AI and Sustainable Development AI as an Instrument of Civic Education

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then this relationship it goes only after that we  will find the conclusion to we need to be active   in this area and how we can help to save our world  and in which direction so I'd like to share with   you and also to hope my vision that will be  useful not only for you but for our actually   future practice because it's very important and I  will use solve complex Global challenging approach   from the very beginning I'd like to start from the  definition because without definition we can prove   further and this definition is about sustainable  development goals as you know it's really and   deeply oriented on transformation process of  our world how really we can transform this world   it's a question because one people can do nothing  without group of people and without solidarity   of the people who will save our world from many  disasters which comes from the nature from many   other areas so I like to provide a call to action  is it possible to say but actually a sustainable   development goals it's a huge problem which  was pronounced on the level of United Nations   it consists from 17 goals 17 scores and  169 targets and about 239 indicators   so it's a huge problem to analyze it and  we should use many different approaches   and methodology and methods are very  complicated you should find some tools   and models and measurements to analyze it and to  find the most conclusions call to deal with it thank you so from the very beginning I'd like to pronounce  some ideas about systematic approach which is   absolutely evident and actual in this area  to understand the differences between many   methodological approaches and other are  devices in some sectors like research   goals data Gathering and review literature it's  well known and traditional approach but also we   will identify some ethical considerations  case studies approach and Poets evolution   so let's get started to analyze some  methodology from the very beginning   because it's very important to move further and to  understand the complex of the of this problem so   social interaction Theory in the is  the area of my concentration and I hope   you also will agree with that that this  interaction theory is very important for   everyone who invoke in the activity of social  leaders uh social organization Theory and how   we can combine different approach what  the influence between government and in Social organizations such as sgg is also  organization or because it was named on the   level of integration another approach is theory of  individualization and adaptation because we should   adaptate ourselves to the to those which is going  on the level of uh nature and how we can combine   this individualization and reputation approach  to the subject of our meeting to artificial   intelligence and how it will help us to understand  the specific of individualized approach how we can   adaptate our new needs to this specific on global  level in some uh regions level organizations level   in some specific situation so my theory which  I cause sustainable development theory based   on the innovation ideas to identify we approach  like stimulus or impetus research for new more   effective methods and Technologies definitely  it wasn't provided on the global level so we   can now have a chance to provide it right now  and we will analyze how artificial intelligence   uh address sustainable development tasks and how  it could be possible to solve this problem using   solving methods and approach so we will create  some new Solutions using such approach at the very   beginning we will start from the actuality why  the United Nations sustainable development program   which was pronounced until 2030 as defines  17th Global sustainable development goals   why it is so important for everyone in the  world and how we can emphasize our eyes   role to achieve this sustainable development  course how we can stress ethical implementations   and what is the potential to bridge technology  on this aspect of potential development in the   collaboration I will put my attention because  it's a huge social economical question so from   the very beginning we started to analyze in  global contexts and we are spreading this   question to environmental monitoring resource  management and climate change modeling as well there are many ethical and social aspects around  these questions like security discrimination and   work impact issues so the solving approach is  in finding not only government but Democratic   participation approach and I will show how  it's possible and what was going on and what   happened and what did right now in this way  so I'll start from environmental monitoring   Monumental monitoring is the systematic process  of collecting and analyzing data about state of   the environment and to identify changes  in natural processes of human activities   so we use drone satellites to analyze and identify  regions with some problems I hope you know a lot   about about that during the period of the war  where we live in in Ukraine so drones not only uh   us to solve some environmental problems  but also to film ourselves like a winner   during this period of the war another question  is a resource management resource management is   a question of responsibility how we can use  natural resources like water energy force   and minerals and how we can provides  some conceptual approach and how we   stabilize some sustainability and reserve  for future generation uh land uh forests   Etc because without these resources  we are not able to go for them climate change modeling is the thought approach  which used computers modeling to understand and   predict changes in the S climate so on this  picture you can see some models and Analysis   from computer programs about climate changes and  simulations how to predict changes and average   temperature it's absolutely actual for all people  or inhabitants on our planets so right now we see   all climate changes and how we can use AI for  that this is a question this is a really problem   and to my mind citizens should be very careful to  that what's going on in which country right now   uh the that of this Theory but not  in theory it was in practice in   such countries like United States Canada and  China a lot of questions with the help of AI   uh made and they had a good result in it for  instance in the United States the problem of   climate