Architect's TOP 10 Desk Setup Mistakes

Architect's TOP 10 Desk Setup Mistakes

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desk setups are so much more than just a place  to work because they're one of the only places   in your home where ergonomics Personal Taste  and functionality meat so in this video I   want to share with you my top 10 desk setup  design mistakes and how to fix them from over   a decade's worth of experience working at a desk  both as an architect and as a full-time content creator now it's important to remember that with  desk setups form and function are two things that   need to go hand in hand but unfortunately it's all  too easy to be inclines to lean further one way   than it is the other as you may find yourself  falling into a group of people who only care   about their desk setups being as powerful and as  comfortable as physically possible usually with   a sthe of RGB or a group that cares more about  the way that their desk setup looks even if it's   at the cost of terrible posture back pain and a  numb buttock and if you fall into either of these   groups this is completely fine as long as you've  made an informed and conscious decision as what   you do with your setup is completely up to you  but I have a feeling that you may be here because   you're interested in that magical middle ground  that has the best of both worlds both in terms   of sheer performance and beautiful Aesthetics  first up one big mistake that I often see is   with video lighting as this is something that's  easy to overlook completely by relying on just   the harsh ceiling lights that our homes tend to  come with and so because of this what I've noticed   is that when people start looking into lighting  for video conferencing or streaming the tendency   is to go for these video Centric LED panels or  soft boxes that do perform incredibly well but   don't quite look right in a residential setting as  they often compromise the overall look of a setup   because they take so much attention away from the  other more aesthetic items that you may have as a   part of your workspace so firstly it's important  to understand that the reason that these kinds   of Lights tend to perform so well for video calls  is mainly because they have a big diffused light   source set to a color temperature that renders  the most accurate skin tones on camera as when   it comes to lighting your face soft Shadows tend  to be the most flattering and a daylight Kelvin   level ensures that you have the most naturall  looking complexion but there's absolutely no   reason that a more aesthetic floor lamp can't  provide you with 90% of this functionality when   pairing them with smart bulbs as these often will  allow you to adjust both the temperature and the   brightness and if you're really serious you can  even buy super high quality video Centric bulbs   for regular e27 fixtures too and when using  a large modifier like a basic lampshade or   purchasing a larger and more decorative bulb you  get all of the functional performance that you   need for video at cooler temperatures as well as  the ability to turn down the brightness and adjust   the temperature levels for regular use and what  this does is also provide dual functionality by   also improving the Aesthetics of your room because  it moves this dependence away from the often harsh   ceiling lighting that our homes tend to come with  by providing a warm dimmable and low-level light   source and then if you dot this kind of lighting  around the room you can create an incredibly   inviting environment which allows you to control  different modes depending on how you're using the   room which makes them especially effective if you  work from an open or shared room like a bedroom   hallway or living area now it's probably quite  obvious to you already that my preferred style   definitely falls into the less is more camp but  as an avid PC user my setups in the past have   become incredibly complicated and when I think  about it I can only boil this down to a severe   stomach turning case of gas AKA gear acquisition  syndrome which is the obsessive desire to acquire   new gear for your specific profession or Hobby  in the hopes that it will somehow turn you into   a superhero now to a certain extent it's true that  a man can only be as good as his tools however the   harsh reality is that despite good tools making a  skilled Craftsman better they do not make a poorly   skilled Craftsman good and this tempting idea of  spending money as a shortcut to becoming better   often only comes in the way of actually doing the  work leaving you with all the bells and whistles   but countless hours lost to research and setup  which tends to only serve as a distraction to   actually making real progress so because of this  I've personally come to the conclusion that when   it comes to hardware and tools desk setups should  be as minimal as possible and especially because   I'm someone who obsessively stays up to date with  tech and design the more tools I have the more   options I have and the more options I have the  more I tend to start daydreaming about tweaking   my tools in order to make them better however  when I limit myself to Only The Bare Essentials   I find that I actually end up doing way more  work as really it's kind of following this idea   of CEOs wearing the same three to four wardrobe  items every day as it just means that there's so   much less to think about and additionally from a  purely aesthetic standpoint Hardware often only   diverts attention away from the more aesthetic  parts of your room especially when it comes to   things like multiple cables and interfaces going  into different pieces of equipment so by reducing   these you reduce their visual impact on your space  and yes this principle even applies to you if the   main thing you want to stand out is all of the  hard work that you've put into your multicolored   pulsating desktop PC but this principle is really  most effective if your workspace is shared with   somewhere like a bedroom or a living area like  this one is because it's likely that you also   want to use these rooms to relax which is quite  hard to do when all you can see is a mountain   of equipment and despite already knowing that  certain products like laptops or monitors