An Overview of the Technology Modernization Fund TMF

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Good. Morning, and welcome to, digital gov University my, name is Justin Herman and, I work for GSA's emerging, citizen technology office we worked with over 320. Federal state local agencies. Of emerging technologies, like artificial. Intelligence, robotic, process automation, blockchain. Which for, a long time because it's not just three to five years in the future we've, always said this is IT modernization. Right now and, how we could apply these solutions, for cost savings better outcomes, for the American people which. Is one of the reasons I'm so excited. Today to be able to introduce to you Liz, Kane who's the executive, director of the new technology. Modernization. Fund program, management office now. This summer we're going to be working with agencies, and helping, make. Sure that we can craft and understand, problem, statements, and proposals, to be able to tap into this hundred million dollar tech modernization. Fund and but. Already, we have gotten questions and, a lot of questions so we thought in. Preparation. For a workshop that we're going to have at GSA, June 8th which, this week we'll be sending out the registration, information for we. Didn't even want to wait that long we wanted to immediately, bring us here to be able to answer your questions, so, before I pass it over just a little bit of reminders, about this as Abe the recording, will be immediately, available after. We're done here so if you miss anything don't worry this will be posted immediately after 2:00, now you should have received a. A chat. Screen that you're going to be able to ask your questions is I've got my computer right here and we're going to be going through as many of your questions as we possibly, can we've got an hour, so. Please have them ready because, we really want to dispel, any myths that we possibly can and make sure that before there's a June 8th workshop, at GSA, we're, ready to deliver not. Just getting more information, but really by the end of June have these fully fledged proposals. Out that really meet the standards, and rigorous. Demands. Of the TMF, while. Also helping, you get your mission done the ways you just couldn't before so. Make sure you ask your questions, Liz. Please, take it away all, right thank, you Justin, I appreciate, that introduction, I just want to share with the community thank, you for having me and I'm so excited to speak with you today so, today we'll be speaking with your community, to find and promote agency, project proposals. I want. To start with a little background on, the technology, modernization. Fund the. Problem, that we were facing is that agencies have challenges. And funding, modernization. Projects. Every. Year the government spends, 80 billion dollars on IT but, only a small fraction of that is for development, and modernization efforts. The. Upfront costs of modernization.

Projects. Are hard for agencies, to build into their budgets, even, for projects, with a very strong payback, model, and this. Results, in antiquated. Legacy, systems, that are a security, risk and often. Result in less effective, citizen, facing applications and. Reduced, mission performance and. So. The. Solution, the technology, modernization. Fund is one way to help agencies modernize. Legacy, systems, and move, to more secure modern. Platforms, in the FY. 2018, omnibus. GSA. Received, 100. Million dollars, to provide upfront. Funding, to agencies, for IT modernization. Projects. And the, TMF, structure, where were able to provide that upfront funding to agencies, and then they're able to repay, it over time addresses. One of the challenges, for funding modernization. Efforts, in addition. To the pure financing, solution, were able to provide agencies going, through the TMF, gives agencies, additional, access, to technical support and assistance, for their projects, we, will be leveraging, all of GSA's, areas. Of expertise, to provide project, teams with solutions, to get their project, done and get it done in the best way I. Want. To share a little bit about how it works, agencies. Submit modernization. Proposals, to the technology, modernization. Board which is chaired by the federal, CIO Suzette. Kent, the. Proposals, with the greatest impact, strongest. Business case and highest, probability for, success are, selected. To receive funding from the TMF, the. Funding, is issued, to agency, in an incremental, manner and tied to performance against previously, established targets. And milestones, and during. The project, technical, experts, provide hands-on, support to agencies, leveraging. Resources from. GSA, and entities such as the u.s. digital service to. Improve team, capabilities. And troubleshoot. Impediments, to success, and then. Agencies. Repay, the TMF, over time which, drives accountability. For the projects, and enables the fund, to be self-sustaining. Continuously. Reinvesting. Resources, and future projects. Our. Effort. Today you, can help us connect great project, proposals, to upfront funding as I, mentioned, the technology, modernization, fund has 100. Million dollars, for upfront funding for agency technology, projects, our technology. Modernization, board is meeting every, week to review agency, proposals, and we, need new proposals, from agencies. How. You can help us we, are talking to you because your community, has a passion, for moving government, IT forward. Every. Day you know, why we're, outdated. Or lega three IT is holding, back mission performance. Board. Is specifically, interested in projects, that leverage emerging, technologies, this. Community, can help us understand, what conversations. Agencies, are having about the technology, modernization, fund as well. We. Know that we have some informational, issues and I'm glad that I'm here today to discuss them we, need to provide you more information to, help you develop those great proposals. Agencies. Want to know what a good proposal looks like but nothing has been made public the, payback component, can be confusing, and it, can be hard to coordinate internally. To get to a formal submission. And. So. Our fix is to come to this community, share a little bit more about the TMF, and begin, building the foundation, of wider understanding of these key components, we. Can share a little bit about what has resonated, with the board during their review, the. Board always asks, about each proposal, how does this affect the American people, what is the benefit to them and so, that might be a very simple story to tell if your proposal is for as soon as facing, application, or process but. Might take a little bit of extra work for a cloud email migration or, database, consolidation. That. Story is always there though because we know that when you pursue, an IT modernization. Project, it is always in service of the mission and so it just takes that extra step to explain, to the board how it affects the American, people.

