Ajax Special Event: Rule your space (subtitles)

Ajax Special Event: Rule your space (subtitles)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] attention the air alert is over May the force be with you you just heard the voice of a Hollywood star Mark Hamill the one who played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars and voiced English language notifications for the air alert app the air alert app in a year and a half of a fullscale Invasion has become ajax's largest software product almost 22 million downloads over 6 million active users and the ability to instantly learn about shelling across the entire territory of Ukraine it is both an engineering challenge and a harsh reality in which lives one of the largest countries in Europe we are holding our fifth special event we show best practices and present new products our goal is to change the perception of security systems both for end customers and professionals for the end user security should be simple convenient aesthetic truly reliable and finally become part of a lifestyle for our partners Professionals in the security industry we shouldn't just be another manufacturer with discounts on a bulk order we must become a partner who cares and creates more Revenue more prospects more opportunities this was the foundation for us even with with the first devices among these by the way there was not even a siren but seriously at first we developed our own radio technology with unprecedented communication range and Energy Efficiency and even then we believe that a modern security system is primarily about fast software we were the first to redefine the work of installation engineers and we focused on the most important thing saving time we have proven that industry professionals are customers too and like any customers they deserve the best experience easy to configure the system via smartphone instantly synchronize it with the monitoring station flexibly customize privacy and access rights remotely update the Hub firmware instead of going to the site with a flash drive and that's why Ajax has chosen to work more efficiently not longer until recently the security systems Market was a market of indistinguishable white boxes they took a lot of time to set up and maintain and had a boring user experience we have challenged the status quo forever changed the balance of power in the market and prove that security can be art that remains our foundation today with 100 products in the portfolio and with 2 and a half million users with our Jeweler line in just a few years we have gained recognition among hundreds of thousands of professionals including awards from authoritative Publications we appreciate this recognition and always strive to meet professionals needs we create products that meet the highest standards receive important certificates and are available aailable only to professionals the first step in this direction was febra a wired product line today we will add to the wireless line of Superior and we will divide our portfolio into two large groups the first group includes the Baseline that is Jeweler devices intrusion protection fire safety protection against leaks automation comfort and productivity available to every professional through Ajax distributor the second large group is products for projects here are devices from the feea and Superior lines which meet many industry standards and are available only to accredited Partners Superior and fee devices will satisfy the most demanding requirements for the security of any facility in any corner of the planet this could be a network of Bank branches in Ukraine a public reception Center in France a medical laboratory in Belgium a jewelry store in Portugal or a gun shop in Greece these are complex security projects that are routine for our partners and we bring the best engineering practices and the best user experience to their workdays what's it like exactly a colleague from the UK will tell you about the highest security standards I'll hand it over to Dave before I show you the new product line I have to ask one simple question what do project oriented product lines mean to us Advanced Ajax Technologies we never compromise on product reliability and usability exclusive access for accredited Partners it's all about safeguarding your business compliance with industry standards this is the key to gaining access to to large scale projects so we are proud to introduce the superior product line the wireless security devices for [Music] projects the new product line contains motion opening and glass breake detectors Panic buttons and keypads outdoor and indoor Sirens it's a complete set for the best facility protection you are already familiar with these device groups but the devil is in the details therefore let's begin with standards often security systems vendors see them as obstacles for us standards are sign posts pointing the way to improve our products British PD compliance focuses on protection against false alarms for example PD offers confirmation of alarms a confirmed alarm will be sent to a CMS only in the case of an alarm being received by two different devices within a specified time combine this with one of our key features photo verification the risk of police or Response Group reacting to a false alarm due to user error is reduced to almost zero Belgian insert boost sabotage protection to pass the sabotage test we increase the tamper polling interval by five times more than en 50131 requires Swedish ssf has been raising the bar for physical security standards due to this knowledge compliance guarantees the quality of every certified device these standards vary by regions and requirements but they all share one thing they're truly hard to obtain each certificate means close cooperation with meticulous experts testing in independent labs and hundreds of tests for each device obtaining one certificate is already a challenge bringing them all in one product is almost impossible what is the traditional response of Market players to these challenges create separate product lines or device models for different standards however we've taken a different route to combine all the expertise into one product in doing so we not only unlock new opportunities for your business we also share locally tested practices with each of the 169 countries where Ajax systems operates this principle defines the superior product line but standards alone cannot guarantee the best experience we also utilize local knowledge and experience shared by our partners this is the expertise that can't be obtained any other way than by working directly with security systems when installing monitoring and maintaining them with over 150,000 Pros across the globe we get feedback directly from Security Professionals refining our products to be more efficient userfriendly and reliable this commitment applies to every element of our devices for instance batteries Ajax operates in different regions of various natural conditions from cold Antarctic to scorching heat so we need to guarantee the stable operation of the devices in any conditions after extensive battery research and hundreds of tests we equip Superior devices with Panasonic