Adobe & CSU Digital Literacy Day Presentations 3/8/19

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Oh. Just, test one two best, test. Where's. The sound, coming out we're testing, one two three, I. Understand. It's a pretty good-size room at Fullerton, which is great where, is a number. Of people attending. Those. Of us in the zoom room. There. Were approximately, 60. CSU, folks in San Jose. Okay. Great they're working on that stream. To, sound the, stream of the sound to the odds. Just. Play some music so I don't have to keep chatting. Lewton. Hearing us yet. 1. 2 3. Testing. 1 2 3. It's. Like we're getting closer to getting started. Hello. Everybody, thank. You for your patience. Mercury. Is retrograde we've, been trying to figure out all. Shoots. Today. Looks. Like we can see something we know staying happy now I think. Can you do an audio test so we can see if we can hear you lay back in the room. Testing. One two three and you hear me. Move. Forward, hey. We're being a little renegade. Are. You, able to hear my audio later song just so they have a constant, stream of music. Okay. I. I. Am not hearing. Anything. In the room so, I know, I'm probably, chatting. Over. Who's. Ever in the room at Fullerton. Okay. You're ready for me to start but I can't hear anything. Your. Microphone, is cutting up really bad I. Can. Hear you fine thank. You San Marcos thank, you. Working. On AV in the room at 4:10 so that they can channel obviously, they've got us. Going out but, now we need, to. See. If we can hear them coming. Well. I'm not sure exactly how, to start without, being able to hear from others in the room. That's. Cathy can you hear me. Cortney. Now. Yes. It's. Very simple those. Little details. So. It's good everybody can hear me Anna Johnson yes. You. Were hearing you anyway. This. Boy's voice. How. What now any, okay, okay. Good. Morning. Good. Morning again it can have daddy can you hear me awesome. Alright. Good. Morning everyone welcome. To our. Adobe. Event at Cal State Fullerton, my, name is Amir Liberian I'm the vice president for technology and. The CIO for the for. Our campus, Cal State Fullerton, it's. A pleasure to have you all here and it's, pleasure everyone, in the in the in the zoom. You, get I guess we have 28 people if, I'm right 29 now so it's adding on so, it's great, having. Everyone, here on on, the campus and also remotely, via, or. Teleconferencing. I'm. Very excited about today and I'll tell you why you know in, 2010. Which. Is nine, years ago, we're, starting, our journey with, Adobe then. It was that the product, was very, expensive, for every student to own and it, was everybody. Wanted, to have it so. We, started journey with, Adobe how do we bring it to our, students. Everywhere, not, just Cal, State Fullerton but, across the system it. Took nine years, now. We have every. We finally have, a. System-wide. Adobe. That makes the. Product available for all our students. Faculty. And staff we. Have over. 185,000. Licenses, across the system. For. Half, a million of our. Students, across the system so it's it's bringing a joy to my. To. Me personally. To see that, we are putting. Digital, literacy, and our students, hands and our faculty staff hands across, the system, and be, balancing. The concept, of haves and have-nots across. The system it's the same product. Availability. Across, every. Single institution and it, was made possible but. Each of your, campuses. And Adobe. Working, together to, make this particular, deal come true and again. I am extremely. Thrilled and extremely, happy to, be one of the champions, there's many many champions, in our campuses, that made this possible that, brought the probably, the one of the few. Agreements. That, was done system-wide. And it, was done across the campuses, at. Each. Of the campus agreed to be part of it so, it was very complicated. Project. It, took us about. Five. Months to do the projects, but I let you know I. Would. Say we we, talked to about 150, to 200, different people, across, the system trying. To bring the deal, together, but, now it is available and the next step of this how do we put this in hand of our students, how do we put it part of our curriculum how, do we make a digital literacy possible. For every single students, in, California. State, University system, and Cal. State Fullerton as our campus we, have been working or embedding.

This In our curriculum in, the past two two and a half years, we. Have over. 2,000. Students that really part of a curriculum using, Adobe, products, in in, CSUF, we. Have partner. For, different Department such, as English college, of business. Communications. Or. You. Know visual, arts, performing. Arts and all other departments, on campuses, to, make this part, of their curriculum and make the to literacy posture for our students so I want to tank Adobe. I want. To thank the CSU, and I. Want, to. Make. This project moving forward, it's. A thrill to have, a Todd Taylor here I just want to give a shout out to Todd, he. Is, one. Of the key individuals, that, I have. Aspired. To be as a faculty member because he is he. Is really. Making. Changing. Lives every day and really have an impact of, this product, moving forward he's the one that helped, us our English department Bonnie's, here to. Move forward with our digital. Literacy, our English. Department and our English 101 courses, so. We are very clear to that I'm gonna give, a shout out to Kathy. Fernandez, from a CSU, that here will talk in a second they are really supporting, this project from that for, my chances office and. Let. You know that we here at Cal, State Fullerton, we are here to support the entire CSU when, you have questions, and answers to move this project forward thank, you and welcome. Thank. You so much Amir, and. Thank you all of you for your patience, this morning, I'm glad. To see we are up and running now so, without further due because speaking of patience, she has been hanging. On for the last 20 minutes, ready. To speak so, it is a great honor, this morning to, pass. It off to Kathy, Fernandez she's the senior. Director of learning designing, technologies, from the chancellor's, office and her, and I have been working very closely together, on putting. This event together for you today so, Kathy. Would. Love to be in the room but. Just based on extensive. Travel, I needed to be here, back in 30 days so, I would do want to a mirror, and his leadership in, also. Being patient nine, years in the making and, we, all, understood, the value of what it would be for our. CSU students, to have, access to the Adobe tools and now to gain the, skills they need we. Know that as. They go out into their work environment. That you. Know it's pretty quite. Likely that, they're going to run into the Adobe products and being, able to leverage those products, you know adds to their skill set and for the digital, literacy, of the 21st, century learner this is an important, partnership I also, wanted to make sure that I think CSU, Fullerton for, being willing to host this event I, don't. Know if Courtney has been able to let you know but last week there was a North cow, event. At the Adobe headquarters, and I think we had something like 60 CSU, people there and, having. Quite a few more of you here in the room in the zoom room at 14. It, is a great kickoff, with. Adobe, to partner, and, to, make sure now that we get to leverage, the investments, that we've made across, the CSU.

