Artificial Intelligence AI enable TEL

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and thanks for your effort for uh have a presentation in our webinar today and it's it's my pleasure actually it's always pleasure to my honor to be uh the chair of this meeting uh I know that we will learn lots of things of you today sure sure sure yeah and and uh I think that uh we should start but uh the number of participants who uh but should be increased a little bit I'm okay I'm okay give me five minutes more in order to all the people get together in order to listen to you great I I noticed that it's live stream on Facebook so may I know which link is that um Facebook I haven't the Facebook link here do you have a uh no I think that the staff from International effort can uh put the link in the chat box if it is possible I got it I got it thank yeah I got it no I can I can share on different groups you know like they can join also right very good so I think that after five minutes we should start in order to don't lose the time so uh hello everybody Welcome to the webinar of it uh welcome to the webinar of AI technology enhanced learning and today it's my honor to have a famous guest speaker Professor uh H Zafar baluch of uh International Medical University of Malaysia uh Professor Zafar baluch uh has more than 25 years hands-on experience in training designing development and implementing e-learning for higher education he has a p Pion passion for new technologies social collaboration strategies and impact they have on learning he has done research in several key uh e-learning mobile Collaborative Learning open and distance learning areas uh his speciality are uh International design classroom training video training web-based training e-learning quick reference guides classroom curriculum uh e-learning development gamification LMS admission mobile collaboration Blended learning activities Performance Management uh competency framework uh project management teaching with technology technological content development training tips soft support digital learning consultant and development curriculum uh online learning strategy project management team building and Technical resource manager I am also Mandana shirazi uh professor of medical education department and also educational Development Center uh at Teran University of medical sciences and it's my honor to be the chair of this meeting we are eagerly waiting for uh your speech professor H hin uh please start your speech uh we are waiting for your speech thank you sure sure Dr sherazi and it's actually my pleasure and I would like to thank Tan University of medical Sciences for giving me this opportunity to share a topic which is um high in demand everybody is talking about AI so let me share my screen and just I want you to thumbs up if you could see my slides yes we could okay that's great so the topic of my webinar is AI technology enhanced learning so we have technology enhanced learning in the past and we could uh actually focus more on learning I would always remind myself and all of us focus on learning technology is the last thing okay because technology may come and go so our focus should be on learning how we could enhance learning okay so let's move on let's feel free to use your chat if you want to ask anything because I can see on my right I have a separate monitor so I will keep an eye on your chat okay so this around two hours what I will be covering uh first of all the introduction uh what is this AI all about and then the differentiation between artificial intelligence machine learning deep learning and generative AI or gen AI That's a new area or domain uh inside uh natural language processing and artificial intelligence okay and then the last or second half of this webinar I would be sharing some applications and um l uh Google also jump in and it's it's coming up very strong competition between these big uh companies so they are releasing new products using uh large language models and then I will have actually at the end proper Q&A sessions but feel free to post any questions um in the chat and if time permits I will address them while I'm covering my topics okay all clear so far right just thumbs up or say yes the chat good good good okay to just to let you know uh most of these all all of these images I have you generated using AI enabled application so if you look at the extreme Right image um is traditional there a lot of paper so only thing is like monitor is facing to us I don't know why it's like that then I regenerated The Prompt so if you really want to use to the maximum of all these AI enabled Technologies generating a prompt a challenging prompt is very very critical and very important so what I did I regenerate The Prompt and it showed me something like stream left and then I enabled I just added one word variable Computing and the middle image AI software generated and it if you notice they have actually tablet so this is what addition so it's highly depend on your prompt how nicely you can prompt these softwares the best result you could aeve Chief okay any question anything all clear right okay cool so let's move on next slide how many of you could recall this let's see what is this maybe you can put in the chat or you can unmute and tell me what this pictures show anyone can you decode this image okay so it seems it's not clear right uh first of all it's a black and white image right very old image and this is image in the past oh anotomy class yes looking surgery yes great great yeah so you're right all all what you're seeing is Right a classic usage of simulation yes very good this is what in the past we use to uh teach our medical students so maybe on top here all our students in the balconi and then at the bottom they are doing experts are doing some treatment so that's how we uh we teach like Apprentice ship and all this environment to me is a tool okay thanks thanks for the feedback and this is maybe could you tell tell me the year what would be what would be the year when we used to teach our students in this format or in this environment maybe yeah 1950s yeah 1940s so that was was the time when our classrooms were like this let me fast forward okay good this is how and I think very rightly pointed out uh someone actually yeah uh Kashi right that's the name usage of simulation so we are using simulated environment right sorry yeah so here we have manin a model which is equpped with uh application like uh computers there you could feed in the different scenarios and this mannequin or model could actually uh react or act like that kind of simulated patient so this is how um I think nowadays some of our institutions they are using this kind of High Fidelity models or manes and you could program them uh to come up with certain scenarios let's move on now here what I did I asked the same prompt as you have highlighted I said um I just use one of the software and the second part I will share that software I said I want to learn human anotomy using um virtual reality concept so this is what image generated by that software okay sometimes using these artificial intelligence applications uh