Amantya Podcast Series Episode 3 Role of 5G labs in the Future of Connectivity with Gaurav Sharma

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[Music]   series the topic of today's conversation is 5G  lab and its role in the future of connectivity   interestingly today 11th May is also the national  technology day a day dedicated to recognizing   scientific and technological developments  making today's discussion around one of the   most prominent and transformative Technologies  of current times even more meaningful we already   spoke extensively about 5G and its potential  in our earlier uh podcast where we discussed   how the you know 5G has taken connectivity to an  altogether different level helping unlock new use   cases and helping us realize the full potential  of you know next-gen Technologies like AR VR   AI artificial intelligence machine learning v2x  robotics Mech Etc in case you missed the podcast   or want to visit it again it's available on  our website and social media pages today we   and focus on an important enabler of 5G  and its related Technologies the 5G lab   and the vital role it plays in enabling  and accelerating the development of the   5G ecosystem and here with us to share his  expert views and Industry outlook on the topic   Amantya's 5G specialist and the force behind our  comprehensive 5G Solutions and services portfolio   our AVP engineering gaurav Sharma welcome gaurav  wonderful to have you here with us today look   forward to our interesting and informative session  with you sure so let's just start and we'll start   with the uh getting the basics of 5G labs so my  first question to you is what are 5G labs and   how do they add value to the fast evolving fighter  ecosystem okay so uh before I start talking about   5G Labs as such let's let's take a step back  let's talk a little bit about five years what's   the whole Buzz around 5G right because once you  understand what is 5G why is it critical obviously   you'll be in a position to better appreciate why  do we need five chill apps all right now if you   look at the way the communication industry has  evolved especially in the last few years right   uh the world has become a much much much more  connected place right not only in the terms of   devices that actually talk to each other but also  in the in in terms of the speed with which they   talk to each other right now if you recall 20  30 years back phone was nothing more than just   something that you picked up called your family  or your friends and passed on the message three   minutes right and then the critical thing about  that was that you were actually not calling people   your calling locations so you had  a fixed phone right so you were not   calling a person you were calling a location  now with the Advent of uh mobile 2G Wireless   you started calling people right people  were moving right so locations were changing   now what happened with that was that okay so you  took this step now you started calling people   The Next Step obviously was let's move away from  voice let's start talking about data with 2G of   course you had a very very poor speeds right uh  3G came in splits were bummed up and it is at that   point of time people started realizing this thing  that probably communication is moving forward or   moving in a different uh space now it's it's not  voice Centric it is Data Centric then 4G happened   and then people actually took this notice that  okay now we have probably had this cusp of uh   things where you would want the whole world to  be connected devices to be talking to each other   so you had all these crazy Technologies right  now if you look at uh now where we are today   and if we look forward right there would be  billions and billions of devices talking to   each other in the time to come and we are talking  here about speeds reaching up to gbps right now   Legacy Technologies like 4G for example that  came the first 4G setups that were ruled that   were somewhere uh in the year 2011 or 2012 I  remember we had these London uh Olympics 2012   right and at that point of time there was this  great Buzz that 4G network would change the way   Olympics are conducted right and a lot of people  started uh experiencing now where we are today uh   we are 10 years after that so the requirements  of these devices in in terms of connectivity in   terms of speed in terms of reliability quality  of service Etc that has changed tremendously   now to address all those things uh obviously  you had to come up with a newer architecture and   that is where 5G comes into picture right so it  promises I think speeds connectivity for billions   and trillions of devices right and and so on and  of course future is going to be more connected   right so today if you look at the way you conduct  your life or just just have a look around yourself   right you see this communication technology at  your house and most of the devices that you use   automobiles hospitals Industries machines  everywhere right now what has made this thing   possible right it is just the ability of devices  to communicate with each other right and as I said   moving forward this communication will become  all the more complex right so 5G gave us that uh those features or that capability wherein  you could uh develop all these things right   so once we understand that yes future is going to  be 5G right and of course we are talking about 6G   as well right so so once we understand this thing  the case 5G is critical it is going to be the   next wave for us then you start appreciating that  Rome wasn't built in a day right you can't have a   big bank to wherein say on a Monday morning  everything is 5G enabled and everything is   working like a chart okay now whenever new  technology comes in obviously there is this   slow ramp up curve this painful ramp up curve  where people need to adapt to this technology   when I see people I'm also counting in devices  machines the way we conduct business the way   um machines talk to each other automobiles etc  etc right but then this presents a challenge   say today if I have a 4G device right that has  been uh in the