Migrating to Windows Server 2019 MSI10

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All right all right all right all right let's go let's go let's go. Okay. I always, see people do this oh I want to take a couple of shots this, is photographic, evidence that, you all have 2008. R2 systems, inside. Of your environments. But. We're gonna resolve that right now. It's. Thursday, fourth. Day of ignite, and. I'm here to talk about migrating. To Windows Server 2019. My. Name is Rick Claus you can find me at sign Rickster CDN and. I. Want, to kind of introduce just a little bit for the next 45 minutes a story about tailwind, traders and the. Issues, that they're facing with. 2008. R2 end, of, support coming on January. 14, 2020. You're. Normally used to probably hearing me talk, Microsoft's. Been doing these talks for a while but I'm normally the person that comes down and talks about cloud and about, adoption, of Azure and about migrating workloads, but, my. Team and I decided we needed to have at least a couple of sessions specifically. Addressing, the issue of, modernizing. Your environments, on-premises. So, that you can start to leverage all the goodness that is inside the visor when, you're ready when, you're set to start to do some more integration maybe. You're already modernized, fantastic. You're still gonna learn stuff about that from here because I took. Your picture and I know you're running 2000 ER -, so. Really. This. Is the big driving factor, these are the conversations I'm having right now what, does it mean brasstacks, no marketing, PS about. 2008, r2 end of support what does it mean it. Means no longer, will you get security updates, it. Means you, cannot call 1-800, help me Microsoft. And get. Someone to answer a question for you about 2008. R2 it. Means that, the best support you're going to be able to get is the. Default, support, that you would tell your users. Did. You turn it off and on again and. It's. Gonna work again so. In, reality. What this means is if you're concerned, with your organization, having a compliance, having. A certification. Maintaining. A compliance, for PII information. Hiep like. You name the different services that it means part, of that compliance means you have to be able to call up someone for tech support and unless. You engage with some level of a, post, support agreement, or a support arrangement as Microsoft, you're, going to be out of luck and you won't be able to produce that documentation, that should be pretty motivating, for, most people.

Now. Intel when traders this fictitious company that we talked about today we've. Modeled, after what we figure a lot of you have, in your current environments, you're. A mixed bag you've. Got a variety of different types of systems you've been working the IT environment for quite some time you've been modernizing. It which is great piece by piece but. The parts that get left behind are, usually, the most critical, it's. Their on-prem infrastructure. It's. The, part that keeps. The systems running keeps, the lights blinking, but. Aren't necessarily the big money makers that you would expect to see the unsung, soldiers, the. Domain controllers. The. Infrastructure. Servers the. File servers, these. Are the ones that we need to address and make sure our that are actually going off and being protected, so. In this case in order, to leverage brand-new, hybrid technologies, that exist in Microsoft, and being able to use these new cloud enabled technologies, which you'll find out about Maas for the rest of this particular conference. The. IT department, is formulated a plan to go ahead and to migrate to a more modern version and they, have to approach it as like, any plan with. A. Intent. That you're going to be able to modify it on the fly I. Hope. Everyone's following me so far and then, wants to sleep because. I can't see a thing now. They turn the lights on so. If anyone right now has to get up and leave because they're too embarrassed about being in the room it's all fine you can but, I still have your photo from the beginning so. Here's. The typical environment what do you got you got domain controllers, in most of your offices, this. Is the service that everyone logs into to log into their workstation, this is the service that your workstation, kicks in and talks to to, get a Kerberos, ticket to talk to that file server if that DC ain't there. Nothing's. Working doesn't. Matter if you have all these great solutions, all over the place and cloud base services out there if you don't have identity you're at a lock sure you, probably have gone in and done a synchronization, with AD Connect and others to get as your Active Directory fantastic.

