Thermal Oxidizer Basics Webinar

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at CECO Environmental we're proud to be your  single source for pollution control it's our   mission to protect our shared environment and  we relentlessly pursue that goal by providing   reliable products and services to tackle  your environmental challenges purchasing   pollution control equipment can be a complicated  process particularly when you have a system that   requires many different pieces of equipment  however our vast range of technologies and   solutions for pollution control and product  recovery can eliminate that complexity lowering   your total cost of ownership without sacrificing  performance across a wide variety of industries   CECO helps ensure you achieve real results no  matter your need CECO has you covered simplify   your environmental initiatives with our CECO  Environmental family of industrial solutions   brands CECO Environmental is a global leader  in air quality and fluid handling serving   the energy industrial and other niche markets  through Innovative technology and application   expertise CECO helps you grow your business  with safe clean and more efficient solutions   that help protect our shared environment we work  tirelessly to improve air quality optimize the   energy value chain and provide custom engineered  solutions for applications including oil and gas   power generation Water and Wastewater battery  production polysilicone fabrication chemical   and petrochemical processing and more to  learn more visit today oh welcome and thank you for joining us today for  the Seacoast certified Continuum education Series   today we will be learning about thermal oxidizer  Basics presented by CECO environmental my name is   Mary Rusnak and I'm the Marketing Manager for  the industrial air and fluid solutions segment   of CECO and with me today is Brian Cannon  our VPS sales and marketing for CECO Ad West   and Brendan Budelier oxidizer applications and  project engineer while we wait for everyone to   join I'd like to go 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the test which is basically getting 8 out   of 10 right once you fulfill all those  those requirements you'll be able to   print your certificate out of that certification  widget suggest that you guys keep a log of this   week no we'll keep records for six years if you  have any questions related to any of this feel   free to just email me directly that's my email and  let's take a look here and just again and also the   webinar is one hour long but just so everybody's  aware we will keep platform open for an additional   30 minutes afterwards so that you can finish  up your test print out anything that you want so in terms of the outline these are the things  that we are going to cover here today definition   and overview we're going to look at the three T's  what does that mean oxidizer components what are   the different types that you would use and where  basically some design and process considerations   and then a little bit of examples at the  end to get you an idea of how these are used   and we're going to start today's webinar with a  poll question and if you've attended our events   in the past you'll know that you will be able to  answer the poll in the next slide so starting off   here with our little bit of our Halloween theme  poll question how much experience do you have   with thermal oxidizers and VOC controls and  there's your options there you're an expert   I have some experience I have a little bit of  experience in what in the world is an oxidizer   I'm going to advance the screen here and  this is where you can put your answers hey give me a second here just to finish up  your answers we'll take a look at the results okay that's a nice variety of experience  that we have there looks like at the   majority at this point have a little bit  of experience some are really new into the   experience itself and what an oxidizer is and then  we have a couple experts in there I think this is   going to be a great presentation for all of you  even if you're you know an expert there's a lot   of information in here as well as some things that  that'll definitely help guide you in terms of a   selection and the process in any future needs that  you have so I'm going to turn this over to Brian   Cannon so it's going to actually start to see  real presentation itself with all the info Brian   many thanks Mary hopefully everybody can hear me  well I will say good morning a good afternoon and   a good evening to all our attendees here for the  webinar we have attendees I believe from all over   the world and probably just about all the time  zones so we certainly appreciate your time I hope   this webinar we find everybody safe and healthy  as well and he's trying times for the pandemic   So today we're going to be covering a wide range  of thermal oxidizer Basics we're going to be   probably hitting the tops of a lot of waves and  outlining a lot of the various thermal oxidizer   and and sometimes they were called many years ago  fume incinerator Technologies and solutions that   are available we're you know and if you look at  this what really demands or what is the driver for   why anyone would want to use a thermal oxidizer  and this slide here is really sort of a timeline   at least here in the United States we've been  fairly Progressive through the decades on air   pollution control as well as on VOC abatement  and a lot of our federal legislation didn't   start until the 50s here in the United States so  a lot of this is just fairly recent in the last   you know 50 to 70 years these these stringent  guidelines and they've spread throughout the globe   I first started in thermal oxidizers back and  fume incinerators is when they were called   back in 1977. we've gotten sophisticated in  the 80s with calling them Thermal oxidizers   and then we saw a lot of the rtos really  take over a lot of the recuperative and   afterburner applications but the drivers  here are the various legislation acts at   least here in the states I know there's a lot  of countries that have emulated the U.S EPA the  

