Adobe MAX 2023 Sneaks

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[Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] please welcome Danielle moramoto welcome hey everyone welcome to Adobe Max sneaks 2023 I'm Danielle moroto and I am so honored to be co-hosting tonight this is honestly one of my favorite parts of the conference every single year this is where we give you a sneak peek into some of the technology that is in the works at the company so really pulling that curtain and giving you a little bit of a behind the scenes now this means that some of this technology it may or may not make it into the products uh this has a lot to do with all of you in the audience and how you all react uh also for those of you streaming With Us online now we're going to have some presenters coming on stage in just a minute and they are the actual Engineers that built this technology now they they are a little nervous they're a little shy uh you know this is some of their first times on stage uh so some of these demos they may break that is totally fine uh terrifying for them but it's totally fine uh I know this firsthand because I was one of these presenters myself back in 2016 so I know how scary it can be in front of thousands of people doing let alone a live demo so let's just make sure we give them all a big round of applause and have a great time tonight all right now we also want to make sure we kick up the energy we get things off to a really great start like I said a big component of this is making sure that everyone is really supportive and enthusiastic of our presenters so anyone who visited our Adobe workfront booth has been entered into a drawing to win this scooter yeah oh oh people are very excited about this scooter I mean here's the thing when I heard that I would be announcing the winner of the scooter I thought that I would be riding on the scooter as my entrance obviously uh that did not happen apparently there were liability issues and they did not trust me to just not like drive it right off the stage whatever I'm not bitter anyway are you ready to find out who the lucky winner of this brand new scooter is all right the winner of this brand new scooter is Stuart Robertson let's give him a round of applause congratulations Stuart wherever you are I'm slightly jealous all right let's keep things moving I am not the only person up here tonight we have an amazing guest celebrity that is going to be joining me on stage you may know him as one of the stars and co-creators of comedy Central's hit show Workaholics or as bumper from Pitch Perfect or kelvin from the righteous gemstones he starred in The Intern Modern Family Mike and Dave need wedding dates just to name a few he's an actor comedian singer screenwriter and producer please help me in giving a warm welcome to Adam [Music] Divine what's up that was a good intro Danielle thank you thanks thanks for having me what's up sneaks who's ready to get sneaky I don't know we're excited oh look at this oh my yes we have these very on theme on brand kicking it off already that's not alcoholic they know me too well they're like we don't want them to get drunk up there I mean also these like giant pretzels up here yeah look at this yeah and I be handing one of these out to everyone in the crowd tonight we also apparently got you the most comfortable chairs there were I see I asked for my grandmother's living room perfect that's we we got it that's perfect well let's take a seat um I know that you are a Creator a producer so as we go through all this technology we definitely want to hear your thoughts get your feedback on all of it yeah so you definitely got one of the dumbest guys to give feedback on to these uh human Geniuses up here I just want one of them to go shut up why are you talking I doubt we'll hear that but okay I'm sure they're very polite yeah all right well let's kick things off with our very first sneak we have project fast bill by Gabriel Hong woo all right thank you thank you you thank you uh let's get started um so I'm adding content for this project that I'm working on look at this stuning portion shot beautiful smell looking very confident but I feel like the people in the background are a bit distracting no worries I know how to fix this right let's use generative fell to remove them to start I just need to simply draw a mask around these people right okay cool and then I just need to hit the generate button the AI will do all the work for me all right let's just wait for a couple of seconds to see the results and there you go they're gone I know I know uh every time I see this I got blown away so look at the choices I got all right um all right I think this one looks good well I believe you have seen this before right you can use generat AI to assist you with image editing what is a surprice here well what if I tell you this is not a photo this is this is actually a video look oh my gosh woo all right um so uh this is Project fastfil see using fast fail you can edit your video as easy as adding new photo look I just added this one single frame and the result is being applied to each individual frames all right oh my gosh I know I know okay hold on hold on hold on uh let me play this again right I can simply turn off and then turn back on the addit for to see how seamless this is all right um thanks okay cool um all right uh this one looks pretty good let's move on to the next clip no that one was really good Gabriel I I got I got more for you I got more all right all right so look let's look at this gentleman walking very confidently in front of the camera Str but I feel like there's something but I feel like there's something missing where is his tie um let's give him a tie even J to Phil so yeah yeah you got it um again simply draw a mask around the collar all right uh okay um this time let's get Gill a text promp and hit generate again the AI is doing all the hard work for me and um let's just wait for a couple seconds we'll see the results and okay right