Active Shooter Security Risk Assessments

Active Shooter Security Risk Assessments

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Our. Next speaker is a leading, security threat, and risk experts. Specializing. In active, shooter workplace. Violence, and other forms of violence I would. Like to see how many of your organization's currently. Have an active, shooter security, risk assessment in place. Okay. Everyone go ahead and take a moment to, answer. The question on your screen. All. Right we're actually a little bit more split, we, have 44 percent who have and about 35, percent who. Say. That they actually haven't, so this is this is really good to see that people are actually starting to take this step. Caroline. Ramsey Hamilton risk experts, served. On the Working Group to create a defensive information. Where warfare. Risk model for the security, of Defence Force e4 she has worked on risk assessment models. For active shooter for, PSP a DoD's. Technical, support working group creating. Risk models for nuclear facilities, security. For dams and substations, hospital. Facilities, risk models and medication, error models, she, has, even received an anti-terrorism. Accreditation. Board Lifetime, Achievement Award. Caroline. Will be presenting, active shooter security, risk assessments. Lessons. From parkland Annapolis. In Jacksonville, shooting, now I'd like to turn it over to Caroline thank. You very much everybody. Think about your questions while I'm talking so. We're going to talk about some of these active shooter incidents, lessons, we learned from 2018. Unfortunately. Now we're having active shooter situation. At least once. A week and some some weeks we have them twice a week it, just turns out by happenstance, that, I live in parkland so, is there the day they had the Parkland shooting I was it across the street at the Target store and I, had just walked out of the store when I saw three, helicopters, and fourteen, emergency, vehicles racing up the street and I thought oh no they must have had a horrible traffic accident, and. Actually. Checked my. Check. My traffic monitor and there were no accidents, so I had to go back, to the office turn on the TV and find out that what, has happened turns. Out that my two grandchildren, happen to also be in parkland, day at school at country, Hills, Elementary School, where they were locked down they're 8 years old they were locked down from 7:00 in the morning until, 6:30. At night in, their. School and so, I, really, feel this whole thing worth I was doing this before but now I know, I really get it how terrible. It is what, a scar it leaves on your community, in everything. Else so we'll. Just get going here's my background, which you can look at on the slides if you want but. One. Of the things I always say is a disclaimer, at the beginning is that we everybody. On this call knows that this can happen anywhere anytime and so this is not anything about gun control what, I'm going to talk about guns it's, not about politics, it's not about the NRA it's, not about arming teachers or nurses it's. Just about how do you protect your staff your patients students customers, visitors, and anybody. Else by putting these simple controls, in place that prevent and reduce active, shooter incidents, and.