market for last see eight years   working fine now suddenly I find myself  that uh now the network has changed it is   no longer 4G because no 5G now how do I know  where's my device work or not in a 5G Network   do I need to modify something right  or do I need to update certain things   and apart from that one is of course the  compatibility with Legacy devices the other   is how do I actually get the benefit of 5G right  so if 5G promises Me Greater speeds then can I   write a application or can I come up with the  iot sensor or can I come up with the device that   actually utilizes this higher bandwidth and  gives better services to its consumers right   so that is where these Labs or these prototype  shankers we play a very very essential role right   and so so that's one part of it so if you look  at the consumers of this 5G Maps as I said device   manufacturers communication providers [Music]  um operators cellular operators that's that's   a big check of things the other is it the other  thing is more of a cultural and social change   right now if you look at the Indian deck  space right now India is a leader in it   right or for that matter any country if it's a  leader in some sort of space uh what does it mean   or how does it become a leader right it becomes a  leader because those particular capabilities they   become kind of ingrained within the society so  let's take an example of sports why do you think   India is a bar house in cricket one of the primary  reasons is you see small kids playing cricket   right a lot of small kids play cricket it's a  not plug right and then some of these obviously   because of training because of their natural  inclination and talent obviously they will do good   similarly with it what has happened in  India is that it has seeped into our   society right today you find children  in in C Class 6 class 8th Class 10th   people are good or kids are coding people they  are building Android apps or building something   here and there right so it has seeped it  to this now what these labs actually what   potential would do is that encourage  a lot of students or professionals   who want to explore this or who are interested  into experiencing 5G so these slabs would actually   give them this very important platform is that  okay if I want to learning and and say tomorrow   bonus I might want to open a 5G company right  building some sensors or something of that type   so early starters or kids at a very young age or  in college these slabs would actually provide them   the ability to actually experience and then kind  of learn these things so by the kind you're out of   the college they already have their B6 sorted so  that's that's a very uh impactful thing and then   that is swear I guess uh these these sort of labs  they are very very important and the government is   also kind of encouraging uh the signal lock right  that's right that's right yeah in that we have the   uh the government's decent initiative of hundred  fight relapse like since we are on the topic I was   going to ask you later why don't you ask avoidance  you know I ask you this question now what can you   tell us a little bit about that initiative sure  sure now if you again look at the last few years   and I'm getting the politics of this uh right  uh one of the key areas where the governments   of the day especially in the last few decades uh  they've started to focus on is to market India   as a technology up right now traditionally if you  look at India uh the world who did not see India   as a technology Powerhouse right it's in the  last few decades probably 90s onwards started   uh and then the governments started focusing  on this thing the world took a notice that   okay yeah but there's something good that these  guys are doing and each successive government has   played a role in it right uh now in the recent  years and especially if you look at the whole   geographical scenario today right so you have  a lot of countries collaborate with each other   but then there is also this tension or this  thing happening that at the end of the day   uh you need to live or you need to stand on  your feet as well right now how do you make   that possible to make those things possible uh the  garments of of each important critical countries   they are encouraging they are investing a lot into  this thing and they are providing these Avenues   and platforms where the government is funding they  want people to experience this they want people   to innovate they want people to come up with  patents crazy ideas just try to implement things   and then especially in the last few years you  might have seen even in the budget that we have   there's a lot of focus on technology  right and and in the recent budget   as well there was a good amount of uh  money that was kind of kept asideful   this this one absolutely absolutely and  can you just just look at the things that   have happened in the last uh few years right  the whole digitization of the country right   people used to look at the way people are um  using UPA today right who would have thought   a small window sitting somewhere he would be doing  these transactions on UPA right it's a tremendous   tremendous thing especially for a country of our  size right and that has been only made possible   because government has started focusing on these  things and then coming back to this uh 5G labs   Android 5G labs and what else do you expect the  government to do right they have given you or they   have given this special budget set up 100 laps and  I'm sure this is not being this is just the start   so they are funding these labs and then there  are so many other things as well that are   happening in and around this so if colleges and  and institutions they want to do this there are   grants available there are subsidies available  right so the government has actually gone out of   their way encourage this right and again it's  a it's a cultural shift that they are trying   to do right so a bathroom like it will of course  boost the 5G ecosystem but periphery you also see   a whole lot of other things that will happen with  these kind