Acer Dubai Event 2023 Conscious Technology for a Brighter Tomorrow

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ready let's go go what will we ever do without our car  what if we can see our dreams come true oh no B what if we can always make it in [Music] time what if we can give everything a second life at ASA we believe that even a  humble dream can Inspire big changes   our in Innovations help bring ideas to Life  Giving creators the tools to explore and expand possibilities and enabling  adventurers to push forward into New Frontiers we appreciate the value of a good   game in connecting more people  anytime and anywhere [Music] we create solutions to empower  the everyday heroes in all of us by applying smart  technology to everyday [Music] life sometimes a fleeting  opportunity is all we have to capture those special moments with that special [Music] someone we strive to offer better care to   those in need so everyone is free  to pursue their [Music] dreams we   are all in this together our future and  our planet rely on each and every one of us that's why ASA put sustainability  at the core of the things we do and has pledged to Source  100% renewable energy by [Music] 2035 [Music] [Applause] for nearly half a century Asa   has committed to Breaking the  barriers between people and Technology we continue to search for  solutions to make tomorrow A Greener better place because we recognized that  our work isn't just about   technology it's about [Music] people am [Music] coming we are embarking on a journey to a better  tomorrow one step at a time and most importantly together what do we mean by sustainable company  people have actually different definition because   sustainability is not just for the environment  but also for the business itself yeah I think   everybody feel pensed about what earth going  to become if you don't do anything but to be   honest or our kpi have nothing to do with green  so what should we do if you are thinking you want   to be meaningful to the world then I think doing  the right things maybe is better than doing the   things right more than 40% of acers operation  around the grow already use renewable energy   but we need to reach 100% if we can do that by  2035 we just have to do it AER is dedicated to   a sustainable future we are committed to  using 100% renewable electricity by 2035   and the reaching Net Zero emission by 2050  Acer's position which is still more focused   on the hardware so how we can make the best use  of size to make the biggest impact that's why   we created Earth a program to communicate to  our supply chain about HG sustainability and   green if we can do it together we can make  a lot of difference sustainability is not   a recent addition to our strategy in fact it's  been ingrained in our DNA for years as integrate   Energy Efficiency into product design as a core  principle in year 2022 nearly 70% of our computer   product earn the energy star certificate our  team is also looking into what more wi could   do for example reducing heavy metal exploring  plastic alternative and researching sustainable   materials as a platform we can articulate  property what can be done to a more company   throughout our supply chain to our industry We  Believe user experience and the environmental   sustainability can go hand inand technological  innovation and the sustainability compliment   each other yes does not have to be a cost  we are creating value creating business to ESG I'm in charge of supply chain in aser headquarter  we need to make sure we are deliver the right   Goods with the right quality and quantity but  we have additional kpi we want to get 80% of our   critical supplies to commit to I 100 or stps by  2025 we as our supplier to have the concept reduce   recycle and reuse we request them to implement  this the come set into the production [Music]   process in contact we think deserve of green is  an attitude from the beginning we should think   about reuse reduce and recycle so I think based  on that actually Acer and the Quant have the same [Music] belief is it possible for M production can  this product make profit that was my first   thought when I heard that s want to use  the high percentage of recycled materials   for this kind of eco-friendly Lup most of them  are expensive and has lots of design limitation   comple needs to work with our suppliers to  continuously improve the way of molding and   injection conditions within the limited time  to solve the problem compos has built energy   monitoring system they can remotely monitor the  energy usage of FR in the short term we want to   reduce emission by 4.2% per year and the use 2019  Us best year to achieve a 50% carbon reduction by   2013 and Z by 2050 our usage of renewable  enage increases every year decarbonization   is a challenge but also an opportunity fting  new Solutions give us Competitive Edge I'm   very happy that our surprise share the same  with us when we work together we can make an   impact because every decision comes we are on  track to meet our kbi in fact we will get there earlier [Music] e let's welcome Acer's chairman  and CEO Jason Chen and our MC   for today Michael Burkin CEO of Q to the [Music] stage hi Michael hi [Music] everyone sorry well welcome everybody um to this fabulous  um exhibit uh which we're very excited to share   with you after the show um I'm privileged to  share the stage with my friend Jason Chen the   chairman of CEO of ACA um I've known ACA a  long time I believe it's one of the world's   most important compan iies has been for 47 years  but even more important it's one of the world's   