AOC talks 2020 election, giving up social media and why she supports Rep. Omar

AOC talks 2020 election, giving up social media and why she supports Rep. Omar

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Barely, a year ago Alexandria. Or Casio Cortez, was completely, unknown to the American public she. Was at the time 28, years old a former Bernie Sanders, organizer, who, was shaking cocktails, and waiting tables at, a taco and tequila bar in New York City and, yet, it's no exaggeration to say that since then nobody, has made a bigger splash on, the American, political, scene since. Beating powerful, incumbent, Joe Crowley in primary, race last June and winning, election, in November, she, has become the unquestioned, star of the New Democratic majority, in the House of Representatives, a charismatic. Outspoken. Progressive, who, has captured the media's attention and helped, redefine what, her party stands for and, the policies, it advances, to the public at. The same time however she's. Become the bete noire of Fox News and, conservative, media including. Our hometown newspaper, the New York Post which, he's now encouraging. Her constituents. To boycott we'll. Find out why while. We explore her views on President, Trump colleagues, in Congress the, future of the Democratic Party, and much more on this, episode of skullduggery. Because. People have got to know whether or not their presidents, across well, I'm not a crop I told the American people I did not trade arms, for hostages my heart and my best intentions still, tell me that's true but the facts and the evidence tell, me it is not I did not have. Sexual. Relations with, that woman there will be no. Lies, we, will honor the American. People, with the truth and nothing. Else. So. You know climbing we usually start out these shows, with a little crosstalk, between you and me in which we give our take on the issues. Of the day or the week but, I have a sneaking suspicion our. Listeners, are gonna be more interested, in hearing what our guest has, to say that anything you and I have, to say yes even though we are that sort of the DS s and marrow of T V he's, not gonna get that reference you know their fellow podcasters. From the Bronx I have no idea what you're talking about but, anyway so, let's get right to it congresswoman. Ocasio. Cortez welcome, to scold oh thank you thank you so. Look there's a lot we want to delve, into on. The show and get your thoughts on but in doing a little research I. Came. Across something, that, kind. Of blew me away and, I didn't, know about your background and that, is um asteroid. Two, three two three eight Acacio, Cortez, you. Have your own asteroid. Named after you and it was named long before, you were a member of Congress, please, explain, how that came about well. In high school my first, passion. And my first love in, life even as a child was, actually the. Sciences, and so, and when. I was in high school I, started entering. Competitive. Science research competitions. I started leaving school. Right. After school and conducting. Experiments. At Mount Sinai Hospital. On. On. Biology. And the cellular, processes, of Aging so, I conducted, this experiment I entered, the Intel Science and, Engineering Fair, I placed, second. Internationally. And as, a result. Of the research MIT, Lincoln, Laboratory and. Dedicated. And named, an asteroid, after me so is this, asteroid. Visible. To anybody who's got a telescope, in their backyard, and wants to find it I've, never seen it they, said they, sent over they.

Actually Went when it happened, the laboratory, sent over a whole, bunch of documents and they showed, its. You, know they showed, the, actual, Ark on which the asteroid is expected, and where it's plotted, to where it has gone, and. And all of that but I'm, actually, haven't, tried looking for it where my backyard worn I don't have a backyard but more, importantly, is there any danger. Of this asteroid, hitting the earth I think, it's a little far so I think we're good be metaphorically, speaking I guess we could say it already had yeah, personified. By you yeah, yeah. That's true an asteroid. In the White House. All. Right well I think let's moving from the, from. The celestial, right. Down to earth. And. In kind of a sobering way so on Friday the president tweeted this. Video attacking, your, close friend and colleague, representative. Elon, omar for the way she referred to 9/11, the quote was not, in, context, but was to some people 9/11. Some people did something. And. Which, some, people said, minimized. 9/11. She went, on to talk about how the, impact that this was gonna have on people's civil rights I. Guess. The question. Is, do. You believe that. The president. Deliberately. With was he deliberately trying to incite violence against. Against, Alana, Omar against Muslims more generally, absolutely. And I, think. This goes back to. Especially. Being. A New Yorker, and I. Think. This is what, probably. Something, about, the. President, that maybe a lot of people don't get or understand, unless, you kind, of have that New. York context. Is. He. Acts like, you. Know he's one of these shady, real-estate, developer. Guys that may or may not be involved with the mob like that's like the, personality. Type that. Is elicited. And, like all New Yorkers know that guy like, I've bar tended for that guy I, waited, tables on for that guy and the, whole style, of it is that, you do everything, even, Michael Cohen talked about this during his testimony, to oversight. Is that, he doesn't say, hurt. This person, he doesn't say bribe this person, he doesn't say, you. Know, do. X Y explicit. Thing he. Creates. In a huge. Environment. Of suggestion. Where. If. Something. Happens, if that thing, that perhaps you, may want to happen happens, he's like you. Know and that's, really what's going on it's creating, this pressure-cook, but I want to be really clear because there's a difference between kind. Of using language recklessly. That could have those consequences, you. Believe he wants. People. To, act. Violently. Well. Because. We used to say that that that. Sarah. B sucka B Sanders today said that he means her no ill will okay. You do not. You. Do not put, that video and, air it 225, million people splicing. Images. Of the, first hijab', woman to be elected to any office in, the United States of America when she was elected to the State House in Minnesota. You, do not splice. Together, out. Of context. Words. With. Images. Of the, planes hitting, the Twin Towers and, not. Think, that you are trying to incite a stereotype. Of all Muslims, being terrorists. Can, you understand. Why some people, would, have taken, umbrage to, the way, congresswoman. Omar. Described. The events of 9/11, I can see why, people would, take umbrage, to, how. Her, con how, that, clip was taken and, spliced, out of context, I'm talking about her words not with the president right right and what. I'm saying is that as. Someone. Whose, words are constantly, taken out of context. I could, take any four. Words that you utter in a day and, take. It out of the sentence, and take, it out of the context, that you uttered them and. Create. Outrage, around it I could easily do, that that. Is why we, have to examine, what, she was actually saying. Some, people, did something, you, know how many times that phrase is uttered about almost, anything. Throughout. A day and then when you look at when you look at the full context of the situation. You. Know I think it's just I think that it's. So clear, what she was saying what she was literally talking about in, the Muslim community and she. Had referred, to terrorism. You, know and she's. Always referred. To this this is not like a persistent. Issue that she isn't like she struggles, to call the. Events of that day terrorist. Acts and. Also. I would like to see most. I would like to see a lot of the legislators, on the other side of the aisle. Legislate. In their, first language as, well as Ilhan legislates, in her second, so, I think this is another layer that people deliberately.

Are Omitting, from this situation is that Ilhan, is a Somali, refugee. And English. She. Has commanded. And mastered the use of English but it's also a second, language English is a second language for me too and so I think, that that's an additional, layer that's almost being deliberately, omitted. When, we talk about these things have, you spoken to congresswoman, Omar, since this happened I've I've, just checked in with her briefly I haven't had like an extended conversation, but I basically said hey like if you need anything let me know by the way you you've, been threatened. As. Well I mean there was this Ohio. College Republican, Federation, that sent out an email. Calling. You a domestic. Terrorist and it's subject, line other threats as well what's. What's that what's, that like how, do you cope with that emotionally, well I think that I think, that. What. All of this it, all has a commonality, which, is that, Republicans. Are doing everything, that they can to not talk about policy, they're. Doing everything, they can to. Either. Create, outrage. On their own to. Try. To provoke outrage or to try to dig up something to create outrage because, they don't want to talk about the fact that they don't think 9/11 responders should, have access to health care for their entire lives they, will. Not support the 9/11, Victims Compensation, they, have no environmental, plan you know John Kerry came in and they. Wanted to spend the whole time slamming. The green new deal as some socialist, conspiracy and, John, Kerry said well what's, your plan they, have nothing, the. Larger. Issue that, some people see in all this is you know we have a polarized. Political. Environment. In which, passions, are inflamed. On both sides and. Yes. Clearly. The president has contributed to that but, people on the Left have said a lot of inflammatory, things. As well your colleague. Rasheeda. Tyee but you know when she first, thing she said and coming to Washington, is let's, impeach the. Yeah, you. Have said the president, is no question, a racist, and when, you tweeted. About the, wall you. Said the entire premise. Of a wall it's based on a racist, and non, evidence-based. Trope that immigrants, are dangerous, so if you're calling your. Colleagues. Your. Republican, colleagues who almost universally. Support, a border wall racist. Or at least being motivated, by racist. Thoughts aren't. You contributing. To the same sort, of inflammatory. Passions. That, is plaguing the country so I think this, is a really, important, conversation for, us to have because. As. A. Country. We, do not know how to talk about race and the, moment, anyone, uses. The word race, racism. Or racist, everybody. Sees, red and starts confusing, concepts, so. I think, a border wall is racist. That. Is does, everybody, who support, a border. Wall is are, they race so that is the jump, that. The. Right wants, people. To make because. I think that there are certain policies are absolutely, racist, that, doesn't mean I, don't always think that, a person. Like, do I think everyone, who voted for Donald Trump do I think all of those people are racist no. I don't think there outwardly. Racist. I didn't wordly racist, I mean I deeply. Support. A wall is. That no and I think that if you support a wall it depending. On who you are and who what your context, is I don't know your heart you. Know I think that the, president and I think that Fox News are duping, a lot but in this you. Mentioned Fox News in this very highly reductive. Kind. Of political, media environment. Isn't, that why maybe. It's. You should be careful about about. Language, and if you call, a policy, racist, and and, you call though say the wall is racist, you. Know at this point having been through, this for a while that that's what happens, and so maybe maybe, the the better part of caution is just to to, not use that kind of language which is viewed as incendiary so I. Think. That this is. Part. Of why we struggle so much to. Talk about race it's. Because conversations, of race are incendiary, and. They. Shouldn't. Be. This. Is why we. Are not. Post-world. War two Germany, you. Know this, is why we have not healed this, is why we struggle with concepts like reparations. This is why we struggle to, acknowledge. The in justices, of our past this is why we act like the civil rights movement, was 150. Years ago it's. Because we have issues talking about it do you think we can learn from post-world. War two Germany I think that there is in some aspects, we can you know and and I think that. The. Fact that. Acknowledging. Racism. Is seen, and. Equated. With. Actual.

Bigotry. It's like calling. Calling. Something that is racist, racist, is, almost, more. Offensive. Than being racist, in America, and the. False equivalence. Of these so, you want to talk about like racism if I make that argument that's, actually the basis of a conversation, you could say well why, do you think this is racist the reason I think a border wall is racist is because. It is based, on, a, racial mythology. That, has no evidence, to back up on, you, know Donald. Trump says there, is already a crisis, at our border. DHS. Just, issued an assessment, in November, of last year saying. That they couldn't even increase, the threat level at the border because there's nothing to facilitate, that so instead what Donald Trump is doing is that he's stripping all humanitarian. Aid from. Central American countries, to create a crisis, to force a surge of migrants. To come to our southern borders so that he can have this shutdown but, congressman there. There there, there is, a sharp. Increase, in the, number of migrants. Coming, from Central America the, southern border I think, it, was 40 just in the last few months it was 47,000. In January, jump, to 66,000, February 92,000. March and they're now expecting well over a hundred thousand right there are a lot, of people coming. And, you. Know I guess the question is what. Is your, you. Know what, are your views. On how. That should be handled do we accept. Them all do. We enforce. Our border, our. Asylum. Laws which would require. Denying. Asylum. To a huge, chunk of them less than 20%, of those who go through the asylum process, end up, qualifying, under, our current laws well, I think one of our issues is that we, are always, struggling, to treat symptoms because. We don't have the political courage to treat the causes so we, don't want to acknowledge our interventionist. Policies we. Don't want to acknowledge sometimes. Unfair. Provisions, that are slipped into trade agreements, we. You. Know like, I just mentioned, we are now moving, to rescind, a very, large amount of humanitarian, aid that, oftentimes, helps, stabilize regions. And prevents those migrations from happening in the first place so, now we're going in to work we are this, president particularly is creating. And, aggravating. Additional, crises, to, create those searches on our border, you know there's argument. Over whether. We, did or did not have a role in regime change in home buddas and so, like there's there are these conversations, that people are happening, but it. What's happening, is that our foreign. Policies, are trade policies, or economic, policies, sometimes. Don't. We. Don't always consider the secondary, effects, when it comes to migration, Bernie. Sanders, the. Candidate you supported, in 2016. Was asked in Iowa the other day if he supported, open borders, and what he said is what we need is comprehensive. Immigration reform, if you open the borders my god, there's a lot of poverty in this world and you're gonna have people from all over the world and I, don't think that's something that we can do at this point can't, do it so that is not. My position. Open. Borders do ghrelin well. I think the. Position of open borders is a fake do you agree with what senator, Sanders said. In that statement. I. Mean. I guess, on it on its face I, could I I see, validity, in his statement, absolutely but I don't think anyone in this that we can't accept, every, economic, migrant, trying, to come into the country well. It. It, really depends, it I think right now in this moment like we're taking a snapshot of today, we. We. Definitely need, to accept more. Even. Just economically, speaking we're, having. Hospitality. Even, even if you're like even. If you're not me even if you take corporate, lobbyist money the. Hospitality, lobby, right now is lobbying, to increase, just lobby to increase the seasonal, visa numbers. That were approving and accepting, because they can't fill these, jobs there's, a lot of jobs that are going unfilled, and so I think, to a certain extent. We. Need to increase more can we accept every single economic migrant, in the world no because. I think, that what we need to be focusing, on or not, or. Every, single one coming, up through Mexico from Central America we cannot accept them well, again, it depends on those numbers I I need to see the numbers in front I need to see what what, our economic. What. Our economic projections, and how our economic growth is looking here as opposed and what kinds of jobs were seeing what industries, are growing, but, I think it's clear that we.

We Need migrants. In this country just, economically. Speaking do, you still want to abolish ice yes. And, replace, it with what, or nothing. At all no I think so, I think, we need to replace, I think. We need to abolish ice and we. This, is part of comprehensive, immigration reform, because, what we have right now with ice just. And what if a would you replace it with in terms of Interior and. Immigration. Enforcement, what. Would what would the mechanism, be so there. Are a couple of things one is that I think that when it comes to immigration enforcement, we, need to, have, mechanisms. That, are back under, control and, oversight of DOJ. Because. What. Has happened with ice what. Has happened with a lot of things. That have happened with the establishment, of the Department of Homeland Security and, these, were the original concerns. When George Bush first, created. You know first created the agency is that. There. Is not enough oversight. Or accountability and. When. You have an, agency. With the enforcement, capacities. And and. Individual. Detention. Capacities. That ice has it's. Almost a matter, of course, for there to be some tyrant, to take office and for. Us to, to. Have. Almost a parallel system like these detention, centers are black box and CNN. Is reporting I was reporting that kids were getting drugged, in these centers you, know that forcibly, injected with, antipsychotic. Drugs children, and, that. Was a nice though it was the Office of refugee resettlement, and so and, so when we have DHS. When you have ice when, you have CBP, when, you have. HHS. You're, able to create this puzzle, piece where, it's. You either have you. Mess with fungible, funds so, you're able to kind of rob. From every couch cushion, that, there is you're able to have. Discussions, like Trump was having entertain, cutting, all cutting, the appropriated. Funds from Puerto Rico moving, them to ice he took 6.6 billion dollars, from the Pentagon, and applied. It to his wall last year and now they're asking for an increased defense budget, so I think that that, ice, in and of itself poses a unique issue, but. It's, clearly. Not the only bad. Actor, and it's clearly not the only problem I do think that ice. In particular. Is is. Almost. A. Egregiously. Lacks oversight, and I. Think that when, it comes to enforcement capacities. We need to if if, you are an enforcement agency, I do think there needs to be a link to DOJ and I, think that there needs to be a so so you're not saying you do not want anybody to enforce, the immigration laws, in the United States you're saying it should be under the purview of the Justice Department, I not homeland I think we need to change the purview I mean I think we need to change what is enforced, and how it's enforced, and I think that we need to change our laws as well and so, I do think that I well. I will agree with the stand with the senator on the fact. That we do need comprehensive immigration reform I also, think that when a lot of people throw. That out there they don't even know what that means it just means we need to change it which, I agree with I agree, with but. I. Think, there's just certain, fundamental. Aspects, to our immigration system well, so, just back to us island just for a minute, the. What's, been happening at the border I think, most people will agree. Exposes. Some of the problems, in our Asylum, system and I think most people agree that there is it's, not working the way it should so specifically, what, do you think needs to be done what, kind of policy changes would you want to make to the Asylum system to. Alleviate. Some of the problems we're seeing well.

I Think. That. One. Of the issues that we have and it, speaks to larger issues with our immigration, system is that it's overly Byzantine, so. You have, all. These different kind of visas with, all these different kind of wait times with, all these different kind of quota. Lists, etc and. Are. Different wait times for different countries and, different. Processes, depending, on what kind of visa you're in and I think that contributes, a to a very large amount of wait wait, wait times. And, B I think it's unnecessary, you know I have friends several friends of mine that are here. On. Refugee. Status or Isis I leastat is one of my good friends. Refugee. From Venezuela, another refugee. Who. Came on refugee status from Rwanda, and. You. Know their their. You. You can be, in this country as a refugee but not have work permissions, for example, and so, I think that a lot, of what needs to get done is to, streamline, our system. But, also it's. Very clear that our court system, around. Around this has huge, issues, it's very clear that there are perverse. Incentives, around detention. And in. No small small part thanks to the fact that we run for-profit detention. And then so once, you have a for-profit. Interest. Behind, the incarceration, and detention, of human beings then you have a political, lobbying, issue and it creates all of these negative pressures, for this, situation to be a humanitarian. Crisis, one more question on the on the border issue and this relates to the president, who was, reported, this week told. The head of Customs and Border Protection, that. He would pardon, him if he faced jail for denying entry, to migrants. Chairman. Jerry Nadler of the House Judiciary Committee, said today, that this, showed the president's, contempt, for the law and. That. It, was for, a president, to suggest that goal by deliberately, seeking to break the law is. Unforgivable. Um I, assume you, agree, with him the. Question, is what. Should be the consequences. I. Mean. I think. This this, is largely a part. Largely. A question for our leadership I think, it's this is a very grave. Problem. But there. Are so many aspects, to this presidency, that have that have posed a grave problem is it impeachable, in your view I think. You. Could reach, in a bag and. Pull, so, many things out that are impeachable, of this president I support impeaching. This president. Well. Your your colleague. Congresswoman. Taibbi is she's. Introduced, a resolution to, impeach, have, you signed. On we. We, hadn't signed on when. It was first introduced, but we probably will. You. Think you will yeah, yeah there's just so many things what, would be your top three if you were writing the if you were drafting, the articles, of impeachment, what. Would be article, one two and three well I think number one is a monuments, I think. It's always been emoluments. I think it's always been about that for me mm-hmm. Two. And three two. And three. I. Think. Two would, be. Tax. Fraud, and. Number. Three. Man. I mean number three if there's an investigation on this I think this is pretty potent, interesting that you don't mention Russia and the top no no I don't. Because. I think that I. Think. That. For. A lot, of aspects, of the Russia, investigation, as we saw with the Muller report, is that. A I. Think there are a lot of parts to the to the Russia issue that, comes down to a monuments, it comes down to pay. For play financial, transactions, Trump Tower it, comes, down to money and. If. If. We had gotten something. From, the Muller report, then I have then I I would probably put that up there as number one but. I, feel. Like it's, it's. A little risky, to put the entire grounds of impeachment put, all your eggs in that basket. And, when, I think that a lot of this stuff happens through backdoor, bank. Accounts. And and things, like that so. I think emoluments. Kind of includes, any, any, misconduct. Financial. Misconduct I'm, in, relation to and specifically on tax fraud what. Do you have in mind is, it is there something specific like the. Deflating. Assets, to the insurance, issue those issues that you brought up I think in when, you were questioning Michael Cohen yeah I agree I think it comes.

To That I mean there's just there's just so, much. Let. Me like the senses. There's. You. Know I I can't, even the the tax bill it's, like what, can like, there's just so much. Let's. Talk a little bit about legislating. Because you came to Washington, at least in part to. Pass. Laws and develop policies that. Represent. Your constituents. And the country as a whole and so I guess my first question is what. Have you learned since you've been here about that process. And. And, what specifically. What's. Your top priority, legislatively. And what's your timeline for getting it through the house. Well. I think. That, I. Think. I've learned a lot about political. Dynamics. Since. Since, being sworn in both. Within the. Democratic. Caucus and the Republican caucus and the interplay of those two I think. That there's more than one way to be bipartisan, and that. For years we've only exercised, one of those two ways what, do you mean so, for example, I, think. The word bipartisan, is taken for granted and. It. It, feels, like. Almost any time, we, pass or, champion bipartisan. Legislation, it's, done for. The advancement of corporate, interests, or it's done for. Increasing. The military, budget and I, think that. For. Example in, passing, the War Powers Resolution the. First one that we've passed in decades, to end our. Engagement. Involvement. In Yemen that, shows a different, kind of bipartisanship. Where. You can. Where. It doesn't just have to advance, one. Of two, very narrow things I think, you signed a letter with, Rand. Paul the other day I'm serious. I'm serious yeah calling, for a full. Withdrawal of US troops from Syria which is something, president Trump said originally, he was going to do yeah, and so I do think that there are there. Are places where perhaps, for very very different reasons we come to the same conclusions, and, you. Know let's just toss, out debating, which. Rationale. Is better if we at least agree on the conclusion, than what's, we. Can save people's lives you know there are millions, millions. Of children that are starving in Yemen well picking, up on this theme you in, an, interview at Town Hall with MSNBC with Chris Hayes he was asking, you about the new Green Deal, and. I, think that even if the White House the. Democrats, take back the White House Congress and the Senate you, don't have the votes to get that passed and I think your response was, you. Said I'm, not. Necessarily. To convince my colleagues I'm here to go straight to the electorate. So. The obvious question is how do you get things passed without your, colleagues how do you get things passed without Republican. Support. Today. Well I think it's by winning an electorate, you win over my, colleagues, you know okay, but but, you know you. Take universal, background checks, for example 90 percent of the American people support universal, background checks, Congress, won't pass that hasn't, passed it so, it's you. Know it's it's challenged so I just curious, you. Know thinking, this through like, what's your game plan how are you going to move the electorate, and then you have your colleagues, ultimately. You do need folks right right and I do think that there's there are some aspects, so when. You talk about my priorities for the next two years, looking. At the pieces on the field you, have a democratic. Caucus. That. Is. Very. Focused on, on. Preserving. And expanding. A, majority, in the house then. We have. We. Have a Republican, caucus in the house that is just very motivated. To obstruct, and to make people's, lives difficult in every way then. You have a Republican Senate and you have a Republican president, if. You, even want to call them, thank. You kind of like floats out of ideology, in some ways and. So. So. I feel, like a lot of. Where. We can produce on this. What. We can produce on and I. Think that job, creation infrastructure. And green energy is a huge. Aspect. Of. There's. A huge amount that we can accomplish even given those limitations, which is why. I introduced. A green new deal now is the scope ambitious. Absolutely. Will we get a vote, or even a pass on it probably, not but, I think that by charging, forward with that resolution to show what our big picture looks like then, we can go after the little things whether it's increased. Appropriations. In renewable. Energy whether, it is whether. It is investing. More in transitioning. Our, elevators. And buildings, working. With, working. With with, union. Workers and labor, groups to to, attract. That infrastructure, funding, tax, cuts for, for. Regenerative, agriculture, I think that there are it's, in those small details that we can accomplish a lot but, it needs to add up to a larger vision are there any Republicans.

In The house you have a relationship, with and believe, you can work with yeah. I think there are a decent amount I and, and. I. Think that it is. I. Think, it's actually kind of funny I I don't. Want to risk anyone's career. By. Noon they get really nervous this. Is the way you could sabotage. No, if I if I think if I really wanted to do damage I would like endorse Mitch McConnell's no primary. No. I it, is interesting it is an interesting political dynamic, though because there are Republicans, that I have, a relationship with, but. They're very nervous about, people finding out that, that, we can actually work together well like they're scared of getting primary, but. I they're, they're actually, a decent, amount and I. Think, about one in particular and the more I talk to talk. To him I'm like this, guy is an anti-capitalist. Like he's, against, he's. Like against, Walmart and. Like, like. Larry how we want to know yeah. Give it out you're teasing us no no but the thing is is but like that, person, thinks, he's the most capitalist, guy in the world you know but, he. Hates Walmart, and, he. Thinks they're taking all of our jobs and he thinks that and they, hate like the role of special, special. Interest, and how. Industry. Is taking over government and, like all of these things but he, in his brain thinks. That he is like the most like free market dude in the universe what's, the what's the so. You following up on that because I had another go ahead. You've. Been here, in Washington. Now for. How. Long has it been how many months three form. Okay. Enough. Time to make a couple of mistakes yeah, so what, is the biggest mistake you think you've made since you've been here and the biggest lesson, you've learned I, think. I'm. Trying to think of like a like. More in. In a big picture I do think that our G, and D rollout was really difficult. And, it was done in a way that, that. It was really easy to hijack the narrative around it. It. Was like too, fast, it just wasn't submitted carefully. Enough some of that language I, think, well, I actually think the resolution, itself is, very solid but. You, know between like how it was, ruled out and some of the they were like competing documents, that were rolled out some prematurely, that that muddied the waters, and so that everyone was talking about cow, farts, exactly. And waiting hamburgers right when none of those things are in, the resolution itself so that was probably that. Was a big one because, it's. It. Was just frustrating just, intensely, frustrating. Yeah. I mean I always feel like. When. I reflect, on things, it's less I feel, like it's less, feeling. Like things are mistakes, but things maybe I, feel, like I'm fine-tuning, so like I have to dial things back a little, bit to get them to, get that that pressure closer, to where it it. I want it to be in be too much or maybe too little but, I don't, always. I, don't feel like I've there. Was anything major that was like I really wish I didn't, do made a big, splash early, on by speaking out against. Amazon. Steel, to, put. Up their headquarters in Queens, there was a Siena College College, poll just this past week that showed. 57%. Of voters. In your district, thought that Amazon's. Withdrawal, was bad for the city and 58%, thought. It would be good for Amazon, to reconsider. Do you have any. Reconsidering. Thoughts, on your end about your opposition to a deal that would have brought 25 thousand jobs so, so, here's here's. A couple of things on that one, is that, and, I. Said this from the very beginning where does that 25,000. Number come from. Everyone. Always cites this number and it, is almost completely unsubstantiated.

And, It almost feels like it only comes from Amazon, that's saying that's promising this when, you actually look, what if it was only, 15,000. Jobs and and, so. Even. Then, my. Opposition, was less and and, is less about. Something. Personal with Amazon, and it's, more about the structure of the deal and. When. You're looking at 3 billion which includes it's not all tax cuts you know a lot of people say oh this thing pays for itself, first of all revenue. Neutral, I, don't. Know if revenue, neutral is the goal that we need right now, secondly. 25,000. Jobs at. A, hundred, and fifty thousand, dollars is what was promised, does. That sound like, realistic. Does. That sound like, something that's going to happen first, of all second. Of all do. We really think that Amazon, is trying to give a hundred and fifty K jobs to kids in NYCHA you. Know third. Of all our, subway, is literally, falling, apart, literally. Falling apart so, for me my opposition. Was. Less and by, the way my opposition, being, like, five. Tweets, and apparently five tweets took down the richest man in the world and, everything. Yeah. Your. 3.8. Million followers, and so, I think that uh I. I. Don't, regret. Opposing. It and vocalizing. My apprehensions. About this deal because, it smelled. Fishy now, was. It my like, did I think that Amazon, was gonna say well it's our way or the highway we're, not gonna negotiate any, aspect, of this deal and you're either going to accept, what we tell you or we're going to leave like, did I think that Amazon was gonna try to be try, to bully their way into our district, no. I didn't think you know I thought that that they, perhaps would pursue a reasonable, course, of action and, either. There. Would be some explanation of this deal some. Negotiation. Of some aspects, perhaps, there would be increased. Expenditures. Or. Investments. Into the district, perhaps, we would create a new, pipeline to train kids to, Cooney coding. Skills to jobs at Amazon perhaps, we would be able to get any of those things and you would but you have preferred that then Amazon. Pulling, out I mean, I was, open to multiple possibilities. After. You. Spoke, out or tweeted, out on the issue Andrew Sorkin, who's a columnist, for The New York Times financial. Columnist wrote, there's a financial literacy epidemic. In America quick, lesson New York City wasn't handing cash to Amazon it was an incentive program based, on job creation producing. Tax revenue, there isn't a three billion dollar pile, of money that can now be spent, on subways, or education. Well. Again. People. Weren't reading these this deal people think that all three billion were in tax cuts a lot of it was tax cuts we, had five hundred million, dollars, in capital investments. That, we were literally giving we were building it was, written. Into the deal that we were going to build a helipad, even, for. Amazon. We were, actually. Putting. Hard, capital. Into. Helping them build their campus, while. We're. Constantly told, that there. Isn't enough, a hard capital, to. Heat. The rooms in NYCHA last, year I mean this is a real political issue as well this is not just it's, not when. You're in in the position like mine, you. Have to look at a couple of things you have to look at the policy, you, also have to look at the politics, if you to secure that policy, you know that's what you all were just asking, me this is what you want how are you going to get it there and when, you look at the actual political landscape of New York City we have surging, costs of living a quote unquote affordable. Apartment. In. Oh, sorry. Yeah I'm saying NYCHA it's. Our. Factory, yeah. I get into jargon here no. But you have you have here's someone like the main political, pressures that are happening New York City right now surging, cost of housing and so.

Rent. Has, gone up for, like a two-bedroom. 80%. By, 80% in some neighborhoods, where people have been living. There for 20 years and, and. So. You have surging. Rents you, have. You. You, have crumbling. Public infrastructure, it used to take you 45 minutes to get to work now it's taking you an hour and a half two hours to get to work and so, all of these are about lack, a its, lack, of affordability, and then, B you have lack of investment in public goods and it's, creating a cost-of-living, crisis and a quality of living crisis so. What we're talking about is creating more jobs. In. Two. Boroughs that are already experiencing, the highest levels of economic growth so. Job creation, is already happening in the borough this. Is not like a rural, area where, we desperately need. To, hinge our hopes on a Walmart, to, create jobs because. We are already kind. Of leveraging, certain, economic policies, to to spur economic growth where, people really need relief is. Isn't. The, cost of living it's in their rent and what, this threatened to do is. Displace. Entire. Communities. And so, that's when people are saying like, 80%, of the city was pro Amazon, or 57%. Of the city was pro Amazon until, it's in their backyard, and. So I think that these were some of the issues that we were having to reconcile, right, so staying on on big tech. Elizabeth. Warren a, little, while ago traveled, to, your backyard. Where. She announced, her policy, to, break up the big. Tech platforms, Amazon. Facebook Google etc. So. And, you've. Been highly critical of a big tech as well everything, from online harassment to, fake news to. You. Know undermining the, journalism. Business, model bless you for that I take, it by the way you don't have an Alexa, in your new. So. I guess the question is. What. What, are your proposal do you back Elizabeth, Warren's plan do you have proposals, of your of your own and. Since. You do have such a large social, media platform. Presents, yourself would, you consider as many, Americans have done. You. Know. Giving. Up some of those social accounts, just to make the statement mm-hmm well. I do think I. Do. Think, that a, lot of the. Most, prescient pressing, issues, in tech that. We're seeing right now has to do with, antitrust. And, I. Think that Congress, has largely abdicated. Its responsibility around. Antitrust. Not just in tech but across a lot of different sectors and. And. As. A result, we're, seeing. Increased. Problems, and like, one. Of the central parts of Warren's proposal, is that these tech companies need, to decide what they are but. The fact that you are going to be both the platform. And the vendor, represents. A very large antitrust. Problem, and. The, fact that they are consolidating. And gobbling. Up 18, different business, models into one is. A huge issue and, I. Think. That, this, is also, a. Huge. Part of a social shift that is happening, the, political, views of young people, are very. Much formed, by. You, know I I think previous, generations, like when they talk about democratic, socialism, it's like. Everyone's. Like it's, like the Red Scare you know and I. I, have to reiterate to folks that I was. Born after her. Right before the Berlin Wall fell you, know I've never seen, I. Have. Never seen, like, a Soviet. Russia, in my lifetime that was something in my history book what. I have seen is single-payer, health care systems, in Norway. In Canada, and France. What, I have seen are, really. Innovative. Housing. Housing. Structures, and and housing. Policies. In. In, Europe as well and I think that when we talk about tech, and antitrust. Perhaps. Older folks are really scared. Of that. That. Saw some, of like the horrors, of. Going. Too far in that direction saw. The dangers, of government, taking over all business, and industry, but, what we've been raised with is industry, and business, taking over our government and. Oppressing. Our wages. And. In. Many ways you check a lot of your civil rights at the door when you go into a workplace and, I think, young. People when. You see, the, logical, end result, of, these. Platforms, where. They, predicate, on scale, and monopoly. Power and, then. You pair that with our information, and you. Pair that with how information is, distributed I was just thinking this week like I. Was. Thinking about this particularly. After the president tweeted what he tweeted about Ilhan. About. How. If, a lot of people tweeted. That perhaps Twitter would have taken the tweet down as, targeted, harassment. But. Perhaps. They don't want to show their hand because they could single-handedly cut. The president's, power by 30, to 50 percent overnight, if they banned president, from the platform you.

Know It's his bully pulpit mm-hmm you, you. Tweeted, the other day. About a. Boycott. Of the new york post's bodega, owners, across, New York City. Is. Banding. Together to reject, sales of the New York Post that bodegas, citywide. And you were. Endorsing, this, boycott um. Why. Do, you want to boycott one of your hometown, newspapers. Well. I don't, know what makes it a hometown newspaper, given that it's owned by Murdoch. Post. Is owned by Bezos, and Washington. State, no but I think um I. Think. That. It. This. Is a this, is the. New York Post in being, owned by Murdoch is now. You. Know it's a it's a toy. He's, I think that we especially. But. This is because they're being really, tough, on you and you. Might want, to use a different adjective than tough but they're going after you, they. Are and, it's like whatever you know it is it's it, can be annoying or agitating, but I didn't call for this when they were going after me I think, that that, cover, that. They had published. What. Cover. Was. Just beyond the pale you, know and there's, whatever. There's aggressive, politics, there's people that won't be fair to you and things like that and I understand that's part of the you know as part of the field that comes with it but, you, know I think that this is um. This. Is unacceptable. And, on also I think it is important, to, assert, that I didn't. Call for a boycott of the New York Post what I'm aunt I'm amplifying. I'm. An amplifying, organizing, that's happening, on the ground and I do think that there's a substance. Waiting. About it you're yes. I I mean I endorse it I do endorse, it but I wasn't I think, there's a difference between endorsing, this action because I it's, your goal here do you want to get them to change their editorial, policies, are you trying to shut them down as a newspaper what, is the purpose of boycotting, a newspaper, well for me. My. Perspective is, my. Focus is actually less. In. Endorsing, it my focus is less on the post and more on the. Yemeni bodega owners and building. The power and solidarity, of immigrant groups in New York City like that to me is what was exciting, and inspiring about this action, because. These are the same folks who shut, down almost every bodega, in New York City in. In, in. Protest, of the Muslim ban and what, that does is that it elevates the consciousness. Of all New Yorkers like I remember that day was before I won my primary and it. Was it, was like very, early it was like probably around the time when I started running and, I remember getting up and, going. To my bodega to get a cup of coffee and it was closed and it was a sign saying why and, I remember thinking. And seeing that and being really proud of these. People that that. I see every day and. Sometimes. Protest, isn't about, what you're against, it's, about what you're for and. That. I think was the. Inspiration. And impetus, you. Mentioned. Earlier. The war in Yemen and u.s. withdrawal, from Syria. I have one more foreign. Policy, question, for, you that's quite. Current right now Prime Minister Netanyahu, was just apparently. Reelected, in Israel, right after, saying that he, intended. To annex. The Jewish. Settlements, on the West Bank do, you believe this should affect us policy to, the State of Israel I think so how, so well I think, these are part of conversations, that we're having in our caucus but, I. I. Think what we're really seeing, is, the a sense of authoritarianism. Across. The, world I think, that Netanyahu is a trump-like figure, and. I. Think. That we, you, know, there, are so many, ways, to, approach, this issue, Betty. McCollum even. Has has, a proposal that she's, advanced. Asking. The u.s. not to fund child detention. In, in, Israel, Israeli child detention, of Palestinian. Children you know there's there's. Different ways to signal, it you know I I would hope, and wish that a diplomatic approach could, could. Change. Some an impact, policy doesn't all have to be legislative. But I, I. Think if we just sit on our hands. What, would you would, you be in favor of reducing, military, or economic aid, to Israel I mean I think it's on the table I think it's not certainly on the table and I think it's something that that can be discussed. You. Know and I think that there. And, I also acknowledge my role in in, this as well and that I think, that that. I hope to play a facilitating role. In, in this conversation and, a supportive, role in this conversation but I also know that there are people that have been leading on this for a long time like like congresswoman. McCollum. And so, I I think it's important, but. I think that, we need to expand. What. What. Those policy, conversations. Are because, I, would, as as. Just. A citizen, of this country I. Would. Be very concerned if. Trump. Started. Really. Pursuing, more. And more and more increasingly.

