An Introduction to Cornell Tech

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We create new technologies, We educate leaders, We build ventures. We don't just study technology, we build the future with it. We are Welcome to an introduction to Cornell Tech, a dynamic applied graduate school where our students build new technologies, launch ventures, and become leaders for the age of ai. The next era of tech is here and it's led by breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and Cornell Tech is ready for it.

In fact, every day we're leveraging exciting new developments and digital technologies as an opportunity for our students to become the leader society needs. Cornell Tech has created a unique educational environment filled with exactly the expertise and the wisdom needed to navigate through the age of ai. Whether students are pursuing engineering, business design, or law, technology will play a role in their future career. Cornell Tech is uniquely poised to put students well on the path to be the real drivers of ai. Our dual degree programs focus on urban tech, health tech, and media tech.

And truly, there's no better place in the world to study those industries than here in New York City. We're empowering students to not only understand human and computer interaction, but the role modern media plays in our daily lives. We're creating solutions for globally recognized healthcare facilities and tackling infrastructure challenges that naturally develop in one of the world's most densely populated metro areas. We are committed to giving you as much as we get from New York City. Technology is often recognized as a high revenue industry and it certainly can be, but what we see here at Cornell Tech is students wanting to put tech to work for the betterment of humanity.

One of our primary visions as an institution is to create lasting economic and social prosperity, whether that's through the startups we launched, the jobs created in the process, or the people served by our technologies. We aim to enable abundance. We want our impact to be sustainable, and that's where you come in.

Our future graduate students, we're excited for you to learn more about applying and enrolling in our master's programs, so please keep watching while our team shares more about the extraordinary opportunity that awaits you here at Cornell Tech. Living in New York and specifically Roosevelt Island has been an incredible experience. Roosevelt Island itself has so much on it. There's so many green spaces.

It's just a really peaceful place to live and work, but yet you're also one stop away from being in Midtown Manhattan or going into Queens or a few ferry stops away from Brooklyn. So it's a really cool central area to explore all that New York has to offer. Welcome To Bloomberg Center. Here's the building that we have, our classes, and we also have the space to study and the studio room where we can meet our teammate and work in our stuff.

This is Data Innovation Center. Students come here to attend mixers, career fairs and whatnot. So there are studios, there are maker labs and classrooms as well. This is the house at Cornell Tech. This is where I and 400 other students at Cornell Tech live on campus. Not only do the majority of the students live there, but it's also the social hub on campus.

No matter what the day is, there's always people on the top floor relaxing, socializing. You're getting to mingle with future founders, which is really, really important at a campus like this. Lastly, there is Verizon Executive Education Center, which is where conferences are held every week.

In the past week, there was a biotech at Pharmaceutical conference Weeks previous there was, uh, mergers and acquisitions conference. There are constantly people rotating in and outta the Verizon Center, and it is open for students to go and learn. Being In New York City means we can bring in amazing speakers, experts, and industry leaders right to our doorstep, enriching our learning in ways that textbooks can, but it doesn't stop there.

We are part of the vibrant startup and venture capital ecosystem here, especially in the FinTech space, which is unparalleled. And let's not forget we have fun like no other. Because of the endless cultural and entertainment options the city has to offer. At the core of our learning ecosystem is Studio. A series of courses focused on innovation and entrepreneurship no matter. The program studio is a required element of the Cornell Tech graduate experience.

The studio coursework immerses each student in an experience where they develop tech solutions for real world challenges sourced from companies and organizations around New York City Studio is about building things that matter to the world. During this, uh, year, you spend in studio, this is, there is some academics, but majority of your time is spent in taking that academics and effectuating it on your real world projects. Important component of the studio is that all students are working together on multidisciplinary teams. Uh, they're, they're working to learn how to solve real world challenges that are presented by industry and they are working in close collaboration with practitioners.

We use hundreds of industry practitioners each year who are all coming to partner with our students and help give them the guidance and, and coaching to become builders in the era of ai. I think, um, one thing that I've found from the studio curriculum is that it pushes me to make friends really fast. We were thrown into a team of five people and we all came from different backgrounds. There's some computer scientists, there's a law student, there's an MBA student, and within like the first two weeks of classes, you have spent so much time with them that you're already like really close friends. As soon as you've gotten to know your studio team, you then also interact with the other studio teams and it's just growing your network.

Learning alongside students from law, computer science, and health tech means I'm able to diversify my skills well beyond business. So I'm naturally developing skills that will directly transfer into the workforce. I am the lawyer of the project, but I need to understand the perspective from MBA students, css, Ari, and, uh, we all together try to find the best solution. So it's a unique experience that makes you go out of your academic bubble and understand other perspectives.

