AMD’s new Ryzen 9000 CPUs come out swinging! What you need to know.

AMD’s new Ryzen 9000 CPUs come out swinging! What you need to know.

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Ryzen 9000 has bigger pipes than Ryzen 7000. AMD's  new mobile CPUs have tops on tops on tops and we   could see them as early as July and we're going to  talk about all that right here right now on Robeytech. [Music] Now the Robeytech team is here on the ground  in beautiful Taipei for Computex 2024 and there is   a lot to talk about. Now we're not going to be  able to cover everything at Computex in one video.   Trust me we tried, but we do want to take a few  minutes and talk about what AMD has going on.   And let's just say they have been very, very busy. Now  if you have already watched the keynote awesome.   We're going to give you our commentary on it  sharing some of the things that we're excited   about and some of the things that had us you know  scratching our heads even though I'm scratching my   beard, which whatever. But if you haven't watched  a keynote you're, you're coming into this video  

blind don't worry. We're going to share with you  what you need to know about what AMD is cooking   up, why it's important, and some helpful hints  on how to look at new announcements like   this one. So just to give you the landscape of what  we're talking about in this video AMD introduced   a new lineup of desktop CPUs, new laptop CPUs,  and of course they talked about AI. Everybody   talked about AI. So we're going to talk about that  too. Okay so let's jump right into the good stuff   starting with the New Zen 5 processors. Code name  Granite rich. Ryzen 9000 is the next evolution of   the Ryzen processor family and it would be  an understatement to say that AMD has some   really promising things to talk about. I mean it's  their kid. I would kind of hope they would be proud  

of it. So what's new with Ryzen 9000? Well to start  off with AMD has improved their branch prediction   model to improve both accuracy and latency. This  is important. They've also increased the throughput   with wider pipelines and vectors creating a deeper  window size across the design for more parallelism.  

What the heck does that mean? So here's the way  to think about it. What they've done is they   basically, made the number of channels on their  CPU much wider. I know I'm simplifying and what   that allows them to do is to put more instruction  sets per clock. So every time it goes up and down  

they're shoving a bunch of stuff down, because  you have to worry about branches and those are   all the guesses that CPUs have to do they've made  the predictability better, which means their odds   of actually throwing away bad code are much  lower. This means things are faster. This means   they're throwing away things less and that means  better instructions per clock. So Robey what is this   actually mean for performance? Well according to  AMD that means an average of 16% IPC uplift over   Zen 4 or the Ryzen 7000 series. Now remember guys  we're talking about stuff that AMDs told us. We  

have not verified these numbers for ourselves. The  reason we say that is that is not a small amount,   but what makes this even better is that this  performance is happening at a significantly lower   TDP, in certain cases, than the previous generation  chips, while it's also improving the overall   performance, which is awesome. Now when we looked  at the comparisons between AMD CPU it looks like   we're actually going to be getting a very similar  launch lineup to what we saw with Ryzen 7000   series. We got a Ryzen 5 9600x, a Ryzen 7 9700x,  and two Ryzen 9's, the 9900x and the 9950x. Now   going back to the TDP for a second. It looks like  the 7950x and the 9950x actually, there's no change.   They're using the same 170 watts. This is why I  said some, but here's the kicker. The 9900x drops  

that 170 watts from the 7900x down to 120 watts for  the 9900x. Fifty watts, that is not an insignificant drop   in the power draw. Now for the new Ryzen 5 9600x and the Ryzen 7 9700x they're dropping their TDP   from the 7,000 series from 105 wats down to 65  watts. That's 40 watts. Not too shabby and I'm very   proud of how quick I did that math. Now the picture  of Ryzen 9000 gets a little bit more interesting   when we start looking at AMD's comparison with  Intel's 14900K. AMD is showing a 21% lead in   Cinebench scores. A 55% lead in Handbreak and a  56% lead in Blender. Now if you want to pause and  

just look at the numbers with this chart right  here you are absolutely welcome to do so. Let's   talk about gaming for a second and right now we're  only talking about the Ryzen 9 9950x. Against the   Intel Core i9 14900K AMD is saying at 1080p  we're getting a 4% lead in Borderlands 3. We're   looking at 13% in Cyberpunk 2077. We got 16% in F1  2023 and we have a 23% lead in Horizon Zero Dawn.  

