AOC talks 2020 election giving up social media and why she supports Rep Omar

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Barely, a year ago Alexandria. Or Casio Cortez, was completely, unknown to the American public she. Was at the time 28, years old a former Bernie Sanders, organizer, who, was shaking cocktails, and waiting tables at, a taco and tequila bar in New York City and, yet, it's no exaggeration to say that since then nobody, has made a bigger splash on, the American, political, scene since. Beating powerful, incumbent, Joe Crowley in primary, race last June and winning, election, in November, she, has become the unquestioned, star of the New Democratic majority, in the House of Representatives, a charismatic. Outspoken. Progressive, who, has captured the media's attention and helped, redefine what, her party stands for and, the policies, it advances, to the public at. The same time however she's. Become the bete noire of Fox News and, conservative, media including. Our hometown newspaper, the New York Post which, he's now encouraging. Her constituents. To boycott we'll. Find out why while. We explore her views on President, Trump colleagues, in Congress the, future of the Democratic Party, and much more on this, episode of skullduggery. Because. People have got to know whether or not their presidents, across well, I'm not a crop I told the American people I did not trade arms, for hostages my heart and my best intentions still, tell me that's true but the facts and the evidence tell, me it is not I did not have. Sexual. Relations with, that woman there will be no. Lies, we, will honor the American. People, with the truth and nothing. Else. So. You know climbing we usually start out these shows, with a little crosstalk, between you and me in which we give our take on the issues. Of the day or the week but, I have a sneaking suspicion our. Listeners, are gonna be more interested, in hearing what our guest has, to say that anything you and I have, to say yes even though we are that sort of the DS s and marrow of T V he's, not gonna get that reference you know their fellow podcasters. From the Bronx I have no idea what you're talking about but, anyway so, let's get right to it congresswoman. Ocasio. Cortez welcome, to scold oh thank you thank you so. Look there's a lot we want to delve, into on. The show and get your thoughts on but in doing a little research I. Came. Across something, that, kind. Of blew me away and, I didn't, know about your background and that, is um asteroid. Two, three two three eight Acacio, Cortez, you. Have your own asteroid. Named after you and it was named long before, you were a member of Congress, please, explain, how that came about well. In high school my first, passion. And my first love in, life even as a child was, actually the. Sciences, and so, and when. I was in high school I, started entering. Competitive. Science research competitions. I started leaving school. Right. After school and conducting. Experiments. At Mount Sinai Hospital. On. On. Biology. And the cellular, processes, of Aging so, I conducted, this experiment I entered, the Intel Science and, Engineering Fair, I placed, second. Internationally. And as, a result. Of the research MIT, Lincoln, Laboratory and. Dedicated. And named, an asteroid, after me so is this, asteroid. Visible. To anybody who's got a telescope, in their backyard, and wants to find it I've, never seen it they, said they, sent over they.

Actually Went when it happened, the laboratory, sent over a whole, bunch of documents and they showed, its. You, know they showed, the, actual, Ark on which the asteroid is expected, and where it's plotted, to where it has gone, and. And all of that but I'm, actually, haven't, tried looking for it where my backyard worn I don't have a backyard but more, importantly, is there any danger. Of this asteroid, hitting the earth I think, it's a little far so I think we're good be metaphorically, speaking I guess we could say it already had yeah, personified. By you yeah, yeah. That's true an asteroid. In the White House. All. Right well I think let's moving from the, from. The celestial, right. Down to earth. And. In kind of a sobering way so on Friday the president tweeted this. Video attacking, your, close friend and colleague, representative. Elon, omar for the way she referred to 9/11, the quote was not, in, context, but was to some people 9/11. Some people did something. And. Which, some, people said, minimized. 9/11. She went, on to talk about how the, impact that this was gonna have on people's civil rights I. Guess. The question. Is, do. You believe that. The president. Deliberately. With was he deliberately trying to incite violence against. Against, Alana, Omar against Muslims more generally, absolutely. And I, think. This goes back to. Especially. Being. A New Yorker, and I. Think. This is what, probably. Something, about, the. President, that maybe a lot of people don't get or understand, unless, you kind, of have that New. York context. Is. He. Acts like, you. Know he's one of these shady, real-estate, developer. Guys that may or may not be involved with the mob like that's like the, personality. Type that. Is elicited. And, like all New Yorkers know that guy like, I've bar tended for that guy I, waited, tables on for that guy and the, whole style, of it is that, you do everything, even, Michael Cohen talked about this during his testimony, to oversight. Is that, he doesn't say, hurt. This person, he doesn't say bribe this person, he doesn't say, you. Know, do. X Y explicit. Thing he. Creates. In a huge. Environment. Of suggestion. Where. If. Something. Happens, if that thing, that perhaps you, may want to happen happens, he's like you. Know and that's, really what's going on it's creating, this pressure-cook, but I want to be really clear because there's a difference between kind. Of using language recklessly. That could have those consequences, you. Believe he wants. People. To, act. Violently. Well. Because. We used to say that that that. Sarah. B sucka B Sanders today said that he means her no ill will okay. You do not. You. Do not put, that video and, air it 225, million people splicing. Images. Of the, first hijab', woman to be elected to any office in, the United States of America when she was elected to the State House in Minnesota. You, do not splice. Together, out. Of context. Words. With. Images. Of the, planes hitting, the Twin Towers and, not. Think, that you are trying to incite a stereotype. Of all Muslims, being terrorists. Can, you understand. Why some people, would, have taken, umbrage to, the way, congresswoman. Omar. Described. The events of 9/11, I can see why, people would, take umbrage, to, how. Her, con how, that, clip was taken and, spliced, out of context, I'm talking about her words not with the president right right and what. I'm saying is that as. Someone. Whose, words are constantly, taken out of context. I could, take any four. Words that you utter in a day and, take. It out of the sentence, and take, it out of the context, that you uttered them and. Create. Outrage, around it I could easily do, that that. Is why we, have to examine, what, she was actually saying. Some, people, did something, you, know how many times that phrase is uttered about almost, anything. Throughout. A day and then when you look at when you look at the full context of the situation. You. Know I think it's just I think that it's. So clear, what she was saying what she was literally talking about in, the Muslim community and she. Had referred, to terrorism. You, know and she's. Always referred. To this this is not like a persistent. Issue that she isn't like she struggles, to call the. Events of that day terrorist. Acts and. Also. I would like to see most. I would like to see a lot of the legislators, on the other side of the aisle. Legislate. In their, first language as, well as Ilhan legislates, in her second, so, I think this is another layer that people deliberately.

