Vast 65 km Russian military convoy advances towards Kyiv DW News

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russian troops are continuing their  advance on the ukrainian capital kia   satellite images appear to show a convoy  of military vehicles stretching more than   60 kilometers just north of the city the convoy  includes hundreds of armored vehicles tanks and   artillery it was reported to be about 25  kilometers from kiev the convoy appears far   larger than in similar satellite images taken  a day earlier air raid sirens have been heard   in the capital where city streets are empty  due to an ongoing curfew on monday russian   forces bombarded ukraine's second biggest city  kharkiv destroying dozens of residential buildings   ukraine authorities say at least nine people  have been killed in the ongoing attack an onslaught in harkiev a city  with 1.5 million residents   ukraine says russia targeted residential  buildings with volleys of rockets people in a maternity ward  forced to flee to a bomb shelter ukraine's president has condemned  the bombardment calling for it to   be brought before an international tribunal today russian forces brutally attacked kharkiv  using rockets clearly a war crime peaceful city   peaceful residential areas no military facilities  dozens of eyewitness records prove this was not a   mistake but the deliberate destruction of people  the russians knew where they were shooting   moscow denies the accusations ever more  civilians are joining the fight to push   back russian troops from harkeef i have six children at home  and a wife i'm from kharkiv   the day before yesterday i decided to take  up arms and protect my city when i made my   decision of course my wife and my ten-year-old  son cried they tried to stop me from joining the   fighters but finally they understood it's our  land that we have to defend we can't back down ukraine is also inviting  foreigners to fight for the country   as it braces for a new phase in the war let's bring in maria daya he  adaba here a resident in kharkiv   maria thanks for being with us  uh thanks for joining us on these   very difficult circumstances how are  things looking in kharkiv right now hello thank you for having me so today the night  was uh pretty calm uh in the morning we've got   reports that uh the great challenge started so  again this morning two residential uh buildings   were destroyed by russian missile systems great  and then about 2 00 a.m here i've heard a very   loud explosion uh very close to where i live so  and uh immediately it turned out that a russian   rocket got into the building of the uh at kharkiv  regional administration the main administrative   building in kharkiv which is situated just  in the center of the city on the main square   across of the university and near many residential  buildings as well no military object there at all   now we're just looking at some  of the pictures of that explosion   you described that would appear to have  happened just a short while ago is that right   yes it happened exactly almost less than  an hour ago and there was a major explosion   and why this building is so symbolic is because  it has ukrainian flag on top of it and already   in 2014 russian forces tried to get control over  kharkiv and they have put russian flag on that   building so and that's why you know this this has  a symbolic meaning also for ukrainians and for   putin who wants to put kharkiv on the knees but  it won't happen but now what he is doing he is   actually having people here residents in kharkiv  as hostages because you know under the shelling   that goes on every hour uh there is no possibility  for food supply for medical supplies for any   kind of assistance are you planning to stay  in kharkiv maria yes i do plan to stay because   this is my home and i want to defend it as much  as i can so given any help that might be needed   to people and i don't know volunteering  and giving medical aid because you know   our men are now fighting on the streets with  the russian troops that that are around on the   outskirts of kharkiv so yesterday uh that in the  day before they were attacking from the three   sides and now they're killing civilians we have  the reports of two dead deaths among children   and that is something horrible and that is why  we are here ready to fight to do to the last   end because we have no other option it's our  home and we want to defend it what about basic   supplies do you have access to essentials like  food and water are people there able to get by well it's already running we are running  out of supplies so yesterday there were   big lines in front of the shops with a supermarket  small supermarkets and bread kiosks because uh   uh already it's almost nothing left and  you can only get a little from what is left   and the bread you can buy only one loaf in for  one person so basically if the shelling continues   and it looks like that's what putin has in mind  uh so the the town the city will be in blockade   because there will be no possibility for food  supplies and medical supply what is more important   and that is why we are like on the edge of  the humanitarian