After Schrock October 9 2022 Technology stories of the day

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all right here we go all right carry on I think everything's turned down alrighty folks thanks for joining us here let me get you up on the screen so I can get everybody's comments here see what's going on a whole pile of garbage around here today I don't know I feel it's felt discombobulated this uh I don't know why the slid shot and I apologize if it came through in the show I just felt uh I felt off this week part of it was we didn't have a single caller during the program which was a little odd but we had a late football game last night so that's probably part of it but uh we'll give everyone a couple seconds here to uh to join us and get into the Aftershock I'll get it up on the screen here so I can see comments and we should be good to go so this is the Aftershock for those of you who have never watched it before um yes we do talk about technology but we also talk about other things well we'll talk about whatever you want to talk about to be honest um part of running a company is trying to keep your head on the swivel to see kind of what's coming next what the landscape is going to look like you know what parts are going to look like economics rates things like that so you kind of have to you have to be aware of these things you can't just you know exist in a bubble and say oh I'm going to go to work in the morning and get it done otherwise life ends up blindsiding you right and we are living through some unbelievable times right now I think you know people are going to write the history books for what we're going through and we're going to find out that we were going through a transformative time to use a uh an Administration line where in a transformational stage right um also called a fourth turning um the fourth turning there's a there's a book uh highly recommended about the four different turnings of how uh how Society how American society has uh cycled since the revolution now some people poo poo it and say it's just a bunch of garbage other people say wow that makes a lot of sense but basically a fourth turning is a time of it's described as a time of decreased um I don't know decreased belief in Authority organizations so basically you have uh you know a loss of confidence in a lot of the institutional Authority that carried you through previous generations of previous turnings think like the FBI the CIA the U.S government you know things like that the IRS you know um you also have a a marked uh all the all the Innovation with the current technology base has done and there's the development of a new disruptive technology base that's going to come on the scene to blow everything up um and I think like you know invention of the automobile or invention of the Industrial Revolution things like that there's going to be a transformation technological transformation that's going to introduce disruptive technology to the industry uh also unfortunately fourth turnings are marked by Wars because when you have this much disruption going on at one time it upsets the apple cart and you get some Wars uh so you know World War II was a fourth turning for example um so there's a it's a it's an interesting thing here it's an interesting read anyway to look into and it gives you a little insight if you believe in that kind of thing what uh what might be going on or what might be coming our way as a society good morning Ron a quick question I have an Acer running Windows 11 how do I tell which update I'm running great question so on your computer uh if you right click on your start button you can left click on system so right click on the start button left click on system once you've left click on the system it'll bring up the about information page for your computer on that page it'll tell you what version of Windows Windows 11 you're running either it's going to be 2 1 H2 or 2 2 H2 those are the only two versions available so you'll be running one of the two all right good to have you Roger and Karen Richard's back another Roger here thanks for the audio check Winston I appreciate it Randy's back hey Aaron how you doing hope you're doing well all righty that's funny I wanted to Aaron said hi yes like and uh Facebook offered me a translation and it says the translation is Filipino for jewels so Haya is Filipino for Jewels I didn't I had no idea you spoke Filipino Aaron all right um Bill coffee at Tim Hortons on my last day at Nova Scotia how are things in Omaha you know you know it this morning Huskers actually won a game yesterday so um I think everybody was like you know they 'd knock me over with a feather kind of thing and uh yeah so everybody's kind of sleeping in after over exuberance I don't know what's going on but we we had a light a light turnout for the radio show and things in the service centers yesterday definitely after 6 30 I didn't get a single phone call and anytime I made a phone call I heard the game in the background it was like it was one of those like I'm so sorry to call her during the game oh let's see Carolyn's here good to be here thank you Carolyn Ronald scary prices I went to Walmart yesterday a one pound Great Value butter 4.58 cents yeah you know it's the thing that really frustrates and saddens me is that when you hear news stories about how inflation is going down or inflation is gonna is gonna get back to two percent right that's the goal we want to get