The Mist is in the air

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very thick Mist in the air look at this you can't even see out here  it's so thick the Mist is so thick you will   I woke up and I came out here and that's how thick  the Mist is I just now woke up it's super thick super thick mist try to see what that barometric  pressure is it's not well the   barometric pressure is not that bad  the humidity is there's it's just   there's no reason to have a thick Mist unless  something's in the air is what I would say look at that let me hold this right here  for a second I gotta get my cup of coffee foreign foreign so I had to go in there and get a hat for my  head my hair is so wild it's really quiet out   here too there's still let me flip it there's  still a silence in the air is what there is   silence in the air it's um it's a heavy silence foreign I've only seen it like this  maybe one other time this year   and when this happens it's like this this  heavy mist if it lingers in the air it it lingers in the air for  a while um can you hear me actually it's my tea foreign yeah this is my tea not my coffee  because I don't really like coffee   that much anymore either can  you all hear me let me um okay yeah so um I had to come on here early I wanted  to check the YouTube channel and then I got hit   by a spammer two spamming accounts with my name  trying to do a panda on by Gina Maria Calvin Hill   what's that so I caught them within 30 minutes  but yeah you all look at this Mist in the air   it's heavy it's almost like a um it's almost like  it's wet outside and um you see what time it is in   the morning so normally we could see the Sun go  up but you're not seeing the Sun go up right now steel it's it's a it's a heaviness in the air I know there's a movie about the Mist and I  will not watch it I've heard about it years   ago but I'm not going to watch the Mist he will um  nature spirit what is it I don't know what it is I don't now granted I live at a higher elevation   I I can't remember what the elevation is for  where I'm at but this is like only the second   time this year maybe this year that there's been  such a Mist as heavy as this um where I'm located um yeah and I know there's hardly nobody up right now   and I have to do a video early  this morning because foreign somehow the traffic to my  channel gets pushed way down   it's like there's like this little bitty graph and  um bar graphed and when it gets when I get too on   topic I noticed that the they move the bars  down to where the channel will drop to around   400 viewers an hour sometimes only 200 viewers  an hour out of 125 000. so I have to get on here   well I wanted to get on here and  document this too to keep that algorithm   going up and stopping to drop because it will  drop until it probably flattens out completely   until no one is directed to the channel  it's really strange but this Mist right here   and we only got um we got Stardust good  morning and nature Spirit Stardust and   nature Spirit are the only ones allowed on here  to chat because of some strange reason and um I'm going to try to get my shoes  on my my toes are getting cold you uh my toes are getting cold let me put  this see if I see if this cell phone will   set right here while I go get my shoes because  I got my socks on but that's it yeah hold on foreign making my way over there as well I am  I'm making my way over here good morning   okay good morning um hello there Susan  B honey you are on here bright and early   that's right you all look at this  spiderweb how it made its web right here it's like watch it not weird it made it oh  my gosh it's it's right there in its tunnel   it made a tunnel to I don't know what that is but it made  a hole is that a brown recluse you uh I've been watching this spider I've never seen it  out of its hole but it's out of its hole right now   um and that's what it's um let me  shrink it down that's what it's   thing looks like looks like this and you can  see it's pierced it's poking out of its hole oh it looked like a wolf spider  but I thought wolf spiders   are bigger than this because I don't  see the brown thing on its belly   normally these type of spiders this will not focus  normally these type of spiders right here would   be in the the ground this will not even focus to  even get a view of it now for some strange reason a wolf spider well it might be I don't know it's not it's only as big as a quarter maybe or  yeah total body and legs is the quarter uh if you   know what type that is I've never seen one make a  hole like this a tunnel it reminds me of reminds   me of Lord of the Rings when Frodo is fighting  those spiders and they have great big tunnels   is what it made reminds me of y'all we got a big  Mist in the air a great big mist and I'm out here I'm drinking my tea I went to the YouTube to  look at the comments and um I got spammed by   the Bots with the two different accounts with my  name pinned by Gina Maria on their within what's   that so if you ever see anything like that I  only got one Facebook account I mean YouTube   account with my name on it that's it only one  I have another YouTube channel but that's Gina   or it's just a warrior of light and I  rarely get on it um the spammers I know   welcome to the new world let's see if my hair's  gotten