Faculty. Staff students, in leveraging this partnership. And making sure that it works for all of us I, know that. Of. Course many. Years ago some of the things we used to talk about when integrating, technology, is used to, attack. Technology. On to the side of our course in other words we just continue, to teach our course and by the way we have this me at that but, today we really want to talk about also sharing, amongst, the CSU, some. Of the best practices, for integrating the, Adobe products with the students, in both teaching and learning in, other words what, works for faculty what doesn't work for faculty what works for students what doesn't work for students so, that we can really leverage one, another within the CSU since. We are the largest system you. Know around the world it's important, for us to leverage the resources and, expertise, within and that means each of you so, being able to bring this community, together and I hope to continue to synergize the, relationship, that we have between, CSU. And Adobe as well as around. The campuses, so, that faculty can share work with. One another how, they have implemented, and how they have integrated, into their curriculum, and so. With. That again, I'm really excited for today I look forward I know that Adobe, is always. On the on, the edge of spurring. Innovation there, now we're talking about spurring, that innovation in the classroom I just, think that's a great thing again, thanks to all of you I look forward to further engaging, with each of you as we, continue to, develop this relationship I, know that Courtney will be asking, you know at the end of all of this for feedback, please, do, let us know we're, listening to you about what works what doesn't work and how we can continue to work together across, the CSU thanks. Again and I'll, be online for a little while listening. Thank. You Kathy. So. Here, we are. We're. So excited that you are here with us today and let's make sure this is working and. I'm, just going to speed through this for the sake of time, I'm. Courtney. I think I've met some of you but there are some unfamiliar, faces here I recently. Joined, the Adobe education team, and I've been working as Kathy mentioned very, close with her on. Kind. Of thinking through the. Academic, side and putting, these events together and I'm here today also with my colleague, Liz arias that's in the back and her, and I are both working with the CSU system from. The Adobe education team, so we, want to welcome you here today and as Kathy said we. Really want to hear your feedback and your insights and your thoughts and that's really what, the. Point of today is so. As Kathy mentioned you. Know we kind of have this alphabet soup with, Adobe sometimes all these different apps and letters and what, do they mean why do they keep changing every, day when, they update mobile. Apps and really the point of today is about the, pedagogy and the teaching and learning side, and the, learning outcomes, the tools come second, and. That's why we really want to hear, from you guys today and help you collaborate. With each. Other and really kind of start to talk about how. You can think about integrating, this into your curriculum in a meaningful way. So. Again the focus here is on digital literacy and just. A hot second about myself I, grew. Up in California a lot of my family went to Fresno. State are there any Bulldogs in the house. No. Bulldogs, and my parents still live a mile from the campus and i, I've, used these tools for a very long time I used to work in TV and film media. Production, and I. Came, from academia, so really I'm, used to being you guys and sitting in your seat I was. Recently at the University, of Southern California, where. I developed, our, school-wide digital, literacy initiative there and, was also teaching and designing courses and so, I made a lot of mistakes along, the way and I really appreciated, being able to collaborate with colleagues from. Other institutions, and Todd and Amir.

Are. Folks, that I've been working with for seven years now so I'm standing here today, wearing. The Adobe hat but. Really I've been on a very similar journey to you guys and my role here at Adobe is really. To, be your Sherpa and to help you on this path and to help. Kind of define the vision and, help with strategy, so, again thank you guys for being here today, I'm. Just gonna skip through some of these because we're already starting a little bit late but the point, here is that Adobe is very. Committed. To education, and it's one of the things that really caught, my eye is an educator early on when I had partnered with Adobe at USC, and. So. Just a little bit of. Some. Just laundry items for today again. We would love to hear your feedback we, just set up a really hopefully. Not. Very painful. Forum. Get. Some feedback so that's the short link on here I'll send it out again afterwards. But if you want to take note of it. Kathy. And I just really want to kind of hear your thoughts and see what we can do to make these better moving forward and then. There's two hashtags if, you guys want to share out on social one. Of them I think it's getting a little bit cutoff at least in the room which is Adobe edu. That's just what we use for Adobe education and then. I started. Using Adobe. CSU, I just want to see if we can give it some traction because you know CSU, owned stands for, California, State University. So. We're gonna try it out and see if we can use it on the different campuses, and just kind of get a nice snapshot over, time. Of what's happening, within the. CSU system. So. With that it. Is an honor to bring up our first speaker, to kind of start taking us down this road map of the, CSU, journey so. I'd like to invite to the stage. Megan Martinez. She's. A senior career adviser with Cal State Fullerton, and for, those of you online let me just read a little bit about her background she. Completed her undergraduate, work at CSUF. Studying, child development, and sociology, during. This time she became involved with many student affairs programs, sparking. Her passion for working with college students as a, result she pursued, a master's degree in, higher ed with an emphasis in student affairs at, Penn State after, completing. Her degree she, came back to Fulton to, help business students with their own career journeys and, we are lucky to have her today with us thank. You. All. Right so I might need help getting set up. Uh. Come with yourselves. Why. Did you login I, did. I. Don't know if I have any jokes just, yet maybe, once I can firmly get some coffee does. Anyone have any questions while we're. Waiting. Again yes thank you sir. I. Know. Isn't it lovely I it's, such a diverse lineup. Thank. You for that comment I. Have. So. The question of philosophy online I don't even know if you can hear me is. About the Adobe education exchange, let, me just see a show of hands how many of you guys have been on that site before.