there's a TI not super obvious okay this one looks good right okay cool um hold on I know but wait this is a video right so let's fast help woo there we go yay see with the click of a single button the result is being applied to the entire sequence and look this is not just motion tracking look at the color and the shading of the ti it actually changes to the light so see when this man walks in the sunlight brightens up and he walks into the shadow he automatic automatically darkens itself everything with just one click thanks all right um I got one last example to show you guys you guys ready yeah okay cool have you ever thought of showing off a different loty art design let's give this cup a makeover because see this one is a pretty tricky case look at the liquid surface it's actually moving and warping and and shifting in random shapes but with that being said let's see how fast we handles this um to save some time I preener I pregenerated the results backstage now I can simply just import them and there is a mask and enter is the mask there is your new pattern now without further Ado let's fast fa yeah this is amazing right right look how perfectly this new pattern follows the motion of the liquid surface all right there we have it generative AI can already assist you with image creation and manipulation now you can do the same on videos thank you thank you Gabriel thanks thank you Gabriel that is project fast Phill I mean I think it's wild having seen generative Phill in Photoshop the fact that you can now do that with video like the motion tracking the lighting with the guy with the tie it's incredible I feel like I I mean I wish this technology was available when I did Workaholics cuz it was always down to my knees I used to have a team that would help me tie this thing thank you Gabriel that was great you can you can just send me your clip to me and then I will do that for all right all right easy enough thank you let's hear one more time for Gabriel Gabriel great job thanks all right we have our next sneak this is going to be a great one this is Project draw and Delight by shod deep chakra borti yep hi we have all seen Firefly in action right you type some text and Bam outcomes and an image but what if you have something very specific in mind imagine a cat reaching for a Yar ball and the with the right paw and the ball is just Out Of Reach and it's looking towards me well I wrote this descriptive prompt in Firefly but none of these images is what I had in mind but allow me to illustrate the idea so I want the cat just bear with me like so true artist can't beat that okay and with the right paw reaching for the Yan ball like that and let's not forget the other Limbs and the tail yeah really you're angling for another job yes I hope some guy from Pixar just stands up and be like we need him okay to assure you this is a cat let's type in cat Okay and let's see what happens if I click generate but sometimes a small doodle is worth a thousand words and voila well this is Project draw and Delight where we extend text with visual hints to create stunning Graphics let's add a bit of flip there I'm imagining a light brown cat with an adorable pink nose right yeah right sure well remember those coloring books from childhood I do yeah well this is a little more sophisticated so it does the rest for you wow okay what what if you want to be more more spontaneous and varied right so here I go again I have to drop okay so I'm trying to make an shape which is very hard given this Mouse uh just a bit uh it need to be kind of have an approximate shape proportion and well Perfection is not the objective here and thank God for that and it's a dog and just like that our cat has a playful friend well draw and Delight is not just about doodling characters you can conjure up entire scenes and Landscapes so here I go again I'll use a little bit of green to make grass uh Brown for the tree trunk yes some leaves on top why not and since it's Autumn let's have some artistic license with green colors and mountains in the back regular Bob Ross Yes uh with just that and my artistic Master pieces this is what I get oh my gosh well let's just up the anti here have you ever wonder how our friend would look like playing a guitar I did well yes we'll soon find out and generating different poses of that same character is quite challenging but with draw and Delight is just walk in the park or I should say rock in the park [Applause] but well with music in the air it's only fair that the cat wants to join in so we get multiple poses of that same character yeah one small detail I forgot to me uh mention that all these are actually AI files you can open them up in illustrator move them around or have fun with puppet War that's it thank you for accompanying me on this amazing thank you sho I mean th this is crazy I some I work on Adobe Firefly understanding that like this gives you so much more creative control than what just typing in a prompt or moving a few sliders being able to draw I mean you can just sketch a little something I feel like you could do this Adam well I feel like you're speaking down to me a little bit but um yeah really it's a good way to like L your abilities over your children oh cuz they're like look what I draw Daddy and you're like look what I just did there you go your drawing sucked compared to mine can your cat dance I don't think so I'm going to be a good dad I'm going to be a good dad thank you one more time for project draw on Delight thanks buddy great job all right again for those of you that are illustrator lovers this is Project Neo by anigo KES oh that's a fun name um hello so I have been asked to create a design for a basketball CT in isometric style for the client for a website of a client so this is a last minute request and I don't have much time so I better start working on it right away so I jump to illustrator I bring up an isometric grid and I put some 3D shapes on top to trace over is this a workflow that any of you have done anytime