things or result may be very very different so you need to readjust your prompt you need to come uh bring the real context to your prompt then only uh application could uh tell us or dig appropriate content for us now immersive learning is another area where AI uh artificial intelligence enable applications are uh producing very good result and at my University at International Medical University we are coming up with like immersive learning concept with help of AI we come up with the forensic under forensic crime scene investigation everything is virtual it's in a 3D format and we ask AI enable uh applications to write scripts for us and even modify certain images you know we use those applications and I will be sharing all these applications so combination of these applications you could produce a very good immersive learning in environment for Learners okay now current trends in AI technology enhanced learning uh increase personalization so that is one of the trend where we could would increase the personalization because of profiling and modifying the content according to a particular student or learner excuse me uh we can build virtual patience we have applications creating a avatar and you feed in uh 10 years 15 years or five years of patient history taking data dialogue between expert doctors and a patient fed into this applications then you can pick the scenario that I want a person with the SAR cuff age 40 years male uh and whatever condition you want and that virtual patient will act accordingly we can do adoptive learning and assessment using AI okay chat based learning so if you notice a lot of um Airlines websites a lot of Institutions you go to the website within few seconds there will be a chat box pop up and they will start asking you how I can help you most of the cases more than 90% these chat replies chat message replies are by artificial intelligence chat bot okay so we can implement the same concept and I have tried in my institution here uh in our LMS we have ai enable generative uh chatbot okay generative AI chatbot and that chatbot will focus on forums frequently ask questions of past year and then if you ask a question new court ask questions or any learner from the new court this chatbot will able to answer it could actually go and mine the data search the data from all the past year questions asked by the Learners and what was the response by the teachers or facilitators this chatbot could actually fetch can dig can discover and write in a text form or nowadays even they have voice enabl also augmented textbooks that's very interesting idea where you can give you need to work with Publishers Publishers should give access to the the text of the textbook feed into AI enable generative AI enable applications and they can summarize the textbook into voice form or even into a video form okay they can create Avatar of the author and it will be like you know author is speaking you know and summarizing the text so that's how you could augment like putting a QR code on top of a textbook scan using that QR code using any app and suddenly uh author will pop up in your phone and summarize the textbook game based learning that's very popular most of um uh current trends when it comes to AI enabled technology enhanced learning game based learning where we could use artificial intelligence and you know um gmy our learning okay so these are some of the latest trends which we could observe okay any any question from the previous slide from this slide anything no question thank you very much yeah so now uh can you try scan this and see whether you can take part in this poll if you don't have this QR code scanner just type in let's see if you can access uh this poll if you could not access poll then use our chat in the zoom and reply the question like tell me what is the current state of Technology enhanced learning at your institution some of the examples I already actually shared you know yeah you can use chat and reply only LMS that's okay LMS is a great platform if you um really use the features of learning management system thanks Dr CA yes any any anyone else please feel free to share what is the state current state of your technology enhan learning don't underestimate LMS LMS is very powerful animated games wow that's great amazing so when you're using animated games uh let me tell you like uh I will be sharing some of the tools you could use uh you could design animation you know very easy okay let me just make note if I miss out okay simulators yes that's good yeah AI could assist you in you know acting or creating scenarios yeah learning management system okay that's great just give me give you few more seconds to reply yeah you could even uh use yeah gamification is there yes perfect okay great so very good I mean if you have learning management system so just I give you some example uh like you can use generative AI chatbot plug in to your learning management system and that could act as a tutor so after office hour let that AI chatbot answers the queries to the Learners and then later on you could see and you could even fine tune you could enhance that AI enable application or chatbot if somehow it's not up to the mark but most of the these AI chat Bots if it's fed to huge data accurate data they could answer they could replace some part of our you know uh question and answer like in forums you know okay thanks thanks for uh interacting in the poll let me quickly go through most of us now very familiar with AI okay AI stands for artificial intelligence and inside ai ai would be a bigger Circle if you look at the in the middle and we have a machine learning uh ml which is where uh we build algorithms which can learn on their own okay and then we have deep learning so I'm I'm making it very simple like LM and term uh non technical terms so deep learning is a specialized uh algorithm like machine learning but they are expert in certain um domains or certain set of data and they could even uh identify for example uh you have a machine learning algorithm it can identify you know dogs and cats and animals right and there are only four categories which you TR but suddenly you use deep learning it could even extract more features you know more complex uh problems can be solved using deep learning okay so machine learning is subfield of AI okay and deep learning is subfield or subpart of machine learning okay this is how it works uh we have supervised learning and unsupervised learning so when I'm talking about supervised learning so it mean uh experts are there and they are observing how your model uh or algorithm actually works by feeding in data and here I just use one simple uh set of data so it may be a text X is just a text so it only takes text as input apply using certain model and then it could categorize I'm just giving simple so Y is again a text and it will compare how it is relate to expected outcomes so this is where you have a training data set so what is the difference if there is a error then you have to readjust your model modify the algorithm until unless you receive or you achieve the required expected outcome once you achieve you fix that