flat yet because my hair was poking up   all over the place oh this is somewhat  flatter somewhat flatter okay it was It   was kind of sticking up a lot kind of sort of  so um I went and got my head to smash my hair it's Misty in Dallas Texas as well if if this is  happening in different parts of the United States   there must be something bigger that's  causing it something in the air   there must be something in the air you all because it's still it's a  quietness in the air there's   hardly any birds active you all let  me get myself on here um Bob Marley   there's a natural Mystic flowing through the  air and if you listen carefully you will hear   it's raining in North Carolina you got a light  mist yeah Susan B honey you can feel it in the air I think we're supposed to get rain or something perhaps I don't know I don't know you well yeah so if you come up you see me come on here  early if I go to my YouTube channel and the   algorithm has the traffic to my channel slowed  down to not even a point zero one percent I'm   gonna hop on here to keep that flowing too here  because it um it's strange how that works you are   your wife looked at the forecast for  a month it's supposed to be toddy it's supposed to be like  this for almost two months and then we have some areas of the world  drying up under extensive heat waves you know   I know they they agreed not to use  weather as a weapon they signed a treaty um not to do that and um sometimes I  think if there was an invading Force also they could do something to our weather and  things and or if there was something massive   coming it could cause a um perimetal shift  on this earth's climate too it really could   I've been seeing posts about an imminent pole  shift have you been hearing about an imminent   post shift where is that piece of hair at  an imminent pole shift that is coming um   now I don't read too much oh upon it I  know that there is naturally reoccurring   Cycles every so many thousands of years and then  there something is attributed to um the Nibiru um planetary system or something like that  the Nemesis or that Planet X things you all you know how the channels say something then  it ends up different a battery's going low   it's probably going to tell me I only have 10  if I don't plug in you know what it's going to   do to me it's going to knock me completely  off you will let me see if I can get my   um let's see if I can get my charger  and plug it in that way I don't get   booted off this early in the morning  hold on I need to flip you around   put them right there I'm just going to try  to find my charger you watch that mist right   there you will I gotta find my charger or my  phone's going to go kerplunk all of a sudden foreign foreign I found one of the Chargers I can't find the  one charger that I wanted you all   I couldn't find that I hope this  works uh try to have to plug this in I don't know if it's recognizing okay it looks  like it recognized it I'm on a short leash   I'm on a very shortly she will look at  this so I had to find a very short charger   stick in my my pocket down  here so um what did I miss   you're definitely getting some warm coveralls oh  y'all talking about the weather our planet has   already started shifting you've been keeping track  I've seen people with um the um their compasses   looking at you know how they're rotating within  a matter of months it causes the planet to tilt   um it's time for us to fly well let's fly you are   just like that song I believe I can fly  I believe I can touch the sky and um I don't know what the other ones  are you will let me have a drink of   my tea it's lukewarm now I don't like lukewarm tea I like room temperature water and stuff  but not room room temperature tea in the   morning but I'll drink it like that  um yeah I believe I can touch the sky um and that song Fly Away that's all I  know there's another song and who knows butterfly in the sky I can go twice as high take  a look it's in a book it's a Reading Rainbow   uh Lavar Burton um that's  okay you are so we're gonna um yeah honey and tea well my my tea is lukewarm  I don't want to speak too loud in the morning   I try to watch a video last night even after I  went to bed on climb not climbing the different   um anomaly that were captured on camera and  I couldn't watch it because of the tone of   the individual's Voice who narrates  have you noticed that there's certain   tones of voice that your spirit can't  tolerate just it's the tone of the   voice it's like the frequency of The Voice  and if the frequency of the voice is wrong   your your spirit can't connect and um it's hard  for you to connect with the individual who has   a different frequency like in their voice it's  like a big turn off yeah so I really wanted to   see what they were sharing but I I thought well  if I turn the computer if I turn the sound down   I can listen to it but I couldn't and then I  thought oh well this is another interesting   um video about you know different anomalies  in the sky and the same thing it's a certain   tone a voice oh is it Monday yeah it's Monday  you will I want to thank you all for coming to   this Channel and for your comments on my dancing  videos it does make a difference and when I dance   it's like I Leave the World Behind I do and I'm my  vibration is risen