American Hypersonic Missiles Developments Weapon Systems and Technologies

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Hello,everyone welcome to today S weapon inside program。I'm your souvenir in the studio with two experts, Mr烧Yang Ling and Mr JCF ang。 On March,the teens twenty twenty three the US Air Force is highly anticipated AG M one eighty three a hyper Sonic missile failed this test launch again。As result,the US Air Force announced that would abandon the purchase of this missile。We are all familiar with the AG and one eighty three a missile because we are been hearing about various test failures since the beginning of the project。Either the booster failed to at night or the missile fail to detect from the rag during lunch。So what went wrong with this test?lunch and how event affect the development of hyper Sonic weapons in the US。 Before we discuss this let's take a look at a short video。On March,the teeth twenty twenty three the US Air Force tested the AG M one eighty three air launch hyper Sonic missile but was unsuccessful?On March,twenty is yourself for secretary Frank Kindle stated that there were some issues with the ages and one eighty three a during testing and the consequences of the failed test lunch were soon evident。 On March,twenty night Andrew Hunter,the assistant secretary responsible for procurement at the US Air Force state of the US Air Force currently has no intention of further purchasing ZAGM,one eighty three a missile。ZAGM one is free a is booster glide hyper Sonic missile developed by the US Air Force with development starting in two thousand eighteen in flight test beginning in two thousand nineteen。The missile was tested with life mu nation in twenty twenty one。The Original plan was to achieve early operational capability of the missile by the end of the twenty twenty to fiscal year。but in reality,the AG M one eighty three a missile has only seen relative success and flight test。while feeling is most critical,life and munitions launch tests。 During the short video,there are several time points that surprise me。For example,the development progress of the am one eighty three a missile seem to be very fest starting from the project approval in two thousand eighteen and frequent testing starting in to sales nineteen。Mr Xiao what you think about this?Well, indeed,it was very fast。 According to the procurement process of us weapons ZAGM,one eighty three a missile shot of going through a competitive bidding process。 However,to speed up the development process,the building process was kept,and the development was a sign to a specific company。So from this perspective,it was indeed very rushed。 I think there are two reasons for this。 Firstly the momentum of rushes hyper Sonic weapons was too strong at that time, such as the cancel missile,which was put into service in December。two thousand seventeen and the Vanguard missile,which was put into service in December。two thousand nineteen。I think,see you worse was under a lot of pressure。 Second Li ZAGM one eighty three a missile with booster gli technology was considered relatively easy to develop by the US Air Force that time and they felt。 the day has the technical accumulation to quickly developed。But the result was unexpected,and we know that the AG M one eighty three a missile was given priority in the US Air Force development projects。 However,now the day you are there for that,they now cities abandon of the project。what does this mean for them? I think this kind of missile,which has already reached the prototype stage and has been tested being script is relatively rare in the US Air Force in recent years。So why was a script?I think there are two reasons。Firstly,the design was rushed。 From the video,we can see that the ages and one eighty three a missile failed multiple times during testing,which can be described as a series of miss heads。 For example,during the booster testing phase,the missile fail to detect from the rack during lunch twice and once detached it failed to night。This suggest that the missile design was rushed and not well find out,leading to technical problems in a relatively simple and traditional component of the missile。 The second problem Maybe in the US Air Force did not consider the missiles performance to be high end of the cast。 After the decision to abandon the AG M one eighty three a missile,the pressure is now one for the development of the next generation of hyper Sonic cruise missiles。This could be risky move as the yourself for that a regional planning for the AGM one is Rea missile to act as a back up in case of set bags with the next generation Excel。It's the development of the next method also encounters problems。the US Air Force may be left without a hyper Sonic missile from extended period。ZAG M one is real missile users,booster,glide hyper Sonic technology,which combines the speed and Manuel ability of hyper Sonic missile with the ability to glide through the air。However,this technology is complex and on tested and the design of the missile may have been too ambitious for the US Air Force。 The missile is composed of a single stage, solid booster and detachable on powered, hyper Sonic Lithia Cole that is designed to separate from the booster after launch and Lisa towards the target。The hyper Sonic glide vehicle is what shape is too small things of the rare and it can reach speeds of up to March twenty with a maximum,range of one thousand six hundred kilometers。However,the design and manufacturer a hyper Sonic light vehicle are difficult and the US Air Force may have underestimate the technical challenges associated with this technology。The US Air Force may also like the necessary resources and facilities,such as a specialized hyper Sonic wind tunnel to properly test the missiles design。In conclusion the failure of the AG M one eighty three a missile is a significant setback for the US air forces hyper Sonic weapons program。 It highlights the risks and challenges associated with developing。hyper Sonic weapons,which are complex and an tested technologies。The failure of the AG M one eighty three a missile also raises questions about the US air forces procurement processes and its ability to balance speed with safety and reliability。 