algorithm you don't change this is what supervised learning the simple process are now in unsupervised learning you have a data like text you have model so maybe you can use the model just now in supervised learning and make it unsupervised learning and the same model will generate some examples or outputs most of the time unsupervised learning they will in learn on their own they will modify and fine-tune the model on its own okay but the training is based on uh experts uh input and feedback okay now deep learning deep learning uses artificial neural networks this is how human works this how we learn you know how many of you knows or recall who taught you to button your shirt you know who taught you to chew food I cannot recall maybe it's how we learn during the childhood maybe our mother taught us uh when we were not even conscious like we can't even recall but all we observe sometime we see by our eyes we learn so same ways um we develop algorithms they learn as we proc you know uh progress allowing them to process more complex patterns than traditional machine learning so this is the difference between machine learning and deep learning deep learning we allow them to process complex patterns so when we are talking about patterns it's a huge data so we could um extract patterns of like for example 10 years of past data those students who score a what was their what were their patterns you know they may be spending three hours in a library I'm just giving it's it's not exact numbers you know I'm just telling you what would be the pattern maybe submitting assignments on time or they are actually uh doing uh uh simulation or pbls very regularly that could be a pattern 10 years of data you could extract pattern and that's how you could use this algorithm to predict okay now here generative AI is subset of deep learning and most most of the applications nowadays uh relates to large language model is actually generative AI now what is generative AI generative AI is actually based on the input you have given the algorithm will try to uh get answers from large language model okay so this is what we mean by generative AI now large language model is also subet of uh deep learning so you see how we narrow down um large language model is like uh all words in a particular order language which is very impossible you to have to conclude but most of the word like 99% of words use in a particular language fed into that model and uh that model will try to check statistically percentage how what is a percentage of one word coming next uh before certain words so based on that data and how we construct the sentence like how we construct how I'm doing now I have thoughts in my mind I'm thinking so initially I may be thinking in my native language and then I will try to translate same way we try in large language model we have words we have sentences so when you type in your prompt it try to match it is those words in the large language model and try to Mo highest probability of these matching it will actually extract the data and then present in a natural language so that's why it excites us every time we interact with these genetic AI applications it gives us a different types different results you know and it's very close to like you are you are talking to a human you're talking to your friend you're talking to a teacher or facilitator you know so this is where the strength is it because sometime even if you ask me to recall in my grade three who was sitting next to me I may not be able to recall but if that data is fed into these models these applications they will be always accurate because it's they are just going because of the processing of our our computer processing is high speed they are very fast they will go in they Scan they will fetch the data in grade three Hasan was sitting next to who uh in my class they can they can recall if I have fed in so this is where you need huge amount of data to work to let these models work perfectly okay hope is clear right so this is where nowadays we have like um uh you you know just giving example like you have a data you have a labels and you have a predicted machine learning models output will be that they label uh certain types of data so this is and then at the bottom we have unstructured content like sometime nowadays even we have a multimodel where it will accept any types of input even you have a text or you have a image you can open your phone camera or any camera that would consider as a input and it will go use that model and extract something and it comes up with new content you know so this is how the machine learning works at the back hope it's clear now I just like uh give you some examples here like number class category or probability and then here you can give a input like a text a prompt I want a image to be generated of a doctor doing a surgery so I will show you some examples uh of the applications which if you write very good detailed prompt it could generate very nice images and even it could generate videos or code and uh just to tell you one of my colleague here at IMU um we have a issue we need to migrate uh huge uh video files from one platform to another platform and when we migrated I'm talking about few thousands videos so every video belongs to certain folders certain staff but when we migrate it it generate their own code so very hard to rename all these few thousand folders we use uh generative AI applications and my colleague don't know anything about code I mean he's not he knows coding but he's not into that particular language so what he did he try uh submit the prompt and they give that application give us a code a script when we run that script it rename all those few thousand folders according to uh particular names because we have another Excel file where we have code next to different faculty names so this is what I'm telling you even it can generate Cote I'm just reading one of the chat from Dr Muhammad Nar as medical education should I learn to formulate these algorithm first and then um okay it all depends on you if you are interested in learning and modifying these algorithms yes you need to know but most of the cases as a user as a medical educationist you no need to really formulate models or algorithms you just need to know how these models works you just use and there are lot of models available but it's all up to your interest as a medical educationist you don't need to formulate but if you're interested in I would suggest you can formulate better than uh uh computer scientists or artificial intelligence expert because they are very good in technicalities but they lack the context as a medical education is you you will know the real context you will know the real terminology so I would say collaborative effort would be even better okay or or you you if you could not find any AI expert let medical educationist work with artificial intelligence application combine these to you could get very good results okay that's good thanks feel free to ask anything in the chat make it more interactive and yeah so this unstructured contract could be in a natural language uh processing you know so you can you can