change the Berkeley University in  California studied and they used artificial   intelligence to solve it in Toronto Canada a  health care problem also started and provided   how to avoid coverage diseases another questions  also in the United States and India were developed   and provided but also you know the problem of  discrimination against African Americans where   started and initiated by propublica Machine  peers USA organization and also in India   is a very great program epidemic IQ which created  a platform to collect some disease datas from   various sources and it was spread by media and  new portals it was made high for social rules   the next question I'd like to turn your  attention is the potential usage Supply   in achieving sustainable development goals and  now we will discuss what's going on and how to   predict and how to find some response to use some  analysis in not only historical but actual data to   predict natural disasters and support our warrant  process in a system way on our planet so we will   discuss it in order to understand the methods  that used uh by AI to achieve a good result very important question is health fair access  and I and Health Care access through telemedicine   and diagnostic tools are very spread uh in  Europe and also in Australia and New Zealand   also this equipment is a good to to  prevent some problems with the weather Etc fresh area is very important not only there but  in every country and you know Tokyo protocol which   was based on this conception and was spread  around the world also education area is very   important for all of us because I personalized  learning platform and is improve access to Quality   education we all need the quality education  and we are going to live in a quality world   to prevent all disease disasters and to achieve  the best quality of the life which we want to have all right but the problem is how to achieve it not only  for our country but all over the world for   citizens were not so popular education we  know that a lot of people now in the world   are not educated so Financial inclusions  Solutions and financial support will help   these people but poverty is still provided  like like non-effective mechanism in many   countries in the world and United Nations  provided a new technology which will help   in on distance education to in to increase the  level of educated people in a far away countries also the question how to save our biodiversity  is was analyzed on the level of United Nations we   should to provide to help our wild life to protect  them and to have some monitoring what's going on   uh with the these animals uh you know  a lot of animals right now are rare   and there are many of them are still  dying and we should Define the way how   we will find and identify there and how we  can help them to survive in a wild nature so guys I'd like to you know like to  present some ideas which were spread   on the level of United Nations and we will  discuss right now I'll show you some results   of combination how AI collaborate with the  idea of sustainable development approach so   the first task not poverty and I can predict  and prevent extreme climate related conditions   and this is very important because it's on the  first place no poverty in the world it's the   main idea which was provided until 2030 it  will have tomorrow and what the best result   that we have right now but it depends from many  factors another sdg number two is zero hunger   after no poverty it's also very actual because 100  people they have no efficient food and transport   and these questions should be solved together  because how we can distribute and eliminate   hunger it depends from your technology and  I could help people to solve these problems also around that is the problem of achieving food  security and improved the process of nutrition   and to help to achieve allow a higher  level of sustainable agriculture sdg number three is a good health  and well-being it's very important   for people to be healthy during their life  and now in our country in Ukraine we are   really very terribly think about the future of our  nation who will survive after this war and how we   can help people to be mental healthy and what  we should to do in this way how we can support   a problems with the psychology of the people how  we can improve our system of Health defense and   what's experience we should take into account  the quality education number four sdg task and   AI can provide personalized education for all  promoting quality learning experience so it will   help teachers to collaborate and to use different  methods for different category of the people uh   on the picture you can find different people  whichever and not able to study and to learn   some subjects but uh AI will help them and it  will be a good tool to overcome their problems sdg number five is also very important  it's about gender equality and uh dear   colleagues you know that in every country  uh which are very important questions like   gender equality it's a question of surviving  Nation because women and men are equal in their   um tending to be free and on the science level  of government the problem of reducing gender   inequalities are very important and AI will have  in this way to find new Solutions and decision   making how to find the ways and how to have  for all for both gender to achieve leadership   roles another question is question of clean  water and sanitation without clean water we   have no chance to survive in our world so for  many people in the world to find the clean water   is the question of surviving and the I have with  this solving problem will be very efficient and   have some benefits for many areas many countries  especially for African citizens and not only it's   a very broad question and population of the world  right now in this period of the time need to solve   this problem and we also are worrying about  clean energy it's also sdg problem and on the   level of United Nation it was mentioned that to  optimize energy production and prediction and of   renewable energy sources it's a problem for the  boat we have some progress in it but anyway we   should save our energy and comparison with 2018  right now the situation is much harder and we have   a lot of problems in this area Even in our country  we feel what's going on in this direction and we   are trying to save our energy because it's like  to be helpful for our army another question is   a question of economic growth