Dangerous Policies. And. Everyone. Just standing about aside, and say this is normal this is just like before I want, to get back to social media for a second and actually your social media habits. You. Talked about the, social media platforms, and children, and of course you're. Very present, as, you see you particularly on Instagram, because my kids are on Instagram a lot and. You're I think an inspiration. To a lot of kids I know my daughters and all their friends are following you religiously, but, there's also a dark side to. Social media for for. Kids you. Know there's this kind of sense of a kind of chronic. Behavioral. Addiction, in, our society, and. A public, health problem you've got you've got you, know it reduces, healthy, social interaction, it promotes bullying, it creates, so-called, FOMO. Fear. Of missing out self-esteem. Problems. Even, developmental. Problems. So. I guess my question. To you is. Have. You thought a lot about this. What. Do you think should be done about, it and, and, I guess I want to go back to my, question from before. Have, you thought about at, least for some. Periods, of time giving, up social, media to make a statement yeah there, are some I. Personally. Gave up Facebook, I actually. Which, was kind, of a big deal because I started, my campaign on. Facebook and, Facebook. Was my primary digital. Organizing, tool for. A very long time I I, gave, up on it we still kind of have accounts, on it but, kids, aren't really on Facebook, yeah I guess that's true too so I mean I'm doing that as well. But. But, you, know this, I actually think that social. Media poses. A public, health risk. To everybody, regardless, I mean they're they're amplified impacts. For young people particularly children under the age of three with screen time but I think. It has a lot, of effects on, older. People I think it has effects, of on everybody, increased, isolation depression. Anxiety. Addiction. Escapism. So. I think that it poses, these issues to everyone, I do. Think, about that both. As a person with a larger. Audience but, also just as an individual, user of these platforms I've, I've, started to kind of impose little rules on myself, um, so. Every. Like every once in a while you will see me hop on Twitter, on the weekends, but for the most part I, take. Consumption. Of content, like when it comes to consumption and reading I take, the weekends off and. So. I don't I'm not like scrolling, through trying, to read. Everything. Online, that. Journalists, are writing and things like that on weekends I try to do that during, during, the work week. Or I guess I should say Monday through Fridays I work. And. I. Yeah. I it. Takes a lot to kind of try to. Unwind. Other habits there was a great there's a couple of great books about the this one book. Was. Basically like a 30-day, program to, New. York Times cover this as well it's like a 30-day. Program to, change. Your relationship, with your phone. It's. A huge it's a huge drug are you gonna do something about robo calls the, biggest. Piece. Of mine I mean but it does pose in a. Technology. Problem, because really the the reason people are able to get away with all these robo calls is because of these spoofing, technologies. So, this. Is another concern that I have too is that Congress, is fundamentally. Slow and technology's, fundamentally. Fast only getting faster and so the, problems, that can develop in like three months, can. Be explained you saw us in the election by the way do you write I know, you write a lot of tweets but do you also have staff, write tweets or do you write all your tweets and. Instagram, posts. And. They and they seem to be, with. Better grammar, and spelling than the president, yeah major. Tweeter, in in. Our public, life um, so look we were really. Impressed with, I think it was one of your first. Questioning. In Congress. During congressional hearing, when, you did the, lightening round right. Whose. Campaign finance questions yeah so to. Close this out we've got a lightening round for, you so, we got you, know, quick. We're, gonna give you some questions, and quick. Answers okay, who's, your candidate for president I don't. I truly do not have one yet actually.

I Mean you supported, Bernie last time that's. The second question man that was sorry okay go, you were an organizer for birdie in 2016. Are you with him now I mean, I'm very supportive of, Bernie's, run I am don't, officially and like, I haven't endorsed, anybody but I'm very supportive of Bernie I think that I also. Think that when Elizabeth. Warren has been bringing to the table is, is, truly. Remarkable truly. Remarkable and transformation, I'm very supportive of. Bernie. - so alright, bit of a waffle there. Could. You support Joe Biden. I don't know I mean. Like, I will, support whoever the Democratic nominee so you will whoever, that. But. You're not excited. About a Joe Biden Candace, I'm that. Does not particularly, animate, me right now because I. Think. A lot of issues. One. I think. That there's a. You. Know I can understand, why why, people would be excited by. That, this. Idea that we can go back to the good old days with Obama with. Obama's, vice president, and I think you know there's there's a there's an emotional element to that but I I don't want to go back I want, to go forward. Do. You want to run for higher office I don't. Know I really don't know I. You. Know I think about it every once in a while but. Hey. This is pretty hard already. You're, doing pretty well thanks. When. You think about it what what are you thinking I mean I just. I, just. Want to be useful I just. Want to be most useful and. I'm not trying to kind of impose some personal, ambition, I think. That if a. Window. Opens and, I feel like I can. Do. Well and do. Better and, offer. More to people then. I would, consider it but I also I, don't. Have like a 10-year. Plan or a five-year planner I got, the last one but you want one before. Right well. Actually two. Really quick ones and then you okay okay. What. Are you reading and, what book has had this or the biggest impact on your politics, and your outlook on life I. I've been reading. Rebecca. Solnit. A, small. Book hope in the dark and. I. Really. Love, it because. You. Know I think what we saw in a weight was you know the Hopi change a stuff, but. In, that, book. Which is kind of like this larger essay that she, wrote actually. Around Iraq, and Afghanistan. Around. Our involvement there and, it's. Like it. Breaks down hope as a political, tool why hope is potent. And how we can drive change and the, ways that we can actually, have hope about our future in a in a very tangible way. Taking. Lessons from history policy. Etc and, I. Feel like I'm learning a lot about how, we can. Build. Support, around any number of issues, from. From, that essay and from that book cool okay, now one, last question for me and then he's got the last one, okay. I understand that you're a game, of Thrones fan, okay. So, the last season goes on air just, a few hours from this taping. Who's. Gonna end up on the Iron Throne who's. Gonna win the game of Thrones. Could. You imagine if. No. One ends up on the throne and they transition, to democracy. Such. A skillful answer. But. Is that that's your hope what, is your expectation, I mean. Another, hope would be it would be like maybe Jon. Snow and Daenerys just take the whole thing they, build another one well the second one you okay, last, one and I'm told, you've, been ducking, this one for, some. Time so. No dodging, on this one you have a district. That includes the. Bronx Queens. Yankees. Are men I'm in trouble okay.

So Here you go you guys are breaking news I. Have. Been raised a, Yankees, fan through, and through however. This. Is a huge, feud in my family, because. A big, part. Of the Bronx side of my family are also Mets fans and. An, Citi, field's in my district, so in some ways I have to kind of learn to be a Mets fan - but I'm primarily a. Yankee. Fans in this view of already with Anthony, although. I'm you. Know I live in Washington I, have a nine year old of a big Nets man too and when. I was a kid too like, I. Grew up with, that Yankees, dream team like gee Posada. Or, Mariano Rivera, like, excellent, like. You can't not where, you grow up to whenever the Yankees comes up I always have to give him a hard time and say this, guy actually saw, Mickey. Mantle hit. A. Home run that's, incredible. Yes all right so, some. Difference some deference climbin that's, right um anyway thank, you very, much congresswoman, this was a great discussion, and we, hope to have you back thank, you really appreciate it. Thanks. Alexandria, or Casio Cortez for joining us on this episode of, skullduggery don't forget to subscribe to skullduggery on Apple podcast, or wherever you listen to your podcast and tell, us what you think leave a review the, latest episode, is also on Sirius XM on the weekend, check it out on POTUS channel 124, on Saturdays. At 3 p.m. Eastern Time with replays on Sundays, at 1 a.m. and 3 p.m., be sure to follow us on social media at skullduggery pod and, now you can watch the podcast, on yahoo YouTube and Roku Saturdays, and Mondays at 8 p.m. Eastern Time, talk to you soon.

2019-04-21 23:46

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ao cowfartz gomez = LEADER OF THE KKK / NAZI democrat PARTY

Race only matters to racists.

Omar needs to condemn all jihadists attacks...she won't she is against Americans. she gloats about the fear her college professor had when he would mention, ISIS or terrorists in her class on terrorism. "His shoulders would like go back and you could tell he was scared" as she laughed.

......And like.... you know... I mean.... like..... whatever ....its hard to make sentences and sense.

Unquestioned star....that's right no one wants to question her every time she opens her mouth Democrats run to Republican side.

Why don't you explain the 3 Branches of Congress to me "Oh Smart One".. Enlighten me please!!! OH, AND, that 3 billion hidden in a basement somewhere for you to spend.. Did you ever find it? Well, we're ALL goners in 12 years, so keep up the GREAT work "Oh Great One" - The do as I SAY, NOT as I DO! I don't know what we would've done without ya! Phew! You spared us.... NOT! AND!! GET YOUR BUTT OFF THAT PLANE & ON THAT BUS!!!! THOU HYPOCRITE!!! & SHUT THY MOUTH WHILE YOU'RE AT IT!

Find your safe space. Caps don't make your rediculous rants anymore truthful. But hey feelings are facts right?

star? you mean biggest joke

This cunt is corrupt and is going to prison along the murdering clintons, the homo muslim, pelosi,waters and a lot more of your dimocratic heroes now that the illegal and treasonous mueller document is released. Trump will use that document that I paid for with my income tax to indict these unamerican loudmouths and bring Justice upon the unjust, now the pain begins!. I wish to see your smug faces when the shit-show begins!

REMEMBER Mueller and his 19 lawyers are Democrats! Do not expect anything but Democrats advantaged on the Mueller reports. IMPEACHED PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP?? BRING IT ON(Democrats and fake News media) you bunch of COWARDS.

why is this in B&W? also, why is the audio not running through a compressor/limiter? at one moment, nearly blew out my speakers when they laughed and talked loudly. dislike having to constantly adjust the volume knob -- wish they knew how to do audio.

.... Gerbil.

she protecting terrorists by her speech so, if the 9/11 did by some people so, what about the other uncovered overt attacks by terrorits and declared by those groups. Ocasio protecting terrorists to protect her self also. so can she explain what is her plan for that self defense and protecting Omar speech and support her

These two are being very polite, and Yahoo definitely HATES TRUMP, but they both know they're interviewing an idiot.

fuck this channel,

Are there actually people out there mentally deranged enough to sit through 1.04.59 of that halfwit democrats will have run out of ideas by 2020 aoc are you people serious

I swear the people who support her are gullible, and uneducated hahahah

+camaro rider What phrases would be 'my own'? I'm using the same phrases everyone else is.

+Joe Smith you literally cant even come up with your own phrases...

No, you’re describing Trump supporters.

...they're illegal aliens. Look up the demographics of her district.

I swear you and the rest of the far right have AOC Derangement Syndrome.

☀   coming into the corporate world made by satan, all children are gangstalked, from cradle to grave

This retard wont debate anyone on her policies. Why??? Because she would be debunked, destroyed and embarrassed!

AOC the gift that keeps giving

It's Amazing how AOC is the snowflake but she seems to succeed in making the right set their hair on fire all the time. The smart articulate one who graduated with honors is the dummy but the pathological liar who has his transcript under lock & key under threat of law suit if made public & clearly an ill-prepared POS in the WH is the one you probably support. You have no room to call others a snowflake, snowflake.

Butt hurt snowflake comment. Go to your safe space

Most excellent! Thank you.

Let’s have the future of this country determined by a 29 year old bartender with an empty resume and a mental capacity of a child. What could possibly go wrong?

As much of a problem it has been for fiction that we will see Hollywood treat the Mary Sue character with far too much nonsense, only taking a fictional character into the real world and believing that the heart of a Mary Sue can beat sadly leaves a far great many to believe that such a feat is not only possible but likely, but those who question my veracity know when CNN and the New York Times wouldn't dare blur the fantasy of opinion into the super-powered stories that not even the worse of FAKE NEW feels sick about, only be delighted that Cortez got a comic book publisher to fill all gaps that reason must doubt and fact-checked by the team that writes the fan fiction stories.

As opposed to what you have now?

Man, this woman is very Bright!!!!

More like ignorant.

We love AOC, Omar, and Sanders!!!!!!!!! superheros all three!

+finchborat hahahaha that's pretty good, gotta say

More like super villains.

I think sometimes all of us are some people and we all do something... except fly planes in buildings. Most of us don't do that.

Will she ever talk to someone with an opposing view? When someone challenges her to a debate she plays the victim.She was offered $100 k to a charity of her choice to a half hour with Candace Owens.

It wasn't Owens. It was Ben Shapiro.

Why on earth would AOC deign to waste her valuable time responding to that disingenuous grifter?

I just want to echo the sentiments of Scrubjay93 on what he said about AOC being a political superhero in the what has been one of our nation's darkest hours.

You were trying to be serious on a serious topic. I guess we cannot be serious anymore on the internet. It is always about humor and being sarcastic.

Nutcase in congress.

Wait till she loses all the liberal Jewish support for not denouncing Omar!

Omg I luv her

Both these girls are dumber than a rock. They cant express themselves without looking stupid and an Idiot. Hell, there collage grads and don't know sh!t.

Oh My God? I'm fifteen minutes in barely and can tell Candace Owens would destroy her! I mean crush hard!

y doesn't she debate candace or ben?

+Jontus What does this response mean? You don't know who Candace Owen's is and you saying, irony.

+Adam W Adam , Adam , Adam ......irony ?!?

+Jontus Candace Owens, she's a conservative pundit/political activist, and heads the conservative groups Turning Point USA. You really need to watch or read something other than the real, fake news!

Candace who ???

She was chosen (second choice by the way) and basically her congressional seat was rigged. She gets prompted constantly and is given daily talking points!

+Joe Smith your about to be greatly surprised by your heroes being indicted and jailed you liberal idiot. You can send your liberal tears to these traitorous loudmouths at Enjoy the shit-show you room-temperature IQ scumbags. Now the pain begins.

Who's prompting her now, idiot? I do not see anyone handing her notes with answers.... do you? You sound like a freaking whiny idiot. Have you seen her being prompted when she's in committee hearings asking tough questions to those under oath? Get a clue, idiot! When Trump won by losing the popular vote his inbred supporters said a win is a win. Well, I say the same, dickhead.

Go back to your MR Reagan conspiracy channel.

Bernie Mac, if the decision was left up to me whether the two ladies debate or not, it would not happen. Why? Because AOC gains nothing from that debate even if she wins. As Joe Rubino stated Candice is the new it girl which equates to a flash in the pan. Similar to an Olympic gold medalist boxer who now wants their first pro fight to be with the world champion prize fighter. Not going to happen for the same reason. It’s just good business sense. For those who want that to happen need to get behind Candice and vote her in to the senate the same way AOC was voted in and that debate will happen organically. AOC earned to be ware she is and Candice needs to do the same.

OH Please! That crazy-eyed DOLT would NEVER "win" anything against Candace Owens or ANYONE with an IQ above room temperature. That's why she only goes on liberal-friendly shows, and she makes a fool out of herself there, too ("Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs", for example).   She didn't "earn to be" ANYWHERE - she's only taking up space and embarrassing herself in our government because the illegal aliens in her district voted her in.   You think she's in the SENATE, you believe you're looking at a SMART person, and you don't even know the correct use of "ware" or "where".   No wonder you think so highly of her - you're even more of a dingbat than she is.

Regarding the "out of context" farce, I've seen the video of her comments in context and she doesn't look any better. AOC is a lightweight.

+Conspiracy Theorista until the US holds Saudi Arabia accountable for 9/11 there's no moral highground. But oil and profits are far more important than 3k lives. That goes for Dems and the GOP.

+Joe Smith - it minimizes the mass murder of almost 3,000 people on American soil.   Coming from the mouth of a woman with her head wrapped in a sack, who has lobbied to continue life insurance payments for jihadis and voted against increasing penalties for female genital mutilation on top of her other stupidity like support for and by the muslim brotherhood terrorist-associated CAIR, it's quite telling and very offensive.

What's wrong with what Omar said?

I Salute you Madam PRESIDENT

She'll be president of the nuthouse.

avig rett It's a pitty she is still to young , but when she will be 35 so....AOC FOR PRESIDENT !!!

She's never Getting Close, Ever!!!!

Murdoch has too much power so good on you aoc. he got rid of our last prime minister and has influenced our politics for far too long. uses hyped up stories mainly that incite fear. he could do so much good with all his money but gets more and more greedy and outrageous. people need to wake up and seek out real information. down under jb


Her' her' cheers...i will drink to that .. BARTENDER [AOC] ...ANOTHER ROUND FOR THE BOYS...[crazy eyes stare]

Troll me all you want for what I am going to say. I was born in 1961 and AOC is the political superhero I have waited for all my life purely and simply because she has brought real urgency about climate change into the public conversation and has the balls to stand up for the environment in government. I'm an old hippie gal and nobody else has succeeded in doing this. Plus, she's highly intelligent, uncorrupted, articulate, young, unafraid, compassionate, and beautiful. Yep, a superhero. She is a bright spot in a very gloomy time and she and all the politically active young people bring me hope. Now, let's go CRUSH the establishment in the primaries!

+Red Reddington Try Google , 12 years to start turning it around !!! You are really stupid !!!

+Red Reddington Yeah , it's much better to raise taxes for everybody besides the top 1% and multinational companies like Amazon who pay zero federal tax !!!

Balls and unafraid??? She will not talk to anyone with an opposing point of view! When someone offers she plays the victim.

+Red Reddington Where do you get "communist" from , she is a Social Democrat !!!

scrubjay93 I'm totally with you on all points !!! LET'S GO !!!

...oh and the world will END in 12 years says your MESSIAH your fked either way gen X

Yes with $93 TRILLION DEBT FROM GREEN DEAL WILL BANKRUPT USA...and hence "CRUSH" US...then you will be living out of a hole digging in dumpsters for your next meal. Mark my words .. smart ass.

You and your GenX generation are lazy bums who dont want to work... AOC will give you great job in infantry of her communist army. YOU genX retards are sure brainwashed easily.

Yay! Let's reform some elevators and impeach Trump on emoulients! Onward soilders!!


How did so many haters and dumb-mouthers end up at this site ? Great interview by the way... Great all the way round.

+Trip Fontain goof is as goof does.

We thought it was a goof.We didn't know people actually took her seriously.

Ass kick ing needed citation boy, cum get some

True Christian build bridges not wall . If you building wall you’re not Christian , God rebukes you because lukewarm , you’re cold .

Ooh you speak French “ bête noire “ let us tell you she’s the JEANNE d’ ARC ( Joann of Arc ) of the 21st. Century . She’s brilliant. She’s nobody’s fool , that’s why they hate her , they’re green with envy, jealousy is killing them , on top of her brain her high IQ’s , God graces her with BEAUTY . EAT YOUR HEART OUT BASKETS OF DEPLORABLE.

"Deplorables", still quoting a murdering, lying, real, colluding, traitorous, compulsive sociopath! You are sad!!!

Mary S. Ur comment made me laugh

This woman is by far one of the biggest idiots elected to congress. My gawd she wasn't even choose the legit way, she responded to a flicker CASTING CALL!

+Ash Bell Nah. That would be Ocasio-Cortez to her cult following. She's worse than Trump.

+Ash Bell I never said he was smart, hes smarter than her stupid ass though

+Ash Bell I think it's scary someone so incredibly factually inaccurate got elected to be part of Congress. Proof, the dumbing down of America is real

kee knee Trump is what a smart person looks like to an idiot

+Ash Bell

kee knee I like how you’re scared of her...

I will Take a Tacos Grande and a Rye and Ginger.... Now Bitch!

Reason for impeaching Trump are emoluments? Nothing from her to substantiate that? The hosts probably didnt know what that is, so they didnt question her. She just lacks substance. We need people in office that can truly make a difference and who know exactly what they're doing. Can anyone list any of her accomplishments based on this interview?

+Ash Bell I was hoping someone could come up with sonething of substance because I couldnt. Maybe I'm missing something.

C. Ann You old actually watch the video before commenting

If she's still in office in 10 years, she might develop into a rational and effective politician. At the moment, her lack of experience makes her come across as incredibly adolescent and naive. I see bad things ahead for her politically, unfortunately. And it won't come from the GOP either.

Lets impeach on the tax bill and the census.

let's impeach him on our robust economy !

She's a blithering idiot.

I can see disagreeing with her, but I don't see any reason to think she's unintelligent or uninformed. Most of the criticism I've seen of her during her short time in office seems petty and non-substantive. The more I hear religious people defend religion and criticize atheism, the more I'm convinced atheism is valid, and likewise the more I hear Republicans criticize people like AOC, the more I'm convinced she has something valid to say.

She is unintelligent. She thought FDR dropped the atomic bomb and that the 22nd amendment was passed to keep FDR from getting reelected. She makes Forrest Gump look like a Harvard graduate. The only ignorant people out there are her and the fools who think she's worth supporting.


AOC NOT Stupid at all. Very interesting interview.

MutantDustBunny it’s not that she is stupid in general but she not bright in regards of politics if u don’t know the branches of government in which U learn in school or when u can’t say how ur solution will be paid for or how it will better America so calling her stupid in general isn’t correct but stupid with political issues an how it is run yes she is stupid feelings don’t solve or help anyone or anything common sense is what we need she lacks common sense an by no means was I trying to talk shit but to speak my opinion don’t take as insult or being rude

I REALLY like these guys questions. They are really opening up some good questions that go into nuances and complexity. Excellent. Usually, AOC is just so clean and articulate. I think she's a bit thrown by these guys attentive nuanced questions. Excellent interview, both for it's content as well as it's complexity. Bravo!

Trust me she read the script. Have you ever seen her answer unrehearsed? Nope. She one of TYT hired actresses..

You call that complexity ? You're dumb

+Ash Bell Agree !!!

Tim Shannon, ND exactly! This wasn’t a boilerplate love-fest. Good questions from the interviewers and good answers from AOC. They took her by surprise a bit. And even as a big fan of AOC, that’s fine by me. I wanna know where my elected officials stand, even if it makes them uncomfortable..

I no longer think AOC is the idiot. I think the idiots are the people that still give her any credit as anything more than a seat holder. I would love to hear what she has accomplished so far? She is gungho to impeach the President but can't give a COMPREHENSIVE answer. This fluff interview is all she is capable of dealing with. She puts a lot of words together in a pleasant voice, but actually analyze what she is saying. She was asked about the large influx of migrants. No specific answer to the question or solutions. She needs to look at the numbers in regards to the hottest issue effecting American politics today?????. She hasnt done that yet??????? I would love to hear if she realizes what a MESS she made of the Amazon deal. And she continues to show how UNINFORMED she is and incapable of coming up with viable solutions to the important issues that are affecting OUR CITIZENS.

In the German speaking part of Europe people (not all of course but that's what we are taught) believe everybody has racist tendencies or is racist. Every human being is afraid of things we don't know or do not understand. So we have to be aware and check our views regularly. If somebody tells me something I said or did is racist I ask why or think about it and I'm thankful. No human being can be completely non-racist but we can be anti-racists.

lol everay human is racist to an certain degree, what does that have to do with my country? of all countries you could take as an example you go for germany who let nearly 3 mio refugee´s in and where it is forbidden by law and prison time to use the swastika, hitler greeting or discuss the holocaust in any way... GTFO

Didnt miss anything malgozita ,u weren't paying attention

what a dumbass

Alexandria , in my heart I hope and belive that you will be a big part of America's future !!! AOC I BELIVE IN YOU !!!

+Jerry Rice I totally agree with you , Sarah Sanders is really lying and faking it !!!

+Jack Murphy If you by your comment mean that I am less intelligent than AOC , I will hereby confirm that you are 100% right !! And I will also add that the same goes for most of the American people , incl. YOU !!!

She is full of hot air. Fake it till you make it.

+Ash Bell Haha Good answer !!!

Jack Murphy I like how she scares imbeciles like you

Jontus You are a bigger fool than AOC

Loke i said Aoc would look great in doggy style position

What about Melania trump ass up?

As a American I am free to earn a wage without gov't embezzlement of my wages. All you COMMEE democrats spending my money through programs that enrich your beneficiaries. I have this to say Keep your grubby hands off my earned wages, I am a free American free to earn a wage, free to earn a wage not infringed upon by COMMEE manipulation. NO to healthcare mandate of any kind NO to embezzle my earning NO to higher taxes NO to take away my liberties NO to any US Constitution change Quit cloaking Americans with subliminal messaging that all these things need to change Quit promoting ideas against the US Constitution TRUMP 2020

Typical Right Wing bullshit!

Can someone put her in the insane asylums already

Fuck this socialist cunt. Dumb ugly hoe. Clearly it's going to be Trump 2020 or what? Open Borders? Reparations? Free money and college to all? Yeah ok. Idiots. Who going to pay for that?

i think she is one of those Men in Black aliens ; look at here eyes

+The things We know You GO Girl !

Video Game Racing Channel You like your Inbred crazy blonde frozen dead blue eyes little girl. Got it.

The Muslim congresswoman does not care about the USA.

She knows nothing about history, economics, and science.

+Jerry Silk oh Brother...I guess sarcastic humor is too much for you huh? Does not compute??? Abort Will Smith!??Got it!

C. Ann, What does having a sun or a moon named after her have to do with what she knows or not know? There is no connection. She does not know the principles of research and development, prototype development, testing, verification and validation, manufacturing, distribution, logistical support, end of life system, and waste management during manufacturing and end of life system. I did not vote for Trump but if you want to impeach Trump then go ahead but use facts and not feelings.

Come on JERRY! MIT named a sun after her. Was it a sun or a moon?? Sorry, give me a minute I'm confused....okay I'm back...impeach Trump because he's ORANGE!


JON STEWART Praises President Trump and DOJ On Handling Of 9/11 Victim's Compensation Fund


New York Democrats Ignore Children of Deceased Combat Vets - AMAC WHERE IS YOUR OUTRAGE AOC OR IS IT SELECTIVE?????????

Tucker Carlson: Ilhan Omar Thinks There Is No Difference Between Al Qaeda And America

Once again just another LENGTHY fluff piece. Must be nice when everyone just nods, agrees and rubberstamps her. No real questions.

+Ash Bell just the kind of response one of her supporters would give... full of ridicule, derision and name calling. Good luck with anything legislative she proposes. GND got how many votes??? Socialism will never be allowed to rule in this country.

Do you has a sad? Boo to the hoo to the muthafuggin’ hoo...Or did you simply not WATCH the video? Isakof actually asked AOC the kinds of of questions that a conservative interviewer would ask. He played the Devil’s advocate quite well. He didn’t let her demur on any of her answers , not even ONCE. In fact, I had to google the guy to find out what his political leanings WERE. Authoritarian asshats like yourself only understand knock-down scream-fests from the likes of Hannity and Alex Jones. You and yours are a national joke.

Bill allowing 9/11 families to sue Saudi Arabia vetoed by Obama YEAH I JUST WENT THERE!!!


The Capital Police have a special force to protect her from the threat from squirrels collecting nuts on the Capital Grounds.

don't quit your day job

AOC "The amazing talking Glass of Water" ...step right up folks and see this FREAK of nature ....hurry hurry hurry going fast to see this human abnormality..only $0.50..bring the whole family ! Witness the dumbness of glass of water....she can morph into jerkwater brown ...hurry hurry hurry next show is starting in 5 minutes


She wants you to not listen to media who supports pelosi ...and listen to her annoying pie hole instead.

She is a female 'Chance the gardener'.

ian taylor you’re a male idiot, so I guess the universe is in balance

Chauncey Gardener

An idiot in congress!

metele duro alexandaria metele duro !!! sin miedo mujer !! sin miedo mujer vamos palante carajo !!!!




I am an ex-muslim I am no longer Democrat because of the doors evil ladies in the Congress of the United States I'm talking here about Omar and Rasheeda watch out for Islam evil religion dear agenda it's to destroy the world.

That just made me dumber for listening your whole spiel

So she graduated from Boston university with a degree in economics and 6 years later she is a bartender at a taco stand, wow, she is a real go getter..... lol

That's because she chose a political path that takes more time to be successful rather than work for Wall Street.

Lol. Goood one

Awesome interview!!! Love AOC!!!

+Human Being I'm a graphic designer, web developer, photographer. I have a job. What do you do, you ignorant fuck?

+Human Being you are a pathetic little person. Go away slime. You wish you could even come close to me. Do yourself a favor and put yourself put of your misery. I'm sure you have no one who loves you. Sad

+Nathalia Chavez I would chew you up and spit you out. You are trash. You not getting a dime from me. Get a damn job lazy socialist scumbag.

+Nathalia Chavez No. He is just dumb or playing dumb very successfully.

+Red Reddington are you serious

Shes not latino...thats a sham.. arabic

Insert finger in mouth .....purge

+Human Being you don't even come close to being at my level you lower life form.

+Human Being you're dumb as shit you peace of human garbage that's what your name should be. HUMAN GARBAGE!!!

+Nathalia Chavez Oh you like her because she is a "Latina" like you??? You are dumb as shit. Useless to the human race.

+Bernie Mac they will call her dumb but its because she is a threat to them. They want to make her out to appear as is she is dumb and doesn't know what she is talking about to diminish and discredit her to ultimately render her to be a non threat. But they don't know one thing about latinas. We don't give up so easily and are not easily intimidated. We are constantly harassed, diminished, suppressed, and not taken seriously. But in the face of all we are a very powerful force to be reckoned with. To be honest I see myself in her. She actually cares about people.

+Bernie Mac 1. first of all she is a moron person, she has an unselfish heart. 2. She is extremely intelligent and revolutionary. 3. She has great integrity. She's takes no corporate PAC money and has not sold her soul and as of yet has is maintaining her promise to the people that she will not be corrupted by special interest. 4. She understands what minorities go through being a minority herself, the way they discriminate against minorities and minority communities. She has a well rounded feel of all struggling communities from the bronx to the mid west to Orange county California. She sees the disparagement in America and wants to get to the core of the issues and not just put a bandaid on a tumor but understands that this is systemic issues that needs to be addressed from the inside to heal the wounds that appear on the outside. Our government and society as a whole is rotting and its going to take more people like her to get involved to clean out the trash from the Republican and Democratic establishment. And finally she has an actual plan to address climate change.

Omg, , why?

Everythings a worldleader I wnna be free

AOC needs to shut her mouth. She's such an idiot!!

I don't know how you could not love this woman. She's a super hero.

U got ti be kidding, , shes a fking MORON

Super ZERO are either dumb or brainwashed libtard

Re-electing Trump in every tweet. It's super AOC!

She is one of your future presidents con trolls, not afraid to call them as she sees them. Unelect both parties of career crooks, who are all paid off. Not AOC!

Go AOC!!!

Viet,, Trump just did a great deal in Vietnam, wake up , this woman would run the world in the ground

She would destroy this country in aweek

Honestly is she mentally retarded?


Life is ironic . I've long pined for the days when SNL was actually - funny . Sadly , no "Eddie Murphy / Church Lady" type revivals of the original cast ever occurred again - But now - we have AOC! Who needs SNL when you have AOC! Her "real life" video and commentary is unprecedented comedy entertainment !

#Bernie2020 #AOC2028 #Medicare4All #GreenNewDeal #TaxTheRich #EndTheWars


That was a really great interview. I never really listened to more than a few minutes of her talking before. I can see why she has such huge support and detractors. Wish her the best staying the course.

It's so comforting knowing that I can always look to anonymous comments to tell me how much of an idiot I must be for having an opinion.

+Nathalia Chavez we don't hate her. Many of us are just embarrased for her and sorry for her constituents. She has failed in a couple of ways already in an epic way. She has not accomplished anything of note that I know of. None of her fellow Dems support her deal. She blew a deal, that if handled and negotiated right, would have been proof of why she was right for the job (just the opposite happened). Negotiation is what other cities have done in which Amazon exists. I live in one of those cities. Also she's not truthful. I could have respected her greatly if she came out and told the truth, about Biden being incredibly inappropriate with little girls, and hitching to his wagon is not a good idea. Maybe I've missed her accomplishments and should give her a break, I'm sure you can elighten me. Thanks in advance!

Robert Thompson you're so right she is amazing!!! These haters a pathetic trolls.

What were her reasons for impeaching the President?

You are dumb as shit then. She is garbage. Her ideas would destroy your life. Do you want that?

You must have fallen asleep ...or zoned out ...she said we can be successful like VENUZUELA is .


+Red Reddington Yes....yes you are !!

Dumb..just dumb

Why does DonkeyTeeth have arms? Cuz it would take too long to lick the kitchen floor clean

Hey AOC I’m Puerto Rican just like you. Next time please don’t embarrass us by saying Spanish is your first language and then forgetting that the H in Spanish is silent especially when it is the first letter in a word, so in Spanish you wouldn’t pronounce it “Honduras”.... that would be in English in Spanish it would be pronounced “onduras” hence the H being silent.. thanks

Nathalia Chavez Mira la otra imberesment

You are an imberesment to Latinos

maybe you missed it but she is speaking English here, not Spanish

Hahahaha Lol..!! Yes, this is classic. ,,!!

Fake wench. Fake Yahoo.

Occasional vortex is a disgusting person trying to destroy our U.S. Constitution to convert this USA into a Soviet Socialist country. If she loves her unconstitutional marxist agenda so much, then vietnam, or Kerala India would probably welcome her with open arms.

Okay the only thing I'm taking from your crazy spiel is "Occasional Vortex". Thanks!

AOC wants USA to become VENUZUELA 2.0

AOC .. stay on course! You're the young generation who will take the baton from us old folks. Don't allow hatred (your own or theirs) overpower you. Stick to policies and leave the rhetoric to others.

+Francisco Gonzalez my question is what policy? She wants to reform elevators. Are we being punked???

Linda fk wake up #!!!!!!!!!

Linda,, wake up, they trying to destroy America

Shes not capable, if we hand her baton ,we stupid, hijaby woman?

Linda Casey

Despite her idiotic characteristics and ideas, I do give her some credit. 3/100

Also, when will YOU be mentionned in the NY Times list of most influential people? etc etc

idiotic? Could you get ANYONE to name an asteroid after you? or ANYONE to vote for you for, let's say, president of your class in school?

how come the US elected a complete moron ?

This woman is VERY DANGEROUS she need to be voted out and she will be....looney bird no doubt !

AOC is a perpetual passenger on the short bus.

Yahoo is one of the most biased organizations on the planet right along with CNN no wonder they have this bought and paid for socialist dummycrat liberalist sack of shit AOC on their show

Ok never thought I'd say this but she is right, we (meaning government) don't always think about the secondary effects of our decisions! You got it girl less government intervention in our lives, less government intervention in everyone's life, oh hang on maybe that's not what she is advocating for? Maybe she should be?

What kind of a d*ckhead can take this beech seriously?

a.o.c.는 미친년이네요 공산주의 빨갱이네요. 그냥 대가리가 빈 미친년같아요. 저런사람들이 미국에 많아지면 미국은 망할 것입니다. 지금 한국은 저런 좌파 공산주의 사회주의자때문에 나라가 망해가고있습니다.

Wow, Hey everyone don't blame her she's an actor look her up i think the video is called Ocasio Cortez left her friends. Wow again don't take her serious.

She is as bright as Obama is.

This is so cringeworthy. She literally talks about context when defending what Ilhan Omar said but then she turns around and refuses to accept context when the president called ms13 animals or when there were good people ok both sides. Lmao she’s such a joke. She literally calls all Trump supporters racist. She’s insane

crazy eyes corrrrtezzzz

must watch the reagan show expose her handlers

As AOC mentioned in regard to "the first hajabi woman" I can say "the first hajabi woman" has proven to be a total discrace in the American Congress and will pay for it at the next election she faces. She is a disgusting human being with or without the hijabi. Most American people are not racist and are welcoming but this woman is such a , deceptive bad person it is impossible to embrace her in any way.

O she's so DUMB! Absolutely not.

She’s right about so much. This was time well spent.

Since New YORK supports infanticide..AOC supports convicts selling their organs to pay for their incarceration and to buy some smokes. LIVER..KIDNEY...LUNG..EYEBALLS ...BRAIN ALL ON THE TABLE. AOC put in order for new brain from AMAZON organ division. THIS promotion extended to the homeless as well

Its funny that she cant even fake knowing anything about anything on a show with hosts who are 100% in her favor. Thats why its so unbelievably embarrassing for her when anyone at all, even a child could debate her and know more about politics and ethics. But shes pretty right? Lol such a waste of a good bartender

Why are a couple of white radio show hosts schooling AOC on tampering down 'racist' talk and rhetoric? How dare they define racism themselves.

Biased interview hosts.

Than you for a fair, informative, & humorous show about A.O.C.

Nobody has made a bigger splash than this ditz? Wow how pathetic are the left? She is stupid and claims to have graduated University which should scare every parent paying for school to ask What am I paying for? No wonder the rich have to bribe their kids in to Uni they are raising spoiled entitled morons who think a Twitter account is all you need to run for office

It is really common courtesy to remove sunglasses when conversing with others. Same applies to caps with long peaks that throw shade on the wearer's eyes.

Media outlets that clearly misrepresent people's statements should lose their broadcast or mass publishing licenses. It is one thing to have a different angle on a particular issue. But lying and manipulating should not be tolerated.

Reading some of the comments here, I have noticed there is shit load of AOC haters, I'm just curious what has she done to you personally or are you threatened by her being smarter than you are, who is writing all these negative comments about her! Maybe people should run for office & utilize their ego to try to do better, because your negativity is just a waste of time & binary space!

Wow... A.o.c... So deep and profound... She's such a joke get back behind the bar where you belong.

All the questions were hard. AOC hit every one of them out of the park. One question that troubled me was when Michael did not seem to understand that when AOC says, "Building the Wall is racist" was implying or equal to saying, "anyone that believes the border should be secure is racist". I hate capitalism, I think it is destroying our planet, but that does not mean I hate capitalists or that all capitalists hate our planet and want to destroy it. AOC tried her best to explain that being against the wall did not mean open borders nor that everyone who wants a wall is a racist. AOC did clarify that the reason for abolishing ICE is because it has the power to incarcerate people without accountability to the Department of Justice. She pointed out that ICE has astronomical power to incarcerate and remove children from parents without court oversight. She agreed we need to create a workable immigration policy that can be enforced by the courts. Therefore, ICE should be abolished since it has become primarily a tool of the president; ICE should be replaced with enforcement that is accountable to immigration law decided by congress, with access to judicial courts for appeal. She knock that ball out of the park, but the interviewer seemed to think it didn't count, so it wasn't a convincing home run. Go Yankees!

