Sacred Geometry and Ancient Healing Technology Brandon Michael Ricks Far Out With Faust Podcast

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so in my research pyramids man i mean first of  all there's thousands on the earth if not more and   everywhere there's a pyramid if you were to drive  a straight line through that pyramid into the   earth or whatever supposedly on the other side if  earth is round there's another pyramid right there   but we we find that right in pyramids all  different angles and shapes have different effects   and i was it was blowing my mind that that was the  case and the first pyramid i ever built the first   oregon pyramid i ever built for my buddy who gave  me the money for all the resin and stuff to build   these he we were testing it out doing some ice  freeze tests with the orgonite and we froze some   water underneath this pyramid which is actually  the dimension of the bosnian pyramid i believe   yeah and we froze we put that on top of a cup of  water and left it in the freezer for like three   days forgot about it we came back into work we're  like oh yeah we forgot about the pyramid went to   grab it this thing grew a perfect ball like a  dome out of the ice like right in center right   under that pyramid it was it was perfectly  symmetrical it was beautiful and a fluorite   crystal point in the center and the way i wound  it you know it's a very basic pyramid but it was   beautiful what i saw from within the ice what  happened i was like this you can't make this up welcome to far fast everybody i am faust chicho  and today i'm joined by brandon michael rix which   i am very excited to introduce everybody to if you  have not heard of him before let me tell you about   brandon and what he's been up to he's an inventor  he's a craftsman he's an artist he's a subtle   energy specialist his work is very captivating  i'm very excited uh to showcase him a bit but i'm   going to turn it over to him to talk a little more  about what what he's doing and what he's up to   well thank you for having me on here today very  grateful and uh you know so yeah my journey with   the work where it's where it's led where was in  the past where is it you know where is it heading   uh we're in interesting times i've just got  a lot of gratitude for where we are right now   yeah and well i feel like you know earlier when  we were speaking and we were kind of sharing   stories you know everybody has a story that will  aid another person in their journey and you know   how i got into this work was very kind of uh it  was kind of a gradual change shift i would say   i started to do a lot of rock hounding and crystal  hunting in arizona i'm an arizona native that's my   kind of place i always gravitate back towards i  do a lot of traveling and have in my past in that   process of of kind of rock counting i gained like  a big love for for minerals and for a few years   during this process i would say i would call it  my uh kundalini awakening phase where i had like a   my consciousness completely shifted and opened  up in a really beautiful way and this was prior   to 2012 it was 2010 going into 2011-ish i  was you know doing a lot of research into   uh basically suppressed technologies you  know oh wow okay yeah so like nikola tesla   technology and research john bedini circuitry  there's been so many beautiful minds that have   contributed to you know our everyday lives  and the technology that encompassed them but   during this phase of awakening um i i found out  about wilhelm reich and sigmund freud and all of   their work with subtle energy research and that's  actually pretty interesting they don't really   teach this stuff in you know the paid bought  and paid for school systems here no they don't so you know i dove down that rabbit hole and  one thing led to another i started kind of just   making devices as gifts for friends and family i  realized i could help by making oregon technology   by chi devices you know for those that aren't  aware of what oregon technology is orgone is   basically a a term that was deemed um by carl  wells and uh well carl wells trademarked oregon   orgonite later on but orgone energy uh was  trademark the term was deemed by wilhelm reich   and that was the term for life force energy in  a sense and lots of cultures call it every you   know pretty much the same thing in a sense  or different variations of the same thing   prana they're all relating to life force energy  and we being that everything is frequency and   vibration and sound light waves the understanding  understanding behind how to cultivate manipulate   and master those energy fields is really what  what it's all about and i started man once you   go down that rabbit hole of research is like  never ending it feels i i felt like i was just i don't know for a while there i was uh  it was a really interesting experience i   feel like everybody's everybody's journey is  like different with their consciousness shift   but um during that time when i found out about  rice i was like i can help out you know in the   world with this i felt such a calling to it  like this is what i'm meant to be doing and   i've always been really artistic i love to paint  draw in high school and stuff growing up and   you know hands-on activities creation with my  hands was always something i was really into   and so being able to create these devices to be  able to um offset the the negativity out there   and the hazards that we experience on the  everyday life i was all about that and so   you know from what i've shared so far do you have  any um oh totally so so it's so meh it you know   it's always a surface you know um like i i it's  very clear to me on the surface my my my interest   in my my desire to have like you know when i when  i pursue a guest to come on my show i always have   like one set of ideas um and and i'm not saying  they're superficial but they're very much um   you know they're kind of what's on the page so  to speak um and but there's always almost always   something i would say 99 of the time  so much more there that surprises me   once i start talking to this person um and and  immediately you know we're i don't know we're   we're eight minutes in and uh and and  already what's what's come out of your mouth   has you know i i i already know now why um this  conversation had to take place i mean i literally   just my last two guests were one was a uh an md  also an inventor working with sound and light   really rewriting what we understand we can do with  sound and light and meanwhile what you don't know   about this guy who is you know this guy's gonna  win a nobel prize he's working with the the guy   who won um won the nobel for in vitro um and the  therapy the the what they're doing with light   um and that this laser they patented i mean  i cannot wait to send you this podcast it's   it's coming out next week um it's with dr todd  obakayats and this dude is just but you know and   then the the last um guess i had on all we talked  about was was prana was cheap was life force was   was how that energy manifests itself and also you  know how we kind of uh can get in the way of you   know uh