write in your own language and uh let me tell you I don't want to name any particular application because I'm I have to disclaim do a disclaimer I'm not getting any share of promoting this I use these applications and if I found any good application um I would actually you know share with my audiences so natureal language processing the latest model version of one of the application it can recognize your native language you could try uh like you can speak Arabic or you can speak Persian you can speak Punjabi it could recognize and give you what applications do you recommend okay okay applications part just hold on I'm coming after just few slides I will be sharing a lot of applications don't worry so natural language processing and it can actually generate different types of you can write a poem you know and ask these applications to generate images relates to that poem or you can share a image as a input and ask these algorithms to write a poem and amazing results you know if you could write very nice prompt amazing so uh with all due respects to all poets I know in Persian there's a lot of big uh names when it comes to poetry are amazing the way they these algorithms work amazing so you like now you can write poem in you know few few minutes but condition is you should write very accurate prompt okay so hope this is clear now just sharing with you some of the daily live applications lot of us when we go out we use um uh GPS applications you know like driving a car and if you want to go sorry could the answer of M Mrs akar's question be learning prompt engineering I sorry I could not get uh learning prompt engineering yes is actually highly paid uh uh professions nowadays um and this is where you could uh learn how to prompt algorithm so if you are able to write good prompt s you could get very good results right okay so I was talking about real life applications in daily usage so before I travel to any destination I will plug into my GPS and I will ask I will ask uh I want to go and most of the cases surprisingly we we didn't even pay attention but most of this during weekday my GPS early in the morning when I will on the first destination will will show my University because it learns it picks up at this time every day I'm traveling where and it will show me the shortest distance and sometime I ignore that and I will stuck in Jam because this is how they they get in real life data and they try to predict and guide me okay yes then we have lot of games lot of these games last time people versus people now a person versus AI enable application so it's not a real person it's a artificial intelligence your smartphones nowadays there are applications in the cameras which can recognize who you are so during covid in my University there was cameras which can scan my face check test I mean identify who am I and immediately even though I was wearing mask and uh check the temperature so if my temperature is higher they will not open the door so that's how it works like image processing and image recognition okay uh good there's a lot of discussion going on I will come back to you all okay yes good uh in in banking sectors you know in transactions so if you are using debit card or credit card so it detects what kind of transactions you are doing if any anything you bought you buy you never bought before they will they will verify with you and my own personal opinion no application without artificial intelligence component inside will not survive so this is what most of the applications even you use Gmail you type in automatically it will start giving you words you know so they are using some sort sort of intelligence but yet to reach to level of a human okay let's move on yeah so this is um another uh poll I want you to scan and share your own individual thoughts and share your experiences like for what purpose you are going to use AI applications when it comes to teaching and learning so once again you can scan this QR code or type in slido or you can use in the chat and reply yes I totally agree with Dr nid you mention and I will share my own experience in my own institution we have prepared the the the the discussion is going on about teach AI at different levels so we even started at Foundation level you know so one compulsory module thanks to our Senior Management Vision last year they given us a task so we have prepared a self-d learning module for all Foundation students and gradually we will roll to all other schools so it's a four module about I would say not more than 40 hours you know one credit uh hours like spending time but they can smarter students can finish even less than that uh time okay yes let's see share uh your experiences how you're going to use AI applications for teaching and learning yeah data analysis yes chatbot yeah so you can create a chatbot um yes very powerful uh application of artificial intelligence so chatbot can act um you know act as a tutor answering certain questions create and revise questions yeah but make sure if you're using high stake questions or assessment and you use these questions in that uh make sure you use paid version of these applications because anything you shared on these applications will have access to the students yeah yeah you can create assessments I will be sharing some of the tools yeah that's good yes any anything else how you can use AI my students are using AI more than us yeah yeah students are always far ahead when it comes to technology we as Educators there is because they are digital natives we are digital immigrants but we pretend to be digital natives okay so that's why they any anyone who borns after 1990 they are digital natives yeah yes but if if they are using AI for doing assignments that's where ethically every institution should come up with the guidelines how they can use and for what purpose they are allowed to use if they are doing assignments and they are not refering or they are not citing it then uh there's a question mark yeah I will ask chatboard to give a answers and ask the questions to reflect yeah yeah that's very good very good scenario like you allow students to use these applications and ask change your questions don't ask them to recall or write what ask them to critically analyze and share which tool you use so and same goes like what Dr CA ibraimi mentioned here yeah so let chatbot or these AI applications assist us in telling us whether we are in the right path or not covering the scope of a topic or not yeah generating the images and graphs wow that's great Dr maram yeah developing scenarios yeah very good you could you could uh ask these apps to generate scenarios for you literature review yes elicitor is one of the very powerful tool uh which can do uh systematic literature review very fast you know like I I remember during my PhD time like I have to read lot of papers and summarize and put sticky notes on the wall on the board and then you know try to cover what are the keywords but now less than five minutes these softwares can do okay literature reviews synthesis for research project yes very good finding related papers yes very powerful now now all these online uh tools they