That's Absolutely, required to do for some very modern good stuff but, think, of your payroll system, think, of your line of business think of your ERP, think of these line, of business apps that you bought from third parties that need to have some kind of authentication. That's. Critical to take a look at your. Application servers. We'll talk about those but those would probably be the onesie twosie this device that are out there that are running on top of 2008, r2 where. The manufacturer, from the third party has says we, won't support it except this version on this version of the OS unless. You upgrade unless. You buy the next version and we all know that we want to try to get the most money out of that PBX, to be about 25 years ago right. So. Same, deal with a software, maximise, it get it to work but, now you're faced with a situation if, it's on 2008, r2 you got to get it off somehow. These ones you've got options for you I'll talk about them a little bit later but. The other unsung, hero is that a lot of people forget about. Infrastructure. Services. DHCP. DNS. Obviously. It's always DNS fault but that's usually it's, on an Active Directory domain controller so we'll talk about that but, the Windows File servers, out there as well. Massive. Amount of systems out of 2008, r2 from, our telemetry are running, either domain controllers, or file services, out there so, let's get these two big buckets out, of the way and up, to something a bit more up to date, now. This, gets complicated when. All, of a sudden you start to introduce multiple, sites, because. Now you've got to orchestrate, the migration, of an application service, like Active. Directory across. Multiple sites handle, replication, handle, schedules, and get things ready to go across. Three different cities while our, friends at tail when traders they just don't have three sites. What. Happens, if. You're like them and you've, got 30 sites. That's. Probably close to 60 the main controllers. Miscellaneous. 15, 20, maybe 30 different, sands, and/or file, servers you have to worry about DHCP. Systems, multiple the is, again. I don't, see anyone getting up and running out of the room because they're terrified so that's good, you. All can do this I'm gonna give you the steps and how to be able to accomplish this, very. Simple stuff that we're gonna be looking at, now. Well. How did most people get in this environment well. If. You think about it back in 2008. This was the migration, from 2003. To something more modern. Was. Anybody here in the environment, that built the environment around 2008. Or before let's, take a look at the longevity show, of hands did. You build the environment before 2008, yes okay that's the majority of the people that are here. This. Was the if the wild west of all of a sudden going. From bare metal to virtualization, and hypervisors. This, was the advent of 32-bit, to 64-bit computing. This gave us, terabytes. Of ram possible. This gave us, SSDs. Were in the forefront of the cutting edge technology, all sorts of new performance, and new hardware was coming but you had to get to 2008, r2 or above to, be able to leverage this new hardware in these new systems that's. The situation therein is a big shift virtualization. Became, prevalent everywhere this is when we used to have the debate no it's got to be bare metal, it can't be virtualized. I'm. Pretty sure almost every, person here as their systems virtualized, now maybe one or two I know some trading floors on NASDAQ. Still use bare metal because they're looking for microseconds. Of response time on things, but that's probably not the most people and. Then think about the amount of data the amount of files that were involved, as well so, nowadays. What are we looking at potentially. It talen traders is gonna see a four or five times, data growth take place inside of, their systems because of all their new applications. That they brought on board there's, an internal mandate, that I'm sure all of you, are probably faced with as well which is go, and use more, cloud-based services. You're. Here, at ignite to learn about more of these cloud-based services, and there's some phenomenal, stuff that. I like to call the, gateway drugs into the cloud which. Is awesome, simple, solutions, that solve problems. You have that, don't require major, architectural, changes, the. Azure file sync. Azure Active Directory for, identity purposes the. Ability to go in start using as your backup as our site recovery all these can work in your hybrid environment, if you modernize, and then. Obviously the. Big buzzwords of the year for this case tale and traders they're looking at AI big compute, and some other stuff as well for their machine learning so they, have to get modernized.

