Lightmatter Indonesia Wisata Cahaya Part 1 One-Hour Free

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Hey. Guys this is pray and, welcome. To a game called light. Matter. Okay. That inning game baru young lee release all I ask peers to do but the tongue to. A poor sod to January cote de Sala yeah, Yemen is indeed by cheetahs and tongue demon Akita Atkins Allen casted Watanuki. Changi and, the Deaf love la fere ji sang CEO Gary, de cine gave McCallum not the dependence on Gama and his team out of a Mesa but ranked in the description. Capital, de mesa de Landa crop and guitarist, ellen dietra a kinetic, weapon a lot empathy I provide this, team to work and salient into a desolate Kamsa battle until the player, she, told us Madam's, rotunda and burrata cotton candy condom bikini and a son and the chakra pronto, then a deserted person, who system again Bower demotic, and Slama human under and number Quinta sundubu jjigae, looks nama, looks delish, economy, ROM colet's iechyd cappella at Orem butter on top in hot lava Andamooka alligator, Haraguchi CB, human Matsuda, represented, le tombeau malama market a Ciavarella. Whoa. Inspire. Them. Sell. Yet. Graphic. And up it's an attack on mind. Back we see. Talk. Indirect, a pair click. Parent. Rock sitting an object, on, Aris click on and very, key reason. Nikita. Jalan-jalan, you got, malaria, cause. I might say any other sad. - sad - German crab whisperer mine into. Tower and Holly did our cannoli, kübra, or else a a toast, his Lou honey amendable. Turning. A mini like a. Fire the. Philippine-american to, some pattern and took their minds had to jam stella gratis that, came from a neato safe na contra simple daddy. Guess. I was wrong but. Daddy, I took. Progress I can't are simple they didn't Oprah mindfulness, : harus believed. In. It when Percy got this attitude young then Nikita, and took malaria Thomas, latest. I've. Been the progress that our discipline. Pachoo. Thing. The. CEO of my, nanotechnologies. Was like to welcome bankers. Investors it, all girls, who haven't a litter after this launch event to, build a new animal, doer. Okay. New person I. Set. Em simulate would you to say. Some Narnia or Raghava. Yeah. I totally fair, deal for children. Or. Inerrancy, order. E competent. Like matter of technology. Capacity. In. The Banneker Kusaka. Unbelievable. There's, more. Were. You a part of the public tour. If. So, I have just evacuated, your, tour guide, sort. Of study. Now your, inability to follow. Evacuation. Orders. Is truly, astounding but, I need you to pay. First. Off walk. Through that door. Excellent. You have already, exceeded, my expectations. Wait, it's dark in there. You. Might trip now. Let me light your path. The. Door requires two people to reopen. Proceed. To my security, manager's, office. Nigga. Buggin buggin out there. Now. I presume, you know how buttons, work. Yeah. Impressive. If, you continue, like this I might just hire you to mop the floor now. Scurry, along and you will reach the elevator to the exit, it's. Simple. Sapna. Surrounding, and, Collison. Turkana grab, another. One they, belong. Don't worry my facility, is sturdy. Get. To the elevator. The. Elevator will, take you directly to our outpost, when. You guess what I think the little pests will immediately try, to put words in, your mouth but. Stand strong and, tell them and Virgil, and the CEO of light matter technologies, saved. Your life and that the side of things are under control. Blah. Satella. Like. Matter. How. Did it employer. The. Monica talents with a keluar, karna. Konasana, facility', cine appeared. A black man, and a young woman called, assalam alikum when seeing. I to prohibit. Fatah, then. A hidden tiger and. I think about a new verse ayat RP salary Cowan and. Okay. Serves Bharati hearted owned by Allen, the. Bug Club. But, insanity. Do. Sadly. No beggin compatib. WebAssign. Jack. Okay, India mighty me a lobotomy Allah. Never. Gonna get Morgan. Vasanas. Pierce to do whitening. A model it's, more getting on your model. Excellent. It's, working, so. Simple. Is no longer an option, neither, for you nor for, me this.