how we can reduce  some risk and how we support economic growth in   every area and how we can provide workplace safety  because a lot of people in the world and we talked   about that many times in connection and context of  AI providing they're very very very terribly their   worries about their place where they work in and  their place will be saved only when they will   think how to develop their professional skills  how not to stop on the previous level another   sdg questions which was analyzed on the level  of United Nations and sustainable development   goals is uh question of collaboration between  industry and Innovations and how to provide   Innovations in infrastructure process how we can  distribute innovation in industry and definitely   Innovations right now in different countries  are very different and we feel that Innovations   depends from the needs of the population no in  Ukraine we think about innovation methods how   to defend our country as well as our nation so sdg  number 10 about reduced inequalities because it's   a real problem and we should identify ourselves  as people who create equalities so inequalities   like a problem between poor people and the rich  people are very spread it in the world so to find   some mechanism and to find some substantiation  approaches would be possible with the help of   my life I really believe that it is possible  to find a new place of legal job and work for   for the people who provided the talent and their  abilities and received some good results in that so we can go we can go further and now we  are on sustainable cities and communities   are number 11's level so I can assist and optimize  transportation and infrastructure planning and   population control to contribute sustainable open  development they all want to live in sustainable   cities in a modern buildings but how we can  provide the concepts how we can build our tones   and make it more efficient to live in without  some prognosis without actually modern trends   number 12 it's a question of responsibility how  I have modern business eliminate inefficiency   and how we can provide the best approach for  various sectors to promote responsible Productions well depends from the economics process and from   the industry but we should  live in a different country so in place crucial role to predict and respond  to climate conditions to Aid a climate actions   initiatives and a AI will be very effective  because it helps us to understand the process   which is going on on the land climate actions  moved not in the best way every day we are   watching we watch the problems and right now we  also we as Protectors of the problems around the   world and what's going on with the nature so  climate changes it's a great and huge problem   for every citizens in the world so we all depends  from the water and Life Below water is also a huge   problem for sustainable development goals so  I can side guard marine ecosystems and predict   oil pollution and protect Aquatic Life So how  it's possible a lot of research work will be   in the Years future about the ocean and what's  going on on the level of it how we can Define   our ecosystem how we can achieve good products  and save our water without that we will survive another question is life on our land  I can detect and address land related   issues like the certification  and protect our aircraft system   it's promotes sustainable use ecosystems life  on land it's very important because we should   have a chance to save our biodiversity and to save  our land from The Province and to save it for our   future generation this is the idea and concept  of sdg to save our land for the future generation   and we should be very careful in the world where I  live in a lot of problems but we have to say this   another question is peace Justice and strong  institution systems so we should to prevent our   life from corruption to contribute the development  of just institutions so we should have a really   open access to information and I will help us  in that to create informed base for citizens   for institutions to prevent a lot of conflicts and  resolutions which will help people in the world   to Define their human rights and also we should to  remember I should remember about freedom of speech   and it's very important and the last sdg number  17 is the Partnerships for these goals how to   implement AI Partnerships this is the issue which  is also a very important around not only business   partners but also for all individuals in the world  so guys we right now collected what is possible to   do how we can make a prognosis of the possible  collaboration between I and sdg partnership and   it was a part of the concept of United Nations  organization which was accentuated over there   about this questions and about the importance so  in conclusions I'd like to remind you what was   just now mentioned we mentioned a number two about  food supply chains and effective hunger reduction   number three the about Health Care number  four the aim to promote Effective Education   number five to identify and reduce genetic  walls it's number six about water management   and what access number seven how to optimize  energy production number eight about safety   and efficiency supporting economic growth  of our number online and many others so   a little bit about impacts of artificial  intelligence on sustainable development in   whole we have some problems ethical considerations  about inequality and employment impact is very   actual and we should find the way how to save our  data about the ways how we solve these problems so   this is a complex problem and we should use some  interdisciplinary approach as was mentioned before   so right now I'm going to finish my presentation  and I have a little bit ideas reached to my mind   are also very actual in conclusions I'd like to  add that the sounding process of collaboration   and collaboration between AI should use  some methodological approaches such as   interdisciplinary regulatory ethical Focus  inclusivity job transition data protection   monitoring public engagement and collaboration and  all of them should have some long-term vision so   we should collaborate and to find new technology  and ecology and exclusively Concepts how to avoid   some problems which possible to be in the  future and how great are on our planet and   to find it thank you for your attention  and we'll be grateful for your question


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