Are Omitting, from this situation is that Ilhan, is a Somali, refugee. And English. She. Has commanded. And mastered the use of English but it's also a second, language English is a second language for me too and so I think, that that's an additional, layer that's almost being deliberately, omitted. When, we talk about these things have, you spoken to congresswoman, Omar, since this happened I've I've, just checked in with her briefly I haven't had like an extended conversation, but I basically said hey like if you need anything let me know by the way you you've, been threatened. As. Well I mean there was this Ohio. College Republican, Federation, that sent out an email. Calling. You a domestic. Terrorist and it's subject, line other threats as well what's. What's that what's, that like how, do you cope with that emotionally, well I think that I think, that. What. All of this it, all has a commonality, which, is that, Republicans. Are doing everything, that they can to not talk about policy, they're. Doing everything, they can to. Either. Create, outrage. On their own to. Try. To provoke outrage or to try to dig up something to create outrage because, they don't want to talk about the fact that they don't think 9/11 responders should, have access to health care for their entire lives they, will. Not support the 9/11, Victims Compensation, they, have no environmental, plan you know John Kerry came in and they. Wanted to spend the whole time slamming. The green new deal as some socialist, conspiracy and, John, Kerry said well what's, your plan they, have nothing, the. Larger. Issue that, some people see in all this is you know we have a polarized. Political. Environment. In which, passions, are inflamed. On both sides and. Yes. Clearly. The president has contributed to that but, people on the Left have said a lot of inflammatory, things. As well your colleague. Rasheeda. Tyee but you know when she first, thing she said and coming to Washington, is let's, impeach the. Yeah, you. Have said the president, is no question, a racist, and when, you tweeted. About the, wall you. Said the entire premise. Of a wall it's based on a racist, and non, evidence-based. Trope that immigrants, are dangerous, so if you're calling your. Colleagues. Your. Republican, colleagues who almost universally. Support, a border wall racist. Or at least being motivated, by racist. Thoughts aren't. You contributing. To the same sort, of inflammatory. Passions. That, is plaguing the country so I think this, is a really, important, conversation for, us to have because. As. A. Country. We, do not know how to talk about race and the, moment, anyone, uses. The word race, racism. Or racist, everybody. Sees, red and starts confusing, concepts, so. I think, a border wall is racist. That. Is does, everybody, who support, a border. Wall is are, they race so that is the jump, that. The. Right wants, people. To make because. I think that there are certain policies are absolutely, racist, that, doesn't mean I, don't always think that, a person. Like, do I think everyone, who voted for Donald Trump do I think all of those people are racist no. I don't think there outwardly. Racist. I didn't wordly racist, I mean I deeply. Support. A wall is. That no and I think that if you support a wall it depending. On who you are and who what your context, is I don't know your heart you. Know I think that the, president and I think that Fox News are duping, a lot but in this you. Mentioned Fox News in this very highly reductive. Kind. Of political, media environment. Isn't, that why maybe. It's. You should be careful about about. Language, and if you call, a policy, racist, and and, you call though say the wall is racist, you. Know at this point having been through, this for a while that that's what happens, and so maybe maybe, the the better part of caution is just to to, not use that kind of language which is viewed as incendiary so I. Think. That this is. Part. Of why we struggle so much to. Talk about race it's. Because conversations, of race are incendiary, and. They. Shouldn't. Be. This. Is why we. Are not. Post-world. War two Germany, you. Know this, is why we have not healed this, is why we struggle with concepts like reparations. This is why we struggle to, acknowledge. The in justices, of our past this is why we act like the civil rights movement, was 150. Years ago it's. Because we have issues talking about it do you think we can learn from post-world. War two Germany I think that there is in some aspects, we can you know and and I think that. The. Fact that. Acknowledging. Racism. Is seen, and. Equated. With. Actual.

