Adam Savage s One Day Build Fake Beard Wiring

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all right stop brock in there hey oh you didn't  expect that did you no yeah yeah oh yeah mirror   all right hey everybody adam savage here  in my cave and i've been here a while   yeah this is like tom hanks give me a sec anyway adam savage here  in my cave with a one day build that is   a bit of a hairy problem yes um here's my favorite part about this beard dude okay so i purchased this from an etsy store  uh we'll include a link uh there is a link below   um this is yak hair uh and it is uh on netting it  is beautifully made 120 that is a fantastic deal   for such a good-looking beard um it's meant to  be applied like a beard is you know with some   uh uh spirit gum or whatever your your your  makeup stickum of choice is um i decided to   hand bend a spring steel um pair  of ear hooks for it and they   i didn't know how it would work that's why  you didn't it's why you're not watching   that video because sometimes i gotta problem  solve this stuff um on the qt well before i   there is just sometimes that i need the mental  space of not of really not knowing and seeing   how it's gonna go so what i did when i first did  this is i just made the ear hooks and then i held   the beard up to it and i saw how it would hold it  and then i used like bits of tape to hold it on and then i thought well what if i sew  it and my question about sewing was if i   sewed it and you can see here how i've  sewed this around will it hold it or   will it slide all around turns out holds  it really nicely so i look this may be   something that people have been doing for  decades i don't know it worked great for me   um so this is just my fun this is my fun old man  walk around beard um or i guess if i want to go   host a discovery show up in alaska i could just  jump right in but this is for a specific costume   and the costume requires a big black beard  and that's why i also got this gun and   same makers and here's the mustache yeah yeah now  i want to do the same thing with this that i did   with this and this time i want you to get to see  it so that's what i'm gonna do we're gonna make   we're gonna make a uh easy hook on take off beard  holder for this and i think it's actually gonna be   much simpler than this one um and it's also  going to have an integrated mustache holder   yeah i should be able to finish  that by the end of the day who knows um is the cosplay you ask oh i mean  careful watchers of this channel may be able   to guess the cosplay that i'm doing with this  black beard but i'm it's not blackbeard it's not   blackbeard but um it is uh you know you might  have clues in recent videos we've made but i'm   just gonna leave this one unstated as to who i'm  supposed to be in this costume uh yeah all right i think the wire i used for this  is 30 000 oh no it's 50 thou   spring steel i mean i i really like how  structural this is i like how robust it is   um you know it tickles your nose every time  you put it on but hell spells we put this   on everyone everyone looks amazing enough even my  wife my wife looks hilarious in this mustache yep right i mean i i just like   yeah man i just i just want to walk  around the world like this this is great all right i guess i better  get started with this video excellent there we go oh 047 music wire ah yes  i need first things first is this guy   so i'm choosing this one because it's got  the the blank chin i should be getting   another one of these from weta at some  point because they did cast my head so what i'm going to be doing is  replicating these ear hooks coming down coming down across here   and then i'm going to have a separate a separate  loop that comes up for the mustache on this one   said loop is a little bit wide and these  two struts get seen a little bit um   that was my first prototype so that's fine i can  forgive myself um so on this one though i want   it to be much more like that so i actually  think i could draw on this let's see here yeah right and then these guys let's see what this is doing right that's what i want right i want yes  that's it it's that let me hold on great i'm just gonna slice this oh yeah that's a nice frame okay the the hard the hard casting gives me a rough  idea but it all has to be it all has to be   fitted directly to my face right okay good i like  that that's nice and mid-range that's nice yeah   okay so that's going to be the mustache line now  i'm going to bring a piece of spring steel in here   and i'm going to connect it to it using just  a little brass ferrule that i made out of some   brass tubing and i'll show you how i crimped  that but the next stage is the ears so let's um let's just make a little loopy loop great now i've talked about bending  metal a lot on this channel   you just you just gotta do a lot  of it that's all excellent okay so that so here is ah there you go there is  the ear and what i've done is i've   given it right after it hooks over