well this is how far I have made it in 5 minutes it's not too much my windows are not 3D yet and the perspective feels a bit off as well as you know this is difficult and tedious work so at this rate I'm going to be missing both the deadline and also dinner with my family so instead I jump into project Neo which is our new brand tool running on the web completely where you can put 3D shapes together very easily so let me show you I can bring a shape like this enlarge it and even round the corners just as you know how to do I can also open a hole in it and now let me bring it let me bring another shape that I will stretch like so make larger and now I'm going to put it in subtractive mode which means it's going to carve out from the other shape like this oh sorry for that like this shaky hands all right I'm going to now make the ceiling for this object I'm going to make it red and for that I'm going to oh sorry again I'm going to stretch this shape make it red and now I'm going to put it in color mode which means that this shape is going to be tinting any other shape that it overlaps like this thank you now this is something you could have done in illustrator perhaps maybe not as fast as with project Neo but look at the following I can also bring another shape I'm going to push it there bring it up and actually let me zoom in so we can see what's going on in there all right that's going to be it sorry for that again all right I'm going to I'm going to make it now subtractive so I can carve out a window of any depth that I want super easily when I'm happy with it I can go and create many more windows just like that and since I'm at it I'm going to round the top corners to make it more stylish all right yeah you might clap thank you yeah it up for why not um so now let me fast forward about 15 minutes or so of uh to see how far I have made it so you will see lot of details lot of objects in here here but all I have done is bringing more boxes rounding the corners making some of them subtractive some of them putting them putting them in color mode but the design is not done yet the concept art had some trees in them so let's create some trees I will bring that cylinder that I just created and place it somewhere there and let's make it brown okay that will work I'm going to bring now a sphere and put it on top of the cylinder and let let me make it green all right great now I will duplicate that sphere bring it up make it smaller and now these are two different spheres but something I can ask Neo to do is to blend them together like so M this way I can create a very smooth and organic forms and it's also a lot of fun to play with it's actually made me too much fun so let's stop there and let me copy this happy little tree oh sorry for that contrl D there we go oh okay I will do one at a time no problem I'm going to stretch the sphere so both trees don't look the same and this is pretty much my final design so I'm going to frame it and while I have been able to do this super rapidly in Neo I'm still going to send this design to illustrator to do what illustrator does best so let me send it there it might take a couple of seconds but when done I can open it all right and here it is now the great thing here is that all of these is vectors so we we can change the stroking we can play with the shapes or do anything we want now before I send this to the client because I know this client I know I should prepare a few variations of this design something I can play with very easily in Neo is the direction of all these Shadows this is done without me having to retrace all the Shadows so I'm saving lot of weeks of work here and Neo is Computing all the masking and doing all the recoloring for me actually I feel so empowered to try different variations that I'm going to explore different viewpoints and different perspectives as well so in a matter of minutes I got my design done sent it to the client and now I'm ready to drive home and go prepare that delicious dinner with my family thank you thank youo glad he gets dinner um I mean this is this is cool because being able to go from 3D to illustrator having the Shadows like the perspective is what blows me away being able to shift that a little bit it's really really cool I mean it's time consuming to make some of that 3D and then if a client come back comes back to you and like asks you to change the whole thing go back into 3D I did a really good job and a lot of times they don't get that you know I do I get that yeah and now he's going to be able to make like 30 of these and the guy's like all right enough options I'm sure a lot of people will get that right yeah thank you anigo let's he one more time good job so everyone that's up here is um they're all Geniuses it seems you could pretty much say that yeah there are some very brilliant people working on this technology all right hey thanks for inviting me this cool I'm sure you understand all this technology we're looking at right yeah yeah it all makes perfect sense to me and I've used all everything that he was saying I've used it I've tinkered it's all Sim City right or it is slightly different okay yeah I'm sure you'll love this next one then too yeah we're going to change Out video backgrounds to better match content this is our next project it's project scene change by John Shu hello hello everyone I am so glad to introduce you this very cool technique about video compositing here we go so this is a video of me working in the office you know I'm really overd vacation but I have a lot going on so I as the engineer I have a plan I search and found this video of Bali where I don't think I will be going anytime soon I want to change the scene of my own video to the place in this video as see if I was on a vacation there I mean how do you like this video it looks great right actually no it turns out pretty bad when I try to directly match and composite these two videos the result just doesn't look natural and seems I'm hovering over floating background the