It's. Awesome, and there's, actually, just, did. A redesign of it I don't work on the team that does that although I have a lot of content on there from. When I used to teach. And. Todd. Who you're gonna hear from later for keynote, is like, one of the kings of, the, education, exchange he has all sorts of stuff online including an entire. Textbook. That he created that he'll be talking about later. But. Since we. Yes. So the great thing about the Adobe education exchange, and again I if. We have time at the end I will show some of this to you but I'm certainly gonna follow up with. Some resources for all of you the, great thing about the education, exchange it's, like this giant. Sharing. Space online and, it's for educators, by educators, and I say that because we. Have noodles, of tutorials, out there through LinkedIn. Learning, through the Creative Cloud, about, the tools the, reason why I have. Always liked, the education, exchange and I'm sharing it with all of you is that, it's really thinking about it through a teaching, lens because again it's, educators, creating, content and putting it on there so it's not just here's. How you use the tool or even like here's a project in a box it's. Also here. The rubrics, here are the student learning outcomes here's a here examples, of a range of student. Projects, and. Maybe how I graded them so it's just it's, really looking at it through a unique lens for educators. So, from nothing else like, I, encourage. You to just peek through that site and bookmark, it it's, a really great resource moving, forward and if. There's content, being added to it every day there's so much stuff in there so thank, you for that it's edx, dotted. Or be com I believe. Let's. Just put it in a chopper - Thank You Liz. Okay. Technology. Right. So. Thank, you for the warm welcome, and introduction so again my name is Megan Martinez I'm the senior advisor over in mihaylo Career Services so, mostly. What I do for Cal State Fullerton, is work with business students in their career exploration, and journey I'm still. When I had the opportunity to teach a professional.

And Career development course, I hopped drawing on that and. Helped develop some of the some. Of the content they used today in, the course so I'm gonna share with you and how. Our journey progressed, and. Why we use Adobe, in our class. So. A little bit about me um I, went to here, for. My degree I got my degree in child development and, sociology. My. Mom was the teacher and thought, I wanted to be a first grade teacher just, like she did until I took an internship and realized I don't have the patience, for them, but. I do have the patience for college students that was a much better fit for me I so. Then I went. Away, far. Away to Penn State for my master's degree because, I had to get out of California I've. Been here my whole life just a little bit so. I was there for two years loved, the experience loved, the University absolutely. Amazing but. Had to come back. So. Found a position at, Cal State Fullerton and that has been my home for the past almost four, years in June I'm working. In the Career Services Department under the College of Business so I've really enjoyed my time there. And. Have been able to make great strides I now use Adobe, also in. My job there but. I'm here just to talk to you about my role as a part-time, lecturer for the BOE d300, crop class so. Let me explain kind of what this class is so, it. Is a professional, and career development course, so what that means is there, it's. Content, in there that's career related also just life skills, I'm executive leadership, skills so. This class, kind of covers the gamut it was mainly. Introduced, for transfer, students, to help them get accustomed, to the University. And. Help set them up for success but. Since then a lot of seniors, have, an even sophomores, and freshmen have, found it very beneficial to. Be in a class like this it goes over a lot about the university as a whole and teaches them how to be successful here, in, the college courses. That's. Where I am today. So. I'm going to cover a couple of things so, I have some statistics, based. On Adobe product, usage. Not, only within Cal. State Fullerton but also within, the BU 8,300 class also. How. I approach. Teaching and, using it in my class and, choosing. The right Adobe products there are so many. That. Was alluded to earlier how, do you choose the right one to work with your students and why we chose the ones that we did. Actually. Integrating. Into the classroom, so making it more of a conversation. And kind of an everyday, reminder. As opposed to here's one class on just this one assignment. Knowing. When to change a technology, is always evolving, and so, are our students, so being able to make, your syllabus. And your assignments flexible, to, what they need and what they're going to respond to and. Then I have some examples of our students, work. So. First is some statistics, so, since, spring 2017 when, this project, was rolled out on campus, we've. Had 39, faculty, participating. With. 92 class, impacting. 2379. Students, so, very exciting, across, the campus and. Then for our class in particular for, the BU d 300 so we also started in spring so. We were one of the first classes that, had the opportunity to collaborate. With Adobe. And our IT department very. Excited, for that opportunity, and. Since then we've had 13, faculty, a sign on that teach this course to. Implement different aspects. 29. Class sections from that and a total of 895. Students, just, from the 300 class. So. How I approached teaching. Again. I'm from a career background so everything, that, I look at and everything I see is with that lens so, how can I make my course and what I'm teaching, relevant. To them after, they graduate, so what kind of skills are they going to need throughout, this one semester that's going to help set them up for success when, they're interviewing, or when they're talking to an employer, what.

Can I do so, technology is definitely something that everyone, needs a little, bit of I found. That would have been helpful if I had a stronger background in Adobe, also. I'm. Working a lot with marketing, students a lot of them need the Adobe background. To. Be successful in their future roles, and. I, have, a mix of things like students, like with accounting, backgrounds, or want to go into finance like how is this relevant to me and I, said well let me tell you how. Many of you have, ever heard of the interview question tell me about a time you had to learn something new or had. To learn something different or something that was challenging for you well this is your story this is going to be the interview story that you're going to tell to, that, employer. So, when you sit there you can say my professor, made me learn this Doby technology, it was very complicated but I was able to apply, what. I learned learn it do well in the assignment, uh-huh so that's how they, found this relevant to their lives. It's. A confidence builder so learning something totally outside of your wheelhouse or, something relevant for your industry it, gives them the confidence that they need to, go forth in the workplace and know that they can learn something that, might be intimidating. At first and. That there were always also, resources, to help, so whenever even even if they're ready. To go into their first level of job and they have questions there's always someone, that they can ask for help. Choosing. The right products, so. I'm very fortunate and, we were very fortunate and I speckled you to have an amazing. IT. Department. Here with. Super, helpful. Warm. Engaging. Staff. That we had to we got the opportunity to work with so, and we were approached with the idea, and. Me. And a few other of the faculty got together and thought well you know what what, would make sense how, can we integrate technology. Into our classroom so it started with a group of just four of us getting. Together and think about what works then, we had many meetings with. Matt. And Sepideh really, to. Go over okay so all, these Adobe products that you have we're thinking, these assignments could work but we don't know, much about the products, themselves and, what, our students, can really learn in the Justice semester, so. They, did many tutorials after, the stroke lots of questions to. Be able to help. Us understand. And pick their, products that we're using today. So. Then that we found now that we picked the assignments, we've picked the technology, that we're using now. We had to actually figure out how to teach, the students, so. We. Thought hands-on, is going to be the best so, there are tutorials out there online that, a student can walk through and you can give them that assignment but we. Wanted them in a computer lab being able to play with the softwares so we've. Been, very fortunate and having members from our IT department be, able to come in and teach the, students, the, different products, so they have the computer labs we get everything set up and they, make it as easy as possible for, students to be able to learn these different technologies. So. We. Had to change a couple of things so we've been in this for, about. Two years. With lots of about six semesters so, through. That we've seen things, that work and things that don't work we've had assignments, change, and have to adjust assignments, to be able to. Figure out what's really connecting, with our students, we're, big proponents, of reading that sort of a feedback and figuring, out how we can adjust and change so. That all students are going to get something out of this, so. First we started with Adobe, InDesign and, Adobe.