batteries they are known for their resilience to temperature impact this ensures predictability and peace of mind for CR we've also made some changes to the device Hardware we've implemented ontouch disarming features keypad s+ now activates automatically during the entry delay this allows you to disarm the system in one move with tag or pass superior opening detectors feature two read switches for easier and more comfortable installation plus we've replaced read switches in glass tubes with plastic ones to prevent damage during Transportation our Panic buttons now include a supervision feature reporting device status daily including battery status this eliminates the burden of manual testing and ensures that devices always work properly every Superior device comes with an anti-falling screw that secures it to the smart bracket in a world where tampering takes milliseconds this may seem like extra care but Pros are used to it it makes them more comfortable we heard you devices for projects also have Matt enclosures which is a Hallmark of our project oriented products these are just some of the numerous improvements that lie on the surface so how do you get accredited to work with this Superior line complete the online training it will take only a few hours not days not weeks successful training at the Ajax Academy will give you and your employees a deep understanding of each device so you can speed up installation increase sales efficiency and reduce the risk of false alarms and as we know a happy client is the main goal in this process the quality of our program is not empty words this year Ajax Academy won the training program of the year at the PSI Premier Awards we also provide marketing support to all authorized Partners granting access to our partner portal inside you'll find more than 10,000 product images videos and sales presentations authorized Partners can also be listed on our official websites where to buy page to receive high quality leads moreover we offer priority support in your language available 247365 Superior product line is about more than just business it's about opportunities coupled with the strength of our technology and the skills of thousands of professionals it presents the highest number of certified wireless security devices in Europe and all this without compromising on the truly exceptional air Jax user experience the devices are ready to ship so if your company is interested contact your local BDM or distributor for more information I've covered the first part of our project lines now let's discuss the fee product line which our next speaker will address we launched the febra wir product line almost two years ago and it has surpassed all our expectations today fibra safeguards the well-being in property of people in 54 countries and that number continues to grow why wired systems are often seen as outdated but we've changed that view we convince Pro to not focus on the connection type whether it's febra Jeweler or a hybrid system choose what's best for you we've demonstrated that Innovative wired communication can modernize old inconvenient security systems we've also launched the febra basic kit it meets the needs of most projects but we're not stopping there today we will present devices that elevate febros capabilities capabilities for complex topologies additional device power supplies third party detector integration Automation and enhanced line protection each of Hub hybrid's eight digital lines can support dozens of devices this enables feea to cover both small and large facilities without compromising sabotage resistance of course this works when experts familiar with Ajax systems lay the lines but what if the lines at the facility were laid a decade ago and are not very convenient you're probably familiar with such situations to efficiently create and update systems of any topology we've developed line split this module splits one fee line into four you can install line split at any point along the fee line even after another line split each output line can be up to 2 km long whether you're renovating or installing a new security system line split makes the process easier and more flexible regardless of topology at the same time splitting does not affect the reliability and speed of the systems response to alarms line split is already available for ordering from your Ajax Distributors one of fe's primary features is its exceptional Energy Efficiency our devices consume power in the microvat range which is hundreds of times less than most products on the market systems that use twisted pair or highquality signal cables typically don't need an additional power supply the hub's capacity is sufficient but for old lines the power supply might be insufficient because of the cable's High Resistance Line supply a module for powering feea devices will fix this situation we offer two product versions 45v module with one output line and 75 V module with two output lines usually each output line can extend up to 2 km but with line Supply the total length of the lines can reach tens of kilometers all you need to do is install the modules in the required number one after another this way you can easily cover areas such as factories farms Cottage communities or any other large site like all Ajax devices Line supply can be configured remotely its status is accessible in the app 247 45 V Line supply module will be available for ordering in the fourth quarter of this year the 75 vop module version will be available in the second quarter of 2024 security system renovation does it always mean replacing all devices of course not sometimes it's a matter of cost and practicality thirdparty detectors can perform their functions correctly and replacing them won't significantly enhance security there are also requests for specific devices that are not yet in our portfolio whether it's a renovation or a unique project Specialists require highquality integration Solutions you already know one multi-transmitter with 18 zones for connecting third party detectors now we introduced transmitter febra a module to integrate one thirdparty device into the Ajax system transmitter is very small and can be easily installed in the case of any thirdparty device but size is not the main thing the main thing is functionality our module offers the most features per square cimer no other security system has this the transmitter supports all connection types including three in of line it provides 10 event types for the connected device can be remotely configured and regularly reports its state to the hop it measures the end ofline resistance values and saves them automatically in the settings saving Engineers hours of work on large projects transmitter will be available for order in the fourth quarter of this year of course that's not all next my colleague will introduce two solutions the first one provides enhanced protection for fee lines and the second is designed for automation based on wired or hybrid Ajax systems previously we heard a lot about the unreliability of wireless communication wires are predictable controlled stable they said of course at real facilities things are not so simple for criminals wires are