American Farmers Harvest And Process Walnuts Pomegranates Peaches And Chestnuts

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Autumn provides ideal conditions for crops to  reach optimal ripeness it is also a perfect   time for American farmers to harvest and  process agricultural products pomegranates   thrive in warm climates the ideal temperature  range for Pomegranate growth is between 25   and 35° C when the conditions are hot  and dry during the fruit's growth phase   it will contribute to a richer and sweeter  flavor although the tree is drought tolerant   regular irrigation is necessary in order to  achieve the highest yields the United States   is one of the largest producers of pomegranates in  the world here pomegranate farms supply millions   of tons annually serving both domestic and  Export markets the price range for fresh prom   granates can vary from 20 to $38 per 25 lb box  in 2023 pomegranate production in the US reached   around 500,000 tons with exports to countries  such as Canada South Korea and Japan India is   also a country with a highly developed pomegranate  industry harvesting over 800,000 tons annually   additionally India is a major exporter with its  pomegranates widely distributed across European   midle Eastern and Asian markets pomegranates  typically begin ripening in late August and   continue through November Farmers must monitor  the color change of the fruit pomegranates do   not continue to ripen after being picked so  determining the right Harvest time is crucial   the harvesting process is done manually Farmers  cut the stems to reduce the risk of damaging   other fruits during Transportation they gently  place the pomegranates into cloth bags then pour   them into large bins to avoid cracking the  fruit immediately after harvest pomegranates   are transported to the factory for preliminary  processing and preservation first the pomegranate   are cooled immediately to prevent spoilage  then they are carefully inspected to remove   any damaged or substandard fruit at the factory  pomegranates can be packaged for the market when   stored in cold conditions pomegranates can remain  fresh for 2 to 3 months allowing enough time for   distribution to distant markets the process  of extracting pomegranate juice requires Rees   peeling removing the outer membrane and  pressing the seeds to extract the juice   after refining and pasteurization the juice  is bottled and distributed to Market domestic   demand for pomegranates is increasing due to  the growing trend of consuming nutrient-rich Foods peaches grow best in areas with a low risk  of late Frost late Frost can cause flowers to die   due to low temperatures preventing fruit from  forming the size of the fruit is related to   the number of fruits on a tree the crop load is  usually adjusted within 45 days manually thinning   the fruit is labor intensive and costly requiring  up to 130 labor hours per acre according according   to 2023 data China's Peach production accounted  for around 60% of the global total with more than   15 million tons annually major Peach growing  regions in China include Shandong and [ __ ]   Province the United States is also a prominent  Peach growing country in 20123 the US harvested   around 650,000 tons of peaches with most being  consumed domestically the peach harvest season   begins in May and lasts until September depending  on the peach variety and growing region peaches   need to be harvested at the right time to Ure the  best flavor and quality Farmers usually pick the   peaches by hand the manual harvesting process  requires care as even a small bruise can ruin   the fruit Peach Pickers walk through the peach  Orchards handpicking the ripest firmest peaches   Farmers move ladders Across The Orchards standing  on top of them to pick peaches from the tops of   the trees balancing on a lan while focusing on  the fruit and picking the best peaches is no easy   feat however they strive to harvest the peaches  before birds and small mammals have a chance to   get to them after arriving at the factory peaches  are coed to immediately halt the ripening process   this conveyor belt can move around 70,000 lb of  peaches per hour workers Begin by removing Peach   leaves and debris from the field then the peaches  are sorted by size and quality with substandard   peaches being discarded once cleaned the  peaches are fed into an automatic peeling   machine next the peaches are sliced or haved  depending on the requirements of the final   product the peaches are soaked in a sugar  solution of water for preservation and to   enhance the flavor then the peach slices are  placed in a tin box with a soaking solution   the canned peaches after being stealed are  sterilized at high temperatures to eliminate   bacteria and extend their shelf life the United  States is one of the largest markets for peach   consumption a significant amount of peaches  is also packaged for the fresh peach Market   according to 2023 statistics Americans consume  approximately 1.2 million tons of peaches annually chestnuts are commonly grown in temperate  and cool climate regions in the US