reason is that these two videos are so different in camera angle and motion fixing this will be slow and tedious so let me introduce project scene change in Project scene change I can import the extracted Point cloud of the scene and my portrait they may not look like much but they provide critical information I can use to interactively align them like this after that is done project Sy change AI will use the alignment and modified background look at this video project s change made a lot of changes frame by frame and the composition looks natural and smooth exactly what I needed to understand what the AI has done let's put the original video set by side with our new composition John Instagram influencers are going to love you dude my gosh yeah let's go back to the comparison I mean what what has changed the original camera motion has been preserved and the new background has been updated to follow the same camera motion making the composition simless and clean isn't that [Applause] amazing now that project SC change can intelligently adjust camera motion and angle we can use this functionality for other fun task here is another video of me working in the office I promise this is not all I do in the office this video captures my full body and has significant camera Penning here is another video of stuff printed with the graphic I designed and I want to combine these two videos so that I can make myself walk through my artwork this is not a trial video editing C because these two videos are so different in camera motion angle and panning Lely them is a huge task allies use project change like before I can import the point Cloud align them and click the composite button now I have this composition with this F minut transition [Applause] effect I mean look at the shadow is brand new it exist in neither input video how did it get there project Sange generated by reconstructing the whole human shape and casting a realistic Shadow okay let's keep going I walk closer to the cup project SC change will automatically understood the sty nature of the SC so that I can walk behind the cup and get uped [Applause] wow well to appreciate the Improvement let's put the naive 2D composition alongside our new one we can see that our new composition is way better yeah I notice a few differences where the power of AI project scene change allows you to completely rethinking video compositing now you can change the scene of your video to any place you want thank you woo project scene change pretty cool way cool yeah honey I sh the kids four is going to cost like $11 to make the producers are so stoked on this technology that's awesome man no I mean I should have brought my phone we could have filmed you doing the office walk and then put you you know the pretzel scene right here we blew it yeah and we have the technology so we should have discussed that beforehand back obviously yeah Dar uh I mean and also can we talk about all the vacations that people aren't going to be taking because half the time when people take vacations nowadays is just for the Instagram pics is that what you're doing no oh thank you John Let's one more time great job incredible very cool I'm excited for you to see this next snake this is kind of unlike anything we normally do unlike anything I've seen in the years we've done at sneakes that's all I'm really going to say we're going to lead into this this is Project Primrose by Christine Durk creatives are always looking for new canvases to play with and fashion has always been a place where consumers and designers alike can express their creativity many fashion designers use Adobe tools throughout their design process and an illustrator iterating is easy trying out a new design can be as simple as clicking a button wouldn't it be amazing if the garments themselves could be reconfigured just as easily yep introducing project primose a digital dress that brings fabric to life unlike traditional clothing uh which is static Primrose allows me to refresh my look in a moment [Applause] wow that is wild I mean come on that's crazy what is happening right now incredible I mean I imagine you show up you have one outfit you're going to have mult multiple different scene chains red carpets are going to be way sassy yes you do movie premieres different things can you imagine wearing I mean maybe not snow pants oh yeah oh yeah fashionable yeah I'm a fashion boy it doesn't have to be static we can also animate the [Music] designs that's insane it's so crazy I mean are you I mean I know you're pressing a button to essentially change all the designs are there other inputs do you have to like press a button every single time you're doing this yes so uh it does have embedded sensors inside of it I don't always have to press the button and I would love to show you how that works uh so right now in this mode uh you can see nothing's really happening but as I kind of turn and move uh the dress will respond the dress should respond respond let's try uh one more time hang on there we go here we go all right live demos everybody it's pretty incredible and Christine is not just showing this off Christine made this dress right you made this yes yes she can do it all my team and I designed every aspect of this dress uh and I personally stitched it together yeah wow project brimrose is a canvas for creativity and the possibilities are endless fashion doesn't have to be static it can be dynamic and even interactive and we're excited for a future where there's more ways to express yourself let's hear for Project ROSE thanks Christie thank you very much all right trippy I mean I feel like every fashion designer is going to have that look next next season on the runway we can expect to see you in your next film just rocking a full outfit right you know me I'm known for being fashion forward and bedazzled at all times I did my research and that is like the first thing they said in Wikipedia fashion forward uh I mean it it truly is in incredible that uh I mean she looked like