Bigotry. It's like calling. Calling. Something that is racist, racist, is, almost, more. Offensive. Than being racist, in America, and the. False equivalence. Of these so, you want to talk about like racism if I make that argument that's, actually the basis of a conversation, you could say well why, do you think this is racist the reason I think a border wall is racist is because. It is based, on, a, racial mythology. That, has no evidence, to back up on, you, know Donald. Trump says there, is already a crisis, at our border. DHS. Just, issued an assessment, in November, of last year saying. That they couldn't even increase, the threat level at the border because there's nothing to facilitate, that so instead what Donald Trump is doing is that he's stripping all humanitarian. Aid from. Central American countries, to create a crisis, to force a surge of migrants. To come to our southern borders so that he can have this shutdown but, congressman there. There there, there is, a sharp. Increase, in the, number of migrants. Coming, from Central America the, southern border I think, it, was 40 just in the last few months it was 47,000. In January, jump, to 66,000, February 92,000. March and they're now expecting well over a hundred thousand right there are a lot, of people coming. And, you. Know I guess the question is what. Is your, you. Know what, are your views. On how. That should be handled do we accept. Them all do. We enforce. Our border, our. Asylum. Laws which would require. Denying. Asylum. To a huge, chunk of them less than 20%, of those who go through the asylum process, end up, qualifying, under, our current laws well, I think one of our issues is that we, are always, struggling, to treat symptoms because. We don't have the political courage to treat the causes so we, don't want to acknowledge our interventionist. Policies we. Don't want to acknowledge sometimes. Unfair. Provisions, that are slipped into trade agreements, we. You. Know like, I just mentioned, we are now moving, to rescind, a very, large amount of humanitarian, aid that, oftentimes, helps, stabilize regions. And prevents those migrations from happening in the first place so, now we're going in to work we are this, president particularly is creating. And, aggravating. Additional, crises, to, create those searches on our border, you know there's argument. Over whether. We, did or did not have a role in regime change in home buddas and so, like there's there are these conversations, that people are happening, but it. What's happening, is that our foreign. Policies, are trade policies, or economic, policies, sometimes. Don't. We. Don't always consider the secondary, effects, when it comes to migration, Bernie. Sanders, the. Candidate you supported, in 2016. Was asked in Iowa the other day if he supported, open borders, and what he said is what we need is comprehensive. Immigration reform, if you open the borders my god, there's a lot of poverty in this world and you're gonna have people from all over the world and I, don't think that's something that we can do at this point can't, do it so that is not. My position. Open. Borders do ghrelin well. I think the. Position of open borders is a fake do you agree with what senator, Sanders said. In that statement. I. Mean. I guess, on it on its face I, could I I see, validity, in his statement, absolutely but I don't think anyone in this that we can't accept, every, economic, migrant, trying, to come into the country well. It. It, really depends, it I think right now in this moment like we're taking a snapshot of today, we. We. Definitely need, to accept more. Even. Just economically, speaking we're, having. Hospitality. Even, even if you're like even. If you're not me even if you take corporate, lobbyist money the. Hospitality, lobby, right now is lobbying, to increase, just lobby to increase the seasonal, visa numbers. That were approving and accepting, because they can't fill these, jobs there's, a lot of jobs that are going unfilled, and so I think, to a certain extent. We. Need to increase more can we accept every single economic migrant, in the world no because. I think, that what we need to be focusing, on or not, or. Every, single one coming, up through Mexico from Central America we cannot accept them well, again, it depends on those numbers I I need to see the numbers in front I need to see what what, our economic. What. Our economic projections, and how our economic growth is looking here as opposed and what kinds of jobs were seeing what industries, are growing, but, I think it's clear that we.

We Need migrants. In this country just, economically. Speaking do, you still want to abolish ice yes. And, replace, it with what, or nothing. At all no I think so, I think, we need to replace, I think. We need to abolish ice and we. This, is part of comprehensive, immigration reform, because, what we have right now with ice just. And what if a would you replace it with in terms of Interior and. Immigration. Enforcement, what. Would what would the mechanism, be so there. Are a couple of things one is that I think that when it comes to immigration enforcement, we, need to, have, mechanisms. That, are back under, control and, oversight of DOJ. Because. What. Has happened with ice what. Has happened with a lot of things. That have happened with the establishment, of the Department of Homeland Security and, these, were the original concerns. When George Bush first, created. You know first created the agency is that. There. Is not enough oversight. Or accountability and. When. You have an, agency. With the enforcement, capacities. And and. Individual. Detention. Capacities. That ice has it's. Almost a matter, of course, for there to be some tyrant, to take office and for. Us to, to. Have. Almost a parallel system like these detention, centers are black box and CNN. Is reporting I was reporting that kids were getting drugged, in these centers you, know that forcibly, injected with, antipsychotic. Drugs children, and, that. Was a nice though it was the Office of refugee resettlement, and so and, so when we have DHS. When you have ice when, you have CBP, when, you have. HHS. You're, able to create this puzzle, piece where, it's. You either have you. Mess with fungible, funds so, you're able to kind of rob. From every couch cushion, that, there is you're able to have. Discussions, like Trump was having entertain, cutting, all cutting, the appropriated. Funds from Puerto Rico moving, them to ice he took 6.6 billion dollars, from the Pentagon, and applied. It to his wall last year and now they're asking for an increased defense budget, so I think that that, ice, in and of itself poses a unique issue, but. It's, clearly. Not the only bad. Actor, and it's clearly not the only problem I do think that ice. In particular. Is is. Almost. A. Egregiously. Lacks oversight, and I. Think that when, it comes to enforcement capacities. We need to if if, you are an enforcement agency, I do think there needs to be a link to DOJ and I, think that there needs to be a so so you're not saying you do not want anybody to enforce, the immigration laws, in the United States you're saying it should be under the purview of the Justice Department, I not homeland I think we need to change the purview I mean I think we need to change what is enforced, and how it's enforced, and I think that we need to change our laws as well and so, I do think that I well. I will agree with the stand with the senator on the fact. That we do need comprehensive immigration reform I also, think that when a lot of people throw. That out there they don't even know what that means it just means we need to change it which, I agree with I agree, with but. I. Think, there's just certain, fundamental. Aspects, to our immigration system well, so, just back to us island just for a minute, the. What's, been happening at the border I think, most people will agree. Exposes. Some of the problems, in our Asylum, system and I think most people agree that there is it's, not working the way it should so specifically, what, do you think needs to be done what, kind of policy changes would you want to make to the Asylum system to. Alleviate. Some of the problems we're seeing well.