Spark So those were the two that we rolled. Out with first so, with our InDesign we had students create a creative, resume, we. Thought that would be helpful for them especially. For our marketing students, and. Then the campus resources presentation. Is something that we have. In, the, 300 class and that really. Goes over a lot of the resources around campus it's to help them get familiar with if, they have a question where did they go so. We use Adobe spark, for. This and we still do but. We've changed the way that we utilize, it because someone one of the features, that, we. Found the first semester is with. Spark you can't collaborate as easily as you can with other platforms so. We've. Sent changed. And now how we actually, utilize it so even, in a round three we're still using the campus resources presentation, but, now we do it all in class so, they're all working together on one laptop as opposed to having them try to go out and figure out how to collaborate and. With that and so. After that you know we thought that was great they, got the InDesign but, then we realized our, students. Are gonna, need a creative, resume and the, answer was no to that so we thought okay this is good for our first round but let's, think of something that they're going to be able to use afterwards. So. He went back to the RIT, team and said okay InDesign. Was good and the resumes look really nice but we're gonna have to change it we want something a little bit different so. What, we did is we have a five-year, roadmap that we have students do at the end of, the semester and, the. Whole semester they're really preparing for what. Is after graduation, look like and. So we had them do that roadmap so we thought let's have them do, build that, in an, Adobe software and, then we had to go back to the drawing board and which one do we use um, so. We decided, on illustrator. So, that, is now what we still use in. Our classes the adobe illustrator, further. Five-year-plan um so. We had about a year of that went really well our students were able to understand, it and, put it together and then. We thought well you know what we like using these technologies a lot, is, there another assignment, that we can add, to. What our students are doing, and. That's when I created. The online profile. Assignment, so this. Is using adobe spark something I'm very proud. Of and, it. Is like a LinkedIn profile but. Built in adobe spark so, you're gonna have a lot more freedom to upload. Your images, and projects, and, I've. Had students do elevator pitches as well so, I have them design this and we've actually had a lot of success. With this product in particular or. This project. We've. Had multiple students, get offers. For. Internships, and for jobs just, being able to showcase this, it's, so different and it's very cutting edge right now not many students, are using the Adobe spark platform, so we don't put an employer is able to see that they really do stand out so that's been amazing, to. Hear from our students. So. Here's an example this was our, creative. Resume that they built an InDesign, so. Very. Nice was one of our marketing students as well so she was, able to then use this as, she, was applying but wasn't as relevant to some of our other students, that's. Why we changed it and. I. Have two samples of. An online professional profile, as well as the campus resources presentation, it's. Built in Adobe, spark there. Are videos in there they also used, so. That it was built in, paid. Pages, um, and. They. Used the. Adobe video platform. Adobe spark video and adobe spark post to, be able to edit their photos they had to use all three of them when they were creating these. And. Then. This is a sample, of their career ode map, and. So in here is just where. They think they're gonna go in the next five years so they, were able to pick. Icons, customize, color and then, they had to align it the, bottom text with. What. Their actual road map was in their final paper, so. They couldn't just use. The same as everybody else they, had to be able to customize it. And. I'll take you through hopefully. This works. Are. They still gonna be able to see it okay. So. Here, is one. Of the online profiles. So. Name, and email is in here and this, is her elevator pitch so if I were to play it has her, background ahem it has some work that she's done.

Just. Really, great, and it talks about her looking for that full-time role. As. You scroll down it talks about where she's been so some of the countries that she's lived in, in. Her education so, it's very, very similar to LinkedIn but a lot more customizable, um. And. Then here she talks about her. Work so. She has, her courses. That she's done and detailed. Out what she's been able to learn from those experiences, as well as some of her own, creations. And then. Down here she highlights even more what she's been able to work on. And. Then her technology, so the technology that she's familiar with um. As well as a, game. That she designed, more. Things that she's put together and. Then. She ends with her skills, programming, languages and then her LinkedIn profile I'm so. Going. Into an interview with something like this is definitely going to make you stand out so something that we still really value, and. Use and. Then. I'll show you a sample. Campus. Presentation. So. For this every, student. Is put into a group and. They. Will. Be assigned a different campus resources, resource, so something around campus so this group, was assigned the Student Recreation Center. So they went and they took photos or they snagged them from the website, and. Gave an overview so they present this to the class, to. Be able to, show. Them about other areas on campus that they can visit. So. They'd use a lot of glide shows in here. And. Then, they were able to show where, to find this location on campus. Any. Relevant information and then that, they should use it overall. Any, questions, on. That we've really enjoyed working with the IT department, here. And. The 300 faculty have really enjoyed the challenge of how to integrate technology, in to. The classroom and we just, had a really great time if, you have this space and. You have the desire to change I highly encourage you to my. Students definitely benefit, a lot for me adding this technology, to the classroom. And, a, few pictures and a couple links it was a no-brainer oh. I. Just. Want to say that I downloaded. The. Creative, Suite last fall as faculty member and I. Opened. Up spark and in. 30 minutes I had a new web page it, was a no-brainer. So. Yep. There's a question from the other questions. Question. From the chat pod from Daniel. Set Co oh. Sorry. So. Presuming, instructors, don't have access to rooms with technology, in which they can teach these skills how do we hold students accountable how. Do we teach students e-skills yeah.