a like a coke commercial at one point you know when they pour it and it's all bubbly that was insan same it does kind of look like that does it all have to be like the the the little squares this is something I should have asked her I blew it you can ask her backstage yes they're the little pedals that they've kind of created I think that there's like a lot of possibilities with the technology for sure um but this is just like the first instance of what they've made with this dress I mean let's hear it one more time for project all right we're going to move on and and talk a little bit about creating Custom Lettering for your projects this is Project glyph EAS by defon Leu hi everyone I'm working on some lading projects for a farmers market in this sign for Bakery the letters are too thin and don't look like bread to me so what can I do these are some shapes that I created they look more like bread than the original letters and I want to use them in my design but creating and tweaking these shapes took me quite a well I was manually drawing the shapes Point by Point like this even worse I need to create a shape for each new letter in the text here I'm introducing project glyph is with glyph is I just need to select these three shapes and launch GFF is on the left G is we analyze the three shapes I selected and automatically generate the other letters in a consistent Stell see now all the letters are in the same Stell as the three letters I selected excepted the S and E letters here and never designed the other specific letter all I did was provide a few shapes and hints and glyph is did all the rest what if I want to add add a new word fresh is simple I can type as live text is an awesome okay now let's make these letters more creative let's go back and try to make it look like someone has taken bite out of them yep I will achieve this effect by adding these decorative shapes and let's launch Griffies again G is an the B effect and applied it to all the ladds and this farmers market also sells pretty good coffee now let's work on this sign of coffee the text here doesn't scream coffee to me but I have a fun idea he you do here are some coffee beans placed to look like ladds let's pass it to glyph e now all the lads are made from coffee beans moreover I can cut this word and use it in live text let's select this coffee cup and paste the text around the coffee now this looks perfect woo okay time for one last example I have been trying to find the perfect letters for this sign of organic honey last night I sketch this on paper which has this nice dripping effect for the honey sign with glyph is I just need to bring this image to illustrator and select the desired area and launch glyph e wow all the letters have the daming effect I sketch on the paper more importantly all the letters are generated in the vector format I can simply apply the complex appearance of the honey to these letters wow now you have it unlimited creative hypography thanks for good be amazing thank you Deon I heard a visible wow from you when it switched to all the honey yeah I love honey so that was mostly honey based but I I mean it's I guess I a lot of this stuff is things that I didn't know needed to be way better like I thought we had basically mastered letters at this this point but you made it better great job great job deod well we have another amazing sneak for all of you this is Project posable by EO hi people I am writing a graphic novel about a princess Knight fighting on orra and this is the sketch I'm starting working from I know they look abstract but I want to turn it into artwork so first I tried to use AI to generate an image of a princess Knight sitting on the throne they look good but they have the different pose and camera angle that I envisioned so this time let's try something different first first I'm going to load this go into 3D space and since I want our princess to sit I'll move the chair behind her and uh I can move her joints but I myself is not a 3D artist so it's a little bit hard for me to manually put her on the sofa so look at this I can click on the sofa associate it to the girl and then press space to let her automatically sit on the chair then I can adjust her pose by fixing the joints on the hand and move her torso leaning a little bit to the left notice that the body always look natural because our ik system respects physics and Physiology y then I'm going to adjust the camera angle and click generate let's see what we can get this time look at this now the pose and the camera angle is just what I envisioned the 3D model gives AI the extra hints that it used in conjunction with my text prompts and we call this technology project POS then let's do the fighting scene again I'm putting the girl into the 3D scene and instead of manually posing her I'm going to search the image from Adobe stock and I found this lovely image of a kid doing Kung Fu I like this CL and then what I'm going to do is load this image of kung fu into project possible yeah look at this the comfor p is now transferred to our princess Knight and I can change the angle to get the SC that I want and I'm going to write the text prompt and adjust her head a little bit and click generate [Applause] wow look at this this could have been so hard to achieve by just writing text prompt right okay last scene I'm going to work on the or Monster this is Brute from Adobe miimo miimo is a library that provides free characters for people to use woo and the PO I found for him is oh this carative PO I like it very much and let's transfer the carative post to our AO master again I'm going to adjust the pose a little bit and ride a prompt wow it looks terrific how do you guys like [Applause] it by doing this in just a couple of minutes I was able to turn my Concepts into gorgeous artwork let's see what I just created let's refresh the page to place what we just got into this story board and review the story in the midcentury cast There lives a princess Knight she sees the poster of an augra