most human companies it was founded by stanchi  with the mission to break down barriers between   people and technology and it's well regarded in  the industry and wider than the industry that   Acer has done more than any other organization  to democratize technology over many decades   essentially to put computers in the hands of  people that otherwise would never have had a   chance chance to get them Jason will doubtless  explain some specifics in the background um of   of of this humanity and Acer as a company but  today we're here to explain how the very um   significant and recent diversification of the  companies built upon this human platform um   and to focus on Humanity's biggest problem which  is climate so Jason it's great to see you here   you're one of you're one of the world's busiest  Global CEOs so why are you here and why are we   here with you well uh I believe many CEOs are all  very busy including yourself so very happy to be   here I want to take the opportunity to welcome  all of you to join us today physically and for   people online thanks for joining us welcome  one thing that collectively we realize that   the biggest challenge now a day facing humanity is  the climate change as a company we believe we need   to play our part in the sustainability actions  so why why am I here I'm here to introduce our   Visions how we can help help people business and  more climate conscious we strongly believe in the   power of people can innovate but that innovate  that Innovation could also impact the planet the climate ever since the company was established  we evolved from a PC brand nowaday as a solution   company a ecos ecosystem player We believe  We Empower people to make their marks in life   but not to make negative marks on the planet  want to make ourself to be much more a human   Centric company involve individual employees as  well as surprise CH Partners today I'm here to   introduce the conscious technology concept and  I will explain that later that is designed with   human and heart and planet in mind I mean I know  um from my own personal experience that Ace has   been Paving the way towards uh a climate conscious  era for quite some time now can you highlight some   of the initiatives which which form the basis  of this new conscious technology platform in   fact we have lots of uh initiatives until now  and there are many coming uh today I would like   to highlight three of the projects that we feel  very proud of uh back in 2017 uh we initiated uh   very grass rooted that means uh button up emplo  initiative project called project Humanity about   70% 70% our employees around the world more  than 40 Country participated and more than   300 projects being initiated that is related to  sustainability and only two years ago we expanded   Beyond just a corporation which we expanded  to our supply chain a project we call earthian   Project the Earth mission earthian project that  uh we launch six missions six of them to link to   the climate change including energy product design  packaging design production logistic and recycled it one of the example is we cooperate with   logistic shippers use biofuel  to ship our product to be more eco-friendly until last year 2022 60% our  key suppliers in our supply chain is either   committed to re 100 with specific time frame or  a science base uh commitment that they will do   to make sure that we do the right thing for the  planet the last one but not the the third one but   not last one that I would like to talk about  is a visible problem in fact uh today I just   landed this morning and as soon as I landed  I I reach out to our Dubai office and and our   employee took me to uh two of the shopping  malls uh the retail area that uh to see how   a computer product has been demonstrated and very  Vis one of our product line Vero the first recycle   material-based computer that we introduced two  years ago that's well demonstrated and in fact   well accepted we use PCR some of them will even  include ocean bom material think of about that if   we can use recycled material to make computers  why not ask us ask industry why not here would   like to publicly declare Acer will do between  20 to 30% of PCR plastic utilization in computers and displays by 2025 I I mean I I I think project humanity and  the earthian project were extraordinarily um   powerful not just with your own employe based  but with your whole ecosystem of suppliers and   customers um we're going to come back to Vero  uh later on in the in the conversation but let's   just um go back to um how those initiatives have  formed the basis for what you're doing now and   essentially Ace's new look in the climate era  um I think we should have a chart that goes up   at this point that actually identifies how you  moved away from comp CH is yeah it's a yeah but   I think the important part of the chart at least  for this moment is the fact that PC sort of has   moved away from the core although it Remains the  core business but essentially how that the the   organization is now looking at itself perhaps  you could illuminate this a little bit Jason uh   too uh yes we are a computer company and we will  continue to be a computer company if anything that   we can talk about we will be the last man stand  for the PC industry we'll be here as long as we   can as long as the industry continue Propel  ASA will be here continue make computers with   conscious technology the new look of Asa is right  there that means we are making offers Beyond just   computers there are multiple areas that we are  pushing the boundaries for a business go to make   sure that