Moving forward the US Air Force will need to carefully evaluate hyper Sonic weapons program and determine how best proceed to maintain its take the logical edge over potential level series。 Well,this involves an issue of infrastructure development。 Second Li in a design process,you need super computers for systems。 Thirdly during the flight of hyper Sonic missile is more formal black account, which means the during its flight not only is their problem with external this connection,but also the normal operation of the guidance and inside me affected accuracy。Therefore in a design process you need to solve many difficult problems。Additionally we consider the wave rider is flight control,heat resistance and guidance all have many technical challenges that need to be resolved。Therefore,I think for the US is a huge challenge to solve the series of problems brought about by the wave writer in such a short period of time。Of course,if the cost affective Nas is high or the reason of time,I believe these problems can be overcome。However,the US was too rushed and may have better options。In this case is abandon the wave writer and choose other potentially better options。 So ultimately the reason why the US cannot handle the AGM one eighty three a missile may be due to a lack of accumulated technology in the field of hyper Sonic weapons。However, we know that the US actually started researching hyper Sonic weapons very early。The first wave rider kind friends was held in the US。 But now the US is not leading in this field,but falling behind。 Why is this?I think the first reason is that they set their sights to high resulting in the failure to achieve high goals。You consider the several hyper Sonic projects the US started were very high end,such as the age TV to Falcon。It was launched by a carrier rocket out of the atmosphere and and plunge down。 It can do for ten thousand kilometers longitude Li and five thousand kilometers。 literally。This is indicator, including the X fifty one。 They were all very high experiments,but after development,they found that they like some basic development methods, experimental equipment facilities and could not quickly achieve breaks rules when developing more advanced hyper Sonic missiles。The second reason Maybe the wrong choice of missile development,roots。 We know that there to break from methods to carry out high intensity strikes against heavily for defined targets。 One is too high style break fruits and the other is high speed break through mentioned earlier。The USA today in the earlier in the field of stuff and their advantages are also bigger。 So the US has developed a large number style break from methods such as the AGM one fifty eight in the Thomas cruise missile and is also taken some stuff measures。But later they found that is the technology of anti stealth radar developed the stars break from missile gradually couldn't chief breaks rules and may be detected from Far Away。 At this time,Americans turn to attach great importance to the development of hyper Sonic missiles and found that they had fallen behind all of a sudden。 After bending the AG M one is free a missile。the US Air Force secretary Frank Kendall said that the US Air Force currently prefer the garden project R hyper Sonic cruise missile,which is a different technology path from the AGM one eighty three a。Zh CN project is developed by racing company and North of grammar in company provide the engine。This is a Turbo friend powered Christmas that inherits the concept of hyper Sonic Turbo fan weapons and the test results of the ha WC project,the previous hyper Sonic gram jet engine,hyper Sonic Seven project Jolie carried out by the US defense invest research projects agency and the US Air Force。 The United States air forces stated that zhcn missile can be mounted on fighter jets,while the AGM one eighty three a missile can only be mounted on bombers。 Therefore zh CN missile can provide Stronger overall combat capabilities。 In the previous video will rain to reduce to zh CN hyper Sonic cruise missile with the US air forces focusing on after abandoning the AGM one eighty three a missile。The Air Force claims the zh CN missile is better than AGM one eighty three a missile with even Stronger combat capabilities。Would you agree with this assessment,professor稍。 Well,from the current perspective,it seems that we as it uses a supersonic gram jet engine。What is major advantages is that is smaller in size。 Rocket require both you and X adviser making a much larger。For example,the AGM one eighty three a missile can only be carried by AB fifty two,which can carry up to four methods。 Technical aircraft,cannot carry them。 However,a hyper Sonic cruise missile like the acm can be carried by tactical air。 craft such as the of thirty five of twenty two and fifty next without any issues。Although still there craft may only be able to carry the mixture。 Nelly they are still option。 Additionally。the cost zhcn missile is relatively lower compared to the AGM one eighty three a missile which costs millions of dollars。What we do not know the exact price of the acm missile is expected to be in the range of you。 million dollars making it more affordable and increasing the number of missiles that can be poor cured。This makes the ajc and missile more cost。affective similar to Russia circle Nestle。 If zh CN missile has so many advantages yd US Air Force choose,the AG M one eighty three a missile in the first place and not the hyper Sonic cruise missile。 Well,but hyper Sonic cruise missile has its own set of issues such as speed。 Although it is also our hyper Sonic missile is usually not this fast。TP Cle reaching speed around mark six。 Additionally it's like Outlook is only around thirty thousand meters,which makes a relatively easy to intercept。 The second problem is is complexity。 把hyper Sonic light vehicle missile we discussed earlier has some similarities with traditional ballistic missiles such as the usable booster。However, the engine about hyper Sonic cruise missile needs to be solved so is relatively more difficult to develop。 