Managing Microsoft Edge - BRK3034

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Hi. Everyone I'm Fred pullin on the, Microsoft, edge team with. Me is Brian Altman. We're. Both IT pros like many, of you. If. My name sounds familiar if, you've seen me present before it's probably because I spent five or six years on the marketing, side of Microsoft. Edge and before that internet explorer I, introduced. Enterprise, mode and I think it was April 2014. And I helped, deprecate support for ie 8 9 and 10 on Windows 7 a few months later, so, I'm excited. Now because the team reached out to me after having, been gone about a year they reached out to me to, offer me a role on the engineering side working. With enterprise customers, like yourself and, really having, you. Know you can. Have a huge, impact on, Microsoft. And on our products, in. Terms of, how. We support the products, the, manageability features, you, know really a focus. On, enterprises. As a as, a you. Know as our number one customer so. We really, appreciate your, feedback we, really appreciate, that you're here we have a lot to cover in the next hour. Now. Unfortunately because it's. A large relatively. Large room we'll take questions at the end but I promise, you will answer most of your questions throughout, the presentation and. We will be happy to stay after and answer, any additional questions, but we'll take questions towards, the end. Microsoft. Edge has a pretty big presence here at Microsoft ignite. This. Slide is up for reference you can download it from from. The site but, I also wanted to make you aware of a, couple of sessions we have a, theater. Session on the expo floor tomorrow. West Building theater on working, smarter with Microsoft, edge we. Also have open office hours I wanted to bring everyone's attention to that because we will be have. A bunch of, marketing. And engineering folks, in a room able, to answer any questions that you have if you want to come and talk with us one on one if you have a problem with a specific application, please. Feel free to come by and we can do some real-time troubleshooting, with you so. We're happy to do that that is. Thursday, 3 o'clock to 4 o'clock in the Hyatt Regency level. 3 discovery, 46. So room discovery, 46, I mean. There are some other sessions on Microsoft, edge if you don't have time to go. To these sessions in person this week no problem these will be recorded. For you as well and. If you somehow miss that or or just want the content please feel free to reach out to us we want to make sure that we can get this content to you. So. In the next hour plus, we're, going to be talking about managing. Microsoft, edge we'll. Talk about enterprise, mode compatibility. Microsoft. Edge kiosk, mode. I'll. Go into some detail on Windows Defender application. Guard which is a lightweight, virtualization. Layer for, the browser. Then. We'll talk, about some tips and tricks and some troubleshooting, techniques that I found useful we'll. Have time hopefully for some QA and then we'll close. Before. I get started talking about managing, Microsoft, edge I know that many of you have questions about internet explorer 11 so. I'll just get this right, off the table, internet, explorer 11 is, still considered, a component of the operating system, so it follows the lifecycle the support lifecycle of its parent products, now.

Some Of you are wondering why don't we just kill Internet Explorer why don't we make it go away, here's, the answer how many of you still have worked with organizations, that have a dependency. On Internet, Explorer. Okay. I probably, should have asked it the other way around how many of you don't have a dependency, on Internet Explorer or. Hands five hands yeah. That's why we can't make this thing go away but, we can limit, how and when you use it and. I, also wanted to introduce Internet, explorer in, in the context, of managing, Microsoft, edge because, managing. Edge is immensely. Easier, than managing Internet. Explorer for. A couple of reasons. One. Is that it's a modern browser we you don't need as many of those those, policies, that really refer to older technologies. Because. It's running with an app container for example you don't have to to. Worry about trying to run Internet Explorer 11 in, enhance protected, mode which might turn on app container but it may break some things but. The second reason I think is more important and that's if. You if you look back to the 20 plus year history of, Internet, Explorer. 20. Some years ago, we really didn't have the web standards we have today we didn't have html5. We didn't have css3, we didn't have WebGL, and then so on and so forth so. Customers. Were, looking for functionality. That they could use. In the browser to, light up web applications. To give web applications, the power of the PC, so. We enabled technologies, like ActiveX, controls. Silverlight. Java. You, know there's lots of technologies, out there that were designed to give web applications, a lot of power, but. There's always a trade-off between functionality. And risk with that functionality, came, commencer, at risk so, we had to give you controls. About how and when you, were able to run ActiveX. Controls for example my. Favorite example, there is unsigned, ActiveX, controls in your, organization. You might have developed some ActiveX, controls over the years they, might not be signed but. You still want to be able to run them for certain sites and so, we have a policy, not just one policy but multiple, policies that say I would like to be able to run unsigned ActiveX, controls in the.

Trusted, Sites zone or in the intranet, zone but, not in the Internet, zone and, we. Have not just those, policies, but we also have those mirror, policies, on the computer, side and on the user side, so. Internet, Explorer has 1500. Or so group policies. But. They're not unique group policies, you may have one. Policy that's instantiated. 8 or 10 or 12 times because. It has to be on the computer side and the user side trusted. Site. Intranet. Site internet. Site restricted. Site lots. Of different variations of, the same policy. The. Good news is for Microsoft, edge as I said before doesn't have to worry about that we don't support those older web technologies. We. Recognize, that many of you still have dependencies. On Internet Explorer 11 which is why we continue to support it. And follow the support lifecycle of the operating system but. There are ways that you can minimize how. And when Internet, Explorer 11 is instantiated, and focus. On Microsoft, edge as your safer faster browser because, you can you can run in Microsoft. Edge and then fall back to I 11 just, for the sites that you've approved and so that's those are some of the knobs that we'll be showing you some of the controls and policies that we'll be showing you it's, how you can minimize Internet. Explorer and really focus on Microsoft, edge, but. That's also why we have a relatively, small number you. Know relatively speaking of group, policies, available, for Microsoft, edge today. And. We've taken some time to divide these into categories, and we're highlighting, here in red the, group. Policies, that. Are introduced. With, the Windows, 10 October, update, what. We call internally, rs.5, so. These are some new policies, that you can use to to to. Fine-tune, how, the browser works. In your environment and. These slides are available for download so you can take pictures you're welcome to but you can also just download the slides. I'm. Not going to spend a tremendous amount of time on the slides we, wanted to make sure that we had all of this available for you as a reference. But. I want to spend more time in demos so I'm going to be going through the slides relatively, quickly so that we can have time to do more in the demos. But. Some of the exciting, ones here. Allowing. Or denying printing, allowing. Saving, history these. Are some new policies, and by the way I should mention all of this you can go directly to the documentation, by going to aka dot ms slash edge policies, this, will take you directly to the to the edge documentation. We. Also have a number, of policies, associated with books allowing. A shared books folder books, library books tab a, lot, of edu customers, have asked us for this functionality, so we wanted to make sure that we made it available and made it manageable, um, search, engine customization. Setting, your default search we've had some of these policies, since, the last release or release before that. In. Allowing developer, tools preventing. Access to the about Flags pages something else show a little bit later in the enterprise mode demo. Because. You. Can disable enterprise, mode in the about flags page and I'll show you that. Um. Extension, management, many, of you have asked us for, more. Granular. Management. Of extensions, within Microsoft, edge so, now we don't just have the allow, extensions, or deny extensions, we also have, allowing, side loading of extensions, or preventing, the side loading of extensions, we. Also have prevent, turning off required, extensions, what we basically do there is we ask you to list the extensions, which, you've side loaded or you which you've pre-loaded, onto Microsoft, edge and users. Can't uninstall, those those extensions, so, if you have a particular, extension that's part of your you, know reference desktop, and you want it to be part of your your standard, you, can make sure that users can't uninstall those extensions. All. Right and then, flash. Management. There's. A subtle point here that I really want to land and that's that the entire, ecosystem. Is working, towards. Deprecating. Support, for flash by the end of 2020, and I, wanted to make sure you heard that because. I talked. To a lot of customers, who are still creating Flash content today and they. Expect to be able to run that Flash content after. 2020, um, Adobe is working. With the entire ecosystem. They're working, with Google they're working with Mozilla they're working with Microsoft with, other browser.

