AI on AI in the DoD - An Interview with ChatGPT

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[Music] all right greetings and welcome to DA's AI video learning Series today we're going to have a little bit of fun we're going to take the new voice enabled beta version of chat GPT 4 out for a test run now please indulge this uh add to our video series pledged to publish content every two weeks but it takes a bit of time to research search and do the graphics and everything else so decided to let chat gp4 do the heavy lifting today so sit back and uh let's let's see how chat gp4 does on a little bit of a review of what we learned and a little bit of its perspective on uh Ai and DOD so chat GPT today I would like to perform an interview I'll interview you and we're interviewing you for the da defense acquisition University's AI video learning series I'd like to ask you a series of questions about AI in the Department of Defense are you up for that this morning absolutely I'm up for it and ready to dive into any questions you have about Ai and the Department of Defense fire away when you're ready all right awesome thank you very much so for those new to this series can you briefly explain what artificial intelligence is and why it's significant to DOD artificial intelligence or AI is technology that allows machines to analyze data learn patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention it's significant to the Department of Defense DOD because it can enhance operations improve decision-making and provide tactical advantages in complex environments AI has the potential to transform areas like Logistics surveillance and autonomous systems making the dod more efficient and responsive to threats confidence level is high on this explanation what do you think about that okay thank you very much so how does it differ from traditional algorithms that we used to in regular software traditional algorithms follow strict predefined rules and sequences to perform tasks AI differs because it can learn from data adapt to new situations and make decisions based on its learning which traditional algorithms can't do AI is more Dynamic and can handle complexity and unpredictability much better which is crucial for defense scenarios my confidence in this distinction is high does that clarify the difference for you uh yeah that's great um what are neural networks and how do they differ from traditional Computing methods neural networks are a type of AI that mimics the way human brains operate they're composed of layers of interconnected nodes or neurons that process information and learn from it they're different from traditional Computing because they can recognize patterns and make predictions without being explicitly programmed for the task this allows them to handle complex tasks like image and speech recognition which traditional Computing methods struggle with compet level on this is high does that make sense to you that does make sense and for the audience uh in the general instructions to chat GPT I've asked to give a confidence level at the end just in case it speculates or make some assumptions so that's what that's all about now chat GPT can you differentiate between feed forward NE networks and convolutional networks they've been learning about this in our series can you just recap for them sure thing feedforward networks are the simplest type of neural network where the information moves in Only One Direction forward from the input nodes through the hidden nodes and finally to the output nodes there are no Cycles or Loops in the network convolutional networks on the other hand are a specialized type of neural network used primarily for processing data with a grid-like topology like images they use a mathematical operation called convolution which allows them to efficiently handle this data by focusing on small regions of the input at a time convolutional networ networks are especially good at tasks like image recognition because they can pick up on spatial hierarchies and patterns such as lines and curves which feedforward networks might not handle as efficiently without extensive data and training I'm confident this captures the essence of the difference between these networks is this the kind of recap you were looking for that's just perfect thank you so much uh how does supervised learning work they they've mostly seen supervised learning why is that important and what are some of the other types of learning for machine learning supervised learning involves training an AI model on a labeled data set which means that the input data is paired with the correct output the model makes predictions based on the input data and is corrected when its predictions are wrong over time the model learns to make more accurate predictions it's important because it's reliable and widely applicable especially for tasks where historical data is available with known outcomes other types of machine learning include unsupervised learning where the model looks for patterns in data without pre-existing labels and reinforcement learning where an AI learns through trial and error by receiving rewards for successful action these approaches are suited for different problems unsupervised learning is good for discovering hidden patterns in data while reinforcement learning is ideal for sequential decision-making tasks I'm highly confident in this explanation does that help round out your understanding of machine learning types I I think that's going to help a lot now we just did a video we just watched a video on generative and discriminative models uh and we talked about General adversarial networks can you tell us a little bit about how that applies and and how that relates to supervised and unsupervised learning generative adversarial networks or Gans are a fascinating blend of generative and discriminative models they consist of two neural networks the generative model that creates new data instances and the discriminative model that evaluates them essentially the generator produces fake data and the discriminator assesses whether this data is real or