Academic Festival 2019 Panel Discussion Media Literacy

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My. Name is Lily tha's as Jayne introduced and I am so pleased. To be here having. A conversation with a, really, wonderful group. Of people and. It's my charge to moderate. A discussion about, media literacy and we. All six, of us had a conversation about, a week and a half ago just. To kind of set the tone figure, out where each other's coming from, and, one, of the things we realized was that not only are there really, strong, commonalities. Across the, way we're thinking about media literacy but, really important. And complementary. Ways, that, we are trying to enter into that conversation expand. The conversation, and interrupt, what's happening, in this country and. Beyond in terms of the way that people become, literate about, the world and the role that media can play in that in. That endeavor and so, just by way of starting, out I wanted, to give everybody a chance to, kind of engage with. A very simple, question and, one of the things I will do before that is you're gonna see some slides they're not necessarily gonna correspond, one-to-one to, what people are saying, that's. That can be very annoying as an audience member but, they're meant to provide shall, we say scenery. But. Their substantive, scenery, and at the bottom right of every, slide you see a URL and if, you go to that URL there's. A very simple question for you to answer. What. Does media literacy mean to you and throughout. Our conversation today we're gonna hear what people have to say you can just jot down a few thoughts and we'll see what the cloud looks like near. The end of our panel and we. Want to provide ample time for all of you to engage questions, engage. This panel with questions as well so throughout. This, conversation, occasionally. I'll push, some buttons, so. I wanted to invite, our panelists, to engage, with this question and that is the phrase media literacy. What. Is that what. Should we be thinking about when we imagine the words media, literacy. Not. Surprising, hi, I'm. Michele, so I can. Tell. You how my organization, the National Association for media literacy education. We call ourselves namely, so I'll refer to us as that from now on so. Namely defines media, literacy, as the ability to access analyze. Evaluate, create. And act using, all forms of communication so. The way that we think about media literacy it's, an expanded, definition of, literacy and really, what we're looking at, is, what, does it mean to be a literate, citizen, in today's world and. Our framing, is that you know you, can't be truly literate, today unless you really truly understand, all forms of communication. Would. Say hi, I'm Jana I would say for me, also. The creative, part is important, as well so I. Think, that's also the namely definition, is not only the ability to consume, but, also to create. Media. Effectively. Powerfully. Meaningfully. Because. We are in and I hate that term the web 2.0, where I don't think we're in the web 2.0, where anymore, yes. We're in a new era. Where. We're, really the ability to create. Media and engage in meaningful dialogues, with, and through media is, that our fingertips and I think that's a very important part of the conversation, too. I. Look. At media. Literacy from the educational. Right space, perspective. So at our Center, were very much, interested in. What. Frames, students. Educational, rights and in most in the in the United States and most states it's the state constitution. In New, York State the state constitutional. Right to education is defined, in terms of preparation, for civic participation and. It's. Become, more and more clear, what an important, role media. Literacy, plays. In being, prepared, for civic, participation so. That's our, entry, point into this. Work. So. I come, more from the design background an interim, looking at the the interaction between design, and learning. And human behavior so I would, like to include some, concepts, around the design literacy, understanding, what the implication of the design is in my action how we think and how we behave and what implication. It has on, other people's media. Literacy, and consumption as well. Information, literacy that is has transformed, somewhat from what traditionally.

Was Considered information, literacy because now that, we with all the data, being. Used. To understand. Us and work, towards, or sometimes. Against us I think that's another layer of information. Literacy that we should also be considered. Of. Yeah. Just to really, echo Michelle and you wanna I think, that's kind of my where I come into media literacy, is really this focus on. Reframing. What we think of as literacy practices and, and. Thinking. Of literacies, as being, a. Not. A singular, literacy, but thinking about multiple, literacies and how they, all intersect, and and how they're all very, not, only prevalent but important for us, to be. Becoming. Proficient in as, adults but also for, young people and. I think really the emphasis on production, so not. Just focusing. On how, young, people are, consuming, the media but how they're creating, media and so, needing, to, focus. On critical thinking skills, and critical making, skills, is. Really kind, of the the entry point that I come in to media literacy. All. Of the really wonderful work each of you is doing is is. A couple, of tensions, and and I want to invite you all to engage with this and one of the things we promised we wouldn't do and that but we did want to do that just to give you a starting. Point for where the different panelists. Are coming into this I'm. Gonna be kind of a nudge, of a moderator, and sometimes. Invite, people to kind of you know move from one topic to another just so we can get the fullest range of perspectives and one, of the things that has come up in some of the pre conversation, we had, has, to do with both who is the audience for, this kind of work but what should the ends of media literacy be but, also what should the process, of media literacy be what are the curricular, implications. Of, orienting. Ourselves as, media, literacy educators, media, literacy. Researchers, media literacy, media, literate, policymakers. And so, I maybe, we can start you. Know Michelle I know namely is really committed, to the cause of media, literacy for, all, can. You say a little bit about for. Whom media. Literacy, ought to be a goal. And. We'll start with that so, a short. Answer is everyone. I'll. Start there certainly. Media literacy, are skills that need to be built. From. The youngest to the oldest, learners in both formal, and informal education, spaces. It, used to be that media, literacy, was something that was, really. Focused, in higher education, and. Then we. Realized that that was too late in the game so we should really bring it to high school and then, we realized that's, a little too late in the game we need to bring it to middle school and I can say that I just spent two days this week in Chicago, building. A framework for, zero, to eight year olds and media literacy so, we're no longer we're. Not no longer there's, no minimum age anymore right as, kids. Needed, visual, literacy media, literacy skills from the very beginning, of their, lives and and. Certainly. As technology. And media continue, to change we need to continue, to we need to think of it as lifelong learning. Certainly, in this space in, the media literacy space we, spend a lot of time my organization, in the formal education, space, and. We, see it happening, from pre-k to 12 we see it happening at higher ad but, we also do see it happening in communities and, specifically.

