Artificial intelligence and the Future is AI coming for jour job MATTHEW STONE PART 2

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foreign [Music] [Music] feature Young Jamaicans who are shooting  for the Stars I'm your host Margaret Boyne   today we explore the fascinating world of Robotics  and artificial intelligence AI once considered   futuristic is now one of the most impactful  and game-changing Technologies of our time   my guest the CEO of stone Technologies limited  a Robotics and artificial intelligence company   my guest is Matthew Stone so what about jobs that  will stayed in what about the trades job then you   see here in the back in the day that boy learned a  trade oh I think those persons will have that edge   no well it's turning out like getting those jobs  out to me is has proven to be a lot harder than we   thought it would be yeah because you know getting  our machine to because the human body is a very   um fascinating thing like dexterity  and how the brain controls your body   um it's not a very easy thing to replicate mine  they are the robots are getting better and better   so with time even those jobs I think will get you  know automated as well so definitely as you know   Society goes on like you're going there's going to  have to be some sort of upskilling period there's   gonna be so it have to be some period where you  know some people feel disenfranchised and and you   know conversations now need to be had about like  how do we kind of sort of upskill these people   into you know new jobs or you know educate them  master or you can use AI to make other forms of   wealth you know not just depending on a job that  they've done for like 20 30 years but all right   let's see how we can adapt because it's going to  require that's the thing with AI it's going to   require us as a humans as a species to adapt and  improve um that's that's how I kind of view AI   way for us as a species to adapt and improve  but yeah the idea of like a job existing forever AI is going to hit every industry every  industry yes um okay so um AI is sold to   us though uh Matthew as something that will  make our lives you know better almost like   we believe in a like a Utopia but then we've  been hearing a lot know about these dangers of   um of yeah I talk a little  about that about the concerns   all right so there are some valid concerns and  there are some not so valid concerned I feel   like you know because of the whole hype with AI a  lot of people are taking advantage of it so that   you know to get attention and news get into  the newspapers yeah kill us all destroys you   need to stop AI you know it's the same people  making AI telling you that we need to stop it   um I think in the near term there are some  possible ill effects that you need to look out for   so for example bias with our AI systems uh  depending on how these systems are trained   uh it can be biased towards certain things  um you know it could be by race it could be   um by you know gender gender yeah  exactly stuff like that um or you know   inter even in terms of like the content it  recommends to people you know we've seen   where these social media sites have actually  created more polarized um Society um so that   that's that's definitely something that we  we need to definitely look out for because   you know Bad actors can use these AI Technologies  now and like because of the content generating   um capabilities now can easily send out like  misinformation like no other time before and   easily like influence societies you know win an  election with that if if necessary um I think also   yeah automation is something that we need to  look at that's one possible you know ill effect   um when you consider how we as a society are  going to adapt to you know AI taking jobs yes   over the years you know new jobs have been  created but that's not a certainty you know   we don't know how quickly the society is  going to be able to adapt you know some   Saturday it is me adapt quickly some may not  um so what's going to happen in that case um   we also have to we're going into a future where  it's going to be hard for us to tell what's   real or fake because that's generating images  videos literally look just like real life and   sound like the person and all that exactly and  even scammers are using AI technology right now um fake um phone calls and I'm sick I need some  money and it sounds just like a real person and   people get fleeced out of money so they're there  like dangerous like ill effects that are happening   right now um that we need to be careful of I  think that the more kind of sci-fi futuristic   um concerns are the whole is the whole idea of  you know the robots uh turning on us and taking   on overheads no but what what what uh Matthew okay  I laugh about it you know because I'm not gonna   I mean I used to the Creator on this thing here  coming out sounding scared I I mean I don't know that's not possible or it's never  going to happen or you know humans   are gonna find somewhere you know obviously  everything is in a realm of possibility and   I think that there's a possibility of that  happening I don't think it's in a near term   and that's something we really need to worry about  per se but you know it it is reasonable to think   like in the near future you know as is machines  get more capable they get more intelligent   how much power do we give these machines  and you know what can they do with this poll   um you know what things do we give it control do  we give it control of our utilities our financial   systems if they get sort of this ability to be  self-aware and you know conscious like you know   what could they possibly do to us the species um  the truth is nobody really knows exactly what's   gonna happen yeah everybody can sort of I guess  like oh this is gonna happen all right but it's   it's really people just kind of guessing  some people just kind of going off of what   they see in movies I I don't know much I don't  know listen to me that Google that Google um I don't know I can't have a thing twice you know  yeah I think a lot of the news media kind of   um sensationalizes because  I heard what you're saying   um they're kind of sensationalize what they said  to kind of make it sound more like but um yeah   definitely there are dangerous possible dangers to  AI even some that are happening right now in the   near term like the bias ethics you know automation  that we do need to be concerned about um and   you know it it you know it does make the  question of you know in the near future   what what what are the possibilities of these AI  systems you know is there a possibility that