We Had a real look at this yesterday, because even. Though the Parkland shooting was on Valentine's, Day February 14th, of this year they. The Parkland, Commission is just winding up its, its study, year-long study, on why that happened, and one, of the things that they have cited in this 405. Page study which would be happy to send to anybody is. That. They need to put these simple controls in place right away so they have waited from February, to, December. To. Put, some of these simple things into place that we're going to be discussing if. You, want to see what's happening, this is a chart that shows it so it shows you how many active mass shootings we had in 1966. And then. It goes up to 2015. And if. It could go up if, the screen was larger it could go up higher from there so it's just basically been. A straight line up ever since. 2015. These. Are the mass shootings, by state so we can see there's. An accompanying article that says, which. Of the states that have the most mass shootings at California. Florida. And. Illinois. Are the top three number four is Texas, and number five is Alabama, number. Six is Georgia, so you, can see by the concentration. That there's not much going up going on in Montana, and Wyoming which, is unusual. Because there everywhere, there and also. Up in the very northern part of the East Coast to very. Not. So many. So. When I think of active shooter I think about compliance, and liability that's. Sort. Of my mantra, if. People, comply, with that generally. Accepted, security, standards, and federal, mandate in the. Case of health care or some other industries, where they require these risk assessments, it. Reduces, your liability, just being, in compliance reduces, your liability, so some people say I don't, want to have a risk assessment done because I don't want to see all the things that we need to fix but. It turns out that if you have some. Kind of an incident, eventually. Somebody's get an auditor is going to come out and find out why. That incident occurred whether it's a it's. A CMS auditor, the Sinister Medicaid and Medicare if you're in health care it could be a, transportation, board, it could be a. Insurance. Auto, insurance, auditor. Adjuster, going. To come out and say what. Did you do - what, would have you done in the past to make sure this wouldn't happen and so, what you can say is we've done a risk assessment here it is and we've analyzed, what, things are most likely to occur we've put in solutions, for those things and here's our corrective, action plan for the next year that shows what we're planning to do in the next year and they, will say thank you very much that works if, you don't do that they'll, stay and then they may give you a billion dollar fine - so. Compliance. This, kind of compliance. Directly. Reduces, liability, it, also covers, you for the OSHA general, duty clause and there's, 33 states now that require you to do risk assessments, on violence. For, a. To. Meet, their standards in, the state and that's going to become a it's there's a bill in Congress right, now to make that nationwide and. So. It's protection, for that - because of course the general duty clause is you. As an, employer, promise. To, put in place a safe workplace and. That's. So this also proves that you've evaluated that, workplace, and you've determined that it's safe, so. One, of the common things people look at when they say okay we're going to do a threat assessment, go get some number so maybe. You're going to look at this number in this number as, this. Is from last January or, parkland had just won the award, for the safest city in the United States it, got a crime, index which is the FBI, uniform, crime index rating of 85 when. 100 is the safest and that means a Parkland on, February.

1st Was safer, than 85%, of the cities in the United States, great. So what did they have they had a mass, casualty incident, the next month they, killed 17, and injured, another 17, people so. What. Some, of these statistics, and that's why I maintain, you have to work with a lot of different statistics, you can't just use one you have, to look at what's happening in your industry what's happening in your type of facility. You. Know what what the issues are and so. We have like 10 different elements, that we put in place to evaluate threat, it includes industry, data it. Includes, a local, data like this includes, the fact that you're a school and the statistics, on school shooters if, it was a hospital it includes Hospital data so, you get a real good look at what's really going on this. Just shows you more of the same graph so this shows you how the, Green Line is a u.s. average and, the purplish parkland, so in 2016. That's how far it was down. From the national average and of course it happened anyway this. Is just a little summary I put together a four different shootings to see could see and I. Use parkland to start with in Annapolis, in Jacksonville, and then Chicago, which we're all going to talk about one was a school, one. Was a lot business office when was a retail, complex, when was a hospital they. Each had different crime, rate so you can see Mercy, Hospital in Chicago has, a crime, rate of 8 which. Means that 92, percent of the country cities, in the country are safer than Chicago. Jacksonville. Surprised, me with their low rating of a 9. Annapolis. Was, a little better but not much and each, of these have, a different, thing, but you can look and see how many people were injured and killed the safest place had, the most injuries 17, killed 17, injured one, shooter, Annapolis. Had two people injured six killed one shooter Jacksonville. 10 people injured three people killed one shooter, Chicago. One, person injured four killed one shooter in. Time. For the police to go in how long did it take the police to get there well, at Parkland they never went in in Annapolis. They, went in two minutes after, it started in Jacksonville. They went in two minutes after it started in Chicago they went in three minutes after it started and, it didn't make any difference at all because everything, had already happened the. Problem is about the time you get the alarm that, even, at the police department even, if it's one block away somebody's. Got to run get, their keys get out of their car get in the car drive, through traffic to get there by, the time ninety percent of the time this is already over by the time that happens, and. Again one data point is just not enough to prevent this you have to know exactly, what your real threat level is by averaging, all these things in place but again, we all know what the threat is active, shooter and so. You have to know what controls, you have in place that's going to that's, what's going to help and reduce, the likelihood of something happening is.