allows you you know okay okay thanks thanks for interacting in these polls yeah how can use AI for gaming of learning which tool do you prefer yeah so when it comes to gaming uh you could um come up with uh creating a scenarios so just now someone said so and then if you want to code you want to use code then you can ask these Al algorithm to generate code in r or python that's they very strong in and they can do that or you could we we use even Learning Management systems and generate games you know like by coming up with Point systems gamifying you know like uh and if you're using simulator simulator environment there you could put timer and let them do uh so generating those images those scenarios you could use AI so not one tool can do everything in gaming uh gamifying the learning you need multiple tools you know because every tool have uh their own domains like writing script uh roleplay or you want to create avatars you need different tools the characters in The games if you want to use simulated games uh scenarios right and many more tools which can assist us you know like in doing that creating outlines for lectures yes creating revising questions yeah uh these are few applications chat Doc and chat uh PDF that allows you to upload uh documents or you know in PDF form or in Doc form and that would accept as your input and you could just upload and you just type in enhance elaborate or convert this text into a pbl scenario or in scenario uh they will re retransform your text into your own case or case based learning you know um uh you could use that right o sorry sorry there there are a few more just want to quickly scan through yeah markdown language to create mind map so this is another application you could do data analysis lifelong learning different ways to interpret yes um you could always give the text and ask these applications to elaborate because English is not our native language uh maybe some of you may have uh English as native language so sometime the way we read and we perceive is different then what exactly it means so using these um large language models could assist us to improve in understanding of English language or even different languages you know because nowadays they are allowing us to translate but always make sure don't rely completely on these tools someone some experts have to check and verify okay uh yeah writing research articles uh micro to this micro is is a application which can allow you to uh make mind map lesson plans yeah very powerful tool I will be sharing with you which can even generate PowerPoint or even assessments for translation and rewriting for making summaries very powerful I have tried many times give 20 pages of uh document and ask them to summarize in three lines or just share the keywords out of this text they can do very powerful and very fast okay thanks thanks for sharing all that using AI for Diagnostic reasoning that's another area where um AI is coming up very strong you know uh it can even do the image processing and radiologist some part of radiologist will not replace completely okay right thanks let's move on yeah AI applications key element these are nowadays like everything they are catching up they are they will be labeling you know I I was discussing with my wife we have a rice cooker and it's written AI enabled so I asked her what is AI in this rice cooker you know so very hard my wife is an engineer also and mechatronics and uh very difficult and she could not convince me that what is AI in it actually when we read the catalog it says it uses fuzzy logic to cook but I was discussing like it would be AI if I ENT in the house and looking at me the rice cooker knows what kind of food I'm I would like to have now and you can cook that food that would be AI right so nowadays lot of products they label AI but actually they are not AI they are just we because of speed fetching the data very fast is not AI so when we are talking about AI applications the key element is generalizing learning so in the lab if you recall previous slides when I was telling you about supervised learning of algorithm where we adjust our algorithm until we reach to desire outcome so if we achieve that and you use that algorithm show input which you never shown or never inputed that input before to that algorithm it should give the result so this is what generalized learning mean and reasoning ability the algorithm should have that and it should solve problem okay so these are the three major key elements if you're talking about any AI applications they should have okay now here just want to share with you these categories um a lot of people they use this uh weak or narrow AI this is all of our applications are and we are just in between this narrow Ai and strong AI yet to reach to this strong AI once we can replace a human that would be super AI okay in in movies in fictions yes they are showing super AI level but to tell you the truth uh to reaching to this level which is just beginning of strong AI we spent 70 years 1950 I think the first time this artificial intelligence term coin in so it it will take long time okay so don't be worried yeah yes we should be worried people who are using AI will replace us faster rather than this tool or technology so that's why it's very uh critical or important to learn about this yeah okay so let's move on this is uh another U before sharing different applications I would like to share with you a surway conducted uh this year few months ago um uh about global student and they ask questions about generative AI about artificial intelligence so more than 40% of students who participated in the global survey they have used gen AI in their studies Okay and like Kenya was more most popular than there are 15 other countries and nearly 23 or 65% of 11,000 students who participated in the survey indicated they would like their curriculum to include training and AI tools and this is what we were discussing just now in the chat and thanks to all participants who actually contributed and I shared with you like in our institution we started even at Foundation level uh a AI module where we explain to them uh what is the general terms for teaching and learning what they can use and we have our own guidelines we have prepared so we ask them to follow these guidelines so I would recommend each each and every institution they should have uh guidelines you know ethical use of AI uh enable applications okay AI uh tools that could be relevant to their future carriers so we can't run away from these tools or Technologies so it's good to have early introduction uh to our students uh one of the most important finding of this surve was like these um widespread use of generative AI tools in the student among the students okay um and it may varies from you know the number of students using generative AI generative AI used for study purpose is most popular in Kenya 63% Saudi Arabia is 62% Spain 62% also at the opposite end of spectrum only around one5 of us and UK students said they had used it to study according to the report okay so this is where um the importance of generative AI usage is coming in right and here