my ear  i've given it this little bit and that bit   will actually connect up it'll  allow me to have a little bit of a no it'll allow me to have a little bit of extra  surface area on which to sew this beard end   right so yeah i do that on both sides check  the device you'd like to use and make sure   bluetooth is turned on okay to set up a new device  alexa go to the settings on your alexa device she's motivated uh okay so let's see here uh  there's that okay so now that comes in like that now we're getting close okay so now what you  can see is yeah i still have some gapage here   i still have to take out it's just you're just  constantly adjusting each relationship until you   until it feels right until it feels  comfortable against your skin i mean   that's really the thing i'm aiming for here  is something that's like comfortable for me   to wear and i've got the left side almost  perfect right side still needs a bit more finessing but we're getting there yeah oh yeah okay so now mm-hmm there we go that was it  that was much more what i wanted   so i gotta get to grab my chin a little bit okay so now before i continue i have to add these  brass ferrules and these are just little tiny bits   of k s brass that can fit two widths of the piano  wire through them and then i'll i use a crimper   to crimp them look at my terrible posture in the  mirror there always always always leaning forward   like this this is like like one of my sons one of  my sons has like posture that's not like mine the   other son just i mean like from that from the  back we look like the same person all right let   me get them sanding stick just take off the  burr here and just slice these on a band saw i'm not going to put the mustache on until  this whole thing is bent but get close okay so now yeah this is gonna be tricky duh so many different relationships to  get right here all right better better better better yeah yeah those are in the  right place these are in the right place   this is i'm this is gonna get worked on in a  minute you'll see um but yeah i'm pretty yeah   that's okay that's better okay so now this  guy i'm going to bend it to the same shape okay then a little bit more okay so now what i want is i want this to go here  i want to i want it to sit here that's where i   feel like it's positive so here's what i'm going  to do for that i'm actually going to chuck this so i've actually chucked this into the vise  so i can bend these and hopefully get that   up and we'll see if i can do it all right  so you can see what i've done here i've   bent this up here and that's given me a  little bit yeah it's just there's a lot of yeah i have a little relationship to get  right and get it to feel balanced on my face   but it's starting to mm-hmm that feels  good that feels even i mean i know   it might not be perfect but it feels  even and then when i bring in this guy see what i got going on see that right so this here is a uh boon boon b-o-o-n-e  and this is a crimper for um like the uh fishing lure stuff yeah exceedingly small  cable uh thimbles and eyes and holders it's   part of a whole system i don't know if i'm  ready to talk about it just yet it's i mean uh look at all sorts of different industries  for the things that i need i i i get anyway   this is a crimper i'm going to do some crimping  with it that's all you need to know right now   okay so let's see here uh what i've got okay so i want about the same on both sides i'm  just trying to make it a little bit more even   looking on the theory that that'll make it easier  to wear but we'll see i could be wrong yeah i like   that okay good that feels good oh wow the camera's  down here okay cool so that was my measurement and so was that okay so here i hope you can  see let me yeah i hope you can see so this is   a piece of brass tubing it's just wide enough  to fit two lengths of this wire and i'm gonna   crimp it right down there first i'm gonna snip  it short so i don't have to deal with a lot of oh yeah not bad at all i mean i  think you can move a little bit but no that is not bad at all yes one day build i'm making my own retainer um but this is great this is i'm really pleased  uh and leaving these ferals on is actually   i mean leaving them uncrimped for now  allows me to kind of move this stuff around   and get this until i really like it and now we  have kind of a rough structure see that yeah yeah   and that structure mirrors my  face the pot topography of my face yeah so let's do some crimping what happens with the crimping is the brass is  much softer than the steel so the crimper ends   up like smooshing the brass around the steel  in a way that's very positive as a grab   that that one's good but this one's awful hold on all right i feel good about that  that's not going anywhere i've got   a positive grab around the outside and all  of this will be hidden um this one is nice   that crimp is really good all  right so let's put this on yeah i dig it i dig it uh dig it so now uh i'm gonna hit