Active Directory Administrator System Engineer Server Administrator Tutorial Windows Ad Q& A

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foreign this training is for not like you know only for the learning as you know that already traditional training are you have a lot of source to learn from the YouTube and uh free uh training couple of free training and a couple of uh you know paid training which is recorded session but this training would help you to understand the clear you know fundamental would be the basic uh skills would be the clear number one number two you will have the roadmap so the lot of confidence when you build right automatically you can have that that confidence to crack the interview so this training will help whoever want to uh willing to change their job right so who are working on a longer as in the existing company onto upskill of themselves then they want to change the job this will help you help them so quickly what we are going to talk about this course is for the system administrators which is specifically activated administrator uh you will learn many things along with this and we will be talking about the uh you know in-depth skill and expert level start from the L1 support and end with L4 support which is you know architect and Senior architect level and we will be talking in a three phases right for actually we we will not be talking about you know just installation and process it how it is we will build the infrastructure as per the you know uh production environment and we'll talk about the operations how it it would be operations going on day to day activity or you know business as usual business activity when we start our office work and what kind of tickets are coming and how we need to respond the email what kind of the issues are coming where do we go and check it all we need to talk about in operations and the end of the topic called troubleshooting we will uh we will discuss around you know five to ten use cases if this kind of issues occur how do we start troubleshooting what kind of log we need to review right which type of log we need to read those are all we will be talking about right so when we talk about the infrastructure right number one you must understand that many of many of you know candidates when I was in the interview right when I was taking interview my first question will ask so what is your intra they are they are you know updating their profile saying that is in having a this many of experience and these many domain controllers these many servers we are handling uh but the first question I would ask what is your infrastructure when I talk about infra they will be stuck okay they will say that is in okay we have 100 server and these are all but when I ask for the what is it for active return from right they stuck they know they are using they are working the day to day their activity right uh day to day uh operations activity but they never know what is their active date infrastructure so when we talk about ad infra they must understand that how many how many they are how many the forest have in environment how many domain they have into their environment right domain in their environment how many sites they are using how many domain controller using okay these are the first most important to understanding the terminology called inactive territory a forest domain and sites and domain controller across worldwide if they have uh branches right so they must know that is in overall if you understood this concept right this infrastructure so any administrator can easy to manage and maintain and support it because if issue or issue is occurred right you would immediately understand that this issue is which location for example now if you say if I build a my info stop saying that is in there are a couple of you know few few type of infrastructure right which is number one single Forest and single domain and single side and having only two domain controller two DC's this is one infrastructure so if you see this around the 500 employee if you talk about which is very very small scale here you can say 500 to thousands employee which is managing their business second infrastructure it would be single Forest single domain and they have a multiple site and multiple disease so this is around branches they have businesses branches opened and you know more than you can talk about more than 5000 employee each branches you can consider around two thousand two thousand five hundred and it's it's a multi branches right it's a multiple site they have branches they have opened their business and there's another environment infrastructure called single domain sorry single Forest single domain here we have talked about single domain multiple site and here it would be a multiple domain multiple domain and multiple sites so again you can say multiple DC's now in this scenario you just see the difference between here single domain only one domain you have and multiple side but here multiple domain you have the branches you can say across worldwide right and another one is little more bigger than third option and you can say that is an Enterprise level uh which is multiple Forest and multiple domain and multiple site and you have multiple thesis if you learn this right you can manage a single persons across worldwide your entire ID infrastructure without this you will not have any of the it infrastructure trust me if you understood this environment you can easy to manage and maintain and support alone single person and and we will be going to build this kind of infrastructure trust me we will be going to build this this infrastructure which we would need around six servers and two client machine overall we need to build it how it's going to happening here so I will be you know I will be having uh this environment which I have explained here we have a single domain sorry single Forest it would be like that single domain sorry okay single domain and uh this is single Forest you can say