So these numbers look great if you're playing at  1080p on a high tier CPU. No shade if you are, but   that's kind of an interesting choice. Now these  numbers are without the use of AMD's 3D vcash,   which I'm assuming that announcement is coming  later, which isn't in the 9 series lineup yet. But   considering that AMD has released 3D vcash models  within the last couple generation I'm expecting   it'll show up in the product stack. It's highly  likely that we'll see the Ryzen 9000 version, which   will be really interesting to see more in terms of  what it does for gaming as well, because let's be   honest these numbers actually make the 7800 x3d  look a little slow. Now like I said these gaming  

numbers are at 1080P and we'll be very intrigued  to see what the performance difference is at 1440p,   4K, especially since AMD did take a cheeky dig  at Intel by talking about the Gen 5 graphics   bandwidth. Now while we don't have consumer GPUs  that are saturating the PCI Lane, especially AMD   doesn't, we still don't know what AMD, Nvidia, or  Intel have in store for their next gen GPUs and   remember AMD is actually planning on supporting  the am5 platform for a very long time. So there is   some future proofing here when you consider all  that. Speaking of PCI gen 5 let's go and talk   about the new chipsets they talk about it. Isn't  really unexpected, but we also getting a new x870   and x870E chipset. Both will offer usb4 support as  a standard across all x870 and x870E motherboards.   DDR5 continues with support for higher memory  clock speeds via Expo profiles and PCI Gen 5   support is there for both nvme drivers and by 16  lanes for GPUs. While this all sounds great there  

were a few things that we didn't hear that  are worth mentioning. Number one AMD did not   mention Wi-Fi 7 or Thunderbolt 5, which is probably  a little less surprising. Considering the potential   of both this feels like a really big mess, WiFi  specifically. As cool as Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 60 they   were kind of blase, like they were like the tapioca  pudding of Wi-Fi updates, but when you jump to   Wi-Fi 7 it's actually magical thanks to multi-link  operation or MLO. I can see these features is   missing on your B series motherboards, but on your  high-end motherboards? I don't know. It's a little  

weird to say that to the least. To be fair they  also didn't say that they won't be there, but I   don't know. When you're doing an announcement like  this it just really feels like it should have been   there and it's probably not, but we'll see. Speaking  of B series I'm actually a little sad they didn't  

say anything about their B series motherboards  during the announcement. Listen we love high-end   motherboards as much as the next guy, but let's  be honest most of us don't want to spend that   kind of money. I just hope we hear something soon  about the B series motherboards rather than having to   wait months for them, though waiting months and the  announcements in July. Yeah that better be soon. At   the end of the day though the announcement about  the Ryzen 9000 series is a really exciting one, but   keep in mind we haven't heard or seen what Intel  is planning next. So right now AMD is comparing   their performance to an architecture that is  12th gen, 13th gen, 14th gen. These are a new hybrid   architecture, but they're old and they're very  powerful, but they're also very power hungry. What  

we know about Intel's next gen, specifically Arrow  Lake, is that they're going to be very similar to   Intel's Meteor Lake Mobile processors. They're more  than likely going to be far more energy efficient,   as well as more powerful, and they could even fix  McDonald's ice cream machines. We just don't know   anything yet and we definitely don't know enough  to know who's coming out on top here. What we do   know is that AMD's new CPUs and motherboards are  set to drop in July and you can bet your bottom   dollar that we will absolutely be taking a closer  look at them as soon as they come out. So if you   want to see them why don't you go ahead and hit  that like And subscribe and ring the notification   Bell so you don't miss it when we do our coverage  of Ryzen 9000 when it launches. One very cool note  