we do our part not just computer but  computer science in start to move into a jent   lifestyle we are moving ourself into ecosystem  into Solutions into human Centric and one very   important initiative is Acer working with uh the  organization under the u q Ideo we establish uh a   platform a system a engine we call it ACA climate  lab and an optimal goal is to become a climate era   organization yes I think to um just elaborate on  that a little bit the ACA climate lab is an engine   to develop an Innovative ecosystem of sustainable  products and services that directly responds to   and stimulates action for the changing needs of  human beings and the planet um it's a result of   this particular work that the innovations that it  stimulated are categorized as you can see on this   chart between the categories of working learning  moving and living I think that's a fair assessment   isn't it Jason y very true but one thing I I  need to explain the climate lab is not a physical   laboratory that you can look at it uh it's not  R&D Center that you running no it's not it's   actually a platform that we do it cross functions  cross departments that we work on products service   internal projects that we drive values for the  corporation because over the past years we already   created lots of Technologies and this time one  extra ingredient conscious conscious technology   want to empower we already Empower millions of  people using computer to to change life change the   way they work we have already built a capability  and a culture to welcome all the industry prayers   to use recycled material to make computers use  the same kind of concept conscious technology to   move on to make sure that we enter the new climate  era in a few minutes we will we'll move into these   these various headings and many of the initiatives  that you have going on let's start as we always   do with Asa um as at the end of the day it is a  major player in the PC business a world leading   company so I'm going to start with the PC bubbles  because that's normally where we do start um and   so I'd like to move the session to focus on how  technology and Computing um play such a pivotal   role in our Collective Futures and specifically  climate Futures two of the companies who have   the greatest influence on this are aca's longtime  Partners gu yes they are Intel and Microsoft let's   welcome Goku from Intel and Sheri from Microsoft  [Applause] welcome [Applause] Sherry please take   a Sit well you've actually by doing that Jason  I you've given me the the Glorious chance to   not have to um read through gokul's job title cuz  it's is actually extremely long and um all I know   is he's the boss of India and he's the leading  voice on sustainability it's more than just India   it's actually also uh Design Center and lot R&D  activities and IC designs softwares and many many   areas um so um just to start us off um welcome  very much to our to our show here this evening so   I'm going to start with you shell could you maybe  uh just talk a little bit about how Microsoft's   collaborated with ACA over the years is and and  how that impacts the future of computing well   first of all thank you for having Microsoft on  the panel we appreciate it we've been partners   for so long and I look at uh the future especially  around sustainability as our partnership just uh   will bring great um uh immense um focus here in  the future so thank you um the work of Microsoft   and ner have been critical to continue to lower  the all up carbon footprint um of the equipment   in our data center and uh as we know uh cloud  is an integral part of cloud computing and uh   personal Computing rather so from email to Secure  Storage to cloud computing and more recently AI um   uh and we have just uh recommitted to making our  data centers run 100% on renewable energy by 2025 and I think that right there is a huge commitment  and that means huge progress um as our data   centers are essential to deliver cloud services  and AI functionality in the future to users and   to deliver a significant benefit to the PC so  as our partnership we will continue together to   uh change in the years to come as well keep it  up shering keep it up Microsoft wonderful very   exciting to hear that we we'll come back to to AI  in a second but but gokl sort of same question to   you how how do you see it going forward you know  Intel um has been committed and one of our vision   is to create world changing technology that kind  of enriches the lives of everybody in the planet   and what better place to talk about it than being  with Acer you know about conscious technology   and a bright tomorrow if you look at the world  today we're actually transitioning from personal   responsibility to soci vital responsibility and  graduating to a planet responsibility and the   best way to look at that is when the Silicon  software and the system comes together for us   to make that happen and um Intel's always been at  the Forefront of it we look at U renewable energy   water conservation waste management and climate  impact and we have a ton of commitments towards   achieving Net Zero in all of these facets and  we we've been partnering with Acer to make sure   that sustainable Computing allows us to have  a sustainable future that's kind of where it   starts yes Jason what's what's your view on the  same question well uh I'm very excited to see the   commitment from Microsoft from Intel long-term  Partners thank you Sherry for being with with   us in this very very important time making such a  big commitment and thank you uh our friends from   Intel