Manufacturers. Browser. Developers. To. Make sure that flash doesn't, run after, 2020, so. If this is a concern for you you, might want to start raising a flag now within your organization. Or you, know to the ecosystem, because. The, plan right now is to keep limiting. How and when Flash is instantiated and, ultimately. By the end of 2022, to deprecated support for it completely. Internet. Explorer integration. Today. You. Can configure Microsoft edge as your default browser and fallback to Internet. Explorer 11 for the sites that you've approved I'll show you how that works and we'll look, at the policies there's, one policy that that has existed, but based, on customer, feedback we, made a change to it in the Windows 10 October, update and the. Change is that we now allow you. To optionally. Add the keep going in Microsoft, edge link. That. Link went away in our s3 in the fall. Update, of last year, so. You now can have an interstitial page, and I'll show you what this looks like but. You can have a page of text that warns, users you're, now falling, back to a less secure browser you're not falling back to Internet Explorer 11 but. You can enable the, option for them to keep going in Microsoft, edge this. Could be useful for developers, and the specific, scenario, that this customer had there, was one customer, particular, that ran into some problems here the. Scenario that they lit up was they turned on the interstitial, page for their developers, and they. Wanted the keep going link in case the developer wanted to test their application. Within Microsoft, edge so, I'll show you that functionality, in a minute. Pre-launch. And preload this is also a new feature in the Windows 10 October, update of being able to pre launch or preload Microsoft, edge this also solves some problems, that some customers have had with loading. The enterprise mode site list I'm so, making sure that the enterprise mode site list is already up, and running and, is pulled down the latest version before the, user even pulls up the browser. And. Then preventing. Certificate, error overrides, you. May remember there's, a way if you do the drop down you can get to I don't, care about the certificate error show, me the site and obviously. Many of your users you, may not want to grant that privilege so. You you may want to prevent, those users from bypassing. Certificate, errors and and just stop them right there so.

We Now give you that ability as well. Kiosk. Mode is something that Brian's going to be talking about a little bit later we now have four different kiosk, modes and it's. Pretty exciting so we we now have you, know a variety one steal his thunder but we have a variety of ways that you can run Microsoft edge, in kiosk, and and for. A variety of scenarios. Syncing, browser settings, is. Something we've had for a while I should mention on the telemetry and data collection side we now have a policy. To prevent, or allow, configuring. Collection, of browsing data for, Microsoft 365, analytics, it's, not in the dashboard, yet so, Microsoft, 365, analytics, doesn't have the Microsoft edge data in the dashboard, they, don't have to, ship, updates. To, windows. Cadence so, they don't need to wait for the spring they don't need to wait for the fall updates, they, can ship an update, you know whenever it's available so we're working with that team now to make sure that this data is available in, the dashboard, and that'll, be coming and hopefully, in the next few months. All. Right start pages and home-button this, is something you've asked us for for a long time, is more granular, control about. How your users, start. Up the browser what, pages they see when they start the browser what page they see when they click the home button and. And, this is very important whether, or not the user can override, that themselves, in, other words you can lock it down so the user has no control over what their home pages or, you can allow them to override, that and be, able to. To. Change their home page or change their star pages if they wish to. All. Right we're not going to be going into a lot of detail, on managing. Microsoft, edge with SACM, and in tune but, the whole idea here is whatever tools. You use today to manage, your browser you should be able to continue to use with Microsoft, edge we, work very closely, with the Intune team and the SCCM, team to, make sure that you don't just have, reg. Keys that you push out or you, know the raw, policies. But, we want to make sure that you have a more friendly, user interface so in this case, you. Know there's a create. Microsoft, edge browser policy. Essentially. A wizard that will walk you through the policies, that are available and make, sure that you can make the right choices for your organization, in creating a GPO. Likewise. In Intune we we have custom, UI for, Intune so, that it's a little bit easier to create some, of these policies, now. I always encourage you to go back the original documentation, if you have any questions, about what, a particular setting, might mean in your organization, or what a particular setting and obviously, you want to test these you want to test these before you deploy. All. Right let's switch, over to my, other machine. And. I always like to explain my. Demo. Environment there, are no smoke and mirrors here this is running, a Windows, 10 October, update builds, and. It's just a, surface. Laptop, which. I love by the way I've been using a surface book for almost three years I think my surface laptop, is going to be my next machine. But. Let's let's look at some some. Management policies, here I'm gonna pull up GP edit. All. Right and if I dive down into administrative, templates, windows components. Microsoft. Edge. You'll. See we have more policies, now we, don't want to get by intent we've, seen no reason why we need to get to the 1500. Group policies, that we had an internet explorer but. We do want to bring policies, into, Microsoft. Edge that makes sense for you so. If there is a policy that's missing, please. Do let us know if there are policies, that are preventing, your deployment, or blocking, something absolutely. Let us know because we want to prioritize getting those into the product and. With. This latest update we added how, many policies, 19. New policies, and that. Was based entirely, on customer, feedback so if you have feedback about other policies, that are still missing please, do let us know this is this is a work in progress in other words but. I wanted, to get, across just a couple of things here one, is there's. The, home page so if I scroll down a little bit. You'll. See I can I can set the home button URL, I also. Can configure the home button and this is a little bit confusing so I wanted to call it out, configuring. The home button means I have. A choice if I choose to enable this you'll, see I have dropdowns, here I can show the home button and set it to the start page I can, show the home button and set it to the new tab page I can show the home button and set a specific page now, how I set the specific page, is with. The. Set home button URL policy. The, reason we had to separate, these out is we, want to have parity, between group, policy, and MDM, policy, so.

