Ancient Use of Sound Vibration with Modern Technology | WAVwatch

Ancient Use of Sound Vibration with Modern Technology | WAVwatch

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hello everyone I think I got all the buttons touched we're live on Facebook I'm not very good sometimes about seeing some of those posts but I definitely see things that you put on the zoom call and um some of you know that I've moved and so that's why I wasn't on last week and I've got a new you know little office and trying to get it set up and uh the longest time was getting the internet switched from one house to the other but I think I'm fully functioning here so we're gonna have fun today or I think it's fun and fascinating I'm going to be talking about ancient use of technology and so I just want to give you know a shout out to Jennifer Eason Washington and she has a podcast by that name Jennifer Eason Washington and she is the person that kind of sent me the first picture that you know I've touched on some of these things but what she sent me was fantastic so I just want to share it with you and uh just have fun today with why frequencies and how frequencies have touched our world from the beginning so I hope I've got everybody clued in here and I'm going to go ahead and share my screen I'm assuming everybody can hear me and see me let me know if you can't but most people are saying yes so we're set there we go too many buttons to press here okay so um I have been saying for the longest time that I have the world's first sound therapy watch there are some other tools out there that have sound and light and some different you know ideas on them uh more electrical frequencies uh from the electrical ideas uh but mine was strictly acoustical and what I wanted to share with you was just the fun information that I mentioned earlier for Gen from Jennifer Eason Washington so we have about 850 different settings to correct imbalances in your body and I've gone through this several times but we have new people every time so hopefully most of you are seeing the ease of use with the uh Rave watch that there's no cords or messy wires or patches sometimes I still have people trying to plug in and use earphones with the watch but that's what I'm trying to avoid you do not need to do that you don't need to hear it every cell in your body absorbs frequencies and sound so they say even babies in the womb it's like they're getting a continual drum beat you know a crescendo at times because they are hearing through feeling the Sounds in the womb you know so don't worry about hooking up messy wires and putting patches on and all that kind of stuff that's what the watch is trying to eliminate uh we have no internet connectivity there's no emfs and that is supremely important if you're paying attention to the negativity of emfs in our culture today I'm such a talker I'll never forget about 30 years ago that I saw an episode on Star Trek and of course they were chasing down uh some people it's like a civilization a culture who had captured the children from from the uh ship and uh it turned out that the reason they're children were captured was to start a new civilization that another planet had actually put Towers all over their planet to communicate and it made the people infertile where they could not reproduce so that was in my mind and here today that's what we have 30 years later a scientific you know show how true is it so again no EMS there's also no monthly fee uh it's great for uh hard of hearing people like me it's all inclusive everybody can wear it you know babies can wear it with a little bit of help even pets can't hear it and uh have some benefit from it it's very cost effective self-care there are no monthly fees and hopefully it is one of the best uh Christ tools on the market so I also have over 60 hours of teaching on Wave Watch frequency fanatics on Facebook most of those have been transferred to rumble and YouTube there's quite a few videos also so you can see about the Wave Watch in several different ways if you want to share any of those ideas with people so while ah to jump into today maybe the Wave Watch is not a new idea because look at this picture look at this right here you'll see an ancient culture and these will were the Sumerians if I'm saying that correctly Sumerians and they have all kinds of pictures of some kind of a tool or something or some people speculate jewelry uh wearing on their wrist so this just got me thinking about sharing with you some ideas on how ancient cultures have been using frequencies so here's one idea now this was a whole collage and you can see that if you look very carefully you'll see that every one of these pictures they are wearing some kind of something on their wrist now what is it you know and all you have to do is look up Sumerians and wrist watches and that's what I found and many many more pictures but I captured the collage from uh Matrix harmonics to be able to show you that so you don't have to look very hard at all to see these wonderful sculptures you know you can't miss this that there is something on their wrist now what is it I don't know does anybody know I doubt it but it is fun to speculate so here's one speculation that I can share with you whoops so I so I'm hoping everybody saw that could everybody hear that also once in a while I have trouble with that so let me know if you weren't uh no I didn't have any sound Linda you didn't have any sound I wonder did anybody have any sound I didn't either okay let me go back because it's it's worth doing that so I may have missed a button here ah see I think I did all right we'll try that again oh this is a question why does everyone watch on isn't that a watch how dare you impossible stop what is that jewelry it looks like a watch I mean maybe it's jewelry but it ah boy I'm having trouble with his wrist and it's a circle and it's with a band right I mean what is that many anti-cathera mechanism it looks like my watch it does it does that's crazy but of course the explanation is like of course not just jewelry but it does look like it doesn't it well it just makes sense that if they developed