it back to two percent they're I want you to understand they're not saying that prices are ever going to go back to what they were before they're not they're permanently changed these are the new prices um they're never going to go back they never deflate there's we always want inflation and if we can't get inflation we will increasingly stimulate the economy until we get inflation and then when we do it it's going to explode like this and then we're like oh no then we have to tighten everything down to slow it down again but to get back to two percent inflation doesn't mean we're going to drop six percent or eight percent to get back to two no we're gonna we're gonna only increase from here going forward at two percent so what you'll have next year are stories of wow look at how the Federal Reserve tackled inflation they got it back down to two percent aren't they amazing well it went all the prices went up 10 and then yeah now they're only going up two percent so I guess you know it doesn't feel bad as bad anymore but then of course you know the argument is everyone's salaries are going to go up and this is this is the devaluation of the dollar this is this is how you lose I heard a great statistic on the radio this week um if you had one dollar sitting in a safe when Biden was elected president that one dollar is now worth 88.7 cents that's how much purchasing power we have lost in the last two years it is phenomenal um and I'm not I'm not sitting here saying that it's Joe Biden's fault uh I don't I think it kind of transcends it goes It goes back to what it goes way back but it goes back to the covet to the pandemic lockdowns um you cannot print an entire year of GDP and expect it not to have an impact which is exactly what we did I mean everybody got paid they didn't go to work uh companies got money they didn't they weren't productive people bought all the things up so we bought all the things up and then of course there was The Hangover from that where suddenly everyone's got money but there's nothing left to buy because no one's productive no one's making anything uh oh well then we start making things really fast and then it gets clogged in the ports oh then you know trains and the train workers are going to strike oh and then there's a war in Ukraine and energy prices go through the roof oh uh and it's just it's uh oh after uh oh after uh oh and some of these are things like energy policy that that that's a federal policy that's wakadu that is causing the price of energy to be higher than it needs to be but the cost of transporting energy of getting the gasoline to the gas station is going to be higher you know the cost of of doing business is going to be higher for these companies so while I think what we're seeing right now is definitely exacerbated by the current administration's policies I don't think it was necessarily caused by their policies in in whole in whole um I I asked myself if Donald Trump would have been president instead of Joe Biden would he have not wanted to have rescue packages and things like would he have not signed those um would he have not sent another check to Americans if he had the opportunity to do it very popular you know I kind of think he would have and those are now everyone's looking back saying well we overstimulated you know it's all Joe Biden's fault the Democrats and it's like you know yeah kind of it's It's the biggest stroke of Fortune in all time that Donald Trump lost that election because now he'll be able to take everything bad that happened from kobit and blame it on Joe Biden and then move back in and then recover it and and be able to come back from it with a policy change potentially or his other his whoever comes in after Joe Biden because it's it can't be Joe Biden again this stuff I don't know if I'm sure you guys have heard it or seen it but you saw him looking for a person who was dead like literally I'm like where's the I see dead people memes uh because uh there was a congressman that he was looking for in an event and he was trying to call her out to thank her for her support she's a republican he was trying to illustrate how we could work across the aisle um except she was dead and she'd been dead since August and Joe Biden wrote her family a letter about how busted up he was about her death um he made a statement he said words out loud about her death but he forgot she was dead not just forgot but like was looking for her in the crowd and was lamenting the fact that she wasn't there I thought she'd be here today I mean even even Democrats are starting to say out loud and then the press secretary all you have to do is you say president got confused and he misspoke that I mean literally you say that the whole thing is diffused right no no the press secretary came out and was like no the president the president was obviously saying that he was wishing she would have been there because they were working so closely oh she he was not saying that that's not true that is simply not true and it brings me back everything that I see and I read and I hear I have got this refrain in my brain that what is true and what is real matters and will matter again so what is true everyone's freaking out about four percent interest rates what is true Capital has a cost and it's higher than four percent it will be higher than four percent again that is what is real gold is valuable gold should be appreciating along with inflation but for some reason