here only one side and you have two domain controller and here at multiple site in a within a domain single domain okay you have a two domain controller here also one domain controller and I will be having another Forest which is having multiple domain you have multiple domain in a single Forest and each domain you have our sites multiple site and each domain you have a site right and again each side you have a domain controller okay and one more infrastructure is you have a multiple Forest should be like that okay and in in a one single Forest you have a multiple domain and this is also have a multiple domain so this all together is a one infra which is having a multiple Forest which you have a builder trust between these two forests okay and see here now again you have in this site level site level within this you must understand this concept right so basically many of people are lacking because of that they never know there is an entire infrastructure right how do we read it how do we know this entire infrastructure this would be as we discussed single Forest and single domain right and single site and second one is single Forest single domain here multiple site correct and third one is the infrastructure is single Forest single domain but here not single domain it's a multiple domain and multiple site and here if you see we have the multiple Forest and multiple domain and multiple sites and also we have a multiple domain controller on Triple DC's right so if you create the first time or you have already existing environment right it may be a think about it is the your Forest name would be and the by default remember your first domain name it would be a same remember the whatever Forest name you creating the first time the both you know first domain and phosphorus it would be the same always right and this site name called the site name is blr and uh these two domain controller dc1 and dc2 same things if you see here niltech dot EDU and domain name is also called as Anil Tech dot EDU and this site name called is a blr and this site called as a chn which is in India one of the location called as I am talking about the India location uh one is called Bangalore called blr and chn means what Chennai I'm just taking for the different site name here you have around think about here we have around how many how many employees we talked about around the thousands employee right thousands employee and here we have around 5000 employee in a Bangalore location I have around 2500 employee and uh Chennai also we have around a 2500 employee so how do we manage it across these these employee uh our different department and these employee working on a different location and how do we manage it for entire operations to support right and if you talk about another infrastructure called which is a single Forest multiple domain same thing it will take dot edu and the first domain is also called as Anil Tech dot EDU and here it is a a different domain when we talk about the domain there is a two type of domain one is you called as a child domain and the other one is called as a three domain we will be talking about both the domain infra so when I say child domain it would be a say my domain another new domain is in I know uh started in a different country which it would be a uh uh you can say edemia foreign right edu this is a different child domain which is hierarchically taking a parent name okay it's a inheritance of parent correct and same things in a different domain either you can go ahead with the child domain it would be like uh um kind of right but it is not

child domain if it's a tree domain you can create a new different name of the domain like uh you know it's a different domain all together you can build different domain name in a within a forest right this called as a tree domain if you're taking the parent name as a inherited from the parent that is called as a child domain so this is a multi-domain environment also we have here in a multi-forest environment so we will be talking about much more detail on upcoming classes how these sites are replicating each other how these two domain controls are talking each other remember any object you are going to create any of the domain controller it must replicated each domain controller in a within a domain automatically right we will be talking about how the replication happening for the between the domains and uh how the whatever users are created in a one domain it will be a fall under one domain you will not be able to see another domain those users however the user can able to connect the user able to authenticate to the different domain resources but user won't be able to see in this other domain but user can authenticate for another domain environment but how that authentication is happening how that is in default trust is has been created we will be going to talk about right these are all uh technical discussion we would be talking about which I will be covering as these are all entire Forest I mean infrastructure environment so these are all infrastructure we would need minimum six servers and the two clients we need right so these are once we build infrastructure we can understand that we can understand that where is my issues right if someone users are having a Chennai location then we don't want to check the Bangalore location domain controllers we don't want to check any of the servers right here which we talked about 2500 employee and here is also around you know 5000 employee if you increase another site here and under say 10 000 employee in this domain 10 000 employees in this domain 10 000 of employing this domain overall fifty thousand plus employee can manage single person here and all the employees you would need the proper right that all the server infrastructure the server infrastructure it is not only to generate infrastructure you are using but the operations point of view you must understand which is operations point of view means what you should know what you mean