A Conversation with the Women of America - Panel 1

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Well, I want to welcome everyone, my name is Kelly Sadler, and I'm director of surrogates, and coalition outreach here at the White House I want. To thank you all for attending, this, is a continuing. Series that we're doing I'm listening, to you, know the women in America and, having conversations. Learning, what concerns, you and how this administration, can confront your concerns head-on not only confront them but solve them, as, you know women are not a special interest group we. Represent. 53 percent of the electorate and we care about a hundred, percent of the issues to be, a feminist means, you can pursue whatever life. You want to whether, that's a stay-at-home mom whether that's pursuing, a full-time career whether. That's going into public you know public life into politics, whether, that's becoming a caregiver you should have the opportunity, to pursue your dreams and that's, what we here at the Trump administration want. To encourage you to do we, are going to be listening to all types of women today their. Concerns and confronting, their concerns, on three panels the first of which is an economic panel, the. Second we're going to talk about health care and opioids, and lastly. We're going to wrap up with national security, and public policy, everything. Of which you know concerns, you and your everyday life we will be doing another one of these events in March and, where we'll be looking at the International perspective and, foreign policy, but. Right now I would, love to you. Know bring to the stage our press secretary Sarah. Sanders, Ivanka. Trump, our. Secretary. Of Transportation Elaine. Chao and our, SBA administrator Linda. McMahon. Give. Everybody a second, to get seated good afternoon, thank. You all so much for being here I'm. Mostly. Excited, because. I'm. Not answering, any of the questions during this session and I. Get to help. Moderate, which is a nice change of pace for me I'll take. Those tough questions later today so, I'm. Very happy to tag in some, of the brightest, and best that, the administration, has as. The president, has said we are all focused, on making, our economy a place where women can work succeed, and thrive like, never before, the president, has empowered so many women throughout his career in the private sector and now, he's doing that here at the White House I'm, excited to be joined here on stage by several of those women now they. Need no introduction, but, because. I'm. Here, and you guys aren't I'm gonna give one anyway because it's my chance to brag on, some. Of the administration's. Finest, I'll, start with Ivanka, Trump who is an advisor to the president, in her, role she focuses, on the education, and economic, empowerment of women and, families as well, as job creation and economic growth, through workforce development skills. Training, and entrepreneurship. Which. Given her success, in business is something she obviously knows, a lot about in addition, to being one of the most successful women in the administration. She, also happens, to be the president's, daughter and because. Of that it has led to her getting all of the most glamorous, assignments. Around here, for. Instance, instead of traveling, all over Asia with the president, late last year on Air Force One, she was riding Amtrak, up and down the eastern. Along. The eastern seaboard to sell tax reform, and it, obviously worked, because, every member of Congress. Because. Every member of Congress, that she engaged with, ended up voting for the biggest tax cut in American history and ensured, that the child tax credit, would help all families in, addition. To being successful in business Ivanka, and her husband Jared have three incredible, young children. And. I can personally vouch for because. My kids are of similar ages and hers, are far better behaved, so I think I think I may see if I can work out a deal and send my kids to a. Jared. Ivanka's house in, all seriousness she's one of the most, successful. Women not just in the administration. But in the country, and it's, a true honor for, us to have her here at the White House to, help lead on a number of issues and with that I'll turn it over to Ivanka. Present. Your, children are much much better behaved. It. Is incredible. To be here today with this, great, group of women business owners, entrepreneurs thought. Leaders from across the country and to sit alongside this, formidable group, of women who represent this. Great, administration, I am. Excited. To engage with each of you in a substantive discussion, about it how this administration is. Empowering, women to, succeed in the American, economy and around, the globe. Domestically. We have been prioritizing, our administration's. Working family agenda, with, the goal of ensuring that all Americans.

