Applications of AI and Machine Learning | ACES Seminar Series | PeraCOM | University of Peradeniya

Applications of AI and Machine Learning | ACES Seminar Series | PeraCOM | University of Peradeniya

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Thank you so much everyone. I know it's a it's it's like 6 p.m over there in Sri Lanka so   it's a it's the afternoon so hopefully you guys  got some coffee got some tea and uh ready to   get going and uh you know maybe learn a little  bit about machine learning and I can probably   instill some of the experiences that I have uh I  have obtained in the past the decade of working   in this field and hopefully I can you know it's  a it'll be a resourceful session for all of us   um so before I uh start off I want to thank you Dr. Mahanana Dr. Damayanti and the student coordinator   Madhushan for putting this all together I  know we've been in the talks for a couple   of months myself and Dr. Mahanama and I'm happy  that you know this came to a fruition uh today   so I'm happy to be here and uh you know thank  you so much uh for taking this time off your   busy schedules to attend to this uh this session  and um yeah all right so let's kick off oops so here we go all right so um in the beginning  what I'm going to do I'm going to actually   set this talk as more like a story and  I'm gonna basically introduce myself   um and then um I'll go over the agenda uh of the  what the next 40 to 45 minutes is gonna look like   um but before that uh again like I want  to thank you again for being here it's a   privilege for me to talk to you all you know  University of peridentia is my alma mater I'm   an alumni of the University of peridentia I uh  congratulated from Pera in 2008 I did electrical   engineering so it is really a privilege  for me to come here and talk to you all   um So currently I reside in Boston Massachusetts  in the United States and my I am a nude ad I   have a three month old and um so I'm actually on  pretending to leave now so that allows me to work   on talks like this in my free time but usually I  um my my my my real work is I work as a I lead a   team of data scientists machine learning engineers  at American Express um my department is mainly   mostly focused on managing fraud uh e-commerce  fraud and financial Tech fraud mostly and also   as I also work as an Adjunct professor at a  university called Northeastern here in Boston   um at a personal level I I really enjoy learning  new technologies particularly returning to machine   learning um and then of course I love spending  time with my family working out whenever I can   and I'm also lucky enough to live by the ocean so  during summer time I really enjoy an ocean swim   so that's a little bit about myself and what  I really want to get out of this talk is for   you to go home and really be excited about  this field with Mission learning and build   cool machine learning applications so hopefully I  can install and still inculcate some some sort of   encouragement where you can like pick up from here  and then you know think about like building some   some cool applications around prediction and like  you know things that we will learn in this talk   and um I want to preface by saying one  thing this talk is not going to be a very   technical thought it's going to be more like a  rather than going into depth um my what I was   thinking is maybe it'll be beneficial to have a a  conversation around the breadth of opportunities   and applications around the machine learning  so that you can can choose like whichever area   of focus that you want to learn in and um which  which I thought would be beneficial rather than   going into a much more Deep dive conversation  in a technical subject so yeah um all right so   let's let's uh let's take it off all right so the  agenda for today um in the beginning I'm going to   talk about a little bit of the motivation behind  artificial intelligence slash machine learning   what they are in a nutshell and then I'll talk  about like some of the applications of AI and   um maybe like you know how how machine learning  differentiates like how are certain certain   um how do I say it certain algorithms and Mission  learning languages them from each other uh maybe   like in a very generic way so that it's easier for  you to learn and it's easier for you to remember   um and then I'll jump into like fraud management  side where which is like my bread and butter which   I've been working in the past few years so I can  um you know talk about that um and then I'm gonna   do a little bit of context switching and then  talking about like how to build this leadership   muscle so like hopefully you can um this will uh  allow you to uh get more excited about this this   field and you know start working on these these  projects so uh you know as undergraduate graduates   um you're in a really good um I would say  really good time in your life where you   can like be excited about starting a new new  company or an application so you know so uh uh   yeah all right okay and then I leave uh 10 to 15  minutes if you have any questions feel free to um all right okay so motivation  uh for AI and machine learning   um so I'm sure most of you have heard about  artificial intelligence by now what it means   and at least in a generic level so I'm not going  to really go deep into it what it really means is   um we have a let's say a hardware element or  a software element um trying to act as a human   and then human level intelligence right so we  assign this Hardware this soft element like   certain a certain tasks a certain policy and a  certain reward system so that the uh the the the   the agent the AI agent so to say will will learn  the optimum path to get to this goal right so an   artificial agent is more like it's uh if you if  you think about it so I'm going to actually give   you an example um which will which will make  it easier for you to comprehend like what what   that means in a more General generic level and  then there's another another term that I'm sure   you've heard of which is machine learning and uh  people say to the subset of AI I don't really know   but what machine learning really is is like it's  um for me it's really like encoding the past to   predict the future and really like parameterizing  like past phenomenons so that you can predict what   the future