Apollo Anniversary - STEM Forward to the Moon

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We've. Been there before. We're. Going again, this. Time to, stay. Visionaries. And dreamers imagine, the future, engineers. And scientists. Build, in using. Math and science, as forms, of art, creating. Technologies. Transforming. Societies. Now, we. Take civilization. To, the Stars on. A journey, to explore and build a gateway. An. Outpost. Good. Afternoon and welcome to our show stem forge the moon we're, live from the Apollo Saturn 5 Center at NASA's, Kennedy Space Center in Florida where. We just wrapped up a two hour celebration. Commemorating the, 50th anniversary of the first ever walk, on the surface of the Moon we, turn now to the future of space exploration to. You the students and educators, thanks. For joining us and welcome to our show, I'm Stephanie, Martin from NASA's office of communications and I'm here with my co-host and, friend nila firangee from NASA's office of stem engagement, we, are part of the Artemis generation, of explorers we're. Going back to the moon and this time to stay we, just saw the new Artemis branding, which is truly a nod, to the Apollo missions what, many people don't, know is Apollo, had twin she, was a woman named Artemis goddess. Of the moon as the. Artemis generation, we need to, develop, the skills to get us to the moon and beyond, NASA's. Office of stem engagement, works with educators, schools, and other organizations like. Museums, to, immerse students in NASA's, work and enhance, literacy, in science, technology. Engineering and. Math generally. We're here to inspire the next generation to. Explore coming. Up we'll see an Artemis mission through, the eyes of middle school students, from museums, across the country we'll, also see those same student, perform, experiments. That show how you can recreate, them, from. Your, home using things that you can find around the house later. In the show we'll also have a message from a special celebrity guest we. Want everyone, to join the forward to the moon conversation. Using, the hashtag, NASA, stem, on Twitter my, team is standing by to answer your questions, on social media I hope, you join our conversation online. Let's. Get started as, Stephanie, mentioned I caught up with middle school students, across the, country this summer who, use their imagination. To see what, it would what. It would be like if they took over an artemis moon mission they, simulated, a launch arrived.

At The lunar gateway took their first steps on the moon and even collected, samples, on the lunar surface first. Up we'll take you inside Mission, Control from the Cosmosphere, in Kansas. Welcome. To the Space Launch Artemis, three crew you've been training many months for the greatest adventure of your whole life I know you're a little bit nervous but, that is normal, you'll, be exploring our sources though beginning with the mood and eventually, on to Mars when. You hear the words go, for launch all, systems, will be a go t-minus. Three minutes and Counting. I think it's important, for NASA to send people, to the moon and, to Mars because. They can do experiments to help people back, on earth what, excites me about Artemis, is that, it's gonna have the first woman on the moon and, there. Hasn't been one before and that's really cool Arlis story you are go for launch main engine start ten, nine. Eight. Seven. Six five. Four. Three. Two. One. Rocky. Hanlon. Artemis. Is clear the tower welcome, to the solar system, artemis 3 you just passed the International, Space Station and should so you think boon or gateway and muninn, listen soon navigator. Fire rockets, on lunar orbit insertion now Thank You Capcom, we, will check in as we neared Gateway and are getting ready to dock at Astra this is one step closer to a future where better. Things can happen. So, here at Kennedy Space Center we have launch complex. 39 that. Is where pad 39a. And, 39b were. Used for the Apollo missions, and our key to the future exploration, of, human. Spaceflight, pad. 39a, is where SpaceX will launch our astronauts, in the future to the International, Space Station and you can see that on the left-hand side of your screen pad. 39b, is on the right and that is where our heavy lift rocket known. As the Space Launch System will, carry the Orion spacecraft for, Artemis missions to the moon and on to Mars we've. Been hearing a lot about Artemis, today Stephanie, can you tell us a little more to, really simplify it our Apollo missions were focused on getting astronauts, safely to and from the moon for, Artemis we're going to send our astronauts back to the moon and there, they will explore and they will utilize that experience, to prepare us to take the next giant leap to, send our astronauts to Mars and Artemis. Will require a heavy lift vehicle the, Space Launch System the, students we met at the Cosmosphere, also, conducted, an experiment using balloons as air powered rockets, to, launch the largest payload. Possible, this science activity teaches, students what it takes to launch a payload into orbit and even, how slight, variations, in weight can affect performance let's, take a look. Here. With me behalf Alyssa from the cosmos here at Hutchinson Kansas and she's going to talk to us about next Avenue these guys are doing now, started, doing the, NASA activity. Heavy, lifting, it is, a payload. Activity, to test the amount, of payload they can evenly. Distribute and. How to distribute. It onto their rocket, ship each, paper. Clip is equal, to two grams of weight and. There, challengers. To get as many, paper clips onto the, rocket. As possible, and be able to reach the, ceilings, you just need an elongated, balloon, some paper clips and, a clothespin. To stop. The airflow and some masking tape all, right so why don't we check out what we have going on on this side it, looks like Drew and I'm over here have some of their activities started, yes. Drew. Drew, has a strategy where, he's going to convince. Up his payload into a into. A baggie and distributed. Onto the rocket and experiment, with the best location. To push his payload, for the maximum, height and, Emma. It, has a different, strategy where she is chaining, the paper clips and, will, evenly, distribute, them onto and tape them on to her rocket, to. Maximize, her payload, and the, height of her rocket, right and then the idea is to test the different payloads, to see what happens.