states like   California and Michigan are major production  areas with tens of thousands of Acres dedicated   to Chestnut cultivation chestnuts begin to ripen  from late September to early November when the   husk turns brown and separates from the tree  this indicates that they are ready for Harvest   manual Chestnut harvesting typically occurs when  the chestnuts have ripened and Fallen naturally   to the ground this process requires the farmer's  meticulousness and patience Chestnut harvesting   tools are round cages attached to a long handle  this allows Farmers to roll them over the ground   to collect chestnuts Inside the Cage this reduces  the need for bending over frequently and speeds   up the Harvest process manual harvesting  is somewhat slower but it allows Farmers   to control the quality of the product ensuring  that only fully ripe and undamaged chestnuts are   collected for large Chestnut Orchards farmers use  sweepers to gather the chestnuts into rows these   machines are equipped with fan systems to remove  debris this not only increases efficiency but also   ensures that the chestnuts retain their outer  shell intact this machine is is equipped with   a powerful motor and flexible suction system the  chestnuts are then sucked into a large container   where they undergo a preliminary sorting process  the vacuum cleaner also has a filtration system to   remove leaves and small debris before processing  chestnuts are washed to remove impurities such   as dirt twigs and small fragments next  the chestnuts are sorted by size and quality walnuts provide significant economic value  in many countries especially in the United States   after 5 to 7 years to mature healthy walnut trees  can produce between 66 and 350 lb of nuts a year a   notable figure with substantial yield potential  in 20 23 California had approximately 355,000   Acres of Walnut Orchards supplying up to 600,000  tons of nuts annually Walnut harvesting has now   been mechanized a hydraulic tree Shaker is used  to vigorously shake the tree trunk causing the   walnuts to fall to the ground each Shaker costs  around $100,000 and is designed with a clamping   jaw around the trunk and a soft pad to minimize  damage to the tree when the walnuts fall they are   gathered into rows and collected by mechanical  Harvesters the fan system and shields under the   machine help remove debris and impurities leaving  only quality walnuts behind after harvesting   walnuts are taken to the processing plant to  ensure final quality is great rate depending on   Market requirements the processing and storage of  walnuts may vary whole walnuts are sorted by size   and clean to remove dirt and impurities this  not only prevents damage to the nuts but also   protects their quality during storage the walnuts  are then stored in temperature control facilities   ready for processing when needed for shelled  walnuts the nuts are fed into a cracking machine   after shelling the kernels are sorted by size and  color with any remaining shell fragments removed   the Walnut kernels are then rigorously inspected  according to the highest quality standards before   being packaged and brought to Market another  important step in the processing is drying the   walnuts to reduce moisture extend shelf life and  maintain quality the drying process is carefully   controlled to avoid over drying which could  affect the flavor and nutritional value of the product The Humble banana a staple in countless  diets worldwide has a complex Journey from   Plantation to plate each banana Bunch can weigh  from 65 to 110 lb so far Farmers often use foam   padding to protect their shoulders during the  harvesting process big Plantation has also   implemented a 21.7 m cablecast system capable of  transporting 75 banana bunches at a time in 2022   Global banana production reached 42.2 million  to maintain high standards Farmers limit each   banana plant to produce only 10 bunches allowing  for better fruit development harvesting bananas   is a labor intensive task typically performed  during the cool early morning hours skilled   workers often start their day as early as 500 a.m.  the remaining plant leaves are cut off above the   ground and eventually decompose into nutrient  Rich humus through traditional farming methods   Growers can achieve yields of around £88,000 per  square hectare however efficient banana farms in   the Philippines the biggest banana supplier in the  world can s up to 176,000 lb per hectare or even   more this is because they have developed a variety  that can fight off diseases once the bananas arri   at the processing plant they undergo a thorough  cleaning process workers use water pressure to   remove dirt and debris while the banana bunches  and processing areas are lined with foam to   prevent damage to the fruit specialized knives  are used to separate the bananas into bunches   and remove the big long stem after separating  the bunches water jets then Propel the banana   bunches through the clean Pond unlike many other  producers this company harvest bananas while they   are still green and with the liquid that is put  on the crown