they   could possibly you know turn on us and end  up in some sort of AI apocalyptic scenario   um it's a possibility um but definitely  it's it's one of those things where   um when it happens you might not even see  when it comes like it no and then everything   is happening so fast to Matthew I don't know  yeah because the speed at which it the speed   at which argument that other people make is you  know if that does happen right if we somehow   create technology that can think for itself and  maybe have the ability to turn against those   we will as a species will figure out ways to  mitigate that risk and we'll create a awkward   there but there is a possibility because  of how quickly these these Technologies   like Advance exponentially we might not have  time to even do anything about like once again let me say then we we might not even  see when it's happening it might even   do it in stealth and you might not  even know when it's happening so and and they are making some projections like I  mean like 20 30 35 24 Singularity I don't know   I I don't know much with me mostly overreact  but I don't know right the singularity which   um well people there's scientists call records  while I had predicted that that the year 2030   would have essentially had a machine that  can equal the intelligence of any human on   the planet and then that would create like  an intelligent explosion where in a smarter   version of that machine smarter version smarter  version to get some sort of super intelligent   machine that some like God like machine that  you can't even comprehend its intelligence   um so yeah that that period before get that that  so-called AGI are artificial general intelligence   um there's some researchers that say  that's more just like again like a   Sci-Fi thing but essentially that is  what all of these researchers that's   what they're working on that's that's why  they're working towards they are as much   as they say what we're trying to solve  problems and all of that stuff right   they're really trying to like see if they can  create that you know that that intelligent   um think on the level of the human or greater  maybe even have some sort of free Consciousness   like they are actively looking or working  towards it and you know it makes the question   you know should we be trying to do that um  what's the possible consequences of that   um you know are we putting up you know  guardrails to guard against the possibilities   um in my opinion it's it's moving so  fast like trying to regulate it no it is   probably not gonna work because tomorrow  Genie is over the bottle the Genies like   because even if you set up a lot in  your country sir we're gonna stop   China is going to continue working on it exactly  so there's a race is that race you know or go ahead exactly you have to continue running it  is the wrong people having control of these things   oh you can just say all right let's just  stop guys like somebody else is going to   continue racing you don't want the wrong people  being ahead of the park and that's the problem   but with the release a chat GPT though um Matthew  to me it kind of seemed like them just throw it   out on on us right now and then try and figure it  out after oh this thing really work or you know it really boosts to the profile of open AI um  slid them to being one of yeah you know probably   that next big tech company but at the same time  um it's well it's actually improving the system   and we have more people using it they can get  more feedback right yeah it's actually like one   big experiment we're just the Lab Rats um kind of  you you're using that all that data to improve the   system so that's the that's the thinking behind  um you know releasing chart GPT Google has been   a bit more cautious because I mean they have a  bottom line to protect given that they're a big   um conglomerate or you know they've been  a bit more cautious about releasing their   version of CHA GPT Bard Bard yeah  but what I've seen um you know   definitely from what I've seen in the communities  this idea like just one company is gonna have the   the only chat butter this company is just gonna  have the best chat but forever like yeah yeah   um even in the open source Community like  people are creating um things of similar um   so yeah everybody's gonna get access  to this everybody can be their own   version of it yes not to mention some  techie like you win in them garage uh it it's opened up uh all you know host  of possibilities um Society [Music]   um in terms of chat GPT um Matthew um how  was it trained or what was it trained on   right so child GPT um so you can split that up  into your chat you know GPT so chat from chat   bots so you guys are probably use chatbots for a  long time the GPT is also generative pre-trained   Transformer for the T for the Transformer is a  type of machine learning model machine learning   modeling is something that takes in data makes  predictions now the Transformer is a type of   machine learning model that predicts sequences  of text so for example I said something like   the boy took up blank bottle and I asked you  okay what should you put in that blank his   or her you probably say his now you might be  wondering okay how did you know that you have   to put his in that blank well if you look further  back into the sentence you know that boy was said   so that determined the gender of the article is  it's so it's it's sort of how GPT learns how to   generate text it uses a pattern of the text coming  before it and learn statistical correlations of   in a particular context what text should come  next so it's really just a very very powerful   um autocomplete essentially how it was trained  literally just give it a bunch of data on internet   so text from Wikipedia text from social media text  anyway anywhere literally feed it to GPT the books   as well they have books humans so every like they  go through PDFs anything that has ticks defeated   to GPT what GPT essentially learns is based  like it sees patterns of how text is generally   um created and it literally learns that same  same thing so seeing so much text same so much   sentences it learns um patterns and correlations  and figure okay these string this string of   texts usually follows this so most likely I'm  gonna predict this word and then you can like   okay these set of um text most likely I need to  predict this word and it just keeps doing that   um yeah and that's where the pre-trading comes in  so it first tries to learn how to generate text   and from that you can use it on different  tasks like question answering things like   summarization summarizing a paragraph