is AMD updated their timeline for how long  they're going to be supporting the am5 socket.   Right now they're saying that they're going to be  supporting it through 2027 and potentially even   beyond if what we saw from Zen 4 is any indication.  Guys that's already a 2-year extension. Only one   year after it got released. What this means is  that AMD is sticking to their commitment to the   longevity of the platform by making sure that the  600 series motherboards are compatible with Ryzen   9000 Series CPUs and that the x870 platform will  be backwards compatible with Ryzen 7,000 series   chips and beyond, right. We're talking Ryzen 11,000,  15,000, whatever the thousands they're all going to   fit in all of the boards all the way till 2027 at  least. We'll have to see what kind of limitations   if any there are for older motherboards, but you  know what I got to say I, I got to admire AMD's   commitment to the platform and it's not just  am5 that AMD is continuing support for. They  

also announced, this is crazy, new am4 CPUs. We've  got the brand new Ryzen 9 5900XT and the Ryzen   7 5800 XT. Okay so just a quick note on all of  these and we're going to throw up a chart right   now. Basically AMD is going to compare these CPUs  to Intel's core i7 13700 K and their Core i5 13600   KF, which honestly the numbers look interesting  when you consider that these CPUs share a socket   with 14th gen. Now by Andy's own charts that  comparison wouldn't be as kind to the 5800 XT   or the 5900 XT. The choice is interesting to say  the least, especially when AMD is building these  

as high performance for gamers and creators. Just  for context, you know what? I can't upgrade a 5,000   series to a 7,000 series ,but I can upgrade a  13 gen to a 14th gen. Just something to think   about when you look at these comparisons given  that I can do that upgrade. I don't know. I just   feel like they should have compared it to 14  gen. Now is AMD trying to squeeze more money  

out of am4? Well considering that four of the six  top selling CPUs on Amazon are Ryzen 5000 series   CPUs. It seems like the platform is still hot. S  if people are still buying them I guess we got   to give credit where credit is due. They're still  supporting the platform. Is this a solid strategy?   I mean they do want people to move to the new  platform right, but they're just keeping people   on the old one and giving them continue to reason  to spend money on it. So I guess time will tell   if this is the right call. Speaking of maximizing  platforms Andy talked about their brand new Next   Generation AI ready mobile processors. The Ryzen  AI 300 series and honestly I'm not mad about the   new name. A new platform is probably the best time  to change a new naming convention and to be honest  

they've been grabbing a ton of market share when  it comes to laptops. Andi says that they wanted to   do a better job helping customers know when you're  looking at two different types of laptops. Whether   it's more of your thin and light style laptop or  if it's more of your performance focused gaming   and production style laptop. To distinguish between  these two the highest performance chips add an HX   right smack in the middle of the name followed by  a three-digit number. The first number marks the  

series and the next two digits the sku. So for the  Ryzen AI 300 series we have the Ryzen AI 9 365.   And then you have the Ryzen AI 9 HX 370. I know it's  a lot to say and and honestly guys I know I was   emphasizing here, but here's the deal. Just being  able to look up HX and then the first number in   the lineup to know what you're getting is actually  pretty convenient. All you got to do is like HX   plus 3 Series 3. HX 4 would mean something better  Etc., but it's still guys it still sounds like  

somebody was really rolling their face just on  the keyboard. Now when it does come to the actual   details of the chip the Ryzen AI 300 series are  driven by the new Zen 5 cores, but remember this   is a mobile CPU. It's not exactly one to one with  desktop CPUs. In other words all of these cores   are not the same, while they are technically all  Zen 5 cores. We noticed that some of these cores   were labeled Zen 5c. Now just as a reminder  these Zen 5c cores are efficiency cores much   like the ones that we've seen in other arm and x86  architectures, but to give you the breakdown. Okay   let's just start getting ready here. The Ryzen AI 9 365 CPUs have four Zen 5 cores and six zen5 C  

cores for a total of 10 cores and 20 threads. The  Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 CPUs have four Zen 5 cores and   eight Zen 5c cores for a total of 12 cores and 24  threads. I got to say I got that right it was only   47 takes, but I also got to say I'm actually really  glad to see the bump and core counts that it's   a very impressive amount of cores. Now it is worth  noting here that the wattage for these CPUs range   from 15 to 54 watts. Andy says that it's basically  allowing partners and guys this is not surprising,   but basically allowing them to decide how much  power to deliver to these different chips and   if you ever watched some of our, our big live  shows we've talked about this before, but that   for sure if you see that HX in the name that will  always represent the highest performing version   of whatever their their laptops are. Now more than  likely these HX chips will end up in beefy laptops,   like your MSI Titans, your ASUS ROG Scars or your  Aorus X series of laptops. Now as for the GPU the  