by users what you mean by groups what do you mean by OU what do you mean by OU delegations what do you mean by sites sites applications right and uh what do you mean by fsmr role what do you mean by trust relationship foreign environment which we talk about the child and uh treat domain right and uh how the you know creating a trust between Forest right between the forest then we should also have when we talk about the infrastructure this is entirely internal active directory process right we should also talk about the importance of how the DNS Works which is in-depth level how the DHCP works right and in this DNS we will also talking about what you mean by zone right so what I mean by primary DNA server what you mean by secondary DNS server right and what you mean best of Zone the questions will ask interview right all we are going to talk about here stop Zone right and what do you mean by DHCP and what do you mean by scope we'll be talking about what you mean by DHCP real agent and what you mean by DHCP failover right the most important esfa failover and we'll be talking about DHCP backup and restore these are all in-depth level we are going to talk about and uh we will be talking about uh you know continue with this all server infrastructure right so majorly important we'll talk about the group policy right it's the most important critical Topic in active directory and server Administration we must aware about the group policy also we'll talk about Advanced group policy right so how that is in managing for you know user configuration computer configuration basically when we apply the policy it must be under both the two either you can apply the policy user configuration or computer configuration the consideration we do for only these two right but policy applying for to whom that is called as a lsdou which is either your policy would be in a local either your policy it would be applying for the site or your policy it would be in a domain or and it's a OU level right and what are the default policy we have created once we build the actuator territory we will be going to talk about which is uh default a domain policy and default domain control policy you must be understanding in-depth level so what are those and we'll be talking about how to create a policy based on our requirement and what are the no I just talk about Advanced policy it would come your filtering security uh preference right software installation backup and restore all we are going to talk about in uh in this topic right we will be talking about some advanced level we will be talking about here 14th you can also have a backup and restore which is all in a both in a files signed folders level level a backup and restore find active territory backup and restore both and we will be talking about most important one of the qualities in place upgradation in place after gradation which is we will build a Windows 2008 R2 environment including plus active directory then we should know that is in how we can upgrade to to Windows 2012 or Windows 2016 server operator system plus active directory so everything it should be everything it should be properly upgraded the only changes when you talk about the upper gradation it's a same Hardware same Hardware but only changes in your operator system that's all but all active directory objects right policy everything should be same it's a big big change implementation in a weekend doing out of business hours so yeah when users come into the office to log in their laptop they never know that what what happened in the background which has been changed for Windows 2012 or 2016 operating system but we will be talking towards the journey uh for Windows 2019 operating system 2019 operating system plus activity we'll be talking about right we'll be seeing the some fundamental also so these are the topic additional we will be seeing some you know uh IP addresses we can talk about some theoretical topic we will be and we if the time persists and if something someone asks for some some questions on we will talk on DFS distribution file system and we'll talk about addition Windows uh failover cluster failover cluster these are the topic we are going to talk about towards our journey so these are all uh we made these topics are these content for every system administrator must learn the most important which is troubleshooting troubleshooting topic okay the troubleshooting when we talk about right if you see so I have one note here uh this would be how the actual environment it would be okay uh if you see that last glance okay just you can this is see this one document so how that actual industry have their infrastructure in active data and Windows Server level what kind of you need to prepare there is some uh 10 or 15 use cases what I said right so that's it so this training and this document if you prepare yourself for properly you spend some time with you to understand the concept clearly I'm sure you will be getting a job guaranteed okay let me open this word document and then I'll see this I'll show you this is how it would be which I prepared this document in earlier okay see here these are the document are okay see here when you talk about troubleshooting right there are a little more deeper level and what kind of support you will be going to support L1 and L2 and L3 support right so entire server level you have that is in a domain DC side subnet replications operation Masters dnsdp which I said in the topic right and you will be getting a questions all or in within this see here so there are some servers level and uh if you see accutatory guidelines and procedures right so these are all you must you must understand that is in how do we creating that you can see these are all delete the group rename the group delegating permissions create a new group policies you will be understanding the during our journey and these are all asked question during interview right so we made this document see that is some troubleshooting task when we