it's not eventually gold will appreciate because that is real you know there are life lessons save your money right here so here we're told to save our money and we put it into 401ks because you can't get any money in a savings account anymore in fact I went and looked at my favorite Bank to find out my favorite local bank to find out what are what are the interest rates the savings account money market all this other stuff what can I get for my money I can get a half a percent I thought rates went up like 400 percent here why am I only getting a half a percent on a savings account that doesn't make any sense to me well it's because you the banks can deposit the money at the Federal Reserve and get a get a return and so there's no there's no need to have Savers there's no need there's no desire in fact it makes the capital requirements for your bank higher if you have people saving with you so Banks don't want Savers it's not a profitable Enterprise so you can't save your money you can't go put your money in a savings account so you want to go to a bank and you want to get a return you can't do that so you put your money in the stock market well then the Federal Reserve comes along and you know people are starting to say you know who the hell do these guys think they are that they could just toy with us like this like their whole mandate was supposedly to have a smooth economy with smooth employment at level prices what has been smooth or level about the last 20 years or 30 years of American economy since the 70s what has been smooth and level about this nothing it's boom and bust balloon inflate balloon deflate and what happened in the UK this week and again it's a disproportionate amount of attention being paid to the like the fourth largest economy in the world right the UK who cares about the UK economy let me explain to you what happened in the UK this week and why it is hugely important and has direct consequences almost like a a fortune teller for what's going to happen in the U.S economy so in England um their bonds are called guilts uh because way back in the day the the paper bonds they were gilded around the edges so that it's a guilt um so their bonds are called guilts and their Pension funds invest in bonds which have a low rate of return but they're pretty stable right well there's a different derivative that you could invest in to reduce the return on these bonds basically if the interest rate stays low you make more money if the interest rate goes up you end up paying money it's like a you're you're betting that the interest rates are going to stay low well these Pension funds bet that the interest rates were going to stay low that is the interest rate started climbing if the interest rate crossed the four percent threshold in the market not the official bank rate not the rate that the bank of England was giving but the market rate for bonds if the bond if that crossed a certain threshold these Pension funds were going to be wiped out because they were so like Lehman style they were so over levered it wasn't funny because these Pension funds they have to have a return so you have pensioners I have family members who are on state pensions in different states they get their check every month they get a ridiculous check every month for doing nothing and they're going to get it for the rest of their lives right well that money has to come from somewhere it doesn't come directly from taxpayers their investment there they withhold money from my check I paid for this and then that money was invested by the state in their infinite wisdom and in England they used it to buy these derivatives that to try to juice a return on a safe asset so they bought a safe asset and they bought an incredibly risky asset to juice the return on the safe asset the risky asset got blown up caused causing them to have to sell the safe asset to cover the expense of the derivative blowing up which you sell more bonds what does that do well there's more bonds available so you have to pay a higher interest rate get people to buy the bonds causes the rates of the market to go up which causes more derivatives to explode which causes you to sell more bonds which creates a doom Loop and eventually Pension funds blow up and those monthly checks from the state just don't come anymore because there is no money and it's a direct bailout there so the bank of England had a terrible choice to make if the bank of England steps in and soaks up all these available Bonds in the market that are being offered for sale they can get all this money and buy all these bonds and the interest rate will come down and it will save the Pension funds but by buying the bonds they're injecting money into the marketplace which is by definition inflationary and why are they raising rates in the first place to fight inflation so now they're pumping money into the market while they raise rates trying to fight inflation without crushing the bond market in the meantime you know their energy supplies are completely cut off because of the Nordstrom pipelines I mean it is it is astronaut something's breaking it's breaking and so the same things are going to happen in America people in America who get pensions they just assume those pensions are going to be there that they assume that they paid into the system so the money some super super account somewhere has their money sitting safely off to the side that's not the case it's invested in the