crisis and they are asking   international humanitarian organizations to  urgently begin supplying uh kharkiv and other   cities under russian attack with with what is  needed with essentials how are people in kharkiv   dealing with this situation are they able  to find shelter in the city to be safe well we have metro underground is used as a  shelter so i know many families who spend their   days and nights with with their children  also people hide in the basements and we   have especially in the residential areas which  are being hit by russian great missile system   systematically so they spend their whole days  you know not going being able to come out of   the basement like sitting there for days with  the children locked there and others who can   fight with arms they go to territorial defense  units and they know to go patrol the streets and   participate as much as they can in no  way in pushing back uh russian troops   out of the city if when they try to to come  in maria thank you very much that was maria   dieva a resident in kharkiv thanks for  talking with us stay safe thank you well for more let's cross over to our  correspondent fanny facia who it joins   us from yitzke funny tell us what the situation  is like where you are this morning people are   waking up to day number six of this full-scale  invasion we spent with all of our neighbors uh   part of the night in the bunker as the air raid  sirens went off again people are on edge they   are nervous what's to happen today and of course  increasingly concerned also about supply not just   food but very basics gas electricity it's yeah  it's much first but it's very cold during the   middle of winter in ukraine and people are really  wondering just how long those supply chains can be   kept open so yes even though i'm in the western  part of ukraine that so far was more or less   spared from a bigger attacks but there are also  military warehouses an important military airport   nearby khamelinski that was shelled during the  past couple of days so people are very much aware   it's just a matter of time unfortunately that  they're also in this town are being threatened   by by potential artillery by potential missiles  that we have seen hit so many parts of ukraine   already residential areas we just heard uh what's  happening in kharkiv it's really heart wrenching   uh to know that it's it's it's it's not just  the bomb that fall down but with those bombs   entire chains of supply to help those who've been  hurt injured are being made almost impossible   to function so very critical moments in  ukraine also here where i am right now   in himalinsky in western ukraine now satellite  images funny they appear to show a convoy of   military vehicles stretching more than 60  kilometers long just north of the city are   people there where you are aware of that and how  if so how are they dealing with this knowledge yes russian military is basically just regrouping  right now an attack on keefe is imminent and   people are very much aware of that in fact some  of them have started to prepare molotov cocktails   really it sounds very desperate in this situation  how do you confront the russian military with with   molotov cocktails but at the same time if you  add up just how motivated people are in kiev   those who still stay in that city despite the  threat that's so imminent that also tells you   that people are ready to defend their country now  president zielenski decided yesterday to release   prisoners who are able to join the military able  to fight already a few days ago he said anyone   who is able to hold an arm should get a gun so a  lot of guns have been issued here of course is the   concern also among local citizens the things can  go out of control in any in many ways right now   anarchy can take over in many places so far the  situation in kiev is relatively calm there was few   sirens going off of the night but our colleagues  our local colleagues who are still in the city   are reporting that at least they had a few hours  of sleep however they're very very nervous about   what's to happen today as this bulk of russian  troops is basically almost encircling this   this entire city and is ready to strike funny we  i was just speaking to a resident of hakeef which   is under under bombardment right now and access  to basic supplies like food and water essential   items is now becoming very restricted what's the  situation with essential supplies where you are it's definitely better so far we just heard in  that report from kharkiv that you basically are   granted one a piece of bread per individual it's  not the case here yet if you go into a supermarket   you'll still find very basic things depending  on also of course in which municipality you are   and how many supermarkets are open the ones you've  been to yes we have seen those empty shelves but   we still had the impression that at least the very  basics can still be guaranteed now this can change   any time of course if there are more attacks be it  on on surrendering uh places in the area here not   just the military warehouses and the military air  base that i pointed out but if those