The. Sweet, spot for the dollar amount for proposals, is about two, to ten million dollars, and. The board is very interested, in seeing what can the project accomplish, within the first year, we. Can also share a little bit more about how the payback, model works our, friends at the Office of Management and Budget have, created, a whole page on the payback model on the, website of the federal, CIO and, so, that's a good resource for you to go to the outline, some of the places that agencies, might use to develop their payback model, one. Of the questions that we have gotten a lot is how soon do I have to start paying back my transfer, your. First, repayment, to the fund has to be within one year of your first transfer, and your, last repayment, to the fund closing, out your your, loan, has, to be within five, years of the last transfer, so the full repayment, period, will depend, on how, many transfers, you do and how many fiscal, years it crosses, and, so. We're very interested in working with agencies, to help design a payback model, that, works for the project, and we have a lot of flexibility. In what amounts, we set for each year within, those terms and, we. Can also work directly with agency, teams interested, in submitting proposals to. Help strengthen the pitch for, internal agency review, for, example, if you have our project that you have in mind but you want to do a quick gut check on whether or not it meets the kind of projects, that we're looking for you, can meet with our program management office before, going through your internal, review and since, we're not a voting member of the board we, can give you impartial, advice to, improve your project or maybe point you in a direction to, strengthen, it for the board and we. Are very hopeful that we'll get some feedback from some teams of outreach and set up some of these meetings going forward, in addition, we will be doing our own On June, 8th to do actual proposal, drafting, and so that's another opportunity for agencies, to learn more about how to draft a good proposal. Okay. So I have three asks, for you all today you can help us make the technology, modernization, fund successful. You can help us surface, proposals, at your agency, you, can help us understand, what might be holding agencies, back from submitting proposals and, you, can also share, what you've learned about the technology, modernization. Fund with others in your community. Thank. You we, have some links, here on our last page there's my email you can reach out to me directly you, can also contact us at our centralized, mail box at TMF.

At, and, finally. Is the link to the modernizing. Government technology page on the website of the federal CIO where, you can find out about that payback, model, and even, more information, prepared by the board. All. Right. Wonderful. Thank. You so much for sharing all that I'm, excited we already have a lot of great questions or not to be able to cover and. Then like I said a lot of these questions are things we've heard a lot which is why we figured the best thing to do just, come out here with the webinar to be able to just, demystify, this as much as possible and. To we're getting some things that we hadn't even thought of before and, so it's very exciting so a little bit of a housecleaning, first, before. We get going with the questions, people. Have been asking a bit yes again this is going to be available online there's, going to be the recording, of this available immediately after, and. Not only with the resources that she shared but, for those of the emerging citizen technology, communities, on. Emerging, digital, gov, there's, a whole page that, have we set up specifically. To help support and, put together information, on the TMF, and. We're going to be putting Q&A, really. Anything whether is this video whether it's questions, and answers, anything. We can do to get you the information that, you need to, empower you to rock this out so. Now with that saying let's get into the questions now Liz something, that I think can really break it down in a lot of ways and we know because when we talk with agencies, and everyone's. Talking about PMF. And the only thing that's matched by people's excitement, about it is people's confusion sometimes, about it because. Everybody's. Got these needs these agencies, they've got the problems, they have the ideas and for so many of them the lack of just, startup capital to do it has been the impediment. But. A lot of times we hear that people think this must be for somebody else and, so a lot of the questions, we get is who, is this really for where should ideas come from on this so, is this something where there's just one POC, within an agency or where, should ideas be coming from for this thank. You so much for that question we are very excited, because we know that the good ideas for the TMF, are from all levels of the organization.