So. Other, factors that they face they may not apply to you maybe. They have some data centers that are going to be expiring they. Want to go in and look after some acquisitions. Software. And support is still required for certifications, I'm not going to read this slide these. Might be factors that are facing you the main thing is the driving factor is, in my, personal opinion and talking about people all this week I. Can't. Get patches I'm. Concerned, about security it'll. Take one person, to get behind your firewall or a malicious rogue actor, to. Get one copy of your domain controller. 2008. R2 and they now have the most important, data of your entire company, every. Single user ID and password on. A USB stick so. Like, anything that I've. Scared the pants off you, we're. Gonna go ahead and start a little bit of an assessment some, planning, and then, how we're gonna go ahead and execute first. Off all, your first party applications, look. At modernizing. Them still running on premises, you, may have your reasons for that start. To look at using more cloud-based services, like Exchange Online, I'm 365. Office, 365, SharePoint, manage, sequel server instances, that kind of stuff these, have really good migration, paths and migration plans, and capabilities, on how, to get there line. Of business apps third-party, apps standalone. Apps that are run on top of 2008, r2 those. Are going to be a bit more complicated what. We've got for you is the ability to go through and you can actually migrate. Those workloads up into Azure and get, free. Security. And technical. Support. For. Year for two, years sorry, three years in addition, to, starting right now when it goes end-of-life provided, you run that workload up, inside of azure I want. Everyone, to repeat, after me. I will. Not. Leave. It alone. For. All three years. You. Will go and you'll update and you'll modernize, that workload please, please, please. Lastly. Server. Roles and infrastructure, that's we're going to be talking about today these. Are the ones that were going to be migrating so. I even, took, my marketing friends the tasks they created me at a slice little workflow here's, your end the support you've, got two paths modernize, or keep on printing system. Is if you, go up to a sure lift, and shift can work you can also do data migration, into, a managed service which is going to give you. An. Easier footprint to go off into manage down, below you can go ahead and do an upgrade but, run as an eye as box on that individual box your, choice. We're. Gonna be covering modernizing, on-premises where. You can go through an upgrade on-premises if it's sequel you can do an upgrade or. You. Can do some of the stuff that we'll be talking about for our main infrastructure, services, so getting. Back to our lovely friends at tailwind traders we're. Gonna be attacking these domain controllers, the DHCP, servers and also the file servers, we're, gonna leave the migration, of the individual, workloads, to another session happening, later today which is number three given by my friend pho mo which, is gonna be MSI 30. Migrating. Your workloads to Azure great, stuff hopefully. I got those numbers right. So. What are these challenges, that they've got well they've gone I had done assessments, they've, got limited resources to first of all do a full and complete assessment, so I'm gonna give you some quick tips and tricks on how to do one they've. Got to worry about their domain infrastructure, how, to do some IP addressing, with DHCP, and how to handle those and then finally, the migrate their individual critical, file servers we're gonna tackle each one of these bit by bit and this is when I stop talking and start doing some demos for the most of the rest of the session now. In case you're not familiar a. Good. Chunk of these housed a. Very. Time-sensitive. And, will, take too long to be able to complete, so. With. The magic of video I have, gone ahead and recorded, them and done, some time pauses, in there that she bets easily get the speed through times because I'm pretty sure you don't want to watch an 82 main controller do, a migration which will take over an hour and a half or, worse if you want to see it 2008, are to install which takes about seven hours to complete.

Because. I'm sure you want to go to the party tonight so. We're. Gonna tackle the first one limited, resources and what to do for initial research and, everything along those lines. So. Here we've got my. 2019. System it's up and running. Inside. Some amid tools I'm just gonna go ahead and use Azure Active, Directory. Administer. The. App queries, Azure. Active Directory Active, Directory is an LDAP service easy, to do some queries against, it just quickly, going through and taking a look at some of the for structure, that we have we got some oh use we've got individual, users so, it's a live active directory that's already up and running but. You'll notice inside the computers the default view doesn't show me what versions these are what, roles they're doing it simply says it's a computer account it's pretty simple stuff right. So. Go. In here down to a search, we're gonna convert it to an LDAP query get, rid of a couple of these. Columns. We don't need and add in some other ones all I'm doing is simply adding, the operating, system and also the operating system. Version. As well now. The query I'm gonna run is pretty simple I'm going to query for a computer object, and I'm gonna look for a string, of the operating system name so. In this case go. Through and say object category, is a computer, and then. The operating, system is Windows. Server. But, I'm gonna leave all the versions of Windows Server visible, run my query and we get a result sort. By operating system pretty simple look at that 2008, r2 data. Center and then, 2019. Data center this, is a demo environment people this is not live. Just. Making sure. So. What's. Up let's go ahead and let's refine this to actually look for 2008. Versions, of systems and and obviously filters down when. I execute that to just the three now. Administrator. May not be your tool of choice so obvious you can do the same thing with PowerShell firing. Up a PowerShell instance, we're, going to do a git ad computer, we're, gonna do a filter again. On operating system is like. And there's the string 2008, r2 sorry Windows Server 2008, give. Me all the properties, but then format, table and only display me the name the OS and the service, pack version wrap. Those columns, and autosize it for me super, simple I now have a list I could export, to a CSV, I could do whatever I want but I now have my plan of attack of these, systems, three. Of them that I have to go and hit, that's. How simple it is to go ahead and to, do a query. Both. Of those resources are available if you take a look at I've got some resources here obviously you've got free tools you can check out we've.