Part, Of the design, of the group policy is influenced. By what. We need to do on the MDM, side to make sure this works properly so, we, do have a policy, for configuring, whether, or not the users see the home button and what, that home button does and we have a separate, policy for if you want to set it to a custom, page you, absolutely, have the ability to do that now. The good news is for. All of these policies, is. If. I pull up and I'm going to bring up Microsoft, edge here. If. I pull up the documentation. Here you'll. See that there's the usual TechNet. Documentation. And we've done I have to say our. Our, content, publication, team has done an amazing job, Patty's done a great job of, updating. This documentation. And, explaining. You know whether it's a you, know what the MDM policy, is what the registry, setting is what the description is but. We also wanted to make it even easier for you so we. Worked really hard on, being. Able to give you more prescriptive, guidance on, Microsoft. Edge policies, depending, on what you want to do so, for example if I go into the home button settings that I was just describing. We've. Created some simple guidance here to say if you want to show the home button and load a start page your new tab page here. Are the policies, that you need to hit here. Are the steps that you need to take and then, if you scroll down here if you want to load a custom URL here's, the policy you need to set here are the steps you need to take. So. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to configure, these group policies, and and understand. What. Behavior. The browser will take depending, on the policies, that you've chosen to enable if, you, have feedback on. Not. Only our policies, but on our documentation, please, feel free to reach out I think, there's feed mechanisms. On this page itself so please, reach out and let us know if you have feedback if you if you think of how we might show this in an easier way we're, absolutely open, to that to that feedback. All. Right let's switch back over to. My. Slides and. By. The way the demos get, only more technical, from here so we, promise, you we're gonna get into process, Explorer and some other things a little bit later. Let's. Talk about enterprise, mode compatibility. We. When. We released Microsoft, edge we. Some. Of you may remember the, codename of Microsoft, edge with Spartan and we. Tested, very very early, on whether, or not we could include the ie11 engine. In Spartan, and what. We found and this is all public what, we found was based, on your feedback you told us this wasn't going to work for you because, we. Weren't able to instantiate, ActiveX. Controls, in. A modern browser in App container, so. We had to draw the line and many of you told us don't even bother to, include the Trident, engine the the Internet. Explorer engine, in Microsoft, edge if it's, not compatible with with browser helper objects, if it's not compatible, with ActiveX, controls, with, toolbars, it's, not even worth my, time to test if all, you're doing is bringing me support for document, modes so, as a strategy, we. Decided, to make sure that Internet, Explorer 11 would be consistent, across Windows, 7, Windows 8 1 and Windows 10 to, help you upgrade to, help ease your upgrade if you got to ie 11 on Windows 7 you essentially had done a piece of your Windows 10 migration.

Ahead Of time, well. Now, we have a dual browser experience, so with this dual browser experience, means you can set Microsoft, edge as your default browser. Fallback. To Internet. Explorer, for the sites that need it and then. Switch right back to Internet Explorer for. Any sites that are not approved and I'll show you this in in demo just a moment, our. Guidance to customers, for a few years has been, upgrading. To modern standards is the best possible, long-term strategy. You can upgrade on your own timetable and unfortunately. This. Guidance, was. Translated, I think by a lot of application, owners as great, I never need to upgrade my ie11 applications. That's. Why all of us still have dependencies. On Internet Explorer but. We are doing more, work to make sure that it's easier to manage that it's easier to integrate, and. You, know we. Are looking at, how, we can make this an easier experience for, everyone. So. Some policies, that you can use to manage this and many of you may be doing this today but. Allowing. The Microsoft compatibility. List this is the public. Facing, list of sites that still require, Internet, Explorer 11 there. Are a few it's down to less than 1500 I think but. There are some sites in, in, South. Korea for example for, years they're public, key infrastructure, was based on ActiveX, controls so, there's still a lot of sites in South Korea that require Internet, Explorer 11 if you want to do commerce if you want to order, something from a retailer, that still uses the ActiveX, control, thankfully. This list is getting smaller and smaller over, time, if. You want you, could disable this compatibility, view list but, in some geographies. It's still needed, Brazil. Has. Some sites South Korea has some sites it really depends on your needs but, you can further limit how, and when Internet Explorer gets instantiated by, essentially. Disabling, this public Compatibility, View list, I'm, not recommended, today because, there are still some sites out there that require it but I think over time we.

Can Get to a point where we could disable it I'm. Configuring, the enterprise mode site list now as a best practice we, suggest, pointing, Microsoft. Edge and Internet, Explorer 11 to the same list, otherwise. You run the risk of getting out of sync, also. As a best practice we, recommend sharing, the list the enterprise mode site list as a web, file as HTTP. Or HTTPS, you, can share it via DFS. But here's the trade-off if. You're sharing it via a file. Server you. Have to pull down the entire, enterprise mode site list before, the browser can do a version check if you're. Sharing it on a way server it only pulls down the header before it can do a version check so it's much more efficient. Use of your network resources, if. You can share. That out as HTTP, or HTTPS, maybe on an extranet site, that. Users can reach outside your organization. Um. Send, all intranet, sites to Internet Explorer 11 this, is a Microsoft, edge policy, that basically this is the big hammer that says look I know my intranet. Works in I 11 I want, to use edge but, we're not quite there yet I don't want to test all my applications I want, to send everything, on my intranet, to, 11. By default, now there are many customers I talked to who started, with this dance 3 years ago they're, now at a point where they, have the the sites, that require I 11, added, to their enterprise mode site list and they, just fall back to I 11 for those sites so, in other words they've gone from the big hammer of sending, everything, over to my to ie 11, to. Disabling. This intranet, you know send all intranet, sites and only, sending the intranet sites that actually need IE 11 so. They've they've switched their default, browser for intranet, in other words, show. Message when opening sites in Internet Explorer I talked about that one a little earlier and I'll show it in a moment and then, send all sites not included, in the enterprise mode site list to Microsoft edge this is the round-trip so. This is the ie 11 policy, that limits ie 11 just, to those sites that are on your enterprise mode site list all. Right so let's dive into the. Next demo. So. A few things here one is I. Want. To be able to show you the. Configure. The enterprise mode site list in this case I'm pointing it to my local host I have a site list that's that's provided. Locally by iis, and I've. Pointed internet, explorer to the same exact list, so. I I, can, now run Microsoft edge, and I know that it's going to fall back to IE, 11, for those sites for example if I go back to Microsoft. Edge here I can, pull up my purchase, order site and it opens up seamlessly in, Internet Explorer 11 in, enterprise, mode in that backward compatibility, mode. By, the way if you want more details, on how to configure enterprise. Mode in IE 11 which is a slightly separate, topic we, do have a session from I think last year's ignite or the ignite before that if, you look for the content and can't find it ping me I know it's still available on YouTube and some other places but.

