hello everyone good evening welcome to the session I have uh started the live streaming and I'm starting the recording okay okay I want to confirm one thing that have everybody joined by your study ID that is official ID yes yes ma'am yes all right in case uh you have not joined by your official idea then you can just drop off the call and uh join by your official ID okay so uh with that I start the session so I will film you all good evening uh so let me first introduce you with myself my name is Shivani Verma and I have currently joined as an app Dev 1 course instructor week one content is already released have you gone through it okay okay all right I like I request to students to just uh mute one by one a new one otherwise it won't be possible for me to just there are so many reasons okay all right foreign okay all right all right so there might be students from you who are from CS background right so they might be knowing most of the things about app driven right uh there might be students who are not from the Cs background right so maybe while going through the week one content or throughout the course at start you might find that uh you might find the jargons and you might find that it is something new we are really not getting it right but uh like uh it's like whenever you start a new course whenever you come across new things it's like you won't understand it at that point itself but throughout the course while going through this course you will understand it quite uh like easily right okay so for the students who are from non-fiest background I foreign I want to tell them that you need not to be stressed out or something like while going through the content there there will be two types of sessions right one will be on Wednesday and we'll uh one will be on Saturday so the Wednesday sessions would be more kind of theoretical sessions in that you can ask your doubts and uh those which are on Saturday that would be kind of more practical sessions in the Wednesday sessions uh which is from 6 20 p.m we will we will discuss about the general doubts regarding the content or any problems or issues that you might be facing with the lab assignments and all those things and on the Saturday sessions which are from 11 to 1 pm on Saturday in that sessions that would be more practical and in that uh it would be kind of more with a solve with instructor sessions in that we will be taking on problem statement and uh like uh you would be working along with us on live okay so basically there is one more instructor that is others sir so I will be dealing with the theoretical part that is on Wednesday sessions and Saturday sessions will be taken by others sir Okay so so uh now uh if you have doubts you can ask mostly students might be facing some doubts right uh you can see that there are uh Professor lectures right and there are screencasts right and there are these live sessions okay so you might find that uh in the professors lectures or in the screencast they are using Ubuntu right but uh mostly in the live sessions we will be using Windows okay so you need not to worry uh regarding that uh that uh sir is using Ubuntu say uh using Ubuntu platform and we will be using Windows it's like uh it is a application development web development right which is not dependent on the system right so we can choose any platform but uh I would suggest to use Windows because mostly in the live sessions we will be using Windows okay so uh it's like we can see in the screencast and the live sessions uh sorry in the professor sessions they are basically using Ubuntu to like they are using some commands for creating files and folders right so uh like uh we can do it in our windows by ourselves by using right clicks we will be doing this uh on like a by using Mouse and by the right clicks we can create the files and folders right so we need not to use those commands but after that once the uh like in the screencast and uh the professor's lectures once they uh once they are done with while creating the files and from that point onwards you can follow the screencasts is that here yes ma'am okay so you may now ask your doubts and also we have one project section which will be taken Again by others uh they are planned on Monday Okay so yeah that's all yeah any doubts uh not yet excuse me ma'am yeah yes actually I am using already Ubuntu so is it will be difficult for Life sessions so you will like in the live sessions we will be using Windows platform right so you will be very much familiar like you uh you will be able to relate much if you are using Windows otherwise if you want really want to do that then it's up to you like you can do that no actually uh it's around three to four years I'm using Ubuntu so it will be so whatever the comments that will be the alternate some comments will be in Linux also now so I guess it will not be difficult right okay in that case you can go ahead with that like uh if you are familiar with that and you are you know how to use those commands and all those things then you can do that by yourself and the content wise what we are doing the live sessions uh that you can follow okay okay the Monday is necessary for us or it is only for a person who have taken project uh I think that should be taken that should be taken by only the students who have registered for the project that would be more beneficial to them those who haven't taken the project in this term or they are willing to do it in the next term so um that won't be that session won't be useful for them or or we can uh just to join the first session of the project and get some idea even though we have not registered in this term yes ma'am then if you want then you can join that's not a problem for next time no no for the next term the project will be different from regarding these screencasts uh I know you mentioned that we can also do that in Windows but uh this this screencasts uh would it be easy for us to just replicate it in Windows because it will I saw that it's creating those HTML files and then calling it through the Google Chrome but uh would it be possible to replicate the screencast using Windows yeah okay okay I'm on screencast lecture whatever service trying to do in the Ubuntu that is possible everything is possible in the windows as I'm having the Ubuntu also see what sir is doing sir is using commands to create files and folders right uh so I have used mkdir command to create a folder then he is using touch command to create a file right that we can do easily by just uh using our right click in Windows and creating folder and creating files right and then you can use any IDE right you might be uh okay I can tell you another thing as well so like we can uh have our local system as a platform that is in that case we can use vs code right and if someone who is having some issues with their system or something like in desk in that case they can use replit that just because it is an online platform right so it's up to you uh whichever you found easy you can go ahead with that we said vs have you seen that something similar to replica or yeah and vs code is kind of like we can use it in our