he is wanted so she decides to leave the castle searches him in the forest and suddenly she sees him standing on the mountain and she is ready for an epic battle as we all know AI image generation is an incredibly powerful creativity tour and with our project posible all poses are possible thank you e what do you think I mean the one where the woman is getting posed in the chair she looked really comfortable just like I feel like we are looked more com able than I currently am yes yeah I was going to how are you doing I mean this is great yeah it's it's real wooden I I like that I mean I love like the German theme this is because I was on the show Bumper in Berlin right that is what happened yes and then peacock cancel it where's the head of peacock but it's cool uh I mean incredible I am developing my own princess vers the ogre graph novel so my lawyers will be contacting you but great great work looking forward to see your story I'll tell you what it doesn't look as good thank you eeve all right uh we're going to move on very sassy love it so you know I like it I gave a little jab she gave me the right hook came right back at you now she's coming back I wasn't scared Daniel all right well we're going to talk a little bit about low resolution videos ever had something tiny you know got that gif whatever MH this is Project res up by Yang Joe hello everyone I'm a video creator and want to create a video about the elephants so here is a video as as upon the line it looks good it has elephants and it hittite and I really like this elephant and want to give him a closer shot so I crop the video and get this one it looks good but it is too small when I naively scale it up um it looks too blurry so here comes to project resum a video upscaling technology let's try it out let me drag the video here here and click the bottom project Resa will upscale the video by four times and try to predict is missing High fality details here we go see it's much better now I can clearly see the texture and the details of the river and of course let it put side by side compar person see how much it improves I can definitely use this new asset in my final full resolution video so project Resa not only work project res up can also be applied to those super small and uh super small resolution and old videos for example this one I wouldn't say that oh what do you know about anything you never got past a ninth grade it's an old movie made in 940s so the original resolution is pretty low and let's try project res up I bet it's going to look way better and click the submit button so it takes a while for the processing even we skip some heavy competition part and let's wait for it here we go I wouldn't say that oh what do you know about anything you never got past a nice grve it's awesome right let's put it side by side I wouldn't say that oh what do you know about anything you never got past a ninth grade yeah I can clearly see her like details of her facial expressions and hairs and even the shiny hair wax this man put on okay finally project Resa does not only work for videos it can also be applied to the give images like the funny memes you made for example this is a little meme I found online usually is small and um blurry so let's try rest it up boom see it's much clearer and in a higher resolution and definitely this is side by side comparison so with project res up you won't be afraid to share any of your small but interesting videos or animations on the HD screen anymore thanks everyone thank you y yeah incredible dude I feel like everyone is going to love you except for aging actors they're going to be like maybe we keep that one low res but everybody else is going to love it it's pretty great thank you very cool thank you thank you all right so before we go into our next sneak I did have a question that I wanted to ask you oh yeah get okay get ready for this uh I'm really curious I mean you're an actor right you're in all these movies have you ever had to speak a different language for a movie or like do you do you only speak English do you speak any other languages yeah impressive yeah well s good we're going to keep that in mind obviously for this next sneak I'm very curious your thoughts after you see it but this is Project dub dub dub by Z jino as content creators we all want views but how can we get our content to the people who do not speak the language that we have in video well I have something for you so let's get started by loading up audio sample I just made in the backstage what do you have up your sleeves good evening everyone welcome to Adobe Max welcome to Adobe Max everyone all right so what are you going to do just choose a language I always want to learn Spanish and here you go so this is Project D du it helps you to dub your content into different languages while keeping the voice the same but how close are the voices yeah well let's do a stress test I'm going to choose um an audio sample that my colleague sent me and let's stb it it in a number of languages let's choose all of this we're going crazy all right so I'm going to play the original all right gave a sec and listen to all this language change together for we believe that it will also lead to building relationships of trust with our customers all right this totally sounds like she said all these things but no I guarantee you just three seconds of audio We Can Make Her Say all these languages and all the languages I will support um but let's do something even more challenging well the mouse is not moving all right so let's load up older video Everybody L the older video like the last show right um how many people want to listen to Gary Grant saying some Spanish all right let's do it all we need to do is to load up the file and uh choose some languages let's just do Spanish and German all right let's watch the original while it's processing get Bruce out of jail how can you worry about a man who's resting in a nice quiet police station well this is going on H This Is War you can't deserve