That's A really great question. Or. I. Need. To rent out a separate room we, went to our library to, be able to host that technology. Component. Of the classes that's. How we were we were able to do it and, also the computer labs on our campus, have the Adobe software so. If we needed to work on it they were able to put, one internal, Ulmer laptop. So. That food we were able to. I. Used. To make it from though so. I, think it's very appealing and I liked a lot but. I do have a question because some. Of my student actually have visually. Impaired impairments. So I guess, I always encounter. A situation, like that so I kind, of roll back to the very, basic, technology, because. Of the jaws. Compatibility. So, I'm wondering is if SPARC is fully, accessible for people with disabilities. That's. A correct answer no it's not it's, partially, accessible, and we're continually, working on it. There. Is a Adobe. Accessibility. Page that you can all go to to see exactly what we cover and there is an area, there specifically, covering spark. But, again to that extent I mean it isn't 100%, acceptable, the, video, tool I'd say it was probably one of the the. Ones, that is. The most, accessible. Or accessibility, friendly, since, you can pull down a video in P 4 and put captions on it and etc but again. We're working on it. So. I will be, challenged. To. Find. An alternate assignment what would be beneficial so. Follow. Our sonic zucchini get all kind of. Lucky. So. We, haven't gotten to Adobe business just. Yet I mean. So once I build them out I'm more, than happy to share, but. It will be built one movie. With our disability. And support services office to. Help create going. To be beneficial. I can. See if I can play it. Um. So every, student was a little bit different this student didn't, want to be on camera so she chose just other pictures, but. A lot of them did, recorder. Themselves, being able to say it does she weaved a little bit more of her work I'm. Within her. Elevator. Pitch others. Who teach about. Themselves and feminine. Feel. Like it's the price is right good run didn't. It's. Like in plumb Co that's the one I always liked. Great. Well thank you so much Megan. Moving. On I would like to introduce Bonnie, Jay Williams failure, to the stage and for, those of you online a little bit of background information. Dr.. Bernie Williams failure, earned her PhD in rhetoric and Composition. From Michigan State University, her. Research centers on issues and composition, studies including. Theorizing. African American literature and, rhetorical, traditions. Understanding. The intersections, of gender and, language in relationship, to black, female, discursive, practices, applying. The perspectives, from critical, race studies and, culturally. Relevant pedagogy, to issues, of teaching and learning and, highlighting. New pedagogical. Approaches to literacy which underscore, the importance, of carving. Out space for the cultivation and, support, of, students, lived experiences. And literary. Traditions, as essential, aspects, to empowering, writing instruction. Without. Further ado.

Thank. You. I'm, so excited to be here just, wanted to give a quick shout out to the IT team, they have been so supportive of me it's, my fifth year here at Cal State Fullerton, and a. Mirror and Matt and I just met, separate. Uh this. Year, and she was so helpful to me in fact, we picked. Out some of the pictures from our presentation, the other day and we, chose this, picture, for the as the first shot not just because the student. Is beautiful, and smart but, we actually noticed, after, we chose it for those reasons that she had a cell phone in her hand so, I don't know if any of you noticed that super. Cool, all. Right just to give you a little background about myself, in. Addition. To what you heard about my in the Bible I specialize. In composition, and rhetoric I'm a professor in the English department I mean, also the English, 101 coordinator. For, all the, first-year. Writing composition, courses we, have a number of about 60 courses in in the department, and also. The coordinator for our professional, certificate, in teaching and writing in the English department I, just. Want to give you a little background on how I became, a part of this particular. Project or this pilot, at Cal State Fullerton, to. Incorporate, digital literacies, in the classroom. We. Started talking about this because traditionally. In composition, courses, they're. Housed in English departments. But I met. In a mirror and got, to know them a little bit better and told them a little bit about my background I came from a program where we were, a separate, department. So my, program was composition. And rhetoric and it wasn't housed in the English department a few. Years before I arrived the, program, had actually separated, and so, we had a number of professors, there, who, really excited, about. That particular. Shift and we're, dedicated, to. Actually. Creating, a name for ourselves in, the field and a great reputation for our, department so we. Were introduced, to a number of different tracks in the. Field of composition, and rhetoric and. Those. Are listed there I'm some of them are listed cultural. Rhetorics, digital, rhetoric professional. Writing and critical, studies and literacy and pedagogy are just a few of the tracks that students, in the program were exposed, to I.

Specialized. In critical, studies in literacy and pedagogy so I had the opportunity to teach a lot, of the first-year, writing courses while I was actually studying, in the, program, but. The. Mentor. For the TA program, at that time was. A young professor, named. Bump, hob reader and he. Specialized, in digital rhetoric so, obviously, he taught a lot of us and trained a lot of us in digital literacies, and how to incorporate that into our classroom, so he. Introduced. Us to the remix project at that particular, institution. So. The. Remix project that he introduced was the most noted, assignment. That, we shared across our curriculum, and we, all adapted, it into our classrooms, to meet the needs of our students, and based, on the themes for our courses. So, in. My course, a focus. Or a theme, is often literacy, and so. Students, complete four different assignments, and that's what's listed here the first assignment, the literacy, autobiography is. A narrative, about, their experiences, with literacy acquisition. The. Second, writing, assignment, is the cultural, literacies, essay which is a research, paper that's typically about a non-traditional. Literacy. Skill that students have acquired. And. Then. The Disciplinary, literacies, paper is another research paper in, which students explore how reading writing. And research, functions. In their, particular discipline. Or may Durov study you have a question. Can. We make this larger. Sepideh. Or Matt. She. Wants to make the, screen. Larger. Okay. You. Know this should be available to you so you can pull it up on your computers, that was a question I had you, should have access to it and there's gonna be a few other documents, in here that are very small so if you want to actually see the, text, larger go, ahead and pull that up now. Thinking. Thank you for raising that question. Okay. So the Disciplinary literacies, essay is a research, paper and. Which students explore how reading writing and research is conducted in, their field of choice and. Then. Finally, the digital literacies, project, is a group project in which students transform, one. Of those previous papers, into a video, or, a documentary. So. Some. Of the benefits of conducting. A riemann's project in your class especially as maybe you. Don't have to wait to the end of the class session, to incorporate, this group project even, if you start in the beginning of the class you know making it one of like the first or second projects that students start to engage, it. Allows the students. To contribute to the campus community in a number of ways so. I. Just. Have a list here that I'll kind of read through really quickly students. Begin to understand, the power of working in groups or collaborating, with their peers they're. Able to identify and access campus resources. Needed to make the project a success. They're. Engaging real-world, application. Of texts and meeting expectations, outside. Of academia. They. Compose in genres, other than the traditional academic paper. They. Get practicing, composing, across, the disciplines in which they learn how to use alternative, forms of media which, makes them more, marketable when they enter the job market. It. Teaches students that alphabetic, text is, not always appropriate, for every composing, situation. And. Then. It raises issues related, to permissions. And other concerns, that help students begin to think about citation. Practices related, to expectations. For academic, integrity. So. Another, part of the course I, was, asked to kind of talk about how I integrate, this into the writing curriculum. We. Explore, not only literacy, but how to engage. Rhetorical. Concepts, in academic, writing and so. Some. Of those strategies that, are talked about in the composition, classroom can also be applied to the remix project but. We. Begin to write our papers and think about reading academic, tales, not just writing but also reading academic texts, in these ways so, students, are expected, to engage revision. Strategies and, that's just not the idea that you're revising, a paper for, a grammar or. As, a rhetorical concept, that's the idea, that you're, writing, a paper or composing a project to inspire change or kind of contribute to, changing. Someone's mindset, about an issue or, even inspiring, them to take action.