You'll See in a minute all the active shooter training in the world is not going to help if. You don't have the right controls in place and by improving your response as our, two previous speakers talked about if an incident does occur, so. Let's just take a look at what went wrong with parkland number, one they had no security controls even though a month before it happened the Secret Service agent, whose child goes to that school had, gone into the principal, and said I'd like to walk through the school and show you what's wrong principal. Said okay you can do that so they did he put it on a piece of paper he, and the principal, didn't want to look at it himself he just gave it to two teachers and they, discussed, it briefly never put any of the controls in place so. They, had no access control, you got all the back doors were unlocked you could walk in any in, any entrance and that's. How the shooter came in after, walking through the unsecured, athletic, field now, they had started to lock the athletic fields but the morning in question they, didn't like it the guy didn't want to go out there in the cold so he didn't lock the back field the. They, had probably. 30 different, complete. Threats a woman, who was a relative, of the shooter had, called, called. The Parkland Police they never followed up she called the FBI left, them a long message and in. Her message to them. Explaining, how he had so much money and all he was doing was buying guns and his mother had died and he put in his Facebook, page that he wanted to grow, up and be an active shooter and. Shoot up a school none. Of that was followed up on the Broward Sheriff's Department, didn't follow up on it and so, that's what he got his wish the. Problem. Here with its school resource, officer. Infamous. Scott Peterson, hid. Under a column, and never entered the building and they, found that on the video after, the event they, had four deputies, there from that Broward County Sheriff's Office they. Were told to stay in the parking lot with their guns drawn so everybody five armed, officer set outside and 17, children were shot and killed inside the building, there. Were communication, problems, between the police and the Sheriff's Office whether you're on different frequencies and, they, just released all the old in, this in these hearings, that they just had they released. All the tapes and you can hear them saying I can't hear anything the. Other thing is somebody decided, that they should leave the crime scene alone and there are still kids up there who have been shot were bleeding to death and they, prevented, the medical personnel one, of the sheriff's prevented. Medical personnel, from entering the building initially. So. The, next infinite. We're going to talk about is in Annapolis, Maryland and, that is, where I used to have my office and there. They walked into a newspaper, office one guy killed five people injured, three and. It. Was just absolutely horrible and what he did was he walked in with a rifle he. Had his. Problem, was. That he, was mad at something, that one of the editors had, written about him seven, years ago and it. Said that he was responsible for this girl and he was harassing her and she had to move out of the state and everything and this, guy was so angry that it was written up in the Capitol newspaper as an article that he thought about every day he, fantasized. About getting even he went journals about it and then one day he picked up his gun and went to the office he. Used to shotgun to to shoot out the glass, front doors they, were open anyway walked. Inside and everybody was just sitting there open, open area in their desks, and he just shot him and it. Just took a few minutes to kill everybody and, the. Five, staffers, and three others were injured and again, the hall the shoe was over before the before, the police arrived, eventually they, had 105. Law enforcement officers on the scene within, two minutes but it was too late and, so, again. They had no security they didn't have a communication. System they. In, the, but the worst thing about this one was that they, had they had seven years of notice seven, years of this guy harassing, I'm sending him letters sending. Out posts. All these things he did and the. Newspaper, decided, not to get a restraining, order against, him because. They thought it would make matters, worse guy. Should have had a restraining, order you know he should have had not. Been able to get within 100 yards of the place you know he should have been. Put in jail if he continued, to harass them and it was all over really nothing, so. What, went wrong in a nipple in the necklace was a, multiple.