absolutely right again I'm coming back   to that think technology like so many other things  things it's a it's a cultural thing all right   why do you think uh West and when I say best I'm  referring to us at this point of time every time   it is at the Forefront of Technology right because  the way their society has developed technology has   always been encouraged right and that is this  way they have been able to innovate so much   that is the reason why they are so ahead of all  these things you look at their college system   you look at the Way Grants are given you look at  the number of patents that these guys are really   right that's that's kind of amazing and and these  guys have been doing it for the last 200 years to   300 years right and that is the primary reason we  have uh USS where it is similarly uh look at your   Eastern neighbor China in the last 30 odd years or  so they have actually put in so much of amount of   effort into again this whole shift China wasn't  a technology Powerhouse look we are at history   in the last 30 years each and every  action that these guys have taken   be it creating companies be it providing an  environment be it building factories be it uh   creating those conditions it has been to actually  make China a technology bar house now our   government is also replicating the same thing man  so it's it's just a cultural thing that they want   uh to happen look at just the effects it has of  course you will have this very vibrant ecosystem   of startups where anybody who wants to build  something on this technology he has an easy   access on the infrastructure he can visit  this lab come up with see a sensor a device   or anything that he wants to do District  of this lab file a patent maybe launch a   company right and again it is one of those  things when it starts picking up pace right you kind of open the floodgates right if one  person can do it why not the other right so   it's it's kind of democratizing the whole  system so that is why I think personally   speaking people are underestimating the impact  of this thing in the years to come they'll   probably realize at that point of time that what  a fundamental shift this has brought to this thing   so yeah we've spoken about finding Labs we've  spoken vacuum spoken about research and students   what other use cases and you see okay so talking  about the other avenues or or places where uh   this is going to make an impact right now say  uh today a lot of industries that are already   your factories that are already uh manufacturing  producing a lot of say 4G or Wi-Fi equipment right   and uh they want to move to fatigue right now  investing in an infrastructure for them isn't   an easy thing right now what these Labs actually  will do is provide them a place say today they are   manufacturing a 4G sensor right now tomorrow if  the plan to make a 5G sensor how do they test it   and this is the please the lab where they  can come bring in their equipment right   and they can test it I'll give you another  example right now a lot of companies uh I   mean their business model is that uh a lot of  equipment before it actually gets rolled out   there are a lot of test cases or standard testing  that needs to be done now where do they do that   testing right again these Labs provide the answer  right I'll give you a very practical example right we have seen a lot of automobiles or car  manufacturers uh rolling out connectivity   Solutions right so they have this PCU within their  car and what this PCU does is that it keeps on   significant data to the cloud platform right  and this data is basically health of your car   speed Etc now tomorrow because the rule out of  5G how does the car manufacturer know that is TCU   will actually work right he can bring this TC to  this particular lock he should be able to test it   plus at the same point of time say if I need to  uh So 4G has its own set of speeds that are on   the lower side when I say Lower Side yeah we are  still talking in terms of hundreds of Mbps but   with uh a fighty we are talking of gbps right so  say tomorrow if I need to rule out a technology   similar to e2x which is equal to everything right  now that and then some of these security features   on the car collision avoidance detection Etc right  now how do I test those and because that is much   much much more real time so we are talking  here about uh the time it takes from the car   for a message to leave TCO to reach to your server  within say five milliseconds or some millisecond   even depending upon a what the use case is now to  pick advantage of this particular feature of 5G   the manufacturer because this is a feature that  isn't available in 4G so the manufacturer cannot   innovate or cannot come up with a solution for  this weird Z test it now he can bring that thing   to the lab and since the lab will support  features of low latency High reliability   you can have a v2x server running the automobile  manufacturer can test these things prototype these   things within the and that should give him a  lot of confidence to actually roll out things   so these sort of Industries I believe they'll  get tremendous tremendous amount of benefit   out of this because you see I mean one of the  problems that these industries face is that   earlier if they built a sensor or built a device  right the only place they could test this thing   was talk to a big operator it is or of the world  right now for a very small company with say five   to ten people it's just an uphill task right it's  uphill task it needs a lot of investment as with   but with these Labs these are custom for  these sort of smaller medium Enterprises   so these people they can take tremendous  benefit from these Labs so basically when   we say this the use the benefits will be  across Industries meet agriculture mining   Health Care Auto are being it's like across  Industries absolutely absolutely so if you   look at the way and then this is what  I was alluding uh to at the beginning   just look at the way uh we have so many devices  in fact we are surrounded by devices right uh   there are more devices than the number