I Think. That. One. Of the issues that we have and it, speaks to larger issues with our immigration, system is that it's overly Byzantine, so. You have, all. These different kind of visas with, all these different kind of wait times with, all these different kind of quota. Lists, etc and. Are. Different wait times for different countries and, different. Processes, depending, on what kind of visa you're in and I think that contributes, a to a very large amount of wait wait, wait times. And, B I think it's unnecessary, you know I have friends several friends of mine that are here. On. Refugee. Status or Isis I leastat is one of my good friends. Refugee. From Venezuela, another refugee. Who. Came on refugee status from Rwanda, and. You. Know their their. You. You can be, in this country as a refugee but not have work permissions, for example, and so, I think that a lot, of what needs to get done is to, streamline, our system. But, also it's. Very clear that our court system, around. Around this has huge, issues, it's very clear that there are perverse. Incentives, around detention. And in. No small small part thanks to the fact that we run for-profit detention. And then so once, you have a for-profit. Interest. Behind, the incarceration, and detention, of human beings then you have a political, lobbying, issue and it creates all of these negative pressures, for this, situation to be a humanitarian. Crisis, one more question on the on the border issue and this relates to the president, who was, reported, this week told. The head of Customs and Border Protection, that. He would pardon, him if he faced jail for denying entry, to migrants. Chairman. Jerry Nadler of the House Judiciary Committee, said today, that this, showed the president's, contempt, for the law and. That. It, was for, a president, to suggest that goal by deliberately, seeking to break the law is. Unforgivable. Um I, assume you, agree, with him the. Question, is what. Should be the consequences. I. Mean. I think. This this, is largely a part. Largely. A question for our leadership I think, it's this is a very grave. Problem. But there. Are so many aspects, to this presidency, that have that have posed a grave problem is it impeachable, in your view I think. You. Could reach, in a bag and. Pull, so, many things out that are impeachable, of this president I support impeaching. This president. Well. Your your colleague. Congresswoman. Taibbi is she's. Introduced, a resolution to, impeach, have, you signed. On we. We, hadn't signed on when. It was first introduced, but we probably will. You. Think you will yeah, yeah there's just so many things what, would be your top three if you were writing the if you were drafting, the articles, of impeachment, what. Would be article, one two and three well I think number one is a monuments, I think. It's always been emoluments. I think it's always been about that for me mm-hmm. Two. And three two. And three. I. Think. Two would, be. Tax. Fraud, and. Number. Three. Man. I mean number three if there's an investigation on this I think this is pretty potent, interesting that you don't mention Russia and the top no no I don't. Because. I think that I. Think. That. For. A lot, of aspects, of the Russia, investigation, as we saw with the Muller report, is that. A I. Think there are a lot of parts to the to the Russia issue that, comes down to a monuments, it comes down to pay. For play financial, transactions, Trump Tower it, comes, down to money and. If. If. We had gotten something. From, the Muller report, then I have then I I would probably put that up there as number one but. I, feel. Like it's, it's. A little risky, to put the entire grounds of impeachment put, all your eggs in that basket. And, when, I think that a lot of this stuff happens through backdoor, bank. Accounts. And and things, like that so. I think emoluments. Kind of includes, any, any, misconduct. Financial. Misconduct I'm, in, relation to and specifically on tax fraud what. Do you have in mind is, it is there something specific like the. Deflating. Assets, to the insurance, issue those issues that you brought up I think in when, you were questioning Michael Cohen yeah I agree I think it comes.

To That I mean there's just there's just so, much. Let. Me like the senses. There's. You. Know I I can't, even the the tax bill it's, like what, can like, there's just so much. Let's. Talk a little bit about legislating. Because you came to Washington, at least in part to. Pass. Laws and develop policies that. Represent. Your constituents. And the country as a whole and so I guess my first question is what. Have you learned since you've been here about that process. And. And, what specifically. What's. Your top priority, legislatively. And what's your timeline for getting it through the house. Well. I think. That, I. Think. I've learned a lot about political. Dynamics. Since. Since, being sworn in both. Within the. Democratic. Caucus and the Republican caucus and the interplay of those two I think. That there's more than one way to be bipartisan, and that. For years we've only exercised, one of those two ways what, do you mean so, for example, I, think. The word bipartisan, is taken for granted and. It. It, feels, like. Almost any time, we, pass or, champion bipartisan. Legislation, it's, done for. The advancement of corporate, interests, or it's done for. Increasing. The military, budget and I, think that. For. Example in, passing, the War Powers Resolution the. First one that we've passed in decades, to end our. Engagement. Involvement. In Yemen that, shows a different, kind of bipartisanship. Where. You can. Where. It doesn't just have to advance, one. Of two, very narrow things I think, you signed a letter with, Rand. Paul the other day I'm serious. I'm serious yeah calling, for a full. Withdrawal of US troops from Syria which is something, president Trump said originally, he was going to do yeah, and so I do think that there are there. Are places where perhaps, for very very different reasons we come to the same conclusions, and, you. Know let's just toss, out debating, which. Rationale. Is better if we at least agree on the conclusion, than what's, we. Can save people's lives you know there are millions, millions. Of children that are starving in Yemen well picking, up on this theme you in, an, interview at Town Hall with MSNBC with Chris Hayes he was asking, you about the new Green Deal, and. I, think that even if the White House the. Democrats, take back the White House Congress and the Senate you, don't have the votes to get that passed and I think your response was, you. Said I'm, not. Necessarily. To convince my colleagues I'm here to go straight to the electorate. So. The obvious question is how do you get things passed without your, colleagues how do you get things passed without Republican. Support. Today. Well I think it's by winning an electorate, you win over my, colleagues, you know okay, but but, you know you. Take universal, background checks, for example 90 percent of the American people support universal, background checks, Congress, won't pass that hasn't, passed it so, it's you. Know it's it's challenged so I just curious, you. Know thinking, this through like, what's your game plan how are you going to move the electorate, and then you have your colleagues, ultimately. You do need folks right right and I do think that there's there are some aspects, so when. You talk about my priorities for the next two years, looking. At the pieces on the field you, have a democratic. Caucus. That. Is. Very. Focused on, on. Preserving. And expanding. A, majority, in the house then. We have. We. Have a Republican, caucus in the house that is just very motivated. To obstruct, and to make people's, lives difficult in every way then. You have a Republican Senate and you have a Republican president, if. You, even want to call them, thank. You kind of like floats out of ideology, in some ways and. So. So. I feel, like a lot of. Where. We can produce on this. What. We can produce on and I. Think that job, creation infrastructure. And green energy is a huge. Aspect. Of. There's. A huge amount that we can accomplish even given those limitations, which is why. I introduced. A green new deal now is the scope ambitious. Absolutely. Will we get a vote, or even a pass on it probably, not but, I think that by charging, forward with that resolution to show what our big picture looks like then, we can go after the little things whether it's increased. Appropriations. In renewable. Energy whether, it is whether. It is investing. More in transitioning. Our, elevators. And buildings, working. With, working. With with, union. Workers and labor, groups to to, attract. That infrastructure, funding, tax, cuts for, for. Regenerative, agriculture, I think that there are it's, in those small details that we can accomplish a lot but, it needs to add up to a larger vision are there any Republicans.