People Were shot as people hid under their desks, there's no place for them to go, he. Shot through the glass doors so. There's. Nothing more terrifying than hearing multiple people shot while you're under your desk and listening. To the gun man reload, looked. Like a war zone he said I'm a police reporter, write about this all the time but. It's you know unbelievable how, cut trauma traumatizing. It is. So. He went wrong in Annapolis no security controls no access, control, no receptionist. No solid, doors the. Threat, that they've had for seven years was not taken seriously they, didn't have panic alarms there, was no case management program which, we'll talk about later, for managing. Workplace violence, they, decided against putting in a restraining order, so. Again you know it was just a typical local. Newspaper. So. Let's talk about Jacksonville. So in Jacksonville, they had a big tournament it was a multi-million. Dollar one hundred and fifty thousand dollar price Madden, video. Tournament, and it, was held in a, special gaming center that was in the back of a restaurant it. Was in a retail complex, on the st. Johns River and, it. Was everything was glass and it was wide open so it was a retail environment everything was open there was no security anywhere, they, had no access control. To the video gaming rooms in the back where they always filled this tournament, the. Shooter was angry, because he had won the tournament the a year, ago but had already been disqualified for, this year's tournament so. He took a break at lunch and he went back to his hotel room and he got his gun and came back in, the. Door at the primary entrance of course is always open he, just walked right in through the through, the front door he walked into the gaming area and people the. Patrons, of the restaurant had to walk through that gaming, area to get to the bathroom so. He just walked right in and started shooting people he had made threats about him had left them on Facebook, they, had no panic alarms, they had no way to call anybody, they, had no training in, you, know a retail establishment they, a lot of times they would listen Amal will, not have active, shooter training or anything. So. How do these and. Then we're going to add one more which is a mercy hospital Chicago, tragedy, which really has, shocked the security community, so. This, was this, happened on November 20th, this, is a young emergency. Room doctor, and she's. Showing up for work at 7:30, in the morning and. Her. Boyfriend, pulls up next to her and he had just broken off engagement. With her he, asked her for the engagement ring she said she didn't have it she wasn't giving it back any shot and killed her on the parking lot and then. He ran right into the hospital, emergency department. Right into the main. Part of the hospital, where, an elevator door opened and a pharmacy, young girl who was a pharmacy, resident, got out and he shot and killed her and then he, looked around and saw two police, officers, coming at him so he shot both of those, one. Of them was saved because his bullet hit the holster, the leather holster, and the hell the bullet there it didn't penetrate his body the, other young young, officer. Was killed he has three small children with almost 26 years old and. So. What happened that the, medical, officer was happy to say that he'd conducted, an active shooter drill last, month everybody. Had been trained there, were 200 people being treated at the hospital that morning but, they only evacuated, the emergency, room and they didn't lock the doors to the emergency, room for outside, even though that was what their emergency, plan included. So. There was total confusion there was no, good communication. People were reading about place in the hospital we're reading about this at their desk on Twitter with. With how about it wasn't it really again when a doctor shot. Scares. Everybody there, was no access control most hospitals, now especially, in a busy city like Chicago, not, only did they have to buzz in but they also have a security, officer stationed.