globally the top reason given by students learner can learn fast so 53% of respondents say if they use AI generative a generative AI applications they can learn fast so this is where we need to pay attention so if facilitators start using generative aable tools they can actually make make the teaching and learning you know um more easy um ability to personalize learning amazing so I I was sharing with you latest TR and this survey actually validates that reducing the cost of extra tutoring okay so about 28% they said so our chat box could cover up give extra number of hours to our students because being a human uh sometime you are tired you may not be performing up to you know how best best performance so but these algorithms will always be working to the optimum uh and not always feeling comfortable asking professors for help so 23% feel like not easy or not comfortable to ask you know um professors but AI is available you know anytime you can ask you know questions and all that and the more questions students ask the more if it's machine learning algorithm behind it will learn so first cohort maybe the quality of second cour answer will be even improved okay so 13% of students who use generative AI for their studies said they did so because it was assigned by their professors so some of the institutions they asked their students to use these tools and one of the example I gave you like ask them to use these tools rather than asking what is um pbl I'm just giving example rather than asking that you ask compare the definition of pbl using these different AI enable tools and pick what is the best definition among uh the definition gens by these applications so you are you are raising you're going higher order thinking skills you know rather than just recall or copy paste you know so this survey is done by Yonder consultancy uh and uh you could actually search and get lot of there are several more findings there due to constraint of time I just Shar some important findings uh with all of you okay so let's move on and share the best part which you are all asking and waiting for right tools and platforms for teaching and learning uh most of the these tools are free most of and I will always use the free feature a free version first until unless I'm satisfied then only I will actually switch to paid version and I again disclaimer repeating I am not uh getting any commission from these platforms it's just I I'm looking after this AI topic I uh 20 years ago I in my masters I studied about neural networks artificial intelligence expert systems natural language processing and I could not believe my first few weeks like application although I my background is computer science and I could not believe that this can be happened you know like but when we have completed our first assignment the result was amazing and I start Believing on these applications and it it could learn on their own you know so now after 20 years these uh algorithms are in public domain lot of people have access to these algorithms and applications so which is is great but use wisely use legally okay so let's move on this is the first Tool uh let's uh you if you scan this QR code you will I will get some benefit uh because there is a referal link so same thing you can do you scan this QR code register yourself with this gamma and the beauty of this tool is you just need to provide um a link if you have a video or you have a PDF or just type in I want a lesson on anything and let me let me demonstrate now okay just give me a minute I'm logging in okay so perfect yeah so what I can do uh please give me your prompt I can can I confirm you are seeing now my gamma application as a website yes sad I don't know what does that mean oh yes yes okay is it my voice hearable okay good good good uh just just give me your prompt which lecture material you want me to prepare ask this gamma application and just type in in the chat and I will copy for you so I'm waiting for the first prompt first topic I will I will demonstrate in front of you just give me any topic any context in the chat of zoom and I will copy paste andless see it it it uh learn me prompt engineering okay yes so I will change from learn uh to so you click this P inex okay they're coming up new things okay import from file this is what I was telling you you could do that so I will pick the first one so here I put so instead of learn I would say create uh lesson for prompt engineering may I know the level I want to teach AI in medical education okay prompt engineering so Les's less sorry the spelling just wait even even you spell wrong it will correct create a lesson for I merge this two AI in medical education and prompt engineering okay okay so let's do it's a presentation or you want website even no need last time you pay few thousand to prepare website now applications will prepare a website for you so click presentation click continue it will show you the outcomes and you could modify that uh you see here medium education all that right for it's done that and you could actually see a free form and you can add in cards if you want okay and then generate now it's generating the slides see even the graphics amazing every time I come into this site it it surprised me because this this Graphics are very high quality Graphics now it's generating just give me a few minutes okay design some slides about okay I I will try just give me a second let let let us finish this and they are adding a lot of Graphics oh this is amazing so every every new version they have added in more intelligence into so let it generate even future outlook they are highlighting and look at the image and Graphics they use collaborative opportunities so you're talking about medical education you plan and resources to learn AI uh use in medical education yeah okay okay so just just uh wait for a while and it's done and this is how and I will be sharing with you uh cool thing is you can present or you can share so I will copy this link and I will put in the chat and please let me know if everybody can see that link in the chat and then I can start presenting here so this is how in less than five minutes lesson is is already is in uru lesson is ready artificial intelligence in medical education and prompt engineering and if you go down okay so this is is what impact of AI so diagnostic advancement simulation training enhanced learning okay see role of AI and prompt engineering so this is where they explain so link is already shared now um I think all of you get access to this uh application use the link I shared I will get benefit I will get every first every person who log in and uh create account I will get uh 300 points so that's how I grow so you can use still I'm using this free version for more than a year now so you can create your own referral link and share with your network okay um let's see so let me pick one more design some slides about and I can and exit and I could see a lot of people are online okay accessing this course and I can even view the analysis part here okay so you see so far seven people have access so these are some of the good features okay and we have a card card is