In The house you have a relationship, with and believe, you can work with yeah. I think there are a decent amount I and, and. I. Think that it is. I. Think, it's actually kind of funny I I don't. Want to risk anyone's career. By. Noon they get really nervous this. Is the way you could sabotage. No, if I if I think if I really wanted to do damage I would like endorse Mitch McConnell's no primary. No. I it, is interesting it is an interesting political dynamic, though because there are Republicans, that I have, a relationship with, but. They're very nervous about, people finding out that, that, we can actually work together well like they're scared of getting primary, but. I they're, they're actually, a decent, amount and I. Think, about one in particular and the more I talk to talk. To him I'm like this, guy is an anti-capitalist. Like he's, against, he's. Like against, Walmart and. Like, like. Larry how we want to know yeah. Give it out you're teasing us no no but the thing is is but like that, person, thinks, he's the most capitalist, guy in the world you know but, he. Hates Walmart, and, he. Thinks they're taking all of our jobs and he thinks that and they, hate like the role of special, special. Interest, and how. Industry. Is taking over government and, like all of these things but he, in his brain thinks. That he is like the most like free market dude in the universe what's, the what's the so. You following up on that because I had another go ahead. You've. Been here, in Washington. Now for. How. Long has it been how many months three form. Okay. Enough. Time to make a couple of mistakes yeah, so what, is the biggest mistake you think you've made since you've been here and the biggest lesson, you've learned I, think. I'm. Trying to think of like a like. More in. In a big picture I do think that our G, and D rollout was really difficult. And, it was done in a way that, that. It was really easy to hijack the narrative around it. It. Was like too, fast, it just wasn't submitted carefully. Enough some of that language I, think, well, I actually think the resolution, itself is, very solid but. You, know between like how it was, ruled out and some of the they were like competing documents, that were rolled out some prematurely, that that muddied the waters, and so that everyone was talking about cow, farts, exactly. And waiting hamburgers right when none of those things are in, the resolution itself so that was probably that. Was a big one because, it's. It. Was just frustrating just, intensely, frustrating. Yeah. I mean I always feel like. When. I reflect, on things, it's less I feel, like it's less, feeling. Like things are mistakes, but things maybe I, feel, like I'm fine-tuning, so like I have to dial things back a little, bit to get them to, get that that pressure closer, to where it it. I want it to be in be too much or maybe too little but, I don't, always. I, don't feel like I've there. Was anything major that was like I really wish I didn't, do made a big, splash early, on by speaking out against. Amazon. Steel, to, put. Up their headquarters in Queens, there was a Siena College College, poll just this past week that showed. 57%. Of voters. In your district, thought that Amazon's. Withdrawal, was bad for the city and 58%, thought. It would be good for Amazon, to reconsider. Do you have any. Reconsidering. Thoughts, on your end about your opposition to a deal that would have brought 25 thousand jobs so, so, here's here's. A couple of things on that one, is that, and, I. Said this from the very beginning where does that 25,000. Number come from. Everyone. Always cites this number and it, is almost completely unsubstantiated.

And, It almost feels like it only comes from Amazon, that's saying that's promising this when, you actually look, what if it was only, 15,000. Jobs and and, so. Even. Then, my. Opposition, was less and and, is less about. Something. Personal with Amazon, and it's, more about the structure of the deal and. When. You're looking at 3 billion which includes it's not all tax cuts you know a lot of people say oh this thing pays for itself, first of all revenue. Neutral, I, don't. Know if revenue, neutral is the goal that we need right now, secondly. 25,000. Jobs at. A, hundred, and fifty thousand, dollars is what was promised, does. That sound like, realistic. Does. That sound like, something that's going to happen first, of all second. Of all do. We really think that Amazon, is trying to give a hundred and fifty K jobs to kids in NYCHA you. Know third. Of all our, subway, is literally, falling, apart, literally. Falling apart so, for me my opposition. Was. Less and by, the way my opposition, being, like, five. Tweets, and apparently five tweets took down the richest man in the world and, everything. Yeah. Your. 3.8. Million followers, and so, I think that uh I. I. Don't, regret. Opposing. It and vocalizing. My apprehensions. About this deal because, it smelled. Fishy now, was. It my like, did I think that Amazon, was gonna say well it's our way or the highway we're, not gonna negotiate any, aspect, of this deal and you're either going to accept, what we tell you or we're going to leave like, did I think that Amazon was gonna try to be try, to bully their way into our district, no. I didn't think you know I thought that that they, perhaps would pursue a reasonable, course, of action and, either. There. Would be some explanation of this deal some. Negotiation. Of some aspects, perhaps, there would be increased. Expenditures. Or. Investments. Into the district, perhaps, we would create a new, pipeline to train kids to, Cooney coding. Skills to jobs at Amazon perhaps, we would be able to get any of those things and you would but you have preferred that then Amazon. Pulling, out I mean, I was, open to multiple possibilities. After. You. Spoke, out or tweeted, out on the issue Andrew Sorkin, who's a columnist, for The New York Times financial. Columnist wrote, there's a financial literacy epidemic. In America quick, lesson New York City wasn't handing cash to Amazon it was an incentive program based, on job creation producing. Tax revenue, there isn't a three billion dollar pile, of money that can now be spent, on subways, or education. Well. Again. People. Weren't reading these this deal people think that all three billion were in tax cuts a lot of it was tax cuts we, had five hundred million, dollars, in capital investments. That, we were literally giving we were building it was, written. Into the deal that we were going to build a helipad, even, for. Amazon. We were, actually. Putting. Hard, capital. Into. Helping them build their campus, while. We're. Constantly told, that there. Isn't enough, a hard capital, to. Heat. The rooms in NYCHA last, year I mean this is a real political issue as well this is not just it's, not when. You're in in the position like mine, you. Have to look at a couple of things you have to look at the policy, you, also have to look at the politics, if you to secure that policy, you know that's what you all were just asking, me this is what you want how are you going to get it there and when, you look at the actual political landscape of New York City we have surging, costs of living a quote unquote affordable. Apartment. In. Oh, sorry. Yeah I'm saying NYCHA it's. Our. Factory, yeah. I get into jargon here no. But you have you have here's someone like the main political, pressures that are happening New York City right now surging, cost of housing and so.