In The emergency, room he's usually sitting at a podium or something so, he can also actively. Monitor the screens while things are going on but, they did not have active Kanak yet any active monitoring, so they couldn't see him approaching. The facility, nobody, called to tell him to lock the doors their. Communication, system didn't, work and they had no panic alarms to scare him off. So. What, this, is just a summary of some of the things that you, know they have really, some really good controls, now they have automatic, lockdown but a lot of hospitals have we hit, the button all the doors closed they didn't have that they, didn't have an adequate communication. System, and they didn't the, police didn't mount an adequate response in my uneducated. Opinion, they. Were two officers, who happened to be driving by the hospital when, they got the alert to come in usually. If you have an active shooter who's already killed a doctor out in the parking lot you would have a, SWAT. Team or the active shooter group come in who, would be wearing ballistic, vests right and then none of this would have happened but, they didn't do that this, first two officers just, came right into the hospital he saw many shot him and killed him then. He killed himself and then the officer, but he wasn't dead he didn't, shoot himself quite, in the right place so the, officers had to finish off when they got into the hospital so, again. We. Know where this can happen and your office a law firm restaurant. Churches. Schools, malls, hotels. Military. Installations. Giant, Fort Hood Washington. Navy Yard hospitals. All over the country there's. No safe place that you can be that doesn't have a potential, of being an active. Shooter situation and. So. I still, believe active shooter should be required annually. That they got to learn how to run and hide and fight but. If you don't have any controls, in place it's not going to be enough you have, to protect. Yourself with, these inexpensive, controls. This. Is what you learn with the assessment, so. The, five critical elements, it could, have prevented you know 90% of these shootings some, kind of access control at the entrance having. An active shooter risk assessment, done which would have have. Fixed, a communication, system problem, and a lot of these other problems, the, communication, system is absolutely, critical. The. Other thing that I recommend a lot of people will say to me. You. Know we don't we're. Going to buy this big system it's going to work on all our computers that's, great but, what are you doing today to help these people what you need to do is buy these in these individual. Panic. Alarms, for people who are in the reception areas they're, on a lanyard they hang around your neck I have one right here when. I pull this pull the thing on it it goes. So. I take it when I go to the mall I take, it when I go to church you. Know it's a nice to have it costs, twelve. To fifteen dollars a piece on Amazon and so, usually that's the first thing I recommend to somebody is just go, to Amazon, and get ten of these and give, them to the people who are sitting right at the door where a shooter would come in and it's.

Almost Always going to be the front door I've never seen the shooter come. In the lobby come, in the back of the lobby come in sneak in through the cafeteria. Sneak. In through the loading dock or anything they they're, proud of what they're doing they're on a mission and they want to come right into the front door and that's. Where you need to have the panic alarm the individual, panic alarms do two things it's, already given the police aren't going to be there before it's over the panic alarm when they hear that loud noise they, know somebody, knows what they're doing and it, sometimes, it scares them and they run off the. Other thing it does is an instant, alert to everybody, in that building you can hear from here, here within, the hearing distance that. Can say something's, going on we need to hide, or get out the back door at that point so I think they're very valuable the. Risk assessment one, of the things that it does is it does it, checks that everything's working like it's supposed to a lot, of times we find situations, where people think they have controls. In place and they're actually not so. I've done about a thousand, risk assessments, in the last 12 months many, of them in healthcare because of a new health care rule, requires them but. One. Time I melted 27, for the hospital, and. They. Have a they have they. Have a desk there with three people at the reception, and they. Say, that they have panic alarm they tell me that okay let me see it crawl, down on the floor into the desk and there's no panic alarms there they were all taken out because, he remodeled the area three years ago so. These people are there working thinking they have the panic alarm to touch and it's actually, the, counter, was replaced, with a nicer counter but the panic alarms just got lost in the they. Got lost in the shuffle the other thing we find is door alarms that don't work doors. That are left open doors that have settled a lot of times because of the just a settling of the building over time and you. It's, the the door that goes from a psych unit, into, the stairwell, and the. Door alarm doesn't work because. It's. Rust the contact points arrested together and the door doesn't work can't be locked because. It's off-center. And so it doesn't catch when I closed us and a lot of times we, find that because the hopeless people come into the facility. At five o'clock in the morning and that's how we find that the door doesn't close and lock anymore unless. You have somebody checking, on that you're going to continually. Have problems, with that the. Other thing I'm a proponent of is more cameras, because cameras, are very inexpensive now, compared to how they used to be but, if you have all the cameras you might as well have active, monitoring, and, one of the things that drives me crazy when I go into these facilities is it they, have the active monitoring, screen showing, you know 16, 16.

