application Package full Course Application package training

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okay okay so I'll be creating a device of ppts and we'll be learning what are the topics that uh that I need for application Packaging this covers a basic uh packaging and also like how do you troubleshoot your applications so so are you currently working on it tell me about you yeah I am currently working in uh MNC okay I'll take a corporate trainings actually not a individual individual trainings also I will take but for a batch a group of batch like five to ten members if there are then I'll be taking a trainings okay okay so uh what is your experience what is the maximum experience overall experience how much you have in terms of application packaging in terms of application packaging I have eight years experience I have started as a network engineer after that I moved on to application packaging okay and currently I'm working on different Technologies like Cloud InTune Azure okay so so is this the only thing that you train or you train on other platforms as well only for application packaging you train or do you have other training as well I will join on Azure also cloud in June okay azure okay okay so these are all the Technologies currently okay and this is a device PPT that I will be training because uh the badge includes the pressures and also experience do we need to cover all the topics okay I cannot skip the basic topics so the device PPT covers like what is the application packaging what is the state delivered application what is the packaging process what is the package equipment Okay so we need to adjust Basics then we will learn about uh okay so we'll be covering all the topics that are related to tables within MSI like if you want to delete something we can handle through tables and if you want to add something you can add through tables all those ppds are covered like custom actions so if you see the full course I think maybe Amit had showed you all the full reports so this is the full course topics okay so as we'll be having a fresher and experienced I have to cover all the topics so that's why we have defined the ports like this okay okay so what are the registry hives if it comes to registry High varies the logs registry where is the shared dll registry so we'll be covering all the interview questions for a basic packager okay what they will be asking application repurchasing requirement so if you are self-healing application where is the MSI gets told what is the MSI execution process where are the MSI internals so if you want to troubleshoot something where you will be troubleshooting what what are the troubleshooting tools that we are going to use so all those Technologies we will cover in this Okay so on the third day we'll cover our repackaging and I'll show you guys how to prepare your own Labs using virtualbox like this okay so you have to prepare your snapshots I think all of you can see my screen right yes so this is how I'll be showing you how to create and I'll share you the packaging uh softwares that are required okay so I'll be in this course as part of this course a single course it is covered only MSI packaging if you want Appian MSI also these are the different courses okay so app is a different course msix is a different course so this is a just MSI packaging course that I'm explaining now so we'll see how to convert MSI to msts how many transforms are there what is the basic slas that projects follow so I'm going to cover only install Shield okay thank you okay so one will be seeing uh how to find out your post install customizations how do you add them to your msis and MSDS so suppressing updates startup tips what are the best practices in terms of post install customizations okay and how do you add licenses and what are the tools that you can use to find out post install customizations so that we will see as part of the sessions okay and MSI architecture basic properties what is a guid and what are the tables what is cell field what is rolled back what is shared dll concept and all the MSI Concepts that are involved backend actually these are used for interviews actually interview questions they will ask mostly on the MSI internals so we'll cover on those topics and we will see how to create a plate small and minor major upgrades how do you add launch conditions how can you use your launch conditions to check your prerequisites and how to add nested msis and what is active setup run run once and dll registrations and MSI tables and component rules coming to MSI tables you will see all the component tables component rules okay MSI tables some of the imported MSI tables and component rules at MSI assembly table IDs class IDs all those things will come under MSI tables what are the installation best practice of and also packaging based standards in terms of current industry based standards okay what are the custom actions and how do you add those custom actions exe custom action 3B script custom actions Powershell custom action skill process so all the points related to custom actions like how to handle driver applications how to handle love exes calling uh exe inside your MSI through custom action for killing a process through custom action adding services to your MSI adding firewalls and certificates and permissions to your msis okay so how do you do that with the MSI and how do you mitigate the issues how how can you analyze a log suppose some error is there in your log how do you analyze your logs and what are the ice validations how do you resolve your eye sellers in your msis and silenced to just coming to the currently actually in uh in most of the projects it's not mandatory that you should use only MSI technology you can use a silent installation also so whether it is a PSA DT or whatever the tool that you are using you can use silent switches so we'll see how to find out this island switches and what are the basic commands that you can use to find a silent switch so how do you handle a add-on or Plugin or extension so nowadays they don't know plugins because it's Edge right so it's all extensions so we'll see extension packages how do you handle and how do you add add it means like mold per Point you'll be having add-ins so how do you handle those add-in packages and the tools like ARCA how do you use ARCA and VB badge personal scripting example some examples and we'll see practice Labs okay so everything will be with practical once whenever I cover some topics I'll give you practical questions you have to complete those practicals okay to best understand whatever you have learned okay if you practice then only you will understand the topic better so after every two three sessions I'll be giving you one MSI and I'll ask you guys to do this practical and upload it to Google Drive okay so that I can verify whether you have done properly or not so this is the topics that I am going to cover as part of the MSI pre-package okay will you cover any basic app free because there that also in uh entry they are asking yeah apple is a different course actually we take it I take it happy for our 15 days course and this is the one month course one and of our daily okay uh one month course one to one fifteen minutes and this is again a 15 days course okay in app free generally if you are going with a 506 year experience they'll ask you some scenario based questions yeah how do you troubleshoot your application where are the files in the happy packages suppose I want to run multiple add-in applications and how can you add so the scenario based questions they will ask you okay because I know that I will be taking interviews and the questions that I'm going to ask you is a