federal EPA clean air amendments titles one  through five and obviously on title V that   allows the various State epas here in the U.S  to develop and enforce detailed industrial air   permit programs and work with the various  Industries plants and so forth but they've   gradually gotten more stringent Through The  Years there's been different amendments that   have been specifically for various Industries  for example there's there's a Max standards   mac.t standards for the wood industry for the  Composites industry paint finishing and so forth   so we could go on with this and there could be all  kinds of training on these Max standards and how   to meet them and on title five we're gonna have  to save that I think Mary for some later webinars   the VOC go through just a couple real quick  definitions here the the volatile organic   compounds or vocs is we refer to them typically  there are a lot of solvent fumes and Vapor phase   gases they contain carbon they can have acids in  them and a lot of these will have aldehyde type   components lock the longer chain hydrocarbons and  they cause noxious and toxic type fumes and smelly   odors and typically these need to be broken down  or abated or oxidized or incinerated and typically   you know it's around 14 to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit  and greater on thermal oxidizer Technologies we'll   talk a little bit about catalytic oxidizers  Brendan and I will do that here shortly and   that's at a lower temperature similar to your  catalytic converters in your cars but you know   the the vocs are non-generally non-water soluble  wet scrubbers are generally not a good application   for these so if you have vocs you're probably  pretty well looking at thermal oxidizers maybe   a catalyst option you could be looking at  Carbon systems and you could also be looking   certainly at bile filters and we'll just touch  on that option as well to give you a overview   also the hazardous air pollutions pollutants  or haps the the national Niche app   on stationary sources obviously there's hazardous  air pollutions and pollutants and those have to   be dealt with as well they can cause cancer and  carcinogenics and everything from skin rashes to   nervous system damage and so forth so generally  they can be wet scrubbed there's very few and   some of those can be handled with a combination  of both oxidizers and a scrubber on the tail end   and we'll talk about those a little bit later  so if you hear the word half that's hazardous   air pollutants the niche app is the nationally  emission standards for hazardous air pollutants   probably the biggest definition and it's it's  it's been time honored through the years is tried   and true are the three T's sort of the basics  of thermal oxidation or thermal incineration   Technologies and how to break down these  these hydrocarbons whether they be a longer   chain hydrocarbon with lots of aldehydes or  if it's a smaller type type compound but as   I mentioned oxidation temperatures typically  are 1300 degrees and greater most compounds   you're going to see 14 1500 degrees sometimes  1600 degrees Fahrenheit a lot of oxidation   systems will actually require greater than than  that sometimes 18 to 2000 degrees 1800 to 2000   degrees if you get into pcbs and things like that  the ability of a catalyst unit those typically   will light off or activate at 550 degrees  Fahrenheit to about 800 degrees Fahrenheit   so catalyst is not applicable for all applications  and all vocs you typically don't want to stay away   from heavy metals from silicone laden compounds  from acids heavy metals like lead Anthony and   those types of things but catalysts can provide  some energy efficiency because they use a lower   temperature to activate on the Catalyst and  the purification reaction there is not in a   retention chamber but over the Catalyst we'll talk  about that later the time element vocs can spend   typically a half second up to two seconds or more  retention time or residence time at these higher   temperatures to ensure complete oxidation you  basically bake the vocs at a certain temperature   and you also do need turbulence in the combustion  Chambers while you're doing the temperature and   the turbulence comes from adequate mixing for  the oxygen you want to have oxygen with the   vocs typically you can have burners through on  recuperative units or dftos through the burners   there's mixing plates in a lot of cases with  an RTO or regenerative thermal oxidizer you   get mixing in the various media types could  be turbulent flow through say saddle Media   or laminar flow through block type Medias and  we'll touch on that here a little bit later   but typically you're going to need about 15 to  16 mole percent O2 for proper combustion you   know with the various burners available  in stoichiometric ratios and so forth   so the the three T's all work together and we'll  be talking about that throughout our presentation when to use a thermal oxidizer obviously you  may have a title V permit if you're here in the   United States obviously this is all VOC driven  with the regulations from your various National   epas or Ministry of environments or Department of  Environmental Protections or the various States   or even local here in the states the South Coast  Air Quality Management District that almost takes   Preston over everything in the state in the lower  part of California and you have the Bay Area up   top as well they work with the California air  resources board and US EPA so so basically no   no what you're under as far as regulation with  the regulators the regulators are your friends   they're trying to accomplish compliance and they  want you to do it in a cost-effective manner   well if you have odors or reactive gases  you're going to need a thermal oxidizer at   higher temperatures there a lot of times you'll  see roaster fumes from coffee roasters and things   like that have applied thermal oxidizers  through the years actually afterburners   to take care of the fumes and smoke but there's  a lot of odiferous compounds you'll see in food   processing rendering fragrance and perfume  type manufacturing applications there are   vocs and solvents in there and there are  some longer change hydrocarbons on that   the requirement for the high VOC destruction is  typically done percentage by weight or volume   um and the higher these VOC destruction  efficiencies in most cases eliminate on a   practical basis the use of bile filters across the  board or carbon filters carbon filters have to be   replaced and rejuvenated thermal oxidizers  typically provide 95 to 99 plus VOC Dres   you're looking typically on biofilters and  carbons 80 to 90 percent on the VOC Dre they   can get higher than that but you're going to  need more surface area larger carbon beds or   canisters larger bio filters some of these  things can get as big as as almost a football   field so you're going to need more surface  area more resonance time inside the biofilter   another another thing to consider if it looks like  we have many experts and probably people that have   older oxidizers that their plants here attending  Mary but a lot of the older dftos the direct fired   afterburners and recuperative units they typically  use a lot more energy than rtos and rtos can be   retrofitted on them to achieve higher destruction  VOC or equal high high VOC destruction and they   can