I Think about community. Like. Public, libraries, or museums. PBS. Education. Community, media you know so it is happening, in a lot of different spaces, but, it is by. No means happening. At nationwide. And. That's one of the things that as an organization we're, thinking about and really how do you scale it from you. Know throughout, the formal education, I don't know if that answers your question but. Okay. Great, thank you glad, I'm here I. Want. To also not shut down other people who might want to respond to Michelle but I will put through another additional, question out there and that has to specifically, do Jessica with the work that you all are doing through. Cee and that has to do with the, intentional. Ty that, you're making between media literacy and civic engagement and, I know some of the work that Jana and you can are working on as well has some resonances. With you, know if Michelle's. Call to action as everyone, ought to be media literate and we need to start at zero, then. How are we actually trying to do it and what, are the kind of heathered. Concepts. That that resonate, with it and civic engagement certainly. Was one that came up in a lot of our conversation, that we had so Jessica did you wanna. So. I guess one of the we. Started. Looking at into. This as part, of our work, convening. New New York statewide coalition, called. Democracy ready, New York and the. Goal of the coalition is, to prepare, all students. For civic, participation which. Is their, constitutional. Right as I said before. We. I. Think. There's, a pretty broad consensus. Both. In the. Research and among teachers. And practitioners about. The importance, of, media. Literacy to, as, an element, of, preparation. For civic participation and. It. Certainly was it was the coalition's. First, policy. Per. Se. All wanted. To pursue, as a group, and. So. When. When I think about it as part of the the right. To education I'm. Thinking, about how is how it, how, can we use education, policy. To. And. And. Practice, to make sure that it's, it's. Something that students, have access to in every, school and. Just in schools, where. The. Faculty happened. To value. It or, or. The community, thinks it's important. Well. I let, my colleague you can Chang also weigh in but, we. Are working at, massive the media and social, change, line that is very well represented on, this panel so I'm very happy about that. We're. Working on, fake. News game we're really working on a better title a. Fake. News game, for. Middle school students. And. Before, I really develop, into talking about it I do want to just mention that, and we've talked about this one I call that you. Know I'll talk. To you about fake news but media literacy, is very much more. Than fake news that fake news is, so. We, will, definitely delve, delve deeper, into that but to profess, what I'm gonna say is that, fake. News is. Shining, a much needed spotlight, on. Media, literacy, by media literacy, goes way beyond fake news and. Those, were not interchangeable, in. Any ways but. So. We're developing, so, far it's a card game aimed at middle school students, that, is based, on empirical research, about, fake, news and misinformation, and, especially how young. People engage. And make sense of fake news and misinformation online. Because that's really where they get their news from they. Get their news from social media and they get their news in video form they don't get their news in the, way that maybe we think they're getting their news and actually. We've been really engaging, young. People in, code designing. This. Game with us and thinking. With us about. Ways. To best reach them in regards to fake news, because. Really the, way to reach them is to emphasize your agency, in the process, and. To really invite them, as we, have said to take, a seat at the design table, as. Co-creators. And not only if consumers. Of, educational. Around, fake news and, I'll stop here to see if you can has anything else to add and. Then I'll also tell you a little bit about how, my. Own research, is. Enabling. Me to think about these questions. Things. That I would like to share, but I think one of the interesting things about working, with the youth, is that they, when we interact with them they have a very firm belief about and confidence about their niece literacy, and it's not only about just identifying, fake news but about their just general, there's, and sometimes I think that there.

Comes, A confusion when we look at youths, and adults often. Look at youth and their technical literacy and confuse. That with the. The media literacy and I think that's another level of sort of like a design literacy that I would like to sort of highlight. Can. I offer a kind, of a scale, out comment. So I. Served, as a media, literacy curriculum consultant. For three years in. The Bronx, and Brooklyn up until about a year and a half ago when I was in the thick of dissertation. Writing and having a baby so. I I haven't, been been, in that space for about, a year and a half but I think, going. Back to Lilly FFA's original question, of kind of like these tensions, that exist and what we're kind of up against, in terms of. Formal. School, spaces. And settings, and something, that I have just witnessed, and, correct. Me if I'm if I'm outdated, in this perspective, but I think some of the tensions that exist, are really around you know one. Of the prongs is, like. The argument for having a specific media literacy class, designated. In a k-12 or high school curriculum. Versus, fully integrating, media literacy, throughout the the core subjects. And, I was very much of the first school of thought for a long time I thought there should be a specific media, literacy class and part of me still, does because. I love. Media literacy so much and I think it's so interesting to engage, young people with popular culture and texts and, other. Forms of media that that, they're so interested, in but then you. Know working on these critical skills and tools and. At the same time I think we're you, know being, in these school spaces, I think we're we're doing a disservice to. Two. Young people to media literacy and to the rest of the curriculum if we're not AI think making the, core curriculum more engaging by bringing media literacy practices and, concepts, in and texts. But. I think it also tends to be siloed, we're and thought that media, literacy can only be brought into a social studies classroom, or an English language, an. Ela, classroom, and I think that's not true and I think you. Know what, what, some of the women are going to talk about today you know in terms of stem in terms of science spaces in terms of math spaces, I just. Think it's really it's important and it's exciting that there that this work is kind of happening and then really, quickly just going back, to what Michelle was saying I think we often see, you know kind of as a result of that we, see media literacy happening, more I don't, even want to say more successfully. But maybe more, in. Out-of-school. Spaces, or after-school spaces, because, there just isn't. The. Time and isn't, the space. Often. To, be doing media literacy well and. Integrating, it well that's not to say it's not happening, but I think oftentimes we're seeing organizations that partner with schools, to. Be doing these trainings with teachers and be integrating, it just because I think I think time, is a really and curricular, constraints. Are really big challenges. To this work. The. Purpose of media literacy slide. So. I think it's important, sorry. To just I. Mean. Keep. Going next one okay, so this, so this, usually. Gets married to when I talk about the definition so. If you think about the purpose of media literacy education. And, you go to the kind of second part of this where, we're looking at critical thinking effective, communicating. And then this idea of being an active citizen in today's world I. Think that that speaks to how we see, the. The. Integration. Or they overlap, between civic, engagement and media literacy that. That, for, us like, the purpose of media literacy education. Those, three things are all. As, important, as the other you know that we there is a creation, element, there is an acting, element that must happen in order for people, to be fully media literate, so we see civic engagement and, media literacy linked.