All The way from the most junior member up, to the top and so, for an initial, project proposal. The, only requirement, is that the proposal, has gone through the agency's, Investment. Review Board or equivalent, and so that's the community that you need to get your idea to so that it can come over to our board but, just to kick around an idea or see if it might meet up with the goals of the TMF, anyone. Can reach out to our TMF, PMO here at GSA, and help start that process and get a little bit of advice about whether, or not to pursue that internal, agency coordination almost, the last time you met with an agency to answer their questions on this that's a really good question we actually just met with an agency before, this webinar. And so we're excited to potentially, set up some more of those meetings I think that it is really helpful for an agency to talk, a little bit about their proposal talk, about their financing, challenges talk. About the questions that their agency leadership is going to bring up as this moves through the review process and answer all those questions on, the front end so that the proposal, moves through the process more quickly yeah. I think that's one of the things that I know agencies. That work with us have been very really refreshed by its, how accessible, your team is I want, it again have us having this webinar is, that there's people behind this this isn't just like a document, or a memo, and it's, up to you to figure it out on. Your own is that if you're asking the questions, and you want to have the discussions, there's people here that are ready, willing and, eager to be able to help you with that so. A couple, more questions just on the scope against we break this down. What. Agencies. Are able, to submit proposals now, that we know that we really need ideas, to come from everywhere wherever. Great ideas, are is this, just for CFO, act agencies, can. Do D participate, those, are really good questions the authorizing, statute, for this fund gives really broad authority to, accept proposals from, anywhere we, can except proposals, from small agencies, and it would be new to have one from DoD but I would be excited to receive it dan. Green out there from, the Navy I saw that you logged in and if you already asked questions, and stuff so because, I know that Navy is really interested, in taking a leadership role so thank you so much for reaching out on that and, a question actually that comes often from DoD, participants. Is is. This just public facing, or can, this also be classified, right. That's a really good question as well classified. Systems, would be eligible for TMF, funding, we, would work with the agency to make sure that we projected all of the information about the project in the right way and we would, be excited, about working on a proposal. With that scope we haven't received any yet but we would be excited, to work with an agency on such a proposal that's, fantastic, all right so we've had a couple of questions too about this June 8th workshop, that's at GSA, this. Week we're going to be putting out the registration form we've, got our biggest conference, center booked, out it's going to be a hands-on, workshop, and. Like we said is it's not going to me just like panels and QA we're. Inviting teams to come with their proposals, to work side-by-side with with, Liz's team and others to be able to, see and find and craft and make sure that things are running the way they should because ultimately our goals are. In the same way that our work with our communities, is to help and support your, agencies, the best we can so you're able to achieve these things it, sounds to me like that's what PMF is all about as well exactly, so it sounds like we should open our doors and be able to work on this to be able to achieve these goals, what.