One of our most recent student-led successes was Caveat. This is a woman-led company whose co-founder noticed the alarming frequency with which predatory contracts were being signed by influencers and models. The women developed an AI platform that automatically extracts predatory language so that the signee doesn't fall victim to dangerous contractual terms. Cornell Tech's program really enables you to understand what it would take to not only ideate, but really grow and launch your own company, and you are able to rely on the resources and the expertise of its staff, of its network and really tap into that to build out your own dream. My experience at Cornell Tech has been truly dynamic and enriching.

Currently, I'm engaged in my specialization project, which allowed me to apply my technical skills to real world challenges. Additionally, I'm also excited about ideating assertive idea for my upcoming startup studio in my spring semester, which exemplifies how Cornell Tech encourages innovation and entrepreneurship. One class whose projects I'm really excited about is my virtual reality class.

I came into that class with virtually no understanding of the field and we've slowly been progressing through the different ideas in creating virtual environments and the motion and different activities that incur in those environments. So we started by actually sort of reconstructing some of the fundamental algorithms and functions that are available within the Unity platform to get a deeper understanding of what's going on below the hood. The Cornell Tech faculty is a major source of pride.

We have a world class faculty roster drawn from various academic disciplines who've dedicated their careers to informing the minds of future leaders. They engage with the students, they challenge them. Our faculty creates an environment where it's okay to build and test and define solutions that don't work on the way to those that do.

That's part of the learning culture here at Cornell Tech. The program Director for CSS is Sasha Rush. He works for one of the leading companies in the space as well. So we get to talk to him on a daily basis about his work and what things that he would do differently based on, uh, new advances in the field and really get to know the latest cutting edge stuff directly from our professor. What's Even more remarkable is that most professors stay on campus and are incredibly approachable. It fosters a collaborative and an open environment where we can easily connect with them, see guidance and dwell deeper into our areas of interest.

Cornell Tech puts faculty who develop these, do research in these areas and students who specialize in building these skills under one roof where we can first time, unlike any other institution in the world, bring different perspectives, bring a knowledge of the technology, a deep knowledge of the technology, deep knowledge of the business models, economics, the incentives of people using it, marry this knowledge to create products and create research that matters to the world. And so these are actual people that have worked on real problems and solve these problems, and they come back to teach the students here. So I think that's one of the massive, uh, benefits of an education here. You're working from people who have had an impact and they want you to have an impact as well. Thanks for checking out time out of your busy schedule.

To learn a little bit more about Cornell Tech today, students choose Cornell Tech for a number of reasons, one of which is our New York City location. We're in the heart of the city's tech ecosystem with access to leading organizations, that's something students simply can't get anywhere else. Partner our location with the rigor of our Ivy League educational experience and our interdisciplinary approach to learning. And our students leave with the competence of knowing they're ready to lead in business or tech immediately after graduation.

In addition, our students are extremely innovative and have a thriving entrepreneurial mindset. We've found nearly 30% of our students choose Cornell Tech for the opportunity to build a startup, and many of our students have gone on to do just that. Students who come to Cornell Tech are entrepreneurial. They have a solid technical background and work best in interdisciplinary teams. What sets Cornell Tech students apart is their desire to build digital solutions to improve society as students prepare to graduate from Cornell Tech and enter the workforce.

One of the major benefits of our career services program is individualized attention we provide to each student. We have deep rooted partnerships with New York City based organizations and we're ultimately familiar with the strengths and skills of each student, so we're able to match the needs of the organization with the best fit graduate, creating a one-to-one opportunity, which we've found to create more promising careers than traditional operations like career fairs. We also prepare the students with mock interviews and support them with resume and portfolio building support. Our students are confident in seeking specific positions because of the preparation they receive from the Cornell Tech Career Services team. When students come to Cornell Tech, they're preparing for a career that has not yet been invented. Our goal is to prepare them for the future needs of society and technology.

We'll help them diversify their skillset, so whatever change or advances come along, our graduates can pivot into that new reality and find long lasting success. Let me pass it along to one of our colleagues who can tell you a little bit more about our admissions process. Hi everyone. I'm Liam Lugo, admissions coordinator at Cornell Tech, and it's my pleasure to give you an overview of our Johnson Cornell Tech MBA program. The Johnson Cornell Tech MBA program is a one year three semester program.

It is a full-time and each cohort begins in May. What sets this program apart from others? Its is concentration on supporting students with understanding the startup and tech ecosystems. The program is built for professionals with digital experience who want to lead dynamic tech companies in the era of ai. Our interdisciplinary approach to teams means we're bringing students from engineering, law, business and design together so students can gain a diverse perspective to building tech solutions for real companies and startups.