is going to look like so it could be a  subset of AI um because AI is more like a I would   say more like an organic live learning kind of  a way of thinking but machine learning is more   like a I would say like I would say like a static  way of learning all right so um let's jump into an   example all right so um I was thinking about like  what would be a good example to talk about Ai and   um you know I I just came up with this idea I  was like okay I love coffee so what if I want   to build my own coffee shop Okay so let's say I  I'm this entrepreneur and I'm like I love coffee   I want to build my own coffee shop I'm not gonna  stop so what I'm going to do is I have a friend in   South America let's have a friend in Nicaragua  or something and um coffee beans so I can send   you coffee beans for your coffee shop I'm like oh  awesome I'm excited so my friend agrees to send   send me coffee beans but my job is to um let's  say segregate good coffee beans and uh bad coffee   beans and then start the process of roasting it  and then you know building my coffee shop but   the first task is to one take the coffee beans I  want to segregate the good versus the bad okay so   this is an arduous process if I'm a human being  trying to do this right it's like really hard   so I'm thinking all right I'm an engineer  so to do this I'm going to be like thinking   about like maybe I can have like an AI agent uh  differentiates between the good coffees and the   bad coffees so how can I build this system uh  the easiest way to think about this is to put   this into a framework called a peace framework  uh P stands for performance metric environment   actuator and a sense it so the performance  metric uh it really comes down to sort of a   um it's really like assessing the performance  of your of your AI agent right so let's say   um let's say I built this conveyor belt and  there's a it is a conveyor belt where the   coffee beans are being passed and the sensors are  like a like a camera or a a weight scale and then   um actuator which is the action is uh some sort of  a like a robot Tom saying that this coffee bean is   a good coffee bean this coffee bean is Bad Company  so so we can build a system like this where the   performance metric could be uh once we run this  program one time we have a bucket of good coffee   beans and a bucket of bad coffee beans and this  was decided by the AI agent now the performance   metric could be we look at the good coffee beans  and we can say like okay off the good coffee beans   that the robot predicted to be good how many  were actually good so that's one performance   metric and then we can say after bad bucket of  the bad coffee beans the the robot said those   are bad how many are actually better so we can  set up some performance metrics around that right   so we have the performance metric uh this system  really doesn't engage in the environment meaning   more like a feedback loop anyway so I wouldn't  say it's a uh it's more like a static learning AI   agent there are other AI agents that actually like  interact with the environment um like like Roomba   I don't know if you guys heard of it it's a bank  vacuum cleaner thing goes around your house and   pick up dirt and we can set up policies reward  systems to build that AI robot but it actually   actively interacts with the the environment  learns the constructions around the room um but um much more static so I would say it's a static  environment as opposed to a stochastic environment   um and then the the robot arm is the actuator  and then we have the sensors which is the   camera the weight scale and all that so  um so we kind of came up with this idea   right we have a use case and we we put this  framework into place so we came up with this   air robot now all we have to do is we need  to like kind of aim the model which I get   into in a couple of slides uh train the model  and then apply these performance metrics to   see if our algorithm works good okay so so  that's AI that's kind of like on AI agents   but I want to kind of emphasize on a couple  things here uh when we talk about AI agencies playing which is called the  states and observability   um what this means is um when we build  a let's say an AI agent or an algorithm   what you need to realize is there's  something called the context right so   um it's it's this interesting phenomenon like  where when I'm like actually talking what you hear   are words coming out of my mind but you're really  interested in is the context that I'm trying to   convey right so the same thing right when you  look at my face you can see my facial expressions   but you're really interested in is that hidden  State the state of what what is this mode right   um similarly like let's say the stock market you  see the stock prices going up and down but you   what you're really interested in is if it's a  bear Market or it's a bull market right so the   environment that you're interested in could be  slightly different and from the from the actual   um observations you make so this brings into  algorithms such as like you know this you can   you can think about like probabilities I  can think about hidden Markle chains so   um this uh you can expand on on this idea quite a  lot so I don't know if you if you're doing courses   on this uh but but yeah if you're interested  in you know there's a bunch of like searching   algorithms like a star uniform search and all  that which pertains into into this topic if you   want to have like a foundational understanding  of how an AI agent works because I want to move   on to uh this other machine learning so um I  hope I ask some questions for the end uh do   you have any uh burning topics okay so jumping  into machine learning so um I really think about   um my undergraduate time we learn a lot of  equations right I don't know if you guys do   still but I remember learning all these equations  and I remember like learning this constant   um there's after doing like back and forth a lot  of trial and error experiments people have come   up with these constants these parameters but over  the course of the last I would say like the last   10 to 20 years what people have discovered is  um why do we why do we actually try to do all   those experiments and come up with these theories  why can't we have like some sort of an algorithm   um where we input the data and we we can look  at the output of the data and let the algorithm   figure out what these coefficient weights  and parameters are so machine learning is   really bad it's really parameterizing uh the  the relationship between uh the inputs and the   outputs of a function and the way we achieve  this is by solving and optimization function   um so let's go back to our coffee shop example  so let's say now that I have my coffee beans all   set up and I have really good coffee um and  people start coming into my coffee shop okay   um so in the morning hours I see a lot of people  there's a lot of traffic coming in there's a lot   of food traffic coming through my coffee shop  door and people are like so excited to get my   coffee in the morning I was like around like 7 A.M  to like 10 a.m and then it kind of dwindles down   from there and then it picks up again around  like 3 P.M when people want like a refresher  