Also Got the ability to have an assessment planning tool kit you can go download that's, the map toolkit, it's been around for quite some time I warn. You the map toolkit does generate network traffic it grabs a lot of information but it is quite handy we, also have a migrate program called Azure migrate which will look at the same stuff and then, also there's a web interface for doing the migrate journey known as the migration inventory. Assessment and, because. I know that you're gonna want to have some extra tooling, we, do have two different documents, when it points you to I. Have, and. Every signal on my demo is a list of all Doc's you can go off in check in this case the sysinternals. Tool. AKA, des ms / this internals ad and then, also the. Fun stuff with AD c search a DSi search is aka de MS / add C search I did not provide you with documentation on. Admin center. Because. I don't know where it is. But. I'll find I'll get back to you very soon. So. We've. Gone through we've done the first one we've, looked after these limited resources we have the main infrastructure, that's running 2000 our two gonna be dressing next, then we'll come back and take a look at some DGP, stuff in each of the offices and the, file system so let's handle, the fun one this. Is my wheelhouse, I love, Active, Directory I've been doing Active Directory stuff since it came out and it was known as a dotnet server, during, the beta stages of 1999. Yes. I just dated myself which, is kind of scary. We're, gonna look at the many controllers and how to do domain controllers, and. That sort of stuff, now. This particular demo. This. Is the big long time one that, have gone ahead that some time warp stuff for. So. Just to show you this, is my 2019 box that. Is running right now as simply a member server inside my active directory, inside. Of this box it's already been joined of the domain I figure didn't want to see an OS install. So. Active. Directory we have to go ahead and install the domain services, which is install. Windows feature 80, domain services, include. Management tools that's, just simply gonna go ahead and install our a, DDS, service on the local box and the.

Admitted. Install that fast in real life. Then. We're gonna go ahead and do an install of a domain controller I'm gonna let this come, up just. So. You can see this on the screen I'm. Pretty sure most of you probably have not done an ad install, of a particular box and stylee from the command line this could be done on a core system, as opposed to a desktop system so. It's install ad estimating, controller create. Delegated, DNS zone we don't need it we're. Going to install DNS on the box the domain name has to be listed tailwind traders dotnet, default. First site because this is a demo environment. Database. Path for where we're going to store the log files and the database files where. The sysvol is gonna be located and then, reboot on completion, in this case I don't want to go ahead and do the reboot I'm, gonna force it to go ahead and start and then. We're going to put in an admin safe mode password. And. Confirm. It as well. Please. Make that strong and document. It and. There. We go we're, starting off doing. Our DC install on. This, individual, box. My. 2008. R2 domain controller is still running still, there I'm coming in in compatibility, mode a 2008, r2 on this box it's. Gonna go through make. The schema do the replication, do the minimum replication, as well secure. The Box down and then drop me back to a command prompt, pretty. Simple now. In this, case I wanted to restart, just so it registers all the services correctly, and checks the IP addresses as well again. I wish it booted that fast in real life. Comes. Back up to our command prompt fire. Up PowerShell and the quickest way to see if your domain controller came up successfully is list off the critical services, in this, case we're going to check for 80, WS k CD net logon a DNS all came back true, and, let's. Do a query for the active directory just, throw me all domain controllers that happen to be there right. Ad. Domain controller filter, and format table you can see I've got two two main controllers, in this demo environment now, DCO, one which. Is IP address, of 192. 168 0 to 100 and then. D co 2 which just came in 192, 168 0 10, that. Means that I've queried my ad it's, now working and happy it's now replicating, I'm, doing a time warp you're gonna want to let your replication, or stroke your replication through, across your other domain controllers before, proceeding. As fast as I am but I've got less than 45, minutes left to finish these. So. Here I'm actually gonna go ahead and transfer the, FISMA roles. There. Are five roles that unique and have to be present and. They. Must be identified, on a specific domain controller, and then move to different domain controllers, to not to, mitigate additional, risk that are out there these, FISMA roles for the purposes of this particular, demo, are just going to be moved to the new box so, the old original, box is no longer gonna be required for anything except for being a secondary domain controller very.