Was A monumental, failure on behalf of my elevator, technicians. But. Don't, worry you, will reach the exit of this facility and, they, will reach the end of their employment, an, escape. Plan is in development, until. Then keep. In mind that the shadows, can kill you think. The, floor is lava just. With shadows that absorb organic, material. That, floor, is lava. By, Clark. Everything. Around you might look bizarre through, your eyes but. It all has a purpose in, this room we wash crystals, with over a thousand, bars of pressure if. It helps your comprehension, you, may call it the power shower. Romita. Una, cuenta de Bie Sakana. By, Anita we talkin abou No. They're. Eating smart and quick. Alright, now here's, the plan the. Elevator, dropped, you to the center of the mountain and the only functioning, exit is at the top huh, follow the green exit, signs and you'll get there. Just. Do exactly as I say and you'll be fine if. You want to complain about that well, I can't, hear you just, realize, how fortunate you, are you've. Extended your tour, through night matter technologies. It's. Unfortunate, that the board voted against, installing, microphones, throughout the facility, their. Main concern being, ethical, ramifications. Good. Thing we still have cameras. Misaka. Sarna. South, Laurel Canyon. Ranch. An attractor, sauna, that's. 11. That. Can obsess my water. Find. Dinosaurs, it. Excellent. Do, you see that lamp down there pick, it up. Dona. Rapido. It took Adam be a pepper. Bootie. Lamberton. Gracia. Operate. Masala. What's. Up what's up. Subpoenas. Are incasa Turkana. Kita. Me. Second. Marty. Joe. Buddy. Tabar. Handy. Isn't it focus. Groups called it heavy, and clunky, I call. Them weak, and stupid in the. Hands of a capable miner, that lamp turns into one of their finest, tools. Oh, the. Reese's Karen bisa aunt. At lamb bhuna, but. Listen. I know that the shadows might look intimidating to, you a deep. Black obsidian, like Tarzan, devour, you home. But. They're just simple, gravity bound, anomalies a temporary. Side effect of light matter you. See all of mankind's, greatest breakthroughs. Had their kings and these kinks are manageable, if. They weren't we. Wouldn't be here in the facility, fixing. Them. Okay. Wrong. About you. My. Sofa. Telling you, right. Then. Cow I can DC. Okay. You, know that I was, the first to wander through these caves although. I came here with my former, partner Arthur, I was, the one who discovered the photon crystals, you. Might have heard that the side effects of those same crystals, cost me my leg wrong. I conquered. A mountain for the first photon crystal, sheer. Persistence, and, willpower cost me my leg small. Price to pay for light matter. That. Is say, Barney. Okay. Ah. There. It is, now. Since, you've missed your tour, that. Giant, beam of light you see is light matter the. Source of that beam we call the core a collection. Of massive photon crystals. It, is so powerful that, it shakes the very foundation. Of this facility, and. Still, remember my first successful, prototype the. Beam then you seen the one I saw like mentally like it's my consumer, data and again.

No. Longer do i for, that is that. Even defense Karim Allah save. Humanity. Failed. But. The shadows, will not deter me from bringing, light matter into fruition. Opposite. A sort of the saala. Now, that I think about it where. Were you during the launch event all. Guests, were taken directly to the trap so. You must have snuck away somehow. What, exactly, were you doing. Wait, are. You a health and safety inspector. The. Irony, that you didn't notice the blaring sounds, and flashing, lights that's. A problem with safety procedures. They could never be, idiot-proof. Don't, dawdle. That. Is unbelie-- name. Servando. Rossini. Spannabis. Are smokin Joe's making me start ahead. Oh it, is supplier. Optimism. Oh. Oh yeah. Darrin, is a bargain Budokan below. Yeah, Widow that. Inspector. I regret. That during, the launch event bankers. Investors and. Government, officials died. But. There are things one cannot predict, the shadows, devouring. People, one, of them. Yeah. Yep a territory, saga say I'm an American. Sunday, service of all on Pooja. The head. Hey man. Thank. You there so, health, and safety inspector let, me do your job for you you. See that giant piece of metal moving back and forth it's. A top grade mineral, decontaminate. I installed. It as soon as I heard that my employees, were losing, their hair once. Installed, cellular. Degradation fell, by 37, percent. Okay. Oh Bahia. For. Your information saving. Humanity, puts a lot of stress on my workers, as. Do my 12 hour work days point. Is there, are many reasons, for hair loss. Sorry. Carolina, he loved. Gonna, get up and down. Empirical. American. So. They don't much about Butler. Excellent. Our, time together is, almost, at an end there's. A bridge right around the corner cross. It and you will be on a direct, path to sunshine, and my. Security, manager, James oh yes. He, was evacuated as well, I. Wouldn't. Dare risk his health and safety. Be, careful, with my lamps, at light. Matter technologies we. Treat our inanimate, objects. With respect, not. Like those monsters, of Aperture, Science. Oh mm. Satara received Oh. Let's, a bother seen like a beside. Me. Ha. Causado pasadenian, single. Applo. If, you're wondering, why, I built a lab inside, a mountain. Resilience. It, was here before me and it will be here after me just. Look around you inspector. We had an unprecedented. Event and this, living, breathing monument, to, science still, stands. Kennedy. Harab candle Osama, the, onion is about Sidney. As in policy name, of. Bali. Or, let me say, before. Meeting. James, don't, be too intimidated, by.

His Physique, he. Is the human equivalent of, this mountain, well-built. Dependable. And, resilient. In. A doubter safe not idea. Sacrum. Whatever. Okay. So I said to coops and visited me I'll talk, said. Pergamon that he gave, Mike Metheny some. Lebanon concept yeah yeah and give me any little monster Hannah and mu but Keaton talk about peak here come and give me Nevada that have to keep puzzle thing I respect the second visa, process, kept a pretty good give me a theory called a ripping up at SIA mine. Eric concept directory Tonya kita the function is foggy, for tourists. Back, on that facility us they're like metal me to Metallica Google and and PETA the circular on the. Burger. Idiomatic, that, the Kabbalah Kabalah dr. Baxter harsh cars Tara Manuel wanted to give planes Lily, Sammy Sammy laganja. Oh yeah. Ah da da, da who lose a loop onomatopoeia. He'll do a 30-second and by Alain. De Botton I don't. See Tom Sawyer's party. Okay. I think, the song is just. Wait. See.


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