Ryzen AI 300 series chips have what AMD is calling  the RSNA 3.5 cores. While we don't have a whole   lot of information on what this actually means  we've seen AMD use this 0.5 moniker when they're   basically taken an existing architecture and then  they've added a few more cores or compute units,   it's basically an incremental Improvement. Now what  we do know for sure is that those two Ryzen AI 300   series processors will have the Radeon 880m with  12 compute units in the 365 and the Radeon 890  with 16 compute units in the HX 370. Now from a  gaming performance standpoint AMD is showing the  

Ryzen 9 HX 370 taking a pretty serious lead over  Intel's core Ultra 185h, which we'll talk about   in Justice a second. And for those numbers AMD  is showing a 38% lead in F1 2023, a 47% lead in   Cyberpunk 2077, and if you want to see the other  games they showed data for go ahead and you know   what just pause. We'll be here. We're not going  anywhere. Now I got to say this is kind of an odd   comparison here. While these chips are both a new  generation of mobile processors with CPUs, GPUs and   MPUs all in the same die. The comparison is taking  Andy's third generation rdna along with years of  

title optimization and driver support and putting  it up against Intel's first generation Arc GPU. To   be fair to Arc Intel continues to improve Arc  performance, but it's not really quite one   to one here. With all the announcements happening  here, in fact the one that's going to be happening   tomorrow if you're watching this right after the  uh briefing it's going to be super interesting   to see what Intel has in store with Lunar Lake.  We should be seeing a massive back and forth   battle between these two mobile processors given  that it's rumored that Lunar Lake will actually   have Intel's new Battlemage GPU, while Meteor  Lake has the older Alchemist. The other thing   that was actually also super interesting and I  know it's not in the script here is that they   still should have done some comparisons against  the 14900 HX, which is actually more of the raw   gaming performance one, versus only just using core  Ultra, which wasn't necessarily focused at gaming   performance Etc. So there's a couple things that  are just going to be interesting once we get our  

hands on. So these Ryzen AI laptops are rolling out  as early as July. So hopefully we'll get a better   picture of the AMD side while we wait for Intel's  next gen 2. Okay brace yourself guys, because we   got to talk about AI a bit now. And I mean it's  literally in the name of Ryzen's AI processors.  

It's literally on every product being announced  and talked about at Computex. It's literally even   in Cooler Master's new AI thermal paste. What  does that even mean? I even saw a can of AI soup   at the Taipei night market. So we've got to talk  about what AMD is doing with AI, not, not the   soup. Still trying to figure that one out. So let's  start with the hardware, because AMD is actually   really excited about bringing their xdna 2 NPU to  their new mobile chips. With Microsoft's big push  

to integrate AI into the windows OS with things  like, co-pilot plus, and Windows Studio Effects,   Andy's aim is making sure that their devices are  ready for whatever that next era is for the PC and   what it's going to be. Now while they did actually  integrate an NPU into their previous generation   mobile processors Microsoft set a bar of 40 tops  for co-pilot plus PCs. In those previous processors   the number of tops or trillions of operations per  second range from 10 to 16 tops. Ten and 16 don't  

really sound like 40, even if you put them together.  With however the Ryzen AI 300 series AMD pushed   beyond the requirement of 40 tops and landed at  50. It's always great to see big numbers. AMD is   also looking to see how their MPUs are handling  AI instructions more efficiently and effectively.   And now that we've talked about some numbers we've  got to talk about tops. Here's a deal guys. It's a   benchmark. Not a yard stick. Tops is like, it's like  Tera flops. It's just a way of saying here's how   good we are at computing. The same thing is kind  of happening here. Just to kind of give you a lay  

of the land Intel has actually already been out  and shipped tens of millions of units. Now because   of that what's happening is, just like AMD when  they basically have all of their GPUs and steam   decks and consoles, people start to work with  that particular architecture. Now the question   is, because there's so many units already out  there. The thing is people are getting more used   to an architecture and has a tendency to run more  efficiently. So even though we have tops what does  . this mean? Until we have real benchmarks and real  AI we're not going to really have an understanding   of how to measure true performance when it comes  to AI PCs. It's not to say that Intel's a winner   yet. That is far from the truth. We are so just  starting this game, but it's just to be clear  