local machine even with Windows it will be like uh can you repeat what it's compatible with Windows as well right yeah yeah okay now because in the this course I saw thread where they said that the code run well in vs Port but then when it goes to riplet uh they don't work well and in the project they checked it uh with riplet so that's that's one thing so see in uh in vs code the all all of our files will be stored locally right in K but in case of replace uh all your files will be stored in some online server you can't access this directly right so in case of vs code all of our files will be local what yes minutes wanted to ask some Activity questions okay please go ahead like in 1.1 ah very sorry to interrupt you in with me but I guess there are a couple of people who have raised their names they were expected to go to those people before they start taking helps from others so maybe you can probably raise your questions and you would be able to address this first right now listen please go away uh person are you available I'm not sure if you're speaking something because I couldn't hear you I mean well we can go to the next person in the queue I think you can go ahead I'm having this Mac OS black is any difficulty when uh dealing with online sessions or should I uh consider arranging and Windows system uh no it is not much required mostly the like uh only said just one minute I said this was yes sir please okay so uh this is uh this is a general thing for everyone Whoever has joined this session and even for those who are watching it live or who've been watching it later on the YouTube uh especially the operating system is not going to be a barrier for you in terms of learning for this course or even the successful version of this course that is going to be application development uh you can work with whatever operating system you have B8 Linux be it back Os or beat even Windows all operating systems are completely fine as Shivani rightly mentioned before that we even be mostly dealing with one of the IDS will be preferring uh vs code Visual Studio code is the development ID for all the live sessions that you will be hosting but vs code is an IDE that works for almost all operating systems you can you know work with it in Linux as well as in case you want to work with any other IDE there are so many others in the market as well you can go ahead and work with them whatever you are comfortable with there is not going to be any different setup I hope I was able to address the last decision that was released in case you have any other operating system uh be cleaner snap OS Windows everything is going to work perfectly fine for you okay thank you sir okay [Music] um on Monday there is mad one project session should we attend them if we don't have projects uh Abhishek sir please can you answer this question like will that be okay if the students who have not registered for the project sessions like it will be okay it will be fine right and what happens in the very first project session is that is similarly opposite to overview session in the very first session that we host called our project support we generally walk you through the problem statement for the character so in case you are not registering for the project of this term uh I don't think it is going to be you know relevant for you coming into the first session at least because that is where we'll be going through the entire problem statement talk about what all things we are expecting from you in supposing and probably some uh you know operational things regarding the submissions right now but from the next session we will start discussing the technical doubts or the queries that will come from the students so in case you are interested in listening to the problems that are being faced by other students who are doing the projection system you are most welcome in those sessions uh but again the thing is that if you are not enrolled for the projecting system uh many of the sessions may not be that much relevant to you because people will come will try to ask queries that are you know basically being discussed in the later weeks of the course that you have not gone through by the time so it may become a little bit of confusing for you at that time too it's okay you come to the session you listen to the doubts that is completely fine but it makes more sense if you are also enrolled for the project uh and if you're applying to come for those sessions thank you uh also sir can I yes we can go by the queue that we have so the next person that you wish uh yes sir can I ask the Activity questions okay uh like in 1.1 the fifth question is
there uh which of the following are is an apple specific framework um many of the questions in the whole week um I don't know whether I am you know accurate or not many of the questions are not discussed in the video so I was having difficulty answering them yes same here so this was the one of the first actually the thing is like web development is a vast right so like even though if you are a cat like dealing with some of the content in the sessions and live sessions as well but still something remains apart from it right so kind of uh with these questions we are kind of uh trying to acknowledge you uh in the broader aspect so you need not to worry much about these questions can I know about all these four options because they are new to me the activity 1.1 question number fifth uh I'm not much sure about it uh sir Abhishek sir uh can you answer this question or maybe in the next session I will get back to this question as it is sir actually it uh the question is which of the following is an apple specific framework right first option is Corona SDK second is cocoa Touch third is react native and fourth is ionic okay so see one thing again I would like to highlight is Shivani mentioned before is that applications is something that is quite fast and it is not possible for us to You Know cover all of the contents that we want to teach or we want to deliver through the 2.5 hours or three hours of taxes that's very record and again the reason would be the type of site a cited that is the subject itself is too fast and it is not really possible for us to cover all the countries with the help of video material or even with the text based materials that we'll be providing so that's why the idea is to give you know as many as Activity questions or the practice questions that are comparing all of these aspects so that's okay I was just asking my doubts here sorry it cannot be covered I was just asking some of the doubts yourself I think he lost his connection okay I would rather suggest uh first of all go through the whole week's content and there are some more sessions regarding this okay uh even after that if you don't understand anything out of it then this course is there you might uh you might all be aware of it right then you can post your doubts over there okay so the like uh I will continue with the same question right so like uh I as I told that this is a very uh vast subject right so these questions are basically just to make you aware of this uh all uh like uh what else