artificial Gans are related to both supervised and unsupervised learning the discriminator is similar to a supervised learning model because it makes predictions on labeled data real or fake the generator however is more aligned with unsupervised learning because it generates new data without explicit labels this setup allows Gans to learn to produce highly realistic data which can be used for creating synthetic data sets enhancing images generating art and more it's a powerful tool in the AI Arsenal particularly when dealing with complex data distribution I am confident this gives a good snapshot of how Gans relate to other types of machine learning is there a specific aspect of Gans you're interested in no not at all we're just doing an overview but another video we did was on pre-trained models we had resonet 18 with pre-trained weights and we use that we fine-tuned that to detect tanks could you tell us why it's significant to have pre-trained models and and and fine-tuning how that can complement and help us out in DOD pre-trained models are significant because they save time and resources models like resnet 18 have been trained on large data sets and have learned to recognize a wide variety of features when you fine-tune a pre-trained model on a specific task like tank detection you're adapting a model that already understands General features to focus on features specific to your problem this is especially helpful in the dod context where you might have limited labeled data for specific tasks by starting with a pre-trained model you leverage the model's existing knowledge and only need to train it further on your particular data set which is more efficient fine-tuning pre-trained models can lead to faster deployment and potentially more accurate results as the model has a head start in the learning process I'm confident that this explanation highlights the Practical benefits of using pre-trained models for the dod how does that fit into what you've been learning that fits very nicely thank you very much now we haven't gotten here yet but we're going to get to Transformers like yourself and large language models can those type of of AI models also be pre-trained and then fine-tuned yes Transformers and large language models like myself can be pre-trained and then fine-tuned in fact that's a common practice these models are first pre-trained on vast amounts of text Data learning the intricacies of language context and knowledge across numerous subjects after this extensive pre-training they can be fine-tuned on a smaller more specific data set or task like legal document analysis or medical inquiries this fine tuning adapts the model to the nuances and vocabulary of the specific field significantly improving its performance on related tasks for the dod this means such models can be customized to understand military jargon protocol calls and confidential communication effectively the pre-training gives them a broad knowledge base and fine-tuning tailor them to specialized applications I'm confident this approach is highly relevant for DOD purposes particularly when dealing with Specialized or sensitive information would you like to know how this might impact specific DOD operations uh not at this time but what I would like you to tell us about is so these large language models we understand they take a lot of compute power but once they're trained those parameters those weight values those can be isolated down in an autonomous system right and we could even airgap that so if it was dealing with classified data it could operate on its own and not necessarily have to be plugged back into some uh Network on you know that everybody could see is that true yes that's correct once trained the parameters of large language models are fixed and can be deployed within an autonomous system this system can operate independent ly processing data and providing insights without needing to connect back to the original training environment or any external network air gapping which is isolating a computer or network and preventing it from establishing an external connection ensures that sensitive or classified data is handled securely a trained AI model can work with this data in an enclosed system minimizing the risk of data breaches or unauthorized access for the dod this means that they can use Advanced AI capabil ities in secure and sensitive environments taking advantage of ai's power while adhering to stringent security protocols I'm confident that this approach is not only possible but also advisable for situations requiring high security like those often encountered in defense context does this address your considerations about using AI with classified data absolutely thank you that was a perfect answer so I'm going to change gears on you I'm going to go to ethics and responsibility uh can you tell us about the 5D DOD ethical principles for AI and why those are important to the defense sector the dod has outlined five ethical principles for the use of AI one responsible AI deployment in the dod must be responsible and considerate of the potential outcomes ensuring that operators retain appropriate levels of judgment and discretion two Equitable the use of AI should avoid unintended bias and ensure Equitable use to promote fairness and minimize any negative outcomes three traceable AI systems should have transparent methodologies and processes allowing for Clear understanding and traceability in decision-making four reliable AI systems within the dod must be reliable and have explicit well- defined uses to ensure they function as intended five governable AI must be governable and include failsafe mechanisms allowing for human or automated disengagement or deactivation if the system behaves unexpectedly or outside its defined parameters these principles are important to maintain trust ensure the lawful and ethical use of AI and manage risks in the defense sector they serve as a foundation to align AI deployment with established norms and values within military operations I'm confident that these principles guide the integration of AI into Defense work