also reduce these to oxy missions and also the  energy usage which is key because energy costs are   only going to go up in the future there's many  choices of thermal oxidizer so I mentioned we   have the direct fired also called afterburners  you can get these in a horizontal or vertical fire   type Arrangement there's the recupative thermal  oxidizer that would typically use a shell and   Tube or plate and frame type heat exchanger to  recuperate and reduce energy typically those are   about 35 to 80 percent thermal efficiencies the  RTO thermal oxidizers those are between 90 to 97   thermal efficiency we see that as being one of the  more flexible Technologies you can also have an   rtco option you can have the RTO operating with  a catalyst bed at the top at lower temperatures   and we see that a lot in the wood industry there's  flameless versus burner fired RTO options most of   these systems can be done we've seen and have done  rtos ourselves in both electric heat and burner   and there's also catalytic units out there that  operate electrically and also have burners and   typically a lot of Industries will will call these  fume incinerators if you have especially High VOC   concentration flow rates or concentrators are used  there for high flow rates and low volumetric Inlet   loadings and usually it'll put a small dfto or  small oxidizer or some some type there typically   you're going to see that in the paint industry in  Composites in several of those types of Industries we have the the zeolite rotor module concentrators  we're just going to touch on these today we could   probably do a webinar on these as well Mary  typically the concentrator media of choice   is a zeolite rotor module hydrophobic zeolite  and it's a typically a honeycomb structured   absorbent it absorbs the vocs and then it's  desorbed you'll typically see 10 to 1 and   greater VOC concentration ratios so see if you  had a hundred thousand CFM paint line you could   put a concentrator and typically if you're a 10  to 1 concentration ratio you'd have about a 10   000 scfm smaller oxidizer on the tail end so  your Capital cost lowers and your energy costs   are significantly lowered through that ten  thousand scfm oxidizer as opposed to having   a large hundred thousand CFM RTO and of course  you'll typically see those the paint industry   semiconductor Fab Composites and just general  spray coating low inlet temperatures they don't   like acids the concentrators can be very finicky  so it's they're not applied to all applications thermal oxidizer types the three major types  that we see besides the direct fire typically   the RTO has been the most flexible through  the last probably two decades three decades   the regenerative thermal oxidizer regenerates  various beds typically two to nine or eleven   beds depending on the design and you can get  between 85 and 97 percent primary heat recovery   and you get good mixing through these ceramic  media and there's a couple pictures there in   the middle showing some ceramic media  some black Medias they typically look   like catalytic converters in your car and you  can see some ceramic saddles on the lower left   the recuperative oxidizers use a shell and  Tube or plate and frame heat exchanger the   upper left shows a shell and Tube I think  those are inch and a half round stainless   steel tubes those have Expansion Joints with  the various bundles to prevent leakage to get   you the high destruction efficiency you  will get some expansion and contraction   if not done right you can get some leakage and  that will deteriorate your VOC destruction over   time so you want to definitely pick a good  system has good expansion and good leakage   control and good welding on that a catalytic  oxidizer typically will use a catalyst bed and   that's going to be about 550 degrees Fahrenheit to  800 Degrees and those are sensitive to silicones   heavy metals sulfur compounds if you have those  in the Stream probably not a good application   so know your application know what's in there  with your solvent inventories and so forth typical applications and probably most of  you are familiar that have some experience   everything from semiconductor wafer Fab  to paint spray and finishing coating of   everything from cars automotive components  Wood Finishing could be wood furniture   bowling pins we've seen applications there coating  bowling pins and just about everything that's used   as on a solvent coating the food industry we see  a lot of everything from fat fryers to rendering   facilities fiberglass and carbon fiber as as a lot  of Automotive components and just everything is   switching from steel and aluminum over to carbon  fiber and fiberglass it gives you added strength   added flexibility but you also have styrene  and other types of vocs and those processes   that need to be abated refining and petrochemical  and pharmaceutical that's always been a strong   industry and then everything from soil remediation  to small units Bakery ovens and even metal and   Automotive recycling has applied oxidizers for  those types of applications for VOC control again a lot of the process applications and it's  a wider range when I first started I never thought   we would see for metal shredding we would never  see oxidizers applied to that so the tried and   true ones are obviously you know web converting  chemical processing wood products and veneer   dryers resins MDF plywood plants pharmaceutical  reactors and spray dryers and then we're seeing   a lot of streams these days that certainly have  acid gases and halogens that have to be addressed   as well with alloy design and Brennan will  be talking about that a little bit and we can   have scrubber options there so there's there's  quite a bit with all these various processes   I think we're at a poll question here Mary so  I'll take it over let it take over here thank   you Brian thanks for that great overview hey we're  up to our next poll question again don't forget   you'll be able to put your answer in the next  slide so what type of thermal oxidizer are you   most familiar with and you can choose as many as  you want so dfto recuperative thermal RTO rco lots   and lots of initials here right macronyms dfco for  direct fired catalytic oxidizer or something else   so let's put you to the next slide and remember  you can choose as many as you want and since   this is a little bit longer question we'll give  you a couple more seconds to fill everything out all right just let everyone finish  up and we will take a look at these   results and see what what everyone's familiar with I guess not surprising here that the RTO is  the one that most people have definitely seen   out there but it seems like we've had a  good mix here in terms of other oxidizers   that