is there apart from what we are teaching and all those things so it's okay if you just to go on uh browser and uh and search all these things it's totally okay fine right and let's uh just go through the whole week's content and there are some more sessions as I already told you like there is session on Saturday as well uh and even after that if you don't get anything then you can post your questions on the discus okay so what can we ask here ma'am I want to know that just give me a second [Music] this was also a simple question ma'am I can Google it also other questions are there that I wanted to know and have some discussion um can you please update that uh okay I think this is just a start okay so many students are and like had enrolled and like we are working on a portal so it may like it may take couple of days so you need not to worry I will ask the operations team for the same okay I'm gonna ask my next question yeah go ahead uh there are two questions one is loopback addresses and uh one is this IPv6 and this is can I have some insights in these two concepts I have already posted this regarding this uh in the discourse maybe you can check that okay but as of now okay I will tell you in brief like uh in the whole way content we will be discussing uh like uh like this is the first session right so here I just wanted to address you like uh initial what uh What uh like just taking your feedback what thoughts do you have about it and uh as we go along the course through the course we will be having uh specific sessions for each of your doubts right regarding HTML regarding CSS apis and all those things we will be having little discussions and sessions okay so I will answer your question that is IPv6 it is a 132 bit code okay uh it's just a protocol and uh it is a uh like uh each section is uh having 16 bits okay so it is a hexadecimal code uh and uh earlier we were using ipv4 and currently we are using IPv6 okay okay so we will discuss all these things in detail so you need not worry about this okay pardon my question again what I can ask here um because that's why that's what I will ask so the thing is uh today this is the first session right so all of you might not have went through the uh whole week content right so maybe from next session I will be gathering some questions or it would be quite more interactive okay sure yeah thank you [Music] will be studying new language like HTML or css yeah uh please can you repeat the question later in the course which language would be mostly made one course is focused for backend look and in my two course we will be focusing more on the front end part okay so in this bad one course we will use python as a back-end language and we will learn some part of front and right uh that would be easy to go for making applications so we will learn HTML CSS uh for front end and we will use python as a backend language and for database we will be using SQL Alchemy distance would be new for you all so others need not to worry we will go through it in detail excuse me Mom yes so in Mad one will require python only yeah I will use python as our backend language yeah okay and Mac 2 will be front-end so we'll require HTML and CSS uh we will cover some part of intent like HTML say some basic part of it in marijuana course and mat2 is focused more on front-end part so by completing mad one and mad 2 you will be kind of having the full stack thing okay okay thank you rajat I think you have raised the hand hello hello no application development like in Java language and the idea I use is Android Studio so I just wanted to ask that will that knowledge be um useful in this course or like it is a completely new one or can I use that Android Studio ID or not see I will give you an example suppose you have some audio in your phone right you have some music audio in your phone okay so like we can use any app to access it right so IDs are basically like that okay we can use vs code we can use Sublime Text the whole idea is to access access it if I want to listen to ah to an audio I can use any of the app but my work should be done right yes ma'am like I can use Android Studio yeah you can use any platform of your choice like you can use any ID but the thing is uh you should be comfortable doing that yes ma'am okay Amaya you have some question you have raised hand I'm just one more question okay I just wanted to ask that like uh but in here the instructors will be using vs code yeah see in some sessions we will use vs code mostly we will use vs code and uh in some session uh we may use replace so as to acknowledge you with that uh there is one session on replit uh taken by Abhishek sir there is one tutorial on in the week one sessions uh have you gone through it no I'm not here okay fine okay okay may you have some question is the ideal way of studying this course like in dbms we should be making the notes alongside watching the lectures or is it not required uh I think that is not required the whole idea is to just go through the content uh are you asking me about the sessions or like uh are asking me about the Practical sessions overall oh what do you see uh you need not to make notes uh like uh we uh you will be having the access to the PPT slides it is already there on your portal I don't know whether you have gone through it or not there is one link where you can uh access the slides which are taken by the professors and uh mostly this is a practical subject right so in uh so in the Practical sessions which are taken by others sir so you will be working along with him so like I don't think the notes will be very helpful but uh for your understanding you can do that yes ma'am okay uh Joy does you can go ahead hello ma'am this time I've taken process as well as madron uh course also but should I start my project Twitter starts now but now I didn't know anything yeah that's what I'm saying what you can do guys uh you can see week by week content will be released right so you can get through the content and you can start working on your project right uh there would be some students who have completed their maradon course right and who are doing only project sessions this week like in this term for them if they are well aware yeah so for students who have already completed their mad one course in the previous term so for them I would rather suggest like you are aware of all the content so uh what you can do you can just start with the database part then you can go to the controller part and while going to the controller part side by side you can work on The View part okay so what is the last date of this project uh okay yeah okay so I would suggest that uh the way content is released and uh go just go through the sessions that will be better thanks I have taken dvms also this term so data is also in you are doing database what uh you are not properly audible also taken data is also a database management system okay and matter also manual course also running then project also running so some interesting something you have taken so you have to manage the time right So like um yes no right now I joined this is my first registration okay okay so