uh missiles   that are coming actually all the way from belarus  to here where we are right now when they are going   to destroy very critical infrastructure that  is needed to actually keep those supply chains   open so people are worried even the ones who  still get their bread and get their even their   vegetables in the supermarket today just how long  that's going to happen as a result a lot of people   stock up on food and panic starts to set in and  also people who are here in this well so far was   a relatively calm town are packing up and they  are leaving they're trying to leave across the   border to romania and try to bring their their  their families to safety is there any hope fannie   among the people you are talking to there that  a diplomatic solution could be found in this   conflict because we do have ukraine and russia  finally sitting down at the negotiating table actually we're talking about this very question  with our neighbors yesterday in the bunker and   they said they would like to have this glimpse of  hope but at the same time if this country is being   bombed while so-called negotiation take place they  don't really hope that's going to be anytime soon   now what we do know of course that after this yeah  meeting between russian and ukrainian delegation   that ended without a breakthrough so far we know  that the second round is supposed to take place   it's unclear when but the people here on the  ground are actually calling on the allies and   the western allies to say please help us please  us in terms of military please help us in terms   of humanitarian aid and please help us to bring  an end to to this to this war to this full-scale   invasion so people don't really have a high hopes  when it comes to negotiations with the aggressor   as they say via belarus they rather put their  faith into whatever is to come from the west   funny thank you very much that was our  correspondent funny factual in western ukraine well the first emergency united nations general  assembly session in decades opened with a minute   silence for those killed in ukraine more than  a hundred nations have signed up to speak out   about ukraine's invasion at the  session which continues today   u.n secretary general antonio guterres  spoke of a moment of truth for humanity a minute of silence to mourn  those killed in russia's   days-long ground and air attack on ukraine then nation after nation took to the  podium condemning president vladimir   putin's war and his decision to put  russia's nuclear forces on high alert   excellency we are facing a tragedy for ukraine  but also a major regional crisis with potentially   disastrous implications for us all yesterday  russian nuclear forces were put on high alert   this is a chilling development the mere idea of  a nuclear conflict is simply inconceivable a war   of this scale seemed inconceivable just days  before the invasion ukraine's envoy to the un   spoke passionately about civilian suffering in his  country and warned that global peace is at stake   if ukraine does not survive intention  survive international peace will not survive if ukraine does not survive the united nations  will not survive have no illusions russia's envoy   accused the media of creating fake news about  what putin calls a special military operation and   blamed ukraine for causing the war by mistreating  russian supporters and breakaway regions this definitely persuaded us that we could no  longer ignore the suffering to people in donbas   the leaders of breakaway regions turn to us for  military support monday's emergency session of   the un general assembly lays the groundwork for a  resolution members will vote on later in the week   in part it demands russia immediately stops its  attack and withdraws all troops from ukraine the international criminal court in the hague  will launch an investigation on the situation   in ukraine following russia's invasion the chief  prosecutor kareem khan says there is reasonable   basis to believe alleged war crimes and crimes  against humanity have been committed in the attack   neither of the two countries uh russia nor ukraine  are members of the icc but ukraine has accepted   its jurisdiction in the past russia for its part  does not recognize the court's authority at all our chief political correspondent melinda crane  joins us in this studio melinda i know that you   covered the balkan wars and the ensuing war crimes  trials i also know that you studied international   law and are very well versed on this subject do  you think we could see an indictment in the hague   against russian president vladimir putin or the  officers who are in fact committing uh crimes uh   on his orders uh normally you begin with those  who are on the ground and then follow the chain   of command upward and yes i do if we look for  example at these latest reports of the probable   use of cluster bombs in hakief or if we look  at a cluster bomb confirmed on february 25th   in against a kindergarten and nursery in the town  of kirktika in sumi oblast then and that's been   confirmed by amnesty then these are absolutely  uh violations uh that could be pursued by the   