weapons and they develop clothing and they develop shelters if they had the sophistication to be able to construct these buildings why wouldn't they able to construct a watch right an automatic watch oh this is a question why does everyone watch on now could anybody here were you able to hear that yes okay I'm not sure what's going on here too many buttons press I guess okay so if you were able to hear that or even just see it there is no reason at all why a culture that could develop those build and build those buildings and have all the technology that they had why they couldn't have built a lot have built watches for something along those lines that this was another opinion on uh Facebook and um through Matrix harmonics it was posted and um basically the person said I thought I would put my opinion into this mix as wearing watches in ancient cultures is very stunning you know so this person is saying that he thinks that they could have used them to travel between non-physical dimensions he they could have been used to Monitor and change energy frequencies and they could receive information via telepathic intuitive means but there's no way to prove how they were used they could also see that they did wear them on different arms so this person was surmising that the there were different energies that they were accessing and maybe even that they were connected to a home frequency so I know that gets kind of wild but I just thought it was very interesting I'm not sure I can't see everybody again pressing too many buttons here but um I just thought that was wonderful to be able to see a different idea on the watches now I have one more video and it's 15 minutes long so I'm not going to show it to you all but just show you especially the title and it's another person uh you know extrapolating and telling us why he thinks that these watches these could have actually been watches or something along that line and I'm still pressing some buttons trying to get to be able to see you again here let me try to try that one more time there we go there we go all right so here's the next idea and again this is 15 minutes long so it's a it's you know it's a little long we're not going to show it all but just look at the title on that Ancient Temple shows cell phone and wrist watch built with psychic powers I don't know I'm just showing you what's on the internet and the interesting part about it [Music] hey guys today we're going to see an ancient Hindu temple which is truly Unforgettable even if you try to forget it it will be impossible for you to erase the visuals I'm going to show you the temple you are about to see is very ancient it was built around 250 A.D which means the temple is at least 1750 years old but the details in this Temple are mind-boggling and will make you question if the temple was built by Supernatural means this Temple is located in a small village called singrakudi and at first sight it looks almost like a modern day temple with beautiful and colorfully painted statues what is so special about these carvings and statues look at this statue it has a shirt with a collar and look there are or even buttons and you can even see the pockets on both sides he's posing as though he's holding up the weight of the Temple now Hinduism is all about symmetry so my eyes are naturally going on the other side of the Tower and look again the statue on the other side is also shown with a dress shirt what color pockets and buttons this is shocking because all historians agree that button shirts came to India only in the last few centuries but this Temple is at least 1750 years old yes the painting on it is fresh because they do repaint the temple time and time again and some even claim that these shirts were done by a quirky painter in recent times however many locals claim that these shirts were originally carved on these ancient statues and the painters merely paint various colors on them now remember I spoke about symmetry let's go to the other side of the Tower and see what kind of statues exist there this side is also beautifully carved with so many stories from Hinduism and again we see more figures with dress shirts with buttons collars and Pockets the faces are a little bit different from the faces on the front side of the tower but now we have a total of four statues wearing dress shirts right we're not done yet because Temple Towers actually have four sides so I decided to see what's on the sides as well most people do not see the sides of the towers at all and I was able to see more statues with shirts if we go around the tower flying like birds then we can see four more statues on the sides of the towers as well this is remarkable because we have a total of eight statues wearing dress shirts in this Tower we know as a matter of fact that button shirts with collars did not exist 1750 years ago I don't mean that just within India the whole world did not use shirts like this until the last few centuries so how could ancient Builders carve such accurate statues with dress shirts but we are not done yet there are more interesting details when I zoomed in with my camera and took close-ups on the sides there are more details which are stunning look at this figure he has a round pocket watch which goes from his button to his pocket this is typically how we used watches before the wristwatch became fashionable but there's something even more shocking on his lower pocket there is a large rectangular object peeping out it looks remarkably similar to a modern day smartphone is that a cell phone we are looking at how are such carvings possible in an ancient Hindu temple locals give a totally different answer with a completely different angle to this these statues and carvings were done in ancient times but they were done with the help of psychic powers the Builder who created them was deeply spiritual and he could visualize how the future generation would look using his psychic abilities is it possible that ancient sculptors could use their psychic powers to visualize how their future Generations would look thousands of years later locals say yes and point to yet another interesting Tower in