make sure that you are not missing any live session that is just because they are very much helpful and they will uh mostly be covering uh the lab assignments and the Practical part so make sure that you are not missing those sessions just because these sessions will be really helpful for a project you can go ahead mama I wanted to ask that uh in the calendar I've taken three courses and in the calendar the live sessions are clashing and I wanted to attend them attend them live so what is the you know how do I manage the timings of that see the thing is as we have so many courses uh going around and we have limited number of instructors right so like for the student there is possible that some uh like some of the lectures May Clash so what you can do while going through the content am I Audible what you can do you can collect your questions right so suppose this is subject to one uh and uh there is one subject to write so for this subject you might have faced so many questions and difficulties for this week okay so you can attend that session okay uh and after that like uh you can do like that uh anyway the session will be available on YouTube right so for another session you can watch it later you can do like that uh is that clear yes ma'am also I wanted to ask that if you could suggest some reading source for this because as you said it is quite vast and there are things that I'm facing difficulty with the Activity questions and everything I think the I think as of now the sessions which were the live sessions and the content which are which is provided to you in the form of props lectures and print uh screencast that would be sufficient as of now uh to gain at least a beginning level understanding for making application okay now thank you right this course is more inclined towards the beginners right so see as we can see that uh we have variety of students like most of the students will not be from CS background right so this is kind of giving you at least some understanding so that you can make some basic application right so you need not to worry the content which is provided to you that will be sufficient uh yes where are you can go ahead I think he's not there uh okay fine go ahead uh so earlier in our database course we have learned about uh poster postgres SQL so wouldn't we be using that uh like it's up to you if uh like in this uh like in this project or in this uh in this course we will be creating one database right so mostly we will be using sqlite um wait wait let me explain uh let me explain okay so we will be using sqlite okay so uh like we are uh as we are as we will be learning python like uh we will be using python as our backend language so we are much uh we will be much familiar with it right so we will use orm uh so for that we will use SQL Alchemy so what we will do we will write our codes and everything in Python but the database will be created just by using some python commands in SQL Alchemy it will create database in the form of classes and objects right so like uh we will be teaching that but if you are more familiar with SQL queries uh you can use that but we will be using sqlite as database and we will be using xql Alchemy for this you can go ahead uh sorry my name uh so my question was um I was facing some difficulties when the professor is trying to explain something practically using the Ubuntu or in the lectures itself and I was unable to catch up that and also one doubt was um uh I have not registered for the project this time but uh what are the things we have to kept in mind uh if we are if we are means we will go to do this project in the next term so I will um I have already mentioned that the professor in the professor lectures uh or the screencasts they will be using Ubuntu okay but we will be using Windows so some of the commands they will be using in that they create files and folders okay on Windows you can easily do that just by clicking right click button and making folders and files right so regarding the professors and Screen screencast I would suggest just go through it and gather as much info like just go through it and try to understand you don't need to be thorough through it okay the live sessions would be more useful to it just because it will be more much inclined towards that uh your project and lab assignments and regarding but you should be uh you should have some uh theoretical knowledge as well right while doing some practical things so for that we have these Professor lectures and screencast so uh just uh go through it and try to understand it but if you are not much thorough through it then it will not be an issue in the live sessions uh you need not to worry in the live sessions everything will be cleared and uh like uh it will be much practical and much useful and much inclined towards your lab assignments and your project okay okay but suppose if the professor is trying to teach something through practically so if I am not able to follow that let also be covered here I mean in the live sorry in the lectures which Professor tries to um yeah that's what I'm saying as this is the first session so I'm not covering much uh Isaac I've just like this is the first session and most of you you might not have gone through the first week content right so from the next week in this session in the vanilla session we it will be more inclined towards theoretical session uh like more inclined towards the theory in this you can ask questions uh regarding uh to your content okay and in the Saturday sessions uh it will be more inclined towards practical things so we will be taking one problem statement in the Saturday session and you guys will be working along with us like coding with us right and asking questions regarding that but it's not like on the Saturday sessions you can't ask uh doubts regarding to this right you can ask it out anywhere else and regarding the students who have uh like enrolled for the project we have once we have session on Mondays right so you can ask your doubts over there as well is also there anyway if you don't uh like uh get anything you can you have a discourse you can put it out over there okay and also the sir as Sir Abhishek sir mentioned that any OS will work uh for this I mean Forex course any operating system will work so we are going to use Windows in this right I mean for the lectures yeah yeah we will see uh most of the like most of the people might be uh getting this for like learning this for the first time right so if we are teaching something in Windows then you can relate more with that right so otherwise uh you may face uh like issues okay so like it's up to you but I will suggest to you use Windows or mine so like uh you will uh you will be able to relate much okay I also have the Ubuntu Linux system and so on but that is for the system commands course but I was thinking that uh if I'm able to I mean follow made one screencast lecture with that also will work fine I mean I will try to uh see uh it's up to you if you are familiar with Ubuntu and like download it for the first time I mean using it then for that yes I would rather suggest to use Windows so that uh