it rises within me and it does   it makes me happy it's an enormous stress reliever  and I tend to lose subscribers When I Dance but I like to dance at times when I feel led  within my spirit makes me happy and I'm happy   to read it makes me happy inside of here when I  read the comments that it lists your vibration   and it makes you smile I read some comments people  say I haven't smiled I forgot what it's like to   smile and laugh and we need more of that we really  do and if my dancing makes you smile and laugh I   think that's wonderful I really do if it helps  you to forget about your troubles or worries or   get in touch with life or like how it  used to be that's wonderful it is if only   for four minutes and however many seconds  absolutely wonderful yeah Ah that's great laugh the day away that's right you are   it is it's it's quiet out here there really  is I don't think I would want to walk out   in this because there could be something  in this mist and I'm not just saying that   I think there's something in that mist and I don't  want to walk out in it besides my shoes would   get wet too but when it's like that you don't  know what's falling in the air you really don't   it could be anything um it really could I don't know where that spider went and  that hole but um if it's a brown recluse   if you go back and you watch this video and you  see the spider at the beginning of the video in   its tunnel kind of like the Lord of the Rings  were a Proto and or Bilbo it's Bilbo I guess   fighting the giant spiders who eat the men  you think that's you all do you think that's   um likened into the Arc Ned's arcnids  arcnids those of beings that are   spiderlite they're called the arcanects  or something that they have to battle them that was a a sweat bee on me yeah I  didn't know spiders made tunnels at all um   two years since the short old woman was at  your door no it's been longer than two years   this is my fourth year it's my fourth year  um and that woman wasn't as short as the   extraterrestrial that was next to her because that  extraterrestrial was only about like maybe this   she could have been my size she'd look like  me in my future when I I had two dreams   in my dream state and I saw that woman  the first time I didn't know who it was   but the second time I looked at her her  hair was short and she was kind of chubby   and um I thought who is she because  she was standing there all by herself   looking and when she turned around I stared  in her eyes it was me it was me in the future   or something like that and this young lady who  stood right here this has been four years ago   she looked like me with long brown wavy hair  she stood right here and looked at that area   she looked like me years ago  when I was around 30 or in my   late 20s that's what I look like long brown  wavy hair down to my back down past my shoulders   I had long hair all my life until I got  the cancer and then my hair got cut short   and then took the game while my hair fell  out so now my hair is short but that's okay   now I know what I look like with short  hair yeah that's right the foggy mornings   wait isn't there something about fog and the  weather for when the winter comes or something   thank you my I had a high school friend my  best friend in high school she said Gina I   think you'd look good with short hair well  she never got to see that until I got the   cancer then I had short hair so that was  back in 2005 so that's a long time away   yeah I am healthy except for you know everybody  else when you get attacked in your dream state   by interdimensional beings and  I'm not making that up either   there are those even the Cthulhu can come  in the person's dream state also yeah   but that's okay thank you my hair is wild I  rarely ever brush it I I don't put a I do not   put a comb or a brush to my hair at all even  when I fix it I just use my hands my fingers   um because I like that messy look I  really do like the messy look in my hair uh you got attacked the other night um loving Earth life come on now now I hope  you're just making a joke about it I really do   because if you're not that's not too  appropriate to put on here um yeah because that in itself would not be a joke because   there are accounts of people  saying that they took their ovums   the aliens did they took their ovums and there  are people who have been used as breeders   um and if you've ever been in that situation if  that's you that's nothing at all to joke about   it isn't I've been told that I was a breeder  and I have an account of being on a steel table   in that birthing position and then waking up in  my bed in that birthing position this is when I   turned into a teenager when I was little uh  so it really is nothing to joke about it's   not and I'm going to tell you something after  that incident I was like maybe 90 94 pounds   I was like 98 when I got married five foot  one and a half but when that incident occurred   on my abdomen the very lower part the right  side of my abdomen where my hip bone is area   movement movement in my body you know what if  you've ever been pregnant and you know what it's   like when you know you feel the baby move inside  of you you can feel like the you know their elbow   or something you can put your that that is what  I have felt inside of