are out there so nice mix out there  in terms of what people are familiar with and we're going to now pass this on over to  Brendan who's going to talk a little bit more   about different components in that absolutely  thank you Marion Ryan yeah that that the poll   results make sense I would say not surprising that  the regenerative oxidizer is the most common but   I'm glad to see that we have a diverse group uh  familiarity all around it seems so yeah before I   get into more of the technical aspects thank  you for joining again I just want to sort of   brush over the you know reiterate rather the  working concept behind any thermal oxidizer   and it's really that you have a given flow rate  of gas right it has particular characteristics   you know it may it has a humidity it may have  uh particulate matter but certainly has vocs   and haps uh you know speciation but at the end  of the day it's a given volume of gas and it   needs to be heated to a certain time a certain  temperature for a certain amount of time around   a second so really you have a flow rate and it  needs heat input to reach a certain temperature   and the way that the oxidize is primarily differ  is in the way that they manage the energy input   and that primarily affects you know the Energy  Efficiency the fuel efficiency and at the end of   the day the operational cost of the unit so again  while there are many different types of oxidizers   as Brian has alluded to we'll get into these in  more detail just want to reiterate to the purpose   the fundamental operating method of all the  different configurations is ultimately the same   that is the oxidized vocs by the means of  the three T's and demonstrating turbulence   so there are certain components therefore that are  going to be incorporated into any thermal oxidizer   system essentially no matter the design we have a  processed fan to move the gaseous vocs through the   oxidizer this could be at the front end called  Force draft and or the tail end Deuce draft you   know typical industrial ventilation stuff there's  an oxidizer casing generally you know it could be   a mild steel or a stainless steel or any number  of Alloys this serves as the combustion chamber   the basis of the combustion chamber and  you have a burner or some other heat source   oftentimes it's usually a natural gas or  a propane burner it could be an electric   heater element as well you know anywhere where  you can you can provide heat to the system   and you have internal insulation to the  Shell most common Steels you know they   don't like to sit over 1600 degrees F continuously  additionally that would definitely pose a risk and   I don't think OSHA would approve certainly so  generally the outer skin temperature needs to   be managed below about 140 degrees Fahrenheit  so yeah you know it's all insulated internally   you have instrumentation and control Hardware  to maintain the temperature and flow through   the oxidizer additionally to shut down the unit  if you lose fuel pressure you know compressed   air pressure you lose the process anything and  then finally you know you have some sort of an   outlet an exhaust deck you can measure vocs  otherwise you may be feeding into another you   know prostate equipment like a tower scrubber  for post-true kind of acid gases for example   but anyway nowadays you know the RTO for gender  of thermlock has one of the most probably the   most common of all which also has heat recovery  beds to minimize fuel usage that's a really   important part of the way that it operates  so that's the most common that you'll see   so just before getting into the different oxidizes  the more detail I want to direct your attention to   this graph so this shows energy usage and million  BTUs per hour it's a common common unit used for   four different oxidizers but they're all ten  thousand sefm and we're assuming zero via Seas   and it's important again to note vocs are simply  vocs versus your fuel source the DLCs are a fuel   source so whatever you heat you don't add to the  system in vocs you have to make up with your fuel   if you have a lot of vses you know you don't  need to add as much fuel because essentially   you're just maintaining a flow rate a system at a  certain temperature so you can see the difference   that fuel efficiency is is vast this is directly  result of the heat recovery capabilities of each   of the oxidizers so the RTO on the the far  right is the best but this also it plays into   the applicability for a given process so oxidizes  that require a large amount of heat to to stay up   to temperature that would be a dfto or like a  recoup on the left because they release a lot   of heat so they require a lot of heat input they  can also accommodate very high VOC concentrations   you remember that a boc is a fuel source in itself  it releases heat upon oxidation you find that the   RTO where it excels you know in very low fuel  consumption when running on on you know process   around fresh air even it's somewhat limited to  processes that don't exceed four to six percent   LEL if you don't provide provisioning for that  so if you say you know the oxidizer requires less   than a million BTUs an hour in this case to hold  its temperature or your VOC Spike to 1.5 million   over time it you know continuously the  oxidizer will overheat now there's things   you do you include a hot gas bypass to remove  heat from the system you actually derate the RTO   and this is ultimately why the RTO is the  most popular and flexible design anyway   we'll get into that I just wanted to make the  link that you kind of fuel efficiency and that   goes hand in hand it's inversely proportional  to the capacity to process ivoc concentrations   all else being equal anyway hopefully this  will make make sense as we move along so   moving into the different types uh we start with  the most basic kind of work our way up so the way   I want you to think about this is there's kind of  two general configurations for oxidizers you have   a straight through design it's kind of a steady  state straight through and then you have the   regenerative design which is kind of to the side  it's kind of its own thing the first few we look   at will be straight through design which means  you have air moving in One Direction You Know   unmanipulated by any sort of flow control  mechanisms other than the fans pushing it   so here this is this is called the dfdo the  direct fire thermal oxidizer pretty much is   what it sounds like you have a metallic you  know usually metallic internally insulated   chamber with a burner plumbed into it this holds  the combustion chamber at a constant temperature   around 69 degrees Fahrenheit let's say then have  a processed fan driving VLC Laden air through the   unit and it exhausts