hidden in walls and boxes but when a line breaks Ajax will alert you like this anyway this is amateur sabotage but criminals can use other methods in real facilities the keypad is mounted with a screw however for this demonstration we don't fix the device it's a common criminal practice worldwide to remove a device from its Mount and use a stun gun on the exposed wires we have seen this in Italy in particular consider that disabling the entire line can also deactivate the security system control panel giving feeds more time it's surprising isn't it to prevent such scenarios with Ajax we created line protect the module can protect the security system system from stun guns short circuits exposure to 110 230 volts and voltage surges line protect can be installed at any point along the febra line protecting devices between itself in the hub when a sabotage attempt is made line protect takes the brunt of the attack and the protected devices continue to operate let's see what's going on with our system all devices including the Hub are working correctly except for the keypad you may ask did we just develop a simple fuse of course not line protect is divided into two parts and the part with fuses is only one of them the isolated part is the brain with communication modules they cannot be damaged by power supply sabotage if attacked no matter how strong the device will instantly report the threat and its type line protect is already available for ordering from your Ajax Distributors security is the main focus of the febra line but not it's only one we see great potential in the development of automation our partners require an effective solution for Wired systems one that enhances security minimizes the impact of human factor and is easy to install and use that solution is multi- relay it's a four Channel relay to control power supply remotely each of the four relays operates independently offering impulse or bable operation modes they can be connected to almost any systems or devices running various automation scenarios a single multi- Relay can control multiple devices or one device with several inputs it's a powerful tool to rule your space you can now order multi- relay fee from your Ajax distributor you may have noticed that all our new devices are modules or boards these are small but important components in security system design they are part of a construction set that needs to be assembled efficiently aesthetically and conveniently for this purpose we created a case a casing for installing febra devices case is available in four sizes and two colors and can hold between 1 to eight modules each casing is designed for easy installation and maintenance a tamper switch is included modules can be installed with a single click the design features perforated sections and fasteners for simple cable routing in organization in the smaller casings the lib can lock in two positions to prevent installation mistakes except for Line supply each module can also be rotated 180° larger case models also include space for Batteries just look at the examples of real life installations these are projects we are proud of we're creating an online configurator to help you choose the best casing and modules for any facility with thousands of possible combinations our aim is to streamline your decision-making process the entire case line and online configurator will be available in the fourth quarter of 2023 each release of Ajax strengthens our project capabilities and allows us to cover increasingly large scale facilities whether it's wired febra devices or Wireless Superior in Baseline devices whether for intrusion protection fire protection or comfort in automation we are actively developing each product line do not forget however that all these components are part of a single ecosystem don't limit your projects to these categories feel free to combine them at your facilities to craft unique solutions for your clients [Music] meanwhile we will continue to enhance our devices and now my colleague will tell you about the protection of high-risk facilities thank you for your [Music] attention When developing new products we indeed consider the requirements of safety standards but they are more of a passing grade than an accurate Benchmark for us our priority is the best experience both for pros and end users that is why our technologies have reached a new level long ago regular polling of devices by The Hub operating time from the backup power supply robust enclosures these are just a few characteristics that far exceed the requirements of grade two and sometimes even grade three for example we automatically check the hub's status every 10 seconds and other devices every 12 Ajax has long set the standard in residential and Commercial Security requiring grade 2 systems but it's time for us to take on a new challenge and bring Advanced Technologies and Ajax user experience to the conservative high security market now it is possible we have received grade three certification [Music] [Applause] [Music] not currently 16 febra devices meet the requirements these include hubs integration module keypads Sirens wired line devices and enclosures by the end of the year we will release opening sensors and in 2024 motion detectors these devices are enough to cover objects requiring enhanced protection with Ajax security systems These Are banks and gun shops government agencies and museums large warehouses and offices with valuable equipment and information in the meantime as we can't cover the needs of the high security Market with a full range of grade three devices the transmitter and multi-transmitter modules will help you easily integrate thirdparty devices into the Ajax system or upgrade outdated systems at the same time installation Engineers benefit from the Ajax experience and convenient maintenance remote setup eliminates the need to travel to sites due to simple customer requests reading the resistances of End of Line resistors reduces the installation time of one device by 10 times from 30 minutes to 3 customers have access to convenient notifications and Security Management from the app and to help you with project planning we've created the febra Power calculator the calculator calculates the power consumption of all devices in the security system design and checks the project in general for errors takes into account errors in cable length and resistance and gives straightforward tips if there are any problems the installation Engineers are 100% confident that everything will work according to the plan as of today the calculator has already performed more than 5,000 calculations it works with all basic febra devices and will support new devices and topologies by the end of the year we created all this because professionals time matters now I want to delve deeper into the detector's hardware which has inherited the best practices of Ajax in the security industry motion protect G3 febra and door protect G3 febra door protect G3 febra incorporates all the sensors of the plus model two read switches and an accelerometer the new detail is a magnetometer this sensor constantly monitors the magnetic field around the detector if someone tries to replace the