me and my stomach was flat   completely flat when I was younger and um that  was take around 14 13 years old even till the   time I got married even when I wasn't pregnant I  felt it again it's been like that my whole life   is like a movement inside of there and I remember  when I would go to the doctor even in the military   at times I thought I wonder if they could x-ray  my stomach because I've got a movement inside of   there and it feels like something was moving  but I never did have my abdomen x-rayed or   anything like that and I felt that movement um  last week I thought well I have put on a little   bit of weight on my stomach I have but it's let me  show you where it's at where it happens at y'all   now I'm being very very serious with you there  is a movement and I've had it since I was a   teenager let me show you the exact location I'm  not raising my shirt up but it's like it's like   um it's like right here right here this is my  stomach this is my navel it's like right here   it moves uh and it always has and I remember  one time in my dream state this was so vivid   I was laying there and there  was this woman she had these things she had an incision and she was poking  and prob probing right there in that area   and um I could feel it even while I was laying  there in my dream I thought what is she doing   and I said she's looking for that that's inside  of here that's what I said she's looking she's   trying to pull that out of me she's doing  something because there was a period this was   not moving anymore inside of me right there  there was a period it was not moving at all   um but um she she kept probing and doing  whatever and when she pulled out her stuff   I could see something on the end of it  immediately I woke up I touched my stomach   I went into the bathroom this was a  couple years ago I went into the bathroom   I looked in the mirror I turned the lights on  I looked in the mirror I raised up my shirt I   thought is there any marks on my stomach where  she was at because that's how real it was I   immediately ran into the bathroom I couldn't  see anything there that's how real it was   um I'm not making this up you all there's  something I've always had it right there   and it moves as if a baby would move inside of  you now granted I've got a lot more weight on my   stomach now but yeah I could literally I would  lay there and it would move around inside of me   um like that and I thought this is the strangest  sensation it really you're gonna think I'm   strange you are but I'm telling you the truth I I  really am it moved like a something inside of me   um yeah I don't know if you all have had that  in your experience uh if anyone has experienced   anything like that well this this implant was  moving if it was an implant and I've seen the   Men in Black okay I have when I was little I seen  like a massive UFO when we lived on Kenwood Avenue   right across the street from the elementary school  in the library the public library uh I was around   I don't know five maybe I was playing across the  street our house is right next to it and it was   getting night time and there above me was a big  Flying Saucer with the different colored lights   it was right above my head it's by this Jonathan  Jennings School in Charlestown Indiana and there's   this big tower that's next to it you know that  has the uh the electrical lines on it but that's   where it was it was over that and I was playing  at the base and I saw it and I went into the house   and then it was like maybe a few maybe not even  an hour later my brothers and sisters my brother   and sisters and their friends the neighborhood  we walked down the road which was the elementary   school you had Jonathan Jennings Elementary  School and then you had like another school   called Pleasant Ridge Elementary it was for light  grades kindergarten through second grade I think   it was an older school we walked down to there and  there's a great big playground with the swings and   I thought I want to play I want to swing on the  swing as high as I can and as I was swinging there   was the Flying Saucer up there again at the top  of it and it was just hovering up there in the sky   with its lights it's like a blue red yellow green  or something like that I can't remember the exact   colors but I remember stopping swinging because I  was by myself they were over there at the school   looking at this um little Shack that was attached  to the school it had this great big steel plate   um and they moved the steel plate and there  were stairs that went down into the school   and then there was like cobwebs and um I  remember going down there and there was   this store this door had a window on  it and curtains and there was a light   and we looked inside that door underneath the  elementary school and we saw hanging on a hook   with a Santa Claus suit and um that was freaky  and I thought to myself if there's a basement   in this school why are we doing the fire the  tornado drills why do we have to go in the Halls   when I was little if there's a basement  all underneath this school that's what I   was remembering it was Pleasant Ridge Elementary  School and um we all ran up because we saw a light   on underneath the school and um we waited  a while then we went back down hello Apple   Brooks