The Johnson Cornell Tech MBA program is structured around three experimental pillars. Students begin the program with a 14 week intensive summer semester where they complete the core business courses alongside other MBA students. In August, students begin Studio, which is the difference maker in this program.

There is a concentration on technical entrepreneurship with coursework in digital marketing, entrepreneurial finance, and product studio. During new product studio students collaborate with a multidisciplinary cross-functional group to develop tech solutions for a real business challenge provided by one of our partnering companies or startups here in New York City. In January for the final semester, students apply what they have learned through product studio and team working skills to develop a new business idea from concept to launch during startup or PTECH studio.

Each studio semester leverages Cornell Tech's partnership with economy driven companies like Airbus Capital One and the New York City's Mayor's Office. Many graduates of the Johnson Cornell Tech MBA program enter the industry in leadership roles while others launch their own startup. 100% of our graduates receive a full-time offer within three months of graduation, and we know that top employers value the hands-on experience Cornell Tech grads bring to their workplace. Cornell Tech recipients report a median salary of $150,000 with more than 90 startups originating on our campus.

Thank you for your interest and our MBA program. I wish you good luck on your application. I look forward to greeting you on our campus here on the beautiful Roosevelt Island in New York City. Good luck. Hi everyone. I'm Alfred Guan, assistant Director of Admissions at Cornell Tech, and it's my pleasure to give you an overview of our Master's of Engineering and Jacobs dual degree programs. Our Masters of Engineering programs are one year two semester programs consisting of 30 credits of coursework.

They include masters in computer science, electrical, and computer engineering operations research and information engineering. The curriculum includes required technical courses, studio courses, and electives. Our Jacobs Dual Master's programs are two year four semester programs consisting of 60 credits of coursework in cutting edge technical topics and concentrations in connective media. Health tech and urban tech graduates of these programs receive both an MS and information systems from Cornell University and an MS in Applied Information Science from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology. The curriculum consists of required technical courses, require studio courses and electives, as well as a two semester specialization project. The specialization project allows you to deeply explore your chosen topic.

You'll sharpen your specialized skills as you innovate prototypes to solve real world problems. You'll analyze intricate data sets or pursue user-centered design studies. The project can be self-directed and built from an anchor course, or you can work with faculty member on independent study.

Now let's talk about the application process. To apply, students must submit the following, an online application, application fee, academic records or transcripts, proof of bachelor's or an undergraduate degree, a resume, two letters of recommendation, the personal statement and the video essay which students apply to Cornell Tech. We ask that each piece of the application is submitted in full by the deadline. Once we've received all elements of the application, we can move forward with reviewing the student's submission. The entire process typically takes five to six weeks When applying to Cornell Tech.

The student's personal statement is the most important. We're looking for a demonstrated fit for our programs because Cornell Tech students are expected to work in interdisciplinary teams. We need to ensure students chosen for each program work well in teams and understand the value of seeing challenges from diverse perspectives. The personal statement really sets the tone for the rest of the application. We're looking for personal insights into what problems you see in the world. Why does solving the problem matter to society and how will you use technology to build the solution? The video essay portion of the Cornell Tech application consists of three questions centered around the applicant's experience and goals.

We send the questions to applicants 15 minutes beforehand so they can prepare students then have five minutes to answer and show us why they're a good fit for Cornell Tech. The merit-based scholarships for Cornell Tech graduate students do not require a separate application. About 60% of our graduate students receive a merit-based scholarship, which generally range from 10 to $50,000.

Scholarship selections are made by considering all application materials from the student, not just GPA. We really encourage students to be proactive about financing their graduate education. At Cornell Tech, each student's financial circumstances differ, so it's best for students to consider outside scholarships and grants for which they can apply. In addition to federal loans, which require completion of the bsa, the most important key is to begin planning for the financial aspect of graduate school before you're accepted. That way the process to enrolling is much smoother. Once a student is accepted into a Cornell Tech graduate program, the student services team creates a personalized admitted student website where incoming students will receive guidance on next steps, we'll keep students up to date on how to apply for housing, the onboarding process for studio immunization records, and semester start dates.

The admitted student site is really the first stop for incoming students to ensure they are prepared to start their journey At Cornell Tech, one of the best ways for potential students to get a feel for the Cornell Tech experience is to visit us on Roosevelt Islands. We invite students to sit in our classes, take a campus tour, and meet our faculty. You can register for an event on our website or get in touch with us and we'll customize your visit. We do host virtual learning sessions for those who can't travel to the area, so we're ready to accommodate interested students in any way we can. Please keep watching.

For more details on our master's programs, click one of the buttons. For a detailed look at your program of choice.


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