of people  in this world all right yeah so uh in in terms of   Industries I mean across everything right be it uh  automobile manufacturing health construction rate every you you find devices everywhere and   five shears what will make these  things tick in the time to come so kind of like moving away from our use cases  which are about uh see testing or validating   existing on you you know products or Solutions  right distributions that are coming up in what   about private 5G uh does 253 Labs also uh they  also play a big role in uh you know letting us   have the full potential of a uh like a private 5G  Network sure definitely and and again if you look   at the way this whole 5G technology evolved right  uh of course with 4G as well you have private   Enterprises or private networks right but with 5G  that is actually going to uh have this tremendous   or give this tremendous boost to prohibit networks  because the way the technology works right so   and then one of the primary objectives of uh  5G is to actually replace Wi-Fi right now a   lot of Enterprises actually tend to rely on Wi-Fi  networks for their day to day application working   etc etc now with private 5G coming into picture  right and providing all the required connectivity   speed features plus so many other things this is  definitely going to have a big impact on private   Enterprises now again there are certain specific  use cases around private Enterprises in terms of   interconnectivity and in terms of internet  access in in terms of devices uh right that   this opens this whole field wherein a lot of newer  private Enterprise applications and application   developers who haven't actually explored this uh  area right now are in a position that they can   actually leverage these labs to actually develop  paste do prototyping of their applications for   private 5G so yes definitely that's going  to be game changer for private 5G as web   that's great so much of you know potential these  things have now coming to amantya speaking about   the mantel's type gips could you tell us a  little bit about an antipsy HD lab solution   and again I mean before I talk about that  solution again I would want to take a step back   what was the idea behind this right now uh amantya  was in the process of developing D5 GSA core   now what we realized at that point of  time is that okay we have this essay   code right but how do we or how  do people actually start using it   right of course you'll have big operators  they'll always use it on big organizations uh   they'll actually be using it right but then what  about smaller organizations or or see and iot   sensor manufacturer or a device manufacturer or  an application developer right how do I kind of uh   encourage him or provide him that space or provide  him that platform wherein he can actually start   using this particular technology right because at  the end of the day if a technology is not being   used or if it is not that pervasive the technology  doesn't really uh fly off right so with that   intent in mind uh we were very clear that we need  to come up with something which is very simple   uh cost effective and very very easy to roll out  right now if I go to a manufacturer of devices   and I start explaining to him 5G technology  and I tell him that OB will have to have 20   people to actually rule out this thing and  then you'll have to have an operations team   and and then all those complexities that  these big operators um find themselves in   inside he he didn't say my business is to actually  make devices I am not an operator right I can't   manage these things right so the intent from the  very beginning was to keep things simple abstract   out all the complexities uh that the 5G network  has and provide something which is very simple   very easy to digest easy on eyes so and and uh and  then something so straightforward that the person   who's actually using it doesn't actually see the  complexity in it it's it's something just a small   device sitting there you just go ahead switch  on a button and then wait for the magic to them   so that was the intention uh behind this thing  right now since that was the intention we started   building uh our Network in a Box Lab solution  right again the idea here was that we did not   want to have a very big very expensive very large  uh infrastructure right so it's a small box you   have the 5G core running connect you have three  5G ran or the gene would be of the radio part   running within that same box right both of them  by the way are standard 3gpp compliant products   right so you can take each piece out and you can  integrate it with any standard uh implementation   as well right now with this box running and and  again it's it's so simple to operate we provide   pre-configured boxes Sims is with so what you  have to do or anybody has to do is get this box   put it in a slab switch on the box and put one  of these Sims inside his 5G device or a mobile   and here's 5G Network right so that was the  intention the way we built up this whole product   it was with this mindset only right and that's one  of the reasons a lot of people who actually have   seen this particular product or have or are now  starting to use it uh they are kind of surprised   actually when we give them the demonstrations  who have switched on this thing and we have 5G   and then they look at their phone yes I can see 5G  another kind of confusion what the magic happened   right and uh it's coming back to this thing and  and in the other Salient features of our product   of course you can get a lot of this information  from our website as well uh it's it's it's a very   flexible thing to have right uh as I mentioned  uh so the standard 5G core that we are running   within this box you can take that out run it on  a separate box that's that's and then you have a   number of these uh nav boxes connected together uh  the other good thing that you can do is uh it's a   so uh so if you look at the 5G frequency spectrum  there are these different bands right and the   each country uh has started auctioning different  bands in India is where we have auctioned