that we can all work together to make  it uh a great uh not just a event but enter a   new era but now let's look at uh another topic  that nowaday people all talk about artificial   intelligence yes well Shelly your organization is  the leading purveyor of all things AI um we'd all   love to hear just a a very short version of  your opinion perhaps with a a sustainability   agenda in mind use of power Renewables and so  on what's your what's your what's your view   on the status quo on AI if one can call it that  well um you can't talk Microsoft without talking   AI That's first and foremost and it does take  a significant Resource number of resources to   run AI we know that um uh the good news is that  it's done through our data centers as I said will   run 100% renewable energy by 2025 um looking  at new ways uh researching around Ai and the   energy that it takes so um but I would just say  most importantly as well as that AI is assisting   in all of the challenges that we're seeing around  climate uh change so in order for us to get faster   to assist sustainable uh future AI will help  us um you know really speed that up so uh it   can accelerate in many different ways uh and I  would say assisting in uh just making sure that   we're looking at things like helping humans from  a repetitive task perspective from a productivity   perspective we're already seeing um great examples  of that and uh we will continue as we are taking   our journey at Microsoft of learning from our  own sustainability commitments we'll continue   to look at how AI can play a greater role in  helping ourselves and then also bringing that   through to our customers and our partners as  well thank you very much Gokul I know Intel   has a strong perspective on this also what's what  do you have for us right now we were just talking   about that in the Green Room SP up exactly so AI  is U you know it's changing everybody's lives and   AI is everywhere um it starts with um how we  are looking at energy efficiency when we do   our power management on the PC for example we've  got a number of Aid driven loads that understands   what kind of users and what kind of workload and  we give Technologies like adaptic working with   aser to make sure that the battery life and the  power consumption for these workloads are really   low and when you run AI on a low power IP within  the Silicon then you not only achieve the benefits   of everything that Microsoft is providing but  it also allows the user to conserve energy so   that's the first starting point in addition  to that we also give a number of capabilities   that are important for AI and that's AI when we  do the engineering inside Intel we use a number   of AI tools so that we are able to bring the  efficiency of our engineering quality reduce   the number of defects turnaround time in terms  of the time taken for us to actually implement   the Silicon all of that goes back to the amount  of energy that we consume to actually build a   product and these are fundamental things and tools  and reference designs that we make we share with   aser and we make sure that the products eventually  are able to manifest that and bring to bear when   it goes to the user yeah I I must admit from a  personal perspective being in the communications   um business I um uh I'm very taken with your  last point I I I was taken yesterday at the at   the Microsoft Event where you two were both on a  panel with cow the COO of Acer and you were all   very um supportive of and instrumental in the  development of carbon usage awareness which I   think is an incredibly important topic which I  think all three companies can collaborate very   strongly um and I think will go a long way to um  or some way anyway to dealing with the the climate   issue that we're all we're all dealing with um  Jason what what's your view on this uh I travel   around the world talk to investors reporters the  number one questions I always ask being asked is   being how is AI PC or how is AI ready PC going  uh from our point of view we believe uh the usage   model will have a fundamental change because of  the generative AI you the computer will be used   you in the past has been a Search tool that you  do search the new US model has been asked you   ask computer to give you the answer you want other  than give you a list of search result and you you   will have to do your own study and then compile  the computer now with the hardware and software   all work together will be able to provide you that  Sher said it earlier on that we have seen that uh   generative AI Model start to happen mostly on the  data center on the cloud side but we believe not   all the data will only sit on the cloud some of  them will be local and therefore the Computing   model or the AI model will be cloud based will  be Age based will be hybrid based and therefore   whether that's AI server aipc and a hybrid model  that will all happen at the same time because of   the L and more efficient will be distributed by  Computing in both age and uh the cide and the   evolving usage model uh was stimulate eventually  the PC demand as well as the server demand and we   are all excited about that well thank you very  much for for coming over this evening um we all   know what a important part partnership it is and  we're very very positive about the future so thank   you very much indeed for coming up thank you thank  you very much thank [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you so let's move it on to ASA specifically  and back to the um the new conscious technology   platforms of of working learning moving  and