Parts Of the building the outside the parking lot, the. Roof you know wherever, else and it's. Locked in the IT closet, and nobody has a key so. It's, like an active, active. Monitoring, screen in the IT closet it's not going to do any good it needs to be out in the front. Receptionist. With a security, or safety officer, with the emergency preparedness, you. Know hopefully with a full, command center that might be meet might be there so. Again these are the things that we want to have is going to have that risk assessment done upfront because. Not only is it can tell you what you need to do but, it's also going to give, you cost-effective. Controls. In the federal definition of risk assessment includes, a risk, assessment has to include a cost-benefit. Analysis, so, that makes sure that you're, going to get the most bang for the buck going, to recommend the controls, that are going to be the most protection for, the least amount of money, access. Control for staff, and for, visitors you know the if, you let visitors walk into your and wonder through your plant through your organization it's, not going to do any good so you have to have a visitor management system, it, could be as simple as a book, you, know where you write your name down and and when. You came in and turn, over your driver's license or passport you, can go in the building and you get it back when you come out or. Sophisticated. Is a lot of these great software programs they have now like a Fast Pass for visitor, management to, take a picture and create a badge, with your picture on it the. Badge. Automatically. Expires, and turns pink after 24 hours so if you do get lost. A stuck in the building that they know they can tell instantly that, your pass has expired, again. The cameras in active monitoring, the panic alarms that people are have. Aware, wearing, at each entrance all. Your exterior, doors locked a hundred percent of the time and I, also recommend, that HR. And security, work together to create a case management, program and, that's, what they needed at the hospital when they had the. The disgruntled, fiance, who turned out we got internal affairs reports, from. One of the newspapers, there that had been written up like 50, times for, his terrible attitude, and how he kept his punch women in the back in the training classes for firefighter, he'd, punch him on the side in the back when they walked by he, had a terrible attitude should. Have been taken out and put into one of these case management programs, issue. Restraining, order if you have to make, this guy understand, that he's going to get watch forever, from now on same. Thing with a, annapolis. Capital shooting same. Thing with the parkland shooting somebody. Who said that they want to kill people they have the guns they have the money to do it should. Have been watched should have had already been kicked out of that high school I was, going to an alternate, school but. He kept coming back right because, nobody wants to get kicked out of the school, and he, should not have been allowed to come back he should not have been allowed to be anywhere, near that campus, but, unless you have a structured, program in place to manage that you're not sure that that's happening. So. Again access control, is a starting, point if you can't manage who's coming in you're, never going to have any security, the. Other thing is to limit the entrances, lock the entrances, with a strike bar so you have fire, safety people can get out you can get at just like Hotel. California you. Can check in but you can't check out so. No facility, in my opinion is secure for this multiple, entrances, the. Door should be locked a hundred percent of the time never, be prompt open and be. Checked regularly to, make sure that they closed effectively. Adding. More cameras. Monitoring. Aggressively. Actively, monitoring, the cameras and also monitoring, the parking lots. Better. Communication. System, we talked about the panic alarms. There's. Great communication, systems, that put out silent, alerts can, automatically. Notify law enforcement message. Email text, but. The systems have to work and also it works as a notification after. The incidents, are open, so. This is a little roadmap on what. You need to do to keep your organization safe. We, publish, these free risk alerts that I send out all the time I just send amazing one out today be, happy to share it if you send me a note to my email address I'll be happy to put you on the list they, come out about twice a week and they cover, emergency.