through the stack so this  is the simpler oxidizer it also uses the most   amount of energy because you're you're simply  heating up a particular you know flow rate of   gas to a temperature and then you're exhausting  it into the atmosphere without recovering any   of that that energy that heat so it's typically  used on Lower flow you know that would be lower   operational costs lower flow applications where  the process is running batches it's easy to   you know shut it down and start it off basically  just a burner and the Box heats up really quickly   it's good for high LEL processes up to about 50  LEL I'm a sea control for it you can do up to 50   because it requires so much heat for the  combustion chamber to stay at temperature again   because you're just you're releasing all that heat  so generally all these these straight through sort   of type of oxidizers we're talking about can  achieve over 99 VOC destruction if they're   designed with adequate retention time that's  always kind of a lever you know to play with   uh moving forward a little more complicated  the recuperative thermal oxidizer this is   essentially a souped-up dfto it has all  the same components only now you have a   bit of heat recovery in the form of a single or  multi-pass is usually shown through heat exchanger   so what this does is preheat the process air  using the hot combustion chamber air recovering   anywhere from 30 up to 80 percent of the total  heat of a system in a really efficient system   in this case in case of this image the four  parallel arrows here it kind of indicate   the flow path through the four pass heat  exchanger you can see it goes back and forth   this substantially reduces the fuel usage as  if you recall from that graph earlier but it   is you know significantly more expensive than  the dfto because you have the tubes tube sheets   the costly internal high temperature Expansion  Joints make sure everything's happy at high   temperature as well as you know an ambient  temperature when it cools down so this is   really it's kind of the evolution of the dfto it's  definitely been hugely popular in the past but for   the most part kind of a replaced by the RTO the  regenerative type you know just generally speaking moving on to another variation this we have  a catalytic oxidizer this is kind of just to   to showcase the Catalyst portion this is a  catalytic recuperative oxidizer so again it   has that that four pass heat exchanger but  here we have a precious metal Catalyst bed   kind of resides in the combustion  chamber it's circled in the red there   this allows for a bit lower oxidation temperature  around 550 to 800 Degrees as Brian said   rather than like 15 or 1600 degrees but it does  require custom tailing for the process it doesn't   work for certain things halogenated sulfonated  heavy metals things like that so so you need to   make sure it's you know compatible essentially but  you know what you get for for operating at a lower   combustion temperature is that you don't have  to input as much heat it's more fuel efficient   rather than operating it you know eating 5000  CFM to 1500 degrees you have to eat it too 700 so   finally I'm going to move on to the  the bread and butter the regenerative   thermal oxidizer the RTO you know and or  love or at least hopefully heard about   generally speaking is most popular it can be the  most flexible type of oxidizer available today   there's many different types of designs of  an RTO but this design has heat recovery like   the recouper of oxidizer but it operates a bit  differently from those straight through designs   and that this recovers heat on a cyclical basis  and therefore it is a lot more thermally efficient   they can achieve up to 97 thermal efficiency  generally and they come in a wide variety of   one two three up to 12 plus he could have as many  as you want essentially beds and can be designed   to accommodate very high high LEL thirty percent  think thirty percent LEL if you know what LEL   means I don't know if we explained that earlier  lower explosive limit it's essentially a indicator   of the concentration of the vocs that you have in  your Stream So 100 LEL would mean that you're at   the leanest point in which when an explosion would  would automatically Auto ignition would occur   so typically you need to stay  below 50 for any thermal oxide   and there's there's many options for these that  will that we'll go into as well but first I want   to talk a little more about just how the RTO  works so this is a typical two bed RTO kind   of the easiest to explain and then the rest are  all variations of this so so on the right here um so the two bed RTO recovers he'd be a two ceramic  media beds processors brought in below one of the   media Beds which preheats the air before entering  the combustion chamber that's number five here   then it goes down into the second bed  which then recovers heat from the air   so again the process is preheated goes through  combustion chamber at about 15 1600 degrees for   a fraction of second around a second that exits  through the second bed which removes heat from   the process so for a given cycle for the RTO  the inlet side media bed starts off very hot   and is cooled down by the incoming process error  it's at the same time the out the outlet media   bed starts out cool and is heated by the air  that just came through the combustion chamber   so the peps for the beds kind of act like a  teeter-totter sea soft depending on where you   come from where one is one bed cools the other  is heated once the beds are at their respective   kind of temperature extremes a few hundred degrees  apart your flow control device whatever that is in   the case of this image it's a it's the number  is two here it's a poppet valve mechanism the   flow control device will switch and reverse flow  through the whole system and the process starts   all over again and then your outlet bed becomes  your Inlet bed which is which is hot and then your   process absorbs heat from that so this results  in really extremely high thermal recovery really   it does require a split second of flow reversing  which in the case of this too bad allows vocs to   actually bypass the combustion chamber for  that Split Second Escape through it straight   through the stack so if you see one you have their  processed fan and then for a split second while   these two valves it points to are switching the  process essentially goes from that bottom duct up   to the top duck and out the stack for about a half  second this is why in part the RTO is typically   rated at a minimum to 98 destruction efficiency  but there are things you can do to to capture or   and or mitigate that puff entirely so that it's  over 99 effective like the other straight through   