In. A in a really, really big way and we're doing a lot of work with the civic engagement and, civics folks. In the country because I, think we're all starting to realize how those that those are linked. And. I. Was gonna. Mention. One. Of the early pieces of. What. One of our early conversations but, one so, I have two two, things. To talk about, in. Terms, of these tensions one is, one. Of the first things that this. Democracy. Ready coalition, asked when they were looking at media literacy is it. Media literacy for civic preparation. Is that a subset. Of media, literacy or is. All of media literacy relevant. To, preparing. Students for civic participation and. That was one of the first questions, I asked. Michelle the weigh in on. You. Said I'm. Not a researcher, but I, usually. Start off. So. I, I, was, happy that that. Michelle. Validated. My sense of the issue which, is that, me. That media literacy, in, the broadest sense is, necessary. For. Having. Students, to be prepared for civic participation. And, that's, ultimately that. What we. Worked. With at the coalition but that and the other thing that. The. Other tension, is what, we were talking before about before, about whether it's something. That should be across the curriculum a, strategy. That's that's, used, across the curriculum or, whether it should be a, course. That's taught within. The curriculum and, as. A, group that's really thinking about this, from a student's rights, perspective. We, thought, why. Not both, and. Why. Not. Aspire. To ensuring. That all teachers. Are. Media. Literate and can teach. Media literacy, within, their, content. Area and. From. 0to. Into. And. Through college but, also. As. An, insurance policy. Why. Not. Try. To. Encourage. Education. Officials, and, policy, makers to. Put. A course into say, the, ninth grade curriculum just. In, case. Well. I think there's a tension between is, media, literacy. What, to teach or is it a how to teach, and. I definitely, have. As the, the, field if I can call it a field has evolved, it's, definitely evolved, into, the thinking that it's a how, and. That all teachers need that type of training but I you, know I kind of I think, we all stand in the same place of yes. And you know that that we do want all teachers to have training in this and to really bring media literacy to their classroom, whether it's math or science or social studies but. That there it, can't hurt to have, media. Literacy courses and, and focus Media Studies courses. Certainly. Can't hurt. You. Know it's interesting I sometimes. Think about these, ideas as a stance, right, that's something that we embody and in, the way that we orient, ourselves to questions about education, and more. Broadly I think one of the things that came up in our conversation, was also about the, intimate ties between.

The Why we do this to. The. The impact, on people's lives and Emily, you talked in our pre conversation, about the, intersections, of social justice and anti-racist, pedagogy, and media, literacy and I know this this question of why in, terms, of inclusion, and cluesive 'ti Democratic, participation it. Sort of bleeds through all of the work that you all are doing and I wondered if we could if you could respond and however you want it to just. A question of why does this matter to you each. Of you are both educators, researchers. You are you're informing, policy in, the little P and big P can, you say a little bit about why media literacy, both as a as, a how but, also as a where to inhabit, but to perhaps matters. To you. Okay. I'll. Start then I'll start. By. Talking to you a little bit about how I've. Embraced. The, line of inquiry that I that I'm currently, pursuing in my own research I was. Always interested, in youth, online. Creativity. Youth online creative participation. And. One could say I was lurking, in the spaces. Of interest, in his online spaces, where youth are active, socially, culturally. And. I noticed, that around the, 2016. Presidential election these. Spaces there are non political spaces, were. Really turning very, political. In a really organic grassroots. And, meaningful, kind of way. That's the places, where young people hang out, that's, the places, where they, connect, with their peers and politics. Is important to them and it should be important, to them so. Of course they're gonna talk about politics, too and I think for us maybe that's a bit of a leap to, think that they're hanging out on scratch, where, they're supposed to be developing. Games and animations, and they're actually, right. And, they're actually talking, about, the. Electoral college. So. I. Quote. Immersed in Churchill a lot recently which might be aware as. Well as in Churchill said never let a good crisis, go to waste so, I really took this. Opportunity to. Delve deeper, into how, online. Participation. For young people also functions, as political. Expression and then, how political, expression can be turned into, civic. Engagement and, political, participation because, these are the voters of tomorrow. So. I would say that's where I'm coming, from that, does a perspective, that, I'm coming from in. Really. Emphasizing. That these conversations are, already, happening. That. Media. Literacy. And peer-to-peer media, literacy, is already, happening in online spaces it's, already happening on social media, it's. Already happening outside the bounds, of our you. Know family homes and classrooms and, often. It's happening, in very, meaningful ways in these spaces because. We, care about what, our peers think, and say and think about politics, and especially you, know in youth peer. Groups are the most influential. Groups. Including. In terms of political socialization. So. I've been trying to emphasize that this. Boundaries. If you will between online and offline. Between. Formal, and informal spaces. Of Education, are to. Use themselves rather. Artificial. And. We need to learn, from. What is happening, in these online grassroot, spaces, we need to learn from them we need to listen to them so. That we can figure, out how to reach them before it's too late sounds. Ominous. But. Also the kind of ways in which the proliferation, of the opportunity, to be media. Literate and informed, the larger media landscape. That only were consuming, but that other people are consuming only gets more and more and so as platforms, proliferate, as mobile technology, proliferate, as opportunities. To enter into spheres, of influence proliferate. It feels like it's becoming even more, of. An onus upon us those. Of us who care about this. To. Enter that conversation, ya, know I am. The. Space that I often operate in with media literacy is in regards to popular culture and I think you know I come, to, media literacy, from. A very personal, place of. Kind. Of like what Michelle was saying before of I. Think, the. Field realizing. That we need to be doing this earlier and earlier I discovered, media literacy and College and was one of those like, kit kids you know who was like I could have used this you know four. Years ago and then I was like wait is that I could have used this as a preteen, you know just as a as a girl up against, pop. Culture and you, know up against. Particular. Representations. Of girls, and young women. In. Terms of. In. Terms of race in terms of gender in terms of class I. Didn't. Know until college that I could ask critical questions of. The media and I could push back on the media and it wasn't until grad school that I was.