Simple Sort of stuff go ahead and do that. Queries. To see that where they are they're, all now on demand Control Number two you always want to transfer, you do not want to do a seizing, that's nasty, be. Nice be a good domain controller over, here my domain control number one, on. D. Co one. We're. Gonna run the good old-fashioned dcpromo I'm sure you've seen this before at, least a couple times. Again. I wish it was really this fast in real life because, I just cut out and waiting and waited for the queries and. Then just went ahead and continued. Answer. Some questions inside the graphical interface in this case I'm. Just gonna go ahead. It. Warns me it's a global catalog server make sure you have more GCS, that are out there. I, do, not want to delete the domain database because there's more domain controllers left obviously, if there. Was a delegation I can go ahead and delete it for, this particular box. Crashes. Ready and password what's the new local admin account make it nice and strong. Click. On that next button and you're saying goodbye to technology. You deployed over eleven, years ago and once. Again watch how fast this goes watch, that pencil I. Got. Tired of waiting for it. Come. On pencil. Done. Finish. It off. It's. Gonna ask if you want to go ahead and do it reboot. In. This. Case I'm, gonna say yeah, you know what let's not do reboot just yet and really didn't, reason why I don't want to do a reboot. Is, that I can shut it down nicely, you. Know it did do a good job so. Let's. At least leave it with a nice message let, me say goodbye to it. So. Thank. You very much for your service 2008, r2 we. No longer need you anymore. Someone. Will find this domain controller in a refuse. Heap somewhere and they'll actually know that we are nice administrators, and we know what let's do an update. Back. Here. Back. Here at my 2019. Box you, can verify that the, IP address that was in use was dot ten all I'm gonna do is I'm going to change this to dot 100, so I'm now using and taking over that, old domain controllers IP address. And. Because. I'm paranoid I'm, gonna go ahead and do a quick restart just so that I know that all services registered, correctly and everything's, all fine. That's. Basically, it we've. Done our. Environment. Upgrade. We've. Done the transfer, of FISMA roles. Once. I've duplicated this, across, all of my domaine controller sites I, could. Then go in and now start, to elevate, the role of Active, Directory to. A more modern version which, would then allow me to put in the most important. Thing that a lot of people haven't put in any, guesses. Ad. Recycle. Bin it has saved my butt before. Because. There was a slow link somewhere, it hadn't, recycled, there I was, able to pull some stuff back with an authority restore if I had a DB cycle bin in place I wouldn't have had a problem I could just pull it out of the recycle bin so, here's the recap of what took place because I was a pretty fast video. Leave. The old one alone set, up the new one as a member server promote, it to be able to become a domain controller synchronize. And replicate across the board, transfer, the FISMA roles demote, the old ones repeat, this at every single site raise, the functional, levels this is your, hit list if you're. Taking a picture of a slide you. Can but, you get the slides later and act, a cadet, MS slash migrate, a Dee. Now. Active, directory this is in fact a migration that we did we didn't do an upgrade we, did a shell game of moving stuff around it. Is considered, a migration but it's a clean OS which is awesome, I love clean os's now, if that particular machine, was. A virtualized, domain controller you're already going to be going ahead and using a shield, at VM right. Shielded. VMs are, important, because a virtualized, domain controller is just a file that fits on a USB stick if, it's, a shielded V it's, encrypted, and cannot be open except on that one box so if you have a rogue admin they, can't do anything about it.