Succeed. In the modern economy, this. Agenda includes, workforce development and, job training as well. As family-friendly, legislation. And policies, all, of which are critical to this mission. To. Ensure that Americans, from, students, to those that are in mid or late career have, the skills necessary to, secure well-paying jobs, this. Administration. Has been investing. Deeply, in our country's, most valuable, assets the, American people we. Recognize, that there are many paths to family sustaining jobs outside. A four-year college and, therefore. We have been focused on expanding access to apprenticeship. Technical, education, and workforce, training programs. We. Will continue, this push in the months to come through. Both legislative. And executive actions. Last. Fall the, President issued a presidential memorandum directing. The, Department of Education, to prioritize, computer, science, and STEM education in. Our schools, grades, K through 12 there, by aligning, the skills being taught in the classroom with. The jobs in demand in the modern economy. We. Were joined in this mission by the private sector which announced, a contribution, of more than 350, million dollars for. Youth STEM, education. While. Workforce, initiatives, are important, to all Americans as. We, embark on this fourth Industrial, Revolution it. Is critical, to ensure that, women are not left behind, for. Example, while, women represent, 47. Percent of the overall u.s. workforce they, make up only 13%, of, Engineers, and 21%. Of tech, sector employees, it, is, essential, that we reverse this trend and that, women cease to be underrepresented, in, these well-paying, and fast-growing. Sectors, of the economy we. Are committed to doing just that. One. Month ago as Sara reference, Congress. Passed the, tax cuts and job act and President, Trump signed, the bill into law. This. Was a historic. Milestone for, America, American. Families, American. Workers and American, industry. And the, economy as a whole, we. Are starting, to see more, of the impact of the tax plan already, even prior to it, fully being implemented. More. Than a hundred companies have, pledged to give bonuses, increase. Wages and invest, in their ploy employees. As a result, of the tremendous savings. That. They will have under the new tax law. These. Tax cuts are for American, workers and hard-working, parents and now, they, will be able to keep more of their hard-earned paychecks. In, addition. To doubling, the standard deduction a central. Component, of the tax plan is expanded, child tax credit, doubling. To. $2,000. Per child and a new dependent, care tax credit, also. Very critically, we maintained, as part of this new tax plan imported. Credits for American, families such, as the child and dependent Care Credit and, the adoption credit. Many. Elements, of our working family, agenda are realized through tax reform as we, are empowering, American. Families, to thrive, further. We, are working with members of Congress on, both sides of the aisle and thought, leaders, across this country many, of which are in this room today to. Build strong coalition's, of support for. A national paid, family leave program, this. Is essential, and long overdue. We. Must recognize the changing, composition of. Our American, workforce in. Which all parents, work in the vast majority of American, homes and support. Both work and family. Finally. We are committed, to fueling, American entrepreneurship, and innovation, women. Especially, minority, women are, the fastest-growing, category of, small business owner through.

Tax Reform small. Businesses, will now pay the lowest, tax rate in, over, 80 years. Through. Incredible programs, such, as those that, Administrator, McMahon has at the Small Business Administration and. Across government, we are eliminating barriers, to, women in accessing, capital networks. And mentorship, for. Example SBA, land will own businesses, a hundred, and twenty million dollars, more last. Year compared. To the year prior, our. Commitment, to the economic, empowerment of women stands. Throughout the globe through. Incredible initiatives. With the State Department, USAID and. Other agencies. As well as domestic, and international partners, such as the World Bank Group with, which we launched the women's entrepreneur, finance initiative, last July to, support women entrepreneurs, in the developing world it's. An honor to be here today to talk about our deep commitment to empowering, women in their faith and, I, thank you for joining me and engaging in this conversation thank. You. Thank. You. Linda. McMahon serves as the administrator. Of the US Small Business Administration. And, like Ivanka, she had one of the and, still has one of the more glamorous jobs, which, I know she loves, and, we're so proud and thankful to have her she, played an. Important. Role in the process of getting the, tax legislation passed. And will continue pushing. For that as a member of President Trump's, cabinet she advocates, on behalf of the 30 million