magnet the detector will raise an alarm arm and to reduce the effect of metal surfaces on the magnet for example when installing it on safe doors we added plastic spacers to the kit by the way they also helped to install the detector and magnet at the same level if the frame and door have different depths in motion protect G3 febra we have improved the response to both fast and slow motions the Intruder cannot run like Usain Bolt or crawl like a snail the detector is protected against masking and will react if someone tries to cover the sensors with plastic glass acrylic varnish Fabrics to protect against false alarms we use the advanced smart detect algorithm designed to work with two sensors infrared and microwave the ladder eliminates all possible false alarms due to Thermal interference well it is all about a new level of security at least that's all we can tell about so far my colleague will introduce you to new levels of facility management rule your [Music] space one of the key devices in a security system is a keypad unfortunately traditional keypad models have always been far from ideal technologically outdated with a completely unintuitive user experience so we have relied on a mobile app it is convenient and always at the user's fingertips but in some situations it's impossible to rely on the app alone recognizing this we added several keypads to our product intrusion protection portfolio however Ajax has evolved our development trajectory has led us from solutions for small objects to large scale projects especially with the release of range extenders and fee our product line we're talking about dozens of security groups hundreds of users and numerous usage variations the current Ajax keypads don't always provide the user experience we both want and need to offer our customers especially in the context of managing security groups as our system has developed the need for an advanced keypad has become increasingly evident one that offers a graphical interface in where all important information is available at a glance one that allows you to fully rule the space regardless of the number of groups and we offer you such a solution keepad touchcreen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] at first glance developing a touchscreen keypad seems easy it seems like you just take a large screen add some hardware and run it all on Linux or transform a regular Android tablet but such Solutions have many disadvantages in particular dependence on an electrical outlet limited operation range questionable reliability as well as vulnerabilities in third party operating systems at Ajax we believe in a different approach one that prioritizes reliability and usability above all else at the starve development we identified the mandatory requirements for the product custom OS for reliability and security minimal power consumption for the wired version and years of autonomous operation for the wireless version reliable communication with the Hub support for existing features that users and our partners are used to over the past year and a half our our team has created hundreds of prototypes and invested thousands of work hours with the best engineers and designers all of this to create a product that exactly meets your needs the wireless keypad can operate for up to a year and a half on batteries if necessary you can connect the 12vt power supply unit then the batteries will serve as a backup power source the wired keypad is powered by a febra line thanks to minimal power consumption the communication range in system battery life remain unchanged as before authentication can be performed using a general or personal code card or key fob but now a smartphone with the Ajax app can also serve as a user ID it is enough to unlock the phone and bring it close to the keypad at the same time the system security remains at the same high level as before we have developed our own Bluetooth tooth based communication technology it provides uncompromising protection against spoofing and sniffing the screen is extremely Pleasant to work with its diagonal is 5 in it is protected from scuffs and scratches and thanks to the oleophobic cating there are almost no fingerprints on it the keypad is powered by our realtime operating system the processor and memory resources guaranteed seamless device operation in all available system configurations and they have a reserve space for future updates we know this for sure because we not only tested the keypad during the development stage but also assessed its capabilities in a harsh virtual environment the keypad provides users with an intuitive way to manage security modes they can monitor and change the status of each Security Group with one click even if the Hub has 25 groups the built-in buzzer notifies users about ENT and exit delays if a problem occurs during arming the user immediately sees the cause for example a low battery or an open window in the room all the necessary information is displayed on the screen the keypad has three Panic buttons they can be customized to notify users of an alarm fire or auxiliary event for additional security a duress code is provided an Ajax offers more than security up to six buttons for running the scenarios can be open with one tap do you need to lower or raise the roller shutters open the electric lock shut off the water or turn off the lights add any automated function to the screen and Rule your space with one click and last but not least the keypad has ability to customize the configuration to meet the needs of any facility whether residential or commercial the interface offers flexible customization for both authenticated and unregistered users this way unregistered users interact only with the groups to which they have been granted access now let's summarize the key features of our [Applause] product [Music] he [Music] [Applause] he [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] he [Music] we're not Pioneers in the touchscreen keypad Market but this device will change the way you think about security keypads controlling security and automation autonomy large screen three authentication methods and an intuitive interface familiar to every Ajax user all this is keep touchscreen the wireless keypad is already available for order through our partners the wired version is set to launch in the first quarter of 2024 I'd now like to pass the floor to the next speaker without whom Ajax wouldn't even exist hi everyone my name is Alexander kosan I'm not the usual kind of person you expected to see in this kind of event I a software developer CEO of macbo and the founder of venture capital firm my story as an entrepreneur began in 2008 with creating a software product called clean my Mac at that time I was lucky to gather a hardworking and enthusiastic team my team became a proof to me that great products require great efforts dedication and focus on result so as an investor I constantly seek other professional and passionate people ready to commit and carry this responsibility it resonates with my values I am a big fan of Apple products if I was born in the right place and the right time I would definitely become one of the early Apple investors but I