or something but usually it has like a couple of  Peaks throughout the day and as the owner of the   coffee shop I'm thinking well do I really need to  hire like a cashier and a barista and uh you know   there's all these workers in my coffee shop  throughout the entirety of the of the day or   should I just hire these people in the morning  hours and then in the evening hours so that's   a business question that I went there I wanted  to answer right so um how do we mathematically   or statistically get to that point so how do  we really understand what that time frame is   um one of the easier way to understand this is to  put this into a Time series problem and understand   the nuances where you know what that traffic looks  like throughout the day and then I can predict   what the traffic is going to be in the future on  a given week day let's say let's say on a Monday   most people come to work therefore the traffic is  like way high compared to let's say on a Thursday   where people may be working maybe more uh more  reluctant to come to work they probably prefer to   stay home and work so therefore the traffic goes  down so how can I how can I understand this like   all these like complexities right so I can put  this into a machine learning Model A Time series   model where I have seen people coming coming and  getting coffee um because people would come in and   they would use their credit card we would swipe  their credit card so I can get a data set and have   the time stamp uh when they came in and I have  the the the transaction amount that they've made   so I can put these together and possibly build a  data set so let's say like my data set is going to   look like um I have a context window so I would  say okay for the last last three years how many   people came in last nine hours how many people  came in likewise so I have like this context   window that goes back like every three hours or so  and I can create this data set which will be my ex   which will be my input and my output data set is  the number of people inside the coffee shop so now   you you run this through some sort of a mission  learning algorithm and you can try to understand   the relationship between inputs and outputs and  what you're really training and what you're really   trying to understand is that the coefficients  of the weights that actually connects those two   together and creates that function at FX is equal  to Y okay um but what we're really interested in   is given a X how do we predict quality so the  probability of Y given X that's that's really   what you're interested in and to get to that  point there's a bunch of algorithms out there   um the easier way to comprehend this uh in my  opinion is to understand the underlying cost   function that's being solved so if you have  a let's say a numerical problem that you're   trying to solve just like the amount of people  who are were actually in the coffee shop which   is a numerical value you would opt for a I  would say a cost function you're trying to   solve a cost function like a sum of squared  arrows uh some spread errors is essentially   the deprated number of people the and like you  can say the actual number of people inside the   coffee shop minus the predicted number of  people in the coffee shop predicted by the   the model and then uh and then you square it and  then you add them together so that'll be the sum and then that will be a convex convex curve  that you can find the global minimum on which   will give you the optimum uh Optimum parameters  Optimum weights for that particular algorithm so   that's like one way of approaching that problem  and we call that regression so regression means   you're solving a numerical problem um let's  say let's say there's a different problem   you want to solve uh which is like let's say my  problem is more like um I want to understand um   what are like the yeah but I like the good  Patronus that comes into my coffee shop who   are the who are the people who loves coming  into my coffee shops they bring their kids so   they always buy more than one coffee so I wanna I  wanna create this loyalty program to them whereas   some other people who just you know who are just  passing by in my coffee shop and they will just   come to the coffee shop so I want to create  this binary variable uh distinguishing between   really good customers versus like regular  customers so that's more like a that's not   a numerical problem that you're trying to  predict that's more like a classification you have a binary variable that you're trying to  predict between the two um so in that case maybe   uh maybe root mean squared error past function  might not be the best plus function because it   might not give you a really nice convex curve to  for you to optimize so in that case you would opt   for a more like a cross entropy or a log loss kind  of a function So based on those cost functions you   can you can kind of typify what sort of permission  learning algorithm you're going to be doing what   is the use case that you're solving so it can be  a classification problem or it can be a regression   problem there's a bunch of like algorithms out  there for you to perform so I would say uh you   know if it's a more like a column now data set  a historical data stage and your problem is a   supervised learning problem supervised learning  is you have the input data and then you have the   output data it could be like