allowing that energy and how through  karma and through trauma and through you know   all the different things that we're dealing with  we really do kind of get in our own way um in in   allowing some of that and achieving our greatest  potential in in outcomes but so it's like no   it's just it's such a delight when i hear you  speaking and i so i hit for for you guys that   don't know uh you know we're gonna if you're  watching uh and not listening you can check out   the screen i'm gonna show uh you're just gonna see  a few of brandon's in his craftsmanship is just uh   he truly you are an artist my friend um and the  things that you're putting together and i'm just   like i mean they're amazing so you've said you've  always been good with with your hands right i mean   so when you were younger were you just like  you were always good at drawing or did you   like did you have to work at it tell me how  that went down i thought you asked yeah so   i was the kid getting in trouble for taking  things apart ah okay makes sense i really   love tools and anything just figuring out how  things worked and i would take things apart   put them back together and i you know i learned a  lot growing up and yes creating drawing pictures   um you know i really got into drawing and painting  for for a few years and it's just you know   my career choices were i'd say my job choices  i didn't really take one specific career path   i i i did a lot of different jobs and that's  because i would learn something and i would i   would have fun with it and then i would be  like okay well what's what i would like to   learn something else right now i would i went to a  lot i learned a lot of different i went through a   lot of different trades learned a lot of trade  work between construction work to tile work to   you know metal fabrication steel fabrication and  paint work all these different trades that have   you know blissed me up to the point where  i can create on a level that i feel um   is at a point where you know i can actually be  of service to the collective in a better way and   it's taken you know it's been an evolution as  i've evolved as a human being and how to become   a better understanding of how this technology  works and how to implement it um you know i've   needed i've needed certain skills to be able to  create and actually bring it to physical form   yeah and so really really grateful for my journey  you know some people look at my resume and they're   like damn dude you've never held a job like no  i had a job i decided this is not for me anymore   and i moved on to the next thing you know it's  experience like i say i'm a jack of all but master   of none right and i really do feel a connection to  each thing that i do i feel like really connected   to a lot of the processes that you know i um that  involve and encompass my work and it's more of   like a a ceremony in a sense when i create you  know i i don't create if i'm feeling upset or if   i'm in the mood you know energy transference you  know being consciousness conscious of all that um   so yeah yeah that's that makes a lot of sense  because when i i see the level of what you   know what you're working with what you're putting  together and i'm like man i you know i i i need to   talk about how he came to such experience you know  like um and so it makes perfect sense to me that   you you've gone through that and i mean and as far  as you know fitting into these societal norms of   resumes and all that jazz i mean that is  such a a recipe for depression and disaster   so uh to me i would read your resume and be like  this guy knows exactly what he's what he's doing   and what he's up to and he's accumulating a  massive amount of skill and knowledge um you   know when i if i if i was probably looking at  your resume but you know um it's just uh it's   it's unfortunate we live in a society where to  continue to pursue passion you know um especially   with crafts because we are the world is uh really  short i think of true craftsmen and people who   come into this kind of knowledge especially  when it starts to broaden the way yours has   it's unfortunate because we did not we that  is a that is a pathway to happiness i can tell   you right now following your greatest passion  and staying excited about what you're working   on you will never be unhappy you know i mean of  course there'll be times something happens when   but what i'm saying is overall you're going  to continue to to grow and evolve and and and   become your work which is what i'm hearing from  you and that is you know i mean like i don't know   if you've ever heard of bashar that's one of but  that's bashar's most famous recipe you know like   follow your highest excitement do it until until  it isn't anymore but do you know let go of them   expectations and just become the process it is  a it's a recipe that works i mean anyone who's   tried it i think and stayed true to it will tell  you that so that's uh that's that's awesome man so   tell me about how um you know it's it's incredibly  that you know we all kind of like you said we all   have our own journey and kind of what's going on  with the person at the time when this awakening   starts to happen um you know what gifts are  there and then kind of what comes online for them   to me is one of the most fascinating things to  observe in in in peers that i see and people   i'm like wow you know like i like this md i'm  telling you about like he was literally working   in pulmonary care on uh aids patients um  when he had this insight you know that   why not be able there's no reason why you couldn't  use light to um you know to break down a virus in   at a molecular level what like what could be  stopping us from doing this you know what i mean   he's he's sitting there it's the 80s and people  are still dying of this and he from that one   thought this whole pre you know it was that seed  that was planted he's an md he's a very material   you know guy he's trained in allopathic medicine  even though he loves the guitar and he loves   singing but um he he found a way to walk that  line man and so quietly this is a guy who's you   know teaching um and was in charge of like  entire hospitals at one point and he's like   quietly gallivanting off to malibu to swim  with the humpback whales and learning how   to sing their song while they you know free dives  upside down for three weeks i'm like dude you are   it is crazy to me you know what i mean like  when that when when that awakening happens   what people do to pursue it is just remarkable  to me um so i love these stories but um   so tell me about how when you started to you know  when you became you're like i'm going to do this   and i'm going to create devices  that can be uh of service to people   um how tell me a little bit more about that  evolution and so our you know everyone listening   can kind of get a sense of where your mind was at  and how you started to use this incredible talent   talents that you have to create these devices  sure and i'd love to so i'd say for like the   longest time it was more just intriguing and fun  for me to create these and then to experience   uh