living and to elaborate on those um   to identify all sorts of strategies that have  come from that so we would like to welcome on   stage Emanuel Froman the president of Asa Amir  to help [Music] [Applause] [Music] Emmanuel hi everybody so um Emanuel earlier on Jason and I  were talking about AC's human Focus and how the   company designed Solutions with human beings in  mind obvious point but it really means something   for ACA we're now Keen to sort of move on to  specific actions that Asa has taken through   this drive to the new platform of conscious  technology so let's start with um the working   uh platform which is targeted all businesses  small large local and international so how   would you start to explain how is leading the  future of work in the climate era so very good   question first iser is well known for being a  consumer brand but since the Inception of the   company 47 years ago as you said the commercial  business serving Enterprise has always been a   very sizable part of a business so all company  now have ESG goal and they all conscious about   climate and sustainability so they challenge us  to say we we want more sustainable PC and this   is where we started with our Vero line of product  which was consumer first but then Corporation and   vir was meant from the beginning to be a Greener  PC so we work throughout the entire life cycle of   the project from the conception with PCR started  with 30% PCR now the latest generation will have   60% PCR in their product no paint treatment on the  product then we worked through the supply chain   Mak making sure our suppliers would also use where  they can renewable energy then we work through the   entire logistic working with our logistic provider  to do biofuel or use more biofuel when possible   so we could serve uh a Vero notebooks that were  Greener but you know company like figures they   said okay it's nice to be greener that's marketing  but how much Greener so we started to measure give   a carbon footprint for all our Vero notebook now  50% of notebook we give a carbon foot footprint   and now I'm happy to announce that we go one step  further which is starting with the new generation   of voo 16 in will give carbon neutral products  carbon neutral carbon neutral [Applause] products   so through the supply chain we've try our best to  minimize the carbon footprint and whatever is left   will purchase carbon credit to ensure from crle  to the Grave that the product is carbon neutral   and this will start with the 16in and then  our future V notebook whether it's consumer   or Corporation will have carbon neutral promise  from well that's phenomenal I mean when Vero came   out it really was unique both in terms of its the  reality of the product but also the symbolism that   it actually had for the rest of the organizations  you've just described so what would the next phase   of this be now so moving on so we deliver Vero  other product that again we do our best to be   as green as possible but we also want the end user  to do its part so first if you're an user whether   consumer again or Enterprise and user you've made  a statement by selecting a vopc first and if it's   a consumer version is very visible you'll see  them they look Echo conscious and they are so   first you feel good then we give optimized  software actually with Intel with Microsoft   on all our products we have a key called Asos  sense that help you yourself Drive the power   consumption of your own PC so if you're using  intense usage like gaming or other you do a big   Excel spreadsheet maybe you want maximum power but  if you do something else maybe you can switch back   to Echo or Echo Plus mode that will lower the  uh the power consumption of your notebooks and   and you know we distribute millions of notebook  every year so if those little piece one by one   add up and contribute so the end user is also in  control himself of making sure he does the less   impact on the planet and and what about renewals  renewability repairs what's what where are we on   that one so again thank you it's all good to do  product that are Greener but it's true that one of   the issue of the industry is the products you know  tend to have a shorter life and we built many more   so it's very very important to ensure the product  are first easy to repair so we do a lot of effort   on modular notebook you can easily repair you  can upgrade them but this is not enough so to   Enterprise in general we offer device as a service  so it's a complete life cycle management where you   can purchase product from us we can Finance we  can deliver with white glob services but if you   choose to you can return your product to Acer  this is again a decision from the end user and   then we can repurpose reuse recycle or dismantle  in eco-friendly those products and you know there   is a well-kept secret in a series we have a  thousand employees in Europe only doing reuse   recycle and that's about half of our employee more  than half about our employees you're going to tell   me it's a lot why it's a lot because they do that  for Acer but for also 40 other companies so it's   a business in itself it started as Sr only but  now we do this for 40 companies and of course 40   companies 40 companies exactly so it's it's it's  truly a business last time you told me 25 now it's   already 40 40 and so through this of course we  contribute to recycle a lot of electronics PC   and non PC and that's of course very good for  the planet and and out of that uh total Repair   Service uh how many percent is actually Acer how  many percent actually noner Acer is now about 