don't get stuck in this whole tops thing and go  to the your local Discord server or Twitter and   be like, we got more tops. It's literally nothing  and here's the other thing. Honestly, AI is still   in the realm of nebulous when it comes to you  the consumer versus like, big businesses who spend   billions on giant like machines that can tell you  how much times a Ritz cracker will be eaten in the   future. We've seen a lot of demos do a lot of  really cool things, but I can't buy into the hype   until there's something more tangible for you  guys, but I got to give AMD some props here. They  

have probably been the one that's been the most  helpful to talk about how AI will be additive to   our lives by doing things like helping us tailor  things like PowerPoint presentations to specific   audiences, or summarizing emails. Basically making  your workflows better in a very natural way. For   AMD and for people like you you should kind of  look at AI like Wi-Fi, or for like how basically   we went from Ms DOS to graphic user interfaces.  While most people were slow to adopt them at   first once they were fully integrated, they become  a very important quality of life thing. And things   that you would absolutely miss if they disappeared  today. So in the meantime guys when it comes to AI   you could absolutely be cautious, but I would even  say be cautiously optimistic. There are a lot of  

companies, AMD, Intel, Nvidia that are spending a  lot of money to make AI happen. And I don't think   it's a force thing, because I mean when you look,  let's be honest, when you look at Nvidia's market   cap obviously something is happening. And we are  absolutely in a huge race to grab market share   and that race is far from over by any stretch.  So here's the question. Robey do you actually  

believe in AI? Well, well yes. I think it's actually  going to have a very big impact, but I don't think   you the viewer right now is really going to know  how big that impact is until AI gets more and   more integrated into how we use our PCS on a daily  basis. And that impact is really only going to be   seen when you, all of a sudden switch from an AI PC  to a non AI PC. And then you lose access to those  

features and you're going to be like wait. Why is  it not do that? Okay so we got to wrap things up,   because I think this video is like 4 hours long,  but we look at the whole presentation, of which   there was an awful lot to cover. Andy has a lot  to be proud of. Seeing the new generation of Zen   5 processors is awesome. And the new laptop chips  I am expecting are going to be very rad. Andy is   cooking up a bunch of new stuff. It's exciting  stuff if you like seeing Tech move forward. So  

Robey are you excited about this? Yes, but I have to  make sure that the promises and the expectations   align on both the mobile and desktop side and that  we do the appropriate comparisons to really see   how well the all stack up between Snapdragon,  AMD, and Intel. We also honestly there's we just   don't know what Intel's answer is going to be to  AMD's massive flag in the ground. And until we can   actually get these products in our hot little  hands and then make sure that the numbers match   what AMD is telling us I really can't make any  recommendations, but I like the idea of everything   I've heard. What I can say with certainty is this.  Advancements like these are great for current   and future PC Builders and users. More efficient,  powerful, and feature rich devices will always be wins  

in my book. And it seems like there is a lot to get  excited about from the team at AMD, but what about   you. Was there something that you heard about that  has you excited about what AMD has in store? Are   you excited for both the mobile or CPU chips and  are you a mobile or CPU guy? Let us know all that   down in the comments below. Now while you're down  there make sure you slap that subscribe button,   whip that like button and ring that notification  Bell so that you get notifications each and every   time we post videos just like this right here  on Robeytech. Also if you want to continue the   conversation why don't you head over to our  Discord server We love to  

talk to you about brand new AMD processors, Intel  processors, whatever hardware you want to throw   in your machine. You know what you might just  make a friend. Also make sure that you follow   us on all the other social channels @Robeytech absolutely everywhere. So we'll be talking more   about Ryzen 9000 Series and Ryzen AI 300 series  here in the future and who knows we may even   check out some of those brand new am4 CPUs too.  Anyway guys we'll be sharing more information   from Computex soon. So stick around and thanks  for watching. We'll see you on the next video.

2024-06-10 03:00

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