Is The timeline by the way like for instance so if an agency is like fantastic, we want to be part of this or at least we want to have a meeting to discuss whether our proposals, are good for it what kind of timeline should they be working, that yeah, so that's a really good question so once, a proposal come to the technology, modernization. Board usually. Turn it over to the board for a vote with within, a week or so it's what we've been able to do so far and so if you get that proposal, in the board is going to move on it very quickly after, that and give you that quick we're, interested and we want to see more or here's. Some questions that we have that could improve your proposal, that we need for our review or thanks. But this proposal isn't right for us at this time please continue, to submit additional proposals. Then, after, that agencies. Have we're. Targeting about four to six weeks to develop their full project proposal. Which includes a narrative, template, a financial. Template, and finally. An in-person, presentation. To the board ronald, on the television, show shark, tank and then, after that the board will vote on the proposal, and that's where they're making the determination about whether to award funding, to a project I did. Not know government move that fast hey, we're trying. Alright. So and, again we, just wanted to find more of a scope, here, so. We, know that really. This is for much. Greater scope, of agencies, than we know my, admission, come from everywhere, let's, talk about the scope of the projects, itself now, is this specifically. Projects. That are geared towards cost savings, and just cost savings, or is there like a larger, rubric that you look at and qualities. That you want to see from successful, proposals, that's a really great question so, projects. That generate savings and the out-years are one of the types of projects that we're looking for but it's not the only type of project, that we're looking for there, could be a project that has a cybersecurity, component. That addresses, a real weakness in a system where, the financing, model that we have allows us to solve the problem sooner, or better than, we would otherwise be, able to do within the agencies base budget, there, could be citizen. Facing application, improvements, that improve the user experience the, citizen, experience that, that's, the plan for why we would pursue that project, the, only thing that I would say is that every, project does have to pay for itself somehow so, it's something for agencies to be thinking about when they submit a proposal, that, maybe has that cybersecurity element. That citizen, facing element but does not have that payback, model as the board is going to be looking even more about how is this we going to be able to repay. Their trades for overtime. Yeah and actually we can talk about the payback mechanism, in a bit because again we, know that this is a large hang-up for people I mean, James Brown had a revenge, song called the payback it's just the word itself I can, get hackles, up so we'll, break that down and demystify, that in a second, but. Actually Jonah has a great question, on the, scope of this is so. Agencies seeking TMF, funding, could. They use that to augment, an existing, project does, it have to be just from you know beginning. To end something completely, unique what's. The scope of that and also you, know I have the question about shared services because we're always thinking about advancing, shared services, at GSA and. Agencies, also team up together on that that's, a really good question, so the TMF, is not meant to replace agency. Based funding, but it can be used to augment, or support, an existing, investment, that would allow the agency to deliver. Their product sooner or, get a better product because they're able to do more up front and so, I think that's a really great question we've seen proposals, that are standalone, we've seen proposals, that build on an existing investment. The board has been interested, in both types of proposals, and. We haven't seen yet any shared service proposals, or that is something, that we're able to do and something the board is excited, to see so if there is a good shared service proposal out there please, get, it in to us we want to see it I'm talking on this one this is a challenge, to you actually to find better and creative and more innovative ways for, us to use this just for shared services I think that would be fantastic to be able we'd, like to give you that problem of having to.

Actually. So something I've heard a lot is again we've been we've been meeting with businesses, we've been meeting with industry groups we've been meeting of course with agencies, program, management senior leader and. One of the things that I hear often times people like well we had this great idea for something, that you know you used robotic, process automation or something at cost savings, we put this proposal we have an internal, system. That we tried to use they loved the idea but, there just wasn't the money at the time to make that's, something where we could just use that proposal, and apply, it to this or or is this like your own vision. Know you can bring out your greatest hits of those proposals, that you vetted internally, you were really excited about it just couldn't get done because of the upfront funding, cost that's, really one of the wheel houses, that we have for this because those, are the projects where the agency, is really committed, to solving the problem it just needs that help from our financing, model to get the project, done. Awesome. So really it sounds almost like there's, a lot of the questions that we get again. It's, a new thing and we understand it's a new thing and new things can be complex, but, it's here and this is like an answer to so much that we've been working for it's like not, of agencies, that come in that we talk about the fact of it's not just improving citizen, services which, it is these greater efficiencies. Right activeness, and, so. That's. What actually brings us into the payback mechanism. Is this is basically saying okay let's fulfill that vision because, we, can do less with more and being can do more with more and we. Can improve citizen services and also make them more efficient and effective and that's really where the payback comes in to me so. I'm gonna be funny for a second. My. Life probably, according, to my friends, is. The payback and we get questions on this but you get you get out like a giant novelty check, for five million dollars, and then magically and it's all at once and then if something goes wrong so, your senior leaders leave or something it is not support, and all. The sudden is, somebody, gonna be called up and then like you know oh what's five million dollars, or you know you, know what's, what what is the payback mechanism. And is a crime you cool yeah that's a really good question and I'm happy I get to talk a little bit about it, so one of the things I mentioned in the presentation was, that we are doing incremental, transfers. To agencies, tied to the completion, of milestones, not first transfer, for your project, would just be enough to get you started, get, your request.