If she wasn't pretty, sexy, young and bubbly, she wouldn't get so much mileage....all the qualities that help a person gets lots of tips in a martini bar. She spouts out what she's been fed by her recruiters....most of the time when she has to think and answer for herself, she sounds politically and economically illiterate. She needs to go back to school in the academic world and also the real world. She speaks some truth, but like Hitler's propaganda strategy taught us is if you mix in the truth with the lies and continue to repeat it, people will swallow it and start believing the whole story. YES, the lower and middle classes need more support, but her SOCIALIST views will bring America to it's knees. The major cause for the weakened economy is from policies created by previous Presidents....chasing jobs out of America and allowing the Corporate world to put their own profits through slave labor conditions in other countries ahead of their loyalty to their own country and it's people.

Simple; she's amazing ! Unlike the people in our Electorial President's administration, she is articulate, intelligent, well educated, and insightful. She's a breath of Fresh Air.

Only if you are an irrational leftist in denial of a lot of basic facts.

AOC keep it up way for a landslide to Trump 2020

A landslide to bury Trump you mean?

How can they introduce AOC in the first minute of the video as a serious person? This is beyond ridiculous. The lady is a total retard and is clueless about everything.

Hey AOC ! Close my tab !

I like that this young woman AOC, she comes prepared and ready to hash out matters of importance. I agree wholeheartedly, that loss of Anti-Trust Laws, marked the beginning of Corporate Greed. Unfettered Vulture Capitalism, instead of Regulated Venture Capitalism, which can actually benefit people, instead of just using people up! I love how she ends up, "I just want to be useful", no ambitions for higher office, I love this lady! I got to see the famous Yankee Mickey Mantle play as well. How come there was never any outcry when our Politicians allowed hundreds of thousands of Russians into the Country? There are some difficult conversations that have to take place among all Americans. Even these guys are barely able to contain their own subtle cultural projections. America has some very xenophobic areas .  I agree with some of the other posters, it's great that they are all willing to have "The Real Life Discussion" that needs to take place Nationally.   Life is changing for everybody, nobody wants what the "Greedy ass Billionaires are creating) around the World. We have been forced into the "Age of The Precariat" as they have now labeled us! We have no stability anywhere in the World. It's long been known that forced mass migrations are a form of Warfare. Bombing and stealing other Country's Oil and Natural Resources in the name of Religion cause massive destruction everywhere, while a few greedy Aristocrats and Bloodline Families at the top buy bigger and bigger yachts, and add to their extensive Real Estate Holdings. Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, got their land and energy grab through Genie Industries, in the Golan Heights, gee, that used to be Syria? Trump is no different, he is just another Thug, working Casino Mogul Sheldon Adelson's bidding, along with War Mongering Benjamin Netanyahu, the guys responsible for much of the force migration over the last 2 decades.

I never even noticed this kid. Sheesh. Do know she received ~17,000 votes compared to her opponents ~15,000. Must have been epic. The "people" speaking.

Notice the intro showed no Obama.

who elected this idiot to congress lmao does she know what the three branches of gov. are?

This lady drives me crazy.

Lol, the democrats deserve to be laughed at.

Sometimes I wonder how long the US will stand as a nation. The election of a brain dead like AOC is a clear signal that US is no longer capable to produce some of the best and the bright. All that you have now are people who hate the heritage, accomplishments and determination to thrive of the american people. People who are the product of the apostasy and falling away like AOC, or people who are the product of pure hate and prejudice, like Ilhan Omar.

yes everyone who voted for trump n support a stupid,useless, racist wall are racist!


35:25 "This guy hates Walmart, but in his head, he thinks he's the most free market guy in the universe." This silly young lady is juxtaposing an enormous corporation that has an overwhelming market share as a "free-market." Capitalist plutocracies aren't free and Marx, while wrong about so much, knew that. At least the Marxist did their homework.

This ignorant woman is tripping 24/7

A truly beautiful person from soul out

Stellar interview although I think AOC made a mistake when she mentioned "regime change in Honduras" when the real problem from the early 1980s to now has been U.S. (read: CIA) policy in El Salvador.

She's so passionate about making the world better for everyday people. I completely believe that the people who took Ilhan Omar's words out of context did it deliberately knowing that she meant something totally different than what they portrayed her meaning to be. The reason they do that is to give people permission to be racist and to inform _those_ voters that they're on their side. btw: sign this if you want to tell congress and the president to knock of jumping on Ilhan, and if you sign it, share it: To conflate someone calling out racism with someone being racist, to say that by some measure they are equal is horrible. Shame on you. One is trying to build things up and the other to tear things down. One is trying to strive for a better society, and the other for a more venal society. We may not consider secondary effects concerning migration, but the people making the policies do. Often the right wing wants to make things worse because the more frightened people are the more likely they are to support the right. Tons of studies have shown that, and politicians on the right know it. If you are only trying to maintain/increase your power and aren't motivated by the good of your constituents, then you do evil shit.

Look, I don't want to judge her. She's a sweet girl (seriously), but she's dumber than a rock. I'm all for her, but not in Washington. She'd be eaten up by the greedy swamp and in fact, she already has started her fall.

She lies

Why abolish ICE? Really? She needs to just stop talking

Omg, NO, we do not need anymore illegals, we have too many here already

I can live just fine without illegals

Trump just needs to shut down American borders

Democrats always ignore the actual high number of illegals coming into America

Not racist. Democrats are the ones who keep screaming everything is racist

Yeah, when I see events like Charlottesville in 2017, I think we have a race problem in this country.

In Listening to this cast AOC seems very sincere in searching thru the Amazon deal to find real numbers and discern how it would affect her district. She then speaks of the increase in the cost of living in the area and the struggles the current community are facing. I wonder is she is making the connect between the needs of her immediate district and trying to help Central and South America by suggesting we stream line visas and allow citizenship openly.

Appears intelligent here but needs to visit rural counties.

Another quotable AOC moment at about 46:00: "I was born after, right before the Berlin Wall fell. I have never seen a Soviet Russia in my lifetime. That was something in my history book. What I have seen is single payer health care systems in Norway, in Canada, in France. What I have seen are really innovative housing structures and housing policies in Europe as well. (...) What we've been raised with is industry and business taking over our government." D*mn right!

"We have an asteroid in the White House" Heee Haaaw!! As far as Rep. Ilhan Omar, she doesn't get a pass because English isn't her first language. 911 was an act of terrorism pure and simple. She should have said so. Saying "Some people did some thing" trivializes it. Before she gives a speech in public she should have someone take a look at it or practice the speech before friends or advisors who can warn if she's saying something which will be misinterpreted. That's the price you pay for being a politician or public servant.

AOC is incredibly knowledgeable and conversant on so many areas here. She's constantly learning, curious, yet focused on her core values and service to her constituents. We need many more like her in 2020. If you're reading this, it could be you...

I think the 'star' is going supernova ...

+έ-δ Predicate , to my mind, the brown dwarf that remains is good news.

I too see an unraveling. Unfortunately, the remnants of event horizon are an eternity, and entropy will cease to exist. Perhaps sooner than later.

The mafia wants the wall contracts and they own Trump. Trump will torture children to get the wall contracts because he is too chicken to withstand torture himself.

100% obvious that the trolls either didn't watch or didn't understand the video. Emoluments anyone?

At about 48:00, AOC makes an excellent point about Twitter and Trump. The hosts move on to another question. It's unfortunate. I wish they had invited AOC to elaborate.

What AOC has that NONE of these shtbag trolls in here or on Fox have: She is HONEST. She cares. Trump's fans? HATE EVERYTHING AND LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING. I don't care if you say she's stupid, she is not LYING. She cares. They do not. WINNER.

Look who's too afraid to show Obama at the beginning, "you can keep your insurance, you can keep your doctor..."

We now have confirmation the will end in 12 years, Asteroid AOC is on its way!!!

About Amazon at 39:00: If it were not for AOC and Bernie Sanders, we would be subsidizing Amazon, just so they can turn around and outsource more American jobs.

She doesn't know

A wall cannot be racist. California Prison have been segregated for decades. That spills out to the streets.

She was picked and hired from 10 thousand people in NY by a private politician organization to run up against Joe Crowley. This intro makes it sound like occasio cortez was working at a bar while at the same time running on her own against Joe Crowley. The reality is She’s just a face, a hired hand to some unknown millionaire or millionaires.

Let her run please God

Has She even gotten her first PERIOD yet? Little girl needs life experience.

Trolls, trolls everywhere! Clearly, AOC is rattling the chain of the powers that be. Blessings to you, Representative, more of us are with you than against you.

What is the Muslim population in Minneapolis? A large number of the Somali immigrants settled in Minneapolis, which in 2002 harbored the largest population of Somalis in North America. According to 2010 American Community Survey data, there are approximately 85,700 people with Somali ancestry in the US. Of those, about 25,000 or one third live in Minnesota. It doesn’t matter how much love you give to lions, because they always will eat you back.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at 29:30: "I think the word bipartisan is taken for granted and it feels like any time we pass or champion bipartisan legislation, it's done for the advancement of corporate interests, or it's done for increasing the military budget."  Indeed!

Ilhan was right, “some people did some things”. The reality is, we still don’t know everything that was done, but over 3k engineers and architects are demanding an investigation into the controlled demolition of our WTC, and a grand jury has been asked to be convened in the Southern District of NY.

piss poor excuse by aoc. shes a joke

If she wants to progress she’ll have to debate. That will be hilarious as she won’t be able to dodge questions or have someone coach her

A frightening DUMB ASS ! US deserves better than this empty head.

Good questions and WOW, she is so friggin sharp/thoughtful and just plain smart and well versed in these topics.

You are spot on with racism/ Yes, there are racists that did and did not vote for Trump. There are although, many people, swing voters who were simply conned and many of those people now are upset with their decision. We all, all Americans were given two questionable choices for President & this is where we are. Now we move forward. Rep. Cortez, i urge you and your friends in Congress to win back those votes. It wont be hard at all.

She is a fucking cunt. Get her off the media channels, Americans had enough of her stupidity.

go get me a drink AOC!

This is stupid. The guy in the hat asks " you believe the President was trying to incite violence?....." The child congresswomen responds "ABSOLUTELY". Dumb hat guy then asks "...clearly, you think the president wants violence?...." Child congresswomen doesn't definitively answer YES like she just implied. Instead we get her nonsense spin. And just to help the passionate science award winning (2nd place internationally) girl, the word you were looking for is trajectory ( , not an arch. I truly believe now that the world will end in 12 years with people like her in Congress.

I see nothing wrong with what Ilhan said, it was TRUE! Every word. There was NOTHING antisemetic in her words, neither in the shortened version nor the entire speech she gave. Where do all these thin skinned fools come from (that are whining about it)? I can't even imagine what Ilhan must be going through with all these trolls spreading lies & threats, and our own President acting like a total moron and perpetuating the lies and inflammatory cr*p. Shame on the Democratic and Republican establishment for NOT stepping up to the plate and telling how it is or how it should be, but wait, they're too BUSY lining their pockets with $$$!!! Ilhan may be muslim, and I am a Christ follower, but I will continue to pray for her, for her safety, and her well being. Love your neighbor as yourself is what the Bible tells me.

+e val79 I understand your honest question. My stance is, I still wonder who did 911. It wasn't Iraq. It wasn't Afghanistan. Bush said there were Saudi men that did this, and yet the original manifests for the airlines show no Saudi names? "Some people" did do this, we just need to know who. Muslims were blamed. In my small town, a storefront was shot out of a small convenience store the day after 911. A young couple ran the store and I felt so bad for them. They were muslum but they didn't deserve this treatment, they had done nothing wrong. As difficult as it is, the bandaid needs to be ripped off of this wound and someone with a stellar reputation (is there anyone?), needs to shine the light so very bright that all the cockroaches scatter. Maybe, just maybe, we can then go back to being fellow Americans instead of a divided lot, all scared of a 'boogeyman' while an inept Congress wastes more time, and more of our hard earned money. I for one am frankly tired of this game.

Honest question here. If u change 9/11 w the holocaust, what happened to the Jews under Nazis, does that make a difference ? Some people did something. And I do agree Americans lost many rights under the patriot act.

Agreed! and the unindicted 1 gets away with admitted pervery, violating the emoluments clause, insulting men and women of Congress.Lying daily.The "all Muslim ban, the idiotic wall debacle, caging children and refusal to denounce racist groups and their actions in Charlottesville et al.  yet no ones screaming about " him who has DEMEANED " the Presidency through the vitriolic hate constantly spewing from the administrationand its swamp appointees !1:">?please stop badgering our newly ELECTED members to Congress .

AOC is so stupid she needs to study for a drug test

IF you support this woman you are either a bad person, or have a low iq. That's not debatable.

Trump is a sadist, he says things to incite violence and sits back and gets off on what happens.


Netanyahu is Trump without the DEMENTIA......

Randy, another sheep that thinks CO2 is destroying the planet ?

Can we hear from Andrew Yang?

I love AOC HOWEVER she needs to get rid of "I think" as much as possible because so many people already hate her to begin with (which is sad)...Her spiritual light triggers evil and darkness like very little do...God bless you AOC !!!

One of the better interviews with AOC. She’s a fucking boss. I really hope the corporate democrats will try to primary her and Omar so we can humiliate and shame them when they fail horribly, and then primary them. Pelosi says she’s a progressive - if that’s the case then why isn’t primarying corporate Dems in deep blue districts “where a glass of water with a D by it’s name can win” to replace them with progressives her compromise position instead of opposing all primaries against sitting democrats as if it always risks seats?? If she did that she could EASILY get the progressives not to primary corporate Dems in swing districts

i wonder which satirical level of spin the hucksters will put on her words to drum up some fear among the reactionaries

AOC is not perfect but you could never accuse her of Skullduggery!

Alexandria, try to concentrate on your policies and not criticize and you will catapult your policies so much faster.

Virtually every politician criticizes one way or another

She hasn’t answered one damn question just a bunch of double talk!!! She just keeps spewing bullshit! Has she even gone to the border?!? NO!!! OMG!!! How about do your job!!! I’m glad I don’t live by you!!!

I can't believe this prick Kleideman asking her to give up social media. Seems like he just wants her to be less able to communicate with the public to push forth her agenda and beliefs. Would he ask that of all the Clintons or even her surrogates and bots? I doubt it.

this girl is a 28 year old wack job.

WOW! That's Amazing!! A Talking Donkey!!! Of Course It Has To Be Told What To Say Or It Just Ends Up Looking Like A Dumb Ass, But Still That's Very Impressive Considering Its A Jackass LMAO!!!

A truly sad statement of the state of affairs in this nation when an imbecile of this caliber is permitted such a loud and ongoing voice.

AOC's ignorance and stupidity might be her saving grace. I really think she is too unintelligent to know what she is saying. If she did understand, then she would merely be evil and need to be destroyed. However, let's avoid all that unpleasantness. In the next election, I hope the voters in her district simply vote her out so she can step down in safety and with dignity and the American people can move on to better things. If she gets re-elected, there might be little choice as to what needs to be done to save liberty.

This is what the failed education systems look like; A pretty face with a dreamy child’s mind. Why are they even acting as if this flower child has one validated thought that is based on reality? It’s like having an interview with a third grader instead of a well educated adult. This idiot supports everyone EXCEPT AMERICANS and yet she’s in the halls of Congress making policies that hinders every natural born citizen in this country.....shameful! There’s sooo much to impeach President Trump like ...............crickets! How can anyone take this shit head seriously?

I like her now

"Scandals in the Trump Era" What a brilliant piece of bait-and-switch. You can expose the skullduggery of Trump's detractors, and then still make Trump look bad by applying a label like that. It is skullduggery about skullduggery.

I like this woman, a lot!

Mr. Crowley is Evil

I have a feeling AOC will be waiting on my table in an nyc establishment in approximately 4 years

As more and more ppl follow clueless 'leaders' like this bartendress with zero experience in - Business - Family - (no children not married) - Finance (clearly clueless when she wanted to spend the 3B tax break) - no social skills - often becomes flustered and arrogant - it lets me know that Americans really ARE being dumbed down. Hate me and flame me - but the proof is in the pudding - Facts are Facts - She is a hypocrite who does all the things she tells others not to. Private cars million dollar book deals - paying off boyfriends with our money in behind closed doors - transferring campaign funds to private accounts. Its shameful that my fellow citizens allowed such an unqualified person to be given any responsibility beyond making drinks. You scare me.

Trump 2020!

calling someone a racist is like THE worst! i’m so offended right now. i’m so oppressed.

ISLAMIC RADICALS terrorized the USA on 9/11. For you to draw conclusions on 9/11 when you were at a young age is ridiculous

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS INTERVIEW! she is truly an asteroid hitting our politics with a big bang! "SOMETIMES PROTESTING ISN'T ABOUT WHO YOU'RE AGAINST! IT'S MORE ABOUT WHO YOU ARE FOR!" by: AOC at 51:21

b mckone

I voted for President Trump. I think a wall is a good idea. I GUESS I'M A RACIST. I guess I don't like black or brown people lol. I guess thousands of black people around the country are racist against black people lol

she’s not only a coastal elite from the fifty first state! she’s a moonwoman! the earth is flat! don’t let the fancy science woman with her intellect confuddle you! The Moon Vasion is underway and puerto rico will have its revenge !

she’s Amazing! how fucked are we when moderate soc dems seem like hope.

eat my shorts, there fruit of the loom

I would ask how such an ignorant idiot as AOC got elected to office, but the Trump sprang to mind..I know high school kids that could answer the questions more intelligently..

She says there are millions of open jobs.. Those jobs are open because they can't find people with skills to fill them, and illegal immigrants don't have those skills either. She never mentions that we should be giving U.S. citizens who's jobs are lost to automation and offshoring the skills for those open jobs. As it is now we have millions of illegal immigrants flooding an already shrinking working class job market an competing with citizens for the few working class jobs that are left, and driving wages lower.

AOC, your’re clueless. Keep reading those democratic socialist shpeel note cards. You should debate if you feel so strong about your “ideas”.

"Democratic socialist"? Why not call it what it is? COMMUNIST!!!

There are literally funded leftist groups with open borders right in the name that are telling people in central America that if you reach the border with a child you get a free pass into the U.S. Which is why we have unprecedented numbers showing up at the border with kids.. But open borders is fake..

AOC is an amazing bullshit artist. If she wasn't so transparent, they'd be running her for president. & she scores lots of identity points! +1 +1 +1

great interview - much enjoyed :-)

#AOC is the dumbest cunt ever elected to Congress

Damn, those teeth are enormous. And her god damn gums need to control themselves. Any politician debating her should take note and back up when in her immediate area.

maybe people that don't know how to speak english shouldn't be in an english speaking govenment ;)

I hope Trump thanks AOC when he wins next year..

These guys need to quit pretending that "both sides" are responsible for the dangerous political environment we're in. All of the aggression and danger these days (and since the rise of nation-wide right-wing media in the 1990s, really) emanates from the right, meaning Republicans and Libertarians. These guys are being deliberately obtuse. If they don't know better, they shouldn't be hosting shows like this.

Just shows how stupid aoc is, i real do hate her voice dunno why

You could put this bitch in a room full of mirrors and the stupid twat would think she is talking to a sold out crowd.

This was great. She is thoughtful and tries to maintain balance.

AOC also known as Ass On Crack or All Out Crap is giving her mentally ill opinion on things that she mostly favored upon during her time in hell with Papa Satan.....


She calls 60 millions people racists and wonderswhy we can't have a discussion on race.. And is surprised a lot of those 60 million don;t like her.. People generally will get mad if you call them racist when you don't know them from Adam. And a border wall is based on 20 million illegal immigrants in the country and up to 100,000 a month more flowing into the country. And our Amnesty laws are being intentionally abused to overwhelm the system.

You lost me at Trump...

No questions about the overt racism, authoritarianism and anti western activities of the regressive left - good job

OMG....!!! AOC is literally the Stupidest Person in the US Congress....!! Hands Down..

Maxine Waters? Pelosi? Nadler? She's just the most visible...

Goodness, AOC is such an idiot! On every level

Nothing substantive? Just an idiot, just 'cuz you say so? My FOX News alarms are ringing

56:01 Escapism is all most people have to feel comfortable with the world around them, and if the world wasn't a complete shit show we wouldn't need to escape behind a screen now would we? So fix the world you political hacks fucked up and than you can lecture us about our addiction to social media.

For anyone who wants to know what's going on with America and elsewhere in the West read this article. The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia.

She is dumb as hell her approval rating is 23% in NY. SMH

A.O.C.C. whats the last C" stand for...????

AOC looks like a bug... with the same size brain... This little Bimbo is dangerous because she spews this bullshit and the youth believe her...

how about capitalist socialist...make lotsa money but still give back to the community

Alexandria is not answering questions properly, very vague....dumb answers

AOC has an asteroid name after her? I think an opioid would be more appropriate

Note to self. Proofread.

Tourettes guy voice: UPDATE!!! No evidence of collusion found so FUCK YOU!!!

She's a moron,barely sharp enough to be a dupe.The left is so desperate they look to this puppet,Rep.Omar is a radical muslim who was elected by ghettoized muslims.These lefties are a just hypocrites.Claiming that Omar does not know what she's saying due to poor English skills is just lying.Let me say not all muslims are terrorists,but most terrorists in the world right now are muslims.I can't watch any more of this trash.

AOC is an idiot!

Nothing substantive? Just an idiot, 'cuz you say so?

Ummmm Put all your Eggs in the " NO NOTHING " Baskett

Penis nose is a straight up CRAY CRAY!!!

Hmm, missed nobody will lose their doctor, no bodies insurance will change, any one under $250,000 will see a rise in price...oh his list goes on.


You Yank Poofta's need to stop medling in other countries u crap cans. None of this shit need have happened if you cunts were to behave like decent humans. Europes immigration problem was created by you yank arse wipe Faggots.


My argument is the way she speaks... no confidence, quote: "like, like, like." "SHE," is "the trickster !!!!!! On the youtube channel : Phoenix 10, on livestream, AOC posted on livestream about President Trump is a "trickster." She "tricked" the government when she funneled money into an Llc. account!

Because you Yank Fuck wits interfeared in their countries you piece of shit.

This threatening of the new Congress people is domestic terrorism. Husbands use violence against their wives to terrorize her into obidience. Lets just stay true to the meaning of the word instead fo weaponising it.

the asteroid is as invisible as her brain. while AOC talks b.S. about the military budget and focusing on impeachment Kim Jong is starting a cozy relationship with Russia get your heads out of your ass Dem's.

FUCK Hijab Women !!! They are THE DEATH of The Republic and Its a Strategic PLAN ..The very beginning For America . wake UP! Idiots !!

She can't like others in her party tell the TRUTH about anything and as far as taking things out of context she is getting to be a real master at doing so. She needs to admit the Dems' will do everything in their power to deny a win for Potus. She probably thinks the Civil War was about slavery but denies the fact that the Dems' did not want schools integrated and she knows nothing of international trade or trade agreements.

Is she just lying or really this STUPID??! Inquiring minds NEED to know!

AOC, you are not focused regarding anything.

AOC !!!! And Science !!! GOD HELP US ALLLLLLL !!!!

Listening to her is like listening to a teachers aid in kindergarten...


2ooooo, 3ooooooo uh 2 no 3 no 2

sadly seems the only way gringos will ever understood what a refugee crisis is until they have to suffer it for themselves, when you gringos are the refugees, just like in those disaster movies. Climate Change will probably be the one to that for you, teach you what it means to need to escape the land you love.

Really, looking at the video I never thought that way. Seems like only liberals see the racism. Go figure...... No it was not clear what Rep Omar was saying. JS Reparations? I don't want to sound racist but who still living is or was a slave? Nobody is, so how do we owe the ancestors that were not enslaved money? My grandparents lived in tents and picked cotton and did farm work as kids on different peoples properties. Where's my money for my white ancestors suffering? I don't understand it.

But how do you change it? Omg! an actress , and not a very good one at that. In fact she is bad at it.

They ask her a direct question then she dances away from the point. Way off point and everyone gets lost in her translation

We dont need 100,000 of them in here not on my tax dollar

Shes a liar! Trump has not influenced the surge. Special interest groups like aclu accomadate the illegals. They ran down there and told them what to say at the border. God. I cant stand it anymore. What jobs? You mean take away jobs. Nuts

Umm.... no...

You make me sick. AOC.

Smart smart smart... she's got it down

If it looks, smells, talks and associates with communists, it must be a communist. No supporting commentary or contrived imagery can improve it.

This dingbat can't even add and subtract. But Science was her passion? LOL. That was a great opening.

What evidence do you have that she can't "Add and Subtract"? Science being her passion in school, she got a fucking asteroid named after her for her projects/experiments in a hospital (Montifiore Hospital in the Bronx, on aging). In high school, she won a science. The prize? A fucking asteroid named after her. WTF is wrong with you? Reality, do you live here?

Doesnt she know theres executive, judicial and legislative branches? Enforcement is e executive and judicial isnt? She wants Congress to enforce, perhaps? I'm a carpenter. Can I go around the electrician and hook up the drains using the cable guys tools? No. Lord help us all!

2:15 AOC

It is very clear that Trump should TAKE AWAY the right of FAKE REFUGEE IMMIGRANTS to be caught and released and the right for the US population to pay their legal costs. They need to be immediately removed from the US. With the ones currently detained - instant deportation. In fact, they should have NO LEGAL RECOURSE - just send them back without legal bullshit and without paying US PARASITE lawyers. All they have to do is push people back over the border and let the country from which the FAKE REFUGEES cross the border (in this case, Mexico) deal with them. Mexico could, IF THEY HAD WANTED TO, have stopped the October 2018 Migrant Caravan (in fact, all caravans) at their southern border. If Mexico wants to let them into their country, let Mexico deal with them. Trump CANNOT LET ANYONE CROSS THE BORDER - if he does, he's fucked.

The word "abortion" does not appear in any translation of *The Nag Hammadi Codices.*

Gratuitous intro narration music way too loud! (:-(

The Midwest is gone forever due to catastrophic runaway anthropomorphic global warming. Trumpenstein and all 60 million of his monsters are insane and suicidal; and do not care that all they will have to eat by the year 2048 is plastic and aborted fetuses. *Abortion is the tool which makes the “abortion-con-job” work.* Snake-Oil-Salesmen, EVILgelical, “abortion-con-men” easily deceive RATpubliKKKlan lemmings. And have forced “abortion-derangement-syndrome” upon them. So they can pick the pockets of these pesticide & lead poisoned, inbred, six-toed, radiation-DNA-damaged, flooded-out, pig-farmers. So that the money-grabbing, mega-church, child-sexual-abusing, immoral-criminal “abortion-con-man”; can buy a private-jet for his child-sexual-abusing mega-church. No religious text ever translated anywhere in the world contains the word "abortion". You are being played for a fool.

As Million Calves Lost In Nebraska Beef Prices To Escalate Dramatically In The Coming Months

Climate Change Increasing Frequency of Coastal Flooding

This woman is an actor, that’s why she talks rubbish with no facts or evidence to back up her stupidity. Actors live on imagery not on facts or reality.

Funny how in the intro to the show where they show presidents lying, they conveniently forget to include Obama.

Fawzi: Obama is also a communist like AOC.

She is not an Obama supporter, nor Obama is a supporter of what AOC advocates for.

Hmmm. what a gift to the republicans. Thanks dems, this is who you are.

Rachel Maddow is FAKE NEWS. I want to see Rachel Maddow crying again, like she did when Hillary lost the 2016 election. Ooh - everybody else lying about FAKE immigrants and crime - NOT rachelMaddow, nancySuckPelosi, pocahontasElizabethWarren or ocasio-cortex, though. I want to see Rachel Maddow crying again. The problem with the FAKE media like the Clinton News Network is that they employ Low IQ dummies like Rachel Maddow and Jim Acosta.

@15:19 AOC tells a WHOPPER conspiracy theory! Trump created famine that resulted in a crisis so he can fulfill a campaign promise to build a racist wall? This is wilder than ANY Alex Jones theory! Are you effing kidding me? Even the HOST stumbled trying to stop her while processing it.Whoa, BABY! *THIS CHICK IS OFF THE CHAIN!*

What an Idiot.

Like she suggests and influences people, by saying the world is gonna end in 12 years? To try and pass a piece of legialslation that is basically a communist manifesto sprinkled with some solar panels and wind turbines!


She challenged my IQ!

Why am I wasting my time listening to aoc

I didnt , not for 1 min..she is a phoney paid actress who is dumber than a box of rocks

Democrats are losing voters because of stupid comments and weak candidates. The weak candidates have no ideas, and the strong ones say dumb things. AOC is a narcissist. The border wall isnt racist, its nationalist. Huge difference. If AOC is wrong (which she is), then her WHOLE THEORY is wrong! Build the wall!

wow AOC looks great in b&w!

And no conspiracy, she isnt from the bronx, went to ritches area in nation when she 5,, Yorktown. .

Aoc has solid policy, ? Like the new green deal,? She lost 25,000 kobs,, how is that empty

+Samuel James trying to say she is making horrible decision shes in congress, if u think shes great thats your perogativ

Bernie Mac so what are you trying to say



The intelligence of a dumb bitch @ 26:24. You're welcome.

Crazier than a bag o snakes

To: Bernie the Ancient Commie, Pocahontas, the Brooklyn/Venezuelan rotten tomato,  and Other DEMOcRAT Hoodlums-- In conclusion of  American history study: 640,000 dead wiped out all reparation forever and ever.....   learn American history......

Claiming being targets of foul play is a very old commie trick.... . the Brooklyn tomato is just a commie with a Venezuelan plan for America...

some are  perverts....  and some have Venezuela plans for America... some are ignorant of American history... and ALL  are liars, cheaters, and thieves........  the  DEMOcRATS, Remember that in November 2020......

you have no idea little girl.... but i believe in free speech ...but still no idea

My God she is the gift that keeps on giving to the Republican party. This program she is on is a waste of airtime too. What a couple of losers running it.

Boy, is she scary dumb.

I don't understand if the dislikes are totally based on folk's personal hatred towards AOC... As she has answered every question sensibly, Trump could have given clear answers about his position on any issue/policy, he just keeps deflecting.

AOC A walking unmitigated disaster!! Smash communism

This is actually an informative interview! The host are challenging her in good faith without agenda.

and she will be almost ignored once Pre. Trump is re-elected. right Alexandria.? I predict she will not be that happy viper.

Conspiracy theorists and a dumb bitch! Great combination though

This is what you get when her gender studies professor wants to tap that ass so he or she tell AOC that she is intelligent ... and her horny drunk bar patrons tell her that is beautiful at closing time. And she was dumb enough to believe it.

You think honest , compassionate and grounded people go into politics ? No. I hope AOC (along with Bernie Sanders of course!) is an exception

She's not the dumbest congressman butt is trying to be. One Democrat was concerned that the Quam island might tip over when the army was sending all its troops to one side of the island. I can't even watch this. It is hurting my brain listening to her pushing the same Demonrats lies and SJW dogma.

AOC is everything wrong in this country


Hey cortez! Dumb, dumber and dumbest fits you to a tee.are you afraid to debate a conservative? You are one sorry excuse for whatever you think you are. It would be helpful if you wore a mask in public. You are pathetic.

Because you lie I hope you go down for lying

Are you trying to frame her? You're kinda putting words in her mouth..

Saying absolutely nothing, spewing lies and garbage

Hahahahaha Get the fuck out AOC

I cant stand that fucking moron

Again So Stupid

Now if you all will shut up! There is absolutely nothing for you to worry about, Jesus is coming soon in his new Bombardier Jet Plane to relieve all of you from your pain. AOC an the Isrial First CIA will aid NY Times an the Post with more CIA gain.

Isikoff is guilty of backing up the Dossier with stories from the Dossier. He's as dirty as they come.

She is So Stupid!

A lot of frightened conservatives on this thread... as usual.

Scared of what. A moron who doesn't even know what a tax break is. She thought NYC was giving Amazon money. And feelings matter more than facts. Pelosi even said a glass of water could have won in her district.

AOC supports Omar because she is an anti-Semite.

Who is aoc? pause at 28:31

What a Bimbo!!! No wonder she refuses to debate Candace Owens or Ben.

get your ignorant asses to the border and see for yourself moron

Is repulsive, it makes me want to through up when it comes to listening AOC bull shit about communism or any shity topic that she talks about and it makes me even more sick watching how immigrants like me that came to this great country looking for a second chance in life supports the very same ideas that destroyed our country's in the first place

Her words do not need to be taken out of context, they a CLEARLY stupid!

i had to laugh when see said back door bank accounts........

Trump in the intro, SHOULD HAVE SAID "There will be "NO TRUTH" if I'm elected instead of him saying there would be no lies. He would have kept that promise!!!

The border wall in the US is not a racist policy. Mexico has one on their southern border. How is that racist?

AOC is scared of JEWISH BOY BEN SHAPIRO to debate, TERRORISTS and EXTREMISTS cannot debate their IDEAS.

Omar hates Israel and wants them to die. The bible says "Those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed"

The asteroid is the size of her brain, pea sized.

Why do we need establishment hacks on youtube when we already have Fox, CNN and MSNBC? AOC rocks, the interviewers suck

so...Yahoo News? That's a funny way to spell "Democrat Party Broadcasting"...

Race race race damn girl you really need to expand your vocabulary or maybe use your 1st language.. I really feel sorry for our country because if this goofy cunt can make it to Congress and her little rag headed brother fuckin. Friend can actually even be permitted to visit must less live in the USA, we are in some deep shit, these to nasty bitches are on a mission to destroy what little bit of freedom we have left, I really can’t believe that the ppl of Minnesota actually voted for homar, and the ppl of New York should be fuckin ASHAMED of themselves. I hope neither of them get re-elected. Or even better kid napped and taken back to wherever they came from . Cause they sure in the hell do not belong in the USA

ayand... um.. you know..

Propaganda for the uneducated.

Republicans have been targeted for assassination by democratic retards. Can you say the same?

Aoc just became even stupider which isn't a word but the best way to describe her intellect. She just talks to hear herself talk with actual no facts it's time she just takes off her clothes and does what she probably would get the best attention.

if i trying listening to AOC i realize i am suddenly very smart

Maybe you are to stupid to comprehend...

Complete nonsense.

Everything AOC claims that Trump is doing, the Democrats are doing too.

+The Ensovist That too.

As well.


I don't believe anything this female says - the fact that she is in Congress and speaks so derisively about President Trump - her Commander in Chief - is offensive and questionable and gives rise to wondering what her real agenda is. That she is so supportive of Ilhan Omar is very troubling, considering where her loyalty lies. Ilhan Omar was the speaker on March 23, 2019 in Los Angeles at "CAIR" ("Council of America Islamic Relations") - CAIR is known for supporting terrorist organizations that have acted against the United States & Israel. Her speech addressed "Empowering Valley Muslims." CAIR has a long history of affiliation with the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah. FBI investigators uncovered evidence establishing CAIR's place in the "Palestine Committee," which was a Muslim Brotherhood-created network aimed at helping Hamas in the United States, according to a report by the "Investigative Project on Terrorism." In 2009, US District Court Judge Jorge Solis ruled that there is "at least a prima facie case as to CAIR's involvement in a conspiracy to support Hamas." Moreover, the organization was officially designated a "terrorist organization" by the United Arab Emirates in 2014, placing it in the company of Al Qaeda, Islamic State and others. The Muslim Brotherhood wants to establish an Islamic Caliphate and Sharia Law in America. Their goal is to infiltrate our social, political, and educational institutions to implement Sharia and an Islamic Caliphate in America. They have determined that North America is the ideal place to do this through a process they call "Civilization Jihad;" which means they conquer the civilization and Jihad. "Jihad" is defined in Muslim text as "warfare against non-Muslims." With the placement of Ilhan Omar in Congress, the Muslim Brotherhood has achieved infiltrating our political arena. Does it have to be made any clearer what path they are on in our country? We should all be very alarmed at one common danger. Assyrian Nahren Anweya (MEWC, Director of Special Projects) Outs Ilhan Omar & Warns America of impending Sharia: Published March 6, 2019 by Breitbart News

Dayum - even the thumbnail is cringe

Every comment AOC made was slanderous , hypercritical . AOC is clearly racist, her comments, associations and twist on every word which equates to ; she can be inaccurate , inflammatory , support those that break the law outlined in the constitution, she claims to be a radical and wants to be the boss. The disaster of previous administrations which Trump is try to fix she is blaming Trump for. Why because he is a white Caucasian Christian male and not a pro brown Latino like her then you are the enemy. Real Americans need to start being more pro active and defend their ground before these ' squatters' claim the ground under different colours. She is slipping through creating total disorder and distraction with a stupid fantasy.

AOC is clueless. Maybe she should be on a reality tv show with all that star power

And I suppose the guy you think is smart says windmills cause Cancer. Fucking moron

Oh Good God you actually have beavis butthead in person.I can only let my mind wander to all the prerequisites et up in order for her to do this interview..just let your mind wander like her being on CNN with Lemonade head or faggot boy..Along her stupidity they follow with, right right I see yes yes..Kid glovin her pathetic ass..There isn't a single question she's ever answered logically..As for even watching this piece of sit look at your support..These are your people and you have only 1,000 more likes. Her popularity is fading fast.her brains krept thru. She had a poorly kept secret.I am a moron..I am a one hit wonder..Nancy Pelosi and the party of hypocrites and PC wont admit it, they just have to kill her off.They're already doing it next term. They've eliminated her district by moving around numbers.A simple solution rlly...