international criminal court but there are others  as well for example uh russian forces have boasted   of eliminating combatants uh in some of the places  they've fought including at the airport outside   of kiev you don't simply eliminate combatants  you are required by the laws of war by the   hague conventions to take them prisoner  and give them certain kinds of treatment   so there is real reason to believe that war  crimes are being committed here at the same   time ukraine has also gone to the international  court of justice on another matter namely the   violation of its territorial integrity the law on  wars of aggression is somewhat more unclear that   wouldn't probably be a charge that we'd see in the  international criminal court but i think that the   prosecutor's decision to look into this  is absolutely justified and what it means   as i say you try to chase that that chain of  command right back up to vladimir putin and   then ultimately he is further isolated he  can no longer travel if he ever leaves his   country he will be subject to arrest that's the  objective and as we know it happened to milosevic   in the balkan there's been a lot of discussion  about whether or not the international community   should or could intervene militarily in some form  of course ukraine is not a nato member nato at   this point says it has no intention of intervening  but we did see nato intervene in the balkan wars could there come a point melinda do you think  when nato might decide that the suffering of the   people the war crimes being committed are  so severe that it needs to intervene here   strictly on the point of law essentially  there are two provisions under which uh force   can be used one is the right to self-defense  which includes collective self-defense that would   obviously be an easier matter if ukraine were  in fact a member of nato ukraine is not a member   of nato therefore it becomes a little  bit more difficult the clearest path   would be a u.n security council resolution  we're not going to get that that by the way  

was what happened uh when iraq invaded kuwait  as you will remember the u.n security council   empowered other countries essentially to help  get iraq out of kuwait if it didn't leave   voluntarily that is a clearer legal position but  terry that's the law side the other side of course   is simply pragmatism reality the adversary here  is a nuclear-armed power i cannot imagine that   nato would go up against uh russia under these  circumstances when ukraine is not a member   of nato the legal situation is somewhat hazy and  the reality is obviously very problematic okay so   that's the uh that's the legal aspect with respect  to nato and the international criminal court   let's talk about the european union we know  that ukraine would like to be a member of both   nato and the european union on monday we saw the  ukrainian president sign a formal application for   eu membership how is that likely to be received in  brussels it's quite interesting uh ursula van der   ley and the commission president has gone straight  out into the to in in public and said she supports   this membership and in fact yesterday uh foreign  minister bairbach here in germany had a visit from   her counterpart from slovenia and he also gave a  strong plea for this application to be considered   obviously the idea here is if you can't bring  ukraine into the nato fold could you maybe at   least bring them into the european union uh fold  which would afford some kind of protection in fact   more protection now than we would have thought uh  possible previously the eu is offering ukraine 500   million in weapons support for the first time so  that's quite an interesting aspect as to why this   is clearly of interest to ukraine on  the other hand the path to eu membership   is a long path and it involves some of the  same hurdles that ukraine faces vis-a-vis nato   countries that want to join the eu have to show  that they have stable transparent non-corrupt   governments that has been a long-standing  problem in ukraine definitely improvements   in that area but there's still a long way to go  so this is not a path that would happen quickly   and germany's foreign minister did say that  yesterday thank you very much and i'm sure   we'll be talking to you further throughout the day  our chief political correspondent melinda crane now to some of the other headlines related  to the war in ukraine the united states is   expelling 12 russian u.n diplomats accusing  them of being spies russia's u.n ambassador   vasily nevins told a session of the unite of  the security council about the move calling   it a hostile step he later refused to specify  whether he was among those told to leave turkey's   president recep tayyip erdogan says he'll restrict  russian warships from key waterways to the black   sea a 1936 treaty gives turkey the right to  stop military vessels from passing through   the dardanelles and bosphorous straits during  wartime several russian ships have recently passed   through the straits into the black sea which also  borders ukraine western sanctions triggered by the   invasion of ukraine have sent