For Proposals, drafted. Design. Your acquisition, methodology. Plan out your project with a higher level of detail and so, that's, that, small transfer, would be all of your initial financial, exposure. All that you would need to allocate paying, back and might be something that the agency would do anyway and said is already the excuse. Me the funding set aside for it then. Over. The project as the milestones, are completed, we would do additional, transfers, and once you've received that transfer, that's really when your agency, is responsible for, paying it back but, along the way the GSA, team and, other sermon side the government are going to be working with the agency, to ensure that that project is successful you, know the board has some skin in the game on these projects, and it's going to do everything they can to make them successful so. That the agency doesn't feel left out on the cold holding, the bag on that repayment, and then. We do have a few additional, tools and flexibilities. With the repayment, structure. That, we can use if there is something that happens with the project, that requires that change we, can work with the agency, to reallocate, payments, throughout the payment, cycle possibly. Moving payments, to a later year in order to give them flexibility, if something comes up that they need to manage during the year of execution. And, we have a very limited authority. To expand, the payback period beyond. The five years that we're targeting with. Some additional approvals, from OMB that's. Incredible is again, I think like people sometimes, they fear especially, you know times of change which these technologies. We're in a constant state of change they're, afraid of like a gotcha situation. Right but it sounds, like you're. There to work and by hand with them and really their success mm-hmm. Very true, and then the other thing that I would say is that were, there with you the whole way and want. To make sure that the project is successful as well so we're not going to be like, a predatory, lender where we're giving, you more money than we think that you can pay back we're going to be working with you during the project, cycle to, make sure that you are able to support the repayments and, we're not setting you up for trouble, yeah so, earlier you were talking about how there's. All these GSA programs, that can also help people with that and I know especially, the community out there, people, love, and very, good reason the. Least of which that tammy white is, working on it who's, always there to talk with agencies, and so actually Tammy brought up I know agencies, are bringing up in the chat thing is that. Like innovative. Methods like prizes, and competitions and, other ways that, agencies, might already no is, there some way that TMF, can be used towards that or as part of it or how should those prizes and competitions communities. Be leveraged for this right, I think that you know Tamia and the rest of the, team have really built the mindset within the federal government that a challenge is actually one of the types of acquisitions that you can do to, solve your problem, or your technology problem.

And So I don't think that there would be any reason, why a challenge, couldn't come in for funding if it was part of the technical solution, that the agency had in mind and you know it might even help you offer a bigger, prize or a better prize if you're able to get that money up front and pay it back over time as, the benefit, from the challenge, solution is coming to your agency, awesome. Excellent so please check out challenge comm for not go there and again, you're gonna see it's, it's our kind of people I'm. Fond of saying because it's the same mindset and the approach and everything is. There anything that maybe we haven't covered yet I mean actually, here's there's another great question and I don't want to just have this if you have any questions, or anything. About these communities and people just let us know. But let's. Talk about the maturity of a proposal now one of the things that surprised me when. I went in because you know there's an actual template, for, these submissions if. It's actually you can't have it more than two pages yeah, some. People signature, blocks I think are longer than that and, it's, really just like one sentence, so it seems like just, to get your foot in the door and, get an initial review, it's. Not a lot, and. So people have any questions about do, you need already a preferred, vendor identified. And like what's the what's, the maturity, of what you need from an agency to get their foot door and start working with you on this that's a really, great question as, you mentioned, our template is pretty lightweight, for, that initial, project, proposal, stage and we did that intentionally because, what we wanted was agencies, to be, able to draft it up quickly get it to the board quickly get the board's feedback, quickly without a lot of work on the agency, side to have to put together some, very heavier a very labor-intensive template. And so the things that I think would be most important, to include in your initial project proposal, are that, citizen, facing story how this helps the American people a little, bit about your designed technical, solution, what what, is the way you're going to solve the problem, and then, a little bit about the payback model and the finance as well if, you have additional detail, that you want to include because you think it strengthens, the business case for your proposal that's, great but you don't need to have every duck in every row in order to get through the initial project proposal, phase I, just. Hung up on the idea of many, ducks and many rows of ducks. So. This is actually this is what we're doing at this June 8th workshop, is again, when you go to the template, and to demystify this it's, it's really not that much that we need and so in a way the challenges to you know is really good err on the side of greatness on this one you've, got the ideas, you know you do is what we work with you on and. It's not much to have an instant proposal, together that, they will then work with you on and do a gut check and so really should you think agencies, should and and and the businesses, that work with them should err on the side of just. Putting it down on paper and, then discussing. It with you yeah I think that would be a great approach either send. Us a first draft for a quick look over or work with us as you start the drafting process to. Hear a little bit more about the way you could scope your particular, proposal, to make it the the most successful, pitch that you can do and I, would say that in addition to helping, with just the crafting. Of the sort of story around the proposal, we can also give you some quick advice about either your technical, solution, or your acquisition solution. To maybe point you in a direction that, you hadn't thought of before the, great thing about GSA, is that we have so many services that we can offer and, we're, very excited in the TMF, to help connect agencies, for those services, where it makes sense and help, people get to those solutions either technical, or acquisition, solutions, that, they need to make their proposal, really successful. I found, it funny when, we were we're working on the registration, for the June 8th workshop, or one of the things that we want to do is when, you register, you share a sentence, or two so. We already have basically, proposals. That so, I was looking and I was like ok let's just have a sentence, here questions, they have to answer just. So we know like where you're coming from and then when I looked at the template, I realized that I was probably asking from more information and, the actual, proposal, template, does it, really is that easy I, and so we're.