It'll Talk to you about how you actually, configure, the enterprise mode site list for. Ie 11 specifically. Which document, mode to use and and so on this. Is more focused on Microsoft, edge this. Presentation. All. Right but the good news here is if I've if, I've implemented, this other policy, you know we'll go check that for a moment Oh on Sauveur to Internet, Explorer, and. The. Policy I want to look for here, is. Right. Now I'm using the enterprise mode site list but, I'm not sending, all sites over. To. Let's. See. Here. It is right here send all sites not included, in the enterprise mode site list in Microsoft edge I want to enable that one and. I. Should be able to just do a quick gpupdate, force. Let's. Go ahead and quit ie 11 well that happens, okay it's already finished to the computer registry, so we should be good to go alright, let's bounce over to our Pio requisition. And. Now if I type in any other site. It. Goes right back into Microsoft, edge. So. This is a way that I can restrict. Restrict. The sites that open, an Internet Explorer 11 just. To the sites that I've approved as part of my enterprise mode site list in other words I make, sure that my users, are, only using, IE 11 for the sites that require I 11, they can't use it for any public-facing, sites they can't use it for anything else. Essentially. It's as least privileged browsing, because. We want to make sure that users are in a much more secure browser by. Default and they're only using Internet, Explorer 11 32-bit, outside, of App container much less secure than than Microsoft, edge only, for those sites that you've chosen to approve. All. Right just a couple other things I wanted to show you here and that's. If. I go into about. Compat. This. Is a very useful page I'm going to disable the Microsoft compatibility. View lists here and, it'll, just show me the enterprise mode sight list in this case I only have one entry but. This will show me the version, number of the enterprise mode sight list I also can force an update and see if there's a problem with the with the enterprise mode sight list itself, so. This will tell me what sights are on the enterprise mode site list what needs to open Internet Internet Explorer 11 versus opening in edge say and. I also if. I ever have a problem troubleshooting. The enterprise mode site list from within Microsoft edge, you, should be able to just pull it up directly so if I if I type in localhost /. Site. List XML, anybody. See where this is going. Alright. It opened up an internet explorer. There's. A way I can disable that right, now it's opening everything in localhost, in Internet. Explorer because that's what, I've told it to do but. I can disable it temporarily, for the sake of this demo by. Going to. About. Flags, and. Disabling. The enterprise mode site list, now. This is another tool that developers. Can use to, disable, the enterprise mode site list temporarily, but, it does remember, the setting over sessions, so, sometimes, if you enable this if you and there's a policy to prevent access for about flags if you, choose to allow you using, your users to get into this they, could potentially step on something and, it does it, is consistent, across sessions so now if I close the browser and reopen it I'm still not using my enterprise website list but, the good news is I should be able to if it worked properly I should be able to say localhost. / site, list XML. And. It opens within Microsoft edge so. I've disabled, enterprise mode site list temporarily now, the last thing I wanted to show you before we need to move on is. If. I go into policies. Again, and I'm going into my Microsoft, edge policies. Remember I mentioned there's a new policy for. Being. Able to show. Messages. When opening, sites and Internet Explorer we've had this one for a while but. Now we have a new option for you and the new option, is you. Either can hide keep going in Microsoft, edge or you can show it so.

What You could do and I'm going to go ahead and enable that will, do another gpupdate. Will. Exit. I don't. Think Internet Explorer matters but I'm gonna go ahead and exit edge. And. Now. If. I go to my local host site. Well. Hang on. Maybe. I didn't wait. Okay. Yeah this should work. I, may. Have to yeah I may have to log out and, log back in oh. It's. Like said thank you thank you real-time. Troubleshooting, thank you all. Right so about. Compare, or about flags. Remember. I said users, can step on themselves even if they close the browser, totally. Meant to do that, all. Right now let's, pull it up and we pull up pio requisition, and now we see this warning but, there's a keep going link you. Have the ability to control whether or not that keep going link shows up so again you can disable about, flags so users don't step on themselves like I did a minute ago you, also can, enable, or disable this, link so completely, up to you you can set this as that. One customer we, talked to you did you can turn this policy, on just for your developers, it's, a little bit of extra tax if they need to be able to test a site in Microsoft, edge but you don't want to give them access to to maybe some other places. All. Right and then we should get back to. The. Slides. All. Right I'm gonna turn it over here to Brian to cover Microsoft. Edge kiosk mode, nobody. Here me all right excellent. So. I'm excited announced with. The wind October, 2018, update. And. We are introducing Microsoft, edge kiosk mode that works with assigned access. So. Assigned access, allows you to lock down a device to, be run a single application or a lock down your device running multiple applications. So. We've enabled for Microsoft, edge kiosk mode types, the. First one being for digital, and interactive signage. This. It runs Microsoft, edge in full-screen and loads, a standard, website you've. All seen these for example if you've, been walking around the. Ignite facility, you'll, see several, examples of digital and interactive signage, interactive, signage you've probably used when you went to the airport and checked in that's. An example of interactive signage the. Second kiosk mode type is. For public, browsing, kiosks, this. Runs up, I'm gonna do this real fast, so. This. Runs Microsoft, edge in private, mode to protect user data and has. A we've. Sorry. It, um. And. We've. Modified. The experience, of browsing experience, so, that we actually limit, access. To the settings and. We remove some capabilities, and features so for examples you won't be able to use books extensions. And reading. Lists and you can't also the, user won't be able to use favorites, and this is because it's a public browsing, station, so, we don't want the users to customize it so, you'll notice it on a single app kiosk device, there, is no minimize. Close and. You actually and you can't close it so, it continually, can justly runs this application, so we enabled an in session, button and a reset, after, idle. Timeout and when you click on the in session button or. The, reset after idle timeout it kicks in it'll, restart Microsoft, edge and will clear out the users session data, okay. So we can go back things, so. On multiple, and multiple app kiosk mode we also have a public browsing, station. This. Runs again Internet. Explorer, in private mode to protect users data and, has a tailor experience for kiosks, do, you want to click on that one yep Thanks, so. You'll. Notice in this mode you can. Launch Microsoft, edge but. You can't minimize or maximize it, but. You can close it and when the user closes it that's, when we close the users clears. The user session data and the. Final one the. Fourth Microsoft, edge kiosk mode type oh you have to go back okay, that's, right. And. You want to click on that one so normal mode this runs a full version of Microsoft, edge. You. Have access, however. There will be some features, that may not work depending on how you've configured, Microsoft, edge and how you configure, it assigned access the, prime example here is if the, user wants to install extensions, or install ebooks they won't, be able to do that if the Microsoft Store is not enabled in assigned access. All. Right can you go back Thanks, and. There. We go. So. There's a number of ways to manage Microsoft, edges and assigned access, so, simplest and easiest one is to use Windows. 10 settings and there's a new experience. In Windows 10 settings so if you type the Windows key hit, the Windows key and type kiosks, it'll launch the Windows 10 settings and, you can set up a single app kiosk, device.