you know the experimentation that you can do  with these devices to be able to physically see   the effects as well were really blowing my mind  and i was working a job at the time that was   definitely taking my life away from me it was a  it was a 12-hour shift job 5 p.m night shift to   5 a.m and during that time was when i launched  my first etsy store and started making these   devices i actually at the time financially  i was i was really strapped my son was   freshly you know hot out the oven um i i was  like i'm gonna launch my etsy and get out of   this place and start making these qi devices and  i took a small loan from a friend to get it all   going and i just went to town making these um  while i was at this job and while i was there   things shifted so quickly once i started bringing  these devices i can't even tell you like it was   stirring the pot in the workplace like i was  the conscious like i don't want to say like   everybody's in their different levels of you know  understanding understanding of the the cosmos rice   but i felt like i was like the thorn inside in the  side there at this facility that i was working at   and so i shortly after that made the decision  to leave because the energies were not suiting   me in my journey anymore and you know there's  a bigger story behind it i didn't realize that   for the longest time i was actually pretty pretty  sick and i had created my own sickness though   because of my own habits that i was unaware of  like you know their effect on my biological body   you know i got into the work and making oregon  because i knew i could protect people from the   harmful frequencies the you know the cell towers  all all of those things but i didn't also know   and really realize how personally i was currently  being in fact and so i got into the work   naturally i feel because like source higher  power my highest self was guiding me to a path   that was eventually going to help heal me from the  just destruction i had done to my physical avatar   my merkaba i had heard over my life with my  habits i was ignorant of so many things with   what i was putting in my vessel to what i was  listening to to how much i used my cell phone   and how i used my cell phone yeah i  had a cell phone from the age of 12   and i was on that thing off and on and more  as time went on and i had jobs that i was   on it for hours a day and eventually it led to me  becoming sick um let's skip forward right because   well actually yeah i have to because this won't  make sense unless i do i'm a cancer survivor   i have brain cancer so i had a brain tumor  from you know cell phone use over the years   but my lifestyle choices started to shift  naturally and before i and i didn't even know   i had cancer until you know this was i found  out about three and a half years ago well four   years ago and three and a half years now i've been  free and clear and that's because the regimens of   yeah exactly the regiments that i chose to take in  my path have basically slowly eradicated what was   trying to build in the same way so i'm really  grateful for a divine alignment uh synchronistic   meetings between my my soul tribe my family  i'm sure you can relate and would love to share   more about that too we're all connecting with  each other right now and this uh dude that's uh i   i mean that such music to my ears you know people  hear the word cancer and they think it's a death   sentence and it's not it is only this this crazy  belief that we have had ingrained in us it truly   you can realign with with everything that is  important to your body and to your soul and   and the cancer will want nothing to do  with you then you know like i've seen   it over and over and over again and you're  yet another perfect example of someone who   you know who walked their path um and  and who ended up a person without this   word you know and it's just a word i mean it has  so much charge to it in our society but it is just   a word um at its core so man um it warms my heart  to be talking to you right now and to hear that   even though three and a half years ago you  were told that you all you did was get more   uh centered on your path and continue to walk it  and hit and here you are talking to me free and   clear yeah brother thank you thank you you know  i i was you know medicines that were given to me   medicines that have been offered to me in exchange  for my work have been the reasons why i'm as   healthy and back to where i should be um and i'm  so so very grateful for that you know and it's um   but this technology has been a huge gift and  blissing in my in my journey that now not only   am i protecting myself from that ever happening  again but i can now offer this to others and in   so many different ways you know this technology  is being used basically on the surface level we're   starting to expand and very in various avenues  with it and the med bed technology industry is   really going to be utilizing it essentially you  know what like you said earlier we're remembering   how to use what we've already used in the past  and that's going to be our future again and so   some of the things i create how i create some  of these if anybody has been wondering is been   through meditation work a lot of meditation work  to be real i do i sit a lot every day at least 20   30 minutes in meditation at least and i i pray man  and i sit there and i i i sometimes i receive and   know there's been times where it's really  been incredible like yeah sometimes images but   that's uh that's beautiful man that's what  prayer is and always has been you know this   not that it can't be the other thing if  you want to pray like that i mean i mean   i should say like that i'm referring to the  catholic way i was taught to pray growing up   oh man um which is just a crazy you know a  crazy way to teach people to talk to this this   higher power and the fact this higher power is  separate you know and you got to ask and it's like   it's so confusing um it's no wonder most people  at church don't look happy you know i mean i mean   some churches but but um so that's beautiful man  uh in the end so you've you've answered another   what probably would have been another one of  my questions about you know your daily practice   because i just think it's so important you know i  tell myself i'm like listen if you don't let the   pond settle you'll never see what's on what's at  the bottom of it man and uh you know and he's got   he's a he just turned 11 he's got um he struggles  to remain still you know he's got a lot of energy   his awareness is huge you know and so you're  talking to him and meanwhile his little mind is   it's everywhere right he's so empathic and so  sensitive um but i'm like trying to teach him   about the power of stillness and he's young um but  he's like he's trying he's learning he's trying um   it's just it's it's so powerful  this this stillness and the quiet   you know what can come of it a lot of people don't  have anything that resembles that in their life   so i'm just encouraging everyone  you know who's listening   most people who are listening probably do  have a practice but some people