the temple this is a smaller Tower which is built on the sanctum of a female goddess immediately you can notice something very interesting this Tower is ladies only no male gods or humans are shown all these statues are females this is a spectacular carving of a mom saving a baby from falling off the tower Hinduism is a very liberal religion in fact Hinduism has more female goddesses than male gods but there is something much more fascinating in this Tower here we can see two women wearing modern day swimsuit look at these statues this is extraordinary here are two women shown wearing typical Western bathing suit from the last century how do we explain these statues I have shown you so many different carvings and temples on my channel even temples which claim time travel but this Temple was done by some kind of psychedelic means the carvings I find are just really bizarre look here is a carving which shows conjoined twins they have two heads but share the same body look at their face they both have protruding teeth coming out of their lips count the number of hands there are a total of seven hands where is the Symmetry here conjoined twins often have these abnormal asymmetric features and look at the number of legs there are a total of three lakhs we should normally see something like this in a medical Museum but we see this in this Ancient Temple why so I didn't know where to stop this at all uh because it does go on and on and you know you can get really deep into some of these videos and people are trying to figure out but he had some interesting theories and I thought that was really interesting again another look at tools on your wrist that ancient cultures could have worn or maybe they were just surmising what would be worn in the future so I guess that's the whole theme of what I was talking about today I'm saying this is the world's first sound therapy watch but there were other tools that might have been used for uh thousands of years that we don't really even know about I did have one more slide on the uh summer uh civilization they were saying uh and this comes from discover magazine was saying that you can find uh traces in today's society of their invention in agriculture language math religion and astronomy so they were in the Mesopotamia area and they are saying 6 000 years ago on the flood Plains between the Euphrates rivers and the the Tigris river between Iraq and Syria so that was the first one that I kind of introduced to you that had all of the images of large round watches so I am still fascinated by that and obviously I don't know anything I'm just showing you a couple of slides it would be neat to be a historian and really try to put some more ideas together but just wanted to share with you some fun things now another idea is that cultures were into the frequency of the Earth and um I knew this I know that was the frequency of the earth and I actually named my business uh 432 energetics and this is how it was measured I wasn't quite sure but I was able to find this for you so the distance from the center of the Earth I don't know if this makes sense or not or not but it's the average height of the atmosphere this value is given as 430 or 432 arc minutes which harmonically reduces down to the 432 vibration so quote unquote many cultures were able to measure this and they were all sane for thousands of years that 432 was the vibration of the earth they knew about vibrations and frequencies and measured them so ancient instruments have been tuned to 432 Hertz and some of you will know that just recently in our time in the Nazi times I'm not sure if I know the exact time I've read it before but this was changed to 444 cartooning of instruments but for thousands of years all of our instruments were at the 432 Hertz uh frequency and this started or could have started we don't know we're still discovering so we had a Greek philosopher who uh at least work from 570 to 495 BC and he had an instrument called a monocort and I know you can read this as good as I can I don't have it memorized but uh his instrument was tuned to 432. and quote unquote it helped with harmonic ratios and theories of the vibrations of the universe wow I don't know if you're like me but I think that's pretty fascinating so surely they've done a lot with frequencies that we are really not understanding so the harps the layers the flutes and many pyramids were tuned to the Earth's frequency 432 again some of the oldest Tibetan singing bowls were tested and resonated at 4 32. so we're talking about the discovery or the knowledge that cultures around the world it just wasn't one culture it was different times and different cultures were tuning to 432 and using it for different ideas now this is one I thought was fascinating and this is an ancient civilization in Malta they had underground temples around 3 500 years ago and every room in this Temple resonates to a hundred and eleven Hertz 111 Hertz now they say at this point in time that the 111 Hertz 11 11 Hertz is considered the holy frequency don't know very interesting so a whole series of phenomenal temples and underground catacombs all resonate at that same curse again around 3 500 years ago I think this is another great idea and uh you know maybe some point in time we can have a archaeologists tell us about this a little bit more but the internet is full of information on it so an acoustic petition John Stewart Reed has said that the king's chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza was designed to reverberate to increase the sound energy from chance and another person an Egyptian archaeologist and I could not say his name I do understand that he's passed away but he did a lot of work for coning and frequencies and he says that every chamber has a specific harmonic replicating the harmonies of the cavities of the body so most of you know by now just from looking at the wave watch that every um organ has a different frequency it resonates resonates differently so our whole body resonates at different uh frequencies especially different organ systems that they were able to measure and then we have the average for the body as a