Preparedness, Security. Incidents, that happen in the real world and what the. Outcome of that I. Highly. Recommend you do an initial security, risk assessment for active shooter they. Can use as a baseline, so. The risk assessments. That we do we. Update, all the threat information, from at least eight, different sources including, all your local data we. Look at the criticality of the assets you have there with a dollar value and a present-day. Replacement, value we. Survey, the staff in detail with web-based questionnaires. And phone and in-person, interviews, to. See how where they are and have their compliance flow live and this is how you, find out that people have missed the training classes that, they don't know where to report something. You. Find out actually. Talking to people and, then. We rate the implementation. Of the controls, and balance, that against, the cost of threats the. Cost of the potential, loss by, the cost of putting the control in place so. That we prepare, action, reports, based on return on investment, that, you're going to present to the board and that's one of the things in the health, care that you CMS rule on emergency preparedness, has to, be presented, it has to be in the board minutes, auditor, is, going to go look and make sure that the board read heard this presentation. And read it I think, they're trying to make that accountability go down to a board level so. This is just a little this is a continual, cycle of improvement, so if, you do this one year you put in the threats you identify, the assets you survey the staff you find. The controls, you evaluate, the the controls. Whether they're in place or not and then, creates, an action plan for, the next year you're going to you're, going to take that action plan and implement, it so by. The next year you will have reduced the threats you, will have increased, your compliance and the staff because they now know what they're supposed to do you, would be improving. Your. Your. Implementation. Of the control so for example one place I went they didn't have any any.

Panic Alarms so they started right away and they got enough for 50% of the people in need of them next. Year they got another 20%, the next year they're going to get another 20%, that's. What these people want to see is if continual. Improvement. Over. Time it doesn't it doesn't mean it's going to have to go do everything at one time but, you're going to do it as you can, again. We use real numbers for everything so we can track back and show where every single number came from and, we. Also figure in reputation loss if you look down there at the last bullet because. When you have a shooting at a school and, now parkland, becomes a synonym for active shooter it. Reduces, property, values for years. We. Also evaluate, the percentage, of implementation. Of each of the controls, and these. Are just some examples of, the different controls we use for active shooter assessment. And then. We get our cost-benefit, analysis, done so we can see what we need to do how, much it cost and how much it would save us. So what, we are passionate. About is making, sure that you're protected, from having this kind of an incident happen to you so. You need to talk to your management about what you need to make sure your organization is safe start. With an active shooter risk assessment, it's going to give you your best bang for the buck if. You want more information on any of these you can write me at my email address there on the page and. I. Want to thank you very much for for. Participating. Today it was great to be able to talk to you and I. Hope you have a wonderful rest, of the week. Are. There any questions. Yes. Thank you so much Caroline we are now beginning the Q&A session of Caroline's presentation, if you have a question please submit them through the chat or question box so. Caroline our first question is actually what is the alarm. That you're using. The. Panic. Alarm yeah. It's. A well you can get them on Amazon and, so it's called vigilant, it's called an individual. Alarm so. You can go to Amazon and look up vigilant, individual. Alarm individual. Panic alarm and it'll bring up say. They make them for students, and joggers and you know all these other people but they're they're, a great starting, point for everything. Okay. Are. You a proponent, of alarm based camera, monitoring, to avoid camera, fatigue. Yes. Okay. But I'd still rather have camera fatigue than no cameras. But. Having an having an alarm is great but in. Some, places that are really really, busy like hospitals, where people coming in and out constantly, you know you, can't really have the cameras alarm that. Way you. Need to still, have somebody watching them and looking at them depending. On how large your organization, is the. Other thing is if they're up at the reception, reception or managers, desk they, usually have enough time in their day to monitor, camera and take, a look at it and of course if they hear a bullet, shot a bullet or. Anything like that they can scan. The cameras at that point too to see what what, might be going on. Do. You think that some training issues are caused by the inability, inability. To effective, we simulate conditions during, drills. No. I don't. I. Don't. Think that's an issue in fact I think tabletop, drills in my. Personal, opinion I think tabletop, drills are usually more effective, than, actual life life drills where you run around outside and hide under things, because.