designs but anyway I want to reiterate you know  say you have ambient air coming into this thing   generally coming out for a 95 efficient thermal  oxidizer the exhaust temperature will only be 30   to 50 degrees higher than the inlet temperature  so you may have 70 degrees going in and 120   decrees coming out so that just kind of shows you  how thermally efficient these are when you have   the combustion chamber in the middle of all of it  at 1500 degrees you're really recovering a large   portion of that and that's why you know that's  why they're the norm and that's why that's why yeah they're great so excuse  me which slide is next   yeah so the different oxidizer RTO types I should  say for the regenerative oxidizer we have the   the two bed on the right it's generally  a little bit more cost effective it's for   lower flow rates generally speaking compared to  the larger they tend to be larger multi-chamer   rtos the two chamber is kind of limited to what  what you can shift easily so generally 80 90   000 scfm and it's generally standard rated at 98  destruction in terms of the multi-tower if it's   a if it's an odd number designed to three five  seven Etc that work similarly except for there's   an additional media bed which is constantly in  Purge so essentially you don't have that boc   puff every time you have you have the bed being  purse the lower all the vocs are being taken out   of that Purge bed at a low rate and then that  bed moves to outlet at the beginning of every   cycle so that there is no VOC puff it will just  go all fields use of the oxidized before exiting   the unit so anywho it's a little more tends to  be more expensive tends to be higher flow rate   but you know you can definitely do a smaller  multi-chamber RQ as well additionally you have   the rotary valve rtos typically there's  there's many different configurations but   it could be a kind of a cylinder that from  a from a plan view it kind of looks like a   a pizza pie with with triangles cutting it  and you have Inlet outlet and Purge sections   very similar to any other three chamber but the  whole the whole system kind of rotates on an axis   so an interesting time keep moving forward  here so again just reviewing factors that   influence destruction efficiency we have  the three T's retention time temperature   and turbulence but additionally I added here  the VOC puff particularly for the two chamber   quick quick retention time calc is just it's  the volume in the combustion chamber divided   by the the actual you know flow rate through  the combustion chamber at that high temperature   yeah so now talking a little bit more about  that VOC Puff I think I mentioned the puff   capture module for a two chamber effectively  makes a two chamber act similarly to a multi a   three chamber or a five chamber with a purge bed  but it doesn't you don't need an entire new not   bad for the RTO so it's this additional enclosure  and I think a little there we go that red circle   that additional box in the back the additional  pop-up valve it captures that one second of voc   puff generally sized to capture a few seconds  umto ensure you know 100 capture efficiency but   if it then reroutes that that doc puffed back to  the inlet of the unit during that cycle where it's   oxidized so here we have an example hopefully this  kind of helps those who who like seeing grass so   so we have the difference between a two chamber  standard two chamber on the left and a three   chamber or a you could say a two chamber with  a puff box on the right so the the yellow line   indicates VOC Inlet in concentration and the blue  line indicates the outlet so for the most of the   time you know you could think of Destruction  efficiency as one minus the area under the blue   curve divided by the area under the yellow curve  those spikes you see in the blue are the VOC Puffs   so every four minutes give or take depending  on how you set it up you have a VOC Spike   in the case of the three chamber or  the two chamber with puff capture   box you eliminate that Spike and you  oxidize close to 100 and so that's where that's where you can get those really high  destruction efficiencies if it's required additionally really important really cool feature  it's kind of a simple solution but works really   well I was explaining how the RTO requires very  little heat to stay at temperature right but in   the case if you have a lot of process vocs or if  you have a very variable process where you have   maybe a little VOC at the time at a time but you  have a lot you have some spikes but you have to   operate the oxidizer all the time you would want  to install podcast bypass essentially derates the   thermal recovery of the unit there's a refractory  line damper in the combustion chamber somewhere   it routes to the exhaust stack or the exhaust  manifold and it pulls hot air out of the unit   so this allows you to operate at very high lels  with RTO and anytime you're operating in this   Zone you know the RTO has enough heat to get  by what you're saying is that you know I need   to expel some and you can essentially modulate  this damper to maintain that 1600 degrees in   the combustion chamber and you don't you don't  have to use any natural gas or propane at all   so it's it's a great way to to  be if you can make your process   work for you like that all you got to  do is push air through it with your fan additionally we talked a little about flow control  that's a really crucial part of the multi-chamber   or the regenerative thermal oxidizer so there's  different ways to do it you have the poppet valve   or a standard butterfly valve you can see on the  bottom right is a large unit with butterfly valves   exhaust manifold on the right Inlet on the left  side on the bottom there but these can all be you   know pneumatic hydraulic electrical I mean pretty  much you name it Additionally the rotary valve   same thing it generally requires a purge  air fan to to kind of block and bleed in   a way that the seal all around the entire  valve so but but it works you have air   coming in through the bottom generally  it goes up into the combustion chamber   and then down again so it works like any any  other thermal oxidative or RKO I should say once again just to review the options  I kind of talked about a few but   the the puff capture module or the the third Tower  RTO these are great for you know odor problems   if you need to you know sometimes a couple  PPM is enough to set off the human nose so   that's always an option Catalyst options you can  incorporate a catalyst into an RTO as well as a   recuperative unit or a direct fired unit again  it just essentially lowers the temperature which   that you need in order for for full oxidation  instrumentation you know there's all sorts