Arrangement. Is a strategy, that's, not just about organizing. An essay but, comparing, and contrasting so. How. Are things being put in relationship, with one another. Encouraging. Students to use integrated, reasoning, listening. And reading other arguments. About a topic synthesizing. Information, so. That's in a range that's considered an arrangement, strategy. Invention. Is a rhetorical, structure that. Causes, students to just ask the question, when. They're composing, about what they have to do to create that particular text, so did, they conduct research, did they reflect on personal experiences. Did they engage observation. They, conduct interviews did, they use alternative, media to develop their projects, so what actually had to be done to compose, this particular, project there, should be a process there. Delivery. Is. Just, asking. A question or thinking about what delivery, options, are available what. Media options are available or should be used and this is when students can think about composing. Across, the disciplines so. A. Couple. Of questions they might ask the shoot the paper be delivered, as a newspaper, article or, should. The topic be delivered as a blog post a script for television, or journal article there. Are a number of options available so, just kind of having a conversation about that and then, finally style is. The tone director, indirect, does the project include. Questions rhetorical. Questions, if narrative. Is included, how much narratives should be included, or is it necessary, to, use first-person is the writer embedding, quotes in the text so there's a number of style strategies, that you can cover when talking about. Composing. A project. In a composition course. So. These rhetorical concepts. They. Can be used across the disciplines and beyond and so, when students start to compose, the remix project we, continue, to have that conversation and, they're expected, to utilize these, rhetorical. Constructs. Are these rhetorical, strategies. In their composing, process when they create that video or that documentary, or any, other form of alternative, media. So. This, is an. Assignment sheet that's, available to, you I'm not going to read through it but. The. Long and short of it is.

When. Students, engage the, remix project so now they're let's say they've created they've completed. The first three essays for the course and now we're near the end of the semester they. Are working on the remix project they're expected, to read, and review the essays, of their group members so I often ask the students to bring in your favorite, essay, out. Of the three that we wrote in this class bringing, the one that you like the most, they. Read each other's essays and, then they choose an essay, to transform. Into a remix, or which is a video or a documentary and the. Rhetorical, strategy, that they would engage in that situation, is that delivery strategy, so again, they'll start to consider and discuss, on, which essay would be most effective or, impactful, if presented, in, that alternative. Format and. Then. They, continue to compose, using the rhetorical. Strategies, that are listed above. So. I have a remix, project example. Here and I, wanted to play this short, videos about three and a half minutes, I would, like you to kind, of think about those rhetorical strategies, that are discussed and watch the video and see if you can identify if. The, students are engaging any of them any, questions before I play the video about, the strategies, that I discussed. And. If. You have access to the handout you can probably scroll, back up to that and, have. That in front of you while you watch the video. Do. We have sound. Oh. So. We're not going to hear the see, the video but. I can tell you about it so. These students. Did a project. Obviously. The paper was about a cultural, awareness versus, cultural unawareness and I will play it because as I can, kind of maybe talk through it so. Here's. The student who's, kind, of introducing, the project, and he's. Kind of giving a description of what, you're going to see and. In this case I thought this functioned, his kind of his narrative here I thought this kind of function, as a. Thesis statement so, he's kind of giving a little background on the topic or thesis statement, or introduction, to a paper. Should. I go ahead and keep talking about it or do you think I, should wait Matt. Should. I wait just, keep talking about okay so, then. You can see questions, listed there they kind of introduce some questions, they're, having, their friends. Talking these are students. That are. Exchange. Students, and so they are talking about their experiences, with language, and culture from, in the US and so. They. Pose a couple of questions for them to respond to and they're talking about it now what I thought was really cool about this video was that these. Students, are speaking in. Native. Languages, so, the captions. Are. Actually. In English, so. That was really cool and. That you know that's something we will talk about in the class as a rhetorical, strategy, to engage the audience. I'm. Gonna move on past, the video now so I'm just gonna go back in -. Okay. Perfect and there, are when. You get a chance to view the videos there are other examples that, you can take a look at too so don't forget about this button down here we. Just weren't able to play most of the videos on YouTube there are some that are in a Dropbox listed, here so please, take. A look at the student works really really awesome in that class. Okay. So. One. On one assessment, and an expansion I'm kind of bringing it to a close now I just wanted to talk a little bit about my. Role as coordinator I mentioned, earlier that I'm the 101 coordinator, for the English. 101 classes and what, am I in that role one of my tasks, is to assess. The faculty. Syllabi. Every. Year and kind. Of look at all of the the, silver and coded, it for, things. That we would like to happen in our 101, classes versus, was actually, happening there and so. One. Of the things that are coded for last year was, digital, literacy, so to see if any of the 101 instructors, were incorporating. A digital. Literacy unit, in their syllabi, or any form of technology, or, opportunities. For students to compose an alternative, media and what. I noticed, was that there, was a low percentage of participation. Amongst. Faculty in terms of students composing, in digital environments and using.