was lucky to be born in late 80s so I didn't miss an opportunity to make a contribution to history with another great Company the company that also shares my values in 2015 I became an early investor in Ajax systems and an early adopter of their products today I'm happy to tell you a story about the place of Ajax in my daily life Ajax is always with me literally in my pocket look at this icon on the screen of my iPhone oh and also on my wrist look at this nice widget for an Apple Watch there are Hardware is everywhere we can see it in the office where are many things to protect first of all people every team member has access to the system limited access of course for security reasons they can be instantly notified of any accident or arm the premises if needed our internal security service use Pro apps to manage permissions check on hardware and add new users remotely without go going somewhere or calling contractors speaking of contractors they can have temporary access to any location and our security can control them everything remotely to get full alignment with our own it infrastructure we use API we integrated Ajax with our internal smart Office Solutions to help save time and efforts for our team for example turn off the lights when we leave the office as as simple as it sounds as a result we don't need to be constantly involved but I can be always aware of everything that is happening even on the go in product development I pay a lot of attention to design quality usability and simplicity for our users after all it is people who will use our products first and I highly respect businesses that supports this philosophy Ajax notification Feit is made for humans at glance you see what happened when and where plain language friendly UI all notifications are arranged into folders you can turn off a specific type like smart home events you are aware of what requires an instant response and what's not no bothering sounds on badges also there are many small things that some users don't don't even notice you just swipe up and get the intuitive controls for all your sockets light switches and relays or the doc theme which is synchronized with your phone theme there is no risk of opening the app in the dark and going BL all these big convenient buttons color codings clear phones and userfriendly UI are made for people even my kids can use the hxx app I can easily switch to my home space and see that everything is okay I have air quality water leak and many other detectors for my security the real time information is just one click away it looks so simple and in the same time is so complicated behind the scenes because no matter how many devices are in the system five of 55 user experience stays the same always what really stries strikes me as a developer is the speed of system responsiveness I believe that technology should Empower human lives in the case of working with Hardware Ajax is an actual Benchmark for me everything just clicks we can switch off the light in a matter of milliseconds and get a notification instantly all of these works on a scale of more than 2 and a half million users for sure sure I know how much backhand job is done behind this all these amazing results are the Merit of every Ajax team member they help machines help people and it matches our values for me it is always thrilling to dive into new products at Ajax special events and it is a big honor to be a part of this media project I believe there are many more things to come so stay tuned and Rule your space as a rule [Music] mine HX apps allow us to build a robust ecosystem of business opportunities in the last year alone we delivered the C branded app maintenance reports and Cloud signaling for 15,000 companies registered in Pro desktop we've partnered with dozens monitoring software Developers us to deliver an Ajax the experience to more customers worldwide in the best way possible the product I'm presenting you today is a whole service that came to life through Ajax Pro apps you won't expect it but it is Ajax Sim Ajax Sim delivers an Ajax you the experience in a SIM card it is secure automated and and saves time on each installation Ajax Sim is preinstalled in Ajax hubs each card is locked and works only with its particular Hub our Cloud Server verifies the connection it is an iot card so there is no need to additionally activate it with the phone like you do with regular ones just install the hardware click the button and do everything else in a matter of few clicks in Pro apps Ajax Sim automatically selects the best Sellar network available it has full connectivity compatible even with 2G networks if you want to keep your current cellular plan you can install your own SIM card instead no limitations no personal data collection no spyware Ajax Sim simply does the job Ajax Sim is available for installation and monitoring companies registered in Pro desktop Partners can earn monthly from each Hub providing the clients with guaranteed cellular traffic we understand that cellular connectivity is crucial for security system so we decided to ship Ajax Sim in every Ajax hub that goes to the US and Canada Distributors and this is the first round in the next one we will proceed with the UK Nordic countries and Australia out of the box Cellular Connection is up to become the new Norm gradually we will launch Ajax Sim in all major countries of presence starting with Pro desktop 3.11 and Ajax Sim your company can establish a seamless business process resulting in recuring Revenue contact the business development manager in your region and stay tuned for more news now let's switch to another great business [Music] opportunity mixing expertise with top industry players is another dimension of ajax's development we've had the privilege of working with talented Engineers from Italy Denmark and the UK on products that are labeled as Ajax ready recently we collaborated with Watchman door in conand to deliver a seamless Ajax user experience in Access Control but the next integration is something special it is a brand that protects the people places and things that we love most a brand with over 180 years of security expertise a leader in smart home security with over 1 million smart locks in Europe today we are happy to announce an integration with Yale one of the leaders in the security industry as simple as it sounds you can manage and automate a Yale Smart Lock right from the Ajax app this is an instant cloudt Cloud connection through Yale home API ensuring smooth and secure communication with every Ajax system you just click and unlock and see the lock status in the app it can be even easier with scenarios you can press arm and the lock will be activated automatically you can have the door lock automatically when somebody crosses an armed perimeter device or set up an automatic opening for All Doors in case of a fire alarm when installed by professionals the smart locks and security systems work in Synergy delivering an incredibly reliable solution Ajax control and automation are available with the most widespread smart locks more to come in the next releases we believe in a great part partnership but economists believe in numbers they forecast the smart loock