with   integrated speakers webcams and USB hubs will  never do their jobs better than their full fat   individual counterparts while also usually being  far worse overall value I believe the real reason   for considering products like these is not only  for that tidy aesthetic but for the time and   effort that they save too as there's just less  to set up less to research and a lot less that   can go wrong where for most people troubleshooting  and installation takes so much time and effort to   get right that it never seems to quite get where  you want it to and especially if you have kids   or a relationship or a business that you're  trying to hold down time is of the essence so   having the fewest amount of tools possible that  both look great and perform well out of the box   becomes invaluable when it comes to ergonomics  I've noticed that there are two extremes people   who don't prioritize it at all while sitting on  a dining chair hunched over a laptop and people   who do investing in expensive ergonomic chairs  like the Herman Miller Aeron which seems to be   standard in almost all of the architectural  offices that I've ever worked at but it may   be interesting to you that for your own desk set  setup both of these might actually be mistakes   now it's clear that a chair with good back support  will help you avoid back pain and poor posture but   what even the best ergonomic chairs don't solve  is the problem of sitting being the new smoking   where Studies have already shown the long-term  effects that sitting can have on your health but   the thing is getting up to move every 30 minutes  or so in order to counter this is something that's   incredibly hard to do if you're in the zone while  sitting on a super comfortable ergonomic chair   and then additionally from a purely aesthetic  standpoint decent ergonomic chairs are often   quite bulky expensive and commerciall looking  which often tends to clash with Home Furniture   like beds rugs and sofas and now I'm not saying  that this commercial aesthetic is necessarily a   bad thing because they look great when they're  in a commercial setting and if you're fortunate   enough to have your own office space in your  house this isn't a problem that you have to   worry about as if you have both the space and  the budget having the option on sitting on a   perfectly ergonomic chair is definitely nice to  have given that you can resist the temptation   to sit on it for hours on end without moving  however for the large majority of people the   solution to these ergonomic mistakes that I found  to be most effective in terms of size price and   functionality is just using a standing desk and  a low profile desk chair now these work together   so well firstly because they come in almost every  possible shape size and price bracket imaginable   and standing desks encourage the natural movement  that our bodies are designed for as you tend to   find yourself continually shuffling as it's  so hard to stand perfectly still for hours   on end but regardless of what you choose this  still requires resisting the temptation to not   sit for too long so this unfortunately  still doesn't remove user error however   I personally find that by purchasing a chair  that doesn't prioritize being 100% comfortable   but prioritizes being compact lightweight and easy  to slide away this reduces the temptation to sit   while also reducing any friction involved that may  be in the way of you wanting to stand too while   still being more supportive and comfortable than  a dining chair while also being less bulky and   better looking than an ergonomic chair although  you're completely free to disagree and to make   sure that I do stand as much as physically  possible by having something soft underf foot   this reduces fatigue and then by using drawers  at either end this is a great way to disguise   the more unsightly mechanisms that standing  desks tend to have but ultimately ergonomics   are highly personal and as everyone has different  Lifestyles and priorities take everything I say   with a pinch of salt as what works for me  might not work for you and of course because   I know some of you are going to ask I'll leave  links to my favorite products down in the video description another big mistake with desk setups  is not allocating enough space or budget for   storage Furniture simply because I know it's so  easy to get caught up dreaming about the more   exciting things while subconsciously draining your  budget and filling up your room now depending on   your work it's quite likely that you'll have  things like hard drives paperwork scanners or   camera gear that you all need to find homes for  and because these kinds of things aren't usually   that pretty to look at by allocating a portion  of your budget or an area of your room to a nice   closed door Furniture solution this is a great way  to stop these items collecting dust and clutching   your surfaces now I talked a lot about this idea  in my last home organization video so definitely   go and check that out if this is something that  you're struggling with but really for the most   part the main idea is to subdivide and categorize  items into separate stacking bins or containers   so that they're a lot easier to find while you  simultaneously can seal and prioritize the most   frequently used items in your workspace in the  areas that are the most accessible which makes   it so much easier to keep things tidy and for the  most part A tidy more budget room is still going   to look far better than a messy but expensive  one so for this reason investing in furniture   that makes staying tidy easy is possibly one  of the best things you can do both for your   productivity and the aesthetic of your space where  investing in something like a good set of drawers   can be incredibly worthwhile as they make the  back of this unit more accessible and visible   because you can pull the drawers outwards which  importantly also makes putting things away a whole   lot easier and more enjoyable too another mistake  is unintentionally creating a cold or uninviting   work environment which is usually down to four  things color lighting texture and Acoustics now   color is the first and most obvious thing to  point out as it's really easy to just separate   colors