talk about what do you mean by that FSM or service what you're going to do if a semester is down fsms service is a global catalog now the applications failed so see these are all are uh specifically selected which is regularly coming into the troubleshooting and if they ask question interview you can tell them confidently these are the troubleshooting we we have done and also we have done with enough steps to be followed if you just scroll down uh little bit right down for the respective issues how do you troubleshoot you can see creating a performance monitor log who is going to do L2 support how to do these are the steps are being provided right so you you never know that is in if you did or not but you after completion of this training you can make a note a proper uh yourself to what are the things I need to be prepared and during the interview on working on the project or working on actual environment you should have a lot of confidence see here I had an existing user to group it's it's real simple but who is going to do L2 support but how to do you can see these steps right this document will be shared uh later by demand because it's a confidential document we need to make sure that you should not be shared everyone right see this some little advanced level copying paste and group policies how do you create a group policies copying and pasting Group Policy who is going to do L3 support right so how to do you can see the steps has been involved here right how to transfer the domain level operation master who is going to do L3 support right and see this the steps are involved here everything you will have that is in in place right you now have a complete document is available but once you have thoroughly and practically understood this concept which we explained as of now so I'm sure so what else you needed here right when you go to the server Administration that's it you will have to have all the preparations to be done but the recommendation is to get a job once you complete it it's at least minimum you must complete three time complete the lab three time you need to complete the moment you complete the Gap the you feel this is experience during interview there is a most of the cases most of the cases people are don't have experience and they wanted to upgrade their skill server and wanted to move on a server Administration but this training will surely help when they ask question interview you just imagine and you can assume that you are explaining in the real scenario experience and you just bring in your close eyes bring bring your entire infrastructure which you build a lab and if they ask question related what you did and answer it I'm sure that will be completely for what you have done in the lab as experience right and this will be make no make a note the few cases what activity if this point will be applicable for who doesn't have experience you need to make a note properly few cases what activity you are going what task you are handling right you can plan it right handling and uh during interview they'll ask you even though it doesn't have experts you can tell them confidently with the help of the notes these kind of tasks I'm handling and all when they come to the technical discussion I'm sure you will be answering all the questions with confidently and you can just plan forever profile updating update the all your content what you have learned here and then upload your profile to profile to job order right then you must get a call you must get a call right so when you're getting a call then your profile is shortlisting and you can start giving interview the last one is start giving interview then I'm sure you must have a minimum of two or three of a letter with you so you need to ask me that is in okay which company I need to join this is what experience we have fall under and from the day one and this is your success Journey right these are the prerequisite you have to start your journey so that's it what we are going to talk about today so overall we discussed how do we start our journey as I said it is not like a traditional training kind of and you will have that is in complete knowledge and complete skill you're getting from the L1 to L4 level right with the with the deeper skills and you should clearing the fundamentals clearing the basic things all the uh you know gaps we are going to fill then the day by day the training is going on and uh the confidence level is going to increasing because you are doing the lab and understanding the concept the more you concept understanding automatically the confidence level is built and you can start following the steps and I'm sure the ultimately the goal is to get the minimum two or three or for later not one of a letter and you need to think about which company have to join with the good package you can say with the good package all right so now open to you so if you have any questions feel free to ask I'm going to stop sharing now if you have anyone's questions please raise your hand then we'll talk about away then go ahead you can admit yourself and speak sorry this is I made it before but uh go ahead so earlier your hand that's often okay fine any questions by then do you have any question and anyone has any questions almost around you know 50 people are joined here and uh feel free to ask because this this forum today today's for uh us only yeah go ahead administrator you can apply the job or it uh engineering or server administrator or you can apply activated administrator uh system engineer you can apply this job so the first most important one more important I'll explain you this is a fundamental okay this is a journey start is going to start now after this you should not stop learning okay once you got the job you start keep learning keep learning which is the relevant you need to talk about you need to learn for the windows Powershell also you need to learn which is for the automation will help you and you can learn from the cloud which is Microsoft Azure