small, businesses, in America and makes, sure entrepreneurs. Have the support, and tools they need to start grow, and succeed in, business prior. To joining the Trump administration she. Had the perfect, job to, prepare, her to wrestle, with the media and fight, on behalf of America's, small businesses, as she was the founder and CEO of World, Wrestling Entertainment a few of you a few of you got that joke some of you will get it a little later but. Administrator. McMahon knows a lot about how to help grow and empower small business, since she helped grow hers from, a 13-person. Regional. Operation. To a publicly, traded global, enterprise with more than 800 employees, in, offices, worldwide she. And her husband Vince have two adult, children and, six, grandchildren which. I'm sure she. Spoils, a lot. So, with that I will turn it over to administrator, McManus, thank, you thank you very much it, really is a great honor to be here and to be share the dais of, a secretary Chao and with Ivanka, whom I have close relationships, with and we really. Enjoy getting out into doing, our glamorous, jobs and Elaine, will get to wear hardhats more, often than we do. It. It, really is an honor and this is a great opportunity for us to talk a little bit today about what. This White House has done to ensure, economic. Opportunity. For all and especially, for women women. Are the primary breadwinners. In more than 40, percent of, households, and the. Tax reform I'm signed into law by President Trump, last month will, help put, more money into those paychecks and probably. No, one on in, this room did more to get the tax reform passed and Ivanka but, especially. Focusing. On the child care and the child tax credits, that's really been, no pun intended her, baby and she. Really, innovated, that and really pushed hard for it. As. Head of the US Small Business Administration, I've. Had the privilege of meeting with small business, owners all over the country including many. Women, entrepreneurs, they. Find that owning their own business is, a terrific, way for them to secure, their own financial. Future for, themselves to. Provide for their families and to exercise their, commitment, to their communities, it's. Rewarding but. There are also a lot, of responsibilities. As an. Entrepreneur, myself I can tell you it's tough chasing. Leads and managing cash flow and, worrying about things like payroll, often. Sacrificing. Your own paycheck, so, your employees can get paid I bet there are a lot of women in this room that are entrepreneurs look I see a lot of heads shaking nodding.

And, Tax. Reform, is especially, good news for women entrepreneurs, who. Will soon have more money, to reinvest in their businesses, the. Latest research shows that women not only owned, 11.6. Million. Businesses. In the United States now think about eleven point six out, of about twenty, nine point, six, million. Small. Businesses, in total, they. Employ nearly, nine million workers. Women-owned. Businesses, provide, more than 290, 3 point 1 billion, dollars in wages. And salaries, to employees and, contribute. To and this is an impressive number one, point seven, trillion. Dollars, in sales to, our national, economy. Congratulations. Ladies that's a recovered. Nearly. 48%. Of women-owned, firms cited. Taxes, as, a factor, that impacted. Their profitability, so the new tax reform, policy, we're definitely going, to help that and it, was spearheaded, by President, Trump and, will make businesses, more profitable. And successful, and. This administration is, also working very hard to. Help women entrepreneurs have. An easier, time managing. Their businesses, by, cutting, so many of the wasteful, and expensive. Regulations. That hamper job growth you know when the president first. Came into office you, know, his directive, was for, every new regulation, you wanted you had to get rid of too well. He kind of went over that so, it was 22, to 1 so. 22. To 1 regulations. And. We're on a positive. Trajectory for, a significant. Economic, prosperity. Saving. Small businesses, over. 8.1. Billion. Dollars. In regulatory. Costs, think, about that you could take that 8.1. Billion dollars, and put it back into your business to. Grow your business hire. More people open. More offices, all, of those things tax. Reform, getting rid of the regulations, this is a lot, of money that is going back to our entrepreneurs. Last. Year the SBA provided. Training and coaching to nearly, a hundred and fifty, thousand, individuals, through, our women's business centers located. In communities, across, the nation and I'm, excited, about the future for women business, owners as America. Becomes the. Best place to start, and, operate. A business, in the entire world thank, you. Last. But, certainly not, least secretary. Elaine Chao the US Secretary of Transportation. Secretary. Chao is the second. Time serving, our nation as, part of the president's, cabinet only, one of two women to ever do so in our country's, history she. Previously served as the US Secretary