And, You can set up the full screen mode or, the public, browsing there, are on, Thursday. There's another breakout session at 2:15. Around. Share devices and kiosks, there, you can learn more about how to manage Microsoft, edge kiosk mode and in. Via Intune and you also get a demo of the. Windows 10 settings UI. If. You want to learn more about the Microsoft edge kiosk mode types or and you want to learn more about the deployment options you can go to Now. Some of you may have heard about the Microsoft, kiosk, browser app that was it released shortly, after the April update. That. Is still available alongside. Microsoft. Edge kiosk mode the, main differences here is that Microsoft, edge kiosk mode supports, printing which was a major customer asked and multi-tab. Multi-tab. Browsing. So Microsoft, kiosk browser app is available today through Microsoft, Store and again, Microsoft edge kiosk mode will be available with, the October, update Thank, You Fred. Thanks, Brian. All. Right so let's talk about Windows Defender application. Guard I know there's a lot of interest in this. Here's. The idea the, user sees, what looks like a normal site, but. It could have a, browser. Zero-day. Associated, with it and, as. You know it's, been in the news a lot how, you. Know organizations. You. Know government. Organizations, companies. Large organizations, are being compromised, all the time now. This doesn't solve all scenarios. But. By, virtualizing. The browser with, a lightweight, virtualization. Layer you're. Essentially, making sure that if there is a browser, zero-day, or if the user does install, something that they shouldn't that. When you close that window it goes away so, it's not persistent. Across time. This. Can, help with spear, phishing attacks as well, spear, phishing is if you get an email sent, to you and it's a specific type of attack there, they, want you to click on a link and get, taken to a site that may look like a normal site it may actually be a normal site a, site that you go to regularly, but, it may be compromised, with a browser zero-day, vulnerability. Or a zero-day, exploit. So. By. Virtualizing, the browser you're, able to protect yourself from certain, types of attacks not everything, you know if you go to a site that looks like a banking, site and someone enters their credentials, that's, another another. Type of, protection. That we want to give you through smart screen to, be able to prevent phishing attacks, to, make sure that if a site looks like your banking site that it actually is your banking site and the users know the difference between the two and then we're able to to block access. Front to that site this. Is a different, type of attack, where there. May be a vulnerability. In the browser that has. An active zero-day or an active attack against, it and this, can help prevent that type of attack completely, by making sure that if anything bad does, and it, essentially goes away when you close that out. So. What. We basically are, doing here, is. Virtualizing. Elements. Of Windows, and. Elements. Of Microsoft, edge on top, of Windows 10 you. May have tried this in earlier versions, I know in the the. Spring, creators, update we, made some significant, improvements, in Windows Defender application. Guard particularly. In terms of performance we. Also introduced, Windows Defender application. Guard for Windows 10 Professional. You, can now run. It on Windows 10 Professional, and manually. Start up the Windows Defender application. Guard if it's installed, as an optional Windows component, so just go into windows components install, Windows Defender application. Guard as an optional component and you'll, see a new menu available. On Microsoft edge to. Open up a micros. Defender application, guard window. Some. New functionality, that we're adding in the, Windows 10 October. Update is. The ability to add. Protection for, untrusted, PDF, files and I'd rather show, you than talk about it so, I'm going to dive into a demo in just a moment but you, now have the ability not, only to run.

Untrusted. PDF, files PDF, files that have the mark of the web by default, in Windows, Defender application. Guard you can also optionally. Choose. To implement a policy so you can save those locally, and if. You open, up a PDF file that's untrusted, it will consistently. Open, in Windows Defender application. Guard so you're creating more of a walled garden for. PDF files that you may not trust and. Let's let's look at that. We're. Also introducing. A virtual, GPU. It's. It may be hard to see here but the virtual, GPU, is much much faster than, without. The virtual GPU by, defaults, on machines, that have, the, ability to run a virtual GPU, we, are going to enable this feature we. Do have a group policy so you can disable it so it's completely in your control whether, or not you're you, enable this or disable it and here's, a complete list of the Windows Defender application. Guard policies, that are currently of available and we've, highlighted some, of the new ones across the bottom there I'm, Yoona have the ability to make, sure that copy and paste works across the. Host su container or container - host you, can disable, that a few so choose you. Have the ability to enable printing, you, have the enable the, ability to block the, microphone, and camera you. Can choose to trust, files either, allow. Deny, or allow but only after it's been checked by your AV provider and, it doesn't have to be Microsoft it could be any AV provider, that plugs into Windows 10. You. Can allow, SSL, cert from host is a new, policy. That we've enabled, you. Basically, give it I'll show you the the policy itself but you give it the policy key or. I'm sorry the cert, key and it will copy the cert into, the virtual environment for. Your your, virtual, machine to be able to use for application, guard to be able to use this, is particularly useful or for self-signed, certificates, so, if you have an environment where you have self-signed, certificates, you can now copy those certs into, your application, guard environment, and fairly easily through, this policy. All. Right let's jump. Into demo. So. Again no smoke arrears here but well Brian was talking I, did. An. Able, I, I, did the turn on Windows. Defender. Application. Guard in enterprise mode. So. I enabled. That policy. And. We. Also have a few, other policies. That I've enabled I've enabled data persistence, so I'm allowing data persistence across, Windows, Defender application. Guard sessions, I'm. Also allowing files to download and save locally. To the host operating system, and. I'm. Allowing users to trust, files optionally. That open in Windows Defender application. Guard but only after an AV check let's.