20   to 25% okay what we repair 75% and growing is  noner product and do you think this renewable   Dynamic can can move onto components such as solid  state um drives and and components such as that   or is that is that a bridge too far would you say  well if you take motherboard for example which is   one of the most expensive component we do repair  motherboard in our service not all can be but the   one that can be repaired so yes the more we can  recycle every component after the keys of course   we promise that what cannot be repurpose need to  be dismantled and reused as much as possible in   a way that is eco-friendly so we also have Norm  here and audit and all our service center are ISO   certified for this so well that's phenomenal  um it doesn't surprise me knowing the company   but um that's that's a major move towards um a  sustainable approach um moving to learning Ace   has always been very strong in this category  I suspect nearly every one of us in this room   who has children of a schooling age um will have  had Chromebooks in their home if they haven't had   one themselves so it's always been important but  um how would you say we're moving forward in the   learning environment based on the new conscious  technology platform so learning of course a lot of   our products go into uh the hands of uh especially  k212 Al also higher ed student but k212 and first   you said we're a human company and of course for  product that are going to be used by kids you know   they're not going to take care of the product like  you and me would so first from the beginning from   the drawing board we make sure those prodct are  regularized so we have full you know they can   fall for 2 meters and they you can walk on them  and they still work they're military spec they're   TCO you can spill water on a keyboard is very  impressive I take the product like this I you   know spill water you see the water pulling through  and the products working completely fine so first   we try to make those product durable which is good  for the planet then as I I mentioned already we   make them easy to fix and repairable and modular  but we have some touching example where we've gone   beyond I mean one a couple I have in mind one  is a a school in balara island in Spain where   you know when you ship product to an island  like this the repair is complicated because   you know getting them back on the continent from  the island is complicated so we actually work   with a school themselves to develop a curriculum  where we teach student to self-repair PCS and and   they do self-repair their own PC and it has become  again a course we have another example in the US a   biggest school district in Wisconsin um called  chip Falls and there again they have thousands   of PC we've developed e-learning curses with the  student they're actually certified able to repair   hardware and they repair all the PCS in less than  48 hour 48 Hours 95% of the PC are repaired by   the student themselves and every year 50 to 70  student graduate from that course so we teach   future generation to take care of their product  repair and that Electronics can have a longer   life conscious technology also one extra skills  that we will be able to train people up and one   day they might use it they might make it to be  their profession so that we feel all good about   that exactly and in fact we not just teaching  students how to repair or do service on their   own PC uh you started in us uh education Advisory  Board and coming to emia you do it uh a slightly   different way can you elaborate a little bit more  about this education Advisory Board yeah I think   we realize that we know product and we know our  partners a channel the resellers but but we very   rarely as aser talk to schools and do we know  exactly what you know not only the student want   but also the school intendant the the person that  is responsible for the IT department in a school   and usually you know that's one or two person  managing 10 or 20,000 or even more uh device so   it's not easy so we did a conso where every year  for a couple days we invite some teachers that   tell us how what is a challenge for them to teach  and to keep uh student educated and we learn from   this now some of our products you you see some Led  on the backlight so depending on what the kids do   the teacher can see what they're doing and this  comes directly fored exactly and we work on TCO   and a lot of ideas on how to tailor our products  to education came actually from this conso from   truly listening to people that every day deal  with kids was inspiring stuff doesn't surprise   me because um it's a nature of the business but  um that is really wonderful um let's move on to   Mobility this is actually a topic that um my  own organization is uh spends a lot of time on   both in terms of urban planning and in terms of  working with organizations in terms of creating   um Urban Mobility livable cities uh and so on um  so Emanuel again what would be some of the smart   solutions that Ace is working on in this category  so very interesting my boss who is here challenged   the entire organization to say we would like to  expand Beyond pc pc is core but we have Computing   capabilities Computing technology knowledge how  can we expand Beyond PC because PC market has   ups and down and we want to be resilient so there  was two condition one it needs to still Embrace   sustainability and two he needs to somehow use  some of our internal capabilities and naturally   after some brainstorming we came to immobility why  because immobility is about power management is   