industry to double reaching almost 5 billion in 2028 and in these numbers we see opportunity for both Yale and Ajax stellars an opportunity for our partners to save time on installation and earn more on Services we are happy to announce this year we are about to launch the pilot of Yale integration in the first three countries in Europe Norway Sweden and Spain and our plan is to make this feature available to more countries including the US in Canada in the near future stay tuned a year ago we started changing the way you think about residential fire safety Ajax created a high caliber technology and patented it we've completely reinvented fire detectors with fire protect 2 the detector is already available in 10 models with different sensor combinations and battery options operating inside the most advanced Ajax ecosystem the European residential fire safety Market especially the UK is filled by stringent regulations extensive expertise has driven this market for decades creating standards to keep people safe for example in the kitchens of Scotland you can install only heat or heat and CO detectors ndr Wireless fire protect 2 successfully covers it but in England Wales Australia and the United States all fire detectors in most cases should be connected to the mains this is a requirement of the fire safety standard followed by the above listed countries so we designed a product that fully meets the needs of all these markets meet fire protect 2 AC Mains powered fire detectors new models open the biggest and most regulated market for us and now to details we aim to put pro at the center of everything we do so we asked our partners what struggles do you have to face with Mains powered fire detectors what can we do better and all the answers pointed to the challenging installation process it's a lot of screwdriving in an uncomfortable position with Hands Held High for almost 20 minutes per detector so we've reinvented smart bracket for AC [Music] detectors it consists of a mounting part and a protective lid to isolate an installer from direct contact with electrical wiring terminals are located inside smart bracket and can be easily removed and switched back during the wiring so there is no need to disassemble the detector's enclosure for mounting the terminals are pre-installed and it's Wago 221 familiar to every industry expert smart bracket has an extra space to swap terminals for bigger ones if necessary so you're free to choose between any combination of Wago the connection process with waggo does not require a screwdriver just pull the lever up insert conductor and put P the lever back down it saves a ton of time during installation installation of one Ajax AC fire detector takes only 90 seconds impressive right I will say no more see for [Music] [Applause] yourself [Music] AC detectors inherited all signature features of fire protect 2 reliable realtime detection without false alarms informative andapp notifications remote configuration and a distinctive self- test system that automatically diagnoses sensors and reports their state all the unique technologies that the fire protect 2 impressed you with it also gained a few more improvements now smart bracket features a removal latch that anchors the device to the ceiling removing the detector from the mounting panel is no longer a simple task we equally Value Beauty and functionality the design and system exterior was always a big part of Ajax that's fire protect too and we're thrilled by how much the series has grown in such a short period of time this launch of AC detectors includes five models all detectors have sealed battery with a 10-year lifespan they will serve as a backup so even in a power outage the detector continues to operate without any problem Jeweler assures up to 1,700 M of encrypted radio communication with the Hub and twice as much with a range extender detectors equipped with a powerful 85 debel siren different sound indication makes it easy to recognize the type of threat and rea accordingly the detectors will be available for order this year in the fourth quarter and we have some surprises Dave will tell you more about [Music] it residential fire safety is not only about fire detectors it's a comprehensive and inert Market consisting of a wide range of devices and it's moved us forward to expand let me introduce manual call point a wireless wallmounted button that activates a fire [Music] alarm installing manual call points is required by the standard many European countries are bound to follow however it is not mandatory for residential buildings but in Germany and the UK installing manual callpoint buttons as an additional layer of protection is common practice we've received a lot of requests from our partners and have seen the Market's need for such a device let me share some more details the manual Callo is one of the most regulated devices in the fire industry it may seem like a simple button but it's Simplicity has a serious purpose to act fast in a moment of danger the standard dictates not only the purpose feature set and mounting method but also the color dimensions and even the angles of the enclosure so we accepted this engineering challenge and created not just an ordinary red button but a whole new approach to how iot can be part of a rigid world of rules and regulations of course we wouldn't be ourselves if we didn't do it with a Jax's Elegance in-depth research of buttons present on the map it reveals one main problem the button mechanism is over complicated built on a Cascade of Parts if a tiny detail fails the whole mechanism becomes inoperable so a minor failure can be crucial in a critical situation that is why we simplified the mechanism in our button to several solid parts reducing the possibility of failure in moments of emergency we hope no one ever needs to use it it but in a life endangering situation be sure that manual call point will be there for each and every end User it's part of the ajx ecosystem so the device constantly exchanges data with a hub which provides all device information in real time through Ajax apps so you'll be instantly informed about low battery or malfunctions to get services in time three more things it's smart wireless and all about effortless installation we implemented Advanced capability with significant autonomy in the Compact and thin size ensuring we still meet all relevant standards the button is protected from accidental activation by a transparent front lid when pressed it activates fire detectors built-in Sirens button also can send an alarm to a central monitoring station and initiate push notifications SMS and calls to users manual call Point can also activate intrusion Sirens of the system built-in LED and color Stripes mark an alarm Lo smart bracket has a lock to secure the device on the mounting panel manual Callo also has tamper and reports to a hub whenever it has been detached from the surface and that's not all we created a blue version of the manual Callo due to demand from the German and UK markets it's designed for educational institutions and kindergartens where the risk of pressing the button without a real threat is much higher the blue button has an additional feature