market that's what terrifies me about Florida you've had in the Florida marketplace for insurance you've had all the major insurers leave Florida they won't insure Florida anymore which left one small time player to ensure it was kind of the backup player to ensure all the State of Florida and their rates are literally 400 percent higher than rates in any other state like they're just horrid people but now they're on the hook for the entire tab for this now how do insurance companies make money a lot of people think they make money off of premiums they don't they take the money they get from the premiums and they invest the money in the market and then they make a return on that money so what do you think their but their book work looks like right now they're very cap very well capitalized I'm sure so is Lehman very well capitalized on the books assets liabilities assets are liabilities we've leveraged against our assets which is a liability and you know it gets complicated and then all of a sudden you realize when the doll smoke and mirror is clears there's nothing there is that going to happen in Florida are we going to see like the largest insurer in the State of Florida go Belly Up how are we going to handle that I mean the the Fallout from what's happening in the market right now from the Federal Reserve intentionally destroying wealth and this is what this is what you hear that the Federal Reserve is fighting inflation and everybody likes that everybody doesn't want to pay higher prices do you know how they're fighting inflation so inflation is too much money chasing too few goods okay too much demand too little Supply why is there too much demand because we printed a just a ton of money and shot all this money out there and now everybody's spending the money duh of course they are so they're buying things Services products vacations whatever and it's causing the price of everything to go up because there's only so much to go around and when there's only so much to go around and there's so much demand we can raise our price and make more money and then one person raises their price and then the next person has to raise their price because the the good that person a produces is the input for the good the person B produces like if the cost of computer components go up to us because the cost of Commodities went up to the to the manufacturers and then the the cost of mining the Commodities went up so you it goes back down the food chain so you have this energy inflation in the beginning where everything is is created with energy and then it just flows through it takes time just just like that Nordstrom it takes time to get to the pipeline and now we're in the middle of like oh wow this is bad and so the Federal Reserve is slamming on the brakes but the way that they're doing it is they're trying to destroy demand that's the only thing the Federal Reserve could do the Federal Reserve can't create things they can't they can't make companies more productive um the Federal Reserve the only thing they can do is reduce the money supply and try to crush demand how do you crush demand while you take people's money away if people don't have money they can't buy things that reduces demand so the federal reserve's stated purpose right now you don't have to believe me you can read you can listen to their own word drone piles own words housing prices are too high and need to come down Equity prices are too high and need to come down crypto too high needs to come down all these different asset classes are too high they all need to come down there needs to be no safe place to go to move your money to because if there is a safe place everyone will move their money there and it'll create another bubble and the prices will go up and that's the opposite of what the FED wants so the Fred needs to Jimmy Jack everything at the same time to push it down and they want to cause unemployment they want to cause people to lose their jobs because when they lose their jobs they will have less money which means less demand that's the whole the whole point is demand we're going to crush demand now on the other hand the Federal Reserve did something similar under Paul volcker in the 80s late 70s early 80s and they raised the interest rates like hugely but it was also paired with a government federal policy that was pro-growth so it was removing restrictions removing barriers for businesses making things easier to do so you had an encouraging tax cuts you had an encouraging uh federal government trying to stimulate the productivity of businesses let's increase this is why they call it supply side economics let's increase increase the supply of things because you want to bring down inflation it's too much money chasing too few goods all do you think the Federal Reserve can do is reduce the amount of money what the federal government through policy can do is encourage businesses to produce more Goods then you have too much money chasing too many Goods and everything stabilizes well right now we have a federal policy of increasing taxes hiring more IRS agents you know impeding energy at every turn that you can um and spending more money while the Federal Reserve is tempting to pull money out so they're working against each other and in fact they're canceling each other out but causing a lot of misery in the process um so yeah uh I would be really really nervous I was telling my wife I'm so glad that I'm not like 60 years old right now uh and like looking at my like I was going to retire in like four years and boy I should have retired last year and cashed out and put it all in a into gold bars in my safe or something you know this is crazy um you know I'm 45 we'll be 46 in November so I got some time here yet and looking at the way the previous Cycles you know after the 2008 crash which really started in 2007 so a lot of people think this is like we're in 2008ville right now actually I think we're in 2007 bill right now 2008 will come next year yeah that'll be fun and then boom everything pops it took 12 years for housing prizes to start to go up again so hey I'll be 46 then so 12 years later I'll be 58. hey so the market will be