are always   teetering they're like i'll get back to it  then like get back to it now there's only now   but anyway that was my my rant uh hopefully it'll  be my last one today but i doubt it i can't make   any promises um so like i i saw a video of you  when you and this so i keep coming back to this   what keeps being brought to my attention  everywhere i turn is the pyramid right is   it it seems like every book i pick up every every  time gaia i recommends a show and i just press   click without even being able to read the little  fine print it's a show about the pyramids or about   geometry and and there's just so something um  and and now you've mentioned uh merkaba and   my brother sent me a picture my my twin brother  has taken the spiritual turn about a year and a   year ago and and and so you know i obviously i  have some geometrical tattoos uh but so he just   got this crazy he just got a flower of life on  his arm you know all his tattoos are just i don't   know they're a hodgepodge of different things  but now he's really getting into he's he's been   diving down the rabbit hole over and over and  he's got into meditation now and i had him read   um tremble melchizedek's the ancient uh secret  of the flower of life that those two books and   now he's into the geometry and he and he sent  me all these he just sent me another picture he   got another tattoo on his arm which appears to be  metatron's metatron's cube with this mandala and   i'm like dude that's sick that's awesome but it  just keeps popping up in my life like um geometry   everywhere and and the pyramid so i saw this video  that you made um and and you built this structure   right like so can you tell me a little bit about  this thing that you built and some of the effects   that it's had sure so my work i eventually  like i got to a point where i wanted to build   a larger scale device that people could sit inside  and you know i thought about it for many years   like about six years ago i started thinking  about building one of those and um last year   one of my buddies reached out and he's like hey  my friend patricia is interested in your work   let me connect you to and so he connected me with  patricia and um in our conversation you know she   was interested in my work she you know had seen  some of my devices through through our mutual   friend scott and um i pitched the idea of the  tesseract life force energy chamber to her and i   drew up some designs and sent it to her and you  know she was totally on board with the concept   and so um you know this device basically it  combines two different sacred geometries together   and the reason why i did that is because i hadn't  seen that done yet and also the reason the the   specific dimensions that i chose have different  metaphysical healing properties than we've   experienced from the other pyramid so what i did  was i combined the russian nubian dimensions which   if you look at the history and research  behind russian pyramid shapes the taller ones   yeah it's incredible they're all the research done  on those and so i really wanted to implement that   uh that sacred geometry and then connecting them  to a chops giza uh dimensions which is a magnetic   field generating platform okay so the body  obviously has the taurus energy field it comes   out of our heads through our feet and so creating  stimulant energies that function in the same flow   is super beneficial for healing the body on  a biological level on a cellular level very   quickly because that's how the atoms spin they're  spinning counterclockwise so when we're combining   magnetic field frequencies with say uh you know  the radionics technology and organize technology   and sound uh collectively you have you know  it's almost like i feel like the possibilities   are almost limitless with that other than like  having nano technology laser technology to build   physical matter you know as far as the energetic  nature of what we can adjust biologically with   the body with this chamber it's pretty it's  pretty incredible so what it allows you to do is   fine-tune the magnetic fields with the top pyramid  capstone and the bottom pyramid capsule cool wow   rodent coil technology and the rodent  starship coil technology as well   i built a variety of different coils but you know  they all have different magnetic funnel properties   and the starship coils are really interesting  coil if you research into the starship coil i   mean they're used for levitation you can see  videos of people hooking them up at the right   frequency and they just lift right up off the  surface of whatever they're sitting on you know   it's really incredible stuff and i really wanted  to implement that into the work and then also   add the sound equipment so like my background as  well as in the audiophile industry i used to do   car audio installs like custom work for  people and learning um about sound and how it   you know how to make it how to manipulate  that with with physical creations as well   i was trained on and so i'm like okay i  don't see a device out there that's combining   all of the things you know they're not combining  magnetic field therapy with sound with light with   all of that right we need all of it when you have  all of it at once in one space like why not right   so that's when i built the chamber and it was a  process but it was uh right now it's in florida   it's it's it's uh it's getting used daily i need  to touch base with patricia her kids i guess love   to hop in there and feel that energy and um  awesome yeah dude i i uh that's so it's super   exciting so so many things you just said you know  i'm i'm well i'm i'm i'm watching it's it's like   everywhere i turn i'm seeing the same people um  and some of them i know the faces are familiar and   and some of the faces are are new and and  remarkably enough some of the faces are new   but resemble some of the old in a lot of the ways  that they're using um their their gifts and so   the way it ties together to me is is like  remarkable like you so like when you soon as you   start talking i'm like this you so remind me of  like a young greg braden it's crazy um he used to   have big hair like you when he was you know when  he i mean he's a small he's actually a smaller   guy you're probably bigger than him um but but i  don't know if you know greg braden's work he's uh   he was doing a little of everything but uh but i  think archaeology he was actually working as a uh   on for the pentagon at one point on the computer  and just decoding and working on these programs   which is what he's kind of a jack of all  trades as well but uh a genius uh absolutely   and so i'm learning about the pyramids and  about the the effect that they can have   and like you said but like the there was a  lot of studies done on the russian pyramids   and the different structure and and just how um  different aspects of the pyramid like the top like   if it's layered and then the what's around the  pyramid how it can be affected and i'm worse and   we're speaking energetically but we're speaking  measurably right like for people who are listening   it's not um we're not speaking in