You Know learning, more about the field and realizing that there was this transition, happening, where it was less, about kind of just the consuming, and more about okay well what do we do about what do we make in response now, you know it's not just about asking the critical questions it's kind of a passive consumer, it's, I'm going to be an active creator and create, my, own media, you know kind of in response to this so that's where. I come into this and then my, perspective, about that has since broadened, as well in terms of thinking about you know I'm a privileged. White woman. And so, where do people who have. Different. Intersecting. Identities and. Positionality, is you, know what, what's their relationship to the media and what's their relationship to popular culture and we see this over and over and over again about problematic. Representations. And images and messages and. So. I really think media literacy is an emancipatory, practice. And. A liberating, or a Liberatore practice, that. So. For me that's kind of where media literacy, in social justice come, together I think this is absolutely a, form. Of social justice and, I, think it's our responsibility you. Know in terms of civic participation but. I think there. Are injustice, is being done to young people, in, the media and we, need to be working with young people on understanding. How to critically engage that, but then also more importantly kind of push back and speak back and create their own media to challenge, that, especially. In in this age. So. You. Know truthfully. I mean obviously, I do I, think, about media literacy and advocate, for media literacy on a daily. Basis, but to me, there's, you. Know there's truthfully, nothing to me that feels more important and, I don't I'm not saying that lately I'm not exaggerating to, me it truly is the most important, thing that we're, thinking about today given the impact. That media have on our lives, on. A personal. Note my. You. Know my experience with, media literacy, came. About, because I. Same. It's, different scenario, but Emily, realizing, how badly she could have used media.

Literacy, Earlier the. Truth is is that when I was 17, my father was. Killed in. The. Bombing of Pan Am 103, and. That. Came, to us through the screens so, we found out about our father's death through, television and, we, experienced. This personal. Loss through, media and my. Entire, life obviously. My entire life which was changed. From that, experience. And that. Tragedy. But the, role that media played, in that played an enormous part of my life and I, am, saying. This and I really truly mean it that my life would have been different if, I. Was media, literate when that had happened if. I had had the skills to understand, like, the images, that were coming into my home the stories that were being told. The, way that the narrative, was playing out that, was so personal I, didn't, know what questions to ask I didn't know how to be critical it, wasn't. Something that I was ever taught and, it. Wasn't until time, went on and I realized, what, questions I should have been asking that I actually found quite, a bit out that. Was quite different from what the news was telling me so to, me, I, come, at this from an incredibly. Personal, point. Of view but, I use, that personal, story as a, reminder, of, how. Urgent, all of this is and how there are kind of people, that are experiencing. Edia very personally, you, know whether it's an Instagram, post that a 14 year old girl is seeing or whether it's a news story, about. A school shooting and someone you know it's, very personal, media are very personal, and the stories that are being told are, very personal so, to me, it's, gosh. There's just nothing more important, than this like we have to understand, this and I, would say that I would just push back that like the the, political. The. Spotlight, that has been brought up in these issues is, like. The crisis that we can't let go to waste but, it's. Never, gonna go back like. We're never going, to go back to a scenario, where. Politicians, do not use social media. That. We're never it's done we, that, is it's not just because, President Trump likes to use Twitter he, is open no, matter who it is that's how we're gonna be getting messages from now on so we. Have to be careful, I think about waiting for a, period. Of time to be over because. The, game has changed and. We have to kind of be prepared for that even if the messages we might. Respond. Differently to the messages. It's. Changed, and it's not going we're not going back you, know.

I. Did want to ask one. Thing to invite. That. Is each, of you has chosen a kind of different mode by which to engage and, and some of your engaging, different, modes. Gesture. You've been talking about the curricular, work and activism organizing, work that you all are doing and. You. Want to have working, on a game and that's one of many projects, of their engagement. Michelle. You just brought up so. The ways, in which you use is received but also sort of the way social life is mediated, and, one, of the things that's been a particularly compelling. Kind. Of artifact. In the media in the last few years has been. Young. People's, responses, to mass shootings for example, and there's a lot of other examples but I think about the March for our lives. And what. Happened, when Heartland happened, and not that we've, made great, changes, but. It is, worth asking what, has changed and I like the the invitation, to consider how, we can never go back but. That we only continue. That accumulated, experience, right that we are always the product of what came before, for. The better or worse and, so one of the things I've wanted to invite you all to think, about and respond to is, what. What has been some of the advantages, of choosing the particular mode of engagement you've, been doing, to. Address this kind of massive problem. I want to may be as good an accounting you wanted me to kick that off and just to think about particularly. Organizing. You. Have app development, going on through the engagement. Warrant you all enjoy workshops, teacher development so. Say. A little bit about what has been your entry into this I, guess. I mean going. Back to your previous, question as, well one of the things the reason why I got, into, this. Topic. Is when, my. Curiosity when, I saw, people were so comfortable using or bringing, in like, Amazon. Echo, and such into, the home and the, I the idea of privacy what they, would they're very free. And comfortable talk about very private things in front of those machines while they, would not have done in, a public space anywhere else so, I guess the. The concept of fluidity, and the. Digital and the physical world really is, exist. For everybody but I think it's the acknowledgement, or not that, is different. And one. Of the ways, that I see as a difference, between media. Literate and less, literate people. Nowadays. And those are some of the issues, that I'm very interested in looking into.