Rent. Has, gone up for, like a two-bedroom. 80%. By, 80% in some neighborhoods, where people have been living. There for 20 years and, and. So. You have surging. Rents you, have. You. You, have crumbling. Public infrastructure, it used to take you 45 minutes to get to work now it's taking you an hour and a half two hours to get to work and so, all of these are about lack, a its, lack, of affordability, and then, B you have lack of investment in public goods and it's, creating a cost-of-living, crisis and a quality of living crisis so. What we're talking about is creating more jobs. In. Two. Boroughs that are already experiencing, the highest levels of economic growth so. Job creation, is already happening in the borough this. Is not like a rural, area where, we desperately need. To, hinge our hopes on a Walmart, to, create jobs because. We are already kind. Of leveraging, certain, economic policies, to to spur economic growth where, people really need relief is. Isn't. The, cost of living it's in their rent and what, this threatened to do is. Displace. Entire. Communities. And so, that's when people are saying like, 80%, of the city was pro Amazon, or 57%. Of the city was pro Amazon until, it's in their backyard, and. So I think that these were some of the issues that we were having to reconcile, right, so staying on on big tech. Elizabeth. Warren a, little, while ago traveled, to, your backyard. Where. She announced, her policy, to, break up the big. Tech platforms, Amazon. Facebook Google etc. So. And, you've. Been highly critical of a big tech as well everything, from online harassment to, fake news to. You. Know undermining the, journalism. Business, model bless you for that I take, it by the way you don't have an Alexa, in your new. So. I guess the question is. What. What, are your proposal do you back Elizabeth, Warren's plan do you have proposals, of your of your own and. Since. You do have such a large social, media platform. Presents, yourself would, you consider as many, Americans have done. You. Know. Giving. Up some of those social accounts, just to make the statement mm-hmm well. I do think I. Do. Think, that a, lot of the. Most, prescient pressing, issues, in tech that. We're seeing right now has to do with, antitrust. And, I. Think that Congress, has largely abdicated. Its responsibility around. Antitrust. Not just in tech but across a lot of different sectors and. And. As. A result, we're, seeing. Increased. Problems, and like, one. Of the central parts of Warren's proposal, is that these tech companies need, to decide what they are but. The fact that you are going to be both the platform. And the vendor, represents. A very large antitrust. Problem, and. The, fact that they are consolidating. And gobbling. Up 18, different business, models into one is. A huge issue and, I. Think. That, this, is also, a. Huge. Part of a social shift that is happening, the, political, views of young people, are very. Much formed, by. You, know I I think previous, generations, like when they talk about democratic, socialism, it's like. Everyone's. Like it's, like the Red Scare you know and I. I, have to reiterate to folks that I was. Born after her. Right before the Berlin Wall fell you, know I've never seen, I. Have. Never seen, like, a Soviet. Russia, in my lifetime that was something in my history book what. I have seen is single-payer, health care systems, in Norway. In Canada, and France. What, I have seen are, really. Innovative. Housing. Housing. Structures, and and housing. Policies. In. In, Europe as well and I think that when we talk about tech, and antitrust. Perhaps. Older folks are really scared. Of that. That. Saw some, of like the horrors, of. Going. Too far in that direction saw. The dangers, of government, taking over all business, and industry, but, what we've been raised with is industry, and business, taking over our government and. Oppressing. Our wages. And. In. Many ways you check a lot of your civil rights at the door when you go into a workplace and, I think, young. People when. You see, the, logical, end result, of, these. Platforms, where. They, predicate, on scale, and monopoly. Power and, then. You pair that with our information, and you. Pair that with how information is, distributed I was just thinking this week like I. Was. Thinking about this particularly. After the president tweeted what he tweeted about Ilhan. About. How. If, a lot of people tweeted. That perhaps Twitter would have taken the tweet down as, targeted, harassment. But. Perhaps. They don't want to show their hand because they could single-handedly cut. The president's, power by 30, to 50 percent overnight, if they banned president, from the platform you.