of Labor from 2001. To January. Of 2009. And is the first Asian American woman, to be appointed to the president's, cabinet in American, history, her. Exemplary, career, which is also includes. Successful. Stents a CEO of United, Way of America and, director, of the Peace Corps is rivaled. Only by her inspiring personal, story she, arrived in America at the age of eight speaking, no English and, became, a US citizen at, the age of 19, earned, an economics, degree from, Mount Holyoke College and, an MBA from Harvard, she, has since received 36. Honorary, Doctorate, degrees and has been a distinguished, fellow at the Heritage Foundation and. The Hudson Institute and if, all of that wasn't, enough she's. Also married to someone most of you may have heard of majority. Late majority leader. Of the United States Senate Mitch, McConnell with, that secretary, Chao. Well. Thank you all so much for being here and I love being here with Ivanka, and of course Linda, McMahon. Before. I start, I want to introduce you to four, women for women. Leaders at the Department of Transportation who, are currently, leading four, of the major modes, one is not here, because she's in Detroit but let me introduce Jane. Williams head. Of the Federal Transit Administration, James stand up let everybody see you.

Hidy, King is the Acting Administrator for, National, Highway Transportation Safety, Administration she's. In Detroit for the Detroit Auto Show but. We have Cathy Kudrow who's, the acting chair. For Federal Motor Carrier Safety, Administration from. Louisiana, and. Then. We have brandy Hendrickson, Acting. Administrator, for, Federal, Highway Administration from. Indiana, I. Am. So proud of them and they're providing great leadership, well. Since President, Trump, was, elected, America, stock market, economy. Job. Creation and, capital, investments, have all taken, off from. The very beginning, this president, has made America's. Economy and workers, his, top priority. Transportation. Infrastructure, plays, a vital, role in all of this it's a backbone, of the economy and connects. People with, essential. Services, such as jobs education. Health. Care it. Also boosts, our country's, global. Competitiveness. By. Increasing, productivity, across. Industries. And. Increasing. Our quality, of life but. Today our nation's, infrastructure, is aging we're. Seeing increased, congestion Xand our roads and in our airspace and, by, some estimates, delays. And lost, fuel, cost. Our country's about a hundred, and sixty billion. Dollars annually. Our. Ports, inland. Waterways, and public, transit systems are also, in need of refurbishing, if our. Country, is to remain competitive. And, produce. Good jobs the. Infrastructure. Must, be addressed well. We have a president, who, is a builder. And he, understands. Our country's, infrastructure. Needs and so. That is why the, White House has proposed, a plan to, revitalize, and, rebuild, our critical. Infrastructure, the. Proposal, calls for a trillion dollars, in infrastructure. Investments. Over. The next 10 years and, it, calls, upon 17. And federal, agencies, to all work together. Transportation. Is only one part of the, infrastructure, proposal. There's, also water, energy. Broadband. Veterans. Hospitals, rural. America, and transformative. Technologies. These. Are all other. Parts, of this very. Vital, infrastructure. Proposal, as, you. Have heard, regulatory. Reform, is another. Very, key, part of the infrastructure, and. Our. Department. And departments. Throughout the federal government are making. A great, deal of headway in reducing. The regulatory burden. On families, and, job creators, so. Just in the Department of Transportation for example, early. In 2017. We. Launched, reforms, to reduce unnecessary. Duplicate. Of and overly, burdensome, rules, and regulations, we. All care about the, environment and protecting, the public, but when, regulations. Are duplicative, and they. Are. Overly. Burdensome, they, don't perform the. Job they, don't help what, they're supposed to be doing so, in addition the. Department is simplifying. And streamlining the. Permitting and approval, processes, for, new infrastructure, and here. Are some real-world, examples. That, demonstrate why. Permitting. Reforms, are needed in. 1936. It, took only five, years to. Build the massive, Hoover. Dam by. Comparison. An additional. Runway, at Taos. New Mexico. Just. Recently, took. 19. Years, to complete because, of permitting, and approval, process. That's. Not that's, not the worst of it I went. To visit Alaska in August, of 2017. Where. The Department. Of Transportation. Was, finally, able to announce that another federal agency. Cleared, the way for a, new road called. Stirling, highway to. Be built among. Other things this. Road will provide year-round. Access, to medical, care for. A small, remote, Alaska. Alaskan. Community, it. Took 35 years, to get that approval. America. Cannot, afford these, delays and costs, they. Not only impact, economy. But. Also the, quality of life and so.