starting to go up right as I get close to retirement if the boom bust bubble cycle the FED creates is about the same and you shouldn't you shouldn't plan that way that that shouldn't be how the system works but it is so what's going to happen to all these people who have become used to not being productive I have to tell you guys um we're hiring a truck uh I've got one two three four new people starting next next week and a half over the next 10 days I have four new people starting um we lost two this last two weeks we lost two people and we have four new ones starting for every four we start two of them don't make it so literally the the challenges that we have are the people coming in and then this is I try not to be the old man here right I'm a Gen X guy so yesterday for example we had nobody available to work in the Omaha service center literally nobody everybody else was maxed out on hours we're literally short we didn't have anybody so I ran Omaha by myself all day open to close yesterday I came in an hour early so I could get started and get everything moving because I knew once the once 10 o'clock it and the phone started I wouldn't be able to touch a lot of stuff so I wanted to get everything doing something you know progress pressing on something so that when I was helping customers in the back the computers were marching toward completion still and then of course you know I worked right up until the buzzer because you know anything that I leave on the bench is the next guy's problem and I don't want to leave problems for the next guy so because he didn't leave me any problems so I don't I'm not going to leave him any problems you know and so you know eight o'clock comes I lock the door and I'm doing my thing I'm out the door by 8 30. so it was you know like a what an 11 and a half hour shift um by myself now luckily I had a lot of good customers to keep you company but that's Gen X right it's got to get done so it's going to get done but the the people some of the people that we interview they're it's not about the pay rate it's not about the it's about the experience of working somewhere and I understand you know we all we all want to feel good about where we work and we all want to enjoy our job and I did as much as I grumbled about having to work that whole Ship by myself yesterday in the busiest service center in the company I had a blast talking to all those customers and dealing with that and solving problems for people and it was fun I mean maybe I have a screwed up sense of fun but it was fun um those people are hard to find well a lot of the people that we get are are you know whiny or they don't want to work or they don't want to show up or when they do show up they were high or drugged the day before or that morning because now you can vape marijuana you can't even smell it on people anymore um it's the world is very different now than it was when my work ethic was formed and so I was very much a third turning right so in the third turning that's when you have the maturing of these new technologies they're penetrating the marketplace and they're changing their their they're changing things for the better so like when I was a kid Simon Says came out it was the first uh electronic toy that had a processor in it and it changed everything you know my wife and I a few a year ago or so there was an exhibit at the Durham Museum on Jim Henson which you know we went and saw it because you know it's the Muppets or whatever you know it was one of those things where I was like oh I'll go with you honey she likes the Muppets so I'll go with you know whatever but actually when we got in there the stuff that Jim Henson was doing with animatronics in the 1970s and remote control puppets before there was a transistor that's third turning stuff that's taking new tech and saying how can I apply that's taking Sophos something designed to be run for companies and saying how can I take this amazing product and make it available for consumers I mean it's that's third turning stuff right that that's what I grew up with that's what I do that's how I think you know if you're not if you don't show up you can't succeed if you're not there you'd you're not gonna you you're not gonna get any progress if you don't show up for work but somewhere along the line especially during the pandemic everybody realized they could just stay home and get paid or that it was somebody else's problem or that Health Care was a right or that um yeah all these things all these things and none of it's real none of it is real and eventually what is real will become apparent again now here's the challenge there's a saying that says that you know don't fight the fed or the the FED can can stay stubborn longer than you can