you can learn it and keeps up Skilling and if you have any any you know further the more you learn right the more you learn the more you earn keep upskilling yourself always you need to upskilling ourselves okay this is a this is a journey of our ID right ourselves right and to compete what's happening now that is all of you know that is in you know automations are coming artificial intelligence are involving and this is eating for uh all our jobs when artificial intelligence hit into the uh IT industry is already there but is not in a booming now because there is very soon is coming artificial intelligence is already it was there in the production environment right robotic Technologies manufacturing product but never come to that you know it industry but there is a discussion there is a Technologies coming into the IT internship that Technologies come in IIT industry very very soon all job rating but we have to prepare for that please learn upskilling and very soon whatever technologies have a legacy it's very soon is outdated as you know already right what happened during the kovid right the persons who has a skill he will be survived and the person you know even though you know he has a skill it's not as little smarter than hard working then it's it's gone we will not be survived so trust me since I am in the last 15 years in this industry though we know the reason what is going to happening in the 18th District keep keep upskilling yourself you wanted to reach a good package or you wanted to survive in it please follow this formula simple keep keep learning that's it this is a Formula understand the concept and uh together Now update your profile content what you are learning and uh keep changing the job until one saturation point is reached don't keep changing continually for every year or every two year two to company no don't do that every two year or three year you can keep changing at least five year company five or six company you can change it not not a problem but at least whatever your expected package reached and uh my expectation at least you can you can reach one growth per annum per annum right start with start with 3 lakh start with the three lakh if over who are in the fresher in this session start with the 3 lakh so if if you are you know good learner and keep studying you can reach as I said one crore per annum Within before you know when you reach the 20s of experience this is possible 20 years of experience that's it what else you needed right this is India I'm talking about let's say Indian rupees I'm talking about an India location but if you are in abroad and if a different company it may increase forever uh you know entire package okay say thanks uh bringing these questions yeah you will be applying for uh uh for all system administrator system engineer and keep absolutely upskilling and based on that again reverse your knowledge and skill your decisions get changed you might be a cloud administrator you might be a Security administrator uh you might be in a development in a devops administrator senior architect like it going to happening based on the experience first you will be having administrator second you you would be a lead administrator third you will be a you know if you want to go with the technical again uh uh technical manager senior technical manager and you may might go into further you know coming to the leadership right uh director senior director uh president vice this these are all designations in every big company but when I say one crore and you would be reaching that position right within 20 years you will be reaching for the inner big positions across you know your company and your career yeah thank you who has next question anyone has sex questions thanks Ritu for bringing this question Yes actually uh for you said thus will be applicable for system admin and system engineer Road right correct actually while checking in system admin and system administration role that will be late I mean they are expecting company portal and software Center technical skill also okay are you going to teach about the company portal and software Center or scale also ah okay that is again different right we talking of system administrator now when we talk about office 65 sscm is interest system center configuration manage deployment part and in tune again these are different as I said right this is our system now again you need to you need to go in next level right as we discussed Windows uh Powershell is one of the automations part to be added Cloud to be added later part I'm talking about then again your career started from the primary skills right the next it would be office 65 in tune uh system system center configuration management like sscm but these are all you can add on that this is in a career continue with uh this base the what you are we talked about it's a system administrator now in this top when you talk about office 65 in tune the fundamental and base you would need active directory correct without activity you can't do anything so next level of upgrading your skill you can do it that one but those we are not talking about here but it's a core for system administrator topic we are talking about okay whatever I've explained in the notepad all the topic we will be covering our during our journey next who has any question you got it uh Bala Morgan Okay so I hope you understood what we are discussing upcoming Journey from today we will be talking about actual lab and all and uh uh actual class we're going to talk about today just open for everyone which is bulk people joined today if you don't have any questions thank you so much for today uh uh your time and joining this session so let's begin and let's see for uh tomorrow the same time thank you so much uh we'll see someone discussing chat right let's see quite earlier it was some having issue with this right audio okay thank you guys thank you for time we'll talk about later bye


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