Therefore from an easy to difficult perspective,the US Air Force had to develop the AGM one eighty three a missile first since it uses an existing engine from a ballistic missile。 Furthermore the US airforce,including the army and Navy,are all the lapping,hyper Sonic,missiles and want to be the first to equip them which leads the competition and the desire to take the lead。As mentioned by professor Jen earlier the US in urgent need of developing hyper Sonic weapons not only for the Air Force,but also for the army and Navy and the progress of other US military branches in the serious is worth examining。 According to courage reports,the US army is likely to become the first military branch to deploy hyper Sonic weapons as the elo rage W long range hyper Sonic weapon has already been delivered to the US army seventeen field artillery brigade for training in twenty twenty one。 The system refer to hear only has launched vehicles for guided,missiles without any emulation。It consists of a semi trailer with a double mounted launcher and a command vehicle。 The orange W long range hyper Sonic weapon is developed by Locket Martin and is also known as the error English。 It's all had uses a dual cone glider configuration similar to that of the Russian dahil claiming a maximum flight speed seventeen mark and designed range of two thousand Seven hundred and seventy five kilometers reaching a level of medium range tactical ballistic missiles。 Both US Navy CPS,conventional prompt strike and the armies arrange W use the same muscle body structure with plans to be mounted on them all class destroyer and the fifth batch of Virginia class nuclear submarine zat。In addition,the US Navy is also advancing the Hello program,a hyper Sonic anti ship missile in the Halo,which is intended to replace the current sub Sonic AGM one fifty eight,the entire ship nasal in the future。The video just introduced us to the hyper Sonic weapons programs that the US army and Navy are currently advancing。啊梦them the L RHW of the US army,the Era seems to have the fast progress。 So in the opinion of the two teachers。 what is the technological level achieved by the CPS of the US Navy are HW which has the same missile body structure and shadow。Well, in fact,the technical content of these hyper Sonic missiles is not as high as that of the Russian dagar missile。They are developed based on ballistic,missiles, and this is still relatively fast and reliable reason。But there forage W was mounted on a launch。the icicle thought has certain disadvantages compared to launch in from air craft such as the Rangers speed which may not be S greatest those of the bag methyl。I think this is a problem。The US Navy cyber Sonic missile called CPS, currently has the biggest problem that is vertical launch system on someone class destroyer needs to be modified if want to launch this hyper Sonic missile and this modification men of high cost and time。 So from this perspective,although the US army and Navy is hyper Sonic Nestle seem to a been successfully developed。it may still take time to form combat capabilities。So far,we are maintained for types of hyper Sonic weapons programs being developed by the US including the to Air Force, army and Navy。In addition,the US Department of Defense is developing many other hyper Sonic weapons programs。However,currently none of these projects have developed hyper Sonic missiles that can be practically used,which is why the US is so anxious and worried。As professor shall mentioned earlier Russia has already encrypted cells with hyper Sonic missiles such as the Vanguard and eager,including the circle missile。 Therefore under the circumstances the US is willing to develop more hyper Sonic missiles。At this point,each military branch will begin to compete for dominant and more resources,and there will be competition between military branches。For example,during the Cold War,there was a story that is the Soviet Union developed a lightweight fighter jet ZUS Air Force general would not care。However,if the US Navy developed new type of fighter jet ZUS Air Force general would be concerned because of competition between military branches。There for this kind of competition between military branches still exists today。 In addition,contractors also want to take it。wanted of this once in a lifetime opportunity to make some extra money and get a piece of the pie?However, they are also making big promises and down playing the risks of developing these weapons。While having most people, models can be beneficial as it is easier to fight when you have more Children。it also bring significant problems。 One of the many shoes is this project are too large and the budget is limited。 Although the US military budget for the twenty twenty four physically year is over eight hundred billion dollars,the father spread thin across many projects, making it difficult to make significant break spruce。Today S program feature to guest who helps interpret ZHM one eighty three missile that the US Air Force abandon do to a failed test launch is what is the various hyper Sonic weapon projects that the US military is currently developing。Currently the US military resources are spread scene across so many projects and each individual project is under pressure to meet high expectations。 However,trying to make a break through in hyper Sonic weapons technology is challenging and the US military prospect in this field may not be very optimistic。 In conclusion the US is investing heavily in hyper Sonic missile technology but it faces significant challenges in developing these weapons。The contractors involved。these projects are making big promises and the US military resources are spread thin across many projects。While having multiple models can be beneficial it also brings significant problems such as limited budget and difficulty in making significant breaks rules。The US military prospects in hyper Sonic weapons technology are and certain and remains to be seen whether they can catch up with Russia in this field。Thank you for watching today S program and we will see you in the next episode。


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