Let's See how this actually works in Prout in practice. So. I'm now running Microsoft, edge natively, it's, running on my machine natively, if, I, go to a site let's do a search. Download. PDF, form. And. I'm. Going to, click. On this link, it. Starts, up Windows Defender application. Guard and opens up my PDF file and this is fairly fast this is reasonably, fast for, especially. Considering, it's a virtualized, layer at this point you, notice the icon up in the corner we've, made this a little bit smaller we still wanted to have an icon so your users and you will know if you're running an application guard, but. We've, made it a little more subtle now. From, here I do have the ability to start filling this out, I, can, start saying my name's Fred pullin, and so, on and so forth I do have the ability to even save it. So. I have, I can choose here, and. It's a. PDF. File. Now. I can close. Microsoft. Edge. Open. Up my trusted, site my. Untrusted, files. And. I see that I've got this natively, on my, machine, I've now copied, the PDF file through, Windows, Defender application. Guard and it's, running on my machine if, I double click it though it's got the mark of the web it, knows it's an untrusted, file if I, double click that it opens it right back up in. Microsoft. Edge in application. Guard right where I left off, so. We're creating effectively. A walled garden for, you to say there, may be some local sites if you have local PDF, files that you trust that are you, know signed, by your organization or or you know you've chosen to trust for any of the PDF files from a particular, SharePoint or particular domain you absolutely, can configure it that way for. Untrusted. PDF files that you're getting from the Internet at large you've created a walled garden around, those and you're only running those in your virtual environment now. That one of the first questions I had as an IT pro was okay, but isn't going to kill my performance.

On My machine and if. I pull this up Windows, Defender application. Guard. Is. Actually. Let's. Look over here, right. Now it's running and using. 53. Megabytes. Yeah. Yeah. So it's using fifty three megabytes. Because. We're not creating, an entire new, virtual. Environment. We don't need to replicate the operating system we, don't need to replicate the, entire browser, frankly, we, need to simply. Copy any changes, that need to take place and, then certain deals into, that environment so, it's a relatively, small virtual. Environment, that's. Very lightweight and when I close it out I get those resources back. So. This is something that's been. Really. Of a lot of interest to to many customers, there. Are thousands, of customers who are testing this now, the. Other policy, I wanted to show you because there is a gotcha here, and the gotcha is. Configuring. What sites open where if. I. Go up into. It's. Under Network. Network. Isolation. Their. User the policies, that control, how and when Windows Defender application. Guard opens up now, as a best practice I would add my private, network range for applications, so, as a best practice if, I don't want any of my intranet. Sites to open an application guard, I can, simply add my RFC, 1918, addresses. My 10x. X X or my 192, 168 addresses. Whatever I use in my organization, I can add those here as exceptions, I can. Also add domain names, or host names but this is where it gets a little trickier, and I wanted to show you this because there is a gotcha here. This. Doesn't use reg X type expressions, what, I have to do is double, dot let. Me let me zoom in on this one for you. What I have to do here is dot. Dot, And, then, a pipe and then, dot dot and it, the dot dot is what gives it a wild card any thing, associated, any subnet, associated. With, any subnet. Associated, with Microsoft com is going, to be treated as a safe site that can that I can open natively in my host.

Otherwise. If it's any other site I'm, going to be pushed right out into into. Windows Defender application, garden. Ok. We are working on updating the documentation. But I have to say the documentation, here is not entirely clear so. It's it's something I absolutely wanted, to make you aware of now. There's one last thing and. I, can close this out but. I'm. Going to switch back to the slides because we do have an, announcement to make, you. Are the first audience in the world to, hear, that. We are introducing a Windows Defender application, guard extension, for Google Chrome. We. Want to meet you where you live. So. The idea here is if you're running Chrome, you, can enable a Windows, Defender application. Guard window either, automatically. Or on. Demand so. I'll show you let's. Bring up. Chrome. Which I do have installed, all. Right, right now Microsoft comm, is a trusted, site so it let this go through if. I bring up anything, else let's bring up LinkedIn, oh, I'm. Sorry I'm sorry hang on. No. That is oh. Sorry. Sorry sorry. All. Right I'll pull it up again just so you know there's no smoke and mirrors here it's not demo wear. All. Right it evaluates, whether it's safe it's safe it runs it natively, within, Google, Chrome and. Now if I go to any other site. Its. Opening in, Microsoft. Edge an application, garden so. You can choose what. Runs in Chrome in what, doesn't run in chrome what runs in this virtualized, layer this. Functionality. Is not yet. Available but, it'll be available in the coming weeks so, stay tuned we. Will have Windows, Defender application. Guard extension, for Google Chrome available. In the chrome store, you. Know hopefully soon and this. Will be something that you can configure and choose to use with you know or not within your organization. All. Right tips and tricks I. Mentioned. Before the, Bryan, and I are both IT pros and. You. Know I've only been on the engineering team less than a year back on on, the, browser but. There are some bugs that come across our desks, periodically, that, really make me take a step back and say wait a minute I don't think this is actually a browser bug. One. Of those bugs that came across my desk in the last couple of months was associated, with web dev I don't, know how many of you are familiar with web dev it's it's a relatively older technology. Avail. Into. A file, server so. It's it can turn a web server into, a file server now. The good news from Microsoft edges standpoint is we. Have that functionality, built into Windows 10 there. Is a web dev client, in the Windows File Explorer, so. When, I looked at this and started started. Looking under the hood I realized, there. Isn't a reason why Microsoft, edge the browser needs. To do work to configure, web. Dev support, it's built into the operating system it's at a lower level but. We, maybe miss configuring. The browser to, get web dev support, so, let me show you how you might troubleshoot, and this could be web dev it could be authentication.