The Department, has already made significant. Process progress. In implementing. The. President's. Directive. To cut red tape and, regulatory. Costs. So, under this president, this administration. Costs. Associated. With, new Department. Of Transportation, regulations. Are, now, negative. It's, a minus. 317. Million dollars in, 2017. And will. Be -. 500. Million in 2018. So. We are actually saving. Taxpayers. Nearly eight hundred million, dollars, in unnecessary. Burdensome. Regulations. Just. In, 2017. And 2018. Alone. But. What that means is, that, the. Government is. Off. Our backs and that. People. Real. Americans, are able to carry on their lives take, care of their families, and have. The freedom that they, need to do so let. Me close by emphasizing that, safety, is, always. The. Department's, top priority, in, 2016. Over. 37,000. People died in motor vehicle crashes and, that is why this administration. Is also. Encouraging. The, development, of new safety. Technology. We. Want to spare families, this, tragedy, and improve. The quality of life for communities. All across America. So, with that I am so glad to see all of you thank, you so much for braving this cold weather to be with us but, it's gonna be a wonderful, afternoon thanks, again. Thank. You secretary, Chao and as I said when we first started. We. Were gonna let our very. Great. Panel, here, take, a few questions which I'm really excited about, letting. Them take that role for the. Next little bit and so I'm going to move over to some of the, extended. Panel they're on the end and we'll, take a few questions from, them and. Maybe. There, we go and since. You're on the end and closest, how about I start, with you and. I'm. My. Name is Sharron, LaValle and I'm from, Atlanta Georgia and. I had a question. About. The. New tax reform, bill, how will, it spark, the economy. Thank. You for being here with us and. Contributing. To this dialogues, we, appreciate, it so. I, think, first and foremost when when we think about the framework for what we wanted, to accomplish, through long. Overdue, tax. Reform we, wanted, to provide. True. Tax, relief to middle income families, and we, wanted to enable American. Businesses, to be competitive in, a global landscape. Additionally. We wanted to simplify. Cumbersome. And. Outdated. And. And. Overweight. With special, interest, tax, code and I'm sure, all of you know exactly what I'm talking about given, the knobs but. In. In. Thinking through how how, we were going to really fuel economic growth and you, specifically, asked about about. The business side if you think about the rest of the developed world and what their tax rates are relative, to ours in America. Under, the. Previous, tax code our rate, was at 35%, making us the highest. Next corporate. We had the highest corporate. Tax in the whole of the developed world so just intuitively, when you think about, encouraging. Economic, investment. When businesses. Are contemplating. Where to locate and certainly, you know as as people, are coming into the economy leaving. Schools the, the world is a lot smaller than it used to be and there's. A lot of mobility that people have and and a, lot of thought goes into where, they choose to locate and we want them to be locating right here in this country so, we're going to be creating, the environment through. This legislation, coupled. With what, administrator, McMann mentioned, about, aggressive. Deregulation. To, really. Take. The brakes off the, American economy. American, entrepreneurs, and American innovation and we think that those two things will, really. Encourage, businesses, to invest here, and then ultimately create. What we're looking for which is increased productivity, increased. Profitability, for, those businesses, so, they're invest back into their workforce, help, us grow wages, and create, jobs and opportunities, for all Americans and, we're, starting to see that bear through fruit, just through, administrative. Actions but with, tax reform kicking. In we're gonna see a whole lot more of it and I think companies the. Optimism, we're, seeing from them in, with. Just the announcement, of a comprehensive, tax, reform having, been passed has, led to over a hundred businesses.