this with um i'm gonna paint this uh some  approximation of my flesh color so i wore myself out now hopefully you can actually see oh you know  it's been a little difficult maybe up till now   to kind of see what we're working on but here it  is this why do i have to hold it up against my   shirt there we go there you go i'm going to  let this dry for a little bit but there is the   my my quick change blackbeard understructure   i'm very happy with it back in a minute okay it  is time it is time to sew the mustache on now   you might wonder why with a black beard  i've gone with the this color well it's   because it matches my skin tone and beard tone  and i just want i want all this to disappear   behind this if i made this black you'd see this  black outline so no it's got to be flesh colored i know i know get yourself a needle  threader i hear you i'm just choosing to do it the old-fashioned way i always go with a double i lose  my thread if i do a single oh   that's oh nice knot nice knot uh all right you there's many relationships to be attentive  to here and centeredness is one of them so each time i'm going under the wire and i'm  going through just about like four of the holes   of the netting i'm and i'm not pulling super tight  just yet i'm going to do that in a minute and in   this way i'm kind of basically just i'm winding  the thread around the wire and getting the netting   uh caught up as part of that so now i've got like  one two three four five six now i'm going to pull   a little taut and now i've got a nice little  grab yup and that is nice and centered right   there i'm very happy with that so we're just going  to keep on going we're going to keep on keeping on okay uh now i've sewn it on you can see here   all the way across it's relatively centered  it might have to move a little bit but it can   also it pivots nicely on the on the wire and stays  put which is something i find i'm really pleased   about i didn't know that that would work so well  i was worried that it would be all loosey-goosey   but here we go i'm really i'm really  channeling my powers booth here   yeah okay so time for the beard time for the beard  um this one's a little trickier uh what i found   when i did this guy is that it's hard to both  you got to kind of put the whole beard onto the   structure and then sew it to it so i'm going to do  the attachment here first and then whoop down this   wire right there's yeah there we go so we're gonna  cut it off of this bad boy it's all super clearly   hand sewn um the work on these beards is i'm  really impressed i for it's not just great for 120   bucks it's just great it's nice work i'm uh i'm  very pleased i am not a hair expert there we go that's great yeah all right oh hey pretty durable this yak hair  uh and durable in the netting too so this work look i know this looks   exceedingly tedious and uh it is but there  is something glorious about this because   as tedious as this is it's not taken me more than  a total of about an hour to do all the sewing   to get this mustache and beard attached to  this wire frame and then it's there forever   so it's a very like the the the output to  reward here is a very good distribution   ah there we go good so this is just one of those  things tedium the reason i think we resist tedium   is because we think it's just gonna suck  up this like whole portion of our life   and be like awful and it does take time tedious  things are tedious that's their thing but it's   frankly every time i give in to the tedium at  the end i don't remember it and i don't ever   i mean it always takes less time than i i was  a feared it would take that is definitely true   it always ends up taking less time than i was  afraid it would take and giving this close-up so   you can kind of see how fast you can get going  once you've really like nailed your parameters we are almost done with this beard and this is look this is a better solution than  glue this is a better solution than tape this is it's a lot easier than any of those  others no this won't stand up to like   in-person scrutiny but for cosplay  for a for a movie character yeah there it is there it is  all sewn in isn't that nice gotta be pleased with that gotta be pleased with  that hell of a thing okay so i'm starting to feel   just a tad guilty about like hiding from you  the what cosplay this could be so i'm going to   i'm going to give you a hint as to as to the cosplay of this beard and the  hint it's gonna look a little something like this yeah   no it's not the unabomber thank you guys for joining me for this one day  build this is adam out i'll see you next time thank you guys so much for watching that  video if you'd like to further support us   here at tested one of the single best  ways you can do it is through a tested   membership now there's a link below as to  the various levels of tested membership   but at the top level i want to explain it's so  much more than 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