hypotheticals  we're speaking about you know energy is measurable   in any number of ways and so you know the  the studies that i was watching and they were   talking about they were they were measuring all  these different things and sometimes they would   bring water in to the pyramid and you know or  around the pyramid or they would look at the   biological presence around the pyramid and see  how it was affected you know and over the course   of over the years they would you know they would  notice that well you know the grass starts to grow   weeks around the pyramid then it doesn't  you know the rest of the you know near the   the forest whatever um every year now  why why is that why why is this become   fertile ground you know kind of before the rest of  the season kicks in and it's it's just incredible   but it's very telling and so it it you  know i know that that the power lies in   in our ability to combine and innovate and that's  exactly what you're doing it's super exciting um   and just the way that you're going about it  so so when you does it tell me about how you   learned about these pyramids what and like  what what you learned and how this um how   you just decided on this particular shape for  this device that you made uh patricia so um   jeez if you can yeah so okay the question  again i kind of got like oh yeah so   so what i i guess let's start with this like um  how did you learn um when you when you started to   learn about pyramids like what were some of  the things that you were like oh wow that's   that pyramid is is so much different than this  pyramid and and how is it how is it different   and what do you think it was made differently  for or like what is your your your theory and   thoughts about it sure definitely and i have a lot  of thoughts on this thank you for clarifying um   so in my research pyramids man i mean first of  all there's thousands on the earth if not more   and everywhere there's a pyramid if you were to  drive a straight line through that pyramid into   the earth or whatever supposedly on the other side  if earth is round there's another pyramid right   there but we we find that right in pyramids all  different angles and shapes have different effects   and i was it was blowing my mind that that was the  case and the first pyramid i ever built the first   oregon pyramid i ever built for my buddy who gave  me the money for all the resin and stuff to build   these he we were testing it out doing some ice  freeze tests with the orgonite and we froze some   water underneath this pyramid which is actually  the dimension of the bosnian pyramid i believe   yeah and we froze we put that on top of a cup of  water and left it in the freezer for like three   days forgot about it we came back into work we're  like oh yeah we forgot about the pyramid went to   grab it this thing grew a perfect ball like a  dome out of the ice like right in center right   under that pyramid it was it was perfectly  symmetrical it was beautiful and a fluorite   crystal point in the center and the way i wound  it you know it's a very basic pyramid but it was   beautiful what i saw from within the ice what  happened i was like this you can't make this up   that's why videos and pictures of it and i posted  it on my old instagram which i'm still trying to   get back right now it was hacked but um so i  got a lot of images of that and then so when i   when i found out that you know these pyramids are  affecting physical matter that way back then uh   i just you know any kind of research i can do on  on pyramid technology there's a lot of different   books out there people can can look into there's  a documentary out there called the pyramid code   oh cool if everyone anyone check that out yeah  yeah that's a great one because it's only four   episodes but the episodes go into the like pretty  much the mechanical nature of pyramids and uh in   egypt at least the giza plateau pyramids and how  they were designed like a computer circuit board   you know these these pyramids were a lot more  capable than people realize you know these i feel   and this is my own personal belief is that they  we're at a point of maybe teleportation technology   communication technology offside earth as well  as a balancing machine to balance energy fields   and to keep things balanced as well as energy  production free energy because they were designed   like a tesla coil identically to a tesla coil uh  with how they were built but on a megalithic scale   so to have that kind of understanding of  engineering you've got to be really intelligent   and and so the pyramids have always blown  my mind i mean i i hear the stories of how   we were told they were built and  i just chuckle and laugh i'm uh   my whole family they're really religious they're  lds mormon background i never really felt the   connection to that growing up i never really did  and so slowly you know into my teenage years i   separated from that and found my own journey  with my own face and i'm very spiritual now i   i i'm very connected i feel to source creations  and that and in that journey pyramids and the   technology the geometric shapes behind all of them  have been woven through that whole journey as well   um yeah yeah absolutely um and god that i i really  feel called to try to travel to egypt and just   i've been looking at a few different trips um and  try you know it's it's it's tough to get away for   any length of period when you have a  family as you as i'm sure you know um   it's challenging you know you gotta  it takes a lot of planning and   figuring out but a man i i just i was just looking  because i i don't know if you know if you have   gaia you probably have seen uh billy carson on on  gaia um yeah and and so i i met billy and uh um   i mean i think elizabeth i i know they're together  i don't want to call her his wife i don't know if   they're officially married but um she's amazing  too but when billy takes these trips to egypt   and i and i was talking to him and i was like man  should i go to egypt with billy carson how [ __ ]   how crazy would that be like the knowledge  uh that he's dropping because he's just   he's like obsessed with uh with all of that he's  he's got a book that he wrote on the uh on the uh   the the the dead scrolls i think um yeah the  emerald yeah that's right um and uh and also   naseem goes every year and he's like royalty  down there um and i was like but i have a friend   who went with naseem who's like go with nazim  like he'll literally put this thing on your   so apparently naseem brings this thing that  he built which is like it's it's it's like a   giant version of this crystal he calls this  his art crystal but yeah he has like a 64   piece head one that he puts on the  people who go to egypt with him and   has them meditate in like one of the big chambers  there and i'm like i want to go just to put that   thing on my head and meditate i mean it's crazy as  that sounds like that's my i'm definitely leaning   towards the scene one day i don't know i don't  know when i make it happen with my schedule but   god that would be uh that would be amazing i just  i just want to go there you know and