Hoping People can work on that now so, people. Are watching this they now realize this is for them that this is accessible, that. You're there to work with them where, should they go next, like should they email you should they, wait for the June 8th registration. Can. They start now yeah, I would say get started, right now if you have a proposal, in mind and you're so excited that you want to start drafting up your initial project, proposal, that's, a great place to start if you've got an idea you've been kicking around for a while and you just want a quick gut check on whether or not it aligns to the goals of the TMF send, us an email we'll set up a meeting with you fifteen to thirty minutes to go over your idea and give you some advice you, know if you've already got a proposal in the works a dusty, one that's on the Shelf and you want to bring that down dust it off and get, it back in front of your internal review board for, a little bit of executive, review before it comes over as a project proposal that's, another great place to start and I, think the most important, thing is that this is a really, big opportunity you, know we have this funding right now the board, is reviewing those projects, and so moving, on this opportunity, is going to be a really great way for agencies, to get involved, and solve some of their technical problems, awesome. And a goal that we have in our help, in our support for the TMF PMO, is that, we really, want to tap into the emerging technology, communities, to, deliver winning. Proposals, by the end of June that's. That's not mayor rules or anything that's the support that we're going to try to provide and again, because, we, have the issues we have the ideas, this. Is our opportunity, and we really want to take advantage of this opportunity that. The tech modernization. Fund has provided for us alright. A couple quick gut check questions, though some scope, they could be single word, answers, or anything is. There a limit to how many proposals an agency, or team can put together there's. Not, not, from our side an agency, might choose to do a limit but that's their limit not ours and I would say that agencies. Have been submitting multiple proposals, and the board has even moved, multiple, proposals from single agencies on to phase two so. One, person, instead it. Might have been me. Well, fantastic. $100,000,000. Yeah we could go through that in a month just on modernizing. Contact, centers or, just the programs alone and the potential of robotic process automation, in creating, efficiencies. Could, easily do this so, what are some of the dollar figures, that people should be looking at race, like a ten thousand dollar project, are you looking for 10 million dollars is, there something, that you're judging this based on yeah, so there isn't a formal limit on how small or big a proposal, can be but what we found is the sweet spot for a proposal, is between two and seven million dollars, maybe two to ten and what that shows is usually. A project, that the agency, can deliver on in a shorter period of time it's an increment, where the board can really see the change that their investment, is going to make in that agency system or process and also, allows us to fund multiple, proposals within, our one hundred million dollar allocation and, the. Other thing that we're very hopeful, about is that we will receive additional funding from Congress in 2019. And we'll be able to fund additional proposals, then. That's. Fantastic all right we're about to wrap up or you have a couple more questions probably. Maybe another bad joke and, so if you have any more questions, that you have please submit them right now again this is all for you, to be able to help and this isn't the end of the conversation. This is literally just the beginning we planned this on Thursday, because we're like we wanted to act quickly to immediately. Put was out, here to be able to answer your questions, and this is really the beginning of which it's just going to be a grand effort I think. So. Is there a certain, level of approval within agencies before. You get because you lost on this earlier that, you want certain offices to take a look at it but then you also say you want ideas, from everywhere, right what, do we do about that what does that mean yeah, so where we're trying to play a role in the technology. Modernization, fund PMO, is working, with the ideas aware about level, they are starting, within the agency, and then helping, the, idea submitter, move.