you won't face much difficulties okay okay so okay devices you can go ahead and I have a doubt uh regarding an activity question yeah okay go ahead so like uh can um applications can be created without using SDK P SDK stands for software development kits okay so basically it is a package of all the libraries or modules that you will be needing uh for developing your application right so uh like for that you have to be very much specific right but uh it is like while making an application or uh like you can also uh use some technologies like you can download some modules and you can also do that by ourselves right so there is not much need of sdks okay like uh adjustments react yes then can is that using SD card that is from SDK is just it is is a set of tools that allow you to create an app right yes these are kind of predefined packages okay so one thing at the type plus like in a question that is given that sdkr of course means way specific or not so all SD card was specific or not yes if some of the SDK are always specific and some are not too expensive I think there was some I think there was some Network issue at mine please can you repeat your question uh yeah I am assuming that means weather sdks are always specific or not means all the sdks are os specific or some of the sdks are always specific uh as of now I'm not um I'm not much sure about it maybe uh in the next session SDK are always platform specific so all SD cards yes okay thank you sir an active decision there is an issue regarding that I don't know as far as I know SDK is you'll have one for uh that was a big thing for Windows you have to develop it separately for Apple OS Mac OS so on and so forth It's not platform agnostic I will get back to you in the next session I will have a clear idea about it then maybe I would be in a greater position to explain you regarding this okay so in the next session I will get back to you on the same okay okay you can go ahead yes well actually can you go through the lecture uh uh the system architecture like the MVC once again like this Sunday foreign system architecture okay which goes through like MVC uh you're missing MVC model U controller talking about okay okay okay okay see uh embassies uh MVC stands for uh in LDC m stands for model view and control right so like what's your question regarding that is that the only way okay no no no can you quickly go through the same lecture let's summarize it because I it wasn't very clear content the content okay fine see MVC is a some sort of architecture okay where m stands for model uh v stands for View and C stands for controller right so uh whenever uh if you think of an application uh this can be broadly divided into three parts right so it will be having some sort of view right whatever you can see you have some kind of user interface that we can uh categorize in view part right uh it will be having models what do you understand by model there would be some database backed by that application right so that comes under model okay so uh if you are making an application then it might be having some sort of purpose right that purpose comes under the business logic and that we call it as controller pad so you might be having the question why like MBC is the only way so we can say that uh web development uh like uh many of the developers are doing this from a very long time okay so what they have found that if we are able to segregate our code in these three parts that is MVC then it is a much easier to figure it out to share to access it right so that's why we are using MVC like MVC pattern we are generally following that pattern here okay is that true question related to the project uh yes is there like a template project that's like somebody has created that we have we can use um uh like uh we will be no that we can that we have to follow yeah yeah like you might uh you might need some sort of idea that how you should go with the project right yeah so yeah so we will be giving you wireframe soon so that you can just uh see it and you can go uh like you can have that idea how you should go about your project right so we will be giving you wireframe sooner okay okay thank you and uh are we allowed to use uh different Frameworks uh like front-end Frameworks say a regarding project uh like there are some core functionalities uh required functionalities and there are some like recommended and extra functionalities okay so uh as of now uh your application should follow that core function it is right if if your application is meeting the core functionalities then apart from that you can use extra extra Frameworks or like extra like for example if I if I want to explain suppose your application should follow the core functionality so if you are using even if you are using the basic HTML and basic CSS which you will be teaching you in the live session it will be okay uh like uh it should not be like it should not have much like uh it's not necessary that it should have much as aesthetic nature to it okay are you getting what I'm saying that uh your application should be able to yeah your applications your functionality yeah and apart from that if you are using anything else apart from it um like making it more uh looks aesthetic in nature then it's up to you but it should be able to meet the core functionalities and regarding this uh you had a orientation yesterday right regarding project section yeah any case if you have missed that you can go through the uh it is available on YouTube you can just watch that and also we have the project session as I earlier told on Monday so you need not to worry everything will be clear to you okay man thank you okay um you can go ahead yeah good evening so good evening giving a tutorial on Via School see what we will do uh like uh you will be there in the live session okay so we will teach you everything okay we will be doing the coding part in the Practical sessions and you will be doing that along with us okay so in that case you you won't face any problem and at any point you face any problem regarding that you can just ask us you can just raise hand and you can just ask us uh the doubt regarding that like helpful yes yeah okay go ahead all right this one okay see as I already mentioned this is the first session okay this is just kind of a like I just wanted to have a feedback like how you are going to the weeks content and all those things so I want to be able to focus uh properly uh in this session itself okay we have separate sessions as theoretical sessions separate sessions of practical sessions there are separate sessions for the project right so uh accordingly you can ask your doubts and that too if uh you want it right now then maybe uh you can just Google it or else I will try to make a tutorial on it and I will upload it okay okay foreign which API framework will we be using past API or rest API like uh we will be using flask okay class framework yeah thank you okay you can go ahead okay my Audible yes um so I actually did find the Mad one playlist on the official iitm Channel and can I go through those yeah in advance well in advance yeah you can go through it so can