of   options with the data collection and the last one  division two you know explosion proof equipment   metallurgies for acid gas applications  you know stainless steel re2205 duplex   you know a whole host of options Linux  burners is very popular it really depends on   what state you're in let's see but lately it  seems you know most oxidizers are requiring them   and then finally we do have secondary energy  recovery for the RTO because the RTO is so   energy efficient a lot of times there's just  not much you can get out of the exhaust and   RTO because it's kind of been cooled down  by the internal system of it but on other   thermal oxidizers it's it's it's definitely  been used a lot so I'm going to hand it back   over to Brian just for a second here to  talk about secondary heat recovery options thanks Brendan great job obviously any oxidizer  especially like the dfto when you have a very high   stack temperature if you're coming in at ambient  and going out at 1500 degrees on a dfto you   have a lot of BTUs going up the stack and I know  particularly in in Europe and even in Asia energy   costs are a lot higher than here in the States but  most customers today do look at secondary energy   recovery it could be as simple as an air liquid  heat exchanger like a hot oil or glycol or even   air to water in the stack a little coil Chiller  condensers we see out west in arid climates that   makes sense for both AC air conditioning as  well as chilled water you'll see that a lot in   the printing industry the picture on the left the  very top of the unit just below the stack the big   box that's a chiller condenser system a secondary  system that was put on that RTO and that customer   had a lot of need for both AC and shield water  in the plant in the process some customers may   think that they will need a future secondary heat  exchanger we can design up a provision in there I   think most rtos can be designed for that to have  a spool piece or whatever and also if you need to   bypass the secondary heat exchanger a lot of times  you may not need all that heat for Implant heating   on air-to-air in the winter so you can bypass that  so you need to think of all those things to design   into your secondary heat recovery section and  module here in the states I know in Europe there   are potential utility Energy rebates for being  very cost efficient and energy efficient and you   always want to consider what your current energy  costs are because they're only probably going to   go up from from here so if you're going to have  this RTO round for or an oxidizer or dfto for 10   20 30 years think of your future energy costs and  try to minimize those that's very very important so I guess Mary we at the poll  question here for you here had to yeah   we're at our last question here thank you Brendan  and Brian and hopefully you guys are not confused   but if you are just remember you can shoot us a  question and even if we don't get it to it during   this presentation we will definitely get back  out to you and make sure that it's answered so   what type of thermal oxidizer if any do you have  installed at your facility and there's a couple   options there dfto catalytic oxidizer to bed RTO  multi-tower RTO and as some of you may have seen   I only have a VOC Destroyer license plate that's  probably what I have I think that's my answer but   there you go please place your answer  here and we'll take a look at the results we'll give everybody a couple seconds here there are no wrong answers right Mary correct  it's one of those easy questions for the day no   wrong answers that's right all right let's  see what we've got in terms of our results okay so we are looking at a  majority here have a two bed RTO   hey look at all those people who have the  VOC Destroyer license plate that's awesome   so then we also have just a catalytic  oxidizer and the bfto are almost in   the same percentage area so not too many  out there that have three or more towers absolutely thank you for that so to kind of  review here before we get into some examples   thermal oxidizer dues we decided we're gonna we're  gonna be optimistic here and just focus on what   you should do so besides the oxidizer for maximum  and minimum flow you know bracketing process data   this is really important I'm one of the you know  the worst things you could do is to just undersize   the unit you know it's a it's a major capital  expenditure and essentially there's not a lot   you can do you know be other than redesigning the  whole thing or putting in an additional oxidizer   it's important to to accommodate or you know  think about what what the minimum and absolute   maximum blower you're going to see again the  same goes for temperatures and VOC loadings   you don't want to you know install an  oxidizer and then find that it's kind   of starting to overheat depending on how  you run your process different times when   you you know there's there's plenty of options  to to be able to accommodate High VOC loadings   again you need to consider your  metallurgies It's always important sometimes   you know if you have some sort of a sulfinated  compound it may not be very reactive in itself you   know the oxidizer kind of likes to create it likes  to break things down and it also the byproduct of   thermal oxidation is water and it's CO2 right so a  lot of those halogens like to react with water and   create acid gases so certainly need to consider  that and that's something that you know thermal   oxidizer provider should be able to look at and  tell you what metal energy to go to again you know   future expansion this kind of goes with number one  but you definitely want to be thinking long term   locating the oxidizer close to process also can be  surprisingly important if possible or you may need   to you need to manage at least the temperature of  the duct so you have a you know process going on   at 100 degrees but you have a large a long line  of duct going to the oxidizer and that gives the   opportunity to cool down the process a bit and  condense some of those some of those compounds   it can pose an issue for the process ban for the  oxidizer as well but again yeah energy costs and   plant expansion you know I think what what Brian  and myself you know are trying to stress is that   these things you know good one the last  you know 20 years or more so you really   want to consider what you know what's the  what's the best option in the long term   in terms of you know if you if you're going to  need a slightly larger one a couple years from now   additionally you know how much money are you going  to save by getting a little bit of additional   heat recovery right now it can  really add up substantially so   yeah there's there's a lot  to consider but generally