a Target or label  um I would say um I would say boosting machine   models are the best uh best I would say the best  models I mean the others have their benefits as   well but in my experience boosting machines um  you know perform really well or you can like   stack them together and do all kinds of like cool  stuff all right so that's unsupervised learning   um so let's move on to this another concept called  unsupervised learning which is like mostly what   the use cases are going to be like because  in your everyday life getting that label or   the output variable is not going to be easy but  you'll probably be able to get a bunch of data   um so unsupervised learning is where you actually  don't really have like a Target you don't really   understand what this means but if you have  a data set so excuse me um in that what you   can do is now that since you have a data set  what you can do is you can actually try to   um cluster these samples so these these data  points based on how similar they are with each   other and um the similarity is based on some kind  of a distance metric and these distances could be   euclidean distance can be like Manhattan distance  Hamming distance sorry for particular use cases   you you can you can actually have particular  or different um different distance metrics so   for example like if you're if you have like a  a location problem like a searching problem um   going from what is the best way to go from point  A to point B you might be using more like a uh I   would say a Manhattan distance distance metric as  opposed to a euclidean distance uh similarly like   if you want to do like a string matching or like  do a good figure out the distances between two   strings you would probably try to go for like a  cosine similarity or you would you would use um and then there's another um algorithm uh  or I guess a conceptually another way of   modeling emission a machine learning  problem called reinforcement learning   um uh so this is where like we we penalize or  reward when when we get the when model gets the   answer correct or wrong and um uh so reinforcement  learning I think like one of the really great   examples for this is uh GPT uh you know they  did reinforcement learning with human feedback   um but um yeah so so that's really it and um so  that's really it and on Mission and learning uh   so let's just uh talk about some kind of like  I think we'd kind of discussed this uh but   um but I want to go over some of the things that  you can also start thinking about and then maybe   we'll uh go into talking about some music after  this slide um okay so we discussed supervisors   learning is where like you don't really have a  lot of uh labels that are labeled data but you   want to use this as the gold standard and  then you have a lot of unlabeled uh data   um so um few short learning or zero short learning  uh examples for this uh one of the good examples   are facial recognition like you know so so it's  it's probably hard to get a lot of Paces as a data   so rather than really understanding the  distribution of the phase maybe it's easier   to understand the distribution of the similarity  Matrix between your face and a different person's   face so like you can create like a um more like  an autocorrelation Matrix like you have your own   face and then you have uh you can find the  the similarity this similarity essentially   between your face and another person's face  and then between your face and your face again   um and then that's called like few short learning  where you're trying to understand you're trying   to understand the difference Matrix as opposed to  understand the really like the distribution of of   that your pure base particularly um zero shot  learning is similar I would say but it's that   that that's more like around something called  pre-trained models um so here I have mentioned   transfer learning um again transfer learning is  where you um so so let's take an example let's say   um will be an example um let's say all right  let's go into a coffee shop example all right   so um we are doing great on our coffee shop and we  are getting some Google reviews on a coffee shop   so um and Google reviews go from zero I think  one to five right rank between one to five so   um we have some textual data some people writing  reviews on our coffee shop and then we get the   star uh how many stars we got like between one  and five so um now I want to build a model so   let's say to see like when I input a review I want  to kind of get an output like what is the rank for   this for this review so so that's like my use case  so it's more like a natural language processing   problem where again like going into understanding  that hidden state where I input the text uh   data but I'm what I'm really interested is the  sentiment behind that the text data right so um in   order for me to build this model it's going to be  so difficult for me to learn the language itself   right so it's written in English so before even  understanding the sentiment you need to understand   the language itself like how the grammar works  it's a phonetic language like how does it work so   um you know that's going to take so much more  data so much more like compute power to train a   model so rather than like going through that you  can actually like get the use of a pre-trained   model that uh that you know Google has created uh  called let's say we use like a generic pre-trained   model like bi-directional encoder representation  of Transformers about 35 three main model that   understands the the line thing then we can clear  the data set the review data set a bit so that we   can understand the sentiment behind the reviews  and then we can train this in time uh so that now   you have a new model now a fine tune the model so  to say which understands the the English sentiment   uh pertaining to your coffee shop reviews so  now you have a model where you put in some   some reviews and you can understand uh you can  classify between one to five whether this review   is a five star review or one star review and then  you can understand even the sentiment behind it   um so yeah so so that's transfer learning and um  and then I want to talk about something called   Edge machine learning um Edge machine learning  is a uh an attempt by several companies I would   say this is this was