buying driving Hardware through software is about  application is about iot is about sensor if you   think optimized intelligent immobility device out  all of this so we started to launch some ecooter   uh and we sold many this year in Europe we're  starting to launch generation 2 now with more   Ai and we embark on designing from really the  drawing board an ebike intelligent bike called   EB you will see next door soon wait wait wait wait  easy to say they are AI PC AI e scooter what do we   really mean so first there's a lot of thing it's  it's of course it it's not generative AI it's more   traditional AI but the application has a lot of  you know goodies and one example for example is if   you give a destination where you want to go with  your ebike and of course through Google Maps it   will study the terrain how many ups and down what  is the uphill 3D 3D exactly and it will tell you   with with the battery you have left you can reach  there but using only 25% assisted and the rest you   need to Pedal yourself so you'd better pedal or  it will tell you guess what good news you can you   go there with 90% assisted so you can relax just  pretend you pedal but let the engine and the power   do everything proba be so this this is example of  how do we bring application development software   and some okay traditional AI into the bike but  you know we we consider over the future bike   is really kind of a computer on wheel and this is  where we going and we are first generation and of   course we're working on followup for the years to  come I mean it it does all fit I mean again when   when goes back to the mission of the company to  break down barriers between people and Technology   it wasn't to break down barriers between people  and Computing it was basically the way in which   technology can enhance lives and so I think that's  one of the reasons why you're seeing such success   um what about um what about e-mobility Hub what's  what's going on with that yeah this you know so   we have device that we make intelligent but  eventually we also have and Jon will mention   in mostly in Taiwan we have a sister company doing  work around you know city of the the future or uh   Smart City Smart City uh and then so we have  capability there uh infrastructure capability   charging charging born or uh smart parking and  we want to bridge a little bit the two together   to manage a campus immobility hub for example  so it's both infrastructure and device yeah   um Jason must what have you what would you like  to amplify on this topic um talking about Smart City smart city is a very broad term many  people talk about that and we have decided   to enter uh front transportation connected uh  transporting vehicles uh immobility that we   talk about and buses and very important not  just Transportation but also parking and not   just parking but we also make smart meters gas  meter water meter electricity meter talking about   lot of places lck of waters do you know how  many water got leak out before reaching your house smart water meter will monitor real time if  the meter keep running you know something is going   on the pipe's leaking and where is that leaking  that we want to know so gas electricity water   small meters and smart payments so that people  can live on a much smarter way and one thing I   learned from Grace Le our chief sustainability  officer all these smart solution mostly they are   very eco-friendly so they save your time save  the energy you have to spend on particular take   example on Smart Meters uh no longer people have  to go to your house you are apartment to check   your meter pratically the numbers will be transmit  back uh to the system automatically for that we   save energy you no longer to need that parking  sleeve that you take pick up the sleeve and go   to convenience store to pay for your parking fee  uh the smart parking meter will automatically   detect the CET and then deduct from your credit  card everything can be much more eco-friendly I   say at least most of them are eco-friendly yes I  I think also the communication possibilities to   people and the ability to build community action  is greater when you have that information um the   way in which people receive the information they  get from smart technology and and act upon it is   going to be critical over the years to come if  we're going to fix the climate situation let's   move on to the to the fourth category which is  living um uh I'm going to focus on you on this   one Jason because I know that Taiwan is very much  the epicenter of this development well in fact e-   home ever since my previous and previous job uh  in days and people been talking about eome for a   long time uh so it's not a new idea but it's  a a continuous effort that we can connect uh   multiple and more devices at home uh and make them  smarter and we've been thinking from ASA point of   view we're a computer company how are we going  to enter in this area so one thing we figure out is thermal and performance Troff right for  Semiconductor seral and performance tradeoff and   therefore ASA have been working a lot on system  thermal technology so therefore the same chips   will perform better on our computer and by doing  so we actually study air treatment we have more   than 300 patterns on system thermal how to make  our system perform better and we start to think   about we know all this air treatment technology  why not we bring that into Home Appliance and   that comes out our first air purifier because  of the fan on our computers and because of the   thermal requirements that we start to use that  into