if   you stick to these dues you don't even  have to have to worry about the don'ts and moving forward I guess we have a number  of installations here the last few minutes   Brian and I will kind of run through these yeah  we have quite a few here and and at the Sega time   we'll probably go through some of these fairly  quickly but I know like Mary said this will be on   the website here the SQL certified website so you  can always come back and look at these we'll have   a bunch for rtos including multi-tower units two  three seven chamber there's a in the upper right   there's a three Tower as well as a five tower  out of stainless and then there's two small two   chamber units in the upper left so we'll try to  get through these very quickly and then show you   some examples of the dftos the direct fired and  the recuperative units recruitive uses of course   the Sean tubes typically heat exchangers in the  lower left there's a DF to In The Middle on the   lower part there's a almost a flare stack dfto  a vertical one with tangential burner firing   in the upper left recupative is in the upper  right and that has secondary heat recovery   on it and oxidizers even if you have small  Point sources they can be mounted on trailers   we and a lot of other people have done smaller  units for soil remediation as you can see on   the trailers between 500 and in 2000 CFM you can  mount typically on trailers on the lower right   we'll give you some quick examples here's three  units here three two chamber units in Korea at   a chemical intermediates plant typically  what they're doing there is acrylonitrile   and polymers is a force draft system there's  redundant fans on each of the three rtos two   of the rtos share common stack the customer  wanted this designed in but you can see   there's a collection system with the duct 95 heat  recovery and these had turbulent flow saddle media   another example here's two three Tower units  sharing a common stack with induced draft fans   this is on a spray coating and Metal Coating type  application and there's also a concentrator system   in the back of this there's typically alcohols  and toluene that they're seeing on this type of   application but again they went with induced  draft fans on this application and the three   chamber rtos are each 65 000 scfm so they have  that dedicated Purge chamber that can alternate   a structured black media these two are great  examples of point source rtos installed this   is actually installed on the roof of a client over  in Taiwan and wafer Fab facility and semiconductor   they put the larger unit in first and then built  the stack to handle the second one when they added   additional wafer Fab clean rooms those who have  97 heat recovery 99 I think 98 to 99 VOC Dre   a very low profile very good for a rooftop Mount  most of our applications and most of what you're   going to see is typically ground Mount outside  sometimes on a mezzanine sometimes in a courtyard   is this case this is a five Tower 80 3000 CFM unit  it was in a courtyard of a rubber processing plant   very tight application they still had to have  access for fire access for maintenance so this   is a long long rectangular type top plan view here  the system with the extra Purge is provided 99.3  

percent consistent Dre says 2003. also I think as  Brennan mentioned earlier you may need pre-filters   on some applications there's carbon dust in  this application tough application and rubber   processing so know if your your application  does have dust rtos will make great filters   they really do but you don't want to change that  filter media which is the ceramic media it can be   expensive and time consuming so if you do need  point source filters Upstream certainly do that   here's a typical low profile unit again  outside ground Mount this is on a web coding   type application High solvent Hot Gas bypass  because they can occasionally get up to 20 LEL   and again just low profile so you want everything  that's accessible pretty much from the grade   here we'll try to wake you up a little bit  with Halloween this is not a haunted RTO this   is just a we've had some special effects with  a nighttime shot of a roof mounted unit and a   flexo printing and packaging plant and again this  has multiple processes going into one Central RTO   so they had individual fans pushing up from each  process and this RTO does have an AC drive like   most of our units have which you'll see I think  with any RTO so it automatically will throttle   back if you're only running one one press or if  you're running all eight presses into the unit   99 destruction low profile which works  out well for a rooftop application this is a typical rotary valve or indexing valve  type RTO cylindrical type design with the media   the burner is on top and the Dome this is a  system that one of our our secret China Saudi   group put in in China the indexing valve is on  the lower portion and you can see that there's   an access to it there's a separate Purge fan  on that to keep positive pressure on the seals   the valves there's basically no valve it's  just that indexing valve at the bottom or   we're indexing a device there's 12 heat  recovery sectors if you looked at a top   plan view so it looks like cutting a piece of  pie or a piece of round pizza into 12 shapes   so that gets 99 destruction and 95 heat recovery  there's a low profile unit typically even in   larger sizes is 70 000 CFM it's on a particular  stream so there's reverse air dust collectors   ahead of it it's on a Foundry casting line so you  will get some sand dust that does carry through   so formaldehydes Benzene alcohols that's  typically what what this application is seen   run and I'll let this over to you  now with the cast and trader here I think that we probably are going to need to get  ourselves to a couple questions here but just for   everyone there are some additional examples here  the PDF of the slides is available over to the   right in that resources area so you can definitely  take a look through the rest of the examples there   and if you have any questions again shoot them off  to us and we will definitely get back to you on   them and I do want to thank Brendan and Brian for  joining us today and doing this presentation and   thank all of you for joining us we know your time  is valuable we have let's try and do two questions   here real fast and just a reminder to everybody  you need to be here for at least 50 minutes of   the presentation and you need to complete the quiz  that's over on the right hand side let me show you   the widget here so down here take a look at those  last two widgets the second to last is where you   test the last one is where you make sure tha


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