transferring an alarm to the monitoring station can be disabled in Ajax apps all Ajax key technology underlying both devices up to 1700 M of wireless communication and 7 years of operation with replaceable batteries and of course exceptional reliability and user experience both red and blue manual call point will be available to order this year in the fourth quarter a clear and straightforward way for anyone to activate the fire alarm and now to even more exciting news all Ajax fire detectors support an interconnected alarm via the Ajax Hub it gives an incredible level of information none of the existing residential Fire Solutions can provide products present on the market operate on an outdated logic when nether interconnection or detector state is being supervised so in a critical moment an interconnected alarm could not be delivered to the next detector or the device could have a malfunction and nobody will know about it on the other hand the Hub provides regular poing of all devices via Jeweler communication to display realtime statuses in Ajax apps you'll always be notified about every single thing that happens within the system when the Hub launches an interconnected alarm via Jeweler it also marks an initiating detector its location and reports all fire detectors in an interconnected State and all this information is available in Ajax apps right away we've also improved radio communication to activate the interconnected fire alarms way faster now if one detector in the system alerts on fire other fire detectors on the site will activate the built-in sirens in 20 seconds this is three times faster than the standard requires despite our technology being more reliable and Rapid the standard also requires a direct activation of the interconnected alarm without a h such a feature is mandatory for the United Kingdom and Australia so we decide a fallback interconnect how does this work a fall back interconnect is a backup to the primary one via the Hub both primary and fallback interconnect work in parallel so if one of the fire detectors in the system detects a threat it sends an alarm to the hub via jeel radio protocol using primary interconnection The Hub initiates an interconnected alarm within 20 seconds and sends all the data into the Ajax apps which device triggered when and where with the fallback feature fire detectors just like a h are able to listen to the encrypted radio channel so at the same time the initiating detector sends an alarm via fall back into connection directly to other detectors even in the worst case scenario of losing connection with the Hub the interconnect Ed fire alarm activates within a minute so there is no chance of missing a fire alarm the feature can be enabled in Hub settings after its activation The Hub introduces all fire detectors in the system to each other giving them each unique identities it can also be activated manually if fire detectors are used without a hub from now on every acirc model will have a fall back interconnect and other fire protect 2 models will be available with this new firmware supporting this feature the fallback interconnect works for all fire detectors in the system with a h and up to 50 without a hope now handing over to Rob to tell you more about the United States and Canadian fire markets thanks Dave I am truly amazed and inspired how Ajax brings new standards to the intrusion and fire safety industry with a smart and complex ecosystem Ajax has combined Professional Security Automation and fire safety in one solid space no one has a range like this our intrusion devices are already ul and ulc compliant and now Ajax fire detectors have passed the most demanding tests and have become recognized by the world's most respected certification Laboratories and we were about to hit a major Milestone UL testing and certification ensure a product satisfies the safety testing requirements to enter the US and Canadian markets so far it is the most advanced testing ajx systems has ever completed fire protect 2 successfully completed R&D fire research testing including the cooking nuisance test also known as the famous burger test Paving the way for full certification in the very near future the bottom line is that the fire detector must not react to the cooking fumes generated by the burgers Patty but it must quickly recognize flaming polyurethane foam which has very small smoke particles compared to other materials and fire protect 2 successfully deals with it now our fire product portfolio consists of 15 amazing devices with a fantastic Market fit and seven major certificates of compliance and this list will only grow well done ladies and gentlemen I would like to start with a short story imagine an a alarm met with a perfect video streaming technology they dated keiss had sex and finally got a baby lot of babies yes today we are revealing ax video product [Music] this is ax and we are our first step into the CCTV world let's connect it first I will install the hard dis I remove a clip take a hard disk connect it and fix it with a clip then we took a power cable the power supply is built in then we connect it to the network through the AET cable I will fix the wires we scan the QR code put a name for our NW and I put it on a smart bracket now I will switch it on and N where is added to my account The Temper is closed all important connectors are hidden the device is protected from the unauthorized access ax sare is available in two versions eight and 16 channels each channel can be 4K total capacity is up to 100 megabits per second and where supports any kind of on and rtsp cameras let's add [Music] one I push the button and immediately see all available cameras on a local network I choose the one I want to add put login password press add the camera is added if you want to use the ax camera it evening easier you scan the QR code choose the n whereare to which you want to add the edx camera done the camera is added and connected or you can use the edx camera without nwhere if you insert an SD card the camera will record locally so you will have the same functionality similar to the camera with anywhere but stop at this point I need to overcome my excitement and leave room for other speakers my colleagues will showcase you Ed cameras in just a few minutes so let's go back to anywhere as you see after we have added the cameras a video wall appeared in the edx application I have 16 channels on my anware therefore I will add 16 cameras and what if you need more you can add one more andwere and more in total up to 14 n for one installation in the current version of our system which means up to 220 cameras through the ners on one video wall in One installation or 200 cameras to keep you aware of what's going on onite the video wall is updated with the latest screenshots from a cameras so you can understand the overall picture and if you want more go to the live view our priority is user experience and what is the user experience for video Get It stream fast play back fast search fast I scroll the timeline and see what is happening in general like I'm scrolling YouTube videos you may think I'm reading from a cloud but no I'm reading from the nere hard drive I can stop on