feel it it's   uh it's it seems palpable to me and the more i  learn the more i'm like uh what you know wow they   say they say a great many visionaries and people  who just changed everything um you know had a   very la like leonardo da vinci like they say that  many of these guys they visited the pyramids and   you may not they kind of you know deleted it from  the history books but but many of them went and   spent time there and it had a profound effect on  on their artistry and their work so you know i   i i'm so interested in going but um so so  you this was was this kind of the first   bigger device that you that you made i've  actually been making pyramids with legs for about   four years but i've never made a chamber that was  combining two different sacred geometries together   and suspending it to where you could sit  inside of that structure so this was you know   kind of like i've had a lot of different designs  out there that i've been wanting to build   and i didn't i haven't built any of  those particularly yet but this one   yeah it was uh i wanted it to be able to  be disassembled and moved fairly easily um yeah so what was so was patricia just the  was how did she end up the recipient and um   and what are some of the things that she's  told you about um you know the chamber   sure so i need to touch base with her because  i literally just delivered her device to her   uh like not even been two months now two  months about it's been about two months two   and a half months anyway she's been traveling a  lot with her family she's a very busy woman but   i do need to touch base and get some feedback from  her the last feedback i got was really amazing her   boys were always climbing up in there and she has  an incredible family um you know she i would love   to get more feedback from her but i'll share  feedback from my other client that sat in the   device as well as myself um and a few others  um prior to its delivery now my friend theresa   she sat in the pyramid for about three different  sessions and she experienced she's a lot of health   issues currently she's she has diabetes um  a few other conditions i forget exactly what   and she's got a lot of joint pain muscle  pain back pain etc and i met her out there   in north carolina when i was building this  device and we became instant friends and i   wound up just helping her with a few projects  on the side that she needed help with and then   um after her first 15-minute session she realized  that you know her pain level went away like from   i forget exactly what level it was at that day  because it was just a quick experience she went   through but she said her pain went away from  that and so i invited her back over the next day   i offered hey would you like to come over for a  two-hour session and sit within this chamber and   she uh she did she was thrilled and ex you know  to to come over and she did a two-hour session   where i played a variety of healing self-veggio  frequencies through this chamber and the way that   the chamber's been built too with incorporating  sound with it is i you know i have a low pass   powered subwoofer that is right underneath where  you sit or where you lay as well as really high   quality speakers so you can hear the frequencies  really loud and clear of through all ranges and   when you're laying there in the on this bed and  it's going through the frequencies and you're   adjusting the magnetic fields in accordance  to the actual audible sound frequencies   it puts you to sleep you feel the energy moving  in your body uh she went right to sleep she was   asleep within 10-15 minutes she was out cold  for over two hours i woke her up and she was   like feeling so good afterwards she said her pain  level was like a 9 or 10 when she got there and   when i got her off the machine she said the pair  pain was gone completely she like jelly like she   wanted to go home and just take a nap so what's  really cool is theresa she actually called me the   other day i haven't uh i need to return her phone  and follow up with her see how she's doing but um   she came back again the following day for  another session because she loved that   one so much and it helped her so much and uh i  myself did quite a few sessions in that before   delivering it to patricia so i need to get  you know a follow-up with her and get some   uh feedback from her but the last feedback  i got was really positive and it's actually   in there she has like this healing sheet cave  that's uh connected to their bedroom that   overlooks the ocean and it's a really beautiful  space to be i felt so so much gratitude and honor   to have created a device that's going to be  of service for many years and that's why i   designed this you know i designed this to be  the more we understand understand how to um maintain homeostasis in the bio field of the  body um based on how we feel and when we're in   tune with ourselves we can use that chamber  in our benefit to keep that alignment going   yes homeostasis is the key word and and for a  lot of people so i'll tell you a funny story i   never i've never told this uh story i don't  think to anyone but my wife but so this was   um maybe five six this was it was  a while i think it was 2017 and   so this was i was my uh dr joe dispenza retreat  and back then um he was he was we would get to   the point because the point retreat where he was  teaching people how to use um their energy to   to heal another person you know how to how to  open your heart and how you know how if you if   you can begin to sense the energy between your  hands um between your palms then you begin to   you can open them slowly and and you can start  to feel that energy come out and if you're just   you know opening your your heart and you're  allowing this colossal tsunami of source energy   that is always there for you in you know with  love you you can move that as a beautiful you know   the geometry on that kind of energy is just so  healing and it's um you know if disease is a   dissonance in the cell then the answer would be  coherence because if you have a dissonance you   have a disruption you know whether that's  inflation whether that's that's the big   inflation i'm sorry inflammation there we have  enough in inflation we don't need any more of   that um but but so the my first time doing this  back then um you would just you just worked with   the you know whoever was sitting next to you um  now they do things a little differently and it's   you know it's uh they use uh eight people they  use lin mctaggards um she wrote a book called the   power of eight and they just figured out that  eight people is kind of a sweet number around   a person to uh to to to work with this energy  but back then this was before that and so i i   you know went through the process  he guided everyone through   and um and i and i was i felt a lot of energy  moving and i was just you know totally out   of my head in my heart and um i had this  amazing experience and when i look up the   person who i was working was literally snoring  and i was like oh she was uh she was like   just just kind of snoring and you know you're  supposed to like