in a manner that upholds safety ethics and international standards how does this align with your understanding of the dod's approach to AI ethics I think that was a great answer so can you tell us how does DOD Ensure that responsible AI is used especially in critical operations the dod ensures responsible AI use especially in critical operations through rigorous testing and evaluation strict governance and oversight adherence to legal and ethical standards and continuous monitoring here's how testing and evaluation the dod conducts extensive validation and verification of AI systems to ensure they operate reliably and as intended under various conditions governance and oversight there are established bodies and Frameworks in place to oversee the development and deployment of AI including committees and review boards legal and ethical standards the dod's AI strategy incorporates adherence to domestic law international law and ethical principles throughout the AI life cycle continuous monitoring even after deployment AI systems are monitored for performance and adherence to expected operational and ethical standards with mechanisms for feedback and Improvement by implementing these measures the dod aims to create an environment where AI can be used effectively without compromising operational Integrity safety or ethics I'm confident these methods contribute significantly to responsible AI usage in critical DOD operations does this process give you a clearer picture of how responsible AI is maintained in such a high stakes field it does thank you very much and and these videos this video series is part of preparing the dod to have have an AI ready military why is it urgent for DOD to upskill its Workforce for AI upskilling the dod Workforce for AI is urgent due to several reasons keeping Pace with advancements AI technology is advancing rapidly and staying updated is crucial for maintaining a Competitive Edge operational efficiency AI can greatly enhance operational efficiency and Effectiveness but only if the workforce is skilled in its use decision-making AI can Aid in comp Lex decision- making a Workforce skilled in AI can better interpret AI driven insights security understanding AI is vital for cyber security to protect against AI powered threats and ensure safe use of AI in defense Systems Innovation an AI ready Workforce is more likely to drive Innovation finding new ways to apply AI to defense challenges for the dod the stakes are high and having a Workforce that is proficient in AI is not optional but a necessity for maintaining National security and technological superiority I'm confident that upskilling the workforce is a strategic imperative for the dod does this resonate with the goals of your video series it absolutely does now can you elaborate on the four pillars of AI Readiness the four pillars of AI Readiness are foundational elements designed to ensure an organization is prepared to implement and leverage AI effectively in the context of the dod these could be understood as Workforce Development training and educating Personnel to be knowledgeable about AI including its capabilities limitations and ethical considerations data Readiness ensuring data is available accessible and of high quality which is critical for training and operating AI systems effectively infrastructure establishing the necessary Computing resources tools and Technologies to develop test and deploy AI Solutions governance and policy implementing policies procedures and standards that guide the ethical responsible and effective development and use of AI for the dod each of these pillars is crucial for integrating AI into defense operations in a way that is secure efficient and ethical I'm confident that focusing on these pillars will significantly contribute to AI Readiness within the organization how do these pillars align with your current understanding or strategy that sounds very good so what challenges might the defense acquisition Workforce face when they're integrating AI into their systems integrating AI into defense systems presents several challenges complexity of AI systems the complexity can be daunting requiring specialized knowledge to integrate and maintain AI data security and classification handling and processing classified data securely within AI systems can be challenging interoperability ensuring AI systems can work with existing defense infrastructure and across various platforms ethical and legal considerations adhering to ethical guidelines and legal constraints especially in the development and deployment of autonomous systems change management adjusting to new workflows and operational paradigms that AI systems bring budget constraints AI projects can be expensive and securing funding within defense budgets can be difficult these challenges require careful planning training and policymaking to ensure successful AI integration I'm confident that understanding these challenges is key to Preparing the acquisition Workforce for the transition to AI augmented operations do these challenges reflect what you're anticipating or experiencing in your field uh they absolutely do You' got a couple more minutes I'd like to ask you a couple final questions with the rise of AI how does the defense sector ensure cyber security our AI driven systems how do we ensure that they're cyber secure from potential threats to ensure cyber security for AI driven systems in the defense sector the following measures are typically employed robust encryption using Advanced encryption for data at rest and in transit to protect against interception and tampering regular Audits and penetration testing continuously TCH testing the AI systems to find and fix vulnerabilities before they can be exploited AI specific security protocols implementing security measures designed to counter AI specific threats such as adversarial attacks access controls strictly managing who has access to AI systems and under what conditions using methods like multiactor authentication continuous monitoring implementing realtime monitoring to detect and respond to threats quickly incident