stay solvent you know so don't fight the FED Society can stay irrelevant longer than your sanity will prevail so you know we we do nice things and you know we we do try to uh recognize the fact that the people coming into our company are not the same as me they're not we're not all monolithic we're all different people we all have different backgrounds different desires different uh different things that drive us but we do have to have that same common thread that we're here to work and it just it you know nothing makes me more grumpy when I walk in and somebody who's worked a full shift the day before didn't get their basic tasks done that they were supposed to do on that shift but then I get you know emails and things about things that are not assigned tasks that they spend all kinds of time on and it's like okay now we got to reorient you and some of this is training and some of it is is personal professional development and growth and things like that um but boy it can I shake and bake some gen xers into here please because I I could really use some help on these two 12-hour shifts you know that's kind of where I'm at right now so on the fifth we got uh Dawson starting uh over in the Omaha service center so that'll be it'll be nice to have him in there and we can uh he'll be working Saturdays for sure with me uh but uh yeah so anyway I've rambled on long enough here let me let me make sure I'm not uh I have been completely ignoring you guys I'm sorry let me let me go back and check real quick here what I've missed okay scrolling scrolling scrolling Aaron caught covet again oh no Heidi's here Steve is here Eileen just flew back from Halifax and the tour was canceled after they landed at the airport oh that would be so frustrating Ray hathor how deep is the Cuba Papillion dropped off laptop and have heard anything back from your team um right now the queue is not terrible in fact um my information might be a little bit dated because I I was in there Saturday I stopped in Papillion Saturday morning to get stuff see before I even started my shift in Omaha I stopped into Papillion to pick up the parts I would need that I anticipated I would sell that day in Omaha so that I wouldn't have to transfer them later and I could get your computers finished faster and I used up everything I brought to it was like crazy so anyway when I went in there their bench was full but they did not have a queue which is a good sign that things were moving along and about to drop so right now we're running at 24 to 48 hours typically um if it's been longer than that rap apologize but I'll make sure that the Papillion service center gives you a call with an update one dozen eggs was 5.95 at the local Ken's food fair yesterday six bucks for man all right Canada the Great American Park that's funny oh gotcha big thanks to Papillion technician Frank on Monday and whoever was working on Tuesday morning for helping get my sister-in-law's laptop updated to 22h2 last week download the update around the installation program the laptop got one one point didn't finish the installation on Tuesday I called the technician and they determined it had that there was something that wasn't happening correctly uh let's see he said let the install proceed and it stopped and found the file that was causing the problem located and deleted it the installation proceeded yep that the corrupt file on the uh uh the stupid pre-install that you have to do for the I can't think of the name of it now the PC health check so when you run the PC health check it may have a corrupted file that's it says you're compatible but there's a file that says you're not compatible but you can't see that file so you have to go find this mystery file and delete it and then magically your windows 11 installation will proceed this solution engineered and brought to you by the Schrock Innovations computer company where we do Microsoft's job for them when engineering solutions that aren't available anywhere else on the internet to get your windows installations to work for you uh let's see government program to offer legal representation for illegal immigrants to fight the government in the court system yeah yeah it's just uh oh this is the first you just now got covered Aaron this is the first time I had the Delta variant um that one that one took me down for a couple days um I didn't get vaccinated or anything like that I was I was sick for I mean there was one solid day where I was just on the couch like uh and then another day of like you know okay the Gen X right me was trying to start the engine even though the covet was in there I'm the guy that got his appendix out and like two days later was climbing inventory shelves and like they're like you know don't do anything that uses abdominal muscles or add into laparoscopics I'm fine right and um like yeah there's something other I think it's up here let me go up a couple more shelves oh here it is I got the box right here I'm not supposed to hold this so I'm just gonna drop it catch you know oh yeah so that's me uh so yeah I'm trying to get out of bed like on day two covet and go to work you know at least go to work in front of my computer because there's stuff that needs to get done and uh yeah so I had Delta thankfully I didn't get the the full blown the OG covet because that really uh really messed some people up all right let me refresh make sure I've got all the most recent comments here a lot of Canadian