Watch Biden s full address to Ireland s Parliament

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as the proud son of Catherine Eugenia Finnigan Biden well you knew I'd be coming speaker chair t-shirts all and I Deputy Prime Minister TD Senators people of Ireland it's so good to be back in Ireland if you forgive the poor attempted Irish tamasha Walia I'm at home coming home I only wish I could stay longer but I always have a little bit of Ireland close by even when I'm in Washington in the Oval Office I have the rugby ball signed by the Irish Rugby team the ball the team played when they beat the All Blacks by the way my cousin one of Ireland's greatest rugby Stars Rob Kearney brought it to D.C on St Patrick's Day in 2022 to give me and I didn't play rugby except when I was out of school out of law school and I didn't play it very well we played in a rugby club but I did play American football in a few other sports but I realized that you know you guys are all nuts you know but the interesting thing is I'd rather have my children playing rugby now for health reasons than I would have them playing football fewer people get hurt playing rugby and you have no equipment you have 280 pound guys like we do you just don't hit each other's head very often and uh but anyway it all kidney decide I in 2016 I came to Ireland as vice president bringing most of my family with me my sister Valerie my brother Jimmy my daughter and my five granddaughters and grandchildren my granddaughters are crazy about me and my dad because I talk to them every single day I send them a note together we explored our family history visiting through the Coulee peninsula where the Finnegan's ancestors earned they're living on land and in Sea and walking the streets of Baltimore my great great grandfather blew it lived with his family before relocated in 1851 eventually settling into my hometown of Scranton Pennsylvania yesterday I returned to County louth where I toured the calling for Castle likely one of the last Clemsons of Ireland my Finnegan ancestors who saw as they gazed on their way out and one of those days it was referred to as a coffin ship and they sailed out a Newry in 1850. I wasn't going to say this but I'll say it anyway the idea was I later learned from the Irish Times They did some old background check and my good friend Barack Obama and is my good friend his grandfather was a Shoemaker like mine sailed five weeks earlier from the same port the idea they both sail for a new life and thought their grandchild their great great grand sons of grand Sons would both be president actually a little bit of Irish malarkey the history and hope and the Heartbreak my blue and ancestors must have felt leaving their beloved Homeland to begin the new lives in America I sell this not to wax poetic about bygone days but because of the story of my family's journey and those who left and those who stayed is emblematic of the stories of so many Irish and American families not just irish-american families and these stories are the very heart of what binds Ireland America together they speak to a history defined by our dreams they speak to A Present written by our shared responsibility and they speak to a future poised for unlimited shared possibilities so today I'd like to reflect on the enduring strength of the connections between Ireland and the United States a partnership for the ages begins in our shared history dating back to the very founding of the United States Irish hearts that helped Kindle the torch of Liberty in my country and fire its revolutionary Spirit the Irish blood from across this island that was willingly given for my country's Independence the Irish hands that laid the foundations of a new kind of future one from the bottom up in the middle out one built on freedom you know the great ways immigration that brought our ancestors to the United States in succeeding decades carried Millions more Irishmen across the sea most of them arrived a little more than with hope in their hearts and strengthen their dreams and beautiful memories of an emerald green Isle a home they would never fully leave behind I've never met an Irishman in America who doesn't think he will hope we can see Ireland someday you know they're sweet they're excuse me their sweat is soaked with the foundations of communities Across the Nation Across America you can't go anywhere and not find it by the way Tip O'Neill the former Speaker of the House used to say that he'd have a he'd have a a reception for all the Irish in the Congress the house and the Senate and all those who wish they were Irish and everybody showed up look the journeys of our ancestors expanded our Horizons and literally excited our imaginations they became the untiring backbone of America's progress as a nation even as they endured discrimination and they were denied opportunity I'll tell you a story I was campaigning for president and I was out in Colorado and I was with a man whose family had been he was a former Senator a man whose family had been in the United States since the Conquistadors for generations and he kept in there a whole lot of people standing across a refurbished rail station in Western and excuse me in eastern Colorado and there was literally ten thousand people on the other side of the track waiting to hear me speak and he kept saying now Joe remember remember these people were not these are my people they're Hispanic they're not used to being taking you got to show respect and Syria I said I understand and he kept kept it up finally I turned Mr God's truth it's refurbished train station okay it had