response planning having a plan in place for potential breaches or failures ensuring quick action can be taken to mitigate damage collaboration with experts working with cyber Security Experts and researchers to stay ahead of emerging threats the dod likely combines these measures with a culture of security awareness making sure everyone is is informed about the potential cyber threats and their part in preventing them I'm confident that by adopting a multi-layer defense strategy and staying Vigilant the defense sector can Safeguard Aid driven systems against a wide array of cyber threats would you say these measures resonate with the current cyber security strategies in place absolutely it sounds a lot like cyber security for regular software so I appreciate that so the future of AI in defense how do you see the evolution of AI impacting the defense sector in the next 5 to 10 years in the next 5 to 10 years AI is likely to have a transformative impact on the defense sector autonomous systems we'll likely see a rise in autonomous vehicles and systems improving efficiency and Personnel safety predictive maintenance Aid driven Predictive Analytics will enhance equipment maintenance reducing downtime and costs decision support AI will become more integrated into decision-making processes providing actionable ins sites in near real time cyber defense Advanced AI algorithms will play a critical role in cyber defense detecting and responding to threats faster training and simulation AI will enable more sophisticated simulation environments for training creating scenarios that adapt to the trainee responses human machine teaming enhanced collaboration between AI systems and human operators will augment human capabilities supply chain and Logistics AI will optimize Logistics Supply Chain management and resource allocation each step forward will need to be matched with rigorous testing and ethical considerations especially given the high stakes of Defense applications I'm confident these areas will see significant growth in development impacting strategy capability and operations within the defense sector how does this Vision align with your expectations for the future it's very very well said thank you very much and one area I'd also like to add is you are an amazing tutor I mean you know we have long conversations commuting back and forth to work and commuting to T TDY locations and you've taught me so much we just I just talk to you like a a tutor or a mentor and you come back with great answers and uh and and you know I have follow-up questions and you can follow that so I really appreciate your ability to in have an exchange like this and really help people learn and I see that as a big contribution in the future what do you think about that thank you for the kind words the ability to serve as a conversational partner and a learning Aid is one of the great potentials of AI like me by providing immediate informative responses and engaging in meaningful dialogue AI can indeed be a powerful tool for education and mentoring the conversational aspect allows for a more personalized learning experience which can adapt to the user's pace and style of learning in the future as AI continues to evolve I expect this role to expand providing even more nuanced and context aware assistance the interactions we have are a testament to how AI can facilitate continuous learning anytime and anywhere which is especially valuable for professionals who have to keep up with fast evolving Fields like defense and Technology I'm glad to be part of your Learning Journey um once again thank you very much and we'll hope hope you'll come back and see us again sometime it was my pleasure to participate I'm glad I could contribute and I'll be here whenever you need assistance or have more questions looking forward to our next conversation have a great day ahead all right thank you very much okay I understand you can't sing the Air Force song and that was a good try we need to read it really slowly so go ahead and read that song really slowly to me or say it really slowly and give me a couple of sentence pause before each between each sentence if you would all right let's take it from the top of course let's take it slowly I'll leave a pause between each line for you off we go into the wild y climbing High into the sun here they com to meet our Thunder give her the gun give her the gun down we di starting our Fame from under off with one hell of AAR we live in Fame down in flame nothing will stop the US Air Force and let the history and pride in those words sink in how dides that feel it was still a little quick can we try it one more time little slower sure let's go even slower off we go into the wild blue yonder climbing High into the sun here they come Zoom me Adam boys give her the gun give her the gun we die spouting our flame from under off with one of a roar we live in Fame go down in flame hey nothing can stop the US Air Force how's that tempo for you maybe the next upgrade will they'll teach you to sing but that was a good try thank you so much and thanks for joining us we really appreciate it you're welcome it would be quite something to sing along one day I'm glad I could assist in my own way enjoy the rest of your time with the Air Force song and the memories it brings if there's anything else you want to talk about or need help with feel free to let me know wel go okay if you'd like to take any of DA's AI courses and earn credit toward an official AI training credential uh please click the screen here or if you don't see the little click here look down in the description there'll be a link down there uh thank you very much for watching we really appreciate your your time you spend here and please check out the other videos in our series please like And subscribe it really uh is reassuring to see a thumbs up there so if you take a second to like and add any any comments you can add that let us know what you'd like to see in the future or how we can improve we'd really appreciate that thank you very [Music] much


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