honey and then they looked through the  window again and then we saw this man in there   and um then bit my right back up put the steel  plate over the little Shack that was outside of   it they had the stairs going down slid the steel  plate over it and we ran all the way home and   we did we lived in um the neighborhood that was  right next to Jonathan Jennings and Pleasant Ridge   Elementary and the Charlestown public library in  Charlestown Indiana right across the street from   the library I think I had like a Kenwood Avenue  address that's when I was little but that was   that was strange and when we moved from there I  was still in um I might have went and within the   third no let's see the third grade fourth grade  fifth grade maybe lived there for a few years   um to um we move to the projects the new projects  and government housing and we had to walk or ride   our bikes my brother found this bike in the trash  that he picks up the bikes and he'd ride me to   school uh and then sometimes I'd have to walk  home down the great big hill on High Street and   I like to go across when I got down from that Hill  I like to walk through the woods across the creek   and climb the cliffs because I love playing in  the woods climb the cliff and to go home I did   it every day more or less but one day when I was  doing my regular path going home there was this   black car there was this man in a black suit very  tall and slender with a black hat dressed in black   standing there right next to the creek he had  his car parked right where I would go and there's   like some grass and trees I thought why are you  parking your car there I'm thinking that's not   a road that's where he was standing there facing  me and I kept getting closer and closer I thought   he's not going to move he's not and the  closer I got the scarier I got I turned around   and I ran back to the road I went up the  sidewalk and then I went up the street took   the street the way home the next time I walked  uh not in the woods anymore because of that man   who was standing there you will that's true  he was standing there and my grandmother had   um I never knew it we thought she had lost her  mind when my mother would come and get her to   stay with us at times she'd talk about the Men  in Black how they were following her everywhere   and she didn't want to leave she didn't want to go  out but she was terrified of them um even when she   came to our house on Kenwood Avenue I remembered  her she didn't want to go outside because she said   she knows that they're there waiting for her it  got to the point when she went to a nursing home   she didn't want to leave and come out to our  house to go to any uh celebrations or anything   my mom one time for Thanksgiving she went and  she got she managed to get her out of the doors   of the nursing home in her wheelchair because  she lost her leg due to a copperhead biting her   she got her in the wheelchair almost into  the seat of the car and she looked around   and she got terrified because of these Men in  Black she said I can't take me take me back in   that was the last time she never came to our house  ever again I heard that if there are things like   that it runs in the family I did I heard about  that if there are abductions it it does like that um no it's just my husband I married my husband  while he was in the military at Grissom Air Force   Base his first four years and um that's it  well no no no beg your pardon beg your pardon   my um my grandmother on my mother's side my  maternal grandmother her dad his name was Joseph   Joseph Ayers he was um a Blackfoot  Indian and his dad was a a chief   he shall not that was him yeah it was him he  was in the military uh during the World War   um I don't know World War II or what I don't know  which one it was my grandma like 1918. so he must   have been born before then um but he was in a war  I actually think I put a picture of him years ago   on the community section on my on this YouTube  channel of my um my great-grandfather and his uh   military uniform it was like a dark dark blue or  black or something with like a a blue like tassel   or something to it that's it that's all I know um  yeah and you know I tried to trace the history of   his his side I couldn't get very far because  there was no records they changed they changed   his dad's name we don't know what his Indian name  was they changed it to heirs uh is what they did   it was uh so yeah but that's the only other  military that I can remember my grandmother   went full gray very young I'd be full gray if I  let it it's almost great now uh full of white hair   yeah my grandmother does look um well she's since   passed but you could tell she was  some Indian she had Indian in her but the Mist in the air I'm talking about  the Mist in the air it's trying to lift   but you see the visibility  it's not that good right now   and uh if you were a person who had to um go to  work so early in the morning let me have some tea you wouldn't be able to see that well um a frequency generated app matched  the sound frequency within you match   Emmett what is that sweat I don't understand what  you're saying there's a frequency app or something   um yeah it was a it was a neat movie The Men  In Black but I think there's truth to it I   really do I think they do have mind wiping  devices where you can't remember anything and of course you have heard of the incident  when I was like nine months pregnant with my   daughter when I lived in Monterey California I  was coming home from visiting my sister-in-law   because my brother was in the Navy up there at  that Naval base and I my husband was home studying   so I took a trip to visit my sister-in-law and  left her house around two in the afternoon I   wanted to get back to our home in  um Monterey but I got um confused   I remember stopping asking for directions  while I was still in some part of California   but when I um got on the road highway 101.  