Sure. And I would say. I. Would, say going, back to our fake news game again. To me what's really important is the question of agency. Which. Has a lot to do with the issue of listening, to young people, and really learning, from. What they're doing and learning how to reach them in, their own language. And I think we've been talking a lot about youth obviously, it's not just about you again just something that that I want to emphasize and, I, love the Lita's question, earlier for whom right that's not a question, that we often really stop to think about when. We talk about media literacy but it's a really important question and, of, course different. Stakeholders. Or different groups might be reached in different ways and. I think that again. A question. That research, can answer. Really. Well and there's. Been a lot of research, on media just media literacy education. Recently. But it strikes, me actually how often, the. Voices, of young people, who. This. Research, is really for and about are, missing, from the conversation. So. That's just something that I'm seeing from I guess you know putting on my researcher, hat for. A minute that's, that's a huge gap an area of opportunity that I'm seeing so, we shouldn't be talking really about. Them. That we should be talking, with. Them and, really. Inviting them like we said before it's in the design table. Are. The. Coalition, that we have formed, is. Intergenerational. So. We do have a youth. Leadership initiative, and youth, leaders from around the state who are part of of this. Work that we're doing. And. I. Think that you. Know in some ways. We. At. The Center for educational, equity with. Our rights-based, approach and. The connection, to. The. Right of students, to be prepared for civic participation we. Want to, share, that as a tool, for, people, who are, working. In, a, number of sectors. To. Advance. Students. The. Number. Of people, who are active. In. Civic. Life, and. We. We, found that there are people working, on that. From. Academics. To, educators. To youth. Development, people. To. Education. Advocates. To. Good. Government groups, and. Participation. In democracy groups. And they. And. And. Activist. Students, and, but. They don't haven't, been working together so. We, saw this, opportunity in New York State, and. With the leverage of the right as a. Way of bringing, all of these different. Sectors. Together different. Generations together different. Parts of the education. Spectrum. Together. To. Work. To. Work collectively for a collective action I. Forgot. The question, I just listened lovely. People speak. You. Can take up the last question which really had to do with you, know everybody's. Engaging in the broader media literacy, at issue, in. Different ways and and and namely has taken, on this work of doing, or convening. People and doing professional, development doing, curriculum development how. How, do you see that either. Working are there things that you want to do more of so, I would say so yeah, thank, you for reminding me so. We are very zoomed out right like we are zoomed out on the whole country and like what is the practice what is happening, in pre-k to, 12, space what is happening, in our higher, ed what are happening in communities are, 5400. Members there are members in every single state there, are members that are you know teaching, third grade in Missouri and assistant. Professor in Maine. You know like everyone, who's doing media literacy, every. Option is kind of within our community, so, we're looking very zoomed out we're looking at practice we're figuring out, who our community, is and, how, can we support that community so, for, me it's, it's. To. Me my job is a community builder right, ultimately, like I am in some ways a community, or so right like I am building, the foundation, for media literacy. Educators. I am giving them support I am giving them access to resources, we're, trying to act as a hub, so. We, aren't necessarily assessing. Practice, we're not saying this is the way you should be doing it this is the way you shouldn't be doing it. Although. You know obviously we won't let you know things that are dangerous go by we're. Really focused, on building, that community and, giving educators, and organization, supports, and making. That network really strong around the country. I'm. Gonna ask Emily to jump in in a second I wondered, just given. That right that all of the work that you all are doing I'm, thinking, back to that moment, you can you just talked, about that.

Awareness, Of people bringing, things like Amazon echoes, into their homes right. We haven't really talked about surveillance, and privacy. It's. Certainly a part of the media literacy conversation. And I wondered if if those, of you and M if you want to kick it off just how do we how do we reconcile. Both the. Things you can do now that we have all these affordances, with. The things we ought to be doing and. Who, is, involved in shaping, some of those things. Yeah. That's a that's a great question I don't, think I have a full. Fully. Thought out response, to it but two things. No. Just - I mean two thoughts kind of came came. To mind when you were saying that because you, know when you want to mention agency, before which i think is such an important piece of this and yes. Typically, or often, we're talking about young people in these spaces and I think it's. A. It's. A it's a dance with, young, people because they are. I. Think, engaging, and, incredibly. Interesting. And multiple, literacies practices. That. Are unprecedented and, that I think we're trying. To catch up with and, learn, from them and, at the same time, there. Is a lot out there that's, happening, that you know I think the whole reason we're having this conversation also. You know it's because. You. Know people don't always have all the, the. Capacities, or the skills or the knowledge that. That we've, been talking about today and I don't mean to set that up is like a deficit, way. Of thinking about it but there is a reason that we have teachers. And educators and, and, that we're having this conversation and. Just you. Know two things that that came to mind are. Both. With social media and something, that I'm I'm, continuously. Fascinated. About but something I've been thinking about a lot that came up in my dissertation research is around Instagram, use. Which. Is a fascinating, platform, and. And, I'm just starting to like chip away at some of that but you know you, know I have young cousins, and, also, my dissertation, participants. Were in high school and. Just that the, choices or, the lack of thinking. About you know having a public profile, versus, a private profile, same goes for Twitter but I think there's something really interesting about Instagram. Being such a visual platform. And. And. So thinking. About. Young. People making the decision to have a public or private profile, and something I came up against. Or or came, up, that. Was introduced, to me during dissertation. Data collection, was around. Young. People having multiple, Instagram, accounts, for different purposes, so, kind of using one as they're, kind of like goof off calling. It their fake Instagram account but actually showing more of their real selves, in it but. The less perfect curated. Version of their lives and then having their real Instagram account which was. Kind of portraying, or were conveying. A more, perfect you. Know again, curated. Representation. Of their everyday lives so I think. That's a piece, of it in terms of privacy and in terms of. Wanting. Followers, and and wanting, likes and and all of that but. Like a larger conversation, about kind, of digital footprint. And. It's something I'm, thinking a lot about with my one-and-a-half year old you know I'm very consciously, not posting, photos of her but I've got a lot of friends because I'm in that stage of life where, a lot, of people are having babies and hashtagging.