normally kind of assessment which you could uh based on your content it will ask you questions you know okay so let's go back my home and I pick one more uh prompt let's try one line prompt in few second let's try this one it seems popular okay presentation okay yeah so I design some slides can you okay make some slides make let's make 10 slides okay surgery and send so I got seven ,000 so see it gives you this is outcome anything you want you can change okay uh you want type of this surgery preparation you can change here and it will adjust and once you create this prompt 40 coins will be minus from your credit so every time you ask is less and you see here I I sometimes say surprise me and I will say Okay continue and it's generating the SL fles see is this image relates to the topic may I know oh yes okay so interesting yeah okay so I think now no need to waste your time in generating or creating content you should just use this and focus on facilitating focus on addressing your learners challenges you know content is there okay yeah so let let it complete and I will share this link also in the chat and you could access another thing you I can I can even allow you to be a co- facilitate a co-author and you could you know you see here I can allow um like give full access and I can create workspace and I can ask them to invite others so you can even collaborate okay let's copy this link and copy and share in the chat okay so let's let's move on because I have few more tools to share um this uh once let me share again this is the QR code just scan and register once you register I will get some po coins and this is how I use coins okay um let's move on another um for for soft soft skills sorry let me go back um is it is it viewable the link on top ah okay yes so we have this jinny jinny is uh WhatsApp uh kind of uh application once you scan this and you you will have a J in your WhatsApp what will be the future of of teaching and lecturer who when whole knowledge is online uh you see the empathy you can't be these applications still learning about empathetic Behavior about humanizing you know so we as a lecturer will still be needed okay just to answer Dr ak's questions okay can we download the cre yes yes we can download in a PDF and even PowerPoint also Dr Zara uh yeah I can show you but it's very simple just under that share you can download also I have downloaded even in the PowerPoint and I reuse the PowerPoint and another cool feature the images in the PowerPoint is not copyrighted okay because it's AI generated so I can reuse those images okay uh do we still need degrees very good question I will come back to you on this question if if I forget you remind me about degrees okay right so I was talking about jinny jinny is very uh for like for example how to manage a difficult boss uh how to handle difficult student you ask it's a chat and then you can ask uh about certain number of queries is free after that it will ask you to subscribe but amazing the results are amazing like all the uh mental health well-being kind or related questions you could ask jinny jinny is very powerful in that so maybe the data set train using this algorithm is based on that like personal questions so this will be acting as a coach okay or Mentor for you so you could try right using this Genie so let's move on this is another uh application and I really mean it with with one click you can generate a lesson and it's called roshi r o i. aai this behind is a video which I have created my own video this is how I look about 10 years ago okay all white hair all black hair now is white hair okay so you can scan this QR code put your video link or your PDF and click it will generate lesson for you amazing result I have tried okay and even I talk one term for just Less Than 3 second it actually picks that term and put in a vocabulary at the end of your lesson okay so let's try if if you cannot have access to this let me know I can demonstrate hopefully you can have access to this and very powerful it generates lesson with one click and even you can put in how many types of Assessments you want it could actually generate that number of Assessments also McQ or fill in the blanks true false all different types of settings you can do and it can generate okay all clear can shall I move to next tool just waiting for your confirmation yes okay good so this is what the URL roshi doai okay now imagine. is the soft uh software

application which the second slide I showed you three doctors I use this now I was telling you someone asked give me the tool for gamifying learning not one tool so what I would suggest you use other generative AI applications to generate prompts because you need prompt for generating image you need proper accurate powerful text to generate image so I was giving you example like I ask I give prompt like you know create a doctor with some technology enhanced you know uh learning excuse me yeah so sometime I I could not write proper prompts so I use um other generative AI applications for prompt purpose and I copy that prompt from those applications and write uh paste it here and then click on jet okay so you can try this uh imagine. art so again there there is uh free version limitation they will allow you to generate 10 images per day if you're really intensively using it uh the best solution um you can actually use multiple emails okay and register or subscribe to this if you really like it create a hybrid CC operation room okay let's try good good uh let let me try Okay just give me a minute imagine. art okay let me sign in yeah sorry I should sign in before and then I can show you just give me a minute yeah but if you want to try you no need to even sign oops some errors okay let me refresh oh got some error okay what what I can do I can go back just give me a minute technology can fail anytime so don't worry okay I don't know why it gives error it already allow me to sign in but yeah so what I can do I paste so I can paste your and let's see how it react to your prompt sometime it happens yeah it got some error I think uh this application is not properly running today uh anyone else you can try if you're getting the same issue then sometime it happens okay maybe we'll come back and we'll try again see how it goes okay uh because I I have created and I can show you on the website okay you see here these images they have created using this application okay so see about 6 million users okay and 70 million images and all these images uh no copyright I mean you are your author because you have right this amount of signing in and giving access to our basic personal makes me afraid oh yeah okay so to address this Dr Sina ibraimi I would suggest you to use uh one one uh Gmail ID only for application testing and don't put anything your personal into that okay so and you could be safe I totally agree with you I studied network security and encryption and decryption anything on the net is no more safe okay so yeah so you could try using that uh one Gmail ID just for application testing and all that okay so let's move on sorry for this uh glitch just now um I will be trying giving you another