Know It's his bully pulpit mm-hmm you, you. Tweeted, the other day. About a. Boycott. Of the new york post's bodega, owners, across, New York City. Is. Banding. Together to reject, sales of the New York Post that bodegas, citywide. And you were. Endorsing, this, boycott um. Why. Do, you want to boycott one of your hometown, newspapers. Well. I don't, know what makes it a hometown newspaper, given that it's owned by Murdoch. Post. Is owned by Bezos, and Washington. State, no but I think um I. Think. That. It. This. Is a this, is the. New York Post in being, owned by Murdoch is now. You. Know it's a it's a toy. He's, I think that we especially. But. This is because they're being really, tough, on you and you. Might want, to use a different adjective than tough but they're going after you, they. Are and, it's like whatever you know it is it's it, can be annoying or agitating, but I didn't call for this when they were going after me I think, that that, cover, that. They had published. What. Cover. Was. Just beyond the pale you, know and there's, whatever. There's aggressive, politics, there's people that won't be fair to you and things like that and I understand that's part of the you know as part of the field that comes with it but, you, know I think that this is um. This. Is unacceptable. And, on also I think it is important, to, assert, that I didn't. Call for a boycott of the New York Post what I'm aunt I'm amplifying. I'm. An amplifying, organizing, that's happening, on the ground and I do think that there's a substance. Waiting. About it you're yes. I I mean I endorse it I do endorse, it but I wasn't I think, there's a difference between endorsing, this action because I it's, your goal here do you want to get them to change their editorial, policies, are you trying to shut them down as a newspaper what, is the purpose of boycotting, a newspaper, well for me. My. Perspective is, my. Focus is actually less. In. Endorsing, it my focus is less on the post and more on the. Yemeni bodega owners and building. The power and solidarity, of immigrant groups in New York City like that to me is what was exciting, and inspiring about this action, because. These are the same folks who shut, down almost every bodega, in New York City in. In, in. Protest, of the Muslim ban and what, that does is that it elevates the consciousness. Of all New Yorkers like I remember that day was before I won my primary and it. Was it, was like very, early it was like probably around the time when I started running and, I remember getting up and, going. To my bodega to get a cup of coffee and it was closed and it was a sign saying why and, I remember thinking. And seeing that and being really proud of these. People that that. I see every day and. Sometimes. Protest, isn't about, what you're against, it's, about what you're for and. That. I think was the. Inspiration. And impetus, you. Mentioned. Earlier. The war in Yemen and u.s. withdrawal, from Syria. I have one more foreign. Policy, question, for, you that's quite. Current right now Prime Minister Netanyahu, was just apparently. Reelected, in Israel, right after, saying that he, intended. To annex. The Jewish. Settlements, on the West Bank do, you believe this should affect us policy to, the State of Israel I think so how, so well I think, these are part of conversations, that we're having in our caucus but, I. I. Think what we're really seeing, is, the a sense of authoritarianism. Across. The, world I think, that Netanyahu is a trump-like figure, and. I. Think. That we, you, know, there, are so many, ways, to, approach, this issue, Betty. McCollum even. Has has, a proposal that she's, advanced. Asking. The u.s. not to fund child detention. In, in, Israel, Israeli child detention, of Palestinian. Children you know there's there's. Different ways to signal, it you know I I would hope, and wish that a diplomatic approach could, could. Change. Some an impact, policy doesn't all have to be legislative. But I, I. Think if we just sit on our hands. What, would you would, you be in favor of reducing, military, or economic aid, to Israel I mean I think it's on the table I think it's not certainly on the table and I think it's something that that can be discussed. You. Know and I think that there. And, I also acknowledge my role in in, this as well and that I think, that that. I hope to play a facilitating role. In, in this conversation and, a supportive, role in this conversation but I also know that there are people that have been leading on this for a long time like like congresswoman. McCollum. And so, I I think it's important, but. I think that, we need to expand. What. What. Those policy, conversations. Are because, I, would, as as. Just. A citizen, of this country I. Would. Be very concerned if. Trump. Started. Really. Pursuing, more. And more and more increasingly.

Dangerous Policies. And. Everyone. Just standing about aside, and say this is normal this is just like before I want, to get back to social media for a second and actually your social media habits. You. Talked about the, social media platforms, and children, and of course you're. Very present, as, you see you particularly on Instagram, because my kids are on Instagram a lot and. You're I think an inspiration. To a lot of kids I know my daughters and all their friends are following you religiously, but, there's also a dark side to. Social media for for. Kids you. Know there's this kind of sense of a kind of chronic. Behavioral. Addiction, in, our society, and. A public, health problem you've got you've got you, know it reduces, healthy, social interaction, it promotes bullying, it creates, so-called, FOMO. Fear. Of missing out self-esteem. Problems. Even, developmental. Problems. So. I guess my question. To you is. Have. You thought a lot about this. What. Do you think should be done about, it and, and, I guess I want to go back to my, question from before. Have, you thought about at, least for some. Periods, of time giving, up social, media to make a statement yeah there, are some I. Personally. Gave up Facebook, I actually. Which, was kind, of a big deal because I started, my campaign on. Facebook and, Facebook. Was my primary digital. Organizing, tool for. A very long time I I, gave, up on it we still kind of have accounts, on it but, kids, aren't really on Facebook, yeah I guess that's true too so I mean I'm doing that as well. But. But, you, know this, I actually think that social. Media poses. A public, health risk. To everybody, regardless, I mean they're they're amplified impacts. For young people particularly children under the age of three with screen time but I think. It has a lot, of effects on, older. People I think it has effects, of on everybody, increased, isolation depression. Anxiety. Addiction. Escapism. So. I think that it poses, these issues to everyone, I do. Think, about that both. As a person with a larger. Audience but, also just as an individual, user of these platforms I've, I've, started to kind of impose little rules on myself, um, so. Every. Like every once in a while you will see me hop on Twitter, on the weekends, but for the most part I, take. Consumption. Of content, like when it comes to consumption and reading I take, the weekends off and. So. I don't I'm not like scrolling, through trying, to read. Everything. Online, that. Journalists, are writing and things like that on weekends I try to do that during, during, the work week. Or I guess I should say Monday through Fridays I work. And. I. Yeah. I it. Takes a lot to kind of try to. Unwind. Other habits there was a great there's a couple of great books about the this one book. Was. Basically like a 30-day, program to, New. York Times cover this as well it's like a 30-day. Program to, change. Your relationship, with your phone. It's. A huge it's a huge drug are you gonna do something about robo calls the, biggest. Piece. Of mine I mean but it does pose in a. Technology. Problem, because really the the reason people are able to get away with all these robo calls is because of these spoofing, technologies. So, this. Is another concern that I have too is that Congress, is fundamentally. Slow and technology's, fundamentally. Fast only getting faster and so the, problems, that can develop in like three months, can. Be explained you saw us in the election by the way do you write I know, you write a lot of tweets but do you also have staff, write tweets or do you write all your tweets and. Instagram, posts. And. They and they seem to be, with. Better grammar, and spelling than the president, yeah major. Tweeter, in in. Our public, life um, so look we were really. Impressed with, I think it was one of your first. Questioning. In Congress. During congressional hearing, when, you did the, lightening round right. Whose. Campaign finance questions yeah so to. Close this out we've got a lightening round for, you so, we got you, know, quick. We're, gonna give you some questions, and quick. Answers okay, who's, your candidate for president I don't. I truly do not have one yet actually.