Or Which one launches, exactly. So they're, gonna start with a very light payload, and I, increase their test each time by a few, grams until, they maximize, their, payload, excellent, so, why don't we see what it looks like to launch this thing so. It looks like Madelyn and David have finished. Their products, yes. And we have a couple different design, ideas one, is to keep the payload up together and, at the bottom and then, the other design, is, to, change. The payload, and distribute. The weight all the way down the length of the rocket, okay very nice so, are you able to watch one of these get launched sure let's. Try it out. Okay. So we're gonna launch ready is, everyone counting three. So. Why don't we try this with another payload. All right so Madeline, and/or partner have put an additional, paper clip on to this balloon, I'm really excited to see what happens with this one are you guys excited. Let's. Countdown ready, three. So. For those of you who would like to try this activity, at home please, feel free to visit the website at the bottom of the screen and you're more than welcome to partake in this really awesome exercise. The. Heavy lift experiment, and many others are in our stem forage of the Moon activity, guide parents. Educators, and students can go to the website and download, the book there, is a ton of really, fun kitchen science in there I had a lot of fun with them myself, in fact the water filtration activity. You will see coming up was my favorite, and Stephanie. All of these activities can, be done at home using, the activity, guide from, launching, to, living on the moon there's a lot to learn. Museums. Across the country are hosting, watch parties, just like the one that is in national, in the National Mall in Washington DC. It, was coordinated, by NASA and, the Smithsonian's, Air and Space Museum, here, you can see the, monument in the background with all of the exhibits along both sides many. Of them have big events they're being hosted, even tomorrow to commemorate, the big Apollo 11 mission and, each. Night this week an image of a Saturn 5 rocket was, being projected onto, the side of the Washington, Monument and starting. Tonight in tomorrow a 17. Minute animated. Show will, tell the story of the launch in landing of Apollo 11 that's. Happening, at the National Mall in Washington DC. If you're in the nation's capitol this week it sounds like something really, worth seeing it really does as you can see with that that. Rocket on the pad as its displayed, on the monument it's just amazing.