a couple   of bands now our 5c solution around that actually  gives the lab the ability to actually tune uh the   bats on which he wants to test right so so for  example in India today uh pad number 78 is what   it call it popular right so you just go ahead  and select band number 78 now say tomorrow if   somebody wants to test in band number 41 go ahead  choose a simple configuration in the menu and you   have band 41 running it now the other things being  see if something is wrong somewhere right so the   UI is extremely extremely user friendly you can  see alarms you can see logs you can see traffic   that is passing through right and of course at the  end of the day we also provide uh remote support and on-site support is with as in when when it is  required right and then and these are the things   that actually uh make the solution uh stand out  right it's it's something very similar with cars   so you'll see a lot of good cars in the  market but then they don't become popular   right a lot of things in terms of  support in terms of how or which features   does the user actually user what are they present  in that car right so that is sneaky here so what   we've tried to do is that we thought like  a device manufacturer so if I need to test   my device I would want visible features from  my box and that is how we kind of developed   these things so it's a very powerful solution we  have a lot of deployments as well these days now   what kind of customers are currently using the  solution sure so we have a very wide variety of   customers that are actually using this particular  solution right so you have Telecom operators   we are using pins uh then you have iot device  manufacturers they are using this apart from   this if second a lot of labs in universities and  some of the departments as well we're in people   college students or employees they would want to  test or experience uh this whole 5G technology   right so it's observe across the board right  customers backup using this particular solution   and uh so what are the future plans for the  solution any uh upgrades on the roadmap sure   definitely definitely now the Box technique have  to be that is uh release 16 compliant and uh these   standards they keep on evolving every six months  right so we have a very uh rich or good map uh for   our Nia we've quite committed uh to a test will  right now uh we typically have these half yearly   releases in which there are two things at least  that we kind of try to look at one is of course   bumping up the speed so we have these different  skus for our NAB boxes right so somebody may   want a cheaper smaller solution we can go for  a smaller box somebody may want a more evolved   higher throughput solution right so they can  go for a bigger box now uh with each release   as I said we typically bump up these throughput  right when I say throughput so say today we are   supporting 400 Mbps right now in the next six  months or so you will see this particular speed   uh bumping up to 600 Mbps and then of course by  the lead draft of the year we plan to take it to   close to a gbps I mean and from a feature basis  when uh we continue to uh enhance it in terms of   adding new functionality right and already the 5G  SC code that we have it's just very rich right so   a lot of uh the five key features that people  want to experience slicing or or qos or things   like that boost things are already supported but  now what we plan to do is so release 17 pins and   a lot of features now there are things happening  on the low latency site Ultra reliability so our   plans for this year are pretty much booked on this  these introducing these features and once upgraded   and as you say it's it's a constant evolution  of the product as well that's happening how do   you think how do you see it adding value and more  benefits to the 5G ecosystem be it in India beat   in the global markets sure uh look the thing is  as people understand this technology wouldn't   it be able to digest it more uh people start  becoming comfortable with things right so today   few hundred nbps may be sufficient for them right  tomorrow people will come up with scenarios where   they would need even higher speeds where they  would come up with even more evolved complicated   designs right and as the 3gpp rules out newer  features newer specifications since we have a   committed roadmap we keep on adding those features  into our solution which means that people who   are using our henna AV solution right of the lab  solution they are able to actually fail these new   features now that 3gpp is kind of recommending  or rolling up and they can then enhance their   design they can then utilize or leverage the new  newer things that are happening in this ecosystem   right and that's that's the whole benefit of this  thing it's such a flexible thing and with amartya   so much being committed into this space so it's  later we don't see this as a stop Gap thing just   a three month thing or a six month thing uh  this particular thing is here to stay right   so so that's the reason why as standards evolve as  new things come uh from either the specifications   body or generally yes when we have committed to uh  keep on adding those features onto the spectrums   well this was like a very very interesting and you  know remarkable uh solution that the company has   come up with and the way you're telling us it's  only going to go it's going to scale up and up and   up I hope so it's really good and of course the  5G labs are you know adding their own Dynamics to   the 5G ecosystem thank you so much Coral it's  been an excellent session I have I am going   away little richer in knowledge and excellent  takeaways thank you so much thank you so much   so with this we come to the end of this  episode on 5G labs and their role in the   future of connectivity thank you so much for  joining us hope you enjoyed listening to God   of share his views on the topic we shall  be back again with another interesting   topic and discussion until then this  is rohina signing off bye foreign [Music]


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