I assume that the there won't be any new videos so there won't be any changes so that I can start no no no no no if it is there on the official portal then uh they are the same there are no changes in that we're not in the portal on YouTube there is a playlist which IIT Madras has created yeah that is official only like uh that support team said if there is any new video now then uh in the video above they will mention PPD like that they will we can identify that this video is new added in this term uh okay I just want to ask are you talking about the professors lectures or you are asking about the live sessions which are taken previously the professor's lectures mom the ones yeah that will be professor's lecture will be same only okay mom like even before it's shown on the portal before we are given access to it's gonna be the same right yeah it's gonna be the same oh okay that's right thank you and when these live sessions where will they be streamed or where will they be recorded in the YouTube I mean is there a separate Channel um uh there is one like it will be available on official site iitm based degree and there is also one channel uh with the name bad one m-a-d separate channel in the chat okay okay because in previous subjects also we had a separate YouTube channel yeah yeah okay okay thank you any other questions oh Ma'am I was having a doubt in practice assignments uh second question uh excuse me ma'am yes you can go ahead um are we going to discuss the contents of Marvel lectures also here or it will be taken in the next session uh I will take that in the next session okay so what is the session about yeah no no this current session only actually this was the first session I kind of sort of wanted to interact with all of you and just having uh sort of some feedback with you like how you're going through the content so like most of the you might not have been through the whole week's content right so from the next session I will be taking questions and doubts regarding the uh like the first week okay so uh will you please explain the contents also because it's not very clear for me because I'm I'm from nonsense background so I didn't understand the lectures very well at first same doubts yeah that's what I told that uh you need not to very much regarding the sessions uh like uh sorry the professor's lectures so what what I will what we will do uh like from Wednesday we have these sessions right uh those are the theoretical sessions in that sessions uh like just go to the professor lectures and understand uh like uh just go through it and uh whatever you can understand on that basis you can ask questions on the Wednesday sessions or from the next sessions okay so in the in the Saturday session uh sir we'll be covering the questions as in the content as well and the problem statements which are related with the lab assignments and regarding projects that will be kind of a solve with instructor sessions and in that sessions we will also deal with the questions uh that you have regarding the questions which are asked in the vix content um actually before uh going through the questions uh I just want you to explain the contents also because I'm not getting it very well so could you please explain that contents from week one lectures uh in the next session also and then go back to the questions again yeah okay then what I will do I will kind of uh try to summarize the vix content okay at the start and after that uh what I will do I will ask you to uh like uh like you can ask me the questions regarding that and we will discuss that okay okay okay yeah it will be better because summarizing the lectures will be helpful uh those who are unable to understand the lectures yes um mom what is the criteria of bonus marks in this bad one uh regarding the bonus Mark uh like uh Abhishek sir knows better about that and currently he is not there so regarding the bonus Mark or else others I will ask other sir to tell you in brief regarding that okay like you can ask this question in the upcoming session I'm gonna ask questions regarding the content of the course uh I think it will be better if I summarize the session like the week one content in a like a summarize manner in the next session and then you can ask out so that everybody will be able to understand that Audible yes uh so uh ma'am can I ask practice assignments that's what I'm saying Karen uh yeah you can leave if you have anything else to do okay okay so uh do you have any other questions are they going to yeah please go ahead uh are they going to teach uh the alternative commands in command prompt uh of that which are taught in uh shell script in the Shell scripts uh like see uh as I already told we have practical sessions so on Saturday right so we will be doing everything from the scratch okay so you need not worry about anything we will be doing it from the scratch and my session on Saturdays colliding with mldts session can you make sure of the timing please uh yeah that's what I told uh like uh 11 to 100 decision see uh we have three sessions okay the first session this Wednesday session is from six to eight uh then we have uh this is a theoretical sort of session we have one more session on Saturday uh which is from 11 A.M to 1 pm okay and we have one more session on Monday uh that is for that is a project session I will yeah that's something uh like uh I like I will need to ask the operations teams I think uh I just can't comment much about that just because I'm not much sure whether it is possible to do that or not just because uh like everybody is having sessions in the week itself and we have to somehow manage like the slots as well so like uh I anyway I will ask the operations team to figure it out my other session will be colliding yeah that's what I'm saying yeah so uh as I earlier told you can do one thing you can just collect your questions and uh if you find that uh if you are having difficulty in a particular session then you can uh go to the session and you can ask your doubts and another session you can watch it later on YouTube you can do like that we want like sessions only now uh like that I need to check with the operations team but I'm not much sure about it no no uh like for me the subjects I took they are not colliding good thing only the one session is collided the project and the Java session uh after that I saw the like a saw the timetable and it's not colliding and I'm happy with that so please don't like do anything with the sessions of uh like um like we have limited slots right and everybody has to take their session so like some of the sessions will collide I like we can't help that but maybe I will ask operations team if anything else is possible so that uh sessions may not Collide see happening with me also uh like like sapna also uh same happening with me because I'm also having the these two subjects Java and this mad one so this project session is colliding with one of the Java sessions like yesterday session is only uh that session only collided and I uh I saw the whole time table in that they are not and I'm like uh like in the next upcoming weeks they wouldn't be