Only. Shielded VMs protect. You against Croke admins make sure you go ahead and do it there is the academia. Shield. At vm's you, need it, here's. My documentation. For functional levels and also. My sis fall replication, as well does. Anyone have an environment, that was built in, 2003. Put. Up your hands some do all. Of you, have already done your sis fall migration, to. DFS. Are, just. Nod and say yes please. If not, you need to do that before you start this kind of stuff. Ned's. Got some awesome documentation. How to do it, so. Coming. Up here. We've. Done the big two we've. Done this the next, one coming up is a domain controller sorry, DHCP, server in each office how. Are we gonna do DHCP, I had. To go through and dig. Up on the internet a search for how to go ahead and do this which, I found hilarious, because. When I did that search I. Found. A video that I made. I. Was. Talking about this ten years ago so really. Simple. Here's my 2008. Box here's, my active dresser here's my IP. V4 scope, it's, currently running it has address, leases that are live it even has reservations as well so. It's a live, DHCP. Database, and. I want to get this updated to a more modern version how, am I gonna go ahead and do that well. Back. On a 2019. Box they're actually, still is these, server migration tools, that. Are there they've been around since 2012, so. Here I'm just gonna go ahead and install the server migration tools it's hilarious, that they're still there personally, but. There's they still work change, into a folder structure to, be able to go off to the server migration tools, and what you have to do is you have to actually build a package for. Your target OS for the migration tools so, here I'm gonna say build me a package, 64-bit. Operating system, of Windows Server 2008, r2, dump. It in a folder structure called DHCP, config, because. I've shared it out it's a simple, one-line tool, to make that package, on, your 2008, r2 server browse. Over to that box. There. It is there's, the files copy, them local. Once. You've got them copy local. Go. Ahead and simply execute, smig deploy XE. No. Switch is required, that. Will install the tools and then you can launch them and it opens up a PowerShell window, with the modules installed. Just. Make deploy. Inside. This environment, you're, gonna say first of all stop the DHCP, service don't, worry your, clients are still gonna work if your DHCP service, is down they're gonna renew at the half life and six states and that sort of stuff so you're still gonna be fine I'm gonna say exports, make server settings, of, DHCP. Bring, across the users bring, across the. Groups, also give. Me the. We're. Going to migrate over the IP address as well so. You can see here I migrated, DHCP, local users and groups the, IP configuration, of, the NIC on that. Box plus. Also the global configure, a as well. That. Stored it on a file. That. Is on the other server a sharing of the server now, in order to migrate the IP configuration settings, I actually have to have the MAC address of this NIC on this box easiest. Way to do it is simply do an IP config that all and then, also dump. It up on that share remotely, on that DHCP, server that administrators, have access to. On. This box, once. Again. Thank. You for your service. We. Will no longer require your services.

Pick. Up your check on the way out this guy was up-to-date thankfully, the administering, his job before. So. Here we're, gonna go ahead and install, DHCP. And install the management tools, this. Is my 2019, box it. Warns, me that I do not have a, static. Address you're currently using DHCP, just. To prove that here, is my DHCP, settings or my deep my IP settings they're. Set up for automatic. But. I don't care because the, migration, tools which are here, will. Go for an imports, mix server settings so. Imports. Make server settings the feature of DHCP. All. The users all. The groups and the. IP configuration all, the settings I need, to know the source physical, address which is in that text file. Copy. And paste because I hate typing. And. Then. I have to have the target, physical, address which, is the local IP address just do an IP config and copy it nice. And simple. Go, ahead put in the path where that file is. Bring. That in this, one will give you an error message because there's an incompatibility, with the IP address configuration. Migration. Of 2008. But, you saw right there that, it did accept, the IP address so it does work even though there's an error so, we're just gonna run that exact same command again and only, bring in the DHCP, portion, of that. Once. Again unlock it with a password. Imports. That in and, this. Time no error message. And. What that means now, is, if I take a look at my DHCP administrator. I. Can. Now see that I have the scope I now. See that I have my address pool up and running and I have my reservations, that existed in the previous box and, I. Also happen I have my reservations, intact as well. On. My. Client. Machine that happens to be running right now you can see that this person has an IP address of, Zillion. Tit does have time don't, forget dhcp, from, 2012, onwards has, the ability to have your scopes, on two systems, to get some resiliency. Built in and you can configure that with the newer systems, it is. Documented, lots, of great stuff in there so we did DHCP, in each, office we did that migration.