you know talk to you talk to them   and see if they had any sensations in the body  and i was like i guess i'll just wait for her to   wake up you know i i thought at the time i was  like i guess i didn't do i didn't do anything i   know i know that is not necessarily the case  anymore because um i've had that happen to   me so often and what happens is the the body  needs to hit the lights and you know go thus   shut off for a while so it can begin to do what  it knows how to do to repair it to heal and i   i can't tell you how many times i've i've  i've worked with um you know in either in a   group or you know with trying to use coherence  healing uh on somebody who i i i always know likely i'll speak to them in an hour or two when  they wake up and if they want to let me know   um if they feel better great if not you know but  but it's almost always a sure thing one of the   one of the sure ways that and then i found out  later from this from this woman that she's she's   an insomniac and she said she hasn't taken a nap  she hasn't slept during the day she said in 13   years and i was like what i was i was in shock  when she told me that i i will never forget it   i was like i just thought you were tired and  bored and then the music was really soothing   um but yeah so i was like holy [ __ ] maybe  you know maybe i didn't you know back then   i was just kind of figuring things out i  was like maybe i did do something right   but it's amazing that she got in um tiered to your  chamber and was out man the body can do so much   rest and repair and when  someone truly falls asleep   oh yeah it's amazing thank you so much  for sharing that that's a i love that   story because you you did it man you were just  pushing your healing chi out giving her what she   needed that is reciprocated your energy field is  influencing her energy field and that can bring   the homeostasis like when you walk me you know  everyone has heard this when you walk into a room   you know and it's hostile it can be felt the  same thing when you're when you're when you're   in the right heart space and and you're aligned  and you're in your alignment and you can push   that out to others they feel that and oh my god  yeah and the ripple effect and i love that you   brought up dispensa because he's changed my  life about uh seven six seven about seven and   a half years ago is when i found his work and  i watched one video clip and i'm like that's   what i've been feeling this is what i needed this  guy understands he's connecting the science behind   the truth of of uh you know what we're all  capable of and you know backing it up and it   was so beautiful to me so to hear your story and  to hear that you've interacted with you know went   on one of his workshops yeah absolutely warms my  heart oh yeah i mean he's he's changed everything   for me that guy he i learned to meditate um from  from dr joe i mean it was his techniques that   you know i had tried and tried before and um i  really had very little success and you know i   i you i used to have add um uh and i it was very  difficult for me to quiet my monkey mind but   but hit but you know the wonderful  thing about his techniques are   they teach you how to quiet your monkey  mind they don't just ask you to and tell   you that you need to his techniques help you  to do so and then once you learn to do that   you can really kind of expand your meditation  practice however you want because you know how   to to quiet yes my dog's like i'm  rolling over and i'm gonna go to sleep   that's what that noise was um so i didn't i had  no idea so so you you're you're also a student   of dr joe's um i've never been on one of his work  right but but actually but yes in a sense totally   i've definitely learned so much from him and i  was sent one of his uh i guess it was one of his   retreat conferences was sent to me as a gift oh  cool cool so i've got to watch a lot of his uh his   work yeah so you know you know his work awesome  that's another connection that we have for sure   yeah yeah he's uh he's great i have a friend  who's in cancun with him right now he's like   oh i wish you were here i was like don't worry  you won't you'll forget that i'm because he had   never gone and he was like i don't i don't  want to go alone i'm like that you're going   to forget all about me and being there alone  and you know you just enjoy i said you know   his his retreats are amazing i've been to a  couple um but very cool man so so some of the   some of the smaller i mean i look at these  and i'm like man i i want to know like   how did you learn about the coils  and and and what is the fun like   i feel like this is like uh this is going to be  a part of everything moving forward too and it's   also a returning to what once was but like tell  me how the coils interact like when you're making   something like one of the smaller handheld  ones and how you kind of methodically decide   how to design it sure sure so the coils that  most people see in my work are sbb coils and   sbb coils are were designed by nikola tesla to  not only amplify magnetic waves and increase   their range but also be able to direct the flow  of those waves and so when i found out about those   doing research online there was a website called which has an incredible first   write-up on orgonite if anybody ever wants to  check that out and it had some sbb coils there and   i saw those and i just uh had spare copper around  and you know started practicing winding coils and   um over the years you know in that process  i also learned about the lengths of coils   and and the importance of the length of a coil and  implementing certain links in in these into these   coils i was experiencing different properties  with them and potencies of these devices there   are different experiments between like ice  breeze tests like we were talking about earlier   as well as negative ion meter tests and uh emf  reader tests and so yeah you know each coil does   a little bit something different it's it's kind  of one of those things that i tell people like   if you're getting into into coil technology and  making them just do do some research on that um   as far as where to send them trying to think  of a good website to start i think it's called is a good little place  that gives you some good measurements to   their description of what properties they'll  encompass based on their length and then you   when you build your coils you just build them to  that that length and then they'll encompass those   properties and so when you why and another reason  why i started to implement the coils is because um   when i was building the pulsed units and started  to build the pulsed units i needed to be able to   direct the frequencies that were being produced  in a more efficient way and manner just for my   clients because no two space no two spaces are  ever alike with the energy evening and putting   out with the cell towers etc right so i wanted to  build a device that was really capable and tunable   one that not only can you know be aesthetically  beautiful but also um be really helpful with um   taking care of whatever needs that you  are in need