whole and then another one uh the another pyramid the bent Pyramid has two different chambers that produce two different sounds that are Amplified to create huge fields of resonance to restore the balance of the body so did they have people walk through these Chambers did they stand outside it did they have a tool that picked up on the resonance you know I don't know that that is speculated anywhere they just knew that or they just know they discovered they've researched and they've measured that all of these Chambers have different resonances and that they were built to be Amplified in different manners so that goes on and on if you want to look up more about that they will um let you know which frequency they have been able to measure a certain chamber resonating at and this is all over the world this could have been a three or four hour information series uh but I just wanted to kind of touch on some basis of it so that's one idea that we see that uh Tony and different sounds different resonant frequencies were used hopefully to restore the balance of the body again they don't understand how or why it was done but it was something that they have measured now let's change gears just a little bit they also think that sound has been used in almost every culture to move huge stones so you can find this on the internet also and then you can also find you know somebody that's refuting that and saying no that's not correct you know that kind of thing but according to 432 Cosmic key every culture where a megaliths exists they talked about the chanted spells of musicians or magicians by songs by striking a rod to produce a resonance or buy the music by The Trumpets the gongs the uh symbols and the whistles so they know that today we don't really even have tools that could have moved some of these Stones yet ancient cultures were able to move them somehow so this is a huge one also these are some examples of some of the tools and ancient cultures that you know how could they move some of these stones all over the world and then they keep measuring and they're trying to figure out where these uh cultures were located around the earth and it just gets deeper and deeper and more fascinating so the the list is endless and I don't think in this particular um presentation that I put in that there's a place in uh Florida and some of it you people that are from Florida will have to help me remember the name of it uh but there is uh someone there in the 1920s it's it's now basically a a museum or a tourist site that you can go see a gentleman who Moved huge stones in the in that early time period And basically gave credit and said he figured out the key you know that the Egyptians were using to move stones and of course that has been refuted but it is a site that you can go and see because it was one man moving tons and tons of stones we without any equipment and somebody will remind me of what that was when I uh when we go live and let you talk back and forth now here's another one they also believe that the Egyptians had a device that they could tune with a specific frequency and they were able to cut massive Stones so here's one example and of course this has been refuted there's like no it was not frequencies but we don't know what it was you know so just because we haven't figured out how to use it today doesn't mean that ancient cultures didn't in my opinion that's just my opinion you know but this is from the universe inside you and sound vibration and frequencies so basically uh this looks pretty interesting to me it does look like it was cut like butter doesn't it now it also goes on because I know I've shown you this one before but somebody might not have seen that so now we're able to say wow they actually built churches in the medieval times that had a resonance by Cathedrals for a long time this right here is your DNA this at the top is your DNA from the top down view these geometric shapes that you see is what we call sacred geometry sacred geometry is an ancient study that explains energy patterns like this Turtle right here if you look to the right what you see here is a sand plate that's connected to some type of instrument that could send out frequency now let's just say the instrument is a piano and when I hit one of the notes on the piano it shifts the sand into these specific geometric shapes this is called cymatics to study a visible sound you can also do this with liquids now here's a picture of cymatics and water top down view of DNA and church Windows notice they are almost identical now how many times have you drove past a church window like this and wonder how the did they come up with that design they didn't it's in your DNA now here's something very interesting everything has a resonant frequency which basically means everything has its own frequency now a lady did an experiment where she set up a mic in a church like this and recorded the silence she then set up speakers to play that silence so that it would go back into the mic and keep creating a louder and louder and louder sound to the point to where it was strong enough to show up cymatically now when she played that sound through water it created these shapes cymatically and to her surprise the same shape the sound of the church was making was what the shapes of the windows inside the church look like there's only one group of people I know who can build at that level but anyway I remember buildings have their own resonant frequency which means that when you're in the building your body is being interacted with those frequencies so if your body is made of 60 to 80 percent water and this is what water looks like when it's vibrating that means whatever shape is made by the sound of the church is the shape that your DNA is taking form of I believe these Cathedrals are designed to create healing frequencies to make you feel good when you're inside of the church this could be part of the reason why people feel good when they enter a church not realizing the church is emitting its own healing frequency in alignment with the instruments that are being played by uplifting music skills isn't that a fascinating one so we