Travelers on the show today all right so uh what else do we got um trying to think of uh crypto update the Bitcoin Bitcoin is holding actually at 19 000 between 19 and 20 000 hasn't moved significantly in the last couple weeks which is a lot considering how much risk assets have fallen in the last couple weeks uh there is some Rumblings in the crypto community that in the event of a market crash crypto could actually have because the the paper hands have already sold like the market hands that we're going to sell Bitcoin to raise money to cover shorts over all that's been sold already so what we're seeing is potentially a decreasing um what's the word I'm looking for an association that's not association's not the right word correlation uh a decrease in correlation between bitcoin price and risk asset price because the people with risk assets have sold all their Bitcoin and so now they just got risky stocks and those are losing value they can't sell any Bitcoin to raise money so they're just going to sell their risky stocks meanwhile the Bitcoin price is holding relatively stable in a falling environment now which is really interesting to see because the happening is coming in 2024 2025 that's where miners will get 50 percent less revenue from their mining activity and typically um six months before that happens the price of Bitcoin ramps then it falls off after the happening and then it explodes higher again that's usually get a bull run um and that that was the first one was like twenty thousand and then the last one was like 69 000. so this could be the hundred thousand dollar mole run depending on what happens especially if the FED flips and starts loosening again uh and risk assets go up that will have again there's a reduced correlation but there's still some correlation there um so interesting stuff to keep an eye on bitcoin ethereum uh unintended consequences right um if you need a new graphics card for your computer well a new to you graphics card you don't mind one that's been mined on um graphics cards coming out of China are incredibly cheap right now in fact you can go on to Alibaba or even eBay and purchase graphics cards for hundreds of dollars less than you could have just a few months ago the reason is because uh ethereum has completed their their change to proof of stake instead of proof of work and graphics cards were being used to primarily mine ethereum uh you don't mind ethereum anymore with a graphics card there's not really a lot of profitable coins to buy with graphics cards so it's time to sell your graphics cards and get your money back that you can from the graphics cards so uh fun times there just a little a little tidbit for you if you're looking for a graphics card for your computer all right last call for questions and comments before we wrap it up guys I'm gonna head home and spend some time with the kiddos today they didn't see Dad very much yesterday so they were they were very uh attention starved so I spent a little time with them today um in the service centers core upgrades if you have shock modular computers I know a lot of you do uh and you're not running windows 11. at this point it's primarily because your Hardware is not compatible uh take advantage of the core upgrade I'm starting to step up ordering of processors in anticipation of a second run on this uh there are a lot of Schrock computers out there that are still not running Windows 11 we see them in the service centers during the maintenance checkup I would say every third computer that came in was a Schrock computer and the majority of those were running Windows 10. so if we can get you onto Windows 11 you get the most recent update the 22h2 update that's included with that so you don't have to mess with the safe upgrade or anything uh it's really a nice a nice setup so definitely make sure you take a look at the core upgrade if you're looking for a new computer as I mentioned computers are up to a hundred dollars off right now so in an inflationary World we're doing our best to give you opportunities to upgrade your technology and prepare yourself for what's coming because right now maybe you can afford 675 dollars to upgrade the core of your computer you know a year from now when that or two years from now on the computer when you have to do it because you didn't do it earlier who knows what the world's going to look like a lot of people look at what's happening in the world now and they want to compare it to the 1970s the inflationary environment that culminated at the end of the 1970s started in the late 1960s guys this could be a decade long problem um prepare accordingly make sure that you've got your house in order make sure that you've got your technology in order make sure that you've taken your agency that you're protecting what you can protect keeping it safe so that it's not getting infected and attacked and if you do have an older Schrock computer and you're totally happy with it and you have no intention of doing a core upgrade definitely get in for a maintenance checkup so we can test that solid-state hard drive speed and make sure that your hard drive is working the way it is especially if you're under warranty so that we can replace it for you for free all right guys wrapping it up thank you for joining us I appreciate you being here we'll see you all again next Sunday for another edition of compute this have a great weekend


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