started by Google I would  say I don't know maybe like five years ago or 10   years ago when all these privacy concerns started  started to emerge what Google tried to do is they   were like well the the biggest problem in terms of  data privacy is the fact that the data leaves the   device right so so if I if I want to if my data  leaves my device and go to a server and the server   computes the the server does the inferencing  and produce a probability back the data actually   leaves my device so that's why the Privacy  concern starts to happen so why do we why do   we let that happen why don't we put the model in  the device itself so this concept kind of inspired   them to think about having being able to put these  machine learning models in the devices itself so   um if you're interested in you can learn about  core ml I think it's a it's an apple I've actually   never worked on oml but I've done some TF live  tensorflow Lite application in the past where   you're what you're really trying to do is you  want to deploy the model in the device itself   so that the data is secured with a Sandbox inside  the device and then what leaves outside of the   device would be the probability or maybe like  a quasi probability or quasi data they're not   really pii personally identifiable information but  it's more like a quasi more like an encrypted kind   of a data payload that leaves the device goes to  the server and then do the computation right so   that's also a another approach of doing machine  learning so uh so like we talked about supervised   learning unsupervised learning few circles I  mean sorry transfer learning there's a lot of   like use cases out there and there's a lot of  like plethora of algorithms that you can use to   um complete to like really all like different  use cases um and uh I'm gonna spend a couple more   minutes on the other the other two types as well a  b testing it's really not a machine learning model   but it's uh it comes into play when you when you  deploy machine learning model in production uh so   again let's go back to our coffee shop example so  let's say I'm doing really well and um I um you   know I I started my coffee shop I'm doing like  really well so I'm like all right usually I do   I do like the traffic like when people just come  in they buy the coffee but now I want to create a   website where I'm creating a website and I want  to make sure that people can buy the order of   the coffee through the website and they can just  come and pick up the coffee so that like kind of   alleviates that that foot traffic that comes into  comes in in through the door but I can just open   up this other window where the people can just  come up and just pick up their coffee and just   leave so that is good business for me uh and I  just have to put up a website but before I do   all that I want to kind of understand like is  this really like worthwhile for me to do right   um so what I can do is I'm I can like sort of on  the sort of do like some kind of an A B testing   a b testing is where you have um a control and a  test so basically um what you're trying to achieve   here is um what you're trying to look for is um I  mean I guess there's like two approaches of doing   this doing this uh there's one approach called  The Frequency approach yeah I don't approaches   called the Bayesian approach the frequentest  approach is I'm sure you heard about p-values   um uh that approach is really is telling that you  are differentiating between two hypotheses there's   another hypothesis and you're trying to break the  null hypothesis uh to say like your website is   um is is doing studies statistically significantly  doing better better than not having the website   uh and then the Bayesian approach is like more  like you're you're actually dealing with like   beta distributions probably distribution of  probabilities and then and taking samples of   that and then using conditional probability  to understand uh the same kind of idea   um I would I personally like the Bayesian approach  because it's easier for me to convey the message   to my leadership when I do a b testing as opposed  to saying thank you for someone like okay values   so and so and therefore it's statistically  significant which is like which goes over   the head of like a lot of like like people  right so it's easy to probably say that the   X amount of probability better than not having a  website rather than saying this is 0.005 p-value   right so anyway so so that's that's around a b  testing there's another way of doing it is called   multi-on Bandit I'll let you like Google that  and learn about that as well uh and then another   another type of application of machine learning is  building recommendation models so I'm sure you've   uh you watch Netflix and Spotify and things like  that they're all based on recording Nation model   so you can learn about I think you can start with  collaborative surgery and then you can expand your   knowledge on that as well all right I feel like I  spend a lot of time on this slide so it's like uh   a little time on this slide an interesting  let's do a time check all right okay so   um yeah so applications of uh AI so like I  said classification remember cross entropy um the use cases would be uh you know classic classic  binary variables we are trying to distinguish   between whether it's fraud or not fraud you can  say uh different classes like weather prediction   um or something uh interesting like passing a  gene expression to differentiate between cancer   cells versus normal cells so those are classific  examples of classification models regression could   be a continuous variable that you're trying to  predict so stop sales price predictions could   be good examples for that and then comes  natural language processing this is like   um this is getting a lot of heat  these days which I think is is amazing   um so like chat Bots I'm sure you've used GPT and  all of the other cool language models out there   machine translation translating one language to  another and then CV computer vision problems like   stable diffusion uh immense segmentation denoising  object detection those are like certain use cases   that you can also learn around these particular  umbrella uh topics all right okay so I'm now going   to switch to talking about like uh the feel of  uh frog fraud