Congressional rising star..There's a huge difference from being made fun of and rising start people..She's like watching Mike Tyson..You just cant wait to hear or see the next stupid thing...

If there are any people in this chat that actually support this window licker, you are dumber than her and I fear for your children and the terrible doctrine you support and are brainwashing them with. AOC is one of the stupidest, racist, moronic, idiots to get any more than even 1 minute of fame. She is the product of a terrible University system that the left, which the left is 100% Anti-American, has corrupted and ruined. If you are a leftist. FUCK YOU and get the hell out of OUR Country, scum.

If ilhan Omar is having trouble with English as a second language as AOC does then maybe she shouldn’t be a congressman if it’s so hard for her to use the right words

Her eyes makes me uncomfortable.

There are several people that reminds me of being aliens and I'm not talking about from another Country, and shes one of them. She very very scary to me.

Shes talking about President Trump, so when she says I waited on tables for that guy, I'm wondering if she even knows that President Trump has never drank smoked or did drugs. So just because shes been a Bar tender doesn't make her the voice of all NY. She's a complete idiot and needs to go back to busing tables and Bar Tending.

Everyone in New York loved And admired Trump until he became president

Trump has been a laughing stock for the last 30 years, what the fuck are you talking about.

You are a gangsters moll. You quote a proven liar. Your treading a road full of mines mouth.

Lots of Russian lovers on here ~ gop nra and Putin’s trolls

..this con must be declared a "PUBLIC ENEMY" of the US!!! she lies through the nose to pull though her false narratives!!!.. she demonizes people and institutions at will to makes her views to look real for the uninformed but all she says are truck loads falsehoods and then more. She's a total insult to the intelligence of the American people!!

Oh my gosh words hurt this chick has no clue


Not her best interview. She seemed a bit lost.

..this immense idiot thinks that she could re-specify the US to extend unrestricted welcome everybody in the world to come to the US and also be part of the government!!.. these type of retards will equate to the bankruptcy and demise of the US in one generation flat! you want to allow????

Man, her IQ is lower than a frozen potato. I’m so glad she’ll be voted out of politics. I hope she still knows how to bartend.

And you Michael Isikoff are only interested in making $$ from conflict for Yahoo and therefore yourself. Allow AOC to speak to policy that is important and urgently needed. Not the clickbait you breathlessly insert at every turn ... your a gossip monger and misuse a platform that could be used in a positive way for a purely self satisfying purpose. I hope this is the last time Any Person of Interest allows you to exploit them for your aptly titled blog rag @ Yahoo. NEWZY ...

These interviewers are awful... "Couldn't you just not call Republicans' policies racist?" FOR THE SAKE OF COMMON DECENCY AND ALL THAT IS POLITICALLY CORRECT AND SAFE.... You guys are fucking hacks...

im not even american nor do i live in america but i have been watching her i thought she was kidding and it was a new american sit com for 2 months

There is someone pulling the strings with here and Illhan and the other newbies that have come into congress, too much a coincidence that these extremists have become soooo ballsy.

Omg I can't wait to hear about that she said tomorrow. So funny she really has nothing on trump. She don't know what she is talking about it sounds like she is twisting the truth and she know it. I think she hates America. I see that she wants the whole world to take over. United Nations funding the immagrant move to our border and the demacrats are right with them. One world order take over America.

I could take any 4 words you say and create outrage around it ! That's what democrats have been doing to trump since he's been elected ! Beautiful quote idiot !The longer I watch this , the more stupid she god who the elected this idiot ? What a dumb,lying, ! She should have been a dancer cause she danced around every question that asked any solution for the problems she found with trump.Typical democrat about the problems but never offer any solution . This whole speech is ridiculous !

Socialist cunt !

Please keep AOC around. She helps Trump get more votes. I have never seen so many Democrats I know personally convert to the Republican party and they credit AOC for their change of party. Thank you AOC, you go girl.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Keep up the great work ocasio on destroying your own party. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

USA should never be compared with WW2 Germany...Cortez neither understands tyranny nor the freedom she enjoys in making such an idiotic statement. She does not mentally qualify to hold the office she has.

So she wants to impeach Trump based on his difference in policy.

being a red indian i am offended by aos's use of the word red in the context she uses it!

I really listened to the whole thing, waiting to see if she would make any sense about something, even given watermelons to swing at, she went down looking!

Couragious women will always provoce weak men. If men stop being weak then they will see how wrong they are. AOC and Ilhan Omar are heroes!

Trolling much ?

AOC's socialist bullshit cost her district 25,000 jobs. She's OUT in 2020!

She has a degree in economics, and somehow got a higher grade than me. A living indictment both to the US university system and its political system. The perspective from New Zealand : you have a problem over there in the US.

She made the video not Trump so don't blame him. Cortez is the person trying to influence people with hate speech and as does Ilhan.

What a bimbo

How the heck she feels comfortable coming up with those nonsensical answers?

Maybe you have low comprehension skills...

For you AOC supporters here, did you actually look at the Amazon deal to see what it was about? A refresher: Amazon HQ2 gets $3B in tax subsidies, and over 25 yrs would generate $27B revenues in Queens, a depressed economy. AOC is ignorant on how subsidies work, and it's a loss for all concerned. Subsidies are not piles of cash sitting around waiting to be spent on jobs and public works.

Old timer liberals created AOC with Libtard Lunacy Doctrine, but now can't control young ACO, to fall in line behind older Democrat leadership


Done at grating music intro...


A nitwit horse face Cortez WILL NOT decide our future, PERIOD!!

These interviews expose what a complete moron she is. "Reach in a bag...there's so much to impeach..." Name 3... ::crickets:: what a moron.


AOC=arrogant obtuse cunt

Simple and true philosophy: Patriotic and honest lawmakers always work for public interests (of the majority of American people – 99 %) – Greedy cowards and political puppets just work for filling up their own pockets and dishonest crony, and ego bosses with unlimited greed bts…

Damn she's like a dream. Only 29 so smart ❤❤❤❤❤

Maybe 10-18 minutes in AOC she was saying Trump is a racist cause he wants to build a wall and how his words have repercussions but then older guy then asked what she would do? NO! fucking answer but reach-around talking points. AOC, starts off thinking she in in control but it doesn't go so well. The older guy really starts to grill AOC about 19 minutes in. 26 minutes in, AOC is asked top 3 things why she would impeach Trump. Really? emoluments!, doesn't she know this describes everyone in, was, now, ever held a seat has done!, including herself in her own legal issues about campaign management moving a million bucks to a limited liability corporation, which is fraud. 31 minutes in AOC says, "pieces on a field"; democratic and then republican cocas in house then a sitting president; a basic lineup for power or in charge. Congress askes for oversight and authority but only use as a impowering seat to buy time and not actually do anything other than hold their seat and ask for more time and blame others for their incompetence.35 minutes in AOC makes up a person unsaid and says "he" hates Walmart for unknown reasons. AOC retracts at 36 minutes in. 38 minutes in AOC talks about AMAZON.

AOC = Always out of Control

Michael Isikoff apparently doesn't like AOC.

She needs to go back to riding on the c..k carousel

AOC, you mean well... I know you do... and your policies are right on the button. But if you cannot articulate them, on the spot, no half-measures, in a manner that even these old cucks could understand, then you don't have the stones to be in this fight and you should bow out. REALLY go off the rails and ACTUALLY challenge the Establishment and do so COMPETENTLY (RE: Jimmy Dore)... or play along with their game. But pick a damn lane. And whichever it is, go at it 100%. When you start feeling like you're in big trouble... good. Chase that feeling. Defy Nancy Pelosi, piss her off. That's a good thing. THAT is what you should inspire. GOOD TROUBLE. Because FUCK Washington... #REVOLT

Was this latest piece of political theater MEANT to be seen as political theater? These Deep State puppeteering acts keep getting lazier and lazier. Get a better script. And better puppets.

Wow! That's straight up defamation of character to assume he's a shady real estate developer that involved with the mob. How many violations has she committed with campaign funds?

Oh dear God she is truley atrocious. Her words taken out of context? No Omar is a racist like AOC. AOC doest have any policy. She is given policy and told what to say. Her thinking a boarder wall is racist isn't confusing issues? Seriously listen to her nonsense. We don't struggle to talk about race. You use race to try and control people. Listen to her. Talking about race to her is just about "racism". And that is about her racist ideologies. She is the racist. Those working at the boarder say there is a crisis. Drugs, human trafficking, the high incidence of sexual abuse and rape of illegal female immigrants. A wall would stop all of that. She didn't create the green new deal. She wasn't even in the room when it was writen. She is a fake. She is happy about being an anti-capitalist and finding others. Seriously. .. she wants to destroy America? Competing documents about the GND.. no your handlers got busted for a trash document. She doesn't think she's made any errors? With all due redpect her whole presence is an error. She is economically illiterate and a dangerous person to be in any position of responsibility at all. . Putting inflections on words doesn't make them true or well reasoned. It actually means the opposite.

AOC, I like you. But please don't say English is your second language because I heard you speaking Spanish and you really suck at it.

He owes money to oligarchs not Putin. Putin was pushing for lifting Magnicski sanctions. Trumps main crimes are money laundering and tax evasion.

Get rid of Homeland Security we didn't have the problems we have today before them.

TAXES! Proof? The word of a convicted liar? who would have said anything to get a better deal .....You, people, are not just stupid - you're a special kind of stupid. If you want to Convict someone on Tax crimes look at you fellow Dumnercrate serving with you.

Money in politics is the problem, reactionalism and offence taking is the mechanism of distraction, you guys are baby's coding baby's, AOC is beautiful through and through. Increase in migration is in direct correlation to our foreign policies. We have a much broader obligation than just accept or reject. We have boarder patrol DHS and immigration we don't need an SS.


No umbrage to be taken, some "other" people, not of her sect, persuasion, ideological extenuation or mode did some violent shit they'er all just pissed because she didn't grab bag all diverse Muslims under a neat scapegoating label they can jump on as they are predisposed to do, she nor any Muslim she knows had anything to do with nine eleven, but two of our favorite allies Saudi Arabia and Israel sure had plenty to do with it. The more histrionics and outrage the more the probability of gas-lighting as diversion, as is the current operational norm.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's husband : I did not have any sexual relations with that woman

Hahaha this bitch

BS , pure BS!

Rep, Omar is a hateful bigot full of hate... Trump was fully justified to point that out.. Trump has been threatened thousands of times, so what... Clearly the left has been so hateful towards the people choice for leader of your country...

These guys have the old white guy patriotic mentality. They’re unconscious of their actions. America will never heal without people like aoc.

A year ago I didn't know she's retarded . I do now .

I love AOC. Ilhan omar is a proud American woman who is devastated by the events of 911 just as all the proud American Muslims were also devastated by the heinous 911 terrorist acts!! As AOC quite rightly points out the racist president is inciting hate as he has always done! Hatred perpetuated by our highest office is a cause for hate crime against innocent Mexican people, gay people, Muslim people ,Jewish people, black people etc who are also as American!! hate does not only create division but also creates terrorists!!

this is ridiculous that we entertain someone is so inept to talk about these subjects

Listening to her talk is like having a nothing burger for lunch topped off with a cotton candy for dessert. There's just Nothing There.

she talks like she knows trump

Yes Trump makes it clear what he wants done and because he says it publicly people cant believe he is serious. During the presidential campaign on national TV he said ' The 2nd amendment people should do something about Hillary Clinton" . DONALD TRUMP ON NATIONAL TV ORDERED AN ASSASSINATION OF HILLARY CLINTON HOPING SOMEONE WOULD ACTUALLY DO IT. The Secret Service paid him a visit and told him never to do that again. GOOGLE IT!!

I an trying my best to hear her out but this lady makes ZERO sense. Especially when it comes to race. I'm black and I find her completely irrational and nonsensical.

MAKE AOC BARTEND AGAIN! A kissed off Hispanic

My 9 year old granddaughter has more sense than AOC

Calling something racist racist is almost more racist" they say. WTF? Isikoff and Klaidman? Are they some kind of right wingers a-holes or what? What kind of bullshit questions are these! "Do we accept them all"? Says Isikoff . What a fucking dickhead. AOC answered these questions very well. I wouldn't have had the patience to deal with these numbnuts. Isikoff NOBODY IS CALLING FOR OPEN BORDERS! You're such a dick.

I have a feeling her asteroid was a Joe Dirt prop. "it's a space peanut"

This girl has the brains and the beauty! WOW! Watch out White House her she comes! First time I watched her and Im really impressed.

Can you answer one FUCKING question? @ least one, and STOP going around of every question, how in the HELL u got elected....

She hasn't done squat to deserve the attention. She's bought snd paid for by Soros.


Silly Twat waffle

She is so dumb lol

*AOC 2024*

38:55 this dumb toilet hose is talking about the Amazon jobs she eliminated and questioned if it would have been realistic .... What a dumb fuck! She plans to eliminate cars and replace them all with electric cars and finds that more realistic than providing jobs. Omg

AOC: If I say big word, do trick.

{ How to answer a question: provide an answer. } How AOC answers a question: she doesn’t because she is dumb.

as painful as it is to watch Michael Isikoff's body language and listen to the sheer disgust in his voice when asking questions, I'll continue watching. not sure why I expected better interviewing integrity from Yahoo News...

They asked her amazing questions. The questions were simple. They did not require an essay answer. She didn’t answer any of their questions. She went around in circles and changed the subject multiple times within the same answer. She’s a dumb ass. A ducking dumb ass. I would have respect for her if she would at least make sense it answer truthfully. She did not. Dumb ass. She needs to go back to bar tending.

Jesus the trolls on this video are just absurd. There is an insane amount of spam, I cant tell if its mostly bots or not; it probably is mostly bots.

She needs to return to the bar and serve more PBR and peanuts. She has mentally ill eyes.

Bot. Right here.

This is a true perspective of the failure of this woman.........she won't be around in 2 years!

like she is sooo dumb. no wonder she is scared to debate with anyone.

When you introduce such an ambitious bill that is willing to massively transform America, you need the electorate on your side. And while it is true that 90% of the American public supports universal background checks and this doesn't reflect in Congress, the only way to change this dinamic is to replace that Congress. AOC, other progressives Congressmen/women and grassroots movements should campaign to primary every incumbent Democrat and challenge every Republican so we can have a Congress that reflects the will of the majority of the people. A Congress that is for the many not the few. A Congress that doesn't take corporate money to serve lobbying and special interest. A Congress that works for the Working People of America not the Fat Cats and Shareholders receiving cheques to their offshore accounts. Americans must wake up and smell the coffee.

great chat! thank you!

AOC and Omar share there hate for white men christians and Jews. Hate is the glue that binds them together.

Great job Michael! You are very good at what you do!

ICE=Storm Troopers. Nobody joins ICE because they want to help immigrants, they join ICE because they hate brown immigrants. Period. Drop Mic.

*BERNIE 2020*

This woman sucks. Sucks something awful.

THIS woman is straight up retarded no FUCKIN Brains AT ALL

I swear, this chick is one of the dumbest and morons ever to be elected. She talks about Republicans and FOX duping people, after she tells people we are going to die in 12 years if we don't get rid of planes and farting cows. She is totally clueless about EVERYTHING.

AOC is our angle?

Holy shit. this moderator is a FUCKING MORON. What an aggravating HACK.

I remember now why I got rid of my Yahoo home page after 20 years. No news is good news. Lock Hillary up!!!

WOW, after hearing AOC, she simply MUST become our president, and soon!!!! She constantly speaks what so many of us feel but are afraid to say, or who cannot put into words!!!!!

Whether we want to pay reparations to minorities is not the question, because after the way white people have treated blacks, and still are, paying reparations is absolutely something that HAS to be done. But, to pay black people what they are owed, would bankrupt the economy!!!!

Why does this guy not just let her speak. He keeps interrupting her!

One reason I like AOC is that she does support Ilhan Omar whom I support also!!!! In fact, I think Ilhan Omar should test the waters and consider running for president in 2020 or some time later.

I dont know if she is old enough but oh my god that would be so cool, an AOC/Ilhan Omar ticket would be SO COOL.

She's as idiotic as I thought she would be.

My goodness she's stupid!!!! And very boring to listen too.

Building a helipad consists of a 30*30 slap of concrete..

Moron supports bigot. Why am I not surprised.

Can you name three...oh yeah there are so many

Lots of hard, ugly angles on that bitch's face. The psycho eyes don't help either.

Remember... Democrats elected this. You can't make this up. Unbelievably funny.

Oof, you listen to abba. You sad fuck

You obviously didnt watch the video.


She stuggles a lot less with softball questions than she does fastball. And English is her first language. She fucking lies. Her first word may have been papi but she is no Alex from the Bronx


New York.. here is ur spokesperson

This woman is a woman an epic moron.

Nobody ever challenges her idiocracy. Her interviews are bullsh. The first time anyone starts hitting her with facts, she's done son. She's gonna freeze up, or go full butthurt snowflake on a m effer.

When did ANYONE "hit her with facts", nothing she says is even reputable. Pretty much everything she says is common sense, you people are so ignorant.

What happened to the black accent? $175,000 a year for this? God she is stupid. She calls Trump and everyone who supports a wall racist. Then tries to explain it away by saying it's their fault she called them racists. She calls people racists because they don't agree with her. She just makes thing up.

Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies... Keep fighting the losing battle... MAGA Wins Again. :-)

How funny! She's just like a child trying to act and talk like a grown Democrats sure do know how to pick some winners hahaha what a joke!!!!

she is very dangers

Omg she talks like a 10yr old valley libtards are cooked.

Omar is another thing that we need to get out of the government. Her Muslim friends have infested our country and done enough damage. They’re nothing but war mongers.

she has a 12 year plan hahahaha

cool though finaly we have male cheerleaders

she will endorse the winner when it becomes apparent but oh wait Trump will win

LoL Justice democrats ,, not a special interest or holders of "dark money " these lefites will go the way of avanatti

What does that even MEAN. You trolls legitimately have no clue how stupid each comment you post is.

The introduction of the New Green Deal is enough for me to go on. She is not someone who I want making decisions for me or my family.

This woman is Awesome !

she is a joke a meme a moron she should crawl back into whatever bar she crawled out of crawl into a bottle and drown then have some fat old leftist drunk come into the bar drink down the bottle she's in and piss her out in the urinal where she belongs

You could only expect this from yahoo news. What a joke.

The grey haired guy seems to be like so many, reshape what you say every 2 seconds until you sound like you have a point

If 25000 jobs for 3b tax rebate is unrealistic, why are we still talking about GND?

Amazon is a disgusting business that has been DESTROYING our country. They outsource production to china so it can be made by people who work for a penny a day, and then they sell it back to us and in the process they can drop prices down so insanely low that American businesses cant compete and then amazon takes over everything, they are working alongside Wal-Mart doing this. Amazon wasnt going to bring 25000 jobs, they were coming to take away MILLIONS. Rich people arent these gods that just create employment out of thin air, they use their massive amounts of wealth to control our society. The green new deal is an attempt to weed out some corrupt oligarchs power because they have been lying to the public and claiming climate change isnt real, exon has known climate change is real since the 1970s because their own science and research team are the ones who discovered it! Theyve been trying to cover it up for 60 years, and becauaw they are so powerful the only way to get rid of their grasp is through government action. Also, we have such a lack of good jobs, the green new deal is a secure way to give people a good paying job guarantee. Infrastructure is so bad in America, we could literally give every underpaid and unemployed american a good job and ir would be a benefit to our society not a cost

Are you serious?

This woman is brilliant! I started time stamping at about 13:00 because I saw this interview may be more interesting than I originally thought. 13:15 The host tries to stop AOC from talking about racism. 14:38 AOC totally turned the tables on the interviewers because obviously, they want her to shut up about racism.

Thanks for the time stamping. This woman really is great. She will help get Trump elected in 2020.

She dropped out of social media because she was revealing to the general public what an idiot she is. Her ideas might fly with her bubble of influence but the majority of people, Liberal, Libertarian, Conservative, find her ideas idiotic. It's best for her political career that she keep her babblings to herself.

Only dinosaurs and greedos don't appreciate AOC

Currently cringing... This woman lives in a fantasy world and has no perception of how the real world works. Signed, a Canadian.

So obvious this thing was born male.

fuck her

Wow attack attack attack. Hit piece anyone?

I love how she says Yeae- ahhhh…. Yeee- ahhhhh, must be from all that donkey riding in the Bronx.

The asteroid HAS hit the earth. Its called AOC Stupidity.

I feel like they're not letting her talk

Come on little crazy,big crazy Pelosi still kicking and need to do more than lose job's,not like trump who has done what with unemployment? And the backing to kick the crap out you. So how did you get the cash?

Why is this retard recommended for me? I don't hate my children. I don't want to turn America into a third world shit hole. I don't have an IQ of 85. I don't have a retard's understanding of economics and how markets function. I don't want to start a civil war. She has and wants all of these things. Fuck her, and fuck all of her violent, retard supporters.

Crazy AOC has become stupider and stupider every day.

Only stupid people support terrorists.

This is one dumb BITCH !

yes yes yes! keep showing us how much of an absolute air head you are! literally the stereotypical radical left liberal. u honestly think building a wall is racist? maintaining national security is racist? the idiocy is laughable.

America you have a winner here....wish we in oz had someone like her..sigh!!!

How is she a winner? She wants to turn America into a third world shit-hole and start a civil war. You've got one fucked up idea of how the world is if you think she'd win at anything but disaster if she had power.

She is the future.

AOC: I'm concerned about Trump reaching farther into authoritarian territory... *Interrupts* Interviewer: I'd like to get back to the social media topic

Who gives a fuck what you personally think AOC. Shut the fuck up about what YOU think. You are representing the American people not yourself. She's just an activist in a government position - a dumb one at that.

"We have an ASS-teroid in the WH"

The Republicans should never try to defeat Ocasio-Cortez, as she's more helpful to them when giving her moronic opinion.

This woman really is dumb if she thinks hating Walmart, lobbying groups and corporate-government influence is anti-capitalist. Those are mainstream capitalist positions. Bezos and the Walton family aren't capitalists.

Where does she get her facts? Even Obama's guy came on CNN and said yes it is a crisis! And AOC, I'm a Christian Grandma, and great gram of Chickasaw Indian & and white, who gave me greats of Mexican, Seminole & Chickasaw Indian and a half black, white and Chickasaw Indian. I'm not racist, I celebrate their ethnicities with them! I also live in Oklahoma where jobs have left, gone to Mexico, cheaper labor. We also have a big illegal immigration problem. What jobs are left are taken by illegals, again cheaper labor! So go live life and then spout off your fake knowledge! It'd give you a bit of believably! God bless you

Jesus, does she know anything? She just spats without any knowledge or a fully thought out response. She didn't think Amazon could promise those 25k jobs @ 150k each. Ok, you don't think it could be done, but doesn't provide any evidence of why you believe that. Because feelings?

50 Muslims are tragically gunned down in New Zealand and the Left loses it completely. 359 Christians are massacred in Sri Lanka and... crickets. You shall know them by their fruit.

If she could complete ONE single thought... that'd be greeeeeat SQUIRREL!

I love her! Is she not the best?


Excellent. The Green New Deal for all.

The Green Leap Forward! Let's see how many people retarded sociopath socialists can kill this time around! The record is a few tens of millions. America's a big country. She could set a new record! (Tell every American household that they owe $600,000 in taxes to pay for rebuilding most buildings in the entire country, and see how long it takes for the bullets to start flying. That's not to mention ending air travel and skyrocketing energy costs, which the poor pay the most for as a % of household budgets.)


Hi I'm Gústaf from Iceland. I have a question from the whole world: WHY THE FUCK IS THIS IN BLACK AND WHITE???

Hey. It's me again... I was just wondering; WHY THE FUCK IS THIS IN BLACK AND WHITE???

I'm a mexican immigrant and I think a wall would make our borders safer and I'm not a racist. AOC is describing one lane in a 10 lane highway. Unbelievable.

Old crazy eyes horse face AOC

Let's get back to our oranges persecuting Christian Refugees.

13:30 Hey ass hole! When trump says the wall may not work because people can go over or under but still asks for money to build it, means it's a fuck you monument to Mexico and the rest of Latin America. Trump wants a monument and his base wants a symbolic middle finger based off of fear and tribalism. Fuck off with that incendiary nonsense excuse

Interesting how she immediatly stops talking and automatically listens when someone else speaks

She obviously never did that in an economics class.

She is a idiot.

My favorite asteroid

A real look at the inner workings of actual politics. Unfortunately the "interviewers" came across like CNN employees with all those brain dead mainstream media questions.

Only here for Alexander C. .. as for Micheal I will never watch anything by him or associated with him


I love her

She drinks from a straw! Omg the planet will definitely end in 12 years now! The only crisis being created is every time AOC opens her mouth she says something stupid.

46:15... Hopeful.

These 2 guys are idiots

(((MIchael ISikoff))) worked on the phony Steele dossier, Google it.

I will be excited to see Michael Cohen back on the stand. He can fill in Congress on the redactions in the Mueller report to keep trying to reduce his sentence. Of course the only way to prove what Cohen would say wrong would be to actually release the redactions. What an interesting time we live in..


Don't be what Elizabeth Warren was to Bernie

Yes, an ass terroroid in the white house as well... said somewhere around the 4 min mark

I had to leave early ... did either of them ask AOC if she will stay in politics after she gets demolished and not get re-elected in 2020 proving that a glass of water had a better chance? #Ouchie that would hurt.

AOC triggers Trumptard sect. Better avoid comment section.

@17:56 OMG... By now you should be able to at least answer that question

She did dude. Unlike Tramp who just says stupid comments like they're all criminals-rapists-terrorists, her answer intelligently covers many facets of the issue. Listen to her entire response again.

How would she know that the subway is falling apart? She calls Uber to give her a ride in a fossil fuel burning machine that is made with a great number of plastic pieces.

I feel the hot air that fills her head from here... A more likely cause of global warming.

Two and three? ...I'm sorry Alexandria, the answer we were looking for is "five".

The average Hostess twinkie has more brains than AOC.

A great number of people in this country simply choose not to work because they would rather abuse our welfare programs to support their laziness then even attempt to work to support themselves, and her solution is to accept more immigrants to fill that gap?

Where are the hard ball questions? She has barely answered any of these questions realistically- just a bunch of words, half of which have really zero Basis in reality. Listening to AOC is barf worthy. Glad you guys are making money, while the middle class fights this kind of Propoganda.

This woman is ridiculous..... She just wants to be famous.

Everything that comes out of this woman’s mouth is nonsense. Why pander to her? Disliked because i cant stand listening to her BS. Good luck

Immigration is not an issue of race. It's an issue of nationalism. Either you have met the legal requirements to become a citizen of this country or you haven't. No one that has met the legal requirements to become a us citizen has ever been denied citizenship due to their race. Stop trying to make it a racial issue when it is clearly a legal issue.

This lady is a moron. She just proved the point for the people that are mad. Some people did something. do you know how many times that is uttered throughout the day? That is why people are mad dummy!!! People say that for the insignificant things that happen. Thousands of people died and I am pretty sure that it was the biggest terrorist attack against the United States. Now go home and water your pet rock so it doesn't die.


She is a former bar tender and still can't make Trump a White Russian.

sneaccy if she did I would hope it was made with poison

Aoc=Irrelevant MORON!!!!! Too stupid to breathe without a script. Socialism is a philosophy of failure the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy. It's only inherent value is the equal sharing of misery.

This girl is dumb, real dumb.

Who are these idiots at Yahoo? We let all of these white people in, why do you care about poor Hispanics coming here? America has intervened and harmed Latin America in the previous century, and don't think it has to deal with the consequences of that.

Ilhan Omar wants to see all Americans burned alive. And this dumb bitch is defending her. Fkn human trash

Takes 15 minutes to answer a simple question about Ilhan Omar. This muslim is trying to destroy our country. And you beta liberals are welcoming it. Fkn losers

The future is a nightmarish hellscape of endless forest fires and famine meanwhile America is flooded with migrants from the now uninhabitable middle east your grandson turns to you and asks grandpa how did you let this happen? you get on your knee and say IT'S OK SON WE OWNED THE LIBS AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS

Yahoo is irrelevant.

Nice of her to support an anti semitic, anti american. Next year she'll say it's racist to hate the devil

+Sumora isreal is a apartheid state so yeah it ok to criticise that and she has never attacked all jews

By the way, where are AOC's and Omar's remarks on the murder of 321 Christians in Sri Lanka at the hand of islamic terrorists? They voiced their disgust when a white supremacist killed muslims in New Zealand. Obvious the hate and double standard? For us, common sense people it is.

+thescopedogable hateful remarks about jews and Israel does, specially when you only point out Israel and no other country. The hate towards Israel and news is mega obvious.

Fuck off criticism of Israel does not make you antisemite.

I choked on a jelly bean when Trump said "there will be no lies" in your opening.

Why don't you name one lie.

Look at this HEADASS talking down to her

"HEADASS" isnt a word...stop trying to talk like a ratchet skank because you think it makes you cool

this interview is an embarrassment for the interviewers

Lmfao look at these white guys trying to tell AOC what racism is

Charles Charlemagne as a white person, you cannot tell a person of color what racism is or isn’t

being a "white guy" doesnt mean you can't define what racism is. Its a simple definition. Get over your self loathing indoctrination you ditz

She sure doesn't care about the people she represents

AOC'S right, "You check your civil rights at the door in industry jobs." My da-in-law NEEDED a job, got offer, showed up and was told they watch every computer key-stroke." Wrong, 4th amendment. Privacy of thought, expression.

Top 3...... duhhhhhh, uhhhhhhh.... hmmmmmmm. derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

AOC is right. Housing costs already are skyrocketing in Crystal City, VA near me. See The people who currently cannot afford these increased housing costs will not be hired by Amazon at 6 figures. Amazon will hire people from outside the district, city & even the US to earn those salaries. Yet the locals with no advanced degrees or tech expertise believe that Amazon will hire them and pay them enough to cover a $4000/year+ increase in housing costs. These are the people lacking financial literacy- not AOC.

We could do without Homeland Security altogether. If the Executive Office had listened to the CIA, 9/11 never would’ve occurred

America dealt with border immigration as well or better than ICE for decades before ICE was created

except we didnt have tens of thousands of people rushing the border a month. Get a clue

Calling an act or opinion or policy racist is not the same as calling a person racist. Many people support ideas that were proposed for racist reasons not understanding the subtle motivations behind those proposals.

So AOC have literally said "Trump is a racist". The person. So with your comment, what's your point? One of many examples:

That’s rich. Obvious domestic terrorists calling AOC a domestic terrorist

not a terrorist, just a moron

Sweet Jesus above Mary and Joseph... this chick is a complete and utter Ding - Dong.

​+thescopedogable . Everything out of her pie hole is stupid. Takes one to know in your case. Better get on that Green New Deal, you can land on the Sun tonight with her, better hurry.. because the Earth is going to like blow up from cow farts in 12 years. Duh..

All I see is rightwinger calling her stupid and yet never say why? Whenever I listen to her she seems as sharp as a knife meanwhile Trump is ranting about windmill cancer.

+Terry Bedtelyon Straight there in a handbasket and enjoying the ride. But telling the truth nevertheless Snowflake.

And your a blasphemer headed for hell.

Aoc is dumbest idiot in history of govt! She set back womens movement 30 yrs! Gift to republicans!

You cannot take 4 words and do anything with them because you are to flocking stupid AOC

Core aspect of Capitalism is competition, in competition there are winners and losers. Well the winners have won and have forced out the competition and have now bought our democracy. Republicans have been bought and paid for by corporations. Big Pharma will ship you all the Opioids you want till you die. Private prisons want to lock you and your love ones up whether you deserve it or not. Military industrial complex just want wars to keep on going.

dont commit a crime or do drugs and you will be fine...stop crying for your shared misery you socialist tool

the dumb c*nt literally accused Trump of tax fraud with ZERO PROOF. Couldnt even come up with the third reason to impeach trump. MORON!

Communist ego maniac with an IQ in the toilet.

Yahoo - The News Network of the Russian Collusion Hoax. AOC seems like a fine young lady, but she is unfortunately tragically ignorant - about the economy, government, business - you name it. She's a MEME GENERATOR. That's her draw.

I’m a Jew. Even I realize Israel, with USA help , is committing war crimes, crimes against humanity to Palestinians. Take race and religion out of government

self loathing jew

Here is the biggest lie Trump ever told!

Ooo i wonder what is her favourite colour

@Yahoo Your news room looks pretty bleak, what's going on? Wo0dy

She can never deliver a clear cut response...shes a fake...just like the rest of appeal to the young ignorant crowd..

One more thing... In regard to AOC's "I'm the boss" (ridiculous0 comment... NOBODY ELSE HAS PROPOSED NONSENSE LIKE THAT... BECAUSE IT'S NONSENSE. In regard to retrofitting every building with renewable energy... To cite an example how whacked this idea is... A friend bought a condominium loft unit. The city came in and demanded that all units be upgraded with sprinkler systems. *$65,000 PER UNIT* cost. She has no idea how much land windmill power takes and how much ecological damage it does. As for solar, she hasn't even thought about so many areas of the US that only get 100 sunny days per year. AOC if given her way would totally destroy the American Ecomony. We wouldn't need health care because we would all be starving to death. And electric cars... That energy has to come from somewhere... Oh... the electric plant down the road. But that would require nuclear generation in thousdands of plants to keep up with the demand. And people actually voted for AOC? They must have taken stupid pills that day.

she giving up social media because her social skills can only be agreed to by a bunch of she actually makes sense after like 7-8 screwdrivers...lmao!!!

bill clinton has been impeached for a blow job. i can't see how trump is not impeachable. if not for just respecting the law at the very least

I think we should acknowledge the wrongdoing our government is doing BUT immigration won’t stop too until governments from other countries change too!!!!!

I think denying asylum seekers from Central America s a prime example of Americans' tendency to forget history. Let's bear in mind that, during the 80's, the US ruined these countries with the Dirty Wars overseen by none other than Eliot Abrams. We OWE those people asylum for the mess we created. Period.

I was really excited for AOC when she made it into office. The more I hear from her, the less I respect her. Very sad that she turned into a true politician so fast.

Bernie 2020 Aoc 2024

Love this woman! Trolls respond in 3, 2, 1...


And now we know that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is retarded she is totally stupid and a gift for President Trump

That studio looks like a dump. I don't believe a word of what she says because I have come across a lot of liars in my life and she exhibits all the same tell tale signs. 1. a big ego 2. everything is all about her.

This helmet wearing nut is why the Romans used to kill there mentally I'll and why Lions eat there young!

Love AOC BUT!!! you guys held her feet to the fire several times to reveal (in my opinion) she has not yet a complete policy set (if still way better than her opponents). For instance on "open borders" she first equivicated then said we need immigrants for service jobs kinda forgetting her call for a living wage which would make these jobs more desireable to the many who are unwanting to work hard for menial wages. Overview good tough interview to make her think. But she is still one of most thoughtful new politicians willing and wanting to get things right and better.

She's hooooooooooooooooooooooooooot! So pretty AOC is .

I'll see you a little bitch twat that's what you like Bernie Sanders an old white guy and now you don't like Biden another old white guy so make up your mind bitch no don't you got no mind the only time you open your mouth that you say something stupid because two brain cells have collided with each other and all of a sudden you blurt something else that you know nothing about God you're a stupid broad in a pretty ugly twat at that. Quit wearing skirts the smell is repulsive.

is one thing I finally agree about what this dumb bitch Cortez I don't want to go back either I don't want to go back to eight years of screwed-up government under Obama and Biden.I'm sure she doesn't want to go back but guess what little shit bitch you will be going back you'll be going back to serving coffee or boom if you're lucky because when you come up for re-election you're not going to get a single vote unless you vote for yourself QUEEN BITCH.

She’s really stupid

Bets on whether she isn't her own person, but is a drone acting on the directions of her handlers?

Your modern college grad grown up. uhm. Anyone see news from Sri Lanka? Wonder if she could find it on map without the net or help. Heck, I wonder if she can spot Somalia on a global map without help. I actually view Cortez to be a racist, hypocritical, and a bigot.

AOC is a hypocrite...

The woman is the definition of a moron she makes me ashamed to be from New York City the only good thing is this idiot will be a one-term congresswoman and then she can take her pathetic ass back to whatever gutter she came from!!

She has the mentality of an 8 year old but she means well.

Look what she's done to her actual constituents... Already... Stay in your Lane AOC, keep your policies in NY.

Good God, what a stupid woman!

What dumb broad - ohhhh there is so much stupidity in this interesting interview

Social Media OMG is addictive and is dangerous for our kids... if you a parent shouldn't you be supervising that why is an 7 yrs with a iPhone and a social media account why is a 13 yr old hooked on their phone or tablet if you as a parent is blaming social media I suggest you look in a mirror and ask yourself if you doing right as a parent

This pretentious ignoramus has no interest whatsoever in discussing or, rather, using, anything other than "The Symptoms" and the negative effects of those symptoms, to try to gainsay over Miss Ocasio-Cortez. Is that his only goal? Is he so immature that he WON'T even consider that there 'must' be a sickness IF there are, in fact, obvious symptoms? The cost of policing immigration, together with the cost of actually, physically creating that, which causes(d) the immigration (problem) in the first place, is surely way too expensive! Stop making problems in other countries and see how quickly American border/immigration problems cease.

whos the old bag of dicks in the striped shirt

A racist is a racist. It's not about equal passion

I would say 25000 lost Amazon jobs as a splash. I would say her attack on Christians, a splash. And I would say her silence on the Muslim terror attacks that killed over 300 christian women and children in Sri lanka, a splash, even though she gave 14 tweets on the new Zealand terror attack, or was it? I would say campaign violations, she should resign.