like linen kind of wallpaper on it and about every 20 feet there was a brass plaque that's saying no Irish allowed I said I get it I get it but it's history that speaks above all to the values of the state in these people throughout their hardships in their lives Freedom equality dignity family courage my mom used to have an expression to Joey courage is the greatest virtue of all without courage you can't love with abandon without courage you cannot love with the Bandit these are the values that were handed down generation to generation in my family grafted onto the American character tendon as they transformed an entire nation like so many countries around the world though perhaps more than most the United States was shaped by Ireland and that's not hyperbole that's a fact and the values we share remain to this day the core of our historic partnership between our people and our governments as Nations we've known hardship and division we've also found solace and sympathy in one another in just four years before we issued our Declaration of Independence Benjamin Franklin came to the Irish Parliament and declared and described it as I quote disposed to be friends of America end of quote and turn the next Ireland and turn the text of Ireland's 1960 Proclamation displayed mainly in the main foyer of this building draws on the support of Ireland's exiled children in America quote Charles on the support of exiled children in America where Nations that know what it means to persevere for freedom to Brave a civil war to toil and The Vineyards of democracy and that's again not hyperbole it's a fact it's a fact it's not just the hope but the conviction that better days lie ahead and brought us along we have the power to build a better future 60 years ago was referenced the first Irish Catholic President of the United States made historic trip here into this assembly and capturing the imaginations of Irish and irish-american families alike when John Kennedy addressed Parliament he honored the more than 150 000 Irish immigrants who joined the army of the North during America's Civil War and among them one or two of them are my relatives as well they signed up in a new land to stand for old values to defend freedom and the Dignity of all people think about this name another country in whatever their language is that use the word dignity as much as we Irish use the word dignity it matters my dad you say everybody Joey everybody a minute it's entitly be treated into dignity no matter who they are President Kennedy honored their courage and Sacrifice by presenting to this body the flag of the Irish Brigade which hangs out here to this very day like why I was honored received an Irish flag from the T-shirt during the recent St Patrick's Day celebration in Washington it was flown to commemorate the Irish who first raised the tri-color in Ireland 175 years ago and who suppose subsequently made his way to America where he led the Irish Brigade in that Civil War that Civil War battle these liked symbols holding a place of honor in linster house in the White House embodies Century of history between our countries connections that irrevocably have shaped the understanding of the world and our hope that we put in it forestry reminds us our history ours yours and mine reminds us of the responsibilities we have to the president that should be the president to the hopes of our ancestors to the expectation of future Generations because you know what it means to fight for democracy today our United States are standing together to pose Russia's brutal aggression and support the brave people of Ukraine I spent many days in Ukraine President Kennedy said 60 years ago and I quote Ireland pursues an independent course in foreign policy but it is not neutral between Liberty and tyranny and it never will be thank you for that over the past year Ireland has proved him right and speaker said Ireland has stood proudly with the United States and partners around the world for Liberty against tyranny has committed more than 170 million euros in crane including including vital protective gear medical equipment humanitarian support and Aid to minimize the impacts of War on food insecurity and child malnutrition you don't forget you have memories that go deep as a member of the European Union Ireland is working together the United States and other partners to hold Russia accountable for its actions including through significant sanctions and Export controls I've known Putin for over 25 years who thought the world would look the other way was confident he would break nato in the European Union the unity of Western nations would fracture and fall at the moment of testing that's what he thought but he was wrong he was wrong on every point and every front today we're more united and more determined than ever to defend the values that make us strong and I want to sincerely thank you for Ireland's vital leadership last year in the U.S in the U.N security Council working together I States helped change was implemented to ensure they do not hamper humanitarian efforts the new humanitarian carve out will make sanctions more effective and save lives Ireland's support for Ukraine is especially meaningful because you carry the moral Authority with Nations around the world Ireland's always been a voice for Liberty Global cooperation and equality of all mankind because Ireland remembers the terrible cost of War you build an international credibility as peacekeepers stepping up continuously to serve in the U.N key speed missions since Ireland's First Development since iron's first deployment in 1958.