These Alternative, forms so, the, Adobe Premiere pilot, is really, helping us present. Practical. Pedagogical. Application, of digital literacy which. Encourages, our faculty, to include, multimodal, forms, of composing, in their classes, and so. Some. Examples, of that are. Some. Of our 101, instructors. Who participated, in the pilot, they taught first-year writing 101, and they also teach other classes, like advanced college writing which is like a 300, level course in our department, and I, teach other advanced, courses like my, course which is a 305, course for future teachers called. English language in America, and so, in those classes, I began to incorporate technology as well students, don't do the remix project but, they are encouraged. To create videos and group projects, and so. I'm not the only one who's actually expanded. Some of these practices, into my higher level academic, courses there, are other professors. And we have stats. On that in terms of folks who have decided to who participated. In the pilot but, decided, to also expand, it to their other academic. Courses so I see that as a positive in terms of us moving in the right direction, um. Implications. For future research, I just wanted to mention a little bit about the, data, collection and. What. I hope that we can do in the future is um, and, we've gotten a lot of support from the humanities, department and. From IT in, terms, of being. Able to get support and help to to. Not, only collect the data but also analyze, it and so I'm hoping that in the future we'll be able to identify when, and where our first-year writing students, are using their. Digital literacy skills across campus, in world, world world situations. Even as they progress through the university, so if they're using these digital literacy. Skills that they use in the first-year writing class, if. They're using that in other courses if. They're using it in a community, or or. Events. Or groups employment. Opportunities. To. Assert themselves on social media to, deliver projects, and other classes. Positive. Results from our assessment, might help provide funding, opportunities, to develop our first-year writing program so. I know that was a question that someone had earlier, from the previous, presentation. Someone. Asked you know what if we don't have access or if we don't have technology. Positive. Results from other campuses who are actually incorporating, it and using it in their program and are able to show expansion. Might provide more opportunities, for us to develop these. Kinds of programs in our department, and then. Finally. Faculty. Collaboration. Faculty. Can starts to come together to produce scholarship. On our experiences. With this pilot or with this kind of program in our classes, and we can talk about and enter the conversation, in academia about, how digital literacies, can, be utilized to help students, revision. Their work in the, context, of using it to contribute, to the community into their peers lives so. Those. Are some of my hopes for the future. Questions. Any questions about this. Yes. I. Have. A number of students that are English, language learners even, though they're juniors, or seniors is. It possible. To use the Adobe system, - I don't. Know add different, translations. Even in a typical lecture where. They can watch the lecture on at home and click on to their particular language. Courtney. I. I. Think there are ways of doing it but there that would involve, quite. A bit of video work I don't know if there's any unicorns. But. I will say. Yeah. There's. Probably away, right now if you gave me that problem I would have to sit on it for a second but, I will say Adobe, is, doing quite a bit with AI that's, called sensei, and there's a lot that's being automated and being, done very quickly, and. I think that'd be a great idea to take back to that team. Thank. You for that any other questions. Well. A. Question, that was raised about students. In DSS, or Disability, Services. Suggestion. That I would get to maybe I'll probably pass this on to her later but. This. Project, started out or in the program that I was in it, wasn't just a, documentary. And video project, it was allowing. Students to engage any types, of alternative forms of media so in the beginning when I started out using this project in the classroom, I have projects from students who did poetry, they transform papers into poetry, music. Songs, I. Even, has students some students create a quilt which, was for a cultural, literacies, project, which I still have in my office I just thought that was so amazing and, yes. So so in terms of alternative. Assignments. Or for students in position.

I Think those are awesome opportunity, for that in this class. If. There aren't any other questions. Cool. Well. Thank you so much that Colt I want to come see that and I, love the idea again of community. Engagement and connecting, back to the community, and I know a lot of the schools. That I've had the privilege of working with now I see. A lot of those dotted lines and and I love it I think it's so crucial. So. Next up and, I'm super, personally, excited about this one. We're. Gonna shift from CSU, 14, to. Our friends, even though they're not physically, that far we all know with traffic it could be good. Two hours to Cal State LA. So. Here with us now we. Have dr. Beverly, bond ed Brown and she serves as the director for academic technology at, Cal State LA she. Provides strategic leadership, to help implement and support a wide variety of academic, technology tools, she. Manages, the campuses, instructional, design team and, consults, with faculty on course redesign she. Also oversees three. High-tech active, learning classrooms, and facilitates. Faculty, development, workshops, at cal state la's Center for effective teaching, and learning dr.. Dan holds an MA in instructional, technology and media from. A teacher's college at Columbia University. And a PhD in, communication. From UC, Santa Barbara. Let's. Just make sure the tech is working it wouldn't be a technology, conference without technology, problems right. We. Just have to make sure it delivered. We'll. Be filling up with so, many resources you're gonna get really annoyed at my email and when I believe it because there's a million links. Yes. Thank. You so much, thank. You guys good morning. I'm, gonna talk today it's, good that we had examples. Up front because as you're thinking about incorporating technology. Into your class I'm gonna kind of talk about how people learn how your students learn and. Then give. You a whole bunch of tips for you, know if you're thinking about integrating technology. Into the class and this could be anything this could be clickers this could be a spark project, this could be I want to go hybrid, so hopefully this will be very practical for everyone, I'm. Beverly I'm the director of academic technology from, Cal State LA is, that no, one from Cassady way here oh okay. All. Right so, I. Work for our Center for effective teaching and learning if you're live tweeting, right now are, you, can we're at la, siedel and. There's, our center's email address, and. So basically. Our Center siedel works on faculty, professional, development we do a whole range of things not just technology, support, but active learning. You know flipped, learning hybrid, online learning we're working on inclusive pedagogy, we teach a workshop on hat you know first gen student. Learning and, really all of its wrapped in how people learn and so we've done a whole bunch of workshops all over the place including, other. CSU's. And so. The. Biggest pieces were really co-located. Where the faculty, Development Center technology, are not all in one Center, so faculty can come for either of those and typically. Those are meshed. Right, and, they come to one center and we provide support for a whole range of things so, that's kind of helped us really, you know cement ourselves, with, faculty on our campus so. Again, today I'm gonna talk about how people, your, students, and you learn, you. Know we'll talk about some. You. Know what it means to assign a technology, product what that means why you should do that and then I'll talk a little bit about teams research, because typically a lot of this are these, are team projects, and so, you, may find, that sometimes that really falls apart so.