I Wish, I was in DC if I wasn't actually able to be here with all of you today exactly, and despite the heat index it would have been a great adventure it sure would have so, a few moments ago we, saw a mission simulation. The Cosmosphere, where we had students actually in a mission simulator, I'm amazed, how interactive these, museums are right and it's so great to have these experiences. Available to the students, NASA partnerships. Are crucial, in engaging students, in NASA's, mission not, only do they provide learning, opportunities for, students they, also enhance the capabilities, of educational. Institutions and, support, educators, to better engage the students, at the Columbia Memorial Space, Center in California for, example students. Can return to the moon or voyage, to Mars and their interactive, space mission simulator, there, are a challenger, Learning Center where students can experience the journey of exploration and, teamwork, exactly. And students there took their imagination, to new heights as they, thought through what it might be like to be aboard the lunar gateway the, station that will orbit the moon and become, a rest stop as we travel further to Mars someday I was. There with our camera crew as these middle schoolers prepared, to land on the moon they, had a lot of fun let's watch. Gateway. Tracking, your orbit how do you read for landing. Mission. Control orbit. Established, for landing on the moon South Pole I think it's important, to send people to the moon and, on to Mars because. Discovery. Is a big thing and, the. More you explore the more you now initiating. System checks on lunar lander, power. Systems power, systems, go, communications. Comms, go I've always wanted to go to the moon I wanted to be one of the first women on the moon I wanted to be first so that could be like big. Dream come true that we're going back during, my time, environmental. Controls, environment. Controls go, I think the most important, experience, doing the moon would, most likely be, seeing if we, could find some way to make people able to live on there it's, gonna be the first woman to go on and it's showing just how much things. Have changed since, the first line element flight systems, flight, systems go, Lander. System, is responding with green across the board confirm, Houston. Confirmed. Gateway lander, systems, green proceed, with descent operations. Roger. Mission, Control, proceeding. With the sent operations. What, excites, me the most about, going, forward to the moon it's like, creating. A whole new life and being, able to discover, more than we thought, you know expedition, City secured, expedition. Team moving to land earth what. Excites me the most about going. Forward to the moon. So learning opportunity. I think it's amazing that during, my lifetime, and during. Like especially me at this age I'll be able to experience, something like this expedition. Tune has entered the Lander hatch, is secured. Across. The track on lander pressure. Good holding. Nominal, in. The shading release, seals. Released, plan. They're backing, away, two. Meters. Four. Meters. Six. Meters new, are clear expedition, Lander Godspeed. Chloe and Lenora safe, travels expedition, and don't. Forget our souvenirs. The. Lunar gateway that these young women just shared with us it is such a different approach from what we had during Apollo that's, right Stephanie it's a huge innovation gateway, gives us the opportunity, to land anywhere, on the surface of the Moon it, will also be a rest stop and staging, area as we continue, to go on to Mars now, a journey, to the moon takes about three, days each, way and a great way to pass the time is with music Stephanie, music has actually, been part of trot, space travel from the beginning right it really has there were pre-launch songs, shuttle, crew wake up songs and some, astronauts he's even played instruments, on the international space station to bring a part of home to, this space station with them with, NASA returning, to the moon by 2024, we asked people what, they thought should.

Be On the playlist for the journey and created, moon tunes, you can listen on 3rd rock radio or use the hashtag NASA. Moon tunes to learn more one. Of the tunes that made the playlist is the song moon in the water by DAWs but, for our astronauts, when, they travel to the moon one important, aspect is going to be making sure they have clean water on, the, moon no, effort you've recently worked with students, on a water filtration experiment. That's. Right I did this, activity gets, students, thinking about some of the necessities of survival. When it comes to living and working in space in this, case we looked at some of the science behind cleaning, water at and. Creating, a water filtration system, let's go back to the Columbia Memorial Space, Center and see how it went. We're. With Breanna at the Columbia Memorial Space, Center and today we're going to be doing a cleaning, activity, yeah so, cleaning. Water is so important, right so I, thought you know we can make a water filter activity, and just really get the importance, of water and why we need exactly. And as. The astronauts say on the International Space Station tomorrow's. Coffee was yesterday's, coffee got a recycle, everything we can exactly, and so. Right, here I have some necessary, materials. That we do for the filter great I have, some, beans two different kind of beans some. Aquarium, gravel because it's very colorful I have, some peas, and also rice and our favorite cotton, balls excellent. Also just to organize some things I have, you. Know a filter, to filter it through some, goggles safety. First, exactly, and also. I got some pH papers, so we can actually see, if our water is filtered awesome, so we have Jackie and navei continuing, the activity, yeah, so, it looks like they've already started there I'll turn these. Beans. Greenpeace. Aquarium. Travel and it looks like they're gonna add their final step which is cotton, balls looks like Oh excellent, yeah it's really easy and for, our dirty water that we made we actually used Italian, dressing I think, is really fun that's really awesome so you know what you did was you mixed, water with the Italian dressing it's that easy, Wow okay, all three times I like to just go outside and, grab some dirt that's. Even more fun I love it I love playing with dirt. And. It gives a real feel it's real dirty water and they get to test it out and see if it's gonna be clean and when astronauts are on the lunar gateway they're going to neat systems like this to be even more efficient, heavy-duty, systems, it looks like we have a completed, activity, here yeah. So looks like everything, is ready to go great, and the goggles are on so. Safety, first I'm glad what they're ready for that so, now all they need to do is just add the dirty water excellent.