I knew I lived on I knew if I got on Highway   101 I could find my way I remember going past  the sign that said Presidio not Presidio or   the Monterey Peninsula and I remember I don't  live on a peninsula and um I just kept going   and the only other thing I remember is um coming  around that the around the mountain on 101. with  

great big Spotlight at me like this and I remember  moving my my wheel of my car pulling it over like   that because I thought oh my gosh I'm gonna have  a head-on collision and I'm going to go over the   mountain that's all I remember then I ended up  home and my husband said where have you been   it's 10 30 at night I said well I got lost he  said for around four and a half hours you got   lost your mother is worried sick we only  had one car that's all I remember of it   I guess I um when that Spotlight came and I was  I was like nine months pregnant with my daughter that's the only other instances I can recall yeah we we try to have an open  mind it's foggy where you're at too yeah it's a little foggy here you um that's all right you will it's fine um I've had  a good life I've had hard times in my life just   like everyone else I have and um I've had lots  of experiences just like you ups and downs some   trying times that I thought I'd never make it  through but I did just like you trying times   that you didn't think you'd make it through but  you did if you're watching this video my hair   is so wild that's okay this Mist in the hair is  helping my hair stay down a little bit you are   yeah um it sounds like ball when you  hear the Crickets yeah foggy in Michigan um uh well you're welcome sometimes I share  a little bit too much and I think Gina honey   some says that's too much information too much  information you will yeah way too much information but I am transparent I'm  transparentive if anything foggy in Wisconsin lots of your family has had a hard time in missing  events yeah I'm sure there's a lot of you has any   of you well as we see from the comment had  missing time that you cannot account for   um I'm sure there is foggy in Western New York yeah it is it's it's honesty just think you  remember when the lie detector test came out   how they could detect when a person was lying  well just think that algorithms can look at   you and it can tell when you're lying and when  you're not you can't pull the algorithm at all   foggy and Southeast Ohio foreign yeah yeah I  like the wind chimes too afternoon in Belgium no you don't want to smell that air you  don't probably won't get a good smelling uh no I don't have a hernia I've never had a hernia  in my whole entire life the movement inside me   right there it started when I was a teenager and  it literally moved like a baby would move in your   stomach but it stayed in that one location  right here whoopsie it stayed right here   I could I would lay at night and I'd put my  palm of my hand over my stomach down there   and I could just feel it moving on the inside of  me I could and it literally was that's the only   thing I could feel it inside me and I could  fill it with my hand as it moved inside me um no I don't got no intestinal nothing um  and really if a person did not experience   exactly what I experienced there's  no way you could relate to it and um I've always felt that there was something  inside of me and I'm not just saying that   I've always and it's fine it's fine you will  I've always felt that and it's all right um now let me see when I share things like  that there's all these other explanations   there really is about the movement  here ever since I was a teenager yeah so no I know my body I know my body then you  know my body and um I know what's normal and what   isn't normal I've had gas before my stomach  has been bloated no this was not uh at all see that's why you that's why I  get leery of sharing things because   there's always someone who wants to totally  tell me what I'm feeling now no offense but   yeah could you imagine telling people  something it's like when you ask for   advice or you don't ask for advice  but there's plenty of advice um yeah um so uh yeah okay so now stop it stop it right now  there's no tapeworm inside of me   there's no gas inside of me I'm telling you  there's something that's moving inside of me I'm a grown woman I've been  in this body all these years   I know what's normal for my  body and what isn't normal this is not a joke   do I look like somebody who'd be joking just  because I get on here I felt I can share with some   people you want to totally dismiss it as something  else I'm done this video is ending thank you


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