Their, Children's, names or creating, Instagram accounts, for, their kids with their full names and it's. Something I wrestle with a lot because these kids are already, having. Digital. Personas. And identities, and footprints. Before, they can give consent and so way before they can give consent. So. I think about that a lot in terms of the legacy, that we're, choosing. To establish. For our children. But. Not necess. But not necessarily thinking about what the impact is for them in 10 10, or 13 years when they're maybe creating, a social. Media presence. Recently. Written by an 8th grader who. Went. I forgot, what it was called but it was, essentially. You, know -, she, thought she, they, were all these rules in her house and. Then. When she turned 13 and she got to go on Facebook. She. Looked at her mom's Facebook account and her, mom's Facebook account was just stories, about her and pictures of her and things about her and she was so bad. And it was such a good perspective totally. Look it up it was a really good perspective. One. Thing that I wanted to add to, that is along, the the conversation. Around media literacy and also literacy. Education expanding. The concept of it is that not, only that we understand, how media is affecting us and how we should defend against that but also us. As citizen. Or these being, aware of what they can do to, influence the design and, the. Role the media plays, in the, commercial, world as well. But. Also in hearing all your taw all of you talk is is, the sort of intersecting. Concepts, that, are both, always Co present at all times but also need their own attention. So I'll just I'll just highlight a few and, that you started. Talking about you, know things. Like media literacy, has connected, to civic engagement participation. Emancipation. Rights. Justice. We're, also talking about the sort of design of, media, and sort, of thinking about inclusion, and participation as. A way that media gets produced, so. Thinking about young people, in particular but people in general as having. The opportunity, not just to consume, but, also. Contribute. To the media landscape the, other thing I think it was so interesting that's come up so far are the, tensions around you know this is a way of both, creating, context. For caring and for. Engagement. And for recognition. And belonging that sort of undergirds, a lot of what you're saying and. How. That happens through, opportunities to, participate in, representation. Through, multiple forms of expression and I think all of those pieces sort of coexist in, different. Ways in all, of the things that you're talking about I wanted, to give the audience a chance to kind of engage with, what, you've said and. While. While. We do that while we take question I'm going to put up the poll if you all remember this. Poll, down here was an invitation for you to talk about what media literacy means to you and you, can go online and just jot. Down your responses. And what we're going to do is I'm going to throw up what the answers, have been and. That might give some fodder for our conversation, too. I. So. I think there's a lot of work being done right now about the concept, of a media mentor. So, I don't know if you know the work of like the Ericsson Institute, and Lisa. Guernsey at new America. This idea that we, parents. Need, training and need understanding, and how to to. Be, a media mentor and to think about their role with media similar. To their role with, teaching.

Their Kids to read you know this idea that you, know we don't just hand a kid a book and say good luck you know we're sitting down we're helping them to code and looking, at some bowls and all that so. Parents, need to play a really important, role I think right now unfortunately a lot of the messaging, that's getting to parents, is, all the don'ts and all the fear, and all the the. Reasons why things are, bad, and dangerous and, very, protectionist. And so, I would, hope that we're gonna get to the point where we have, more media literacy, conversations. With parents rather than just focused, on kind of like online safety. Digital. Citizenship. So. I think you've asked, a really important question and and we at, namely, we've never. Specifically. Like targeted. The parent group although, we, do have a guide like, a downloadable. Guide like how to had, a building. Healthy, relationship so how to have, media literacy, conversations, at home, because, we know that the, the line between school and home is, blurred, so. I, think there's more work that can be done there are a lot of organizations, that are doing good work with parents when it comes to this, so. It's, I think it's an ongoing conversation. Then. Right away from I don't like include these things. Which. I hear ya, saying at, the same time why, can't you give. To. Me. I. Got, it I got it I have. A 14, and 16 year old and I assure you if it was that easy it would we'd. Be having a different conversation cuz I would I would argue that yeah I agree that a lot is asked of schools but, I I think there is a tremendous, amount. Asked of parents today like. My what. I am expected, to do with my 16, year old and what, the school expects, me to do and what college is expect me to do we. Really, put a lot of pressure on parents so I think the answer is how do we all work together that's, what I would, hope that we get to a point where how did the school in the home in those environments work. Together. And. Basically said, earlier. Just about the, news is going to be coming. You know by Twitter I thought. That came in my mind is are we going to have as. Represented. Access. To. Certain. News because they're going to get it I. Would. I. Hope. So but it's already I mean there's that's exactly, what's happening already, right the inequity, in the systems and where, people are getting the news so I. Think that's why this work is so important, right I think your point about the, divide. In. Terms, of just the choices, that affluent. Families have to. Not bring, technology, in the home like, that is a choice that's a privilege in itself really.