before packing the banana bunches   won't ripen in the next 19 days of exporting to  the foreign markets upon arrival they undergo an   artificial ripening process for around 7 days to  reach their Peak ripeness just before being sold   in supermarkets the Factory's production capacity  is impressive with an average of 50,000 banana   crates packaged per week in addition to Fresh  consumption fried bananas are also a popular   product with a market value of $2.4 billion in  2023 the green banana variety is particularly   suitable for frying due to its firmness and  low sweetness once the bananas have been sorted   skilled workers peel them by hand a slicing  machine then cuts the bananas Into Thin even   slices typically between 3 to 5 mm thick during  the frying process workers continuously stir the   bananas to ensure they evenly crisp on all sides  at a temperature of around 180° C A conveyor belt   moves the front slices to a flavoring station  for seasoning once cooled the fried bananas are   ready for packaging a production line of this  scale can process up to 20 tons of bananas per day each female sugar pumm produces around 50  to 60 fruits and this is what the fruits meat   looks like but today our mission is to harvest  the sweet nectar that will eventually become   palm sugar towering up to 30 m the sugar Palm  takes a remarkable 20 years to mature and can   live for over a century as Dawn breaks while  many are still fast asleep these farmers are   already deep into the sugar Palm Groves climbing  these towering trees is no easy feat to reach the   top these skilled Harvesters use long sturdy  bamboo poles with notes cut into them serving   as makeshift ladders in some regions they employ a  more daring technique wrapping a thick rope around   both themselves and the tree trunk for support  armed with only a knife and containers these   Farmers begin the Harvest with a deaf stroke they  cut off the flower bud this specialized palm sugar   producing region yields an impressive 12 tons of  sugar per day by morning the containers placed   at the top will be filled with the sweet nectar  each day a worker can climb up to 100 trees often   gathering over 300 L per day this sap can turn  sour pretty quickly so farmers prevent this by   either putting a piece of this herb or applying a  lime coating inside this farmer is straining the   sap through a fine mesh to remove impurities the  amount of sa required to produce 1 kg of sugar   varies depending on the season the filtered sap  is then poured into large containers and simmered   for approximately 6 to 7 hours until it's reduced  to a thick syrupy consistency constant stirring   and skimming is essential to prevent burning and  ensure a smooth texture the liquid sugar is poured   into molds creating either individual bols or  a solid block within a plastic container during   the dry season 7 L of sap is typically needed  while in the rainy season it may take up to 10 L pineapple a tropical fruit renowned for its  sweet Tangy flavor has become a staple in many   diets globally pineapple farming remains a labor  intensive process with manual harvesting still the   norm each harvesting team typically consists  of 20 to 30 skilled workers who are equipped   with protective gear to prevent injuries from  the fruits sharp leaves they can Harvest 2 tons   of pineapples a day the yield of pineapples per  hectare varies from 40 to 50 tons the life cycle   of a pineapple plant is a relatively lengthy  one spanning approximately 15 to 19 months from   planting to harvest mature fruits typically  weigh between 0.5 and 1.2 kg the harvested  

pineapples are then transported to processing  facilities or storage Global Production of this   Delicious Fruit has reached an impressive  29.3 6 million tons in 2022 up to around   10,000 boxes are needed every day pineapples  intended for fresh consumption are meticulously   sorted and stored in refrigerated trucks or  warehouses they are stored at a temperature   of around 7 to 8° C with humidity of around 85  to 90% to maintain freshness the time between   Harvest and storage should not exceed 24 hours in  summer or 36 hours in Spring for fresh consumption   pineapples are harvested when one half of their  skin has turned yellow however those destined for   juice processing are harvested at a slightly  earlier stage with only 1/3 of the base skin   being yellow before making juice workers carefully  select ripe juicy fruits while discarding those   that are rotten unripe or diseased some facilities  press the whole pineapple like this to maximize   the amount of juice produced the skin is discarded  but it doesn't go to waste they are processed into   soap for those with sensitive skins but some peel  extract and cut the flesh thoroughly to ensure the   taste is great then the flesh is transferred to  the juicer and what you're seeing is the pineapple   pulp finally the sterilized juice is packaged  and labeled for distribution the pineapple juice   Market has experienced significant growth with  Revenue reaching $7.1 billion US in recent years


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