It. Helps if you have the clicker turn the right way around so. She hit the green button not, the red button there we go there's the documentation, how to do it the DHCP resources. Are there for DHCP migration, and also, IP address migration as well do, not be alarmed. Then it says 2012. This. Works on 2019, as well we're. Updating our documentation, when I took these screenshots, they still show the 2012, version. So. We've. Been through all four, of these, sorry. Three of the four we, now have the last one which is critical, file servers, that, happens to be a mixture of the sort of stuff this, is the coolest part of all of this the reason why it's so cool is because. We. Actually have, a new windows admin center capability. And a new service called storage migration, that, you can use to, be able to go ahead and do, a migration. So. Here. Is my file server on 2008. R2 I have. A shear that's called data and on. That shear called data there is a local user account that. Is protected. You. Can see permissions, wise it has a local, HR, group that's a local group only on the box that's be migrated, and they. Have rights on that individual share. You. Have a bunch of other shares just to show you've got sales it has the exact same configuration a, local, sales group on that box that has global groups that are put inside of it standard. Stuff you would have done in 2008 r2. You. Can also see that there are three or four local groups on this box again, I'm trying to prove you everything, that's here for an arleigh configuration. To do a migration and then. Also a local user account called break glass so. What you should have gotten from this I can't, just do a robocopy that's, the default thing that people always say oh this, robocopy that yeah you're, gonna miss a whole bunch of stuff if that's all you do for your file servers and they're not gonna work, so. Instead, here's, some proof that we actually have data it's around five and a half gig, for my demo environment, here's. My twenty. Twelve box that I'm running Windows, admin, Center, go, see. Windows. Admin, center, sessions, while you're here, it's, like crack it's awesome, for. IT. Windows. Admin Center you, see a list of servers this is my new file server that has yet to be used as of yet I have, to put in my credentials to authenticate, to that box and you can, see. That's performance-wise. Storage. It, has one, non, initialized, disc disc number one so. I need to go in and make, a volume on that so let's initialize it, all through, the web interface from. A different box and then, let's go ahead and create a volume called. The. Drive, letter e let's call it data and go, ahead and format it so, step. Back and think about that for a second I could, be on my Windows 10 am in center box that's running this I just reached out and touched that server remotely using, PowerShell, remoting secured. Transacted. Logged, audited. All for, my one machine. That's. Powerful, back. To server manager I'm. Gonna choose a different box, called DHCP, - it's running 2019, and I've, just installed, the, server migration service, plug-in to be able to make this work this, think of this as my proxy box this is the one that's going to do all the work and coordination against. My old server and my new server. I'm. Going to group this together as a job for. This particular migration. Choose. Some credentials and then. Go ahead and add in a device as my source so. This is my FSO one box which is running 2008, r2. I'm. Gonna go ahead and scan that to see what shears exist, and what resources exist on it takes a couple seconds I sped this up here's. A list of all the shares that are there so. You can see I've got an e Drive down. Below I've got some sales and marketing, and tests and data all that sort of shared out with a different amount of data inside of each one so it, enumerates everything, for you including. The home directories, users dollar sign in case didn't see down. Here it's asking me what's my destination, my target, system my 2019, box that I want to go off of my greet this -, in. This case it's. Gonna be my FS o - box on tail and traitors it scans. It to make sure hey what's, the hard drive configuration. Do I have enough space and if, I was to match this up what, would I look like to be able to match it you can see the source and on, the first column and then you can see the destination, source. Filesystem. Destination, file system size and should I include it so it Maps it all for me based on what it sees which, is fantastic as. You can see I turned off a checkbox, for tests there just, to say you have granularity.

Of Control. It. Goes ahead says okay these are the basic settings for how often I'm gonna try to do this migration to be able to get this done there's no file locks and stuff like that so if, users, existed, let's rename the local version of that on the box, so. There's no conflicts. Let's. Validate that I have all the permissions set correctly and everything should work once. You get the green check box of joy you. Can get ready to start. So. Actually, going ahead you actually have to click the start transfer, this. Will. Generate network traffic. This. Is something. You don't necessarily want, to do in the middle of the day so. Obviously schedule, this appropriately, please. But. It is way multi-threaded. And very. Much faster than. Doing a simple robocopy. You. Can see here an update. On how much data has transferred, you can see a progress as it goes you're never left in the dark but you've never left, your windows admin workstation. It's, all being done for you which. Is awesome, sauce. Notice. An error message is this, giving me an error that I can go off and check in the logs when that's done so it just all finished off here time, warp to finish it and it, gives me error messages, I can check in the logs. Error. Log only is simply gonna tell me as a downloaded, file that I can look at as an inside of Excel or in this case because, you don't load Excel on servers right this. Is my server box I'm using not my windows box you. Can see I just had some files that were in use that it could not transfer so you have a full list you, can go back and investigate those yourself in a much more realistic, environment, than, this demo environment is if. I go take a look at that migrated user log for individual users I can. See here that the break glass account, was in fact migrated. And a new one created, and associated, appropriately. With, file permissions, which is awesome and then, I can take a look at my groups now there's, an awful lot more groups involved on servers so it's a bit messy, but what I do want to show you here is at least here's, all the local ones that, are the important, ones these were used in filed permissions, so. They were migrated, which is awesome this, is all missed by, robocopy, but, we're not done. There's. One more piece of magic which, is absolutely, awesome because I'm pretty sure you don't want to have to go in and remap all those drives for your twenty, thousand users that are out there there's. An option called cut over it, we'll go in and actually migrate, the IP address, to, the new box it'll, migrate, the user the, NetBIOS.