the ruble plummeting  the currency fell 30 in value after moves to cut   off russia's access to foreign exchange russians  scrambled to withdraw money from cash machines   russia's central bank doubled its key  interest rate to prop up the currency in a further escalation of tensions  president vladimir put vladimir putin   placed his country's nuclear forces on  high alert on sunday before the invasion   of ukraine began putin ordered military drills  involving his arsenal of nuclear-capable missiles   he oversaw them personally with the leader of  belarus alexander lukashenko the kremlin said   those exercises were part of regular training  and denied they signaled an escalation but   russia invaded ukraine on thursday putin blamed  aggressive statements from nato for the change   in posture top officials from leading nato  countries have been making aggressive statements that is why i've ordered the defense minister and  chief of the general staff to put our deterrent   forces on high combat alert let's bring in pablo  podvick here he is considered a leading expert on   russia's nuclear arsenal and he's independent  analyst based in geneva thanks for being with   us pavel so putin has put his nuclear deterrent on  high alert what does that mean in practical terms well the first thing we need to keep in mind is  that the russian nuclear forces as well as other   nuclear forces are constantly on the high alert  more than a thousand warheads are deployed on   intercontinental ballistic missiles and  they are in very high readiness uh what   this move that was announced on sunday  meant is was not increasing the number of   missiles or submarines out there apparently it was  the united states has not detected any movements   of forces that would indicate that what it appears  to mean uh is that the uh it was a signal to   the united states first and foremost uh  that russian forces are have taken steps   to protect uh themselves from a potential attack  and the uh the signal is basically don't don't   even try uh don't even think about attacking  russia what is russia's nuclear capability we   know that russia has many nuclear weapons but how  dangerous how dangerous is it with these weapons well it's uh it's quite dangerous uh as i  said uh the uh around thousand warheads on uh   intercontinental ballistic missiles only there are  submarines there are bombers uh overall uh russia is one of two major nuclear powers  it has more than 4 000 warheads   in its arsenal as the united states  actually does and uh it is uh something to   consider and that's apparently that's  the calculation uh in the kremlin that   people will be taking these signals seriously  and would not interfere on behalf of ukraine   now you are an expert on russia's  nuclear arsenal do you believe that   president vladimir putin would actually order  a nuclear missile strike if he felt threatened   well i certainly hope that he would not  uh but the uh the problem is that uh   and what i find very problematic is  that uh he uh explicitly uh brought   nuclear weapons into this conflict even even  as a signal even in at the rhetorical level   uh and uh a conflict like that uh very complex uh  could involve uh very unexpected developments and now that we know that russia indicated  or said actually explicitly that   it does consider nuclear weapons to be a  factor things can go in many wrong ways   i i think it was good that the united states did  not react in a similar fashion the united states   did not indicate that they would want uh to bring  its forces to higher alert uh and it was good   to see that the un uh general assembly session  yesterday a lot of states uh called that move that   introduction of nuclear weapons they called it uh  unacceptable and irresponsible and i think that   should be uh the message the reaction should be  that nuclear weapons should not belong to to any   conflict in fact but definitely they should not be  anywhere clear of this conflict okay here we are   with russia having invaded a sovereign country  it is now at least sending a rhetorical signal   about its nuclear weapons what can be done by  the west in this situation to de-escalate what's   happening and perhaps bring about a a some sort  of solution that doesn't involve further bloodshed well that's uh that's a very uh difficult uh  problem uh and uh i i think uh since uh as you   said correctly uh uh we are dealing with the  nuclear uh nuclear armed states here uh it's   uh everybody should uh try it very carefully uh  because uh there are as i said there are possible   unexpected and unpredictable developments here  and uh we we would think that a use of nuclear   weapons is uh unconceivable but then this whole  invasion was inconceivable just about a week ago   so uh i think the message should be uh very firm  and clear as i said and not just from the west but   from other countries as well that it is as  i said it's irresponsible and unacceptable   uh to wave your nuclear weapons around  the way that russia did pavel podvik an   expert on russia's nuclear capabilities  thank you very much for talking with us


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