application which will be working yes let's try this this is very powerful if videogram if you have any idea and you want to convert that into infographics or Graphics or anything else uh like a article it will be doing that okay amazing let let's try this okay edio gram. a and let's give the same prom just now we give yes uh poster the options it gives oh let me bring here yeah so you see here um all of these applications I sign in I never sign out so that just now was giving some issues mean okay for photo poster 3D render typography catic painting and there are lot of more so let's try a photo and see generate infographic for integrating art in education yes uh this this this idiogram could do that also it can generate you notice now how many images you got still loading right on your side okay so which image you prefer just put number from left to right left one 2 3 4 left to right number three one 2 three this one right so let's click that so you see here is this the image you notice uh they have modified the faces there is a purpose because they don't want to resemble with anyone and now here they allow you to remix they allow you to download also so you can remix with another image okay let's see poster and see generate the same in a poster form and then we remix so they allow you to enhance and you see they remove uh humans you know and then they allow remix so this was the parent and now you can actually even adjust the weight you can modify and generate let's see what it will do it will merge two images and see and then you see now we can even download okay let's click this and download and this is in jaac okay I can download and reuse anywhere I want okay wow okay that's good so you just imagine uh certain parts remove certain part remix and you could zo zoom in is very high quality okay yes I I should be sharing this in the chat maybe okay that's what I was telling you about IDR you can you can try you can work for different types of outputs okay what about the copyrights yeah I repeatedly said no copyrights is the person who have written the prompt owns the rights but IP belongs to the application okay intellectual property right so uh most of the uh these uh outputs people are already selling it okay like it depends on how nicely you can prompt and you can come up with very nice scenaries you uh one of my professor he is in food technology he is very good in and he's using um Janell no no not janelli there's another mid Journey application and he is amazingly producing uh you know graphics and later on he can sell you know so my own understanding there's no issue with copyrights because they regenerate the images and you notice just now in the operation theater the faces were redesigned or re so that it won't be resembling any human uh so no issues with copyright so far okay in certain countries yes they are very restricted they say no to this generative AI or AI enabled so could we reference these apps you you can reference uh uh professionally yes we should refer to but uh in scientific Publications uh sometime they may not allow you or they might not accept that okay because uh you can't put co-author as AI or applications right okay so let's move on uh for assessment just know a lot of people mention that they use for assessment for generating questions uh coner hopefully I pronounce correctly that's why powerful tool I have experimented an amazing result you know very very detailed when it comes to uh assessment you can put in your assessment blueprint feed into and put the topic name it will generate very nicely all different types of assessment tools MC cqs matching you know fill in the blanks short answers all are there okay so it generates online quizzes also in this you know very very it's it's like million dollar questions you know Dr s like thank you for giving you one Tool uh I will be sharing one toolkit and and it's not built by my myself but I follow that hopefully that there's no one tool actually uh you need to always update just now you notice uh generative doart or imagine. art is giving some error so

if it's continuously giving error I will remove that I will find another tool okay so that's how we have to always update ourself right I'll be sharing one toolkit which covers a lot of tools so hopefully that will be very helpful okay uh Cloe or cloud cloud cloud that's how we pronounce this uh is a replacement of one of the famous tool okay chat GPT so you can forget about chat GPT you can try that and I have tried you see the screenshot AI generated summary of enable assessment file and drafting a blended learning workshop for medical education so very powerful it actually suggests lot of nice uh tools uh nice topic under the under this main prompt you could try that and um you see if it's not giving you what you are expecting change try to it's same like you are meeting somebody first time or you're meeting with your students and you are saying please generate this without telling them what is the context in which subject in which week how much it uh is weightage so you need to contextualize these applications and then only you will get very good results okay so hopefully this will be very powerful application yeah if you forget everything and to answer just now one of our yeah Dr CA questions this is the platform you should use because it covers lot of tools okay so even um just few weeks ago I tried using one of the feature of this platform they call Magic school. a for teachers You Know lesson planning and many more so they have um come up I have created this tool um you see one of the tools from this site to create assessment and what I did the same the same um video I used for odl in the previous uh slides I just paste this URL of my video okay if you don't have access to this video you can upload a document okay you can share uh Google doc link and based on that document whatever in text in that document it will generate questions for you so you see uh here based on the excuse me based on that video it generated the questions and you notice at the bottom it gives the answer key also okay excuse me yeah and if you notice it gives the timing also like from this 38 second to 1 minute and 7 second in the video I was talking about this so students can go and refer back to that particular segment of video so I haven't tried Word document maybe for sure it will give the page number so your answer will be on which page number so very easy for students to refer back okay wow there are emails okay I'll be sharing my email don't or you just Google my name you will get uh all my details okay so this is one of the tool which I use this magic school. there are lot of tools under this platform okay so sign up yourself and that would be does this toolkit make High omy and see it's all depend on your prompt okay if your prompt is mentioning all these words you can test and if it's still not giving your expected outcome then you can explore other tool okay yeah so let's move on look at the time wow uh we have still time right okay this is another a AI search engine for research so just now a lot of p


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