I'm Going to talk about how to maybe, not, let it fall apart, and. Most. Of this is really from this book how people learn it's a meta study it's. Free to download and, you can just google how people learn and you can find the full PDF of, the whole study. And so there's basically three key, things that they found on how people learn so I'm gonna go through that for you okay. So, the first thing has to do with prior knowledge and, the, role that prior, knowledge plays, in learning, and so, if I were to just say hey, if I say Cardinal, what do you think of. Saintly. Lady yell, it out come on st.. Louis Bird. Red. Bird. Stanford. Whoo. I'm. More of a Bruin. Alright, so some of you write read a st.. Louis Cardinals, what about oh. Right. It depends on kind of your prior knowledge or, prior experience, if you're Catholic maybe, you really thought you know Cardinal. What. About battery. Toys. Car. This. Is really super interactive so, just yell out your answer. Laptop. Alright alright right thank. You you guys are gonna participate today. Just so you know right yeah, a lot of people think Oh battery, like, you know in a device right, but there's other thoughts. There's, other you know ways, definitions. Right for battery. Anyone. A baseball. Fan. Right. Like I had to ask my husband is that a thing. I don't, know right there's a lot of different things and again this really is based on your prior knowledge your, experience right and what you've, been exposed to that's really going to impact your learning. And. So I'm here to say prior knowledge is, powerful, for you and your students and it matters. I'll let, I'll give you a second to read, that. So. Students. Have prior, knowledge and, if you don't engage that, they will write what you want on their test or in their assignment, and they, will revert right back to that prior knowledge that they had before coming into your course. Okay. So. We're. Gonna do clickers, which. You're going to use your hand. If, you and those of you in zoom land should you know participate in this as well. Individual, learners show preferences. For the mode in which they receive, information so, visual auditory right, if you think that's true give. Me a peace sign and if you think that's false give. Me a hand. You're. All gonna play don't be shy. Thank, you all. Right what about this one we should design our course content to match our students, preferred, learning styles.

Raise. Your hands let me see true or false. Okay. Both. Statements, are false I. Hear. Is right. You. Know it's, not research. Doesn't actually support, the idea that we should be designing our, curriculum, for our. Students. Preferred. Learning styles right and so for some of you you're like yeah but really sure and, you're just like. - believing, that right so concepts, like learning styles, you know the Ratliff right brain Theory multiple intelligence, they're really not supported, by research, and in, some ways there's a preference maybe, but we should not cater to that we, should actually in some ways challenge, them in the other ways that they may not you know have that preference for learning so think about that think. About how we may that, may be you know one of our misconceptions and. We're gonna you, know fight that and and think, around. That right. Sorry. About that okay, so. The. Other thing about prior knowledge is, it could be wrong like, really really really really wrong right, and so. If. Students, have these misconceptions, like, incorrect, prior knowledge they, actually, again will resist change, and so you know a common example we have Child and Family Studies faculty, that come we. Have they may have young. Mothers. Who are their students, who culturally, may think something like spanking is okay right that's accepted, and the, research doesn't support that, right and so a student may hear, that see the research and think okay on your exam I'm gonna just say all that but, they may go right back to that right because that's really their misconception, their prior knowledge where they're coming from and so you, want to make sure that you understand, that and then figure out how you can engage that. So. The nice thing right. Is that, that misconception. Is really where we can hook our students, right, that's the thing that you probably want to create your assignments, or projects around get. Them at that right hook and then, that, not only will spark their interest but, actually will deepen their students learning they actually will then change that misconception. If you let them engage with that okay. So. These are just some general misconceptions. If you thought any of these were true and I learned this one yesterday a public, health faculty, came into my office and was like can you print this exam I'm teaching across the hall and I don't have an extra copy and I glanced, at it and cancer. Is not the most common cause of death in the u.s. which I didn't know it's actually heart disease, right. So if any, of these are. What, you believe right now those, are actually, all misconceptions. Right. Okay. And I'm a comm PhD. So more, communication, is it necessary, oh is that if you have a spouse you know that right. All. Right, okay. So. Thinking. Now huh, what, misconceptions. Do students. Have about maybe your own class or assignments you're. Just gonna move, this. Thing. Okay. And so here's some I've actually heard about me. Whoops. This. One for sure I've heard, right. This. One. There's. A library and I heard of the audience that one. Right. Sometimes, this one, and. Then. This one. Right. What, am I gonna use blah, blah blah in the real world right and so, that's. Actually where these are all the things you want to engage your students and kind of break, that misconception. So. What I want you to do just take a few seconds, to think about a situation where, maybe you've experienced, in your own class, a students. Misconception. That dominated. Their ability, to learn go I think you guys all got these cute little notebooks. You know if you want to just kind of jot that down. I'm. Sure. All of you have encountered misconceptions. In your class, I'm. Gonna give you like 30 seconds, to think about that and maybe then think oh how could that maybe be turned into an assignment or an activity. And. If you're in zum land go ahead and put it in the chat if you'd like to share I'll read them all later.

Does. Anyone want to share. Come. Around with the mic. Thank. You. A common. Misconception I, find. In my writing, classes is, students. In engineering or the sciences, who think that once they're done with that class they'll, never have to write again the rest of their life. If. Only, they knew how, we. All write like every single day right. Well. This is more about pedagogy, I think but my. Students seem to think that the only way they can learn is that they just stand up there and talk the. Entire hour, and 15 minutes that lecture is the only way that they can learn. Thank. You. I spend. A lot of time in active learning conferences. And I literally, sit in my seat listening, to a bunch of people lecture, at me in active, learning conferences, which I find totally. Ironic. And so again, my, goal is to keep this really interactive. And to engage you. Know the audience all right good, so, what, I you know I have some parts. Where you're kind of reflect and think and talk and chat and so hopefully I'm trying to kind of guide you towards, thinking about how some, of these thoughts can lead you to you know a nice, project right, or an, assignment, okay. Now, having said that about student misconceptions, you want to also think about instructor. Misconceptions. Things. Like, these. Right. And. This. One especially if you're thinking about technology. Where us gents ago just figure out that second you know that software they totally. Know software. They'll pick it up their techie right they were born right, born with you, know devices. In their hands, and I'm here to say students, probably can, get like user interface, if it's a really easy app, that's designed and studied righ


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