actually oh no yesterday session was only for I guess Java no mad one session was there this was the first one that was uh the project session now mad when project session was there and having seen exact timing yeah actually I also got confused because MLP MLP project session I joined it I thought foreign [Music] yeah that's why one times that's what I'm saying exactly but the session uh the upcoming session it's on Tuesday the Open session is for uh for this this is colliding with five to seven is uh mad one and six to eight is Java this one is colliding for Tuesday session upcoming uh for Tuesday we don't have any session we have a session on Wednesdays discussion what is that yeah yeah yes discussion no no that is not for you that is uh for us okay you need not to joined that actually we have this official portal right anything that we do officially uh like it will be reflected uh on your calendar as well yeah yeah yeah okay so Tuesday session is not there so you basically have any session so basically you have three sessions first on Wednesday the second on Saturday and third on Monday Monday is the projects Monday are the project sessions okay okay okay sure any other questions all the TSA and the sessions after which there is written ta that is not for us not not for us sessions are not for you guys okay okay you're uh telling about the TA sessions okay ta will be taking some sort of live sessions there also you can ask your doubts in in this live session so we might not be able to address everybody's questions and doubts right so ta sessions are sort of ta will be there and uh you can ask your doubts over there as well open discussion okay so yeah who is your ta for this term I mean dear elected based on the previous those students who have done this course and yes exactly exactly so I think uh I don't think that we are supposed to tell us details to you guys okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe you can ask him directly yeah if you have any doubt we can yeah sure that mean that session your name is there like uh you're gonna take that session uh I will be joining that session just because the TA is working under me so like even yeah yeah like for monitoring but basically yeah yeah but basically ta will be handling that session and you can ask for free you can freely ask your doubts to him as well classes or clashings I will check with the operations team if anything is possible and I will tell you ma'am actually the yesterday's session has not been updated on my calendar also because and also I've missed it and neither I got a it is available on YouTube you're asking about the orientation session right it is available on YouTube you can see that that conversation link is not available in the calendar the session is uh like informed by the WhatsApp chat okay yeah yeah thank you okay um one more thing I just want to ask uh the questions uh the questions which we are given on the portal regarding the course and the lectures are very far different because uh I went through the lectures but I didn't able to attend most of the questions um that's yeah that's what I earlier explained that the like uh the questions which are there on the portal uh it it's just to give you the wider uh aspect and like acknowledge you with the in the wider aspect right so you might find that the questions are very different from when we start taken in the professors lectures or screencast or in the live session they are just to kind of acknowledge you uh with those terms yeah this I understood was just because uh is this the thing that would happen in the like quizzes also because regarding the choices uh like uh most uh like uh everything that you need for the pieces or for the project everything will be taught in the live session so you need not to worry about all those things okay okay yeah and one more thing mom the project the project has started the date of the start date of the project is being around uh mid of the May and the course is just started so how will be able to do that project earlier than uh the deadline for that is 8th of August so might be we are planning some sort of milestones we will give you the brief idea about that in the project session yeah that's fine eighth August is fine we are given we are getting enough time but why you just started the project very earlier than the theory course I'm not able to understand the project thing it is very critical for me to understand without going through the theory course no no it's not like that uh Abhishek are you here in the call so I guess all of these things uh were given to you on May 3rd is I'm not wrong this is the exact date I take remember uh we at least the problem statements on and it was made quite here that the recommendations of our end is going to be uh to complete the project in the success um instead of doing both of these things together that means both the theory and the project forces together because the deadlines are going to be these first even from the previous term modules the idea is that there are students who will be completing all of their diplomas and uh you know they are eligible to go to the degree levels but sometimes what happens is that if only the project course is pending they may ask for some certain type of work situation what we have done is we have made it mandatory for all the students to complete the project courses that are there in the diploma level before they can proceed to other degree level language so that's why we have to keep these deadlines for the project submissions to split so that we are able to get all the submissions not fine we are able to complete all the vaibas we have to make sure that we should definitely for every student to submit the project in a given term uh gets completed before the course registrations for the next term starts and you know you might have gone through the procedure that we have for project submissions this time also a student gets you know two chances at every level so students the validation check the student gets the summit taking if the student fails the level then whyever the student gets some time to improve upon the project submitted again come back for the level one same thing applies so this is a very lengthy process and we also need time to complete all the Vivas right there and we need we have to clear it uh till 8 August only deadline for you that means by that time you have to submit a valid project on the submission okay okay and if the project is not is not uh up to the mark then uh we'll have to make it once again we'll get the second chance also uh Second Chance in the same term or oh no I'm talking about this in the same time sorry Abhishek to interrupt you uh have you gone through the yesterday session orientation session for project that's what I missed yeah so maybe if you go through that then things will be much clearer to you yeah even because in the orientation session of diploma level professors and instructors told that uh you are uh if you are new to this course it's better to take the project in the next term and complete it as you have some experience of the med one Theory course