Their Proposal, through the necessary reviews. And so as I mentioned the only requirement, from OMB is that it is reviewed, by your agency Investment. Review Board or equivalent, if, you aren't sure what your agency, has we can help you navigate that, process find. Out what their requirements are but, that's only the the, restriction, on who can submit them over to OMB to work with the GSA PMO, there's no limit, you don't have to be the, product, owner you don't have to be working, in the c-suite to work with us and so that's, how we're going to help the agencies to sign the best proposals, that we can and help, them get over to the board for their review and so I'm very hopeful, that we can help agencies, navigate. That internal, process, where it exists, by helping them design a better proposal at the start all. Right now so Elizabeth McDonald, that's actually been asking some wonderful questions through this and. So she comes back to the pay back again yeah and she goes can you just break down maybe just, a couple of examples of what. A payback strategy, could look like because she it, sounds like a great opportunity but, payback sounds, super daunting, particularly. To those of us at the grassroots, level right, Lizabeth, McDonald, you speak for I'm sure everybody. On this you have a future. So. Yeah for those someone at grassroots level, we've got the idea array a program, what. Are some options they've got you think yeah and so that's a really great question and, one that we're getting from agencies, in these initial, discussions, and working, with them to help solve and so, you can, imagine in your own life where you might use a credit card or you might use a loan and think, about situations for, your agency that might be analogous so that's sort of one route you could take is there, something, similar, in your agents need to a home equity line of credit need, where you need to remodel your bathroom and, then pay it back over time you've, got the cash in that yours but you don't have it all at once that's a really great example of, a way that you can do your payback it's, just helping you spread out the cost over a longer. Period of years and so it's providing you an opportunity. Rather, than becoming, something that's very daunting. Another. Way that you could pay for it is throughout your project, savings, if you've got an idea to get your agency off, of their. Legacy. Mainframe. And you, know that once you decommission. That main friend you can save eight, million dollars a year, there's your payback model, right there all you need is to help to get there. And so that's another payback, model that we're seeing a lot is those out your savings and, so, another, one might be a shared service offering, if you've got a product, or application, at your agency, that you're really proud of and when you talk about it with your peers at other agencies they, say like I would love to get a chance for my agency to use that tool but, you know you need to make some changes. To the permissions, or to the access, rules in order to set it up for other agencies to use you. Could come to the TMF, to get a transfer, to support, that modernization effort. And then you could repay your transfer, through, fee collections, from your, larger.

User Base from, your customer, agencies, as well I hope, somebody was writing that down because anyway so the question that keeps coming up as people like will designs great we hear about chocolate we hear about this information, is there, like where should people go to maybe find, some of this wisdom or find some of these templates and things like that Wow, will that be put out there or is this the type of thing that we'll be working on for the gems workshop, yeah I am, very excited that we will hopefully be demoing, some of our slick sheets for, this user community, and getting some feedback so that we're building that resource, base for people. To use going forward where it's easily accessible. For. People to use there's also the, office, of the federal CIO website. That. Has a lot of information, on modernizing, government, technology including. Something we didn't touch on today but we've heard about a lot which is the, potential for the agency, IT working, capital funds that, were established, in the same statute but, are not part of our program of work and so that's a really great resource for, you, know who's on the board if you wanted to develop your pitch with those people in mind what, are some of the payback models that we could use where do I find the template that's on that website for now well we will be standing up our own website in the future, awesome. And in the meantime too as well we're going to do whatever we can to help and support go-to. Emerging digital gov, there's, a link for the technology modernization. Fund will certainly put in questions, answers, again. Anything we can support because ultimately I mean this is here as a call in response, to these needs from agencies, and, if, there's just questions. Yes and that could be a barrier we're, going to destroy every one of those barriers, and stuff because ultimately the American people, need modernization. Now, for their services, legacy. Systems, need to be updated it's, everything, that we're talking about and right now we've got that opportunity, right exactly. And it's summertime it's gonna be the hottest mixtape of, the summer going. To be these collaborations. So let's thank you so much for joining us today and thank you for all you're doing right now with agencies, to be able to help them realize the, full potential of their mission well thank you Justin, it was such a pleasure to join you all today and thank you again to the folks who joined the webinar for the excellent, questions an opportunity, to tell you a little bit more about this project, in this opportunity, well, now, the ball is in your court, you've, got the information you. Know that people are here to help you know that the doors are open we're, going to answer any question, that you've got work, side by side at this workshop the. Challenge, to you now is what are we going to do in the next two months to, make this happen, and really, fully. Realize. The potential, and promise of IT modernization. For the American people thank, you so much to everyone out there thank, you again Liz, from. All of us here at GSA, please have a wonderful and, very productive week.


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