me now you get off that t You' got your story right over there on the desk go on smar it all over the front page Williams captured by morning post I covered your story for you and I got a fine mess doing it now I'm getting out you drooling idiot what do you mean I just what I said there are 365 days in a year one can get mad classic arguing SC all right let's see Spanish and also [Music] German wow so with pro project do do do you can just doop your content into various languages ready to post thank you zo I mean I think now you see where I was going with that have you ever been dubbed in a movie before and like this is that back and yeah it's it's usually very bad and I seem way angrier in every language every language I remember they dubbed me in German and I'm like I don't sound that angry do I and people are like you scream all the time that's your main comedic trick uh first of all Sarah gut actually don't know what that means yep you'll have to dub it dub dub dub it all right I'll try to use that next time yeah I mean it's it's truly incredible I I mean this is the future I've been looking to break into the Vietnamese Market so I think this might help this is it for you this is this is it one more time for project dubdub dub thank you zo all right well we have a lot of photographers out here at the audience tonight and I think we need to do a little something with photography so this next sneak is Project seethrough by Eric Key ER I don't know about you all but I take a lot of pictures uh like like this one I was in the car when I got this shot and I think it's pretty good but this kind's kind of messed up these are reflections from inside the car but it's okay we can fix this open Photoshop use generative fill you know the fill is going to work cuz the sky is smooth it's just it'll take a little bit of time and effort to get it all cleaned up nicely so maybe there's a faster way yep 3 2 1 boom Reflections are gone that's it the AI has automatically removed all of the reflections from the sky and it was definitely a lot easier than doing it by hand so that was easy but I know some people are going to say hey man those Reflections look kind of simple and I totally get that it's just that Reflections are also kind of a common problem so check out this shot I got this one of my friend's puppy and I think it would be difficult to clean this up in Photoshop look look at all these detailed trees here you could use Firefly but that might completely change your photo including the way the dog looks so let's try cleaning this one up too 3 2 1 boom Reflections are gone W the AI has automatically pulled all of those uh trees out of the background and on the face of the dog right this is definitely much more of the photo that I was looking for okay so this was easy but this time I want to be the one to say I don't think those Reflections are that difficult because they're not that strong on the dog right you can still see his face so let's try another one I got this shot while window shopping I thought these record players were kind of cool but the Reflection from the street kind of ruins this in fact I might even delete this photo because I don't know if I could fix that in Photoshop look at all these detailed edges here these are the cobblestones in the street so let's try cleaning this one up but I want to show you something else too this time let's also save the reflection 3 2 1 boom Reflections are gone the AI has pulled all of the cobblestones out of there you can clearly see the record players right definitely we can share this photo you don't need to delete it and don't forget we saved the reflection so here's that cool thank you so you can see all of the cobblestones and the umbrella and my shoes seriously though uh now that we've separated these two images so here's the clean one we can open them in Photoshop to edit them Rec combine them whatever you want to do in Photoshop okay so you've seen how we can rescue ruin photos and clean up Reflections and even edit Reflections in Photoshop I want to show you just one more example today because it turns out that Reflections are more than just an annoyance they can actually hide important content in your pictures so check out this shot I got this at a friend's house party reflection covers about half of the photo but it's also really strong up here in the sky you can barely see anything through that but let's try it anyway 3 2 1 boom wow Reflections are gone the AI has automatically recovered all of the details of the beams in the ceiling and the window here the dining table and of course most importantly now you can see the subject clearly and without any distractions and that's the whole point of reflection removal right by giving you control over when and where Reflections appear in your photos you can stop worrying about glass getting in the way thank you very much great job Eric this is I mean if you've ever tried to remove reflection some of that is just going to be painstakingly like just so annoying that's my favorite excuse when my wife makes me take photos of her I go the reflections are too bad we can't I don't I can't do this unfortunately say that anymore and then now Eric ruined that for me but she's going to love it thank you Eric thank you Eric all right well normally this is where we would end the show uh we normally only have 10 sneakes okay but we we have a a secret announce M everyone gets a free car oh jeez yeah well that would be amazing what were you going to say yeah um okay I take back what I said then all right well so we do have one more s that's that's where I was going with this so better better than the car better clearly better it is going to be really good some of you actually may have seen this you know sneaked before the sneak on some of our Adobe social channels free sneak and there's been a lot that I could see going into Adobe Firefly going into our products but as someone who works on all this technology as well I'm genuinely so stoked about this next next