don't really know about the use of churches per se because it has changed a lot in our our recordings of history have also changed if you keep reading deeper and deeper into that so could people have used it for some kind of a um you know energy Healing Center as much as for prayer or at the same time you know how were these used uh in reality it's hard to think that you know peasants were basically you know living around it but somehow they could build this type of a building so Mysteries uh abound with all the information about frequencies and healing so when you go into a church in in Europe usually um take that extra time to absorb that energy now this goes into the Wave Watch basically I had a lady just the other day uh text me and say I don't think my watch is working I can't hear the sound uh on some of them and I was able to text her back because this is a question I have tried to address it in my booklet that the emotional frequencies are very very hard to hear even when you have it up as loud as you can go I can't hear it and it depends on your hearing ability but this is what he was saying in the church you might not be able to realize that the church is putting off a frequency she had to keep working with it to actually get it to the range where we could hear that frequency and so it's the same thing with the Wave Watch we do have a frequency on here but I have made it so that you don't have to hear the frequency your body is going to feel the frequency so again one cell will start to vibrate another cell vibrates another and then it just Zips through your body without you being overwhelmed with hearing a loud noise and to me that's similar to what you know this uh young man is Saint that there is a very slight resonant frequency that we just don't realize is there and our body picks up on it and there could be some changes in our body yeah this one is another long video that I won't play the whole idea on but I just wanted you to know that this is available too and it's really amazing the sacred secrets of sound and I've played a little bit of this before but this fits in again with how we do not realize what that ancient cultures have just really um used a sound to um for for many many effects not just um for instruments I was kind of slow there thinking that through that yes they had instruments they were tuned but they did many other things with them [Music] in the beginning was the word and God said let there be light most in the west are familiar with the Christian Concept in the beginning was the word God spoke the word and the world into existence what most don't realize is that for example in ancient Egypt they taught the same thing there was Pata the god of Technology who went into his heart and felt the world and then spoke it into existence almost universally ancient texts and traditions have always placed sound at the core of not only our existence but the existence of the entire universe and it begins with the powerful seed syllable the ancient om which originally was never spoken but it was felt in the body and this is where the relationship between sound and vibration becomes very important because ultimately sound is only a vibration brought into an audible range tradition the word was with Brahman and the Word was Brahman the very first Hebrew letter a left which starts the whole process is also like an out breath it's like you know it's a sound the sound is like the expression of the thought from that universal mind or that Divine source the thoughts being expressed out through the sound which then manifests material Universe material world when we come over into the Americas the Pueblo Indians talk about the spider how she sang the world into existence [Music] in Aztec mythology the god ketzakuaro used a conch shell to create the vibration that formed the first wave of life [Music] the Inuits say the raven made the world and the waters with the beat of his wings so it seems that no matter where we go or what time period there's a belief that sound was fundamental to Creation and equally remarkable our own Genesis as human beings May well have started in a similar way when that embryo becomes less than a millimeter in size right very close to a millimeter but not quite a millimeter the embryo already starts to develop the first aspects of the inner ear so the very first sense organ that is developed within the embryo is the inner ear but then at 16 to 24 weeks that neurodevelopment has taken place to a point where all my five senses come online except my eyes are closed and I'm in the dark and my nose and mouth are filled with fluids so those aren't active sound travels through water five times better than through air so my total experience when I'm in the womb is hearing and vibration sense [Music] that sound coming in to the fetus to the embryo is essential for the development of the fetus the mother's voice as well as voices and sounds from the environment outside the language that is spoken by the mother by the father those things are being heard by that developing fetus and as they're coming in through its own ears it's wiring its nervous system there are three times as many connections from the ears to the brain as there are from the eyes to the brain so the sounds coming in through the ears feed the neurological system the auditory nerve directly connects to every organ in the body it's like we're baptized value goes on a little bit too but just wanted to share that with you and I have the you know that is the g-a-i-a site and more information there it's very important you know that we see all of these ideas how important sound is we all have our own mini Evolution that takes oh come on there we go now I have more to share with you so I hope you don't get too bored here but I have just loved uh looking up some of these ideas and I've shared a couple of with uh you before on these but don't forget how important sound is and that ancient cultures discovered all this they knew this I mean the clothing that they wore is fundamentally A reproduction of sound frequencies they had it reproduced in tiles and you know mosaics and you know blankets everything