The next nancy pelosi

Her body language is shady.. Her political aspects is a bit low brow.. But most notable.. Her fixation on being first at something such as being elected to Congress as a certain race or nationality..To me personally seems like a political strategy to victimize or guilt a person into office merely by being a certain ethnic/ racial background.. That small detail that should be of no concern is then pivoted onto the voting citizenry as a guilt trip under the guise of diversity while disregarding wholly what any of their ideas while in office may be.. This is complete political excess in its full display for the entire country to gaze upon .. Waking up isn't required.. Id say Standing would be more admirable and speaking to this ignorance before it flourishes

Why is this in black and white?


They named an asteroid that's going to whipe out the United States. How ironic?

AOC and Candace Owens are both 29. I would love to see they have one on one debate about the racism. I will prognosticate that Candace will eventually pin AOC to the wall as a racist. Which is true - AOC is a racist. Why? B/C she wants to destroy a man, the President of the United States, who creates the economic condition in our country which lift black people out of poverty.

AOC is proof that there is a serious flaw in our educational system. We need to identify the Collages that are failing our kids and see to it they get No federal funding. It's a shame that Parents and children are going into deep debt to get this kind of education.

3:00 she did her research in aging.. and used it on herself.. unfortunately it only works on the brain

Her facial features are too big for her face...

I love AOC, I wish more politicians were real and honest like her..

william lanning She's a liar, a fraud, and does jack shit in the district. This is coming from a person who LIVES in AOC's district. I'm not even a Trump supporter or a conservative but AOC is one of the stupidest politicians that I've met in my life. Watch Tim Pool (a liberal YouTuber) to find out her true side to politicians.

Supports a terrorists apologist like Ilhan Omar

AOC thinks very clearly and has very good judgment on why things are the way they are and what might be a good way to deal with the problems.

I find it encouraging that even on Yahoo which is basically the MCL of online news sites being that everyone who uses it is old, there are still more likes than dislikes.

What a smart and talented woman. Can’t wait to see her in coming years

Most people are unwilling to even visit these war torn countries for vacation so why would they expect anyone to want to live there... Americans for the most part are just plain out spoiled we have never experience war in our own country during our life time and it shows

Clear picture of what two white dudes old out-of-touch thinking look like. Partially informed people thinking they know best.

This dirty cunt should be spit on.

Ugh! Racism is opposed to Liberty and Justice for ALL!!! You're an American or you're not!

Anyone who supports Trump after Charlottesville is racist.

Hey AOC, I'm a NYer, Why don't you talk issues about Trump actual instead of " .. He seems liiiiiike….that guy..... who may be in the mob...." . I am utterly amazed that this really dumb horse-mouth woman is in Congress.

She said her opinion. Thats a scandal. I mean Trump NEVER defelect riight.. She is 29 not 1 year in this job. What are you doing Brendan? Also in politics?

Nah she’s not impressive at all.


Well. Its good to know you dont want opposing opinions in your life

s B Probably because he’s a white man : the left today legitimizes fallacies.

What happened to the black accent?

Wow I’ve been watching this because I’m trying to be more open. She said one thing I agreed with one amongst a lot of babble and that was her point on bipartisanship and Yemen that we should not care why we agree on getting something important Done but on the fact there is agreement itself. sounds good to me. The rest well fortunately I don’t understand or speak Babel so I’m not really sure of basically just about anything else she was saying. I did hear her say she has a refugee friend from Venezuela how does that happen I thought Venezuela was A-OK AOC. Oohh ohh And I agree with her about Facebook

It is incredible how we think of human being as different races. Human being is a race. Just like Apples are a fruit, tomatoes are a fruit. We are so incredibly stupid and ignorant to realize that humanity is not a difference amongst its specie. What we are arguing about is simply a discussion between good and evil which is the only existential thing that can be different or separate from the rest of our reality. Bottom line we need to stop fear mom goring and get financial strength to rival the current financial backing being put forth by the republican bipartisanship. Which by the way is not being truthful to its constituents. These constituents don’t take the time , effort or steps to gather factual information to make their informed decisions. They are told what they want to hear and these blue collar un-educated individuals run with miss-information that makes absolutely no sense. You give them grandiose thoughts and they feel superior to people that don’t look like them. We need to fight back, if we join we have a fighting chance against the current leadership.


I can't keep listening to these old guys.

What in the god that gave breath to grass and pot and pan and pompei and passage to man. What is Ilhan Omar doing. My dear Ilhan you YOU u are ARE r not being long term about your comments. In light of the POSITION you are in you are not in ANY POSITION to disjoint the effort of the United States. Ilhan there is a way to pastor to a people and there is a way to pasionately scream murder and get the attention of the actual people the fyuck is going through your head when you come to the land that did two things show up to somalia and take you into their somalia or as its known The United States of America. to them Ilhan this is Somalia because Somalia is a name given to place by a people whos lives for the past 27 years have been going in perpetual circles. Ilhan you got behind them and then attacked their character. You are not in the position to say "You killed somalis and somebody somebody muslim rights gone' FIRST OF ALL that's taking my job. Cause I currently have a few offices that are accepting my oppinions as worthy of acceptance. Ilhan the method to making a movement in the United States of America is written in a constitution. Evident in the lives of the past and present. Who's EXAMPLE were you following. WHY ARE YOU SOMALIS SUDDENLY WRITING YOUR OWN CHECKS AND JUST DOING EVERYTHING. Litteraly everything I did so far has been along a path already tread before me. Who in AMERICAN POLITICS treded the path of 911 was somebody somebody and YOU KILLED SOMALIS. Ilhan there reason you are part of a party is to be protected and enabled and amplified by protecting endabling and amplifing the party MESSAGE You are just walking into wals Ilhan. There is no way to take a critisism and expect to get to events that happened 90000 years ago. What were you hoping to acomplish. You didn't even help make muslims more free you just ignited another 911 chant. Look at what you have acomplished and learn of the real cost of words the aftermath of how everyone took your position. I am dishonored by Somalis Everywhere.

Because you have to have a higher purpose when you say things. To an entire

Honey,go and get my boot and hip waders it's getting deep in DUMBASS, and I THOUGH thinks might get better!


Thank you, AOC. You are a spark.

What a beautiful and intelligent woman.. And the fact that so many Republican retards are so triggered on here PROVES she's doing God's work!! Go girl!!! MAIA.. Make America Intelligent Again!

I just lost brain cells watching this. Go to go to doctor now. Errrrrrr!

PERPETUAL AUSTERITY Here is why any blue won't do. Bernie Sanders Revolution Is an economic Revolution started by about a half a dozen brilliant economist's including Stephanie Kelton. Our current economic model is a neoliberal economic model of Perpetual austerity for the poor and middle class And it is perpetuated by this Question "how do you pay for it" implying the myth our government cannot afford it. "HOW WILL YOU PAY FOR IT?" Every other presidential candidate Will continue pushing the neoliberal economic model that we cannot afford it. Regardless of party. Bernie Sanders And his economic advisor Stephanie Kelton are out to end the Unjust neoliberal economic model. This is what really has Wall Street scared shittless! PRIMARY NEOLIBERALS! I will not vote for any other Democrat because to vote for any other Democrat is to vote for the neoliberal economic model Of Perpetual austerity. THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE DOES NOT MATTER IF THEY'RE GOING TO CONTINUE THE SAME NEOLIBERAL ECONOMIC MODEL OF PERMANENT AUSTERITY FOR THE POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS! Learn about the revolution behind Bernie Sanders Revolution. #LearnMMT #BERNIE2020 #Biden2020 #2020

that thumbnail was a choice

I am a conservative, but i hate being lied to. To me being a conservative is a way of life. I love money and capitalism, but i don't agree with the confederates that call themselves conservatives and call other people names like rino, or domicrat. It's beneath being a conservative. But i would vote for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just to see Rush have a heart attack on TV, and Tucker have a stroke while announcing the Alaxandia Ocasio-Cortez just won. I watch fox news and they remind me of the opera pagiacci. Ridi pagliaccio Ridi di che? Ridi paglicaccio Ridi de me Ridi - Non c'é diferenza Ridi - A me non me importa Ridi - Co munque é lo stesso Ridi - Ridi di piu, ridi di piu Non mifrega el tuo rispetto Di te sono lontano Non voglio la tua testa Non prendo la tua mano E meglio che sia cosi Ridi di piu, ridi di piu Figurati

These interviewers are the worst

Hey AOC Socialism sucks! Hands off my V8! Let freedom reign! Peace.

The guy with curly hair is too aggressive.

Ol' boy with the curly white hair definitely is racist or just panders to racist people. Trump is in fact pulling a 'Hitler'. Germanns didn't know the Jewish were being slaughtered, but they supported a "stronger", more "united" Germany. The same rhetoric Trump is boasting. And boarders are not an issue...just for racists.

She supports Omar because she is an idiot and doesn't think for herself. She parrots the Liberal socialistic agenda, also she supports Omar because of she is a WOMAN OF COLOR and everything Omar says is right even though she is a racist and anti America!

AOC on the VA: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” AOC on global warming: “kids have their blood ascending in lead levels, their brains are damaged for the rest of their lives,”

Sonny Tuft Lmfao, she’s as dumb as they come. A liar, fraud and she even admitted to not knowing what goes on in other countries because, “She’s NOT an expert on geopolitics.” Smfh, yet her “degree” is in.... Drum roll... Economics and International Relations. Just sad, soo damn sad.

Here's what our f'ed up immigration policy has done for Miami-Dade County; population. 2.8 million, 13% white, 18% Black, 69%Hispanic

Interesting how youtube does not let me post a response to my own comment. So Rick Rick, burp kiddo burp. Good boy!

The woman is the definition of a moron she makes me ashamed to be from New York City the only good thing is this idiot will be a one-term congresswoman and then she can take her pathetic ass back to whatever gutter she came fram not to mention this idiot cost my city New York 25000 jobs and this moron acts like it's something to be proud of!!!

TheVideomaker2341 Thank you & Amen!!! Finally, someone who actually makes sense! Lol, I’m actually searching Tim Pool right now...

this comment is underrated lmao

P.M. It’s easy to say dumb shit like that hiding behind a meme pic and initials at least Brendan Tuohey & I stand behind our comments. 1st year into her job and she has no idea wtf she is saying. She’s just retelling what other democrats are saying. At that, she still can’t be “factually correct”, then she covers it with saying stupid shit like, “Isn’t it better to be morally correct than factually correct?” Seriously... WTF???

We call that a leader.

+Virgil Kemp no words just hmm hmm hmm. Lol

+Virgil Kemp You still believe in trickle-down economics? lol, that's cute.

White guy here or close enough. They are morons. Better?

Dont be racist. Is it because they are white, Angel Lugo?

Break this up into sound bites.

SUSTAINABILITY! the current system is unsustainable - so there needs to be changes made. Dictatorship is rather harsh what is the alternative? Soil! Food! Energy! Water! People need to gain rights and true independence! capitalism is just showing it's true face these days - and it has nothing to do with democracy. Greetings from Post WorldWar2 Germany - which at least tries to be self sustainable. (but also fails in many ways)

i really do not like it if the person interviewed can not even finish a single sentence without being interrupted... yahoo news is biased. also wearing hats indoor just looks silly. vote for someone with intelligence AOC is.

AOC makes Sara Palin's comment about being able to see Russia from her house sound almost as intelligent as Einstein's theory of relativity by comparison.

That woman is the best thing to happen to politics in a long time. She's so stupid, Trump is almost guaranteed reelection. Leftists must be mentally ill masochists.

AOC is the only bartender economist will reshape the American economy..

The border wall is NOT RACIST. This is laughable. What is she talking about? This moron is a moron. This is a fact that people will figure out in HISTORY.

Love AOC, but boy am I tired of people calling 911 a terrorist act. It is absurd. Look it up, buildings do not fall in their own footprint from planes hitting them. It is just goofy and bewildering that mainstream does not acknowledge this at all.

Everytime she speaks she embarrasses every person that voted for her. "There's just so many reasons... (even though I can't name a SINGLE ONE)"

She's an embarrassment to all female politicians in the US. I thought Pelosi was an absolute retard. Cortez makes my skin crawl with how dangerous her ideologies are, how little she understands the bollocks she's been spewing since day 1 and how stupid she truly is as a person. I still want her to explain how she's going get 40billion dollars together to pay for her socialistic nuthouse, let alone how on Earth Trump is bad and Omar good??! Oh sweet mother of God like. Read a book you dumbdumb.

its halarious how she says that no1 has the "political courage" but she doesnt even have the courage to answer straight question. i do appreciate him cutting her off when she was starting to dodge the question, and asked the question again. of course she didnt give a simple yes or no answer because she is a COWARD. she doesnt want to upset her voters. shes a dumbass and i hope the ppl of new york understand that she is not capable or qualified to be an elected official. go back to being a waitress AOC. you are in over ur head! all u gotta see is the green new deal to realize she is living in a fantasy and has no idea how this shit works... go ask amazon her big mouth caused queens to lose 25,000 good paying jobs!! because she thinks that tax cuts means that the government was giving them money. smh... idiot!

How about focusing on AMERICANS

AOC is so stupid it hurts. She thinks her shit doesn't stink. She thinks she lives in 1940s America.

The right isn't talking about policy? Is this moron serious? Its the left who is trying to cause outrage and avoid policy

He didn't say all Muslims. Just her

Was Maxine waters inciting violence?

The fact that she says she supports impeaching Trump but can't even explain the reasons behind said support shows that shes completely and utterly full crap and/or full of cow farts

I am not sure if cows are that stupid. She has no agenda and is a complete moron. Abolish ICE? Yes, we want more drugs, more child traffickers, more of the same, more illegals. Talk to anyone from Arizona, California or New Mexico and parts of Texas, to see how this has worked out. She is laughable. I like the idea of anyone detained to be moved to SANCTUARY CITIES. Let us see what happens to them.

There's like... uh... so much... but uh... I can't... I can't like... name anything specific uh...

A little girl just before Christmas wanting a lot of things in her fantasies as is more like going to get very few # she very vague how things are going to be passed into law # A DREAMER

Pretty sure she overtaxed her brain to the point if further cell death. She might be the first person with a negative IQ.

> says there's numerous cases to impeach trump with. > cites only two weak cases that will fail spectacularly in senate just like her GND.


God that old guy is annoying!!! Let her talk and learn! Stop twisting everything she says!

She’s so intelligent !!!


The next morning....A strong argument to support the effort of government and levarage would be to sight the self determination of the city and how other cities need to join the movement. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO - CORTEZ MOVEMENT to bring together city planers and municipalities under a GREAT GREEN NEW DEAL that would outline the basic requirment that all cities would hold up to any prospective contractor. Because cities are shaving their tax code to the bone trying to out bid each other. Working against themselves and against their interests in the interest of a few thousand jobs that in a few years might go away look at all the Lordstown jobs that went away after the city made a deal that wasn't profitable for the city and what does the city have to show for the many years of the Lordstown USA plant. A massive plant to tear down at city cost or to watch decay into ruin. Bring People Together So That City Planing Can Be Stabalized And Call It A Basic Income Standard For The City. That the city should be making this much from a contract of this size and this value. Do It AOC Bring People Together!

A strong argument to separate social media from the social and media is to argue that in supporting platforms like "x""Y""z" we have put our voices into their hands and our process of democracy into binary exchange and our causes up for the benefit of a platform that gains from all of us and gives to none of us...

The advantage of a basic agreement between cities would be that a big city would not have to wither itself down to pick up contracts and a small city would have the standard of a big city applied to its deal. Meaning small cities would make a big city equivalent in winning a contract. The deal would give small cities the growth that spurs them to undermine the big cities. Big cities who would be buttressed by the standard and given a fair chance to contracting. Either way if all cities are united in contract standards the gain would be to the cities not the contracts.

BS leading Q's--shame on interviews-obvious, leading and disclaimer included, "idk....& ", how weak and spineless , lost my attention... go work for K bros, or get some balls. Glad you're happy and having fun. Interesting how a kid can teach you, even though lead on. High % Defense Q's, Good times.

This is what mental retardation looks liiike.

Yes, a spark that wants to ignite the economic downfall of the US.

+Adam Mcgrath try watching it again. Curly hair dude becomes triggered throughout the interview. Especially about Sen. Illhan Omar.

+Adam Mcgrath No, I am not joking. He sat there folding his arms throughout the recording, raising his voice to speak over them, etc. He needed to take a breather. He raised his voice when he was asking aoc for her opinion on the immigration policy and the boarder wall, which put her in a bind. The immigrants at the southern boarder are not as serious as it has been made out to be. They should have covered what else needs to be done about saving our planet.

Are you joking?

I doubt that Pelosi would agree.

mbot565 what you mean like George soros who funds this occasional Marxist American hating rat who thinks nothing of killing unborn babies, you people are truly fuckin sick in the head and I can only put it down to scumbag parents and college brainwashing. By the way last time I checked it needed old white dudes to keep the planet from getting blown up and actually don’t dem ole white dudes still control and run the world. I guess they do as China now has moved into Africa to help with their infraStructure as it wasn’t long before the whiteman had left African shores that they started starving to death and letting their infrastructure fall into disrepar.

Speaks the socialist who wants big government to control everything.

The house of cards MUST come down. Career politicians are our enemy PERIOD. The DNC and the Repubs F em both

Please run for President AOC. We need you in the highest office in this country. You’re our biggest hope.

I believe if AOC was an ordinary person and a grass root leader ,she way way much more free to express her ideas .there is huge obstacle of political correctness that she uses because of her job .she keeps her main core ideas drifting away from politics for not to look far left.she is the first person of color who actually talks about race .there are and there were thousands of women and men in different sector of US government and they never talked about race .she is unique in this way.looking up to all stats ,sadly people of color have hard time globally in western countries .it is not just US.look at Germany that A.Merkel party leadership has been totally tarnished by massively right wing antagonism. it is in time that Germany enjoys a surplus and huge population decline .it makes sense when you look at reparation of Germans to the world after WWI that made a huge poor population of dutch who erected Hitler but not when we are living in an era that Germany outscores all European economies .when you look at the big picture you see immensely dangerous problematic racial issues in western world .and unfortunately D.Trump rhetoric and his elected for the office has had huge rippling effect on rise of far right in Europe and western world ,even Canada. it is however very true that not all Latin American countries behave the same.looking at Colombia,Argentina and Brazil and all 3 countries are in bad economic situation and they actually have had very small migration comparing to nature of crisis happening to their countries .there is however massive migration within S.America because they free movement agreement among themselves. I am not sure how republicans gonna answer this question that they support Saudi Arabia,U.A.E,Bahrain,Kuwait ,Oman etc as their extremely close allies but then they blame Muslims for 9/11!!! AOC is an ambitious girl but she is now looking tired of barrage of attacks at her .and i do not think she should give up.and i assume ,she won't.I am not sure why she does not endorse any specific candidate from Democrats and I think she is not sure on which one will beat D.Trump or anyone exists at all to be able to do it.she has in her thoughts an anti-war mentality too but how far she will go it is something future will show.J.Corbyn is a best example of a left wing practical and wise politician who was an anti-war campaigner and he does not self censor his ideas and he has seminar and conferences all over Europe to bravely express his ideas on how left should be.I have seen lots of pseudo left and pseudo left is biggest danger to left wing mentality .

Un-American Puppets always try to mislead the American people about Universal Healthcare and they intentionally destroy the American Dream of being equal in healthcare right – The top human right of mankind on this Earth… Puppets really don’t know how many Universal healthcare Nations (UHN) are there in the world? More over 115 UHN on this planet in 2019 …

If American voters want a clean government, they will support the Anti-Corruption Bill introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren. “Then, America needs Referendum Act for nationwide issues”

why can the right act like third graders with their name calling, as soon as someone with real values who is uncorrupted says one thing about them they are the assholes. ridiculous.

Freudian Slip on the word “coding” not sure if I have ever heard that word pronounced in such a way

she is the secret weapon of republicans.

I love how much AOC triggers right wing snowflakes!

Calling people NOT a threat or the equivalent to violence. Grow up...we’ve known this since “sticks and stones...” Call me what you want....I’m not a racist, a white supremacist, a bigot, or “Hitler”. AOC is the blind leading the 15,000 blind who voted for her, and the fantasy world she lives in will eventually destroy this country. She is completely childish in her approach to solving problems and in her communication of those solutions. She never accepts culpability in being wrong factually, and then speaks so generally as to not be accountable for a solution. Truly sad. Funny how all her impeachable offenses are not even being investigated. Since the Meuller Russian investigation can.not be used legitimately, she has to go to a vague law against receiving gifts while in office.

Haha good on her, doing multiple jobs on top of being a salaried high-flying educator to help with her parents' financial troubles.

is AOC a republican sleeper agent? she hasn't been doing the democratic party any favors.

AoC can get it

I made it to 6 minutes— couldn’t stand it any more when she started telling me about “all New Yorkers”.

AOC, 1 term!

a really stupid person

The only argument on our healthcare is that our tax dollars subsidize private (untaxed) profit! That’s not free market, THAT is government control resulting in death panels!

AOC is young and enthusiastic and has jumped into the big pond. It amazes me that interviewers expect her to provide answers and remedies for ALL US policies. I think she does amazingly well and can think on her feet. It is boring to see interviewers trying to trip her up. I think it is great to hear her views, some of which are new born and need to mature. I actively seek interviews that include her. Trashing Trump just states the obvious and we have had enough of that as well as of Trump. She offers focus on change. Positive change. There is nothing like this in the GOP.

After listening to all of this this- Response? I tried, I really tried... But no.

They interrupted the hell out of her. Jeez, let her speak.

AOC is far more intelligent and articulate than what has been said about her.

These old smugs are laying traps ....

ICE was created after 9/11 we were fine before without them

AOC is incredibly intelligent. She must also realize the average person isn't far near intelligent as her. Critical thinking skills are sorely lacking in most people. She pointed out what I saw. Ilhan Omar's reference to some people is simply the idioms and speech we use daily about many things

Kinda like mosquitoes trigger us.

Why would a Republican sleeper agent logically pick apart right-wing policy pushed by both major parties? Stop being a partisan hack...

YeahShes just tuned millions of young people on to politics and what good and poor policies looks like.Republican will love that !

I don't think she's even human

My goodness she really is a dumb dumb!

These guys are typical always wants to pretend everything is even down the middle on hate insighting smh.

Wow, what terrible interviewers. Find better investigators Yahoo. These two get in the way of themselves.

This person AOC, is so dumb! Thank you Yahoo and anyone willing to give this moron an interview so that we can know the truth about her and the dumpster fire!

Thanks for talking about affordable housing in New York. This conversation needs to be elevated.

It amazes you that interviewers expect her to provide answers and remedies for ALL US policies? It's because she acts like she has the answers and remedies for ALL US policies.

Yeah, where she said presidency instead of executive branch? It made her look ditsy. I think she is a bit ditsy. hahaha .But she's also pretty bright. I got to give credit where it is due. Plus, if I'm going to get fucked by my government than I rather it be an attractive young lady than an ugly old man.

She doesn't even know the three branches of government, bro

Yeah those 2000+ deaths in NY were totally fine

far near??? Don't sell yourself short, you're as intelligent as she.

No, we love her. She is in over her head so deep and somehow shes the face of your party. Thanks for ensuring trump 2020 guys!!

+Drew James lol i'm not partisan. a blind man can see that AOC has done the democratic party more harm than good. she has no experience and is very vocal, so she says dumb shit all the time based on some pseudo moral superiority and it gets headlines , and she even has attacked her own party members. she is meme fire for the right. for instance in the video they talked about impeachment of trump. if there was legitimate grounds to impeach trump the democratic party would have already done it by now. no politician on the left and about half of them on the right don't like trump. he would be the easiest president to impeach in american history but somehow they haven't? its because they can't, they have no grounds for impeachment. the left just screeches like holler monkeys about him try to make something irrelevant stick... like his tax returns. No one who has a brain gives a fuck lol. unlike congress and Obama he didn't become rich by using the people that he is supposed to represent as pawns for financial gains, he was rich when we sat down in the oval office on day 1. his tax returns are probably larger than what my entire small town makes in a year and all the people who voted him in now this. unlike past presidents and congress, he actually is trying to commit to the platform he was elected on, he listens to the people instead of manipulating them for his own gains. there is a reason why he has such strong following. the people don't care if he is rough around the edges because they feel like he is working in their best interest. BUT BUT THE MUELLER REPORT... found no conclusion. millions of tax payer dollars wasted on trying to make trump look bad instead of making the country a better place. i didn't even vote for trump last time, i'm not making that mistake again lol

they're totally pushing an agenda, then phrasing it like a question. it's disgustingly laughable. my favorite is at 54 minutes where the dude is like, "so you inspire a lot of youth... my kids and their friends follow you religiously on instagram... but social media is realllllly bad, it creates so called "FOMO" (air quoted), so when are you addressing this and quitting?" her reach on social media scares the s*** out of them and they want her off.

She is a fear monger. She thinks that the world will end in 12 years. If that's the case why would we bother focusing on putting her into office. It's not like she'll do anything in 12 years to save the planet. Remember, the earth is millions of years old. This doom business takes time. So if the world is gonna end in 12 years, it's not reversible. So kiss your ass goodbye.

I personally do not like her one bit. I think she's a 9/11 apologist. I also think that her politics are a bit naive, and are heading toward ther direction of an American holocaust. I'm mean she is a socialist after all. Just like Hitler.

Fuck this “both sides” BS the host keeps shifting back to. There is clearly ONE side that is pushing climate denial, endless wars, and disenfranchisement of the working people— the right wingers— and yes this includes all corporate democrats

Premise translation: I stroked off some nerds and got an asteroid named after me.

Thank you. Pretty awesome.

These two grown men were knocked down by this respectful, patient, intelligent adult woman.

Those who underestimate her do so at their peril.

I enjoyed the whole 1:04:58 of this,it was great.

Took me a second and then I realized why these guys would be on mainstream media- yahoo news. Because they’re “centrist”- they believe in a kinder version of being right-wing.

Talk about jumping to conclusions.

She doesn't have shit to say. She's a moron who regurgitates lies told to her by other morons.

Historically ...Canada has been used to bring illegal alcohol and illegal you see a mention of a wall.....NO....but there needs to be one in yes....republicans are's not an opinion it is a fact....and where the fuck are the reparations for America....Europe got billions for reparations after the war...

She does not read scripts....she thinks...and that is the difference....all politicians will stand there and skull dig with some emotional or so called moral spew....she is bringing facts and figures....but I do believe that she can have an intelligent conversation about most anything....which is very different

What a slut

The reason why AOC is often referred to as Alexandria Occasionally Cortex: the cerebral cortex is composed of folded gray matter and plays an important role in consciousness.

Bernie first just one term--- reeletion---and then AOC

This bitch needs to stick to bartending. Capitalists and millionaires are horrible people unless they’re Bernie, right? The VA is an amazing healthcare system despite vets killing themselves on VA property and the world is going to end in 12 years unless we follow her idiotic plan, right?

Zis iz za vay it starts......first zay come for zee teachers, zen za doctors ,zen za lawyers and ven zay have nothing left?..........zay come after you and your family. So beginnt und endet. Heil Hillary. 卍

Humanitarian crisis is everywhere. I agree


all proof...all they accuse him of they themselves do

Republicans literally have been sending our jobs to places like China since the 1980's during Reagan and now republicans want to blame Walmart for taking advantage of what republicans made possible. Typical republican...............

Different views make certain people angry

this woman is a complete joke... she claims that people take her words out of context yet does the same thing. She's a complete idiot.

If you watch some more of her she speaks of establishing a movement. In 12 years the world will not end but the consequences will be irreversible.

Totally disgusting communist, ban anything that's not towing their communist facist line. she is morally corrupted an factually incorrect and sematically were is her black southern accent. Nutjob.

Why would the interviewers ask challenging questions for the answers, which are non-answers?

At least AOC is acting like a real politician. She's ducking the questions and answering the question she would have like to have been asked. 45+ questions asked, 22 answered (including Jon Snow and the Yankees).

At 26:25, did anyone else hear 'monument' as reason Number 1? I just learned a new word today. I think AOC learned it recently as well.

AOC. In this, the beginning of the age of enlightenment You'll legitimize your self when it's acknowledged that indeed 9/11 was most assuredly... Inside job THAT is the real news (I just found out 2 weeks ago)

Is like and like and like and like before like and like after like my life time like I love like really like and really like and you like cause and old folks like and like danger cause like danger and like is depression like and I think like and like I think. You are pair that with a pair like like like and a lot of peoe would like but like dont like cut the like. Tweet the other day? Well like let me like say like boycott' well like the like newspaper like I can't really like read. I think like this is is and like like and a toy. Like touch. I'm just a like baby like whatever I didn't call for like this like my cover's like whatever people like are fair like and this is inexpextiable like I just dont understand no more cause. My goal is like like my boycott for me aoc like more on fuck you and like the people all new New York. u can do it I can like fuck u too. New York cause I I and I I like and like I like a trump like figure of the issue and ask dont kill our border kids and like I'll sit on my hands on the table and like I'm going to f...all yall. Cause yall roll is to like live me cause I'm here' aoc cause I'm here..I I I I am like here and trump is like like really d as nget.... Okay' let's talk really. This aoc is a joke. Please wake up people..

Was AOC code switching in this interview?

Excuse me but those cow farts are causing massive climate change! When you have billions of cows in captivity, there is unbelievable amounts of methane coming from those cows! I would advise anyone with any scientific curiosity to see the documentary COWSPIRACY to learn why taking away subsidies for hamburgers and animal produce would be awesome for the environment. I don’t think banning hamburgers will happen anytime soon, although hamburgers kill more people than guns when you consider heart disease. And if you are an environmentalist you had better be vegan.

I cannot believe but the transcription is good;

antipsychotic drugs are major tranquilizers... that's why use themm.. awful, just torture; but let's don't forget USA has a huge problem with psychiatry and children, and drugs; adults too;

You missed "Read my lips. No taxes"

The only thing that I dont understand is why AOC is not ready to debate any conservative!!! She blamed Shapiro for catcalling and when conservative women like candace owens challenged her for a debate,she flat out declined!!! If you are so confident about your ideas, debate them! Show the people!! Otherwise that's really bad!!! If she dont do it I request all Americans Please Please dont support this women,She will take America to doom!! I think she is living in a filmy world(Everything she says sounds good but it isn't reality)

+marisol646 AOC is the dumbest Representative!!! She has lost all it

+marisol646 I can't understand if you are talking real or being sarcastic

Debate with them is a waste of time. She is in another level.

we need to take our government back from the elites. they have hijacked the whole system

Bernie first just one term--- not reeletion---and then AOC

Actually, if Harris wins, she would be America's first female president. She might actually hurt Ivanka's chances.

I predict a second term for Trump followed by 1-term of a random Democrat (Harris perhaps). The country will see how insane Dem policies are, and then, we'll have Ivanka Trump in 2028 as America's first female president.

hey bot. i see you and i don't believe your crap

She talks like a blalalalafall...understand. well?? What a joke? I can't wait til her ass is no longer in Congress but asshole people want shit hole places. Take her and she'll f. U..good deal for u. Lol

I'm not triggered per se. I enjoy seeing AOC explain her policies. I love seeing how far to the left she thinks she can go, I love seeing the support she actually maintains while fighting for policies Hitler's socialist party desired. At what point will people start to realize how fascist her views really are. I'm waiting for AOC to realize it herself.

She's a complete utter moron

It's soooo sad when you can say that MILLIONS of CHILDREN are dying in Yemin and it gets *completely* glossed over bc it's not in America and it's just not important. Such a sad world we live in):




I hate these dick holes. Ugh I wish all these mainstream corporate diblos would implode and burn

She's a NUT BAG!

Personal opinion: i agree with AOC. To me these are practice questions for her. To get better, she is already great. But if she is shooting for the stars, people like these with such questions will come up... And as a great leader she won't ignore them

Zis iz za vay it starts......first zay come for zee teachers, zen za doctors ,zen za lawyers and ven zay have nothing left?..........zay come after you and your family. So beginnt und endet. Heil Hillary. 卍

CORPIRATE MAFIA IS FINISHED!!!!! and, WATCH OUT TULSI!!!! Terrorists do not read law. Much less obey rules. The WORLD HAS BEEN TAKEN BY A TERRORIST NETWORK INFILTRATED INSIDE GOVERNMENTS AND THEY ARE ABUSING THOSE NATIONS TAX PAYERS FUNDS INCLUDING EVERYONE’S PENSION FUNDS TO BUY MERCENARIES. THESE SADISTIC ASSHOLES ARE ABUSING THEIR AUTHORITY TO MANIPULATE THEIR MILITARY RESOURCES FOR THE BIG PLAN TO CONVERT SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE IN A SLAVERY REGION. SO LETS CUT THEIR ACCESS TO ‘AUTHORITY’ PERIOD!!! “But YOU NOW WHAT? YOU NOW WHAT? “ Asks TULSI GABBARD TO SELF PROCLAIM AS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITE STATE TO END THE INTERVENTION WAR AGAINST VENEZUELA, SYRIA AND PALESTINE AT ONCE! IF SHE WANTS TO PLAY THAT LINE FOR HER CAMPAIGN THIS IS HER CHANCE TO SHOW HER POWER AND HER TRUE INTENTIONS TO CARE FOR THE GOOD AMERICAN PEOPLE AND FOR THE WORLD. Otherwise... her words are just another typical false rhetoric from a USA candidate. We are not stupid!!! Once Venezuela is taken by the Trump administration there will be no more needs to intervene any other nation in the world. Of course! It’s obvious her gov will be ‘pro no intervention’ PROVE IT NOW BY OVERTHROWING TRUMP & CO. The USA people has never been in a better position to overthrown a criminal Gov. All the violations prove to be a terrorist plot. The aggressive capitalism we see today is a desperate capitalism running out of control simply because is being managed by irresponsible delusional sick minds out of control. These irrational sociopaths are ruling sadistic economical models that are causing suffering. Communism is a ‘situational order’ due to the necessity to bring balance and ease the suffering of the people but is not about being communist all your life, once humanity understand the meaning of BALANCE then the situation will allow a more sustainable system or model moving towards conscious actions, towards a balanced liberalism, conscious capitalism ETC... the ultimate goal is a happier world not a destroyed one.’ THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF HUMANS ON EARTH IS TO PRACTICE DHARMA

She answered all the questions. What are you talking about?

She has no clue on issues and has no business in congress. Socialism has never worked any where ... Go to Venezuela and see how you would like starving and no medical hospitals taking in the ill people.

Concern trolling at 10:52... And then a ton of leading questions... "Yeah, I'm gonna disregard your points again, but what about this other thing, are you ok with terrorism? Bernie said open borders are bad, if we abolish ICE, wouldn't that be saying Bernie stupid? Bernie agrees with Trump, so do you agree with Trump or do you think Bernie stupid?"

People still use Yahoo!?

What an utterly charming and intelligent young woman!!! She gives me hope for the future. I hope this inspires more of the same!

the oligarchs say they have unfilled jobs but what they have is jobs that are not worth doing, and we should make them pay more, not throw the labor market further out of balance with immigrants. If you and bernie fix the economy we will have some space to take people in.

In Seattle, Amazon was founded in 1994. Since that time, rent and housing has quadrupled, people who have been hired at Amazon have mostly moved here from other countries and states, and nearly every low-income person and low- to middle-income family with children in the city is now gone.

This chick is such a joke”. Big Splash” Anyone, Name one thing this moron has done other than run her mouth. Her term is up Nov 3 2020 and she will be gone, these guys are such Libtard morons it’s sickening

She is an ignoramus as dumb as trump, nope wait trump is smarter, a turkey sandwich is smarter than this broad


Watch Cortez between the 34 minute mark and the 36 minute mark . . . listen as she talks about some phantom Republican . . . WHO IS ANTI-CAPITALIST (yeah, she quickly reveals that she is too stupid to understand the difference between crony capitalism, which a person like Rand Paul would speak openly against...and likely the Republican to whom she refers here, and free market capitalism . . . She hates capitalism . . . so it's all the same in her tiny brain) . . . Look at how her socialist/communist eyes just light up! How excited she gets at the mere thought of the destruction of capitalism! Sadly, even Isikof and Klaidman fail to grasp that she is idiotically equating crony capitalism with free market capitalism. HEY DUMMIES!! CRONY CAPITALISM AND FREE MARKET CAPITALISM ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS!!! NO free market capitalist would support crony capitalism . . . that is what the neo-cons and establishment Democrats do . . . and, sorry to burst your wee little brain bubble Cortez, but this is one of the hallmarks of the communism/socialism you love so very deeply. New Yorkers voted for this socialist/communist clown Again . . . New Yorkers . . . I have to say . . . Well done.

History 101 by Cortez and Omar: Cortez: "As a person . . . Like . . . in Germaneeeeeee . . . in, like . . . the . . . before times . . . like . . . when that moustache guy was being super mean . . . 'Some people did something.' And then . . . therefor . . . . As a person . . . who has NO . . . . NO idea what . . . no . . . WHY . . . you are taking me out of context! And then . . . . some people moved to Brazil . . . and they were super duper blonde . . . and stuff. If you are white, though . . . as to for . . . I won't say . . . that you are OUTWARDLY racist, per se . . . (wink wink). . . . Cortez 2020!!" Interviewer: Uhhm . . . you aren't old enough to run . . . Cortez: "It's all about emoluments . . . It has always been all about email and mints" Interviewer: "Emoluments." Cortez: "Bless you!" Interviewer: "But y...." Cortez : "I'm hungry!"

She's an IDIOT whom only won because the people wanted change. Well here's your change. Hahaha. The talking head.

For those saying it's not race, it's class, or vice versa...don't simplify the issues. The two are inextricably linked in America. It's both, and of course, it's nuanced.

dummb as a kite

What could help us most... 401k reform Early withdrawal tax free for primary home

I'm a millennial You dont have to be AOC or a brain surgeon to realize were getting fucked...... Can't afford house Wont be having children any time soon No retirement Higher taxes No social programs for help yet our previous generations soaked up so much wefare. Low wages Huge college dept 401k that as low payouts compared to early times..... Every contract takes from the newly hired workers... Not to mention water, pollution, energy global conflict crisis.