of with frequency technology   so um in that process you know i obviously i have  to wind up a variety of these different coils   ranging from really tiny to really big coils  really just depends on what i'm building and   depending on what i'm building i'll determine  the gauge of the wire the thicker the gauge the   more energy transference the way that energy is  absorbed into orgone technologies obviously the   metals the metal matrixes are like your capacitors  your batteries like conductors almost conductors   kind of yeah i mean they're the storage bank for  the chi that gets you know created before it's   dispersed and when you have like the difference  between your passive state orgone which is like   your your basic piece like this and like your  pulsed unit like the pyramid we were discussing   is that it's a it's uh one's an active state  one is the passive state so the active state   the pulsed unit creates like a force field effect  where it's constantly pushing out a bubble field   okay your passive states build and then  they go they build and then they go   okay i see and that's how they function yeah  so i want so i wonder like i have this uh   i have this it's a it's a chip it's a i  guess you would call it a biochip this uh   this incredible he's a he's a  he's a quantum physicist he's a uh   i don't know he worked he he he was working for  the kgb in the 80s well he was forced to work for   the kgb he didn't actually want to work with his  i think he was born in israel but raised in russia   and he he used to make these he makes these  harmonizers and so i'm always like trying to   figure out like so this would be one that's  like emitting um constantly emitting right   yep that's exactly what that is so what he's  done is he's taken radionics technology and put   it into a little flat disc that's convenient to  carry around with you that's very nice so that'll   create a field as far as negative ions not sure  because i haven't measured it but as far as a   field that creates a bubble that can protect you  from harmful frequencies and waves is what he's   implemented and that's amazing awesome oh yeah  he's got he's this guy you have to check out my   podcast with him his technology he's like i just  yeah i just i invented technologies he's like but   he doesn't really care to like you know sell  them so he's like you know he's like he's   working on something else he finishes one of  things he's like this one analyzes your dna um   all i need is a hair sample um and because i when  i first met him i had to go to his office and   now he's like if you want to just drop a piece of  hair off i'm like oh have we have we got that far   you don't even need me to be in the room anymore  he used to have me put on these he used to scan   my cellular dna with head with a headset he  designed and i'm like so i just put this on   and i would put it on and i would see my body  appear on his computer screen i mean it was like   [ __ ] it was like right out of a movie and uh  and he'd be like i can see and i just got this   tattoo worked on on my leg and my you know like  after you get a tattoo oftentimes the skin is   very dry when it's healing he's like i can see you  have uh do you have dry skin on the hip i'm like   what the [ __ ] i'm like you know i had  pants on i'm like you you can see that from my dna like i was blown away by this guy  his name is michael pishadze uh i guess i'll send   you a link to his podcast he'll blow your mind  this guy he's like he's on another level he's   and he doesn't really get a lot of attention  because he's just really too busy he's just   working you know he's not putting anything out  there people are always going to him be like   what are you working on he's like oh i've just  invented this and it's just so cool um but then   i appreciate the the the tutorial you know i i  understand a little more about some of the things   that i i started to learn about long ago and some  things i have in my life already you know so when   people get like um like for example the this  the art crystal that um the scene designed like   so this would be one that that builds or is it  also one that they say is is constantly emitting   an arc crystal's different so i love naseem's  work and i love those art crystals and   uh a quartz crystal is constantly going i mean you  could cleanse them um everyone has like different   opinions on their you know how to cleanse certain  minerals and whatnot um moonlight yeah right yeah   light sunlight that's one way totally salt water  is a good way running water you know river creek   things like that but yeah your pendant are crit  those are really great for transmuting just   quartz in general and the way that that thing  is faceted in the shape that it is i mean it's   just a great transmuter atomic structure dude i  i wore this to a plant ceremony last weekend wait   was it last weekend i mean i was like should  i i was like well why wouldn't you you know i   mean like it's gonna it could be a source of you  know of coherence why and you're going into a   platform and i had kind of had jitters about this  ceremony because of the experience i had last time   and i almost took off but i thank god i was like  i kind of um i almost had a panic attack it was   crazy my body was like no no we remember how this  ended up and my body was like let's just get in   the car and go um but i decided to stay and i  wore this for and it was i'm you know it was   remarkable i'm not saying that it was remarkable  because of this but i i i had my hand on my heart   a lot of the ceremony and um and i could almost  feel this i can almost feel the power of this um   crystal helping me kind of transmute some of the  things i was going through um it was palpable so   it makes perfect sense that you you've  stated it like that um it's i i love   it it's i love all this stuff it's it's  phenomenal to me um it's very cool man so   i meant to ask you about this before you know  like so you had kind of a kundalini awakening   and meanwhile you're like knee-deep  in all things tesla so tell me how   that like i i always like to ask how um because  everybody has a different experience you know   um a different awakening and it can happen in a  lot of ways i know that kundalini refers to a very   specific experience but again that experience  can differ with each person and i'm wondering   if yours uh if it's not too personal um if you  want to share a little bit about it sure yeah   you know it was really interesting my experience  with mine and i i called them like energy rushes   or downloads when they would happen and as i'm  talking about and i'm getting my truth bombs   coming back every time i talk about this story so  i it started randomly i was having conversations   with my buddies when we were talking about really  enlightening things and there was this the first   time it happened it started out very subtly  i started feeling tingly all over my body   it was very powerful it got came very strong  in through like the top through my crown   and then pretty much incapacitated me for about  30 seconds to a mi


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