My Whole emphasis too, is on the front-end I don't, want to spend hours teaching them how to hide and climb, on top of something and you know get wedges for the doors and all this stuff I want, them to not have the incident happened in the first place and if, they have the proper, controls, in place they should never be in that situation, but. I do think, it's important, to. Especially. If it's s the mindset, of these people and teach them that. The reason that they're 20,000, or how many people a couple. Of thousand people died, because. They, didn't understand. What was happening to, them there were a lot of deaths in 911. That could have been prevented because. They really people. On some of those upper floors they hadn't been killed. The, plane, crashed into the building but the stairwells weren't damaged below the. Downward stairwells, but, people didn't even try to get out they could have walked out there was no fire the. Smoke wasn't, thick they. Could have gotten up and walked out and they didn't we I read the 328. Page report of that people. Crawled. Under their desk and in in. The fetal position and. Just. Waited for Intel. And unfortunately. The building collapsed, on top of them people. Went, the bathroom and threw up people ate the entire contents, a refrigerator, but. They didn't try to leave because they they weren't empowered, so. To me the training is get, that empowered, mindset, that, I'm going to get out of here and they don't care what's in my way I don't care if they have a Rottweiler. I don't care if they have a fire. I don't care if there's a stairwell there is a way to get out but, you have to think clearly and what happens when these things happen as somebody. Else said on this is you just go into you good and panic, free shutdown, mode you're the deer in front of the headlights now a rabbit. That's startled, and I have pit rabbit so I know you, startled a rabbit it just sits there like it's frozen in place it can't move so we, have to shake these people up and make them understand. And once, you can get them to the point of understanding what, real situational. Awareness is it's. Not a problem, it's not a bad mindset, it's something that's going to save them whether, they're in the nail salon they're, a church they're the school picking up their kid it. Kicks in all the time and you're aware of where you are you know what you need to do if something happens you, have a back-up plan basically, for 100%, of the time. Thank. You how, do you deal with buildings, with numerous agencies, where, you can't lock all exterior, doors to, control entrance, I, get. A buzzer and I did that on my own building in Annapolis, Maryland we. Had a guy come into our office with a gun and our. Door was always unlocked, and wasn't, open but it was unlocked a guy walked in and he was waving a gun around he said I want all your drugs we. Said you're in the wrong office we don't have any drugs I read the medical, part of the buildings up on the third floor you know Cindy was the third floor called them call the police and the. Next that afternoon we had somebody come in and cut. A hole in the door and put in a bulletproof. Piece, of glass and put in a buzzer and, so that, was the last day we had an unarmed door every, door needs to have some kind of an alarm on it so, people just can't walk in. Do. You advocate, do you advocate for bleed kids and training, for people to assist in these types of emergencies. Absolutely. Absolutely. We believe in having those ready kits that are distributed, around an area especially.

And Again a lot of the what. You're spending is going to go for it it depends on the. Threat. Level that you're at so. If you're in a healthcare organization in. A bed which is already. Eight. Times more likely to be killed or shot than a police officer, if you're if an ER if you're a nurse or, in. In ten times worse. Than a high-rise, construction worker. So. If you're in a high-risk profession. Like that and you have a real high crime rate right then. It's going to say okay what do we need to do first, again. We're trying to prevent this from happening so, we want to have the what the bleed, kits but first we want to have the panic alarms second. We want to have access control. Then we want to have the stocks oblique it's then we want to have the. Automatic automated. Tourniquets, and everything else but. We start with trying to keep people out I'm. Also a big if you were here if I was in a, room with all you guys together which I wish I was I would. Be walking through the breaking. Through the sheets, right now handing you tampons, so, my and makes the men really uncomfortable. Makes me laugh we. Get these little OB tampons, and if people, just are so they didn't want to touch up you know but if, you think about it what it is it's a piece of sterile. Cotton wrapped. Up in plastic and, it. Just happens, to be the same size as a bullet hole so. I always keep those in my drawers I keep them in my briefcase just, to remind me of, that. I could have a shooter at any time you, can use them to plug a bullet hole and because they expand, because. The Cotton's compress that expands, actually, will put pressure on the artery and help stop the bleeding.

2018-12-23 05:03

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Always a great presentation from Caroline Ramsey-Hamilton.

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