into warm ones and cold ones and the main  reason that white and gray monochrome spaces tend   to feel cold is because they typically take on  the cooler Hues of daylight where this absence   of color can also lead to an absence in character  too making the space feel quite empty sterile and   uninviting however in case you didn't notice this  setup behind me it's almost completely monochrome   because over the years I've simply found that I  feel feel more energized in brighter environments   where my workstation becomes the only thing with  any color or character for me to focus on in order   for there to be nothing else competing for my  attention however you can still have a bright   and minimal setup without it feeling cold and  uninviting as monochrome setups tends to take   on the color temperature of the light that you  put them in where temperature controlled lamps   and varied lowlevel lighting can make a huge  difference additionally by then adding texture   through things like like Furniture plants rugs and  curtains these will then soften a space in order   to make it feel warmer and also serve a dual  purpose in absorbing acoustic reverberations   which has a huge impact on our subconscious as to  how empty or Hollow a room can feel which isn't   always clear when looking at an image or a video  through a screen and then by adding some character   through personal touches this can break up any  emptiness in between which makes for a great   and low commitment way to introduce color and  texture if these two things intimidate you another   mistake is to neglect our own personal wellbeing  when at our desk setups where I find that the   wellb building standard that's typically used in  commercial office projects is particularly useful   to me with so many points that are applicable  to our homes too particularly in the area of   daylight in regards to our well-being Studies  have shown that an increased exposure aligns   our biological rhythms to the time of day which  enhances mood alertness metabolism and overall   health and making it more likely that you'll sleep  on average 46 minutes longer each night and when   considering how much better I feel after a good  night's sleep this seems like an absolute cheat   code and this is why I always think it's wise to  place your workstation near to a window unless for   some reason sitting by a window is particularly  distracting or uncomfortable for you and when   I think about it this is really the reason why I  tend to be so inclined to live and work in modern   apartment buildings as the windows just tends to  be so much bigger than those in larger and older   properties but irrespective of whether you live  in an apartment or not the size and orientation   of the windows and rooms in your home may be wise  factors to consider when choosing where to place   your setup and then on top of this other than  the daylight that we take in through our eyes   the next things would be the air that we breathe  and the water that we drink where keeping a space   for a full water bottle or a water dispenser  at your desk is a great idea to ensure that you   stay hydrated because this increases cognitive  performance and then by using an air purifier   this significantly reduces the amount of dust  and other particles in your room like pollution   and pollen which I found to be a must if you're  prone to allergies or if you're a sufferer of hay   fever like I am and then finally indoor plants  can be another great addition if you live in a   drier climate is they can also add moisture and  oxygen to the air too while also providing a ton   of character and supposedly reducing stress  which to me sounds like a win-win that's if   you're diligent enough to keep them alive another  mistake is just not introducing enough variety   into your work environment as it's very easy to  get tunnel vision and only focus on the desk setup   itself while completely forgetting about the  rest of your room now leaving the rest of your   space unfinished and somewhat neglected may feel  quite insignificant compared to the place where   the actual work is done but by including something  like a quiet corner with an up Holsted armchair or   a size table this can be incredibly beneficial  as this not only adds character to the room but   also acoustic performance too so not only does  this make your space more aesthetic and inviting   but you may be surprised to hear that touches  like this which add variety also boost your   productivity as they provide you with somewhere  away from your desk to use for different tasks   like emails or creative writing that don't quite  require a full desk setup solution and then what   using this secondary space can do is reduce the  monotony and fatigue of working in the same space   every single day while also making any work that  you do there more Dynamic and purposeful and I'm   saying this because I found that when I move  to a different location either in or outside   side of the house the purposefulness in doing this  provides a really nice bump in productivity as   subconsciously I think I tend to be thinking I'm  here for a reason so I tend to find myself being   a lot more motivated to finish a task too and  honestly I was noticing this happening so much   that I decided to make the switch to a laptop only  setup which takes this to the extreme but even if   you work at a static workstation just by including  a secondary place to sit this adds variety for   you to do things like take very intentional  breaks instead of taking them while at your   desk and in doing this you build this subconscious  relationship with your space in understanding that   this is a place where I hustle and this is a place  where I slow down and try to be creative and this   might just make the room for your setup not only  more enjoyable but a whole lot less monotonous   too where things like lighting standing desks  aroma therapy and even being near a window can   all contribute to how energized and motivated you  feel because they all follow the same principle of   adding variety now quite opposite to not having  enough variety is creating a space with too much   distraction as obviously having things in your  office or beside your workspace for things other   than work is never really a good