Already. Stepping. Up to the plate and investing, back in their workforces, in the form of bonuses, in some, cases such. As last, week the country's largest employer, offering. Their, workers, expanded. Paid, maternity, and paternal, paternity. Leave so. We're, we're very excited to a whole lot more of that. Do. We have any other questions, from this group now that I've put Sharon on the spot and she went first she broke the ice for the crowd also just for the crowds benefit, the. What, I give, a little background most, of these ladies are small, business owners members. Of state legislative, bodies but. If you guys don't mind if you could introduce yourself on the front end and tell us a little bit about yourself. Hi I'm state senator Lisa, Baker from the 20th, district, in northeastern. Pennsylvania I, represent. Five counties, in, the, northern part of the state. I'm. Shaina Greenwood, I am from, Greensboro, North Carolina and I'm an administrative, assistant. I'm. Bud Northland, managing. Partner for the Outback Steakhouse in, Maryland. Okay. I'm. I'm. State senator camera. Bartolotta I represent, southwestern. Pennsylvania. Three. Different counties I've been a business owner for thirty years. I also, you're singing my song with the regulation, because in Pennsylvania, we have some of the toughest and we'll. Talk later because, I've got a history with some professional, wrestlers, with a film so we'll go there so. I'm loving this panel but my question, is as a business, owner of thirty years what. Is it that this new tax reform is going to do to help small, business, owners specifically. There. We go from. Small businesses because I've been out touring, the country and I've. Been to about 31 states now and I've have, been to about half of the SBA district, offices, and, what I've heard and I've had conducted business roundtables. And toured small businesses, during that time and. What I heard from every, small business owner, was that. If I get. A tax cut I'm, going to take that money I'm going to reinvest, it in my business either I will hire.

More Employees I'll, be able to raise wages I can provide more benefits I, can, open a new location, whatever. That is that money, in the pocket for those business, owners and so, therefore this tax reform package you. Know not only, for. You know a lot of the pass-through companies, capping, that at the twenty five percent rate but each tax bracket, just like all, tax payers will. Result. In reduction, in taxes, paid and. It's just an incredible. Boost you, know to. To. Our small business owners and so, I'm pleased. See that we have. Entrepreneurs. Who are stepping up to the plate as Ivanka, mentioned the enthusiasm. For. This tax reform package and the optimism, that's in the country and from SBA's, perspective. First. Quarter, of fiscal. 2018. Versus, the prior quarter we were up 18 percent, in guaranteed. Loans to small businesses for startups, which is an incredible, indicator, of you, know where our businesses, are going to continue, to grow, so. For our for. Our small businesses this is this is a great lift you know for them and, we're. Looking forward to to, seeing more of them start. Income. So, that, is amazing. In and of itself so from, 20%. Of. Their. Income they can deduct from from taxable revenue so, very, very, exciting, and obviously I mentioned, before that these will be the lowest tax rate small businesses, will have enjoyed and, in. A little bit over 80 years so, by, leveling, the playing field, for small business, owners, it. Will be essential, for further, continued, growth and prosperity another. Element of the tax plan that I think is going to be, very. Beneficial for all business owners especially, small, business owners is a hundred, percent expensing, of major. Capital, investment so, non structure, capital, investment. Investments. And that's really huge huge. If you think about and what are we trying to accomplish we're, trying to enable productivity. We're trying to encourage people to invest back, into their businesses, into. Their workforce and into their businesses, and to do that they need to upgrade so, just like we have