piece of technology and getting this into our products this is Project Stardust by ya [Applause] Fimo so my little sister loves to volunteer around the neighborhood by walking our neighbors dogs and she ask for my help editing a photo for her to use for her flyers and her brochures for her dog walking service so I have the photo ready to go the first thing that I want to do to this photo is move this couple more towards the center of the frame how many of you guys have done something similar first you have to met a lot of you first we have to mask around the person then move them to where we want them to be and then we have a person shaped hole in the back that we need to fill in somehow very tedious now project Stardust aims to make photo editing as easy as possible and the easiest way to select people and move them is to select the two people and move them I it doesn't need to be difficult that's it that's all y'all woo what did dosia say the other day let the robots do the work y'all we're trying to put y'all on so so project Stardust does this by understanding all of the objects in the picture the same way that you and I human beings understand the people the objects the background in 3D space this allows you to essentially reach into the photo and edit it as if it were real life let's take these background people for example if I wanted to remove these background people and I select them one by one I hit delete on my keyboard and they disappear that wasn't it you don't even know um chill it it be very timec consuming to delete each person one by one especially if it's a large crowd you know your vacation photos um so Stardust has a way luckily to identify exactly which people are distracting from the main focus so you can delete them with just one click I'm telling you it's a game changer now if this is a flyer for a dog walking service I think we need we need a dog right we need to add a dog yeah we do so let's add a fluffy dog I love the audience participation you guys are like get this woman a puppy immediately so Stardust is connected to generative fill and has all of that magic right so adding a new object is just as easy this one's like ready to go um just as easy as all of the objects that were already in the picture right so if I'm going to keep this dog these are individual isolated objects so I can you know scale rotate I can move the dog behind the guy do all of that good stuff I'm actually going to flip it so he's looking the other way let's do that Off Script you're getting a little bonus so let's do that now this picture is missing a little something just a little bit of razzled Dazzle now my sister loves to wear an orange sweater when she's walking the dog so we can look outside the window and see her beep bop booping along with the puppies and I want to make this sweater match her orange sweater notice how I didn't need to draw any outlines or any shapes I wanted to click the shirt so I clicked on the shirt and it knew exactly what I was looking for this one looks great um yeah let's use this first one and there we have it the photo is ready to go for her flyers and her brochures now let's see what Stardust can do in another example in this photo my friend is this guy in the middle and he really loves the way that he looked that day he's feeling himself he really wants to use this photo as his professional head shot his badge photo etc etc now at this point we already know that I can Stardust his co-workers out of the picture right that's table Stakes at this point so uh spicy so the real challenge in this example is that he is standing behind this woman right so if I even if I did move her out of the way or delete her it's not like Stardust is going to like magically know what he looks like behind her right right I bet it does wrong because of course it magically knows what he looks like behind her of course we can do that woo Max Saks is a magic show yeah it is so there we go Stardust those people out we'll move him a little bit more towards the middle and Bam he's ready to go he's loving it he's loving it the most amazing thing about object completion is that it happens automatically with both people and objects the moment that you upload your photo so if you had the power to edit your photos as if they were real what would you create so all right it is wild okay so the first time that I ever saw this I thought it was fake like seeing it even now it looks like it's fake it just happen so fast you go in you delete something you move something over you're like did that happen is that real are they faking it I had to upload my own photo to like truly believe it was happening I was like I don't know you know it just happened so fast it's incredible she's not a liar that no I not what I was saying but yeah not a liar yeah she was telling the truth the entire time wow abely Stardust I love it let's hear one more time for project start us thank you a that was incredible I mean some amazing amazing technology uh that we've gone through tonight that's everything that we have I want to make sure we give a big thank you to all of our presenters tonight yeah big round of applause to all of our staff and crew behind the scenes we've had an amazing run of show tonight and of course Adam let's give Adam a big round of applause thank you so much for being here tonight thanks guys oh man thank you Danielle it was super fun great I feel like I'm way smarter now you were very techsavvy at the beginning as we know but maybe you've learned a little bit what's cool about this is I'm going to Lord all this knowledge over all my dumb friends and be like oh you're still using that version of photosh try Stardust you you know absolutely that sounds perfect all right well thank you again to everyone who is streaming with us tonight for all of the rest of you here thank you so much we will see you at The Bash thank you [Music] guys [Music] I I I'm Bru I'm [Music] Cru I'm Cru I'm Cru there I I


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