my passion actually my passion for my life is to give i give to my children i give to women i give to africa so what we do this i've educated more than 500 people for free in artificial intelligence for free i have not charged and that is one of the things that we have done as tech mindset africa so currently we have running courses uh one of the courses that we have is called the reinvent ribbon course where we educate the modern woman in artificial intelligence the process to this class goes to educate two girls for every class so out of that we've been also been able to educate 20 girls who are between the age of 20 to 25. they have learnt about artificial intelligence and they're adding that to what they're doing right now in their different backgrounds their work that they do and we're really happy about that the other course that we are running is artificial intelligence for everyone so if you just want to know what the world of artificial intelligence is then this is the course for you so um i'm hoping to see i if you're able to post for me that link on the the chat area if you are interested in knowing more about this please click on that link and you're able to give you more information regarding the course yeah yeah amazing i will be dropping that into the chat group absolutely love that information that you're sharing with us just give us some takeaways because we promise to give takeaways three of them on how one can embr embrace artificial intelligence what three takeaways would you leave us with as i just dropped your contacts in our chat thank you thank you lucy for that three takeaway ways if for anything you don't remember about this session be curious i hope you remember that if you want to know something or you want to learn something and especially artificial intelligence you have to be curious otherwise you will just want to know about it and walk off and get into other things but your curiosity you will drive you to learn which brings me to my second take away identify and invest in your passion so listen i'm not asking you to you know to to embrace artificial intelligence as your passion i'm just saying in your passion include artificial intelligence if your passion is cooking include artificial intelligence if your passion is educated include artificial intelligence whatever you do identify and invest in an area where you could incorporate artificial intelligence into your passion but thirdly whatever you do whatever you learn at the end of the day please don't keep that knowledge to yourself teach teach and teach teach others what you know let everyone else or rather let the people around you be empowered by the power that you have god given to you let it not stay you know let did not say within you but spread it to the world if you have to spread it somewhere limited please spread it to africa okay so thank you very much i think those would be my three takeaways speak thank you jones thank you for sharing with us your teach thank you thank you for sharing with us your journey we wish you all the best as we take young african women into the future we wish you all the best and this future that you speak about robotics and artificial intelligence we continue to wish you all the best hey thank you appreciate it thank you very much well guys you have john bestia there with her personal takeaway subscribe to our youtube channel which is lmc consultancy for the recording of this session and share with us some feedback now talking about artificial intelligence and technology we have launched our online courses and are offering 50 off please visit our website and sign up the next episode we celebrate joyce owaga as she takes us on a journey from trauma to triumph from loss to living a life of care let us help build each other do you know a kenyan author who would like to be featured here on tuesday talks at three please dm us their contacts until then be kind to yourselves bye now

2022-07-24 14:15

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