deteriorating. Infrastructure, in this country we, also have. Deteriorating. Capabilities, in our plants, and our manufacturing facilities. Our farm equipment so, for small business owners to know that they'll be able to get immediate. Deducting. Of a hundred percent of that expenditure for five years and then tapering off thereafter, I think, it's going to create an enormous amount of investment, into. American. Business and be very beneficial for our small business owners thank. You do we have a question, for secretary chow, I'll mix it up since we're kind of walking down the line plus, it's really fun to get to be in charge of the panel because I'm used to having questions shouted, at me so, I'm kind, of getting into this so we may go a little long just because this is fun, panelist. And let them introduce themselves. Again. I'm Sharon Laval and I'm a jewelry, store owner, of over 20 years in, the Atlanta, area so. I'm estatic about the tax reform bill. That. Would. Send, some people your way my. Secret, skill matchmaking. Since. Sarah gave me a lovely plug, it's called, Dunwoody, diamonds. Hi. Margaret Dayton I am a senator, from the state of Utah, educated. And worked as a registered nurse and then by choice a stay-at-home, mom, for a number of years before being elected to the Utah Legislature. I will. Save my question, until everybody has a chance to be introduced but can I just say how delighted. I, am to be here with you ladies and want to thank you for your contributions. To, making, America to the greatness of America, and for all you do for women and the families they love we appreciate, that. Hi. I'm Jan Jones from Jackson, Georgia, I'm a full-time mommy of, two amazing children and I'm.

Also The founder of a nonprofit animal rescue. Great. Rayna. Casey from, Georgia, Lana Georgia, I'm, a 40. Year on. To her small. Business owner now, mostly, retired, so. But I'm so. Happy and so grateful for, all of you ladies and for our fantastic, president. Thank. You Amy. Sanderson from Utah, entrepreneur. That grew a healthcare technology company and sold it a few years back I became an angel investor, and also a contributor, for Forbes and I. Also run a foundation that encourages young people to go, after entrepreneurship. As a way to become self-reliant great. Hi. I'm Shannon Perrin, I'm from Marietta Georgia, I work. In the insurance field I run an insurance firm for, nine years and, my husband and I have six children, I. Actually. Have mentioned I was just in Detroit and. Chrysler. Fiat, made. An announcement. That. Because, of the president's, tax cut, they. Were going to move. 2,000. Jobs from, Mexico. To the. United States, and they, were giving, two thousand, dollar bonuses. To. Their employees, because. They. Now as. Administrator. McMann mentioned, they now have more money. They. Can give it in increased. Salaries, increased benefits, it can bring jobs back so, this is just one not. A small company a large company, who. Has now made this a very, very, big step because, of the president's, tax cut so they're gonna bring back 2,000, jobs from, Mexico, to America. So. Sarah would like us to ask questions of secretary, Chao and I'm glad to would you like to speak more to how this new tax reform, will, generate more taxable, income you've mentioned some but if you want to speak more I'm sure we're all interested in that well. I think you, know our economy. In. 2009. It went into the recession and it, took a long time to come back part. Of that was the confidence, factor as well with, this president, who, is well, established in, the private sector, who knows about business the, stock market, the economy, the job, creators, have, faith that. He, will lead the economy in a very robust, positive, way that is why we are seeing unemployment. Rate down to its lowest level for from 1% we. Are also seeing, productivity. Increases, we're, on track to being hitting. 3.0. You, know basically, 3%, GDP growth, all, of this means that. Americans. Will become more prosperous we, can have more money in our own pockets, we can take better care of our, families, so, when. We have this. Kind of tax reform where.