For Your sites it could be any it, could be whatever problems, you run into for Microsoft, edge I'm using, web dev as an example, but. Let's switch back over to, see. If it works this time okay. Good. All. Right so. Actually. I do need to. Disable. You need to disable my. Windows. Defender application, guard because otherwise this demo won't work, everything. Will open in Windows Defender application, guard unless I turn. It off right now so, let, me do that really fast. Windows. Components, Windows. Defender application, guard here we go. All, right. Okay. And then I'm going to switch over again. It. Is. By. The way I should mention there, is another Gacha. There's. Another Gacha that, you, may occasionally run, into and. That's. That. Sometimes. You may choose to enable a policy and. Enabling. A policy, pushes, a reg key that's, essentially, what a policy does if. You, then go from enabling. The policy, to. Just. Simply, not disabling, the policy but, simply. Turning, it off that. Reg key may be persistent. So, if you ever run into an issue and this is universally, true not just specific, to Microsoft, edge but, if you ever run into an issue where you've. Tested. And a group, policy it hasn't really worked for you you then choose to disable, it or not configure, it but, you're still exhibiting, that behavior, it may be because the Reg key is still out there so what you may have to do is disable the reg key or disable, choose disable on, the group policy push. The disable policy, out to actually turn off the Reg key and then, you can set it to not configured, okay. But in this case we should be fine and I'm going to pull up this is a third-party website. This. Is yep. And it worked all, right so this is a third-party, website it's, not endorsed. By Microsoft, in any way but I did get permission to use it during this demo um, this is an example of a WebDAV server so. It was a very easy way for me to take this and be able to configure it now if I copy, this. Into. A. Window. Here, into a file manager, I can. See my files and there are many organizations they, use web dev today to be, able to configure, their home you, know their their, home. Directory, or so on now, the problem, that we run into and I'm showing this as an example again this could be anything but, if I open up this PDF file it. Says can't, reach this page. There's. A problem. Soft-edged can't open, this PDF file and this is what drove the bug of why, can't you handle it WebDAV why can't you handle PDF, files well, let's start troubleshooting, this isn't this is where it gets really interesting I think. If. I pull up. The. Task manager, and. I. Look at Microsoft, edge and I see, can't. Reach this page 69. 64. Okay. Now. Let's pull up the. Sysinternals. Process. Explorer, I, thought. I clicked it let's see I. May. Have to actually go out and find. It that's okay all. Right so sysinternals, process. Explorer i have download. There it is it just a co-op okay. So. What. I'm going to do here, is. Find. My. And. I'm. Running it twice now. Alright, what I'm going to do here then is. Go. From my task manager. Can't. Reach this page the process ID is 69, 64, now, notice. Here it says that I'm. Running a bunch of app containers. And if I scroll down here I see that all of these Microsoft. Edge containers. These are content, processes, are all, running with an app container, this.

Is Where it gets tricky though because there's two kinds of app containers, that Microsoft edge uses we. Use what's called a most restrictive. App container, for the public Internet we. Also use what's, called a, an, intranet. App container, that has a different set of privileges. Microsoft. Edge does, honor the. Intranet, settings, from ie11 and this. May be news to you but so, does Chrome. Every. Modern browser out there needs a way to be able to say these. Are the, great. Unwashed. Sites, that. I cannot, trust. I have, not vetted, them I have not tested them I don't, want to be able to share my credentials, with these sites and, there's. Another set of sites that I do want to be able to share my credentials, with that. I have vetted, that have tested, that I I know are safe and so. Microsoft. Edge will, use, the intranet, sites, that you've chosen to configure, and that's. Why there's two different kinds of app containers, now if I pull this one up I'm. Going to look at my. My. Process, ID here, it was. Which. One was it. 69. 64 Thanks, all. Right so if I pull this up I see I have internet, connection, but. I'm not seeing more than that I'm not seeing that I have access to my windows authentication so, clearly there's a problem now. The way around this problem is I can pull up Internet Explorer I. Can. Then pull, up, Internet. Options. Security. Local. Intranet, sites. Advanced. And I. Can add, the. Site is Ajax, browser comm so what I could do is HTTP. Ajax. Browser. Comm. Anybody. See a problem with that. All. Right this is another gotcha, because. If I actually look at the error it. Says make. Sure you've got the way right right, web, address, file. Ajax. Browser comm, it's using the file protocol, here it's. Not using HTTP, it's not using HTTPS, so. Within, Internet. Explorer and I did this myself sorry I did this myself for years as an IT pro you, just get used to copying, an HTTP, or HTTPS. Into, your trusted sites well, I have a couple options here what I could do is I could say. File. Ajax. Browser calm or, I could, just say Ajax. Browser, comm, and add. It like that. Because. That includes every, protocol, I'm. Now choosing, to trust this site with every protocol, file protocol HTTP, protocol, doesn't matter let's go ahead and close this out click, OK click OK. Now. I don't, even think I need to close the browser actually let's just try it I'm, gonna browse I'm going to go out to my file explorer, now remember, we're, running WebDAV it's running just fine I double-click, on the file, and.