I Mean you supported, Bernie last time that's. The second question man that was sorry okay go, you were an organizer for birdie in 2016. Are you with him now I mean, I'm very supportive of, Bernie's, run I am don't, officially and like, I haven't endorsed, anybody but I'm very supportive of Bernie I think that I also. Think that when Elizabeth. Warren has been bringing to the table is, is, truly. Remarkable truly. Remarkable and transformation, I'm very supportive of. Bernie. - so alright, bit of a waffle there. Could. You support Joe Biden. I don't know I mean. Like, I will, support whoever the Democratic nominee so you will whoever, that. But. You're not excited. About a Joe Biden Candace, I'm that. Does not particularly, animate, me right now because I. Think. A lot of issues. One. I think. That there's a. You. Know I can understand, why why, people would be excited by. That, this. Idea that we can go back to the good old days with Obama with. Obama's, vice president, and I think you know there's there's a there's an emotional element to that but I I don't want to go back I want, to go forward. Do. You want to run for higher office I don't. Know I really don't know I. You. Know I think about it every once in a while but. Hey. This is pretty hard already. You're, doing pretty well thanks. When. You think about it what what are you thinking I mean I just. I, just. Want to be useful I just. Want to be most useful and. I'm not trying to kind of impose some personal, ambition, I think. That if a. Window. Opens and, I feel like I can. Do. Well and do. Better and, offer. More to people then. I would, consider it but I also I, don't. Have like a 10-year. Plan or a five-year planner I got, the last one but you want one before. Right well. Actually two. Really quick ones and then you okay okay. What. Are you reading and, what book has had this or the biggest impact on your politics, and your outlook on life I. I've been reading. Rebecca. Solnit. A, small. Book hope in the dark and. I. Really. Love, it because. You. Know I think what we saw in a weight was you know the Hopi change a stuff, but. In, that, book. Which is kind of like this larger essay that she, wrote actually. Around Iraq, and Afghanistan. Around. Our involvement there and, it's. Like it. Breaks down hope as a political, tool why hope is potent. And how we can drive change and the, ways that we can actually, have hope about our future in a in a very tangible way. Taking. Lessons from history policy. Etc and, I. Feel like I'm learning a lot about how, we can. Build. Support, around any number of issues, from. From, that essay and from that book cool okay, now one, last question for me and then he's got the last one, okay. I understand that you're a game, of Thrones fan, okay. So, the last season goes on air just, a few hours from this taping. Who's. Gonna end up on the Iron Throne who's. Gonna win the game of Thrones. Could. You imagine if. No. One ends up on the throne and they transition, to democracy. Such. A skillful answer. But. Is that that's your hope what, is your expectation, I mean. Another, hope would be it would be like maybe Jon. Snow and Daenerys just take the whole thing they, build another one well the second one you okay, last, one and I'm told, you've, been ducking, this one for, some. Time so. No dodging, on this one you have a district. That includes the. Bronx Queens. Yankees. Are men I'm in trouble okay.

So Here you go you guys are breaking news I. Have. Been raised a, Yankees, fan through, and through however. This. Is a huge, feud in my family, because. A big, part. Of the Bronx side of my family are also Mets fans and. An, Citi, field's in my district, so in some ways I have to kind of learn to be a Mets fan - but I'm primarily a. Yankee. Fans in this view of already with Anthony, although. I'm you. Know I live in Washington I, have a nine year old of a big Nets man too and when. I was a kid too like, I. Grew up with, that Yankees, dream team like gee Posada. Or, Mariano Rivera, like, excellent, like. You can't not where, you grow up to whenever the Yankees comes up I always have to give him a hard time and say this, guy actually saw, Mickey. Mantle hit. A. Home run that's, incredible. Yes all right so, some. Difference some deference climbin that's, right um anyway thank, you very, much congresswoman, this was a great discussion, and we, hope to have you back thank, you really appreciate it. Thanks. Alexandria, or Casio Cortez for joining us on this episode of, skullduggery don't forget to subscribe to skullduggery on Apple podcast, or wherever you listen to your podcast and tell, us what you think leave a review the, latest episode, is also on Sirius XM on the weekend, check it out on POTUS channel 124, on Saturdays. At 3 p.m. Eastern Time with replays on Sundays, at 1 a.m. and 3 p.m., be sure to follow us on social media at skullduggery pod and, now you can watch the podcast, on yahoo YouTube and Roku Saturdays, and Mondays at 8 p.m. Eastern Time, talk to you soon.


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