Interesting, Stuff, to talk about when it comes to equity go, ahead just I think I can liked, address of both of your comment, and in addressing that I think the, parent will role and children's, side news literacy and media literacy has been proven over and over again and research regardless, of the platform what not it's very important but the thing is we can't as you say it's an equity issue we can't expect everybody to be on the same page and have the same access to information into the literacy and I think that's where the education, becomes. A very important role and that's why I think one of the reasons why we think about equity, we, try, and systemize. This, process of media literacy through, education, because. We can't assume that all parents would have the same access, and, information. And resources, to support their children as well yes and knowledge as well so I. Think. It's also interesting just, just, what you were saying about I think there was something recently in the news about the Silicon Valley parents, right the the parents, who work at Google and Facebook are now instituting, like no screen time all, of that. I don't, you know obviously, none of us can know where that's going but like I do wonder, I mean I think it's, it's circling back to kind of the initial, approach to media literacy in like the early 90s, which was like the super protectionist, stance they have like TV turn off week you know it was shield, your children keep them away don't have this conversation. And. I think that kind of circles back I mean I think there's that I think that is where parents are really. Important and coming in and schools, we could talk about in another conversation in terms of screen time but I think completely. Disallowing. Any type of screen time I think is doing disservice going, back to what how Michelle initially, started. Off her, you, know comments at the beginning of the panel saying to. Be literate, in 2019. And moving forward we, need to be thinking about the multiple modes of communication and, platforms that we're engaging in so I just wonder you know is that going to come around where. The affluent, families. Maybe think that they're doing this super. Forgetting. The word but like noble, thing. Of you know taking away all screens and is but is that ultimately, going to do a disservice, and. I think it's also you, know it's not this digital divide that, was such a such. A popular buzzword, ten years. Ago it's, more about like the participation, gap, that I think is it's kind of that, this is speaking to so everybody, has everybody. General. Statement, but so, many more people have access to, information and have some sort of device where they can get information but going, back to what you were saying you know in terms of where.

People Are getting their information from, I think is really interesting but. Are we maybe could, that maybe be a way in of, having more conversations, you know or some kids, going to be more aware of what's going on. Because. They've got access to some of these spaces. And platforms. A. Resource. If. You're interested, in the conversation around screen, time Sonia Livingston's. Group. LSC. And I the London School of Economics is, doing some really interesting work on this and. They're, of. Course doing a lot of you know it's a million. Euro. Multi-year. Project. On it but they're also doing a really good job of disseminating. It in. The, press I'm in a very shareable form, so, please, check that, it's. Always lovely when you have awesome colleagues, who are like reading your mind and, the only thing I'll add to that is. But. What let me start and her colleagues, do is they. Also remind, us that context. Matters and, that. Screentime. Spent. You. Know one. Of the biggest fears, with, young people's access to technology, is, that. They aren't going to be safe either. Emotionally or, physically. Or. Or. Socially emotionally, and. One, of the things i love about that, work and I think that's also represented, here is two. Things one is that. Producing. A film for your family, involves, screen time that's a really different kind of thing than. Spending a lot of time you. Know doing. Something else that we, all might different differentially. Think is terrible. The other thing I wanted to I. Mean, I won't talk, about my history of playing violent video games because that's not the I really. Enjoyed, them but that's not the point of this panel, but, the other thing I wanted to say also was that when we talk about media literacy we, are talking about media beyond, the screen and I, think the the kind of tactile, and tangible, card, based game that you, want on you can are developing with students, here sits, a sits alongside. The. Easy. Access, to sort, of the world as we think about it via the phones that. Many many, people but not everybody but many people have access to, so. I really appreciate, these questions, about both for whom right. Not not for whom awed it be but for whom are, we, considering. And, and and who is kind of getting access to things that should, or should not be but, then also I think your, point is also well taken, and I'm thinking about the first question as well sort, of whose responsibility. Is it might. Be. Put. On its head a little bit to consider in what ways are we all responsible, and connected to, Media literacy education, in, different, ways that a parent might engage in, media literacy education, in, certain.

Ways, III think about this with my five-year-old you know in a lot of it is just. Being. Aware of what, she is talking, about when she comes home and. A teacher might be engaged, in media literacy education, curricularly. Pedagogically. So i think those those, are a few points to consider you've been wanting to say something. Patient. And. Now. You're. Creating, these. Opportunities. For children to kind of parse literacy, or, understand. What about the production. Are, we getting ready to kind of get. A new, voice of people. By, people that. Is added, to the, idea, of accent. Sumer. ISM and of, all the other ways to intake, the media without, certain, stories being told I, fear, that the intake, of, media. For all it's. Going to be all them. Their media is being taken. By. People, who may not be part of all in, all ways so. How, do you kind, of prepare. Media. Literacy, to include, not only concerned, but, also production. And do you see any. One. Little point I want to make and then I want to give it over is people. Often say just because on Twitter you could have a hundred million followers, it doesn't mean you will and one, of the things I take from that is that the. The platform is only a part of the equation, everybody. Who has access to a smartphone now has the ability to make a film but, where. Does distribution. Awareness, audience, screening, circulation. Come into it I think is what you're getting at sort of the power of the structures, the. Power that's embedded in the structures that distribute. That become aware and. I think that's a really important piece of conversation I would say from a pause. And. That's part of it that it's, it all goes together it can't you can't actually, truly. Like we've, we've moved, on from thinking you can only focus on analyze and evaluate you. Must focus, also on creation, because that's what they're doing they're doing that every time they like, every time they tax every time they take a picture their content, creators right. And. I would say on a really, positive note, there's, an extraordinary.

Amount Of work in youth media being done in this country that is inspiring. That, is just. Beyond. Like I can I can think of organizations within. Our network that, are just doing incredible. Work with, teens all over the country to get their stories. Told and. To and to make sure that they understand, that their stories, not, should, be told and that they have the power to, do that so storytelling. Is a huge, part of media literacy so, I what, I see, is the, youth media kind. Of that grew the growth in that work is really truly phenomenal, so I feel, really optimistic that, there's gonna be more of that and. Couldn't. Agree in, my experience. Those, and media literacy agree. With you right so, it's how do we how. Do we support that. I definitely, want to want to echo Michelle's, very Optimus, optimus. Extenze, because as an internet researcher, studying youth, media. I'm also very optimistic. About what I see I, think, that often, we're surprised, then, we shouldn't be surprised, you know like Lolita earlier, mentioned, marched, for our lives and the. Parkland you think in that moment. The. Way that has been framed in the mainstream media at least there was this sense of surprise wow, they can they're, so astute, at using Twitter, and they're. So great. At making media and they're so mature, and they're so they, are they. Are creative, and they're stilton. They make meaningful, use of media so to me that shouldn't, be shrouded and in surprise, the, way that it's often done. In. The press and sometimes in the academic literature too. And. I would also say that even, beyond production. In this online spaces that I look at young people are fulfilling, so, many meaningful roles as peer. Critics, as. Shearer's. And distributors. As. Mentors. One. Of the just to give you a quick example one, of the space, that I look at is a fan fiction site archive, of our own it's, a whole kind, of self-contained. Publishing. Empire that. Lifts, up these voices, and a lot of these voices are. Marginalized. Voices, it's. A space that has, been really, empowering for LGBTQ. Youth. For. Non-white youth.