idea however  it's really surprising just how much some of us   do this as it can not only clutter your setup  but also [ __ ] your productivity too which is   never really a good thing and this is because  having a desk set up right next to an area that   you use solely for relaxation creates some  cognitive dissonance regarding what you're   actually supposed to be doing in this space which  often means that you can never actually do either   of these things to their full potential and  so just as having things like a sofa and TV   in your periphery makes life incredibly tempting  the same thing really goes for gaming and even   watching content as I can tell you firsthand that  an all-in-one work/ gaming setup despite being   very efficient often led to me taking quick breaks  that turned into hours and essentially this same   thing is happening if you let yourself Doom scroll  or fall down YouTube rabbit holes in the same   place where you're supposed to be working and now  this isn't to say that you can't do these things   if you've got a much stronger will than I have but  the main thing here is just to be self-aware about   it as I find that I am way more effective when  being more intentional with my brakes by actually   doing these things away from my desk and so your  weakness may not be gaming but instead napping or   chatting to housemates or staring out of a window  in which case it makes sense to apply this logic   and perhaps not put your setup in a bedroom or  in the same room as your housemate setup or even   next to a window where it might become beneficial  to look for alternative Solutions and curate your   workspace in a way that reduces the distractions  that you know you are personally prone to falling   into another big mistake is not taking care  of cable management as if your setup has a lot   of wires going into different places these can  completely destroy the look of even the nicest   of setups however if this is you I can relate  because doing cable management is the worst but   thankfully I found that there are a whole lot of  solutions out there for those of us who hate ha it   which makes life a whole lot easier one of these  Solutions are simply to use cable Nets and Trays   that instead of individually clipping wires and  squeezing them into cable raceways they allow you   to Simply screw them into the underside of your  desk and throw wires in there as you please and   in order to reduce the amount of power cables  that you need to run to your desk buying surge   protectors with integrated mounting points allow  you to plug everything underneath to which tends   to be a must for standing desks and then when  it comes to things like ethernet connectivity   cable sleeves are another great way to group  smaller amounts of cables together in order   to reduce their appearance while also modifying  their color so that they blend in against your   walls and then when it comes to what's on  top of your desk for things like charging   wireless chargers with multiple charging points  do a great job of making things neater and more   convenient but because sometimes you just can't  help needing a few loose cables lying around   for things like file transfers magnetic Clips  can be a fantastic option as you can neatly   snap them to the back of your desk surface and  retrieve them whenever you need to and lastly the   final mistake that I want to mention is simply  just overcrowding your setup as just like with   Furniture it's essential to measure just how much  space you actually have to fit it in most commonly   I tend to see people making the mistake of buying  a desk that's not too too wide but too deep for   your room which despite giving you enough space  for your monitor and your peripherals a deep desk   doesn't always provide enough space to comfortably  move around behind it and again the same thing   can happen when falling in love with buying your  dream desk chair only to realize that it takes up   way more space than you first anticipated so in  order to avoid this it's essential to check the   measurements of what it is you're buying against  the size of your room and look for ways that you   could perhaps make more space in the space that  you already inhabit where items like desk shelves   and monitor arms can do a great job in freeing  up desk space which allows you to work with a   shallower desk and then by using things like wo  mounted cabinets instead of drawers and cupboards   this frees up additional areas around your desk  too and so sometimes just with a little bit of   research there can be so many better alternatives  to products that we may initially be very drawn   to because these Alternatives just use space far  more efficiently but speaking of which I found   some of the best items for your home office to  be from the sponsor of today's video ugreen who   in celebration of the holidays recently sent me  products from their brand new Uno series where   their charging stand makes for a super compact way  to simultaneously charge your phone and earbuds   with its own USBC Outlet where you can choose to  add a compact USBC charger for your specific brand   of SmartWatch 2 and then when you're on the the go  their 10,000 milliamp hour power bank can provide   over a full charge wirelessly to an iPhone 16 as  well as stable USBC charging to any of your other   devices while weighing only just over 300 G but  what's so different about the Uno series is that   they feature playful TFT screens that display the  real-time charging status of your devices through   Emojis with fun expressions in order to add some  warmth and charm to your desk setup which makes   them a great gift for friends and families with  a heartwarming design language that reflects ug   Green's commitment to delivering user Centric  premium products so be sure to check the ug   green Uno series out using the links down in the  video description and sign up before January 5th   for a chance to take part in their Christmas  giveaway and be one of 300 people to win up to   $750 in prizes and finally thank you so much  if you made it all the way to the end of the   video and if you enjoyed it don't forget to sub  subscribe and I will see you in the next one

2024-12-28 07:18

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