Ladies & Gentlemen I give you the President of the United States AOC2020.

For the umpteenth time, she can't run in 2020!

AOC I love you, dearly; you are an inspiration and give me hope for the future! I hope to one day cast my vote for you for President of the United States. You are destined to change this world. Thank you for your clear, honest, moral, and passionate voice

See how stupid New York is becoming?  AOC reflects this chaos perfectly

AOC is backing the Pompeo and Bolten policy regarding Venevuela and kills people with these sanctions. She's not progressive... She's part of the establishment.

No she's not!

Cortez, another supporter of a western hating bitch... no surprises there.

Wow. She's pretty good at evasive, blaming, bulls**t. Interviewers are good.

So it's a thing now to be too worried about being factually correct? What bubble does she live in?

Why isn't the video in color?

What an idiotic question! She's a 1000 times more articulate and intelligent then most of the respondents here.

And give it dumbasses who think we can build all the shit AOC proposes which is not only impossible, but requires resources and money that we don't currently have. I rather have the Elites.

But didn't the democrats also agree with Republicans on this, im pretty sure the Dems are supportive of foreign jobs. The republicans and Dems have similar agreements on foreign policy since Obama.

No they weren't, dude she's taken she's not going to fuck you anytime.

If she gets her way I'm sure you'll enjoy your Islamic masters.

So despite the fact that There are no socialist countries that haven't had complete economic meltdowns left, and the US is still the strongest Economy on Earth, what makes you think Capitalism is unsustainable and socialism is?

Americans dont want hospitality jobs?

US sanctions causing this - this guy is intellectually dishonest and ignorant. She schools him.

chris hayes just pitched so many softball questions to aoc it was obvious that he just wanted down aoc's pants.

What questions would YOU ask?

You cannot impeach someone over the tax bill. Bloody hell what a moron.

"There's just so much." ... Blank with awkward laugh

Aco just wants open border

911 bill? Aoc is straight up lying!

Omar is a antisemitic person who said some people, which are terrorists, did something, which was fly planes in to buildings. The words were not taken out of context. She was trying to down play the event due to who she was speaking to.

They were not out of context words. Also the organization Omar was talking about was started in 1994 just another lie.


Probably should stop using the word "racist", because it's an attack on whites, as they are the only targets of that word. What really angers me is that I have ancestors who fought and suffered in the civil war to free slaves, and Kamala Harris uses that word against my race while being a descendent of slave holders. It's fucking disgusting.

So glad AOC educated these guys. Gotta get them out that Washington establishment bubble.

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks Isikoff sounds like Fox and Friends. If certain words or discussions incite some people, it doesnt mean those words or discussions are necessarily bad. Which is crazy to think the host of a talk show doesn't comprehend. He comes off as a person who has prejudged AOC and really not interested in her comments. Just 15 mins of listening to this guy is too painful. Over an hour? No thank you.

Why is there so much arguments with immigration. Help fix the economies on all the central and southern America counries. When all of them have a strong economy they will not go to the USA,

Anyone who supports socialism in any form is a traitor to the country and our way of want to bring death and hunger to my children with your dangerous ideas??? Best move on #@%!

+Friend what you're saying is absurd. Shes calling for the creation of programs that practically every first world country has. They have not collapsed and in many ways they are more well off than in the USA. If you want to remain fearful out of your own lack of research, by all means, go ahead. I also dont think I'm educated, because I actually am educated. I'm very familiar with US history as well as many other countries. Perhaps you should look at some US history, like how the New Deal was socialistic and saved us from economic doom. Maybe look up the tax rates during the 50s-70s (our most prosperous time economically). I know you think your GPA sharing was real slick, but it was not. You're comparing allowing uneducated people to have a job theyre not qualified to hold to nationwide health coverage. Your rationale is beyond my comprehension. Maybe I truly am uneducated if I'd rather pay taxes towards the well being of american children instead of bombs to kill Yemeni children. WWJD

+Justin Watkins You think your so educated...socialism is socialism is socialism. Her dangerous narrow ideas lead to full blown socialism and stifles creativity and growth. You obviously haven’t read your history books on Jamestown...there's a reason why we moved to a Capitalism in this country. Funny how college kids are for free progressive liberal handouts (who can't deliever and just want votes) yet they stop short when asked if they would give a portion of their GPA to someone else who didn't earn it. Retards. Somebody has to pay for it. The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people’s money...

Police, firefighters, interstates, and the military all qualify as socialism. Learn the differences between socialism, democratic socialism, social democracies, and communism. You'll probably have lower blood pressure if you do some research.

I can’t stop laughing. She’s so smart, like a squirrel recently struck by a car, leaving it senseless, but much the same before it decided to run in front of it.

Lmao I’m sorry but i can’t with these two men they’re really trying to get her to look bad but it’s so clear that she knows what she’s talking about. It’s so upsetting seeing these two journalist ask questions that could potentially “expose” her. But I’m really happy she’s having this kind of conversation with people with different perspectives and political views.

AOC.....Can u not talk?

Listening to these men is so incredibly difficult. AOC is a boss - keep doing what you’re doing AOC.

Yikes, so these guys got 'em some bias, eh? Seems to me that they were pushing for a "centrist" point of view. Don't call out people on their obvious hate/corruption, just tip toe around it and maybe over time join in on the corruption. I mean, that's what you get from a "centrist" because they're always afraid of dealing with problems and would rather talk around problems and make people think everything is fine when nothing is being done about anything. That's what got us decades into climate change without ever doing a single damn thing to actually address it -- because no one wanted to make the corporations be responsible with their actions or call out the obviously corrupted-by-oil-and-coal Republicans. One of the biggest problems with DC is that it's overflowing with bullsh*t, and yet the "wise and learned" seem to think it best to keep pumping more bs into the mix rather than deal with the problems and replace the liars with those who have integrity and motivation. Such as AOC has integrity and is motivated to _do_ rather than just waste out time and get some lobbyist kickbacks.

Wonderful! She wants to silence opposition as well! Ta hell with freedom of press! Ta hell with freedom of speech! You voted her in New York! Wow!!

i wish aoc would have told them to slow down more and let her finish her point. i also wish she would have told them some of there questions were crap

+John Moonitz so when i say slow down i dont mean the interview was "hard hitting" I mean these people were rapid firing dumb ass questions and AOC should have took more control and tried to make the interview less stupid even though they were only giving her dumb ass questions really about nothing(not hard just totally bs), just really vague general shit and going through it so damn fast for no reason. I mean i could rant forever but they really arent that good at interviewing idk maybe they arent paid a lot is yahoo news a big deal? probably not, but literally its like these guys are doing this as a hobby. And honestly I do wish AOC could have been stronger making her points, since they were being nice she let them cut her off and stopped answers mid way through which might make people think she doesnt actually have full answers

+John Moonitz i think the bernie interview question was just dumb, it was just a fluff question, they took a vague statement he made and wanted her to agree with it. That statement was vague as fuck if she said yes it could mean 100 different things and if she said no same thing. I think even bernie said that statement wasnt explained well enough. i dont think the guys were doing hard balls i think they just kind of suck at their jobs. The questions may have been "easy" but they were super dumb. AOC should try to talk about things that matter and fight to make clear points, these guys interrupted her all the time which is so annoying. The interruptions and constant topic changed also made the interview kind of pointless. I dont normally watch these guys and maybe they love aoc it didnt seem like they hated her but that really isnt the point. The point is they suck at interviews. they are more worried about talking than listening and they arent even trying to discover something or engage it just seemed like they had 100 questions written down they wanted to shoot through. I just hate hearing people get interrupted so much it is so annoying, you asked her a question you brought her on your show, can you please shut up and listen to her answer, god so annoying. Did it really not drive you crazy? This totally sucked to watch, just kept waiting to see if they would interrupt for every damn question

Have you ever SEEN . . . a REAL interview?? I'm guessing no . . .

What a bunch of fucking pussies in this room!! This was one soft ball slow pitch after another!! This could not POSSIBLY have been a more Cortez friendly interview!! I weep for our future, with you thin skinned, scared of their own shadow, perennially offended nitwits becoming "adults" . . . . Pathetic.

aoc is so great

What a great show. What a great interview.

Dumb as a box of rocks. Just what the left wants telling them what to do.

But you AOC and your gang of four can attack the Jewish people without consequences? Is this how your inclusive, democratic, coexisting political party is made of. I want no part of it anymore. Horse Teeth. Plus pay your back taxes 1800.00 for your failed Brook Avenue Press, maybe with the some of the loan money you stole and hid away.

Sooooo . . . . she points out the fact that she was born after the fall of the Berlin wall (I remember this vividly . . . I had just traveled through what was then Czechoslovakia, into what was then East Germany . . . both incredibly depressing countries, heavily oppressed and economically shattered by Communism at that time) . . . and that she has no memory of Soviet Russia . . . but she's rearin' and ready to roll the ol' dice and give socialism a try again! All they have to do is call it "Democratic Socialism" and it will magically work! Moron All forms of collectivism (socialism, communism, fascism, and their myriad variations) require extortion from the people by the state, and within the past 100 years have resulted in the brutal murder of between 150 million and 200 million people worldwide . . . and counting. Never mind the countless millions tortured and imprisoned under this horrific system. Apparently Cortez is lacking in the reading comprehension department . . . and the brain cells department.

+mch live I used to live in Denmark . . . traveled a lot to Sweden and Norway . . . and I'm still in contact with many friends there. The Scandinavian economies have survived this long almost exclusively due to their business friendly economy . . . the very thing Cortez hates . . . So . . . the ONE THING that has staved off economic ruin in these countries for as long as it has (and it won't be able to for much longer, as they cannot tax the people any more than they already do) . . . is one of the many things Cortez wants to destroy. She and her fellow leftists are anti-capitalists to their core. Typically, her views on this, as on everything else, are puerile and unsophisticated. But this aside . . . any form of socialism, including "Democratic Socialism" is unethical at its core, for multiple reasons, not the least of which being those I raised above. Just look around at what the leftists have been doing the past several years, with only a tiny fraction of the power that would be at their disposal, were they to win a presidential election. They ruin people's lives over the most trivial of perceived offenses . . . and there is no redemption allowed, no apology lavish enough to turn away their judgment. The leftists on the street, as it were, are already resorting to violence against those who think differently than them. Think what they would do with real power.

Soviets tried communism and failed, human nature and all. Socialist democracy is more comparable to Norway, happiest place on earth

a beautiful intellgent young woman

Why are only the one's with balls are the women?

Wait, her first love is science?!?! And I thought I couldn’t love her any more than I do already! AOC, please move to Texas! We need you!

+Craig806 Where exactly does anyone claim she knows anything about science? Learn to read! LMAO!

You actually believe she knows anything about science? LMAO

@darthroig: Umm, I hate to say I’m inpatient, as if that’s some type of excuse, but...

Florida's got dibs! Wait your turn!

A.O.C. will be a clear candidate for President in 2024. Just the perfect person. America never needed to be made great "Again" but after Trump going out of his way to destroy America it is obvious that yes it now does need to be made great again and she can do it. Like after a deranged psycho man child destroys your house, you need a rational adult to come and fix that shit up.

She needs her helmet!

Dis bish!!!

AOC you are truly a brilliant woman. You go and go! Don’t let anyone hold you back.

Alexandria Occasional-Cortex

Republicans choose the visit hot button issues to run as their “policy issues” to ignite their base, divide people who would otherwise have most things in common. Additionally their true constituents or “donors“ are multinational corporation‘s and the .1%. The types of policies they pass behind-the-scenes inevitably benefit their “donors“. The policies they quietly pass all benefit the Uber wealthy and large corporate interests. The only way they can garner any votes at all, and get away with this is to bring up divisive issues and pretend to “stand for” these - LGBTQ rights, to bring up immigration issues, to bring up abortion. The only strategy they have had for over a decade literally is to divide the nation.

Damn, what is this? Good cop bad cop? People who aren't as half as smart as Cortez always try to make her look like an 'airhead' (pardon my #metoo), and she always straightens it out. Intelligent is one thing. But intelligent, honest, and compassionate is a rare and beautiful thing, and Cortez has it!

She is a moron. You calling her intelligent makes you an even bigger moron.

I LOVE Cortez. Mostly, I love everything she stands for. I hope she just stronger and stronger.

hahahaha I m wondering why!

It is amazing . . . the sheer number of seemingly intelligent people lying to themselves and others, in calling this fundamentally ignorant and stupid person "intelligent" . . . I remember seeing the same with G.W. Bush . . . though in his case, I think there might have been a bit of an act . . . but DAMN he spoke like an idiot! Just so you know . . . when you call a person like this "intelligent" . . . you make fools of yourselves.

Womp womp clown world.

Homeless camps all over Seattle.

Get a clue first John. Then a life.

Are . . . ALL leftists . . . this stupid?? As stupid as 90% of the yahoos I see commenting in this room?? No WONDER you all think Cortez is intelligent and articulate . . . you are all fucking idiots!

+Justin Case It's not like the Left follows the rules anyway.

Zorro II

Now THIS . . . I agree with! We need to end all unconstitutional, illegal, immoral wars (which has been every war since WWII) . . . That being said . . . Cortez is an idiot, and the more power put in her hands, the more dangerous and destructive she becomes.

Totally agree. Nothing on the news. It is absolutely disgusting that we are involved.

You are lovely

+Garnet Stanley She's a moron. If you call this person intelligent, especially after all this time . . . then you are likely significantly less intelligent than her. Well! I think we solved the mystery as to why you and your kind support Cortez . . . you are idiots! And you call her articulate!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!! My nephew was more articulate than her when he was 5. What fools you are all making of yourselves.

Sure! Let you collectivist fucktards take the reigns of power again . . . what could POSSIBLY go wrong there?!? (I mean . . . besides the 150 million to 200 million brutally murdered in the Soviet Union, Maoist China, Nazi Germany, Cambodia, Cuba, Eastern Europe, Vietnam, and etc.) . . . Do you promise not to be so murdery and torturey and the like? Do you promise not to arrest people en masse, simply because they think differently from you? Yeah . . . sorry my little leftist friends . . . but you violent fucks are already abusing what little power and influence you have . . . I shudder to think what you imbeciles would do with real power . . . I'm pretty sure it would just be a modern form of the horrors we saw over the last century. Sadly . . . you are likely too stupid, and certainly too ignorant, to know or understand any of this. But I have a solution . . . READ!! Read the REAL history of the Soviet Union and other collectivist nations . . . read The Gulag Archipelago, and Darkness at Noon, and 1984, and etc.

I don't like Trump but he's a *Nationalist* & these satanic witches are *Globalists.*

It's obvious why she is giving up social media, she is to stupid and Everytime she says something her foot goes directly in her mouth.

what kind of asshole wears a baseball hat with headphones when interviewing people?

She doesn't know what impeachable offenses even are.

This girl can talk for hours without really saying anything. She's so vague that she's not really committing to anything. She should KNOW the numbers!

Why even interview her if they won't let her finish answering without interrupting her?? GARBAGE INTERVIEWERS.

She needs to get back in the kitchen and make some fuckin tacos.

Wow she is informed AOC2020 IIHan Omar V.P. Bye Bye Planet Killers Later AipacDeepSnake

That has to be a joke. Ha ha good one

If you listen to this woman talk and she makes sense to you… you have no understanding of the history or politics of this country.

Shes aloser she needs to find another country to open up there borders and filll with illegals ....

Everything is not about race ....and everyone that wants a wall is not a bigot ....we havent lasted 250 years because we hav open borders ....because we dont and never will about we care about americans first before illegals ....and the more she bllames every thing on trump the dumber she llooks

She says republicans are doin everything they can to not talk about policy ....all while we listen to russia russia russia 24/ 7

Omar said it yes it was clear what she says when she said it.

However She's in a Blind State you must have a Boader Come on Wake up To Have a Country

AOC is on that Right Track She just Needs a Mentor someone that knows the System She Gets My Vote

Dog shit questions befitting the rat infested shit hole known as the Bronx. Great job you spineless pussies. I’m just going to assume she showed you at least one tit to justify a pussyfooting of this magnitude.

@ 16:00 she claims the money sent to Honduras " can stabilize the region" when the waves of immigrants fleeing the country showing up at the US mexico border says the exact opposite.

Oy vey...

I like AOC but she needs to stop prefacing every answer with, "I think that...". Just directly state what you want and whats on your mind. I know she's young so this will take practice.

How can you like someone who is without a doubt corrupt? She knows nothing about economics, yet she claims she can fix America's issues...

I realise that there is always a degree of lazy, casual, careless and thoughtless racist behaviour, but truly believe that racism in its truest form doesn’t exist. If you were to examine and scrutinise what is all to often and commonly offered as acts of racism I believe it wouldn’t be about race, but long standing fears of change, stereotypes and the threat of losing identity and culture. The phrase “white privilege” is racist in its nature and the true definition, but it’s thrown around without anyone questioning the validity of it, or simply the stupidity of it.

If a border wall is so important to our security. Why are we not pushing for a northern border wall as well? Or

The worse this crazy person is colleque of the traitor obama hillary kamala warren water pelosi. america could be better without all this trash. Locasio and demoncrats or demencrats the bible say a plague is coming. Paid antention to. Those bunch of Snake trying to confuse. American citizen.

What has AOC done for NY ... besides costing NY tens of thousands of jobs and tens of billions in taxes?

The dunce gave up because it wasn't nice to her. It wasn't nice because she's a brainless twat.

This is fake news

Really!! 166,000 immigrants crossed the border illegally. Where is that hole in the border located and why is their a turnstile counter there? Can’t blame Trump anymore, only the idiots who voted for him. I love you AOC.

And clearly you have never heard of a census before.

You must be retarded, a hole in the border? Try miles and miles with no fencing or anything, is it just air between your ears, or are you just that blind and stupid?

I love AOC but i must ask. Americans dont want hospitality jobs?

Eeew AOC has the lowest IQ score on this planet...

Someone didn't watch the video

If not, please go to Egypt (Muslim Brotherhood) or Somalia. Good riddance! PdeW.

+Jalite Quote out of context? Hmm let's be fair. We have a look at 2.00 and further. "CAIR was founded after 9 11 because they recognised that some people did something. And all of us started to lose access to our civil liberties . She should have her facts straight! CAIR was founded in 1994 and not after 9 11! Btw wearing a hijab I.O. portrays HERSELF as a fourth class citizen, she submits to men of her own kind! The problem is with these men with a muslim background. Too many (of course not all!) of them still live in the 7th century. How's that? 1. muslim men behave and think as they are first class, spot 2 their son(s): their Prince, spot 3 nothing, spot 4 their women and daughters. Let's also take a look in history... CAIR is allied to the Muslim Brotherhood. They have a long history. The Muslim Brotherhood (and a group linked to them) murdered e.g. Mahmoud an-Nukrashi & Anwar Sadat (Sadat because of the peace treaties with Begin's Israel). Very interesting: More info What about this? I also saw a docu about the previous subject in Denmark; goal: hostile take over in time of the country, "we have time, we are already with 300,000 and growing fast" . Hero Charles Martel! (yeah were more e.g. Michael The Brave later on in history). The silent majority were irrelevant! . Conclusion: i'm a bit "sceptic" of the intentions of some people that can do something in future.... My advice to Ilhan Omar: stop being a muslim! PdeW.

It's out of context because she was having a conversation about the Muslim Community being treated as second class citizens because "some people did something", the point of the comment wasn't about 9/11 itself. Yet she advocates for 9/11 responders getting healthcare to deal with the effects of that day and the Republicans calling her out are against it. I wonder what kind of jump in logic you have to do to omit these facts in your reasoning.

So glad AOC educated these guys. Gotta get them out that Washington establishment bubble, but nevertheless great interview.

+Friend by your logic if you believe in police stations, the military, the post office you're a traitor to "your" country. There are 330 million people in America, dont pretend like you're the one who know what this country stands for when you live in a bubble and refuse to do research. You're a traitor to your country and the human race if you'll willingly let children and elderly die from lack of healthcare because you think billionaires will suffer if they're taxed more. You have a deep lack of understanding when it comes to very basic concepts and it's because you are literally too lazy to do research. I dont think you're stupid, just severely misguided. That's me being optimistic, in reality you're probably stupid and dont believe in man made climate change, evolution, and that native Americans had a genocide conducted against them by our white ancestors. But some book written by iron age peasants with as many contradictions and holes in the story as any holy book you can see it as being true with absolutely 0 evidence. Your kid will probably be a socialist because of how much disdain you have for it.

+Justin Watkins Listen carefully...anyone who supports socialism in any form is a traitor to this country and our way of life. This nation was built and became great on the principle of capitalism. There is also sound bibilcal princples in dont work, you dont eat. Just try to wrap your head around this idea...somebody has to pay for all the free stuff they are peddeling for votes...its theft if you follow her ideas to ground.

But the driver stopped the car to avoid hitting it, and so the squirrel wins. This small creature made the driver evaluate their own desire to get to the destination against the life of an insignificant creature. The driver stoped or swerved, but the squirrel runs on to make a difference. Metaphors have a way of biting you in the arse.

Can you? Can You spell?

+Craig806 You actually think God said don't eat of this fruit? Same kind of questioning that came str8 out of the garden of eden. You're falsely creating doubt in what she says. And by the way, she won 2nd place in an international science competion, did you? I'm thinking she knows something about science. I think, and that is my opinion, you don't know as much as she does about science.

+Gee Mac72 good self description...

+John Moonitz Wow, a barely literate moron babbling about intelligent people! Go back to school idiot.

+John Moonitz And I would bet you voted for tRump.

John Moonitz careful your white boy privilege is showing...but please do you have any better ideas? No? Then STFU until you have something intelligent to say instead of mocking something your partially educated brain cannot understand.

There are two parties in this country.. Party 1: The politicians and the corporations that own them.... Party 2: Everyone else.. The sooner you learn that the sooner you can stop making excuses for your own stupidity and the sooner everyone can move to change the system without your imbecilic roadblocks.. There is ALWAYS going to be racism no matter what. That will NEVER change but latching onto the games the Oligarch wants you to play is the reason it is perpetuated. I hope you are proud of yourself doing your part to continue things as they are and setting them up to be much worse.... Nice Job being a pawn..

Ahhhh.....Michael Isokoff.....Master Liberal Propagandist.......A.O.C. the 4 year old mentality Congress person

AOC it is you who fosters violence. It is you that tears our nation's unity apart.

AOC to bad your mother didnt follow the left's dogma and abort you from the womb. Then again since you only have half a brain and look like a pos, maybe she did.

wow i love her

This is not an interview.this is a spoon fed discussion of rehearsed slow pitch softballs questions to make AOC appear more interesting and intelligent than she really is. It’s her stroking her ego trying to get ready for 2020.

She seems retarded, but in reality, proved the monster in her sink was her best idea.

Damn,dumber than a box of freaking rocks..smmfh

Immigration section was brilliant

Worst ever interview! So staged, wake up. So incompetent. It is never going to work, people are reading right through this. She is like a baby talking.

The new idot. Is what she is.Comes from a state that allows abortion of a full term baby. Wtf. What happened to adoptions? Dreaming a green deal. Where no more cars, walk to everywhere you wanna go. Guess we gotta get a horse and buggy. Oh, horse chit isn't allowed either. Kill all the cows and chickens? Why? Why should we allow you to tell us what to think or do? God bless

AOC. Brilliant interview... you conducted your answers brilliantly and precise. That way they can understand and not spin your answers for their narrative. Some of the comments I read. Lets me know they cannot stand when the facts are put in front of them clearly..... it's really time to get some of these old politicians out of office

you're a brainwashed ignoramus

we love her

what an idiotic whore.

If this skirt came in second place in any competition of was fixed and somebody got some axx. BTW stup, just because you string a few big words into a sentence doesn't mean it is an intelligent statement. What i mean to say is, what the uck are you trying to say little girl? Oh, i forget, You really don't have anything of value to say about anything. Yorkers are obviously more ignorant than her for electing an it and therefore NY city is truly a sh!thole. Uhumm, uhumm.

This is so profoundly disturbing. I've heard more coherent conversational sounds from my cat.

No you haven't! Perhaps you have the attention span of a cat.

Last question was about baseball. Cute.

AOC has gotten way better in the interview setting since first being elected.

She is just what Congress needed. More diversity!

Bla bla bla! Nothing intellectual out of her yet!!!!!

Vikki Pulley are you listening?

Bug eyed spic!

Who or at what point she said to allow every economic refugee into the US??? There is a lot of bad blood in how these dudes raise questions and address AOC as if she was a naïve teenager. I will never watch this channel again...

She is delusional!

jmarine79 how so?

Not even 20 minutes in and I think they’ve interrupted her like 10 times...

With Netenyahu question... Why should America be obliged to give aid to Israel (full stop)? It's a foreign country, that's causing real problems. I'd throw em under the bus, fuck em!

AOC is a precious pearl...amongst... Keep shining AOC, we are shining with you

I doubt any self respecting mollusk would ever put her in it's mouth

Listening to AOC kills brain cells...she literally does not understand Capitalism. Someone can be against monopolies and still be pro Capitalism. Cooperate government is not Capitalism. The Republican she is speaking about is more than likely a true Capitalist.

Bitch, I've got a star named after me XD

Why do the people who ask what would you replace ice with not realize that we already had an immigration department. You just go back to what we had before ice. It's infuriating how Republicans pretend that people who want to abolish ice want to have no border patrol. It's just more stupid gas lamping of the ignorant portion of the country.

Open borders won't work with birthright citizenship and a welfare state available to illegals. Moreover, the minimum wage causes out sourcing, automation and makes hiring illegal immigrants attractive since many are willing to work below the minimum. Thus an abolishment of the minimum wage will open up more jobs for Americans. For competition is the main factor of the free market.

Everyone should know HOW a twit like AOC got into office. She's an actress, a front for a nazi-communist organization. "Justice Democrats" held auditions and tried to put 79 people in congress .. they got 7 in. Scary shit, because they are going against 'vulnerable democrats' .. doesn't that describe almost all of them?

Boy! She's stupid!

Isn't recieving money from AIPAC Emoluments?

She would have to prove Tax Fraud. If the Tax Laws allow certain things how is that against the Law if the Law allows it? What about her moving a million dollars from her campaign to other accounts? So, what she is saying is that a person to be President can't have businesses around the world in a Global business community? Which the Constitution has rules on that, too

The US is supposed to be the Melting Pot. It has been thought of as the Melting Pot. The only place I see racism rearing it's ugly head is in Politics. They use it as a weapon. In my day to day life I deal with all races. I have not seen racism in my work. None of them even talk about racism. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are people that are racist. I feel that was instilled in them from the way they were raised. We will never get rid of those who push racism as an excuse for their failure. Maybe I see things differently being a musician. How does this woman plan on vetting the bad from the good without a wall to keep people just walking across the border undetected? People that vote for this woman are probably dumber than she is. Did you see the video she put out about her having a garbage disposal? Anyway, I am an immigrant and I came here legally. I became a US citizen. I learned the English language and am living a happy life working in a field I like providing service for homeowners everyday

Michael Isikoff is an embarrassing conspiracy theorist, much like Alex Jones. It's so funny how disappointed he is that AOC doesn't think Russiagate is in the top three impeachable offenses, since he has spent the last 3 years overhyping anything Russiagate related, at the behest of his corporate overlords. At least he admits at the beginning that everyone wants to hear what AOC says and nobody cares what he and the other host say.

These 2 interviewers are clueless, and spouting incorrect BS- like the Republicans all support the wall-- That was never true- the republicans did not support the wall until McConnell let them all know they were not going to stand up to Trump on his pathetic wall plan.

The wall is not pathetic, the wall works.

Still laughing... she says english is her second language. What language is spoken in new york where she was born and raised?

Nick Machiavelli she’s part Latina!!!

this bitch is so fake

you can tell that AOC is d-u-m-b, because she keeps looking up inside her head for her missing brain..

AOC looks and sounds crazy. I suspect she is mentally ill and a mentally ill can go forever thinking he is right in spite of the evidence. Her new green deal is not her invention. It's a repetition of what the United Nations is saying. Another corrupt organization. The new green deal will eventually happen in spite of her. The world is running out of oil. Only America and Iraq will have plenty of oil, for a while... then after nothing... No plastic bag, no cars, no airplanes, no nothing. We may go back to the 17th century... And who knows a super volcano or an asteroid can stifle the planet with CO2 like it happened before then 3/4 of animals and human beings will disappear, if not all of them. Life will start all over again... I know a 3-year old girl who sounds just like her. The difference the 3-year old girl is smart the 29-year old woman is a nitwit.

Just say yes I can understand why people will take umbrage, it's obvious you think so

I agree. They are typical of right wing types.

Vladimir Putin- *Congratulations!* You just disqualified yourself from the adult's conversation.

Lilly Taggert no understanding of its history or tired of it?

I can recognize when something is completely illogical and flawed. Why can’t you?

Indeed, Lilly. And she supports Ilhan Oh NO Omar This is going on across our The U.S. of A... SERIOUSLY?

But you clearly have an excellent understanding. No need to change your views at all when confronted with other ideas! Keep assuming all other points of view are wrong without taking any time for introspection of your own beliefs!

History is just the future you have changed.

So money has been sent?

+walter boyd Yes, I know things about her. Reread my previous comment to catch that clue---and I know more than that. Dark money…do you even know what that is? Sounds like you’re reading from sites that sound as reliable as ‘’. I’m curious—what’s the status on Pizzagate? Allegations were made against AOC for possible campaign finance violations r/t mislabeling of funds. Not the same as “dark money”. The FEC may investigate but the most probable outcome will be…no legal probe, no fines assessed, no jail time b/c there’s no evidence to support these allegations.

+Chococat lets talk about her dark money, and how she moved it into a LLC to avoid any auditing, also she cant even begin to tell anyone just how she plans to afford her green new deal of 93 trillion dollars, are we even talking about the same AOC? I mean really, do you know anything about her?

+walter boyd No need to make things up. There is no "without a doubt"...provide evidence of your claims of corruption, plz. She knows a little something...she majored in economics and international relations in college.

+Michele Georges those are just a few areas I would want to cover. I certainly would not be laughing with her.

I would ask her why, if she wants to work to fix the environment, why does she load the new green deal with so much identity politics and mass government take over when it is obvious that the Republicans will not support that? I would also ask about the green new deal being more decisive instead of being people together. In addition I would press her on her example of FDR'S new deal actually bringing the USA out of the depression considering ww2 actually happened before the new deal was able to do anything.

Also it’s AOC

And AOC supports Ilhan. WOW! This in Pennsylvania and many other states IN THE U.S.A.! Unacceptable

It was out of context when you ignore the fact that the context of the conversation wasn't about the attack itself, but the how the Muslim community has demonized and been treated as second class citizens because "some people" did "something". Basically saying that the Muslims Americas are being attacked because some radicalized muslims did 9/11. I find it funny that you can make this statement while ignoring the fact that Ilhan Omar has consistently advocated for that 9/11 first responders should get federal aid for risking their lives, while the republicans attacking her comment in congress are the ones preventing that legislation from moving forward. Seems very disingenuous to make that claim while ignoring that fact. P.S. What's funny is I made this comment before on this comment by you, but it seems you deleted and reposted rather than responding.

Only if your a brainwashed ignoramus

She’ll never move to Texas. Too many cows.

I hope OAC figures out that no one is the way she thinks they are, in her fantasy world.

Ok AOC take these four worlds and flip it so it sounds bad. I love all puppy's

AOC is little more than a know nothing waitress woman child. She needs to quit before she gets any further behind.

I wish she would spend some time debating folks instead of monologue sessions.

+Krudemon She shoots from the hip more than anyone in Washington today...and she so happens to be the best at it. Ilhan Omar and Bernie are close behind. Trump does too, but might as well actually shoot a gun cause he can't communicate worth shit

She has to stick to a kind of script if she starts talking off the hip it will go very bad. Im not trying to bash on her im a Dem and alot she has said is good things but the truth is the truth.

She's a commie a-hole who hates America. They're a dime a dozen in academia and the Democratic Party.

They lob softballs at her and coach her through it and she even fucks that up. What a dolt. The un-named republican that she says she has a cordial relationship with that she describes as secretly an anti-capitalist and doesn't know it is actually anti-corporatist by her description. She is an embarrassment to the country.

Ain't that interesting? An asteroid named after AOC that destroys the world. But yet the liberals are ok with this? Amazing!!!! Some asteroids did something

"It's an asteroid/Muslim/Hispanic immigrant, therefore it's going to destroy us!"

Chooo chooo Yang train comin thru

Andrew Yang

If emoluments are her #1 reason for impeachment then she needs to impeach 99% of DCs elected officials. Becoming millionaires on 170K/year salary and helping their families/friends is a very well known fact and *most* of them are guilty.

She probably would and that would be a good thing

People in the comments sh*tting on the hosts but all I hear/see is 2 people taking this woman to task on her own role in every complaint she has lobbed at her opponents. She is divisive in her own right and needs to own it, but she doesn't.

So many lies from this idiot congresswoman. The President isnt racist, a wall isn't racist, ilhan omar knew exactly what she was saying. She says oh she didnt know what she was saying and it was out of context then immediately says she is a commander and master of the English language. There is not a muslim ban it was a temporary ban on terrorist producing countries which Obama bombed 5 of those countries with drones during his presidency. Also Obama was "caging" children, that started during his presidency and President Trump ended that policy. Its sad there are so many sycophants blindly following this moron and doing no research of their own. "There's a whole bag you pick so many reasons to impeach" name 3. "Uhhhhhh"

I haven't heard anything of "substantive" value.


modern liberalism is a very sick form of indoctrination, folks. I don't think Western nations can survive this sick cult much longer.

this woman is such a friggin idiot!

How can people listen to her and still think she has enough honesty or wisdom to be a thought leader? If you criticize what she says or disagree with her on policy, you are being dishonest, sexist, and racist. I can't handle the gaslighting. Ilhan Omar has never called the events of 911 terrorism.

Yeap, I agree a Rock in the White House.

A bartender pretending to be a politician talking to liberal media. Yeah this conversation is going to have substance lol

snooze these guys zzzzzzz

this woman is batshit crazy and dumber than a box of rocks

God this child is an idiot....and sadly...a glimpse of our newest generation of Democratic representatives! Typical millennial Dumbo!

Issacough didn't listen to a fucking thing AOC eloquently stated. He had his gotcha notes and couldn't get one to land. He must be shitty as Newsweek and Yahoo.

One issue. "I will support whomever the democratic party nominates" the party system needs to go the way of the dodo in the 21st century. We have the tech now to make this system obsolete, not unlike the taxi. Shall we begin to create a new system.

Impeach him for the same reason as Bill Clinton. LYING.

And all the children learned that oral sex is not sex.

AOC is right about everything she said about trump. #fucktrump

+Charles Charlemagne lol... Oh no, did she hurt your feelings by telling the truth about that coward you serve in the White House?... Everyone knows he should be impeached for trying to obstruct justice. The only reason that he isn't being brought up on felony charges right now is because he's a sitting president. #fucktrump!!!!!!!!! No one should be above the law.

Except she's not. Couldnt even give legitimate reasons for impeachment. You are a dolt just like her

shes has a cows ass named after her

tweenty bird cortez is blue nose clown - a talking dunce cap

absolute EVIL!!!!

In a real debate AOC would get her ass kicked so bad, I'd actually feel bad for her, her ideas or policies she supports is ludacris

This is why media companies are dying

I really like her, but why is it so hard to just say (logically) that we can't except every single economic migrant into our country and be able to support them. That is not a racist statement. Its a logical statement. Do I hate immigrants because I can easily make that conclusion? Absolutely not. Is a wall racist? No. Its a response to the constant breaking of our immigration laws by migrants. It sucks, but its true. Now the method in which trump gets the border wall build to be appealing is grounded in racism. He appeals to the dark side of humanity and the protective nature of people. People naturally want to defend what they consider "theirs". Their home, their land, their families, their jobs, their tax dollars, their access to government aid...etc etc etc. So if you are someone who has been having a hard time of it and you dont know why your situation is the way it is, you see Trump pointing a finger and appealing to your defensive tendencies as a human being and you make a jump to border crisis. I dont condone a president who purposely uses fear as a tactic to push policy. But I can see how people would be swayed by what he is doing. It bothers me that she can make the argument that its hard for us to talk about what is racist, but its equally as hard for her to say why there is a fence/wall there in the first place.

Her expressions tells you she is just telling political lies.

+Noel Adams Actually, your sentence tells people that more

Your sentence tells people you are just a paid troll.

lol look at all the botted upvotes this comment got. The Marxists at Youtube working hard


No she fucking hasn’t this was an embarrassment for her

Diversity over brains and logic! That is the democrat way!

+Ami S are you? She's clearly a brainwashed socialist ditz

She basically IS a naive teenager, except she's 28.

LILO you’re an idiot

Lilo Leist get your kid a dentist. Fucking idiot

No one wants to hear what she has to say the GND is bs and her approval is lower than trumps.

Do you remember what the political landscape was like trump 10-15 years ago you fucking liar

Dickerson - Not only did all the Republicans support the wall, before Trump, all the Democrats supported the wall. Please do not try to re-write history.

Ami S and what does that have to do with anything? Nothing! This is the US where the idiot was born. Her first language is ENGLISH.

Lol this is what the right has said of trump for years you idiot

If you know the history of this country then you also know that it is the most near perfect structure and most successful government ever designed. The crap you’re tired of, is the crap that the dems did and really ramped up in the 60s. That’s the part that’s ruined this country. But you know your history so you know that.