And That water doesn't look too. Dirty to me I think we need to give it a stir yeah, oh. There. We go look at that dirty water he's, mixing the, Italian. Dressing and, water. So. Now I would, probably say it's good to, try out so we're gonna try this out now yeah let's, do it. I'm. Hoping it works I hope so - fingers, crossed. Oh. Wow. Starting. To go through it's going through all the layers that's, faster than I would expect, totally, and, I'm. Actually really surprised, it looks, very clean it, looks very clean for, those of you interested in participating in, this activity and many others feel, free to visit the website at the bottom of our screen and take, part in this important, initiative. Nayla. For the water looks a little cleaner when it comes out of the filtration, system on the International, Space Station, that, is true Stephanie our system, includes a couple of technologies. That you don't normally have at home which is why we suggest students. Don't drink the water you filter, absolutely. Not now. We want stem discoveries, and experiments, to be exciting, for everyone, we. Do and even celebrities are getting excited, about nasa's stem activities, actress, and singer keke palmer recently, had the opportunity to learn more about our initiatives, and she shared this message about, stem and NASA's, Artemis missions. Hey. Kiki Palmer here and when I'm not on set or in the recording studio one, of my favorite, things to do is to learn more about organizations. Like NASA and what they're doing to push the boundaries of how we understand, the world around us in addition, tons of new inventors are on the horizon, including, Artemis NASA's, mission tool and the first woman and next man on the moon there's never, been a better time to get involved in science technology. Engineering or, math visit. Nasa.gov slash, stem, to learn more about how to help NASA get to the moon Mars, and beyond. The, landing of Apollo 11, is what we are commemorating today, and for. The first time when, we land, our. First. Sorry, when we land the first art in this mission everyone. Around the world is going to be celebrating, and it's really gonna be something we can all look forward to now. Nila firt you've recently had a trip to the st. Louis Science Center I did we went to the st. Louis Science Center and talked to several students there we asked them what they thought it would be like to land on the moon and showed, us what, they imagined the big event would be would be like they were really excited they got really, into it and I could see our future, astronaut, class in treating. Artemis. This, is Houston Mission Control, here you have 30 seconds to feel remaining, we are close drifting. Forward a little, yeah. Okay, stop. We. Copy you down Artemis, engine, is off South, pull here, Artemis has landed Roger, we, copy you on the ground welcome, to the moon Artemis you're looking good I would get my class mates excited. About, Artemis, by telling, them how we're gonna go to the moon and, I just think that's really cool it's very important, for NASA, to send people to the Moon and Mars so, that we can learn. More, about our, planets. In our solar system, and we. Can have new, people go and experience, that we. See you opening up the hatch getting, ready to take your first steps. The. Most important, experiment, to do on the moon in my, opinion, would definitely. Be look. At ice on the moon and see. If there are any signs of anything ever living there Artemis. Welcome, to the moon as we, establish a permanent presence we, are closer to sending the next generation, of explorers to, Mars this, is Houston out.

The. Museum, of Flight in Seattle is, celebrating, the Atlantic of Apollo 11 mission with a lunar block party for all Museum guests this weekend the Museum of Flight also, hosts the Apollo 11 command module known, as Columbia which is on display for the guests you see gathered when. Living in space, shelter, is vital, for survival, conducting, experiments, and to have a place to rest when surrounded by harsh conditions, of space and death the seat Lewis Science Center students explores what it would take to build a habitat, that could be sustainable, for astronauts, to stay in but, also practical, enough to live in let's take a look. We're. Here today at the st. Louis Science, Center and I'm here with Aaron who's going to be showing us a little bit about a habitat activity, Aaron that's, right our astronauts, have just gotten back from the moon and they're already designing, their next lunar habitats, they are busy at work drawing. A what. They think would be helpful and, a habitat, to live if they were on the moon, I, can't wait to see what a habitat, looks like so we've got Evan and Nikki here and they are working on actually. Building, a 3d version of their habits it. Looks like they've scrounged around the house and found everything and the recycling done they have everything, here has been recycled, or reused anybody, could do this at home or school anywhere. Habitats. Are so important because we need astronauts, to have clean drinking water and clean air to breathe yes, there's all kinds of different issues in space what, you said gravity. Is an issue and Nikki over here in the laboratory how, amazing, is this mad scientist, Space Lab so he came up with a lot of ways to bring, those experiments, safely back all, right I want to see you completed habitat Aaron let's do it I see Maya can you tell us a little bit about what. Yes I built the bedroom, and so, in. The bedroom, when. You come in there's a button on and, off button, so, if you want the. Gravity. On you. Press the green button and if you want to off you press the red button, and then, there's a bed, like. A rollout bed with a dresser. Gonna be my card on Attilan. Well. I built the kitchen of the habitat, and. There. Is a table. Right here with chairs that you can push under, the tables so that way it saves more space and then. It's. Just the basic stuff like the sink but then there's a hot water tank inside. Of the refrigerator, to. Keep more water. Inside. The habitat, and there's, a pantry on the side of everything. Katie. What are you got going on hi. I, built, the living room and the. Gym I thought, when, you come, home from outer space you would want to relax so. We have a TV, and couch, and, a. Little bookcase, with. Some. Chairs you can sit in and you have a treadmill you also have some oxygen and nitrogen and, a computer, and what's in the middle of your living room because I really like this it's. A gravity button, that, you can push on and off if you want gravity, you can push it if, you don't you can push it again this, I think we've given people at home a really great.