For. Religious, minority. Youth, and. They are not only the creators, but they are the critics, they are the mentors they are the editors, they are the sharers. They. Are having. All those different hats on at the same time and they were learning a lot from the process so. I would say I'm also very optimistic. I. Was. Just gonna say something and. I. Sort. Of asked a question I think that, follows. From from, what you were talking. About which is that. You. Know educational. Inequity. Systemically. Is. Reproduced. Are produced by. Enfranchisement. And, disenfranchisement. And. One. Of the things that that I think all of your questions bring up is the is, the the risk of whether. Current. Media. Will reproduce. The, same. Enfranchised. And disenfranchised. Groups. And. I. Guess the question is how do how. Do we. Make. Sure that. It's. It's not just more of the same, and. I think you want to just gave me part of the answer, but I'm that's. What. One. Of the things that I'm wrestling. With. Just. Say that I would, caution. Us to. Not. Assume there are easy answers, to these questions right, like, we. Cannot simplify, the. This, this. Culture, these are really, complicated, questions, and they're complicated. Issues, and we, need to be willing to have, nuanced. Complicated. Conversations. About them that, are gonna take some time and, so I always, try to like you know there are no simple answers to this and and that's okay and, that we have to kind of roll up our sleeves and, and work, together to figure, it out so. One, question I wanted to ask all of you now that we have you here I, want. You to look ahead to. Let's, say 18 months from now. 20. Months from now. If. Your. Efforts, have. Been successful, if. Your efforts that you're all individually. And perhaps collectively, engaged in have, made an impact, what. Has changed. I'll. Start cuz I'm closest, to this very unstable mic I. Would. Just, very briefly I would say what, would change is that young people would feel listened, to. Especially. In terms of civic education that. Includes media literacy, and they. Would feel that. Civic. Education is. Speaking, to them. At. The next presidential, election without. Is. That the time we were working with well. I guess one, thing that I would like to see. Happen is us being more aware of not only from the research perspective but, also the, citizens being and they use be more aware of, what. They're doing with. Their media and how it's affecting, them but also other people as them, being that this distributor. And the share of the, media themselves and. The producer. Educational. Policy, change happens slowly so. What. I hope. Will, change, in. 18. Months as a result of our work is that the. Aspects. Of media literacy that are already, enshrined. In state policy like. Access. To library. Media specialists. In, all secondary, schools, which is. Regulation. In New York State and that's oh right so. It's a right, of all secondary. Students, to have access to that. Important. Resource. For media, literacy education. But. In. Fact, in. Many schools. That. Regulation. Is not enforced, because. Schools. Don't have adequate funding. So. I. Will. Be working to at least make, sure that, the rights, that are currently. Part. Of. Sound. Basic education, preparation, for civic participation of, media literacy are. Are. Funded. And. Enforced. Yeah. It's hard for me as a you. Know a nonprofit, leader or not to think in terms of funding, so. What do i what do I want to see in 18 months it's a couple. More staff members and. Instead. Of five thousand, fifty, four hundred members, I'd like to see. You. Want us on my board now so. It's. Free it's free, join today. So, I would like to see our community, grow I don't I agree in, the sense that time you know what I want to see is media, literacy, for all but that's not happening in 18 months let's be honest so but. The more we build our community, the more we build our partnerships, the, more will we'll be on that path I. Think. At a macro, level I'm, gonna echo what you want I was just saying I would love, for us to be less surprised, by, young, people. Voicing. Their opinions, and and. Being, in community with wanting to one another, and kind, of. Putting. Out calls to action in response to, social and justices etc. So, I hope we're less surprised about, that and, as, they as a society, and on a more micro level I. Think. I, hope. To have yeah, to be doing some research with young people around their Instagram use and hope, that that's, written and published in. Its I'm. Putting it out into the universe you've, heard it here check. Me on it. In. This word clown what, we're going to do is we're gonna make all of this available if. You get a mascot or you'll see the first blog post will be about this and it already has some resources and some of the ones that came up today will, also be shared, while.

I Put up this last slide I wanted to. Sorry. Just, invite you all to. Do. A couple of things right. And and it really comes from my. Personal love of Mister Rogers and it. Comes also from a. Kids. Show that. I used to, love. When I called, kids or people too and, I. I, watched a lot of television. And. I think, one of the things that I've realized and as I've gotten older is that I want, to drop the two that. Kids are people and. I think what, that has allowed and, what this conversation. Has reinforced. Is that there, isn't a single audience, for the work that we do which, makes it harder, but, that that. While, we are addressing, different, constituents, who contribute, to the well-being not, only of individuals, but, of the democracy, that we inhabit, that. We need to pull all the levers that we can and, some of that is at home some of that is at school some of that libraries. And our community centers and, universities. And colleges, and. I also think that there's a real opportunities, to build coalition, and I think you have five people here representative, who, are engaged in really thoughtful, work but also networks, and. I wanted to sort of just invite you to follow them and be, involved, with their work and to. Continue. To be. Can. I just say, that we have our National. Conference we have it every two years and. The next one is June 26, to the 28th in Washington, DC. We're gonna be at American, University, and we're also gonna be at the Museum then. For those of you who don't know the museum is closing at the end of this year they're, closing the actual, museum part of it not the EDD program so. It's actually one, of the last opportunities to. Be at the museum for the day in a learning environment so. Please. Consider joining us.


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