management that I'm I'm actually in   um so but I'll try to spend not a lot of time on  here uh so uh applications for file management so   fraud is an interesting problem to solve because  it's a moving Target um unlike other like uh I   would say other use cases where you're interacting  with the environment doesn't experience that much   uh like let's say You're Building like  an autonomous like vehicle or something   um the the roads or the the there's traffic  once you really get an understanding about   the distribution of different random variables  it doesn't really change that much but in fraud   the running variable is a human right they're  always changing the way they're attacking the   the website or uh or your device so it's a moving  Target so which poses an interesting problem where   the idea of the machine learning problem is generally or encode pass data in a more  generalized sense so the Precision is what   but uh the recall is high so um I'll explain what  position recall is in a minute but what I'm trying   to say is when uh let's say like a fraudster  figures out a uh a backdoor into a website and   they're like all right I'm gonna I'm gonna do  a distributed uh denial of service attack using   this uh this uh set of ips and they're starting  to attack right they're starting to attack this   website um and then the the company figures are  all right we're getting hit by this this I this   setups I can't have my mission learning model to  quickly like learn about these IP addresses and   like give a high probability it's going to take  like it's going to take days it's gonna take like   weeks for it to figure it out and go through that  train the model and being deployed the model being   deployed to go through all the unit tests and all  that so it's it's too cumbersome and it's never   going to work so um so what we have to circumvent  that is we have this uh we have this deterministic   rules in place and the rules you know you you know  what rules rules are like if if the transaction   comes from this IP address and it has this payload  blah blah blah blah you can have this like rule   written and if it passes that rule we can reject  that transaction right so it's a it's this hybrid   model where you have rules and then you also have  a missionary model produces a probability output   and um uh probability is an interesting thing  because it's really it's not really telling us   whether it's a project and transaction or not  uh it really for us to kind of think about like   okay how do we how do we set the threshold right  um so so yeah so fraud is an interesting problem   it's a hybrid model between uh deterministic  rules and a generalized machine learning model   uh put together and so so creating that platform  is a little tricky because you're like always   always like kind of fine-tuning the the model  and uh to like go along the static rules and   uh it can be it can be an interesting challenge  um if it's right here to kind of like show you   like how we assess a uh how we how we really  set that threshold to say that okay Above This   threshold we're gonna say it's a fraudulent  transaction below that threshold is going to   be uh we can just say it falls into a review  buffer where the transaction is being reviewed   by a human or actually we can allow or accept that  transaction so as you can in this confusion Matrix   um what we do is we build something called a  very rudimentary way I would say we built a   Precision recall curve uh so what is recall  recall is true positive rate so which is of   actual of all of your actual fraud how much fraud  how much correct how much fraud did we correctly   predict right that's that's recall true cross true  positive rate Precision is the other way around   um off all of the fraud that you predicted to  be fraud how many did you get right okay so   those are like two different ways of looking  at the problem and you have to find that fine   balance between the the two so we uh we  can draw a Precision recall curve [Music] Computing that we can we can find the best  threshold uh to get the best support walls no but   that's like a very simplistic way of interesting  that it's way more complicated than that   um because we anyway I'm not gonna get into it uh  but but it's a very simplistic way of explaining   like how we uh how we do the performance  assessment um on on this uh model all right   so then moving on uh I'll give you a little bit  of like a uh kind of like an overview of like   um what I have done in the past I would say five  to six years or so um my main contribution is uh   at my work was to understand the uh understand  the data really collect it from devices yeah   when I talk about devices it's like it's your  mobile phone or it's your browser that you you   go into websites uh so like if it's a browser  it could be Chrome browser it can be Safari so   you use those browsers to go into a let's say an  e-commerce website let's say you won't go into you go into a financial bank or go into whatever and whenever you go into   those websites what we do is we drop a JavaScript  and the objective is to really collect all of your   information about your browser or your mobile  application essentially we we capture like we   drop elements like cookies down local tags and we  collect IP address user agents and all kinds of   information just so that we can profile you just  so that we can understand and identify you and   then we we actually drop soft elements in your  browser and even if you like uh you know clear   your cash it's it's they're like and then we build  like other models to do something called browser   what that means is we want to like uniquely  identify your browser your mobile application   so that we have like this this um this registry  to know that okay this is you when you make a   transaction using a credit card we tie those two  two and multiple other elements together so that   we know that for sure this is the person who  is making this transaction and therefore we can   pass or fail your transaction um and I don't  know if you have encountered like two effect   authentication alerts coming onto your phone  like saying this is you who made this transaction   um so that's like usually when that's like really  it went above the threshold and it went above the   review and then it actually went into the reject  