+Chococat that is the point of an investigation to find corruption, we can not state one way or the other until the completion of the investigation, however I am free to make an assumption based on current assumptions, until proven otherwise. All I can say is #cowfarts, #limited travel for the comon folk due to the green new deal, as it is the planet is starving from lack of carbon, you can look that up yourself.

AOC is great. We need to elect a bunch more progressive House reps who are just like her.

AOC's speaking again. Here come all the mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging haters...

They never should have allowed Omar to wear a hijab in Congress. Omar’s words were not taking out of context. Cortez is apologizing for Omar. Omar the anti-Semite. The Green New Deal is laughable crap that’s so bad no Dem Congress rep would vote for it. The wall is meant to keep out foreign nationals coming across illegally. Calling president Trump racist is outrageous. Reparations from 1865? Kiss my Irish ass! She’s racist. Send her to the border to see the mayhem. They’re coming cause the Dems are promising freebies. Of course we can’t accept all migrants.

She should talk, considering her flowing funds to her boyfriend.

Omar is anti-American.

AOC is full of shit! She needs to take a course in American history and world history! She knows nothing about America! What an idiot! Can’t believe she’s in our Congress!

Sick of the external irrelevant bodily identity molded politicians making a shallow splash ! AOC doesnt have half the true substance of Tulsi Gabbard. Same old cliches but no idea where the money will come from. One things for sure, these phonies will be living a grand , wealthy life.

I agree with most of what she said here. I'm a bit nonplussed about the focus on impeachment. That time might be better spent on articulating a clear immigration reform policy, for example. She gets a plus for acknowledging U.S. interventionism and the Trump strategy, that's too often overlooked. The one thing that concerns me, not only with her but across the left in general, is their recent turn toward supporting censorship on social media. Philosophically, it is both deeply anti-left and anti-liberal (that is to say, authoritarian) to restricting speech and deplatforming people. I fully understand the intentions behind it, but I think it's short-sighted. It's a much shorter leap from banning Alex Jones to banning new media leftists and government critics than people realize. I'm not worried about the left's embrace of censoriousness leading to Stalinism (a la Jordan Peterson); I'm more worried about it coming back to bite the left in the ass.

Wow, the older man was so rude and biased.

No he just asked hard questions and held her to account. He was being a good journalist.

Shut this hoe up, now! Well, it looks like we needed the entertainment!

What the fuck is wrong with that old guy, what a blatant baby killing enabling ZIONIST STOOGE, as well as taking away OUR rights and freedoms they murder daily, fucking growing a pair you geriatric zio toe rags, that illegal shithole is on its way OUT, APPARTIED NEVER WINS, its a KARMA THING, the universe ALWAYS balances itself out. Start getting with it cause when it comes to this issue, people have long memories, and we will turf out EVERY last MF on the wrong side of this incremental genocide of the Palestinians, luckily you cunts are a dying breed, AND GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE, FUCKING XENOPHOBES.

She is like so annoying

I made it 3 min in before i had to pause and comment on the stupid shit that spews out her mouth. In school she was really into the sciences and yet as an adult she completely dismisses science and the scientific method?

The Left is so desperate to beat Trump they will back any progressive candidate no matter how moronic they are as shown in AOC's incoherent rantings in this video.

Gilafax she’s not running. Other than that, spot on!

She is an idiot. Still didn’t answer their questions. She is not thinking of the American people who are of ALL races. It’s always the same topics with these ignorant Democratic leaders ( which she should already know the numbers, that’s her job.) people are starving NOW, people are homeless NOW, people are struggling NOW! And it doesn’t matter if laws get changed, if they don’t like the laws they won’t follow them anyways. Smh

The asteroid has already hit the earth... It's called Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She wreaks havoc laying waste to common sense wherever she goes. She pontificates on things she knows nothing about. In fact, she is so ignorant she doesn't know what she doesn't know. Totally clueless. She is an anti-Semite and dangerous to all Judeo-Christian principle. But most importantly and incredibly, Nancy Pelosi is afraid of her, in spite of AOC being an idiot-child of the first order.

There’s never the conversation and bouncing ideas from each other to make things better. It always taking something one has said , then just destroy it even if it would help the people tremendously.

23:25 "Byzantine" I love that AOC is a systems-thinker

A wall is not racist. You have them in your houses? By the way taking your mirror off that wall might be a very good idea.

her eyeballs look like shes on drugs

Steve Tolman What do your eyeballs look like? Do they look like maybe you drink too much.

I’m gonna leave my opinion on this video up to the caucus. bigotry and racist almost identical my thought is it's combined to diminish I say no to be racist is twice as bad because we cannot choose our paradigm we are born in this skin poor or rich, strong or weak of mind and body we cannot allow this

TRUMP IS THE REAL WINNER WHEN YOU HAVE IDIOTS LIKE crazio Ocasio Alexandria bartender and lhan omar the Islamist that loves feminist woman used pro choice when it comes to crazio Ocasio fanatico cortez and lhan omar who wants to replica America into somalia

“Charismatic” Bwaaaahaaaaahaaaahaaaa

A border wall is racist. I can't.

Shres about 20 years ahead of her time.

Yep, about 20 years ahead of the time when government completely owns our access to everything needed for life. Security over freedom. And she is advocating for that very control. She is advocating for turning the US into a third world country through government theft and graft. She may be 20 years ahead of her time, but those will be 20 very bad years.

Superficial b******* questions

Dumb fu$ks. AOC did a casting call for her spot in Congress, enough said, she's the biggest fraud yet, EVER. And your Skulldugbugerry thinks your cute by slamming Trump, when a report just proved no collusion and yet you mock his comment about the truth, but supposedly you're a journalist with no balls to acknowledge ANY of the truth and facts about that report. AOC, thank you for being the exact piece of sh#t I get to teach my girls to not be like. Love experience, get smart, and wake up. You laugh you fake shi# bag fake journalist who laugh when a fake everything calls Trump a "shady real estate guy who might be friends with the mob". AOC isn't just dumb she's an actor and fugging stupid at that. That she defends Omar should be a call for anyone with a brain to run from both. Bwahahaha using English as a second language defense, wow, pathetic. Bad spin, bad liars, and want to talk policy - AOC the fraud didn't even write the green new deal, her 1%er Chief of Staff who writes her scripts and talking points wrote her fake new deal. She's not even herself but being puppeteered by cowards and hypocrites that cannot run for Congress themselves. It's literally like a sex offender who can't propose ideas to protect children asking someone else to do it for him and that lackey IS AOC. The dumber and dumber of politics, but thanks for having her on your $$ glorified podcast with her scripts and talking points to prove it, you fake journalists.

8:05 Noticed her delusions of grandeur, too, "I can take any 4 words you utter in a day...and create outrage around it". Goes along with "_I'm_ the boss." She almost makes it sound like she practices doing this. She calls a border wall racist...on its surface it's a stupid sentence, inanimate object can't have feelings, and in its intended meaning she discounts all who feel it's an economic issue- his do you pay fur all the medical, housing, and legal problems these people will meeting with them? She's relatively clueless, but was selected by the establishment to run, and she won.

​+melissa thompson We are talking only about ILLEGALS,,, ILLEGALS,,,ILLEGALS,,,ILLEGALS,,,Why can't you get that from you thick minds??

bill was never impeached. dumb.

+Srodriguez 586021 your stupid use of juvenile hashtags proves you are a moron. You don't even know what obstruction of justice is. Mueller's team of democrat donors was allowed to perform their two year long witch hunt. You are the kind of emotionally driven voter that the democrat party needs to stay in power.

Problem = US Intervention; Solution = US Intervention????? WTF is this tool talking about!!!

Here's my quick review. She was great. You guys were a little annoying. But, overall, a good, substantive interview.

We would have rather listened to you two talk....not her. I now have less brain cells for have listened to her. Uggghh!!!

The Hospitality industry is 'lobbying for more migrants to fill seasonal jobs'? Is this true? Wouldn't that be a bi-partisan talking point? Why is that not news? LISTEN TO her without a pre-defined judgment OF her.... you can learn a lot.

The argument of calling a policy racist isn't to call everyone who supports it racist, it's simply stating the fact that one recognizes the implementation of said policy will have a detrimental and systemic impact on a racial minority group.

She's a communist, gender/race baiter period.

Somebody's climbing the ladder in the traditional

I like how she did not answer any questions with a solution.


She loves the sciences .... maybe she should have started with how kitchen gadgets work.

13 mins in and they will not let her finish the answer to the question and they tell her she should not use the word racist. Ok. I have no idea why AOC ever sat down to speak with these two, but bravo for her ability to put up with it.


These guys' questions are kinda weak...They should watch Hot Ones once in a while.

Beautiful and brilliant. That was a vote well spent. You're welcome!!!

we should be greatful that there is now a very very very small minority of people wanting to do politics for the people and not for themselves.

AOC is kicking ass and taking names.

She actually makes Trump appear to be of sound mind

it's not just about class. I live at the intersection of any distinction / divide that can be drawn. I am a proud disabled woman & wheelchair user from birth. Let me explain. Disability does not discriminate. Every walk of life. Every social strata. In every part of the world. In every century. Disability has been, & will continue to be, a part of the natural order. It is a universal human experience. Disabled people are almost always experiencing multiple points of oppression. I am a disabled woman.Those two points of oppression make things difficult. That said, the addition of color to the equation ( anyone who is not white ) is exponentially harder. Being disabled, white, & anything else you could name. Weather it be gay / lesbian, woman, man, or transgender, is exponentially easier, if the variable in the equation is, that you are WHITE!! Being white, is by far, the biggest privilege / advantage one can have.

She's a very smart human, having many more of her in our congress would be such a good thing for this country. Her equanimity in the face of all that's launched at her is admirable. I would never be able to be calm and reasonable, let alone so thoughtful and intelligent in my responses.

The twit

Please do this in color.

She makes shit up on Trump. She’s just another hater.

Is she really this stupid. There's so much to impeach him on. A bag you can grab from. Can you name your top three. Duuuuuh umm. Well at least she could come up with two.

Trump supporters for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez-Nina-Pinta-Santa Maria. Gotta love the new face of Communism. And she did say all Trump supporters are Inwardly Racist. Does that count her Latin brothers and sister that voted for Trump. What about blacks that voted for Trump.

Shady huh you mean like not being able to answer how we're going to pay for the green New

My cousin is Tim Roemer who was a US Congressman for 12 years who has a Phd in Political Science from Notre Dame and later was on the 911 commission and later was the US Ambassador to India and he left Congress as he saw too little actions and actual legislation getting done. And here we have a former Bartender who was elected by the smallest turnout in her district in it's entire history of less then 28,000 people of 211,000 actually voted and she comes off as some sort of political expert where she is more of an internet sensation and is constantly made fun of for not having a full grasp of her job. And her simplifications and as she puts it "going straight to the electorate; rather then work with her colleagues" which shows how she wants to bully people on social media instead of working within the system or even does anything to actually legislate. "The Green New Deal" was NOT her idea but a Platform designed by "The Young Turks" and they were the ones who took Jill Stein's 2016 platform and built on it. She is full of buzz words and is so surface and fakey and acts so immature and naïve as her thinking the biggest mistake was the rollout of The Green New Deal and still doesn't see her actions on the Amazon fiasco as she is like Hillary not taking responsibility herself for losing the election. So she doubles down and continues to try to find a way out for Millions if not Billions Lost and doesn't seem to understand that in order to attract Large corporations you have to spend some money on infrastructure and some concessions so they will bring in jobs and those people will spend their income in that district. The entire interview sounds like a person who doesn't understand and tries to say things they have heard on the internet. God help us if this is the future of our political representatives as she is more interested in tweets then actually educating herself.

Yes we do. She shows the real agenda of the Communists Left wing of the Dem party. Best part is she's about as smart as a bartender. Trump supporters for Alexandria ocasio-cortez-nina-pinta-santa maria

I'm a rand Paul republican. I dont hate AOC. Shes good on foreign policy. Domestic, we dont see eye to eye, doesnt mean I hate the lady. I can eat lunch with her and make a friend.

Notice how she skipped around the her Islamic sisters statement?

Nope, she is as American as her citizenship. She comes from a country where women are not to be all that she is, strong, outspoken, leader. Her will and intelligence is greater than yours and you see that as a failure because you think only interns of competition. Your own philosophy makes you continually a loser. Go outside, read a book, build a better you!

Trump supporters for Alexandria ocasio-cortez-nina-pinta-santa maria. We so need to keep her in there.

Have you not seen tsuli gabbards policies. Its the same as AOC....LOL

NoRecourse1785 guess your wish is going back to "The good old" days in The fifties. Too late. The future is coming wether you like IT or not

Yep, and that's why she is one of the few fighting to get money out of politics. Getting rid of the DC elite that uses their office to get rich is exactly what she is working for every day.

Yep. We simply need more of her kind to replace their kind, and to write the laws to discourage their kind from seeking office in the first place or expecting to profit off of it sideways and behind the scenes, while in office and through that revolving door. Many of them are already wealthy or from wealthy families, looking to have their own investments upheld, secured, and increasing in their profiteering. They put their people and kin in positions of power and influence---in politics and the MSM to ensure their own way of life and make it even better for themselves.

Need a q-tip?

A half hour is all I could give to the mad unreal world this woman lives in - the eyes plastered open and facial muscles tightened when looking for reasons to impeach Trump. She will believe what she wants to believe. Period.

The snowflakes are trying to take over

Stick your stupid head in that garbage disposal

She isn’t to sharp. Media manipulation makes her bigger and smarter than she is I have a person friend that knows her and she honestly isn’t competent enough for Congress. But then again that goes for a lot of politicians. Give her a real debate. Talk something of substance with her she will crumble.

But then again this is yahoo you might as well ask her favorite color and food your questions are extremely weak

She is very squirrelly. Not a lot of substance there. I agree with others that this was a kind of softball interview but I would also point out that the interviewers handed her a lot of rope with which to hang herself. She is a pro at non-fatal autoerotic asphyxiation. They didn’t pin her down on anything much and her droning has nearly put me to sleep.

For someone that majored in International Affairs, and in Economics, she has very little knowledge of either.

Why won't she ever do a hard interview? Debate a conservative/Republican?

If AOC popularity rises to the point where she becomes an overwhelming influential figure in the democratic party it will be thanks to the republican media machine as they are pushing AOC into everyone's face hoping negativity will abound towards her but I think it will backfire and come back to bite them on the ass - overexposure seems to get people elected in the usa

You dumb a**’

Races don't exist. This lady believes they do.

That anyone supports this stupid bitch or her Jew hater friends, suggest a failing nation that's not worth saving.

Horrific and totally disgusting. that they put an advertisement for Joe Biden the worst corporate funded creep in the race when you go to watch the wonderful enormously talented and brilliant AOC !!!

AOC Is being asked to Literally asked to solve the world world's problems by 2 idiots

Great job as usual AOC! Bravo!

I just had to see how many people actually watch this idiotic interview. She is literally the dumbest politician I have ever seen. AOC for president!

Tracy Rutter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a meteorite named after her for scientific research she preformed at Mt. Sinai in New York. How many space rocks wear your name asshole? US House of Representatives — observers have pointed out that she has an asteroid named after her, called 23238 Ocasio-Cortez "It's true! Science was my first passion," she tweeted on June 12, adding that the asteroid was named in honor of longevity experiments she conducted out of Mt. Sinai Health System in New York.

Tracy Rutter Only semen-breathed, chemically-feminized-MANgina, degenerate, assholes that do not accept the science of CRAGW criticize AOC, the GND, and the progressive Democratic Party. Because biologically you are female and cannot understand mathematics that much. So can easily and ignorantly deny the irrefutable evidence of runaway climate change all around you. There is historic flooding on Nebraska because of AGW _Deliverance._ Can you digest plastic bitch?

Politics aside I wanna take a moment to wish all moms out there a Very Happy Mom's Day. Lots of blessings to you all.

terrible interview from two elderly irrelevant racist dumbfucks

I wish they would shut up and let answer the question. Why dose she have to agree or disagree with Sanders or anyone else? why not ask her about the subject matter and not others opinions about the subject.

We love you AOC!!!!

A star? More like a deer caught in the headlights.

Who in Congress has not become a millionaire on tax payers money? They have one health care system which is elite compared to Obamacare, their retirement is astronomical compared to average working America. $174,000 average salary? That is why they kill themselves to get re-elected., say anything, do anything to stay in office often times.


AOC; Could you imagine if no one ends up on the throne and they just transitioned to a democracy? - A leader everyone.

Listen old care home escapee; if she wants to give a more concise answer, she will.

Does this old man have dementia. Why is he asking stupid questions? Did he have trouble keeping up?

AOC; Cites the reason why there is an increase in immigrants. Idiot Interviewer; Asks why there is an increase in immigration. For fuck sake man.

The fact is, is you lile puppies, then you wont vote for a person who wants to instate a kicking puppy policies. If you aren't racist or have some how have low level racial biases, then you'll have a problem with doneone who says racist stuff.

Look at how the right are jumping on Garbage-Disposal-Gate. Its juts bad faith acting, and thats the bottom line.

Trump dogwhistles so much he could be a dog trainer.

"We have an ASSteroid in the white house too".

She's awesome!!!

Here's my quick review. She was great. I don't agree with everything (no "bluenomatterwho" for me), but still...she's great. You guys were a little annoying, tho. Interviewers interrupting their interviewees is never a good look. It's Bill O'Reilly-esque, and just to be clear, that's not a compliment. But, overall, a good, substantive interview.

Let me help you out - on ICE; 1. Review foreign policies, trade agreements and humanitarian aid, and fully consider its affect on current immigration, and increase on immigration from south America. 2. Accept more migrants in trade defecit industries. 3. Abolish ice and replace with an agency linked and overseen by the DOJ to increase accountability; along with other agencies that process immigration. 4. Compehensive immigration reform considering the data. 5. Simplify and streamline visas. 6. Amend court and detention policies and processes as it pertains to migration. I would recommend you learn basic, grade 7 listening and comprehension.


Do you ever fantasize about putting your dick in it?

She can't debate or answer any questions because she's an actress, you dummy.

+Raul Garcia No I'm fighting the Commies. Where you been ? Do you know the GND is Agenda 21 ? Do you even know what Agenda 21 is ? Have you figured out yet that catastrophic anthropogenic global warming is the scam that ties these things all together ?

+Rick TD You are a Commie Balless fool

+lakshmere Who might those people be ?

jonnyfish, AOC is a Commie scumbag whore !!

it's not just about class. I live at the intersection of any distinction / divide that can be drawn. I am a proud disabled woman & wheelchair user from birth. Let me explain. Disability does not discriminate. Every walk of life. Every social strata. In every part of the world. In every century. Disability has been, & will continue to be, a part of the natural order. It is a universal human experience. Disabled people are almost always experiencing multiple points of oppression. I am a disabled woman.Those two points of oppression make things difficult. That said, the addition of color to the equation ( ie anyone who is not white ) is exponentially harder. Being disabled, white, & anything else you could name. Weather it be gay / lesbian, bi, woman, man, or transgender, is exponentially easier, if the variable in the equation is, that you are WHITE!! Being white, is by far, the biggest privilege / advantage one can have.

Define white

How you gonna get to your green new job, you got your own Horsie?

Watcha gonna do without your planet? Take some money back from the military which constantly says they don't need the HUGE budget they are given. Don't mind that right? By the way, GREEN JOBS pay TAXES---which are about to become fair and equal.

Fun fact: Walls for a house are primarily there for insulation. Imagine trying to heat a house with no walls. They also hold the roof up. Your house is not a country.

ye-from 14yrs old to 45 yrs old i did both 24/7 so i know what it looks like i dont have to live like that +hangerq57

She's tried! Every congressional republican that criticizes her is a flake and they know it! They have no substance in anything they say. They literally lie about everything and show their cowardice when, invited to debate her, they make excuses that a 7th grader can see through. Refusing to debate is one thing! The reasons republicans give is quite something else! Bunch of tRump lovers, basically set on putting America in harm's way because they'd rather be loyal to a criminal who's bankrolling them behind closed doors. There can't be any other reason!

11 years and 10 month to go lol

AOC is becoming an ironic player in politics. She is becoming wealthy in her new position as a Member of Congress and I would interested to see her net worth since her election. That seems to be the secret of her new found fame.

A walking, talking pile of turd. Protecting Omar? Oh well.

This interview bothers me so much cause you can tell she doesnt know what shes talking about an its embarrassing and im a liberal so im not hating on her, I just wish she would freshen up on some things.

her voice makes me cringe. she's a pandering machine. Nothing she says is genuine, it's all purely manufactured horsesh*t. We need a REAL democrat in the headlines.... like Tulsi Gabbard.

Why don't we just open up the United States to every damn country and then we can all live like the persons do in the country they are leaving? They want to bring their poverty and hatred for our country with them. They come here illegally with no means of support and turn to crime just like they did in their country because it was a way of they don't leave behind.

Projection seems to be the standard for the Democrats - don't you understand we see through what you are trying to lead us to believe? We just take it for what your side is doing

I think she is doing better than any other politician I have EVER seen, she is not stupid, she thinks before she speaks , she is not scripted. She does not give the impression, that she is in it for the money or the power, she seems to me to be sincere. I like her, instead of cloning Hilary make some more Alexandrias. just kidding. I hope her courage will be contagious, stay safe young one.

Perfect example of how the leftist media and leftist public school system brainwash people. AOC clearly has no idea what she's taking about and anyone who thinks she's intelligent is a victim of the brainwashing too. All she did in this entire interview is virtue signal. She proposed literally no solutions to any problems she pointed out, or any evidence that they actually exist. The interviewers literally had to lead her into what to say next to protect her from her own ignorance. No wonder she flat out refuses to debate conservatives. They would tear her to shreds. She is nothing but a brainwashed leftist mouthpiece, fed talking points by her puppet masters and sheltered by them from any real debate.

This bitch is the biggest hypocrite

She is so dumb how is this person a politician she cant just say she doesn't know she has to act like she knows she fakes it and not even well I would rather see her humble herself and just say she will do her best instead she talks on topics she has no clue about and makes herself look so terrible it's like watching an extremely bad car wreck unfold over a long period of time I want to root for her but at the same time I think she is way out of her element she should not be in a position like this its scary to think this is the future of politics and sorry I usually use punctuation but I'm using one finger to type

“Take it out of the context you uttered them.” Lmao it’s so funny watching her talk. She’s literally retarded. She just says that take out of context thing cuz that’s what the left does and what everybody says, she knows damn well her words don’t get taken out of context and it’s so funny how people just believe her when she talks lol so sad.. And notice how every, single, time the left does something, they act like they aren’t doin it and say that’s what the right lol it’s funny to watch and all but sad as well, how can people believe and fall for all this nonsense??

This was the best discussion on policy I've heard in a long time. I appreciate the fact that you guys asked some tough questions and didn't softball it through the whole interview. Very thoughtful. Well done.

I was curious about what AOC was about, whether folks were being fair in what they say about her, pro n against but the first Trump question, was he trying to insight violence against that senator and all Muslims, her answer, absolutely. He doesn't actually say anything that's a threat or incitement but she knows what he really means because she knows what NY property tycoons are really like. What a load of crud, especially after the Dem's were actually inciting folks to hassle anyone they see who worked for Trump. No I don't need to watch more, the verdict's in.

More liberal broken record identity politics. AOC confirms left's dream to convert US (GOT) to a democracy (socialism) from constitutional republic.

Nice False Equivalency from our host, I guess we know where his bread is buttered.

Stopped watching why host #2 started claiming that calling out racism was wrong because it is too divisive. Shut the fuck up you lying corporate scumbag.

This like grey open air format is like tired and I'm like a asteroids now and like all astroids are like in space right? Hahaha and I'm like a congresswoman... So... like yeah. That's what I heard. .

Did they ask her about her Shady Criminal acts that she's committed?

She's a blithering imbecile only got elected due to racism because most people in her District are Hispanic she'll be one term Wonder

Isikoff and Klaidman went beyond false equivalency with, Calling racist attacks racist is inflammatory (as calling the burning of witches misogynist is inflammatory or intolerance of intolerance is intolerable?) Being told we are bigots or have expressed bigoted ideas and behavior makes us uncomfortable. So ban the word racist today and the word bigot tomorrow instead of addressing the roots of the policy idea or behavior? We normalize racism by banning words that expose the bigotry inherent in an idea, behavior or policy and people..

Maybe AOC could present one solid, even flimsy, piece of evidence that Putin's government is manipulating US American politics in any way. Mueller couldn't. It reminds me of the UFO Messiah people who became even more convinced that the UFOs were coming when they failed to come (in Leon Festinger's _When Prophecy Fails,_ which coined the term 'cognitive dissonance'). He sounds like a conservative, he's often unfriendly to socialists (which I've called him on), but Brother Dave Emory has been exposing fascism for 35 years on West Coast Radio, has the _facts._

stumbled upon this video. decided to watch for chuckles... was not disappointed.

Yahoo (or is it AOL, Alibaba or Verizon these days) is still sending in Black and White. Somebody tell them we got Color now. Yahoo, LoL!!!!!!!

A half hour is all I could give to the mad unreal world this woman lives in - the eyes plastered open and facial muscles tightened when looking for reasons to impeach Trump.... She will believe what she wants to believe. Period.

Her and Bernie introduced legislation to set a limit of interest on credit card and predatory lending.

never using this again race doesn't exist biologically. Race is socially constructed. Socially constructed concepts definitely do exist and have very material impacts. I highly encourage you to do some reading on this area.

“ totally was!”

They were helping her throughout the entire interview because she has no ability to answer on her own. She is not an intelligent woman. She's a puppet for the leftist agenda, completely sheltered by her puppet masters from anyone who would give her an honest debate. A conservative would completely destroy her in a debate. That's why she flat out refuses to participate in one. These guys were not interrupting her. They are clearly on her side. They were protecting her from her own ignorance.

Not too bright are you?

She had no ability to answer the questions. These guys were literally walking her through the entire interview, trying and failing to make her seem intelligent. They painted her in the best possible light. This is the same woman who prevented 25,000 six-figure jobs from coming to New York because she thought tax incentives meant paying to get those jobs.

+PatriotsUnited she's hated by everybody else who is not a stinking far-left liberal so who cares if you fools like her she's an embarrassment to the country but we like that she's in the office because she's ruining the Democrats even worse she's like poison to the Democrats because now you're communist you're seeing is communist pieces of s*** she's giving the Democrats a black mark so I guess us conservatives do I actually like her in that regard we went we hope she keeps up her stupidity and further drags the Democrats down into the s*** hole further

rathernot say New Yorkers love her so get over it hahaha no argument at all or how you’re wrong or anything. Just, we love her shit up! Lmao.

+jonnyfish76 ny ers r embarrassed n disgraced by the fool u elected! At least those w brains!


+jonnyfish76 AOC make Sarah Palin look like Einstein! She's the laughing stock of the world and you're proud of that? She said so many stupid things already I can't wait for more stupid stuff to come out and she's exactly what the Republicans want a moronic commie liberal piece of s*** to further drag down the Democratic Party just like with CNN whose ratings drop by 50% due to their fake lying news AOC will do the same for the Democratic Party!

+jonnyfish76 you're a blithering imbecile and a moronic shitstain liberal ahole douchbag you probably don't understand that if you have a good phone you have voice to text and I don't care to stop to insert periods in such because my time unlike yours is valuable it's you a liberal shitstains who are the snowflakes you're the ones that went all postal and triggered when Trump won the election and then again when the Mueller report came out and you're still all triggered and butt hurt sore loser cry baby shit stains weaklings because Trump's in office for the next six years making America great again I love it as it turns out IDIOT LOW IQ AOC IS very corrupt she's been referred for criminal prosecution on her crooked campaign scams

+rathernot say That was one run-on sentence full of thoughtless blather. Your parents must be so proud. New Yorkers love her. Get over it, snowflake.

She's a complete blithering imbecile and so is anybody who voted for her she only got elected due to racism bus people in her district and Hispanic she's made a fool of herself and she's under criminal investigation now for crooked dealings

+Nick Arrington You got me There's! I must admit the whole idea of the government taking away our ability to choose anything scares the hell out Me, please enlighten me on how the green new deal will not affect me at all ? And I will think about supporting your government run utopia

@Roland Perez, you haven't read it have you?

+Fullfrontl Safety , & you are a racist, sexist tool. Your point is?

They never should have allowed Omar to wear a hijab in Congress. Omar’s words were not taken out of context. Cortez is apologizing for Omar. Omar the anti-Semite. The Green New Deal is laughable crap that’s so bad no Dem Congress rep would vote for it. The wall is meant to keep out foreign nationals coming across illegally. Calling president Trump racist is outrageous. Reparations from 1865? Kiss my Irish ass! She’s racist. Send her to the border to see the mayhem. They’re coming cause the Dems are promising freebies. Of course we can’t accept all migrants.

+K Mm Well yes... they definitely provide security in that aspect. Let me know when you find your point

+Nick Arrington so the walls as you stated are there to protect from environmental elements! Keep you safe from storms? But your right a country is not a house like a body is not a temple.

Why don't she come to the southern border and find out for herself...and then she will know for self..the wall needs to be build...CNN fake news....she needs to check her facts....before she speaks. .hell..they want to impeach Aoc....Omar...and the 3rd can't impeach a president on a tax bill...

OMG, I felt my IQ losing points just listening to this fool.


I agree the race card is always played with both Hispanic and black....AMERICANS SHOULD NOT HAVE BE COLOR

Medina: There is no such thing as the "race card"----I hate that saying because it's so stupid. Race and racism are not a fucking game anyone plays. The saying came from a privileged white guy who'd never experienced racism in his life, which is why it shows a total cluelessness as to what racism really is and how it works.

I love to listen to her, she is so smart


Anybody knows “that guy” we all grew up listening to his grandiose rhetoric..what about the immigrants who are legally trying to stay here, and can’t because they have no job and nobody to help them keep employment, cuz if they don’t stay working they are sent back. Good luck trying to change the constitution built on Indian Treaties lady. Are you this clueless? SMH..

Go to hell, AOC! Looking forward to you getting voted out after one term and NOT being eligible for a government pension.

Bobcat665: Oh, STFU, troll. You're just another idiot on the "I hate AOC only because she dosen't like trump" bandwagon. Just shows how stupid you trump supporters are, and how easily your dumb asses can be fooled.

AOC is the Anti-Shill

just a stupid puerto rican she should find another job maybe as a bartender

Now now.. be nice.. I don’t much care for her but don’t knock Puerto Rican’s..she is just an ignorant hater..

Take a shot every time they interrupt her

how can you ask a question get an answer that has nothing to do with the question and let her get away with it all the time?

This ignorant, pandering little girl needs to stay quiet for a looong time and reflect on her would be decisions before she goes out creating this unfounded, uneducated, historically devastating pop-inflammatory following supporting socialism. The left omitting all of their “good nature” are ultimately utopian hopefuls supporting over emotional, uneducated youth, criminals and terrorists making national policy all geared toward 2-4% of the american population, who are all being indoctrinated (bigotry in action) into a one world mindset forcing concepts scientifically known to be detrimental to human spirit and independence on the entire population. What I want to ask any one of them is what is your ultimate goal in each of these areas of expression? Because for each the end game seems to reflect badly on the American public’s wellbeing and way of life. Why can’t Good sense trump all?

Well well, democrats have been doing this same thing for two years and Your not condemning them for it.


Easy questions and she still cany answer them. Wake up ppl

No, I grew up knowing the grandiose rhetoric he spews.. He was voted in not to be fluffy and loved. He was voted in because he is an ass. He chooses to ignore climate change so Canada can run their pipelines through our country. Fossil fuels to Asian buyers is the plan. The picture is so much bigger than their money, that is the distraction..

+Regina Terminello She is now a public official and she is fair game like anyone else. Is it your business to see Trump's tax returns?

Nicholas Antonicello why is that your business? I don’t even care to hear her not answer questions..what is going on with you?

gabriel Mascioli I think AOC and Tulsi would support a lot of the same ideas.......single payer, green new deal, getting out of interventionist wars.....

Gabriel Mascioli her and Tulsi are very much on the same page. Not sure why you dislike Alexandria and not Tulsi. I appreciate and highly respect them both

+jonnyfish76 she's already under investigation for massive fraud and crimes that she committed with her scam finance committee. I can't wait to see the idiot do the perp walk!

+jonnyfish76 she is as dumb as a rock she's a laughing stock only a fool would support this fool

We love her. You're only a lonely little troll that can't use punctuation. Triggered lil ho

Bill: Both the FBI and the CIA have already said that it is a damn fact that the Russians interfered in our election process, and Mueller made a whole batch of indictments concerning that. Why the hell do you find that so hard to believe? Why is it you trumpf supporters just swallow all the bullshit he spews out on a daily basis, and not even want to question any of it? He's one of those East Coast elites that you trumpf supporters say you can't stand---just because he puts on this act like he's the guy you want to drink a beer at the bar with, that still dosen't change the fact that he's a rich spoiled brat who looks down on anybody who's not as rich as him (or as rich as he claims to be) and only surrounds himself with other rich people like himself--which is mostly everyone in his cabinet. He dosen't have in there a single person in there who actually represents the working-class of this country---not a single one. And the only thing he's done is to give rich folks like himself a big fat tax cut which is not going to benefit either working-class or middle class people in the slightest.

+God's Son E.B.: Oh, wow---you're slamming her because she used to have an actual job? Like most people in this country? She was born and raised in New York, so how is she not a real New Yorker? You arrogant-ass right-wing trolls have the nerve to slam her by saying she was just a bartender (ignoring the fact that she graduated summa cum laude from her college---meaning she was one of the top students that graduated from there) yet those are some of the same people that are part of trump's base. So are they not worth anything because some of them are bartenders too? Go fuck yourselves with that bullshit. You only hate her she's a brown woman, and because she's not bowing down and kissing trump's ass. You don't care whether she stands for anything, as long as you can put her down and make fun of her, so stop fronting and faking like you do.

God's Son: Oh, please---so your supposed "friend" in an authority on who isn't competent enough for Congress? I smell some haterade brewing there. I call bullshit, because our current president isn't competent enough to be the principal at a high school, let alone president. AOC is smart as hell and graduated at the top of her class from college (unlike donnie boy, who had his right-hand man, Michael Cohen, threatened his alma mater to never, ever, let anyone see his college grades--wonder why?) What dosen't he want people to see? That's he not as smart as he's always claimed he was---which is pretty damn obvious to anyone with a working brain? If he was as smart as he likes to brag that he is, he would have been waving around his college degree around years ago claiming to be some kind of damn genius, since he's so damn arrogant. j

smileyface702 there is a genetic difference among different groups of people and skin color is based on genetics. So yes race is real. Get over it.

Alfonso Esparza, awesomely a door knob..

fuck trump

rathernot say well said..

+rathernot say LMAOOO..I didn't even read that past the first few words, due to lack of punctuation. You're obviously a very unintelligent person, and also a triggered little bitch. Lmaooooooo

President AOC

her first love was "the sciences" um... no one obsessed with science would never say that, they would specify the science. bullshitter.

why does she keep looking down and to the right while talking!?! oh shes lying.

For those of you who don't know, Michael Isikoff is the Newsweek reporter who broke the story on the Clinton/Lewinsky affair that was spiked at the last minute because it was too hot, and that was covered by the NY Times and WaPo after Drudge reported it. This drove Isikoff into depression. He had the biggest story of his career and had to watch it slip through his fingers because Newsweek chickened out. He has no use for the establishment, and is trying to get to any substance he might find in AOC without losing his job. I think he did a good job of exposing her ignorance while not being disrespectful.

AOC is another piece of

LOL!! What’s with the “I think” my gosh. She always said “I think” she never talks right. She always stop and think hard every time they ask her questions

what a fucking moron she really has no idea what she is talking about and these 2 idiots let her get away with it

All they are doing is trying to set her up to say something negative. She has reasons for not being able to answer straight yes or no because most of the things are actually situational, but they refuse to allow that to be explained and simply want an answer. And that is the type of fuck head that is ruining this nation. You need context you fucken idiots. Stop trying to bait her with your shitty set up questions that have no essence behind them. This honestly reminds me of fox news. Go fuck your selves. Be fair and ask good questions and stop talking over her when she starts to make sense. You people need to be kicked out of your position so that someone honest can take your place. You are again why this nation is going through so much bull shit.

"Theres so many things to impeach him for"... "Like emoluments" (a 3 year investigation found no evidence for) "tax fraud" (which there is also no evidence for) and ........silence. Where did the SO MANY THINGS go?

I love how honest and forthright she is. She isn't beholden to any special interest, and she's not in Congress for job security, so she actually says what she believes. And she's brilliant.

Kat the Cat: This dumb ass is far from brilliant ! LOL a brilliant bartender what a joke.

evidently she hasn't given up social media as she tweeted today.

Oh great, ANOTHER place trying to make its way into the scene. Yahoo? Haha, yeah, fat chance, you will never be popular. Pssh. [/sarcasm]

why does she always look down when talking?

man she dodges the questions.

the left wants them for the votes they need. she never answered how she would attack the border problem as usual.

Oh my god!!!! Cortez is Sooo dumb....poor thing doesnt know anything..

I kind of liked the range of questions - I want to know her thoughts on Israel as much as I want to know what she thinks about Game of Thrones

She is being paid by the commies to make minority people look like social commies too. If they would put a white person in her place and shit breaks loose. I work in leadership and I’ve never uttered those words. It’s always specific. Also, Wait what? English is a second language for Cortez....?

How in the hell is a border wall racist? They never heard of anything so stupid

She's fugly

Why black and white? Can't you afford a real camera that shoots color? Black and white sucks

+Regina Terminello You are right I will work on that thanks

It's the people's business.

Regina Branham, you’re so uneducated on your point of view it’s almost hopeless. YOU are what’s wrong with our country. Too many opinions and not enough facts.