Name And DNS name sorry, the NetBIOS name is the big one over to, that new box it'll, go through and do all that for you and do the shell game and updating, and re-registration, all. A hundred, percent without. Any issues in this case it's a DHCP, address I choose, the NIC I. Then. Come down and. Rename. The old box if I want to FS. Old thank, you for your service, you cannot leave that message unfortunately. I wish we could, and. Then you go ahead and say next and it goes through and does its magic in the background, to, say that it's all done, now. The cool thing is on these, demos for, Windows am in center as I, was writing this demo Ned. Released an update, that. Updates, happened, and I had to redo all of my demos because new functionality, was added so these are constantly, updating, with cumulative, updates, on a monthly basis for additional, functionality. Which, is awesome, this, is a summary, of the storage migration, service, migrates. Unstructured, data the, new stuff that came in August it targets. Linux. Boxes if you want to it can target an as you, can target a file, cluster, and then, move it to a new box the, last part that is pure magic is it, can even suggest hey, that. New 2019, box that you created you. Could actually go ahead and migrate, that and start using as your file sync so you'll never run out of space again let. Me click you through how to do that that's. Awesome. Great. Documentation. About Windows admin center available, here at SMS overview. All. Up-to-date, updated. Constantly, you can even update them if you need - in case you happen to find some issues with that documentation. To, make it even better so. Challenges. Wise we've, gone through and, adjust the, four. Biggest. Challenges, that are out there limited. Resources to do your research how. To do your DC promos, and DC deema demos, demotions. On. A 2008, RT box please. Be nice to your old boxes as you decommission, them they served you well for many years, IP. Address, migration, with DHCP to each office, as well. As the critical file servers that are mixed of Windows Server 2008, r2 and above now. The. Windows am in center is a tool, that you will find, absolutely. Invaluable as, more. Functionality. Gets, added to it as the system's progress, currently. I think there's about 14, major, services, that I'm interested, in inside. Of the windows admin center more, are coming and you'll, be able to leverage those now with a more modern infrastructure, inside. Of your environment, this. Should strike fear in all of our hearts. Because. The core infrastructure, that keeps your business, running right now is possibly. Still running on 2008, r2. Does. Anybody have 2003. In the room don't. Answer that question I. Don't. Even want to ask about that other one, that's. Even older. This. Is serious stuff you, need to know how this is going to affect you because it will affect you in some, way shape or form. Certification. Wise. There. Are resources available for you to go off in to certify I would, suggest if, you're looking for doing certification, and new stuff inside of the Azure environment, you'll learn about stuff inside of the fundamentals, there, is additional, stuff inside of there that will be able to help you on the progression of your career. There's. Your free certification, exam you've seen this one before if, you haven't.

Everywhere. You can find that QR code. But. What I want to do right now is I got about thirty seconds left I just want to do a pitch and a promo to say it's. Very important. That you do a migration and a modernization. It's. Very important, that you take the steps to develop your skills to, become more cloud aware these. Are some baby steps if you're not ready for that when. You are ready for it my. Team and I are here to be able to help you modernize, and start to look at integrating cloud services, into. Your on-premises environment but don't neglect your, on-premises, environment, more. Resources available in case you want to take a look at this lab manual, I did print one up you can take a look at. Lastly. Coming up very soon MSI 20, integrating, cloud technologies, is where you can bring some of those new systems down inside, of your environments, MSI. 30 is migrating, those application. Workloads, up into Azure to be able to take advantage of the extended support agreements, and. Then. If you, want to get a hold of me I'm, here for the next two days my name is at sign Rickster CDN, you can see a lot of my team and myself doing, blogging on IT ops comm, the. Last moment and the last thing I want to say even though I'm 36 seconds over is. Your. Evaluations. Are extremely, important, I'm, looking for critical feedback on how, we can make content, more relevant, to you and if, this content, worked for you take. A moment in the app on the web fill, out some information for, us about how we did my, name is Rick Klaus if you like this session if you did like the session my name is Oren, Thomas thank. You very much.


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