because Ireland remembers what it means to have to flee home leaving everything behind to Begin Again On Foreign Shores the Irish people have generously opened their hearts their homes and you welcome as you said nearly eighty thousand nearly 80 000 Ukrainian refugees I would argue the rest of the world has an obligation to help you maintain that as well because Island remembers how painful Hollows of the great hunger and you're today a global leader in food security as well Ireland's committed fully 20 percent of your Aid budget to fighting Global hunger and in a moment where people around the world are struggling with the economic Fallout of the pandemic Russia's war in Ukraine Ireland is growing its age budget an expanding its commitment to helping vulnerable people especially partner Nations across Africa I particularly want to thank you for stepping up alongside the United States to help UNICEF and the World Health Organization fight malnutrition and child wasting Allen's contribution of 50 million euros is helping prevent the the the the treat wasting child wasting and Supply ready to use therapeutic foods and reach a half a million children in Africa a half a million children you're changing lives Ireland also remembers as I do that peace is indispensable peace is the necessary foundation for Progress for both for growth for unlocking the enormous potential that exists in every part of this island this week marks a vital milestone for peace 25 years ago the Belfast Good Friday agreement 25 years ago one of my best friends in the Senate a great great friend to this day is George Mitchell as he said there were 300 days of failure of 700 days of failure and one day of success but it was a success that one day but more is to be done yesterday I was in Belfast to honor Those who commit themselves to peace to reiterate the enduring support of the United States for the Good Friday agreement and Northern Ireland's Democratic institutions and help accelerate the enormous economic growth that is opening new futures for young people in Northern Ireland as I pointed out there are literally hundreds of American corporations ready to come and invest invest but they're cautious okay so institutions are not a place we must never forget that peace even as has become and lived reality for entire generation of young people peace is precious it still needs its Champions it still needs to be nurtured The Good Friday agreement didn't change just change lives for the better Northern Ireland and had significant positive impact across the Republic of Ireland as well as a teacher and I have discussed including last month in Washington and again today how Ireland in the United States can work together with the United Kingdom and the European Union to support the people of Northern Ireland I think I think that the United Kingdom should be working closer with Ireland than this forever into this endeavor political violence must never again be allowed to take hold in this island thank you presumption me to say from the United States but that must be the goal which guides Us in all our efforts because the greatest peace dividend with a good Friday agreement is an entire generation of young people entire generation young people Parts have been shape not by grievances of the past but by confidence that there are no checkpoints on their dreams so writing a new future a future of unlimited possibilities for too long Ireland has talked about in the past the past tense we tell all stories of days gone by is good to remember stories of Irish grid and genius Saints and Scholars poets and politicians and in the face of it they're good stories on his face let's face it but as the poet Bolin wrote in her poem Mother Ireland she said I've learned my name I Rise I rose up I remembered it now now I could tell my story it was different from the stories told about me end of quote today Ireland's story is no one's to tell but its own but the United States will be your closest partner your most Dependable partner and your most enthusiastic supporter of every step of the way I promise you we've always been and we've been together and we're going to continue to grow our enormous economic relationship as a foundation for both our nation's Prosperity we're going to continue to strengthen our economies building them from the bottom up in the middle out yesterday and always already Ireland draws its disproportionate amount of foreign direct investment from the United States of America the same is true for Ireland's investment into the United States of America which is the ninth thing most significant investment of any nation in the world in America you know we share more than one trillion dollars in bilateral trade and investment in 2021 more than 950 American companies and their National companies have international headquarters in Ireland supporting hundreds of thousands of jobs 700 Irish companies located in 50 states employ more than 100 000 people in the United States of America and together Ireland the United States are building the future of Greater economic dignity one where rights of workers are respected and corporations pay their fair share okay the global minimum tax will continue Fair competition for investing while creating benefits for all our people and I have no doubt that the thriving economic relationship between our countries is going to continue to grow I'm grateful for Ireland's partnership in delivering the game change this game changing International agreement similarly the Deep connection is always existed between our people in the land has translated into a commitment to fight climate crisis to preserve our planet for future Generations single existential threat to the world is climate change we don't have a lot of time and that's a fact they're even recognizing finally everyone's recognizing America I've flown over more territory in the United States since I've been president of the helicopter that has been burned to the ground and comprises the entire state of Maryland vehicle equal to the entire state of Maryland Islands famous 40 shades of green are being supplemented by Green energy green agriculture green jobs make no mistake the entire world sees and is drawn to the opportunities that exist on this island the skilled workers the high-tech infrastructure innovators who