so that that's when you get that two-factor   authentication on your phone so that's really the  models that we built again we build models in the   the application itself I mean the device itself  excuse me and we build models um up in the like   we send the data upstream and then the the server  will give a probability feedback as well um other   particular use cases that I can highlight here  is account takeover account takeover is really   um rather than understanding a a transaction  at a more Atomic level I would say at a more   a a snapshot level we track the entire behavior  of an individual across an account and across   multiple accounts so if you have a bank account  and if you have like an account on Amazon if you   have an account in a different bank so we're able  to like track you all across these like different   different uh I would say different organizations  so we kind of have like this really good like   profile about you um and and these are like very  interesting problems and for us to scale into   building these like different unique models from  many people it becomes a very taunting task so you   know we built like I mean recreneurial networks  LST models to like you know capture that data   but there's internal limitations in those models  because you know it can't go longer okay it can't   go too far back to understand uh you know what you  have done in the past so we do have to make these   I would say computations like computations for  like very large computations to say um where uh   the biggest problem really is um in in this field  the biggest issue is real-time inferencing uh what   do I mean by that real-time inferencing is where  you get a transaction and we get like less than   50 milliseconds to give a probability feedback so  that means like we can't have we can't do a lot of   pre-processing of the data uh we get the data and  any pre-processing we have to do we have to do in   a separate offline process and then feed that data  into um you know supplement that data or augment   the the real real-time data that we get and then  we can produce that to the machine learning model   to get a probability feedback um yeah so so that's  one of the biggest problems we have in this field   um uh anyway I don't want to get too much into  it uh let's do a time check uh all right so   actually we are approaching the the bottom of  the hour at the top of the hour in in Sri Lanka   um okay so uh just to give you a a little overview  sorry for context switching I'm just jumping into   um uh you know what a data driven solution  company looks like this is like really in   my experience what I have encountered  in the past so other people are in this   field might have different different  experiences but by and large for me   um you know in the beginning what we do is  we we have the engineering infrastructure The   Architects go in and build the data like a data  pipeline they figure out like the compute power   the storage capacities and you know all that stuff  they build the data data Lake and then then come   then comes the data scientist who builds models  on a lab environment so if you have played around   with like Google collaborative collaboratory  AWS Age Maker studio lab um those are like more   like jupyter Hub environments where you can play  around with and build like a prototype model and   then when you want to scale it up maybe a machine  learning engineer can help you maybe productionize   your model uh you and then I mean you know  you build your model on like a let's say on   a staging I'm sorry on a development cluster and  then machine learning engineer could potentially   help you to move that you know to more like a  production cluster um and a data engineer really   is someone who kind of helps with the passing of  the data so the data might come in like uh I don't   know Json formats and data engineer might try  to convert that into a RK format so that that's   easier for you to read uh and you know they might  build the pipelines also um and a data analysis I   would say someone who understands who probably sit  close to the product teams and then the the sea   level the decision makers because they are really  like um very they're they're really like taking   the layers off of the data and exposing what the  the context in the data to the leadership really   through dashboards so they are more like building  bi uh dashboards um and uh so they have a little   bit of knowledge about machine learning I would  say but mostly they there uh I would say damn the   contribution is to build those platforms uh that  the sea level uh people can go in and understand   okay where the business is going and make those  make those product decisions in the future   um a couple of things that are also important is  a model life cycle management uh which is like you   know now now if it's a data driven or solution  driven company you're going to be building a   bunch of models and you're going to have a a  track record of what the models are and what   data went into the models because in the future I  think we would have a lot more regulations that's   going to come around AI which will be asking us  questions like okay what were the the data that   you use to build these models what assumptions  did you make can you explain the models   um decision making which opens up this this  can of worms so model lifecycle management   is also becoming an important concept to think  about again like like I said like machine learning   operations which is similar to devops I'm sure  that you've heard of devops if you're a computer   Engineers but ml Ops is similar because machine  learning is slightly different from uh having   like this this uh like for devops you really  know what you're what you what you uh what your   blueprint is when you start doing a project you  really don't know except more like an iterative   process so because you got to like do trial and  error all the time ml Ops is slightly different   from devops and then you still do like continuous  integration and continuous deployment when you   when you try to deploy model in production um  all right let's move on to the next slide uh all   right again context switching time uh so this is  really a slide that I I always wanted to kind of   put up for you guys something that I try  to establish in my life and uh you know   