an episode which I require and scroll by seconds the technology behind the magic is called AG jet Sparrow it is a heart and brain of the ax video it is responsible for all the video Transmissions storage and management let's go back to the recorded videos as you can see the clips are marked with different colors it depends on what trigger the camera to start recording green is for basic motion detection different colors for AI recognized like humans cars or even pets AI detectors are built in in ax cameras not in ax handware to make my search easier I can use the filters and see all the episodes with humans or the cars or the animals and just in few clicks I can download the clip to my phone the link will be available 24 hours in notification log after this it will expire you can share the link immediately to share the incident and download it to your device for the N Channel I can set up how I want to record the video continuous recording or by detection when the system is armed or any time moreover in a settings you can set up video stream or image preferences audio settings let's go to the NVR settings as with any edx device you can see the health monitor before you reach the settings network status CPU usage memory usage hard dis Drive temperature archive deps I time status for cameras in settings you can update the firware in one click set up network settings check the HDD and format it set up the brightness or LEDs and supervision time because of our background we love to protect things from unauthorized access and supervis so if your enere goes down you instantly know about it also ax notifies you if recording is stopped hard this formating required Channel went offline or hard this dry over hit it but the most beautiful things start to happen when all the piec of ax come together you press an event in the notification log and you can go to the camera recording the exact time stamp when this event has happened or you can convert any camera to the motion cam in video scenario settings you can be in the edges detector with the camera and if the detector triggers you get the video clip similar to our motion cam but made in a high resolution by nere or edx camera want to know more click and view the full video episode an is already available in all the regions of ax presence so you can order it today and now my colleague Andre will show you the ax [Music] cameras I have started my journey by selling Chinese CCTV back then it was the only option available on the market however times change today marks a historic milestone for the Ukrainian security industry we are joining the European Club of video surveillance manufacturers standing alongside Sweden Germany the UK and now Ukraine I am proud to introduce the Ajax [Music] cameras [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tur cam bullet Cam and D cam mini embodies signature Ajax design shapes traditionally cameras are available in white or black colors black turret cam in a boutique inconspicuous Dome cam in a state institution white color bullet cam right outside a warehouse we have a stylish solution for any space with a solid metal enclosure the cameras meet the ip65 protection class capable to withstand harsh weather conditions all components are perfect ly matched and have specially crafted plugs to protect the electronics in cold and high humidity conditions as always our obsession with Hardware quality stands firm it's easy to add video surveillance to your system scan the QR code of the Ajax camera and insert the memory card the recording has started let's start with the image we've established a whole research laboratory to enhance image quality we calibrate camera sensors and can fine-tune them at the production line to the fullest each camera model is stuffed with one of four possible configurations a lens with a viewing angle of 85 or 105° and a sensor resolution of 3K or 4K Ajax cameras can adapt they have true wdr technology which equalizes lighting in complex conditions it dims bright spots of the frame and lightens the dark [Music] ones true wdr balances the image frame by frame in real time revealing essential details true wdr is configured in the apps and you can immediately see how it adjusts video quality you can also configure brightness saturation and contrast for low light conditions and nighttime cameras have infrared backlight we've developed an optical system that evenly highlights near and far areas toward the camera view additionally Dome cam has an infrared backlight outside the enclosure eliminating glares and Reflections all these Solutions provide truly effective backlight over the specified distance all Ajax cameras are equipped with a digital microphone it uses a custom noise cancellation system to guarantee excellent sound quality everywhere in private residences offices and Outdoors our cameras are Next Level smart they have built in artificial intelligence that recognizes Vehicles people and pets it also labels all archived videos according to the identified type of motion each camera processes the data without cloud infrastructure allowing it to store significantly less video data than cameras with a typical motion detector fast identification of people and vehicles significantly accelerates the incident processing for monitoring stations AI expertise is completely in-house we have made substantial investments in it because we believe that artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize the security industry what you're witnessing today is just the beginning we are continuously improving the quality of our detectors and analytics if you want to contribute to this process join our beta testing program the cameras come with memory card slots for local storage this is an effective solution for systems with just a few cameras in this case it will be much more convenient to opt for memory cards instead of an NVR managing the video archive is as fast as using an NVR AI power filters and labeling help instantly pinpoint point the required moment and scroll through it just like on YouTube even inspect it frame by frame you can easily save the video with just a few clicks in Ajax apps like NVR the cameras feature a status screen displaying all important info in the settings menu you can adjust parameters for both the main and substreams detection settings and recording preferences all camera settings and controls are accessible through Ajax apps on your mobile device or desktop regardless of the platform the capabilities of the apps remain identical every camera is equipped with built-in tilt and shock sensors you'll receive notifications if there's any physical attempt to disable the camera another standout feature of Ajax is the hassle-free installation we've designed the enclosure with the minimum removable Parts possible you can easily Mount the camera in just 5 minutes as everything you need is included in the set it comes with a stencil for precise placement a ball hex key for installations on the ceiling and anti-falling screws all of which enhance the convenience of the installation process these are the small but essential details we priori

2023-10-28 16:17

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