Says who?

rathernot say you so obviously need help and are severely delusional. Get out of moms basement and talk to someone who can help you. Stop letting right wing media corrupt your little mind. You and others like you are nothing more than laughable. Stay tuned for more indictments, on top of the already MANY. LMFAO

+jonnyfish76 does it matter to you that the government powers were abused by the coup cabal who attempted to overthrow American democracy in the biggest political crime of the century and probably of all mankind or are you so corrupt you don't care? jackass!!

+jonnyfish76 are you really so stupid as to not know that the investigators are now being investigated nad going to be charged w multiple crimes? duh?? joke is on you - BOOMERANG!!! THE CORRUPT AHOLES that you support lied for 2 years and cnn ratings plummeted by 50% for having lied for 2 years about fake russian collusion scam and now comey, hag loretta lynch, hillary, strzok, Mccabe and about 50 other shitstains are going to be doing the perp walk! there is currently a grand jury into the multiple fisa court felonies committed by the corrupt deep state! JOKE IS ON YOU FOOL! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A STOOGE FOR HILLARY!!

+jonnyfish76 you mean the ones that had nothing to do w trump and were simply process crimes whereby innocent people were entrapped by Muellers kangaroo court posse? yup, I LOVE that you lying liberals did not find a single crime against trump.. are you so stupid you don't know the Mueller report totally exonerated trump? you're a blithering imbecile and amoral dishonest sore loser cry baby wussy!!

+rathernot say Enjoying the trump indictments?? Blind fool. Lmaoooo

You know she is just stupid, and I say that because she justifies terrorist acts, after 911 those people had the nerve to want to build a mosque right beside the twin towers as if it's like a fucking trophy room

I appriciate the substance of this show. However, your questions are posed in such an antagonistic way. Don't you think you can get an answer without such obvious discord?

I know it's wrong to love any politician, but I love Ocasio-Cortez.

But I hate her policies and her ways of thinking

she is a SHIT FUCK MORON with an IQ of a SEA SPONGE

It could possibly be because she's a horrid socialist and socialists have had a tendency to lean towards un-American things our Muslim invaders. Keep chuckling and rolling your eyes you friggin' pinkos. I served in the military to prevent crap like this from happening here in this country and you are all leading us right into Sharia Law and the extinction of our freedoms.

AOC= Angry Old Cunt

I'd vote Cortez for 2020 President

AO-COTEX what a SHITHEAD DUMB ASS CUNT BITCH who the fuck listens to her BULLSHIT this is dangerous to your ears will lower your IQ and will damage your intelligence people FUCK ALL DEMOC -RATS -RATS -RATS -RATS -RATS LONG LIVE KING T R U M P 2020

Speaking of taking words out of context.... this is something that is done to Trump and other Republicans on a daily basis.... that is why it’s important to research comments and get more information. It is clear that she is deflecting.... Stirring up controversy to avoid talking about policy? Really?

I think that's just a small action. I see her do it on easy and off topic questions too, so it's just her thing. Interesting!

+D Mason Dumb? Wrong. For that trait look at 45. Dumb and corrupt.

+missinglewDid you listen to the entire interview where she talks about Game of Thrones and making it a democracy? I love how one minute she plays smart genius talking about scientific research to self named asteroid in high school with Mt Sinai and the next about waiting tables. Named asteroid for someone this dumb might indicate party grooming imho. Wish she would accept debates and stop hiding her ignorance to macroeconomics and geopol.

A boundary’ she hasn’t got a clue. Really bad Actress.

These guys are not effective interviewers. They keep interrupting Representative Ocasio-Cortez. I’d like to know what she has to say but I can’t stand how unprofessional they are

The only racist out there are the ones always calling people racist. That's there answer to everything especially that rat face girl.

It's sad we're at a day in age when socialist idiots get voted into government offices

She is a complete idiot and it's obvious she is a minion of the hill dog.

And now Amazon is talking about robots not workers. Good call AOC!


I love how YouTube still recommends this boring ass mainstream media crap even though most of what I watch is so much more interesting

Look bitch if I don’t like someone because they wear a turban or smell like curry or if I cus out 10 different Asians driving home from work because they can’t drive. Or make fun of my own race of dumb black kids who shoot each other in the streets doesn’t make me racist. Or maybe it does. But guess what I don’t care because I am doing no harm to them physically. It is not a crime to not like somebody. It is not a crime for trump to not like Mexicans ILLEGALLY coming to our country and wanting to build a wall because of it. Anybody can come to this country LEGALLY!

This bitch is so cringe it’s unbearable

Lmao the future of the Democratic party. It has no future. Stupid twats like AOC are going to kill it.

She is very clear on everything until the israel-Palestine issue comes up. Afraid of Zionists? Why not be clearer! Disappointed with her in particular with this issue.

Everything she says is a lie

why wont this fake bitch talk to ben shapiro, oh yes that's right she dont do facts. $ 10,000 to a charity of her choice, just to appear on his show. nice lady could have really helped someone. as the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words.

You are dumb

how old are you? under 35?

your being to nice, its obvious she hasn't got a clue about anything other than victims and gender.

brilliant Americas first retarded potus

Neenei Roby She actually thinks, compare that to orange orangutan POTUS.

I think the 14th district is ready to dump this garbage pail.

Why is this fool asking a dropout about asteroids? She cant do basic math.

Yahoo Should be Ashamed as an Organization for Promoting this CLEAR and PRESENT Danger to America ((AOC)) ........... I Encourage EVERY American to Have Nothing to do with Yahoo ........... I am Done with this Anti America Bunch of Buzzards

It is NOT About Race ............ It is About the FACT that America is NOT Capable of Remaining a Viable Sovereign Nation if We Allow Masses of People from Dysfunctional Agrarian Societies to Pour into OUR Great Nation ......... It is Not Feasible from Both a Financial and a Societal Stability Perspective ........... People like AOC are Not Thinking Logically and They are Clear and Present Danger to National Security .......... OBVIOUSLY

OCA is the real shit...the Best we have now! Of course, she makes tRump look like CRAP! She will get attacked by the REPUG Goons! l

Rep. Omar speaks for what everyone is thinking, but is afraid to say because of right wing hating against them and probably violence against them.

Omar Hates America, she will suck the teat and the charity of the USA, but when she should give back she just asks for more.

The ONLY reason she got in Congress is because the Demonrats cheated AGAIN!!!❤️

First of all, how exhausting to have to examine everything she was saying. Really? Congress complicates everything! Next, do you know many times that phrase is used in a day? "Some people did something". Our point exactly AOC - you make the bombing of the world's trade center seem mundane. Almost Like an everyday occurrence, or no big deal. Guess what? It was a big deal and definitely NOT MUNDANE!

This woman is a lunatic. I have not heard her answer one question specifically or even come close to a direct answer. She’s made very clear what is currently law is not working..: but no answer on what she’d do about it lol

AOC, you pile of shit.

Honestly this is one of the most intriguing interviews I've seen of AOC. Such a highly intellectual lady with so down to earth dialog of just pure honesty. Exactly the honesty we need so much more of and with her leadership I really believe the country in time will follow her there. Despite the 35 year age limit for presidency I truly believe AOC should run for president! Her and Bernie Sanders are an amazing team and could together take this country down a much better path that would work for many more Americans. So again regardless of the 35 year age requirement.. I truly believe she could and would demolish Trump. Obviously there's a primary election and with the overwhelming support for her the democratic party would have no choice to support her! And stand behind her regardless of what the age requirement is. And when she goes on her way to defeat Trump all across the board for president, who's going to stand in the way of giving the American people who they voted for??? And I would absolutely love to see Trump walking out of the White House for the last time while AOC is walking in! It certainly could happen!

Go listen to a "below average" or for a better comparison, a mildly retarded 3rd grader. You'll be just as educated as if you had listen to AOC.

Almost like you endorse giving large profitable non-taxpayers even more public money.


she is great!

I don't mind the interviewers playing devil's advocate and challenging AOC on some of her missteps, but be careful on how much credit we give to the right. The only people that actually challenge their own ideas are the progressive or left. Right wingers wouldn't challenge Mitch McConnell's ideas with any vigor.

She’s a liar and should just go back to bartending where she was happy with for years. She applied for a casting call, she never intended to run for Senator. A casting call isn’t political intent

She is so polite with these two yahoos. She gives such thoughtful and insightful answers, and some topics do not have black and white answers even when the white haired dude presses hard. He doesn’t even hide his disdain for her and interrupts constantly. She is going to change his world. Great job AOC in handling these two.

Michael, Michael, Michael, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, the reason you have a problem with the "Wall" and the word "Racist" or "Racism" could it be that it is what you are racists, and not just that but failed journalist that have no clue of how to conduct an unbiased and fair interview. You pair of Arrogant Dumb Wits. "Abolish ICE and what do you want to replace it with"? Michael, why does there have to be a replacement necessarily???? Pendejos!!! Don't know what it means? Look it up guey!!!

She quit social media because she kept getting ripped by all of the conservative base.

As though Norway is in any way comparable to America. What an ass she is. I never had my civil rights taken away at work. What in hell does she mean. Ilhan is an antisemite shit who is as anti-American as it gets.

She’s anti-capitalism and wants to be a buddy to comrade Bernie to give freebies to buy your vote.

These 2 are so busy crawling up her ass, they give her a pass. She tries to justify her decision against Amazon by lying her ass off.

The Green Deal is so bad that not one single Dem voted for it. Muddied the water? She’s an outright liar.

Capitalism made America great. Look where she lives. But instead she wants to redistribute wealth and kill Incentives.

One of the best people I know is an immigrant from Guatemala, she is a single mom, child born here and nobody I know works harder to support her family. Most immigrants fit this profile, NOT the profile of a criminal!

This grey haired moron is a nazi.

How big are those teeth are those donkey teeth or horse teeth you should be mad at your mom or dad for giving you those huge fangs

What a joke what a joke she won her seat like they win those contests for American idol she did not win it because she's smart she wanted because of popularity there you go she has people write s*** for her to talk

She is a phenomenon oh my God she's another another Einstein her IQ is off the charts or she's borderline retarded her IQ is at least 70 or lower

AOC can eat Chumpfuck alive in a National debate. Let me get the ketchup and the silver plate ready for her.

AOC bringing Bronx ideas to the masses, we gotz ya back Alexandria, shout out Throgs Neck Projects and all of NYCHA, thou.

Cortez is stupid, Omar is vile, and Tlaib is insidious...what a trio of slimy Democrats

AOC knows so little about so much, she has empty rhetoric, but no answers.

NY, you folks are so lame. AOC shows the worst of the Radical Left.

Republicans are racist. I don't know any non white republicans. Why would I as a chinese immigrant ever want to support the right when they clearly only want white supremacy and subjugation of minorities.

HI AOC — please learn the proper way to say the word “Muslim”. This is just a constructive criticism. Good Luck.

AOC, is a bartender, WTF you expect ?

People call this girl stupid lol

If you're super into mansplaining, these are your hosts.

real interesting to listen to AOC. fuck the yankees.

This interviewer said that "The Washington Post is owned by Bezos in Washington State". No hunny he owns it in Washington DC not the state.. It's the Capital!

#Amen girl! They don't want to talk about poiicy! I think a border wall is racsist too, however, I am from Ohio and I support you, and I know for a fact that some people who support the wall don't even live ANYWHERE near it and are, in fact, racist. I have family members who are rascist. I struggle to have open conversations with even my liberal brethern about why some may equate rascism with the wall and why some calls for the wall may or may not have some legitimacy. I don't believe in the Wall. However, I want to be open to those who perceive this threat and take it seriously. It's very hard for me not to think that their beliefs aren't founded in true rascism, especially when taken into consideration, that the people near the borders are AGAINST walls on their ancestral land, and land seizure, etc. Also, I've seen firsthand a Corporation that prefers to hire Visa'd employees because A. They refuse to pay a living wage to American workers at their disposal, and B. They prefer a "slave wage" and a "slave" temperament for their servers. Believe me, this is going on at Mar' A Lago. I have 100% confidence in that and no doubt.

AOC = Perfect example of what the NEA indoctrination has done to our children. She should repeat third grade. Pathetic.

English is a second language for AOC? I bet that this is a false statement.

Keeping illegals out of the country I served in war for makes me a racist? How dare you! Set the example and stop everything that uses fossil fuels. The earth is not getting warmer other than normal fluctuations. The “data” used is as what you complain of—taken out of context and or dismissed if it doesn’t match their chart of unreality.

U are not going do anything to stop these illegal People fr crossing the southern border of the USA. #ADOS THE BLACK VETERAN.

"Calling something that is racist, racist, is almost more offensive than being racist in America". She hit it on the nail.

We do need border in the United States

Here's the deal, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn't a rich business owner nor is she a "politician". What she is is an every day person that has the same fears and issues that every day people have. She can relate. Most of the people you all vote for are not in tune with your real fears and issues. Unfortunately the powers that be aren't truly empathetic to your issues; they're just concerned about your vote. Wise up people and fight against those that fight against you and cherish those that fight alongside you...

Nuance in assessment of immigrants is unnecessary? ok.

what she was actually saying: to CAIR. being solicitous to CAIR. I want to love you, but fuck you for not protecting victims of that ideology.

Not only the 9/11 victims. Its daily victims, over the millennia.

I don't how people can vote for her. I think she is ignorance and childless. She and the rest of the Democrats want to this country to Socialist Country. WAKE UP AMERICA. Let me warn you . You don't want the Democrats take over this. The Democrats have been paid to play by Goerge Soros. The Dictator Socialist Goerge Soros want to take over this country many years. He use the Democrats and the Fake News . The Democrats are the destructions of the United States and the Fake News media outlets are the propaganda machines to cover up for the Democrats. Back this stupidity of Ocasio Cortez. Do you think she has knowledge . She is a stupid and IGNORANCE. Anytime she open her month. It make sick in my asswhole. Her mouth is her asswholle. I was a immigrant and I become US citizen. The illegal immigrants do not contribute anything for this country. They cost us tax payers billions. There are millions of illegal immigrants on warfare systems. The illegal cross our border are not education, 90% of the illegal immigrants did not finish third grade. Average ages between 17 and 35. Now we have a crisis at the border thousands of migrants a day. All the Democrats denied this crisis. The Mexican cartels have a new program call CHILD RENTAL. if you come with a child you will release in 20 days. Many children are mising because this CHILD RENTAL program. Warning to all parents in America. Keep your on your children's especially the Of 2 to 5 years old.I am support our President Donald Trump to the BORDER WALL as soon as possible. I don't to work and support the illegal immigrants no more. If you call yourself American, and I want to think really hard. Are you going to work for the rest of your F##KING life to support illegal immigrants? you're going to work to support your family not for the illegal immigrants. This idiot Acasio Cortez will get pay $200,000 + a year. Do you think she will struggle month to month. Fuck No , you are. Their ideologies are not for them but you. WAKE up AMERICA. One gain if you call yourself American, and you should look what are good for American people not for the illegal immigrants. Please do things right so you don't have to do it again. BE AWARE and BE AWAKE ! Please don't be afraid to share and speak up. We need your voices. The Socialists are here. So WAKE UP AMERICA. DON'T let them take control of your life and Fight back. I love this great country and l love you all. God bless our President Donald Trump and God bless America always.

These old white men don't know how to interview a woman or person of color smarter than them, so they have to sound extremely patronizing, otherwise they don't know how to respond. Idiots. Get a woman to interview her & you'll a better interview than this shit show.

isnt there enough Black death under Obama? NO MORE black president.

Why are these guys so mad with her? Their questions are very aggressive.

these old men know nothing

AOC is the best

Iraq is called a strategic mistake, but 9/11 is sacred. And they say religions are dangerous. lol

Just like everyone, she will not answer the questions, YES OR NO.

I think she some radical ideas that way out there and that are anti-American. She definitely needs to be kept in check.

It’s so frustrating that people who interview her don’t ever really push or ask difficult questions. They obviously did a bit more than cnn but still a disappointment.

Give up social media? She loves to hear herself talk so no way!

I really liked AOC a couple of years back when she had more of an underground following. She's becoming more and more mainstream. The more mainstream she goes the further away from strong policies she goes.

46-48 minutes in. Everything you need to know about American politics.

She is a race baiter and dumb as a door nail. She is at the tippy tippy top of the race baiting chain

Shut up dumb troll

total propaganda

You need to repeat kindergarten. Then maybe you'll learn to be polite or at least listen to others, take turns before speaking. It's obvious you didn't watch the video.

You're wrong on every point.

You do know that most of these "rich business owners" actually came from nothing, right?

Yes. Yes. Yes. But she is a politician. She's just young and learning. She was a political organizer and teacher with a degree in economics before she ran for office.

+Elizabeth's Music and Arts O, I understand. She is the Boss. The rest of us are just along for the ride, so shut up and get in line. In Europe where the distances are much smaller, rail works, but in the U.S., rail requires large government subsidies and is not competitive with air, yet AOC knows best. Who really needs their own car, unless your a poor guy with a pickup and makes his living mowing lawns, clearing snow in the winter, selling firewood, etc. Fuck those people, AOC knows what is best for them. We only have 12 years before we are all dead from global warming. And as for you, it is obvious you are a member of AOC's target audience. You want to think and make decisions for others when you do not know shit. What AOC proposes would require tyranny to implement, if you missed that huge problem. Or maybe you lack the ability to understand that each life of the 349 million people in the U.S. will seek the appropriate solutions for their lives with less centralized government from the likes of AOC. Cuba Libra.

That's only if you're too dumb to understand her.

dropped out of what? reality?

She thinks and feels more than 20 women combined... Im more interested in her facts and why she wants to completely disrupt our economy.,..

Absolutely agree!

what a SHITHEAD DUMB ASS CUNT BITCH who the fuck listens to her BULLSHIT this is dangerous to your ears will lower your IQ and damage your intelligence people FUCK ALL DEMOC -RATS -RATS -RATS -RATS -RATS LONG LIVE KING T R U M P 2020

She doesn't mind the critical questions, she's always wel prepared. AOC is not a snowflake, I

They need to start talking about the Navtive American plight. It is the worst racism happening in America TODAY.

She literally never answered any of the questions asked to her it was just rambling. As far as her reasons for impeaching Trump, monuments?? Tax fraud? Then blah blah blah. Tax fraud is a allegation just like Russia collusion which has been proven nothing wrong was done. So she gave zero reasons to impeach him she just said there r so many reasons yet didnt give a single valid one lmao. Typical Dem Ignorance here

These dudes suck

I wouldn't move to China and expect everyone to accommodate to my English. I'd do my best to assimilate, learn the local language and culture.

But yet you still can't come up with a reason for impeachment.and why was trump never called a racist until he ran for president?look at Trump's interview back in the early 2000s on the view they all loved him till he actually ran for president

Both left and right dont want to talk any sense, they just want to attack. Ben Shapiro, and Andrew Yang are the only ones that dont just attack. They make very good points

Also I'm very far from religious. He still makes sense to me

+Gus Fring actually he never uses religion to make his point

Seth Stephens Ben Shapiro sounds like he makes good points but in reality he utilizes religious zeal as the basis for his whole agenda - he is not a good faith, objective policy actor

Other politicians will deflect from the question and answer with platitudes. She pauses to answer with nuance but answer directly, and with policy.

It seems you too hyper to follow her thinking. She has to think before she speaks.

Wow. Impressive interview. Thanks guys. She's finding her footing- watch out DC. This young woman has something to say. I share many of her views, except one-

Border wall of to keep drugs out take a look at KY sn the war on drugs trump is cleaning up America and trying to keep illegal immagrants out becasue policy ...your policy in fact has given them a right to vote and they know absolutely NOTHING about our country when they had just trashed our laws to walk illegally over the border.

If you get news from social media your screwed anyway. Wake up America. Says the ones who say " a thing happened no one said they shouldnt have health care but were smart enough to take a look at Venezuela & we know NOTHING is free!!! Race isnt even the issue. There are way more fights over the fact that your policy is to kill the unborn, Marry men & women of the same sex & completely abolish the human race. Or the fact that your meeting terrorist organizations at the Hilton hotel & are single handedly ripping American in two. She should know everything about current policies and everything that's going on to represent all of Americans

Great interview, happy to listen to a calm politician.

Is she giving up social media because everyone is bullying her for being a socialist ideologue? ABSOLUTELY!!!

Glad you realize these guys don't even let her answer a question my goodness was there working for Donald Trump or something


She is so smart, that is why the Republicans are so scared of her.


The more I listen to AOC the more I like her

This guy can't figure why there is an increasing migrants? We're destroying their countries in the name of fighting communism. What do you think's going to happen when we're done with Venezuela?

No sir, he wants people to believe he's not inciting violence... when that was exactly his purpose!

Being Scottish its actual amazing to meet Americans that travel outside of America because they don’t think about their foreign policy’s or how they act to the rest of the world u till they are outside of the country and channels across the world and basically stating that America are bombing woman and children and allowing countries like Israel to do so against Gaza... the sheer focus that is put on reality tv in your country is anything but reality to what you’re doing abroad

This retard is human trash

If you believe the B.S. that spews out of her brain, you deserve destruction.

I like her-

Catch the SCIENCE!!! Yippee

she's a lousy actor, makes a good crappy politician.

why is it in black and white?

Not all trump supporters are racist.. But all racist support Trump..

Asstroid in the Whitehouse

This guy can't figure why there is an increasing number of migrants? We're destroying their countries in the name of fighting communism. What do you think's going to happen when we're done with Venezuela?

Which one

AOC is one of the most reasonable people in Washington D.C., LOL, we are so used to such bullshit.   The focus is so much on Mexico, Central and South America, what about the millions of Russians that have entered the Country over the last 25 years? Oh yeh, no problem there? Car theft rings, Sex Trafficking, Blackmarket operations>.   Causing Mass Migration is a method of Warfare. Destabilizing whole populations makes it easier to Colonize them. Empire is continuing to Grow, only now it's not Nations so much as it is The International Banking System, and their Corporations, which rules us all. Of course they want a Wall, that's what killing Democracy is all about, building WALLS, DIVISIONS BETWEEN PEOPLE. Next we will begin to see a serious fight between "MEN and WOMEN", you know, The Rights of Women to choose what they will do with their own bodies! The old guard thinks, we Gotta put women back in their place , submission, right????? Women are waking up, (Sisters, Daughters, Girl friends, Wives, and men who love them) do we really want to subjugate our Women? Pretty primitive thinking!

Trump's persona is just more Republican southern strategy politics.

She says, quite clearly, that Tr*mp created the mass immigration from Central American countries so he could justify building his f*cking wall!! And then the interviewer just says "There's a lot of people... blah blah blah" totally ignoring WHY they are coming! Grrrrrrrrr :-O

As I listened to conversation of open borders? (Ha,that's not happening)(nor has it been requested) and the need for border control and agency oversight....I ask myself why so little is said about businesses which employ the so called illegals??? Farming and food processing, construction, hotel/resort/corporate facilities maintenance/janitorial/custodial jobs. Home care of children and elderly, lawncare, landscaping, etc etc etc. Why are employers not spoken of for the breach of law??? Cuase we need immigrants to fill jobs.

I love to see new progressives on US politics. Maybe Democrats will choose Bernie Sanders as their candidate this time and don't fuck it up this time choosing a Clinton, an Obama, and all that Wallstreet shit. Any serious Social Democrat with real proposal for jobs would kick Trump''s ass in an election.

very smart woman.

You are just what we 70 escaping is acceptable ...k?

perfectly said

un belivebul se just says anything that comes out of her mouth she has no real argument about anything i got dizzy listening to her rederik i hope she gets schoold about life and not the dream world she live in if she thinks that ilegals are americans what does she thik americans are for a congres woman she is the dumest my 11 year old is smarter than her on governament things SHE IS DUMMER THEN DUM

Honestly, she can say so veryyyy stupid things

half the guns in central america are of american origin. immigration laws should not mention any country names, as this is the sneaky way of racist levers being at hand. all immigration policy wording only use needs/risk/etc categories; not country quotas.

When who is done with Venezuela?

They're kin to Nancy Grace

That's a Highly intelligent woman an the more I hear of her the more I'm extremely impressed luckily for the repubacans she's not old enuff to run for president because they would be ASSSSSSSS OUT!!!!!!

Isn’t there any periodontists in NY? Couldn’t get a job out of college though. RIGHT

sorry I'm driving and using speech to text what I meant to say is send a real inspector one that won't take an envelope or deal with John Gotti this guy has to be equipped with sonar penetration equipment check the Concrete Expansion check the rebar check all the metal then I want you to send a estimator on all his furniture his paintings everything and see how much that crap is really worth then check and see what he claiming he paid for down to the plants down to the tile down to everything see if he overpaid and what did he claim and its taxes that's how you take them down a real building inspector also check out his buddies they call themselves The Minutemen but they are actually the Ku Klux Klan I just can't believe they're getting away with letting them Patrol the Border imagine what they're doing to women and children out there in that vast desert the Ku Klux Klan is having a field day out there they want to go mess with somebody that does not know the Constitution or the language and that hasn't eaten in 3 days pussys

Dumb bitch

you don't have to impeach all you have to do is send a real building inspector to his buildings one that won't take a envelope or deal with John Gotti I want this guy to have sonar penetration to check the rebar I want all the metal tested and the Sandman I'm talking about a real building inspector not the one that took an envelope or dealt with the mob

AOC is refreshing and America if you’re listening here is a great potential for POTUS

let her talk!

This girl does her homework. More than I can say for many many other politicians.

You are apparently a supporter of the proven Liar. You tell me that the older guys are doing better than her, I might listen to you. "Case closed...…..Case......closed" You likely heard that from Mitch. Anyways, when there is an unscripted question, you'll hear everybody say "I think", but not everybody actually recovers from it quite as well as she does. Open your mind and follow all media instead of just Fox (Hannity)

Paul Bernard Really? I thought this was painful to watch/listen

As far as I'm concerned "divisiveness" which is clearly being done is an act of terrorism. Trump is a terrorist. Lets buddy up with Putin and Jung Un and trash the good people of the world. (Last sentence is sarcasm in case you didn't hear it. ) LOL

Why is thisin black and white?

How the Hell is AOC considered a domestic terrorist? The terrorist is living in the WH.

Never seen such a powerhouse in American politics. You keep that steam going AOC. Love that energy.

If anyone will truly clean the swap that Trump just dug deeper, this is a girl who will do it. I'm just hoping I live long enough to see President AOC.

This man is literally trying to make highscool comment section arguments on a sponsored interview. How can he take himiself seriously? 12:40

Being ambitious, transitioning elevators.

I want to talk to the interviewer, who give a fuck about her home town news paper, the point is it was racist dumbfuck

Really, racist you say? And it is relevant what the paper is called when she only lies, and has lied about where she grew up. She should name the socalled racist paper they read in westchester, with a maid to clean her room. The little girl reading a script, makes follow up questions a must. Now wonder she cannot answer. That can happen to lazy actresses, who are poor at improv.

4:10. She nailed it with that "asteroid in the white house" comment. I'm laughing so hard I gotta go pee. :o))))))))

And instead of spending in a fucking WALL thinking about it a WALL BRO wtf are you stupid why don’t you use that money for more jobs at the border, something positive and something smarter than a WALL

It is an invasion, biggest migration in human history. Got to protect the children of champagnesocialists and the airheads who vote DNC. People want a wall, and voted for a wall. Sorry, but in the west we have democracy. And the money is discretional spending, allocated for the wall alone. Cannot go to anything else. It is new funding, for a crazy crises, about national security. And Mexico has paid the money back, so only fair to use it as promised to Mexico.

Omg, this pussy ass old white guy, you old punk, I can see in your face your a fake, and people coming from there why are you so worried about it pussy ? You act your white ass isn’t well off enough already selfish racist angry white man, these are the same people white rich people love to employ dumbass

These are the type of white men that act fake but are really racist but they are scared to admit it but behind closed doors....... trust me I know I’m white so I know how these mother fuckers are

Your just an old angry white man that doesn’t like people standing up to fake people like you fucking old man but yet your still a punk fuck you and your show


Don’t talk to her like your smarter than her stupid man, you want to say she’s contributing to the bulllshit shit the fuck up I would love for you to say that in front of another man punk

Ey you fucking bitch man why don’t you talk to me instead of her bitch

These old white men are stupid af trying to act smart and cool with her when really they aren’t fake ass old men so what she said let’s impeach the mother fucker so what , are you that sensitive? Haven’t you heard what other people say but oh that’s so bad shut the fuck up you fake man you had no balls as a young man and still as an old man. Trump is a racist mf it’s obvious stop bieng a little bitch, doesn’t mean he’s not good at business and other shit , but doesn’t mean he’s not racist fucking snow flake

It’s hard to believe that she could be that stupid !

"Well, my running mate is my garbage disposal."

Hahahaha, good one bruh

So you want a duly elected leader removed by fascist tactics. At least you are honest about it. Newsflash to you, ignoring building codes is not an offence that has anything about his presidency to do, hahahaha. And he has left control over to his kids. Everybody had to deal with Gotti, Gotti controlled the unions. Do you not like that people listens to the unions? AOC probably disagree with you there.,


Let the little girl dance

Never seen so many retards in one post.

Extremely stupid comment on all fronts. Very sad. Of course country of origin is important. And heads up to you, yes, enforecement of immigration laws are racist. Special rules for south americans. Should treat them equal to the rest of the world in 2019.

David Jessee nice play on words. Keep it up dude that was awesome.

Well, you're a fucking idiot so it makes sense.

You're stupid.

+Chris they sound plausible because they are plausible. Lol what a retard

ashleyen3 : that stuff comes from the likes of Jordan (screetch) Peterson and the like. Legitimising absurd and racist generalisations that sound plausible when spoken in semi-intellectual wording.

Yep! In the Blue States and Cities portions of the Green New Deal is being executed.

Dude you're a racist, sexist, nut job. Look how many comments you left. AOC will never be the president. The green new deal was an embarrassment. Sorry your life hasn't turned out how you want it to, but you need to stop with the amount of hate you're spewing.

We DID have a role in honduras

She just explained to you WHY more migrants are coming.

Sorry! U tube is BROKEN

Does Issikoff even listen to his guest??? I dont think so

Thankfully she is a patient congresswoman -to educate regardless

Her name is Sandy Ocasio. I went to school with her. Whats with AOL? How about Bill Clinton going around calling himself William Jefferson Clinton. Sandy has to drop these gimmicks about her name. Actually, we called her Stinky Sandy because of some personal hygiene problems, but she's probably much better now

Two white men telling the target of racism and the defender of those being attacked to shut up! White privilege.

Love AOC.

Bernie Sanders 2020!! ..Tusli Gabbard or Andrew Yang for V.P. These are excellent none establishment leaders who care for the working class Americans! No Joe Biden, he is a political establishment puppet who does the bidding of corporations! Get out the Vote, health care is a right!

ice or who ever injecting children with psychotropic drugs And letting toddlers defend themselves in court is not ok These older white men are mot listening they are almost hearing

fuck this old man is he a real journalist because he's clearly showing his bias and taking it out on AOC he's disgusting

AOC GOOD JOB ! two men throwing all kinds of questions and you answered all with great responses .my votes for you .. I see you for presedent..

Why is this in black and white there is literally no reason for that

Who else thinks little AOC is smarter than the OG

I am SICK and TIRED of people denying that we have and have always had a problem with RACISM against People of Color. While we dance around facts, our Democracy is being destroyed from within. Brown children being murdered in NAZI cages. LGBTQIA people being murdered. WHAT IS WRONG WITH US?

This bitch is a wacky wackjob

So if there were thousands of white people streaming in to the USA it would be ok and nobody would try and stop it?

She has a lot to say, most of it ignorant and dumb.


AOC tells the truth, which drives the radical right up the wall. LOL

R u sure? If u just listened to the segment covering the failed Amazon deal and aren’t able to c past the poised socially aware business women larp, u r very likely to be < 25 and a women’s studies major or something similar.

Wendy Scott Are you high!? She can’t even spit out three reasons to impeach the president!

No republicans don’t insight outrage lol they fight for a policy and then the left gets triggered and feel like outrage.... it’s ok to not like something you try to get your people on board and vote for it... problem today everyone has feelings about everything and we really need to stop.... if a policy passes you don’t agree with feel free to inwardly be frustrated not go on social media and slander and motivate action on something that requires a duration and begin a new platform for change.

I'm Honduran myself, what happened here was NOT a regime change, it was a coup supported by USA. They took a legitimate president from his position, just to put neo-liberals in power. 2019 and we still fighting against the corruption of those new government backed by USA. The only reason they backed a coup against Manuel Zelaya is that Zelaya wanted to buy cheap oil from Venezuela during the oil crisis of 2008/2009 and we would have payed that with bolivares and not dollars. Which would make it even cheaper for us, a third world nation that could barely afford market prices.

Mark my words one day she will president, and one of the best your nation ever had.

+Hillary Clinton's racist Kara Swisher interview all you are is jealous she is beautiful, brilliant, competent, charismatic, while you hide behind a troll account denigrating others because you have accomplished nothing with your sad life. All I can feel for you is pity.

*She doesn't even know what a garbage disposal is, and you think she can be president? Do you have a single-digit IQ like her?*

Look at our fascist reality. Bernie, Tulsi, Alexanda, and others have a real risk of being assassinated by some government "security" agency.

The reason Omar used those words, was soooo clever. Anything else , like an opinion, would have caused verbal attacks, from every direction .Instead, nothing. Well done Ilhan. the real point of contempt obviously should be the actual perpetrators of 911, Mossad, and the CIA, but Americans are too stupid and gutless to see or believe the truth...

I wonder who's dumber, her or the good people who voted for her?

+Hillary Clinton's racist Kara Swisher interview Why are you concerned about Hillary Clinton? You should be happy that she was cheated out of the presidency by the current occupant, which you apparently approve of, when he's the biggest racist we've ever since Andrew Jackson or Andrew Johnson. Hillary Clinton is a private citizen with the same free speech privileges of every American. Perhaps she has more influence when she does speak because she should have been the president since she got the most votes, but that's life in these United States. Why are you still obsessing about her? It doesn't make any sense to me, but then nothing the radical right ever does makes sense to me so I guess I shouldn't be surprised at your ridiculous screen name.

*Then you're a retard.*

White people are the Migrants from across the Atlantic, Hispanics are the Historical Natives returning home.

*Say goodbye to your economy, then.*

In a coup against sitting US PResident, Michael Isakoff wrote a piece to pass FISA warrant against Carter Page, leading to the phony Russia-investigation against President Trump's campaign. Media has stepped up from megaphone for The Democratic Party, to Treason.

She is an actress! Every line she says is given to her, she has no thoughts that are her own. No one will hurt her cuz any body that has brains, knows that she is only a puppet for the unelected Justice Democrats who are pulling the strings. She is controlled by the deep state corrupt government that is trying to take away our rights and control the brain washed people that are dumb enough to believe what she is telling them, WAKE UP, THINK CRITICALLY, DON’T SWALLOW THIS BULL SHIT THAT THEY ARE FEEDING TO YOU.

She's being trolled. Lol.... what a dolt.

People like her just make me want to take her job and do it for her. I bet a third grader is smarter than her

Why is Isikoff assuming that refugees are coming for economic reasons? Does he not know about the coup d'etat created in Honduras and the pressures the Obama and Trump governments have created in Central American in general that have also been the basis for the refugees coming? Is he also not aware that the U.S. is among those nations that has obligated itself to accept refugees?

She is so stupid it’s funny. Walk Away to the

In the context of a history that the U.S. has of being a nation of immigrants, the notion of building a wall which copies an idea created in China, is a rejection of our own historical role in the world. I'm a child of East European immigrants. Should we now remove the Statue of Liberty and build a wall along the East Coast of the U.S.?

aa311 Thank you for explaining that more fully. It’s a message constantly buried and covered up. The real reason why we have so much immigration is because of our interference in other countries’ government. I’m so sorry for what we’ve done.

Exactly, because they do. The Italians, the Irish, the Englishmen, the Russians...they're all coming over without any repercussions that our darker skinned friends would encoutner because they're white-esque.

So amazing. Love her.

Remember, This is woman wants to get rid of cows but doesn't know what garbage disposal is.

Sometimes protest is not necessarily what you're against...but what you stand for.-AOC.

She has huge teeth.

+adrian collette thanks for stating the obvious. Honestly I would like a productive answer. I'm trying to learn. You guys sound like you are all pro Maduro which is crazy. Clearly I'm missing something. Maduro was voted in to the new term by corruption and vote rigging. He jailed all the old legislative assembly by coercion mainly to replace the old constitution. The economy collapsed because of years of gross economic mismanagement, huge dependence on oil and their socialist policies. Maduro still doesn't want to recognize this. He cut ties with the US and Canada and other Latin countries trying to bring aid for all those starving people in the name of the sanctions imposed. Is it wrong now for the US to want to help Guaido become interim elected until they can properly redo the national elections? I don't think it's a coupe when most of the entire country wants Maduro to step down. They have a right to ask for a better leader

Anand Prakash US Policy. You obviously are not familiar with how much the US is pressing Venezuela.

AMERICAns have more guns and ammo than most armies abroad !! Lots of guns !! ( Gangsta mentality rap has ruined the youth ) NIGGERISM

Women VOLUNTARILY killed 1 BILLION CHILDREN in 60 years , female murderers who complained about illegal aliens or dog deaths


This woman is a warrior. Not a gardener in a war, and not a warrior in a garden.

What a really great person!

I still don't know who she is or care . good video

Stop lying

She's being too soft on Israeli aggression.

Narcissists will support each other as long as they get something from each other, when that stops look out nothing worse than a narcissist with clout as you can see big time in the Democratic party.

Hate America if you love her!!!!

Pocahontus WON'T be president any more than Hitlery will be!!

So run for Congress, like she did.

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