home PR and it actually work out very very   well it's been well accepted and been recognized  rewarded and awarded and from that we move into   water purifier and many other devices and there  are multiple other uh products and offers in the   pipeline that coming out that related to eome I  I mean Emanuel I think that um some of these uh   initiatives of have SED to take hold in in your  region as well maybe portable batteries and solar   panels could you talk about that for a second  yeah it's true so we we've been embracing this   product L at this living you know few months back  I think air purifier you've been talking about   this power storage for a long time because the  air air purifier is not as popular in EMA that   it is in Asia in general it was a little bit tough  but we figured out that now more and more people   deploy solar panels either on their roof or they  buy solar panel but one of the issue especially in   Europe is not here in Dubai but in other place  in Europe the weather is not so nice and the   sun is not there always and you want to be able  to accumulate this this energy that you can get   during the day through solar panel and Battery  portable battery becomes more and more important   it goes well with sustainability with our ability  to manage power uh and to manage also battery   cells in general so I told Jon for EMA this is  a a good market and on top with immobility you   can have power on the go so some are smaller some  are bigger some are even to equip your home uh and   you can even have your own portable solar panel to  generate your own electricity and cumulate or for   camping there's many many usage and there's still  place in larger EMA where the power grid is not   so reliable maybe or there's storm and you want to  make sure you can always have electricity so we've   already showed this product to many partners many  reseller and they're very excited it's a Nason   category it's new it's coming it's booming and  we're very excited to be entering this as part   of our living momentum in in the whole journey  of a newer so what's the next phase of Smart   Homes Jason well I think it's a Eco conscious  uh offers that we can connect uh more devices   at home smartly and and eom concept continue to  evolve uh we Li sustainability can extend not just   home but also into other area for instance  the well being we are now using artificial   intelligence into medical area uh smart medical  uh ACA medical using artificial intelligence to   do medical image diagnostic we already have five  products spread across eight different countries   10 FDA certificates and we already landed more  than 200 hospitals using those AI based smart   Medical Solutions we believe not just Bridging the  digital divide that people have been talking about   that for 25 years now it's about time to bridge  medical divide using artificial intelligence that   we can do well it's a fabulous story of how  by drilling down on your core brand values it   gives you endless possibility to diversify your  offering and one can see on this slide just how   many activities you've created in the last um few  years it's breathtaking so congratulations but I'd   like to finish um particularly as we hear at cop  with um a very important topic that we touched   on um slightly earlier which is about um energy  the saving of Energy Efficiency of energy and   the future of um energy energy related technology  what's what's your stance on this um we have two   major uh commitments uh allow me to repeat them by  2035 the company the whole group around the world   parent companies subsidiaries data centers we  commit on I 100 by 2035 and then Net Zero by 2050   by working together with Q Ideo we established  climate lab a engine a platform a working process   that we have conscious technique in mind to  build up products and our offers this year we   invested and Venture into battery sell so now we  have capability to do battery sell manufacturing   uh in Taiwan at the same time we do battery  packed and as Emanuel said earlier on we even   do uh battery storage from portable for home to  uh manufacturing use by containers that we can all   offer and we believe for the new sustainability  require power storage will be a critical part   to make sure that efficiency intelligent security  for energy storage system leading more to a robust   planet that we all live in well thank thank you  very much I I um I would just like to conclude um   this very inspiring uh session um I personally  look forward to to the day when all homes   businesses and cities are run on and by conscious  technology and all powered by renewable energy um   Acer is fully shifting from a simple provider  of outstanding computers to being a vital part   of a human being's modern world I would say that  everything you have seen and heard today is both   honest to the DNA of this remarkable company and  vital for all of our fut Futures I would also say   that through the creation of the ACA climate  lab and the resulting mission of conscious   technology Ace has understood the true nature of  the world's biggest challenge and is leading the   charge to fix it so thank you Jason Emanuel thank  you everybody for being here this evening please   enjoy the space and we really do appreciate your  time thank you thank you very much wait wait wait   this is not the end of it we will open the house  we will have the product we talk about the offer   we mention for you to take a look touch it feel  it let's go do it thank you very much thank you guys don't know [Music]


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