It Actually opens this time. And. I, can show you why it's opening too because, if I go. Back to my process, Explorer. And. I look for product, PDF, 80 to 96. Now. Let's bounce over here eighty to ninety six and we open up that one and. This. Is the security, tab notice. I now have my, Windows credentials. So. Let's, do that I. Now. Have my Windows credentials this. Is running in the intranet, app container, the. Number, one problem, I've seen, come, across our desks, in the last few months with, Microsoft, edge configuration. Is that you're, trying to run a site that needs intranet. Permissions. But. It's actually running an Internet, or M rack app container, so. This tool can. Help you troubleshoot. Why. Is it my site opening an edge why is it my content opening an edge probably. Not opening an edge because it needs to be set, and configured properly within. Within. The, intranet. Zone. Now. There's one last gotcha I wanted to show you because it was kind of fun and. And frankly I think it's a bug but I don't know if we'll ever fix it so I wanted to make sure you knew of this, one, there. Are many web, dev servers out there that use SSL, but. The trick is the catch is they. Use the fully. Qualified domain name, at, SSL. In the. Title, so if I go back to Internet Explorer. And. I. Go into Internet. Options. Security. Local, intranet sites. Advanced. All. Right let's say we have a Jack's. Browser calm. At. SSL. Because, we've added SSL, to the connection, this is how WebDAV. Servers have handled this for years I can, say add oh, it. Looks like it worked I typed, it wrong but that's okay it'll it'll still work for my the purpose, of this demo. Now, if I pull up my registry, editor though. Notice. That. It. Added an entry that just says SSL, and, in. Fact I can see that myself if I if I just simply click close here. And okay I think we're good to go I think I added it properly but now if I go back, it. Just added a site called SSL, because. This, interface, to, the registry, doesn't, understand what at SSL, means it just strips, everything, else off, now, the kludgy, workarounds. That I wanted to make this audience aware of is you, can fix this it's, a relatively easy fix but. It, means going into the registry, editor and. Literally. Just saying, rename. And. Saying. Ajax, browser. Dot-com. @, SSL. So. This. Will. Fix that problem, so. That's why I say often, if if something seems to work and maybe it works in other browsers maybe it works in other environments maybe works in Windows you're having a problem with Microsoft, edge reach, out to us use your support channels there, may be just. A catch like maybe you're, specifying HTTP. And you need to add file protocol, or maybe. It's not showing up as a trusted site or, as an intranet site rather, but. Yeah there are always options and. The. Good news was we were able to close those bugs out although, we do want to you know I'd love to eventually, fix it or not Explorer 11 but. The fact is you, know most. Of these are configuration, issues. All. Right let's take some questions we do have about ten minutes left for questions and, like I said Bryan and I are happy to stay afterwards, this, is being streamed and recorded so, please if you don't mind go to one of the microphones and. We're, happy to answer anything, you got, hi.

Bryan Or Fred hi, hey so. A question, about the chrome add in which is a very interesting endeavor. So does that is that honor the inbox, through policy settings as well in the same way that would it. Yes, the the Windows. Defender application, guard extension, for google chrome does. Honor the same policies, and. The same network isolation. Policies, that Microsoft edge would yes wait so I configure it once I get it to for the price of one two for the price of one absolutely, thank you. Internet. Explorer 11 doesn't, appear to be refreshing. The enterprise mode site list file, until, about a minute, after you start at the browser are. You going to be addressing that if. The question is right, now the, Internet. Explorer 11 does not try, to refresh, the enterprise mode site list until 65 seconds, after. You start Internet, Explorer 11 when. I worked on the marketing, side we, had feedback from, customers who, said and, bear, with me but but they. Said that they needed that delay so that it could dial up the the connection. So. Literally, we they wanted 65 second delay so that it either through modem, or through VPN or through, whatever means, that. Internet, Explorer was, forcing, that network connection, to the corporate site and then, downloading, the enterprise mode site list right now it's not configurable. But if this is something that you're seeing that it's a problem for your organization, please let us know now there is a workaround, that I'll tell you the, workaround, is to simply, delete, the version, registry. Key I've. Written a script and I'm happy to share with you when. I do my own testing, I'll often just run the script which deletes the version registry key and H hkey current user and. If you delete the version registry, key as soon, as you start internet explorer if it sees that there's not a, if. There's no version at all it will immediately reach, out and try to pull that file down so, it doesn't have a 65 second, delay okay, that's good to know because yeah we're seeing an issue where, we're. Using access, to default browser every now and then the website pops up or an internal app pops up that has to handle, in IE we, added to enterprise mode at, census to ie are, you sent it straight back to edge because.

Internet Explorer hasn't yet been updated with the policy that's. An interesting problem so yeah I think we. Should talk with the IE team about, maybe making that configurable. Okay. Nice thank you thank you very much yes yeah. This question just uh something. Wasn't touched, on let's, practice for the. Favor bar and favorite so that users have their favorites they log in another machine they have everything what's the best practice um, we. Have a couple of tools available obviously, internet, explorer uses, favorites and they're just links, they're just file links that you can store hierarchically. And folders it's much easier to manage internet explorer favorites, for, a Microsoft edge we, store favorites in a small database, because. We wanted more metadata, associated with the favorites we think we can have a better experience associated, with history, and associated, with favorites, so. That you do, have the ability to synchronize. The to and. From. Talking with many customers, having. The ability to manage. Your internet explorer favorites, like you do today and having. The ability to synchronize, them with edge. Effectively. Gives you edge management, of favorites, you have the ability obviously, to push out favorites, within edge but, you also want to keep them in sync so I would suggest looking into, that synchronization. Policy. Because. Then, if you have a favorites, toolbar as I did earlier if. You dive into internet, explorer, you should see the same favorites populate, themselves, it's. A good question let's go back here and just work our way back yes. Can. I configure, the Windows Defender application, got through in, tune. Can. You configure, Windows Defender application, guard through in tune I believe. The answer is yes yeah. You, can definitely yeah with. All the policies, includes. The network isolation, policy. The. Network isolation, is it's, a GPO I have, seen, this in the engine, policies, I don't, know the answer to that but. I can find out. Yeah. Ok you can make a custom, custom. Are I yeah. I don't there's not a dedicated UI for that one how can I work a solution policies, yeah, thank. You yes. When it comes to edge obeying. The. Site. To zone assignment, list. In. Internet, Explorer 11 on. A webpage. I can quickly see if I right click properties, what. Zone. Ie, 11 rendered, that page in how, can I do the same thing with edge edge. Only has. That's. A good point so edge only has one document, mode but. It does have two zones and, we're.

Asking, That. Is. A good good feedback for us to come out with a tool that makes it easier than then diving into process Explorer okay, thank you thank you yeah I'll take, that. One back to Redmond yes sir hi we're. Currently running SharePoint, 2010, with, Internet, Explorer, most. Of our users use, the open, and Explorer feature. Which. Edge doesn't, support or doesn't, support in 2010. SharePoint. Does. The new version of SharePoint or does edge have, a way to do that soon, or. Currently. Edge. Does, not support, open an explorer currently, but. That is something that we're working with the the, SharePoint team on that is the number one feedback, I get from SharePoint, customers, is is that they're frustrated, that open, and Explorer doesn't work I think we can fix the problem if we can, figure, out how, to manage, the zones and how. To I. Think, we can fix the problem but it's not in not in the October update thank, you hey thank you, we. Have time for just a couple more questions but, we will stay as, long as it takes so yes, sir oh. Sorry. Go ahead. Keeps. Making. All numbers. On the pages hyperlinks. Is. There any way to get rid of that. There. May be an extension, that you're using that is the question is if numbers, on the page are showing up as hyperlinks, well you're talking about phone numbers correct, yeah, it. Thinks, that their phone numbers they can be software. Version numbers


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