We Were the third, largest. Overall. Taxation. Rate personal. Plus corporate, number. One in corporate, but number of three and personal, and corporate tax, rates and to, bring it down to 20% it, is, an amazing. Accomplishment, and also. The fact that it was done in basically six months, in. 1986. When. Tax reform was done then it, took two years, so. This is a president, that wants to see results, he, demands it and he wants it for America and for all of us. Thank. You secretary Chao we've, got as, much fun as I'm having. Doing. This part, of the process, we've got time for one more question, so if, we've got one last question here. Thank. You I'd like to follow up on your. Questions. And your comments about. Inspiring. And encouraging, young. Women to pursue careers. Non-traditional. Careers, in stem. Related, technologies. You mentioned some, of what the administration has. Been doing but could, you share a little bit more about that the vision and the goal I think. We all know that to be competitive we need young people especially. Young women to pursue that, so if you could share that we'd appreciate it thank you could you remind me of your name hi. Lisa, so. We, are as an administration, deeply. Committed to ensuring, that all. Americans, have the skills they need to succeed so this is starts. In our classrooms, and, really continues. With lifelong, learning to ensure that. Workers who are displaced, or. With the rise of automation, cease. To have a job that there's. An opportunity in a path for them to be retrained, and. To, be, able to, create. To. Be able to re-enter the workforce in, a meaningful capacity. And. With a good-paying job so, on every front we're committed to this and and as we look out over the horizon and, we see where. There is opportunity and, where there's increasing opportunity, STEM. Fields are, becoming ever critical, and evermore important, and when. You think about this, through the lens of gender women. Have fought very. Hard to. To. Get to where they are today and there's still much more work to be done but, I'm actually concerned. That we start to make negative, progress, in terms, of closing the gender wage gap if, we continue, to be so underrepresented, in, the fields. That are so promising, and offer. The. Most, high growth and, highest. Wages so we're, making a big push both for our younger students and. For. Those following, a technical education apprenticeship. Track, for. Inclusion. And. To ensure that women are equally represented and, minorities, are are, equally, represented in, this field so part of it is early, exposure so. In the presidential. Memorandum, that directed, the Department of Education, to prioritize. Stem and computer science education there, was also guidance issued that, ensured. That, these, programs and, these grants were designed, with, racial, and gender diversity. Mind so, we think it's very very important, to be thinking about this at. An early age to, get young girls engaged. In these STEM fields and, we're very committed to doing that and we think it's it's critical, to. Filling those jobs that, are are currently, vacant, so while we have very low unemployment rate, we also have the highest number, of vacant. Jobs on record, in several decades so, there are close to six million jobs today that are going unfilled and in, large part it's due to the skill gap where. People don't have the. Skills aren't, geographically. Located where, the jobs are and I'm not talking four-year college so, high. School or basic, or. Some, post-secondary education. So we're looking to, to. Realign, those. Students, and those. Young Americans and, and mid-career and older Americans with, with the vacant jobs. Thank. You so much sorry. I. Might, get confused a bill or an, executive order I think it was a bill put forth by senator, Ernst, that. The president was encouraging, women who graduate with. Their degree in the stem or engineering, that, they practice, in that field so many women graduate. With those degrees and yet they'll take a job doing. Something else so, we want to encourage, women, not only early. Exposure, majoring. In those fields but then when you get out and you've you've, got it in hand you know push forth push. Forth you know for yourselves and go after those jobs in practice and those jobs because we need that we've, been finding that and and, much. Research, backs. The fact that more, than 50%. Of the people graduating. With stem degrees and women, graduating, with stem degrees don't go into STEM related fields. When. There. Is an apprenticeship, experience, and when. People get, learn. While you earn, training. And experience, through, their education, they're, much much more likely to actually enter those fields so creating, the connection, between real. Work, opportunity. And education. Again very, essential so we're very working, very closely with the Department of Labor with.

The. Department. Of Education, to ensure there's that seamless, connection, so that people learning STEM skills see, a path towards, a, meaningful, career. Also. This, is not just a government issue I think, all of us who, are thought leaders and leaders in our community, if we see some young women we, should be encouraging them to explore, their you. Know potential. And really, explore all types, of occupations, including those, in the STEM fields. Thank. You so much even. Though we are having a great time I promised, that I would get us out on time I know a lot of you have very busy schedules but. Thank you so much to our panel, and all, of the members that helped ask questions, and certainly, to all of you who attended and we, look forward to continuing, to work with you on, behalf of the Trump administration to. Empower. Women and, to, drive that message more, and more every, single day and again thank you so much for being here and thank you to our great panel.


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