Yeah. It's your, imagination and, what you find in your own house is the limit I can't wait to do this at home myself, yeah so, for those of you interested in participating in, this activity and many others feel, free to visit the website at the bottom of the screen. So. We've covered launch gateway, and landing the next mission on the moon but there's another important, step to, what you've asked students to imagine that's, right as important, as all of those other aspects, of the mission are we are going to explore so, we asked students, at the Arizona Science Center to envision a lunar sample, mission at the moon South Pole this is what their imagination, delivered. Houston. Mission Control here here at the optimal, lunar South Pole location, to begin drilling for a core sample of water ice are, you ready to start sample collection and analysis. Houston. This is Artemis, 3 we're go for water ice sample collection, the core drill is in position and rover analytic, lab is ready, proceed. With collection, and analysis. Drilling. Has started and is proceeding, smoothly I'm really excited for the first woman to be on the moon because it's. A really good, achievement. For America, and the whole world I like to think of it as basically a gas station on the way to Mars, because. From the earth to Mars it's pretty far away so. If we're able to go to the moon and split. The like, hydrogen atoms inside the ice that's hopefully, there and. Create. Rocket fuel out of that I feel like that would be pretty cool I think it's important, to have activities, that really help students, understand, just how important, this step is, in possible. Solar system colonization. Stop. Drilling we are at the 20 inch mark block drill to begin collecting sample. Collection. Complete, anchor. The drill for core extraction. The. Drill is anchored begin, extraction. Simple. Ready for analysis, open rover simple container. The. Container is open and ready begin, analysis, I. Think. It's important, because it really is the, first step in understanding, space. Travel, in general and. Online I especially for Mars just, be, able to see whether or not there's possible, biological life, in the, ice. Of, Mars is just amazing. They could really signal, that perhaps there is a greater chance of life in our universe I feel, like, there's. Not any experiment, that's more important than any. Other because any experiments, any experiment, they're all equally important. Analysis. Complete Houston great news we have 72, percent of water ice and 28, percent regolith, are. A mystery, that is great news those. Numbers suggest that this is an excellent, location for, a long-duration lunar, habitat this. Is an important step in helping to ensure this generation, will be taking the first steps on the surface of Mars great. Work you, stand out I feel, like we can learn a lot about, how the moon was formed and when we learn more about that we can learn more about how the earth was formed and learn. More on from there I think just phenols to say you're there first, really. Making the mark for the 21st, century is just absolutely, amazing. Man. I tell you these kids are great I love, hearing how how. Excited. They are for our lunar missions and to see them as they walk through these simulations, and put this themselves, in the role of flight controller, and astronaut, it's, just inspirational, and I can see how interactive these, simulations. Are it starts really great, conversations. In the classroom and at home that's, exactly, what we aim to do with, the activity guide encourage. Families, to do these activities at, home and talk about them that's really what science is all about asking, the, questions, getting, an answer and then asking the next question from. What you learned and it, was so much fun working with the kids at the different locations I want, to send a big THANK YOU to the Cosmosphere.

The, Columbia Memorial Space, Center this, with Science Center and the Arizona Science Center for, all their help in making this show possible it's. Great to work with such great organizations, who have the same goals as NASA exactly. There are great museums, schools, and other informal, education, organizations. Around the country doing, amazing, work to teach teach and encourage kids, about STEM, we. Are going forward to the moon and to get us there and on to Mars we need you the Artemis generation, to be the next scientists, technologists. Engineers and. Mathematicians. To. Take us further than we have ever gone before to. Learn more you can go to our website, at. WWF. And. You, can join our online, conversation. Using the hashtag NASA stem on Facebook. And Twitter we, will leave you now with a song from NASA's collection, of moon tunes thanks. For watching and have a great weekend.


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