um so I don't know um this is like um I hope  that this might be beneficial for you all   um what I what I Really Wanna instill is becoming  you and um and and a leader doesn't mean that you   have to have direct reports under you to become  a leader uh you can be your own leader where   you can be better uh you can be a better self of  you than yesterday so what you need is discipline   um established discipline discipline is really  like doing things that you don't want to do day   in day out but you keep doing it and uh yeah you  know you you you you build that muscle you build   that muscle of discipline so you always progress  in your life um and then there's going to be a lot   of like information that yes you're probably gonna  get bored like so for example back in the day   when I was growing up uh I kept hearing this this  notion where uh access to information will give   you a competitive Advantage but now I feel like  it's really not having the access to information   it's more like how to pass the information you  know how to like um curate the informations to   your advantage or to solve your use case and uh  that would give you the the competitive Advantage   so that means like you might get bogged down with  like a ton of information and then you probably   get like exhausted by the amount of information  on a particular subject So to avoid that I would   say a plane box like whatever you want to do just  set up a timer and say like okay I'm gonna learn   about this but I'm gonna no matter what it entails  I'm gonna only spend 40 minutes on this topic and   I'm gonna only open five uh tabs on my my browser  and I'm gonna learn that and once it's done that's   it I'm gonna move on to the next thing because  there's going to be way too much information for   you to um for you due to just absorb at a given  time utilize the tools out there um be inquisitive   be a lifelong learner and always Empower your  colleagues work try to learn uh to to to work   with different stakeholders like this uh just try  to understand like how to work other like peers   from other universities peers from colleagues  from other things everybody together and build   systems and applications where you utilize  everyone's um you know like everyone's uh not uh try fail fast learn and repeat um always have  a good good foundation on your first always use   first principles and get your foundation really  good once you establish a really good uh you know   where you're going to fall onto so you have really  good first principles from there you can build up   on anything and then hopefully you can be become  an ambassador and you can help your generations   and teach them how to better great leaders um all  right so I'm gonna leave you with this slide uh   this is a slide I put together the things that  I'm kind of like interested in these days I'm   looking up on um before we conclude I really  want to kind of like challenge you uh where   I want you guys to build an application it could  be a machine learning application it could be a   web application whatever you guys want to build  but um really what I want to like really drive   or push for is this perception of like moving  away from like building this small complicated   algorithm or the more to building something  that generates income that brings in money or   building acts there's something that's rewarding  because you get like you can you can get lost in   the theoretical components of these topics but you  don't really like kind of think how can this apply   to solving a real world application and if you can  solve a real world application there's going to be   demand and the demand will get you the funding  so you always have the thing from top bottom to   top down where you think about a a business uh  or a real world application that you're going   to solve and then you figure out okay what is  that algorithm that's gonna that's going to   take me there and it could be the simplest model  I would say the simplest model is the best model um and um you know if you have an idea create  a proof of concept uh there's a minimum viable   product document that I've linked up here and  you can read about that it's about like how to   get customers how to keep customers um and then  uh a tool set that you can use is Google collab   environment uh I don't know maybe you guys are  using this already uh AWS Age Maker has a free uh   jupyter Hub environment and then Pi torch I would  encourage you to learn about hugging face has a   lot of like cool pre-trained models and there's a  notebook section as well that you can learn from   um the the hip uh uh I guess the machine  learning models out there today is the large   language models so learn about a lot of language  models CPT Auto GPD you can learn about how to   deploy model any doesn't matter the greatest  model that you create if it's not going into   production and and is being decisioned on or  being inferenced on the your model doesn't   mean anything so if you can have the greatest  model but if it's actually not doing anything   it's not in production making decisions  I mean it's not useful um and then think   about a business proposal and you know try always  think about how can you monetize your problems   um and then um you know uh yeah you can pretty  much learn through but uh yeah in the interest   of time I'm gonna stop right now and uh I do have  another uh appendix right here for you to kind of   if you're interested in read up these papers  there's other a lot of other papers that came   after this this is a screenshot that I took from  that paper I'm sure there's a lot of alumni who   knows about this uh this uh this area so feel free  to um feel free to talk to your peers talk to you   um you know seniors and uh finally uh you know  people who are going to be building AI is going   to be very small but people who are going to  be using AI or building applications are going   to be bigger than that subset so I would say  I would encourage you to build applications   on AI and machine learning and hopefully you  can get the benefit from the links that I've   shared and wish you all the best and uh yeah  so I'll stick around if you guys have any   questions and I apologize for taking the entire  one hour to finish the session thank you!

2023-05-25 20:39

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