are breaking barriers the connection and kinship you share not just the United States and the countries around the globe I know you all know it but maybe sometimes we forget it Ireland is a hotbed of Cutting Edge science research an emergency technologist can influence so much of our shared future for real working in partnership with Ireland the United States together the European Union and like-minded parties around the world are going to ensure that those Technologies are grounded in the same core values we've championed for so long democracy human rights freedom of opportunity for everyone not just for some for everyone you know I hadn't planned on running for president again and 2020 my son Beau had just died of cleop stage four glioblastoma after coming back from Iraq after a year here's the Attorney General of Delaware as a matter of fact he should be the one standing here giving the speech to you but you know I started to write a book talking about how technology has always changed the world and we were in an inflection point in the world the technology was changing so rapidly and things were changing so significantly that it wasn't so much who led any country it was the changes that are just happening at an incredible speed incredible speed look what's happening with artificial intelligence right now it pulls enormous promise and enormous concern our our world stands at an inflection point where the choices we make today are literally going to determine the future or the history of this world for the next four to five decades literally not figuratively we're at one of those points I had a professor at school said an inflection point is when you're riding down the highway at 60 miles an hour and you make a radical turn six degrees in One Direction you can never get back in the course you're on that's who we are as a world and as we meet these ageless struggles they continue to cast a shadow on our world struggle between the rights of many and the desires of a few between Liberty and oppression and I know I get criticized for sadness around the world but between democracy and autocracy it is a competition that's real and we're called to this work just as every generation before us has been in this moment the world needs Ireland and the United States and our Limitless imaginations I meant more with Xi Jinping than any world leader has over the last 10 years excuse me 91 hours of just one-on-one conversations 68 in person I travel 17 000 miles with them through Asia primarily through China he wants to ask me that Tibetan Plateau he said can you define America for me it's the God's truth I said yes I can in one word if you asked me what Ireland could have said the same thing one word possibilities we believe anything is possible we set our mind to it and we do it together this is the United States of America and Ireland there's nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together and we've got to believe that we got to know that because that's the history of both our countries it's about defending the values handed down to us by our ancestors keeping the flame of Freedom We inherited the beacon that's going to guide our children and grandchildren it's a struggle we have to we we're fit to fight together now how is Ireland United States now is their time to meet every challenge together I really mean this to raise together to rise up in our Joys and our triumphs preserve together and persevere through sorrows and setbacks to dream together over Horizons we can't see and to build together a future that may be that doesn't exist the future that can be you know as I mentioned is today Shane messini's birthday and uh I was always quoting Irish poetry in the United States Senate over my career it's a long career 36 years and my colleagues always thought I did it because I was Irish that's not the reason the best poets in the world where's your husband and thank you for sending me that autograph cup who's your husband my favorite poem my favorite poem was a cured Troy and uh and it goes you all know the words you know I just heard it so many times he wrote Don't hope on this side of the grave but then once in a lifetime that long four tidal wave of Justice can rise up and hope and history rhyme it's everything I've been taught rise up we've been the past made hope in history rhyme so today's ladies and gentlemen as we celebrate the enduring partnership between our Nations our shared past our present let's set our eyes squarely on the future let's harness what's Best in US our courage our creativity our loyalty our tenacity and our loyalty again let's once more for our generation and generation to come strive to make hope and history rhyme because I've never been more optimistic about the future that I'm today and I'm at the end of my career not the beginning the only thing I bring to this career after my age as you can see how old I am a little bit of wisdom I come to the job with more experience than any president of American History doesn't make me better or worse and it gives me a few excuses it's one of the great honors of my career whether to be here today and I mean it from the bottom of my heart you have no idea what this my greatest regret I'm going to sound like a kid but my mom's not here to hear it my greatest regret is my grandfather Finnegan who was an Irish American who's a grandfather was Owen Finnegan who made the effort and he was a great athlete he went to Santa Clara University and he was a newspaper guy on the business side and I never understood what he meant when he said Joey I worry about you if you lean over I say pop what do you worry about he said you're too much you're too much like that guy who led the revolution instead of the guy who was the Prime Minister he said you got to be less like a military guy they shot him and more like more like Tina Lara [Music] but folks I really mean we can do so much we really got we can we can't and it doesn't even break down an ideology breaks down on faith in ourselves our values because no matter what party we belong to our values are the same it's about honesty dignity Justice and you all have every ingredient to make it work it's an honor to be here thank you very much [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign


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