uh their buildings the churches everything was a grouping of sound now we're also seeing uh the uh they're really small uh experiment but eight crazy experiments with sound you can go to on YouTube again and it shows you that sound can levitate uh so here we go and show you this right quick oh foreign you can get your own tone generator and make a sound make your own tone so this goes on to show you sand or salt and it goes on and on not quite as much about levitation but you can see the different uh acoustical uh Hertz measurements and the different uh changes in the pattern of the sand or the salt or they even say the Earth that the Earth could have been made from vibrations changing let me see if I can get to the next slide so now we have information about sound being able to propel things I mean you just have to see this foreign I just had to share with you is resonant sounds and fire and they are finally seeing this they are finally doing some of the first work on trying to put fires out with sound [Music] [Music] so like I mentioned they are just starting to put that together now one last idea about sound doesn't this look like an ancient rug or something that you could buy at a store and when you read my information what this is is a measurement of chart cells and they have been manipulated with just different frequencies and then they took a picture of each one of those so each of those is a different image of a cell in the heart with a specific frequency added to the body so then they were saying from this discovery this is from Stanford that this simple change in frequency puts the cells in motion guides them to a new position and holds them in place just look at that so are we really discovering anything new because I just to me these are representations of what I have seen in ancient cultures in many many places so I hope you like that little idea that I was trying to share with you today uh ancient cultures knew a lot that we didn't know about sound frequencies and again what kicked it all off was just the idea that I had not seen the watches on the ancient Sumerians or the jewelry or whatever it might be but definitely there are so many ideas that we are just starting to explore so kind of time to close this down just a little bit here but I see um I think we have um uh enough information if anybody wants to unmute themselves and add a comment or two it was just kind of a fun little idea about sounds from ancient history so please feel free to add I was wondering if uh anybody had ever heard of Michael Terrell and uh his sound uh he's it's called whole whole tones oh okay and I became interested in him several years ago and actually bought the videos uh their CDs and each one has a certain frequency and they're just beautiful music that you can listen to to heal with and also the book is so fascinating I'm going to read it again but I just brought these out because of your wonderful presentation today it was just great I loved it thank you and I had so much fun doing it and so let's hope we get together so um I didn't recognize a name but when you show the book yes hold on and uh very interesting any other ideas thanks for sharing that and reminding us all about that I guess I don't have my necklace on today but you know I wear different necklaces because they have different frequencies the stones have frequencies they've measured a stone uh one of my favorites is turquoise and uh that's a frequency that evidently makes you more creative and I noticed that about 15 years ago I was trying to write a book for my um my other business which is called bras breast research awareness and support and I was just sitting at the computer and you know I just couldn't get anything done I was just you know brain dead and for some reason I got up and I put on my turquoise necklace and I could just sit there all day long and type and I got my 15 chapters done really quickly and then I would you know I'd mess around and I'd take my necklace off and I wouldn't get anything done I'd put my necklace back on and I was very you know I got a lot done so when I actually looked up the creativity was one of the major features with turquoise so again that's why people have used stones for years you know maybe they had a particular stone that they were using for some you know idea I do not know but it had it would even if it was a stone or jewelry it would have had a frequency so lots to interpret lots to look at and lots to learn all right any other ideas and let's see uh William um William has a question and I'm just going to have you um uh give me a uh you know a call later or uh excuse me it would be better if you would just go to info and

type your question and somebody did remind me it's Coral Castle in um Homestead Florida is that what I was reading that is the castle that was uh resonates and the gentleman was able to move you know tons and tons and tons of stone all by himself just like the pyramids it was very very fascinating but of course people have negated that and that's why you ought to go there yourself and see uh see it I haven't got to see it yet I've just read about it several times and then someone else was saying there's a Bosnian pyramid of the sun and it resonates at 110 Hertz and they call that the healing chamber so you can just keep doing research and find out there is so much around the world that we uh don't know um same all right so um I think we're about to the closing unless anybody else has any comments or anything that they want to share about unusual ideas and sound frequencies again we think we have something that's a little bit updated for our role today but maybe not maybe it wasn't the first no worry we just have fun with it and learn and hopefully use it so thank you for coming on today don't want to waste any more of your time I hope to see you back next week I've gotten moved you can tell some of my pictures in the background are still not up that kind of thing but I am moved so um and I'm sure that you had a great program last week with Libby thank you so much bye-bye foreign

2023-07-26 10:30

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