scenario based questions I won't ask you basic questions so scenario based questions if I cover the basics you won't get it I can cover one day what is appv and what are the uh Apple 4.6 and happy 5.1 it's a basic like how I I'll show you how to create a package in one hour what I can do is I can just show you the basics and how to create a happy package but to learn internals you have to go through the session okay sure yeah so Monday to so hopefully when will be the classes and four days if it match generally I'll take it on only weekends three three hours a day so Saturday and Sunday if it is a daily hours that I'll be taking in the morning session okay 10 to 12 like that I'm sorry morning time is 10 to 12 I'll be free okay okay ready foreign CCM and if I want to add a dependencies where you will be adding a dependency but I am not covering that SCCM course here I can share you one document you can go through that okay because sscm lab I don't have to prepare that lab it takes time I have to install the sscm online how to add an application there is a detailed documentation okay yeah but the logs also you can check what are the logs ssca blogs that we need to do the basic questions you'll be able to answer good yeah okay so this is how I'll be explaining throughout the session everything will be practical and there is a device ppts so we are going to cover those device ppts uh like some properties will take two through three days like that so but uh details internals basically MSI packaging and MSI internals we are going to cover as part of the MSI repackaging course okay it's okay any more questions so will you cover the basic Powershell because yeah I'll show you Powershell scripts actually you don't need to write any even though you are in a application packaging job you don't need to write any personal scripts right you can search in the internet and you can modify according to your need so I'll be showing some basic uh commands per shell commands generally we need to learn a game style item okay and for each Loop where object some basic comments if you understand then that is fine whether we be or badge or Powershell anything we should be able to understand the script till that if it is there it would be fine we just need to understand the script that we have downloaded from the internet yeah of course to deploy applications all right thank you that is not related to Powershell scripting okay but if it is a partial deployment toolkit they will ask you some basic what is a install command what is a process setup process command and if I want to populate a program what is the command if I want to restart a program what is the command so maybe they would be asking you partial deployment toolkit that is a different again that's a one week course okay so where you will be seeing a Powershell deployment object but coming to the Powershell scripting it is just a Powershell uh basic commands that you can learn okay okay I'll show you that partial basic commands what are the basic commands that are required for a packaging okay not the complete scripting okay VB or batch or Powershell whatever it is related to uh packaging what are the scripts that you will be using okay so those will be covering with the this package foreign text file so yes of course and informative Amit whatever is your decision and he will come back to me so if anybody else is turning into the batch then now we'll see okay sure sure so okay yeah are you comfortable with the timings 10 to 12 yes of course I'm I'm free now actually last February I got they released me I fired me actually due to frustration and I'm not able to uh work up to their level actually so they have been asked I was working for Dick's International the U.S project or at least okay okay so that's my situation actually so I was not able to uh meet their expectations so they were asking to change the path uh environmental variables are although we create a logs new package the loose files to a package over here actually you didn't go through any trading actually one of my friend was working in application packaging so he also do some basic work only which like repackaging and the basic MSI to MST so with that only I cleared the interview so after that they have been expecting a lot it depends on our luck actually some people get into a light jobs like where exactly not much effort is required any of the information is not available in YouTube also so okay I must say advanced level the merge module all those are not available actually those are not available in the YouTube but okay you can check it out sscm and psadt Powershell so it's like three months I was I went like 10 to 15 interviews so all that I was not able to crack actually so that's the reason I I want to join the course the disparately what they are saying is like you only know the basic level so but this is not for freshers or the this is you have more than four or five years experience so you have to work so so this is my uh condition actually so so that's the reasons they are asking like some questions you have noted so that I can see the active setup merge module ice errors few questions which I don't know right now add-in applications because generally basic questions we won't ask for our experience to people right yes exactly so I also have to develop my knowledge right so I cannot simply blame them because they need they do have some expectations which I have to meet the in a corporate life right so so I was asking them it's the same a trainer who can teach me very well who has a practical knowledge is that the reason he sent me to wait and he said when the right person comes I will tell you so hope I just completely believe you actually so I have a confidence hope you will give me a good training now so I am ready yeah but I can I'm waiting for the batch okay I told to Omit that I will not be taking two individual person so because my time won't permit okay so okay I have to wait you have to wait for the batch till then you can go through this is the amount of Powershell uh psadt tool you can download actually so if you go to that tool there is a help document okay okay so there is a PS dot help dot PS1 will be there just open it with commercial and execute it so there you will see all the commands Okay okay and you can go through that command and go through the help you will be able to learn PSA DT with that download and go through that and go through accm documentation in the YouTube and see how do you add an application with sscm how do you add a package with application okay what are the detection Logics so all these things you can just go through uh in the internet if more people join then I think Amit will inform you okay for like that's stupid I cannot take for a one person that's my thing right yeah but meanwhile you can go through I'm giving you suggestions right so first one through YouTube through YouTube you can find a CCM actually documentation will be there foreign okay application how to add an application into sscm how to add a package into sec so these are the two things that you have to learn in SCCM and the logs so note down what log is for what where is the content so what is the log location all these things you can go through sscm okay and when you come to psadt as I told you download the tool and run the help.ps1 it will give you the command list go through that command list that is enough for our interviews okay these two are enough for you coming to MSI internals you need to have a experience okay that uh we'll see so sure okay he'll come back thank you so much thank you yeah thanks for your attention good luck for your job no hello


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