which will be helpful in creating the project okay actually I took MLP in previous term and I took both the both the pure Theory and project course together so it was fine for me so I thought same for this course only and I took both of them so yeah if it is doable after after going through some contents of the lectures some weeks then it is fine for me and if it is not so should I drop it here or what what should I do now supposedly my recommendation to use uh to go through the lectures is you know all these lectures are really available on the YouTube for you publicly yeah so maybe you can probably go through those lectures see if you will be able to complete all the core requirements for the project uh by the week you are supposed to submit the project itself and so that is going to take something okay so if you think that you are able to complete all the uh you know things like the technologies that you require for completing your project by week six or something then probably you can still go for the project in case easily confident that you will be able to cope up with the contents along with the project implementation and this is of course you have the option available to drop the course because the window will open after a month or so I used and okay uh same will be for mat2 also we can't take both the things together see it's not like you cannot take both the things together now that you have already taken it that means it's not an addition but it is just a recommendation form yeah I'm asking just about the recommendation yeah recommendation is going to the same for Macbook for macro it is even going to be more happy I don't think whoever is doing the math two Theory course for the first time will be able to complete the project industry believe it okay okay thank you after completing the projects are now separate courses and dances so what are the topics YouTube what sorry no I'm not getting it sorry it's counted in cgp right okay you are asking whether the project posters are counted in your CCC C is GPS project course as a is a it is a separate course so it will be counted towards uh it will add to our cgpa if we get good grades in Project s questions I think the projects are not counted towards CCC but I am not sure average Point actually sir it's not gonna like in this grading system like uh latest grading system they said uh project is not counted the project score is not counted in the cgp have they said this officially uh like it's in the grading document you can check there okay hello uh students are asking about the bonus marks uh okay so for bonus masks so we are something that I would like to discuss right now queries related to bonus mask maybe you can refer to the grading document for this term specifically for the diploma level process because there is nothing specific to this course or there is nothing additional that we are offering as bonus masks in this course whatever bonuses are eligible for other courses the same applies for this question so you will probably have mass for participation for attempting practice questions Etc these are all the things you will be getting response for these are capital five marks right this term correctness before it was done sorry before it was capped to 10 but now Y is capital 5. he would have analysis on the last terms from the previous terms and after that we the management would have taken this decision reducing that cap from 10 to 5. so all of the decisions that we Implement here are basically packed by some data uh sir what are the topics in my field in the successive version of it we'll assume that you have the knowledge of uh the technology staff you have learned in this course that is flask that is what we expect you to be familiar with when you will move to MacBook course we will introduce you to a new programming language that is Javascript and it will be one front-end framework that we'll be introducing in that post too that is going to be the ingredients so we'll be building contents with the help of users and they'll be interesting with the back ends which are built using flask that you have already learned or you will be learning in this course in the latest in later weeks of the course that is application development through uh there are certain other things that we'll be introducing those are related to manage stuff like salary that is in memory database and as it's doing Etc so those are some advanced concepts that you will get to learn at the data part of the modern application development okay sir because I I am familiar with I'm familiar with the view engineers okay and uh also JavaScript so I was thinking about taking the math 2 along with the projects in the next film for my two uh it acts that is something I want to recommend to when even doesn't even matter if you are even better with the technology staff on the course because as I told you that the deadlines are going to be really strict for this term itself you know August 8th it is going to be the end of week eight or week nine the same thing as per Tab 2 Force has been made if you're familiar with the new Js Springbok and all but there are certain other things things like caching things like message queuing these will also be the four requirements of the full section for the application development for this and you will be required to work on these things before you actually submit your project and these things will be introduced at a later part of the course this is the question that you know you should be discussing after uh the current term I mean in the next time when you will be loading photos but yeah if you have asked this question right now my Straight recommendation is going to be please don't go for both the things okay okay sir thank you thank you sir yes you can go ahead uh yeah man I want to ask them uh now the session is going like that like uh uh asking the outside only like this or we are gonna discuss anything uh related to like activities and all right we will do that from the next session I will first yes is good uh so from the next session what I will do I will first try to summarize the week content uh in a very brief Manner and after that we will be taking the questions or the problems that you are facing okay so on the next session right now yeah uh like today's session is like uh we can leave that session right yeah yeah you can so uh if you guys right now right [Music] the course yeah so okay okay thank you you are saying something yes uh yes um I want to ask if we can ask uh some doubts regarding week one is it possible in this session uh I think it will take much time so better uh like uh from the next session what I will do we will first try to summarize the weak content and maybe you can ask questions in that session so it will be beneficial to other students as well yeah it's already 7 30 so I think it will the session will go really very long so maybe we can do that from the next session okay ma'am uh this small doubts I thought okay and from next session thank you okay any other questions um actually I wanted to ask what extra resources you can follow for this courses
2023-06-16 03:42