stuff  like that yeah that's that's the only stream   so so which means though then that it's it's also  trained on you know like that's a questionable   sources then like another key part in its training  version is something but really because this has   existed for a while you know like training machine  learning models with that like giving it a lot of   things and trying to learn a sequence of text now  the thing that really set it apart is they use a   technique called reinforcement learning with human  feedback so essentially to find the model what   they did was let the model like generate some  text and they would have humans actually rate   it so let's say the human would say the text that  the model generated and say okay this sounds good   and I learned from that feedback uh to  basically generate better zoning text   the problem with that and it's actually  one of the reasons why it hallucinates   you probably heard it before so it makes stuff  up because yes yeah there's no source of true   humans are creating the text they're just kind  of going off okay what sounds good sounds good   or it sounds plausible doesn't mean that it's  actually a factual or right so that's actually   one of the reasons why um GPT actually if  you've if you've ever experienced before   but literally you will make stuff up it will  even speak reference and it sounds so plausible and they really carefully like wait yeah because  I I I I asked it to write something on my husband   you know and trust me so my information was very  inaccurate it's not even going to Kingston college   so I'm like really no so if I didn't know that I  would think that this is true you know oh boy but   that has that has implication though um Matthew 4  oh do we know what is true then what about truth   that that I mean that's a that's a question that's  even before GPT people yeah so so imagine no   exactly okay I have everybody even saying  like you have my truth and your truth yeah it's why you have to be very careful when  using these tools especially kids um because it   will make stuff up and it will sound plausible but  you just have to be very careful about what we do   you know check against sources but yeah that you  know what is true like um that's the big question   I hope you know that someone is is really telling  you the um what what they're telling you is [ __ ]   um yeah that's a big thing that we're going to  have to battle with as a society going forward   like what is true what is fake what is real what  is our life you know it's gonna be hard to tell   the difference all right this is this is a hard  question though you think um yeah I will become   sentient I think that's possible wait what do  you think based on what you've been reading I hope it I hope it does it doesn't  dry I hope it doesn't bye I want I I   because of my Curious mind I I would love  to to see that um but you know obviously   implications of that yeah at the same time  are great but yeah I I think so I think   um I think it it even if it it's not exactly it  will definitely very closely approximate yeah   um why anyway I don't want to cause too much  Panic though on Matthew so um so let's go back to   you what has been the most valuable lesson you've  learned that you want to pass on as a entrepreneur I think the biggest thing that really the most  common theme that has come up is just like don't   give up like they're gonna be times where like  everybody is kind of it feels like the whole world   is against you um nobody believes in your idea um  you know things just aren't going right like you   try everything and you get rejected here you feel  like listen like the worst thing you can do is   give up like just just keep going on um you have  to understand that you know nothing lasts forever   so what you know all this pain that you're going  through right now it's not gonna last forever some   point you're gonna have some form of success you  just you just take it by take it day by day you   know find something that you really love to do  um you know find a process that works for you   and just take it day by day by day but yeah the  thing you can do is give up like never give up that's my biggest advice oh okay very  good um can you leave um any advice to   any young persons who might be interested in  pursuing Robotics are artificial intelligence   yeah my advice would be um just  have generally a curious mind   um it may seem like very complicated on the face  of it but you know even with the same example   where literally just Googled how to make a game  and I just tried it like just try like literally   um you know it could be literally  as easy as a Google search   you just attempted I think that's really the  key to be you know successful in this field   like you have to have a curious mind you have  to be someone that you're not afraid of taking   on new challenges uh you know you just try and  that it you're going to feel you're going to   be bad at you're going to suck at it when you  just start off but you know the longer you you   do something the more time you put into something  you're going to get better to start to master it   you have to kind of understand that first of all  that yes you're going to fail yes you're going to   um not be so good at it at first but with time  you're going to get better um yeah that's the   biggest advice I give just yes do it let's try  it like it's possible just try it you never know   like trust me you never know what spots all  right so what do you what do you do for fun um that's a good question some  robotics robotics business well actually all right so you know  on the weekends I play I play football   um yeah when I when I can or when I have time uh  you know I watch I play I watch sports as well   um you know I like to watch like  documentaries and I like reading um I mean to be honest like most a lot of  my time has been like you know working   on projects which I am fine for yeah outside of  that yeah I'd say that like uh I play football   um personally I don't think AI is  a problem though but just Humanity that's what we should be worried about really   yeah okay um it was great talking to you but I I  enjoyed this this this conversation and I can't   see that Jamaica will be needing your skills and  your expertise you know very soon yeah so I hope   you are ready for you know I hope you're ready  for it yeah this is us that's what I'm working   towards yeah man and I'll be looking at looking  out for the the research and Innovation Innovative   things that you'll be coming up with yeah and  it was nice having you [Music] thank you [Music]


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