Many people are wondering how to configure Windows in such a way as to squeeze out maximum performance and at the same time preserve all the functions of Windows - the system is universal and loaded with various functions that most users will never need, at the same time they consume a lot of resources. In this video I will show one of the most effective scenarios optimization of Windows 10 which is suitable for most users, regardless of what the computer is used for, games and work tasks, after completing all the settings, the system will breathe easier and thank you for the finished optimized system. You can download it on my channel in Buk, I’ll leave the link in the description So Let’s not delay and get down to business, of course it’s better to start by installing a clean original image and then move on to optimization, but as it turned out, this option is not acceptable for everyone, so I won’t reinstall anything, and before I start optimizing, I’ll remove all the accumulated garbage and outdated ksh I press the Windows key combination R and enter the command percentage [music] in the process, one of the folders in which temporary files are hidden will open, most of these files are deleted automatically when the operation is completed, but in case of failures and incorrect shutdowns of the computer, processes remain unfinished, as a result, temporary files are not deleted and can grow to incredible volumes, and this can significantly reduce the speed of individual applications and the operating system as a whole, so I select the entire contents of the Ctrl A combination and delete it if during deletion the system displays an error notification I press skip this happens because some temporary files are being used right now and it will not be possible to delete them [music] after that I close everything again, press the Windows R key combination and write just Tempo is exactly the same, but without the percent sign, I click OK and in this folder we also select everything and get rid of it. After that, I will delete outdated system update files, for this I go to the local drive C, then scroll down the Windows folder And go to the folder named Software distribution, then the folder DL here contains system update files and they can also reach several gigabytes. I already have the latest version of Windows installed, so I feel free to delete it, after that I go back to the Windows folder And go to the folder under named P, this folder contains data about all applications that have ever been launched, including those that were deleted from the computer long ago. By deleting all the contents of this
folder, I will also free up a significant amount of disk space, and the applications that I currently use will automatically add the necessary ones to this folder upon first launch. changes at this point, Windows startup will slow down a little, but all subsequent loading of the operating system will happen much faster, then I go to disk cleanup, to do this, on the desktop, in the search, type disk cleanup and select the disk C I select all the items and clean up the system files; you don’t have to worry about important files; you don’t need to delete the operating system. Yes, it can take a lot of time, depending largely on the characteristics of the computer. But there will be a noticeable increase in free space on the system disk; you should also note that by selecting the Windows installation item, the folder under name Windows, which usually weighs more than 10 GB, the next step is to check and possibly delete some of the recovery points; for this, in the search, write the creation of a recovery point in the list that appears, make sure that on the opposite drive C in the protection line the status is assigned enabled, I go to the configure tab, the current use of disk protection from all old recovery points is indicated in my case, 13 GB is used, the numbers will be different for everyone depending on the time and intensity of use of the operating system, just press delete, press [music] continue after that If you need a protective system let's create it again, select a range around 10%, click apply, then I will create a new recovery point, click create, write any arbitrary name [music] apply, then proceed to clearing the explorer history To do this, you need to open any folder, select the file tab, change parameters change search parameters and where privacy click clear next step I will delete the entire Windows 10 store cache for this in the search bar you need to write [music] cmd I run as administrator and in the black window I enter the command after the completed actions another window will open at first glance it may seem that nothing happens, you need to wait until the Windows store opens, then I move on to clearing the DNS cache, which contains all the IP addresses of sites ever visited. Over time, some site pages may does not open correctly, one of the common reasons is outdated DNS data, I press the Windows R key combination in the window that opens, I write cmd in the command line, I enter the command and press Enter, after that the message cache comparison should appear, then I proceed to clearing the location log, for this, in the search, I write clear the location log, scroll down And here you need to click on clear. In my case, this function is turned off and the log has already been cleared for the correct operation of the browser and so that web pages opened properly , it is necessary to periodically clear the cache in the browser itself, now using Yandex as an example, I will show how this is done in other browsers, the process may differ only in the location of menu items, but the principle remains the same in the upper right corner, click on the hidden menu And go to the tab history click clear history time range set to For all time ook files are also better to delete, but here it is important to remember that when you delete them, you will automatically exit all accounts that exist [music] Therefore, if don’t remember logins and passwords, it’s better to leave it as the next step. I’ll clear all
the unnecessary cache that arrives with engraver updates on the video card. If the card is from NVIDIA, in the search we write the percentage and the date percentage, press Enter, go to the Local tab, scroll [music] down, select the NVIDIA folder, then the GH folder I delete everything , I return to the Local folder, I go to the Temp folder and I delete All contents with video cards, hell it’s still easier, just go to Finish Soft Adrenaline select the settings home page and the graphics tab, then the advanced section and select reset the shader cache and the final step is to remove the remaining garbage using the system itself, for this I go to start, then the system parameters, select memory and wait for the analysis to finish, go to temporary files, select what I want 100% not necessary [music] I’m getting rid of this; the full-scale destruction of all unnecessary evil spirits is completed and you can safely move on to the system settings and I'll start with perhaps the most important thing, this is Despite the fact that modern operating systems load drivers automatically, it is better to install the main drivers from the official website under the main drivers. I assume the driver for the video card, the motherboard chipset, the audio driver and the network card, updating the drivers. I have already deleted,
now you need to remove the old drivers that are currently installed on the computer, but before doing this, you should download the latest versions of the latest drivers from the official website, in addition to maximum performance, many people probably want to protect their home network and restore the speed of some sites. It is desirable that all network devices work equally stable and without additional settings in this short selection I will talk about three routers in different price categories that will protect your network and open access to Internet resources that were previously inaccessible and I will start with the most universal device, in my opinion, kinetic Pitster knn 3013, one of The main advantages of this gigabyte router are that it can work not only in router mode but also in repeater mode and to switch between modes. what needs to be done is to move the switch to the desired position. Now briefly about the main functions of the device. There is a biphone function. With its help, the router directs the signal directly towards the connected device and strengthens or weakens it depending on the distance. What kind of resource distribution allows the router to maintain the highest quality connection if several devices are connected, then with the help of MU Maima technology different antennas The router will broadcast the signal to different devices, for example, the first antenna transmits the signal to the TV in the living room, the second to the laptop in the bedroom, and the third to the smartphone, the txb function, squeeze out maximum speed from the connected Internet, the next airt Fest function allows you to distribute the speed depending on the needs, for example, to connect a smart light bulb to the network or a vacuum cleaner does not require a speed of 300 Mbps. But a laptop or smartphone can be given more. In addition to
the listed functions, this router has a huge number settings to protect the network parental controls own operating system and the ability to install third-party applications the router standard wi-fi 5 operates in dual-band mode on a 2.4 GHz channel speed up to 300 Mbit per second on a 5 GHz channel you can accelerate to 867 Mbit per second the speed is responsible dual core processor with a frequency of 900 MHz RAM 128 MB ddr 3 built-in memory Also 128 MB there is a hardware routing accelerator. The next representative of this collection, Xiaomi redmi ax6s, is a little more expensive in cost but in terms of performance and functions it significantly exceeds the previous leak. This router is already standard Wi-Fi 6 and also works in two bands 2.4 and 5 GHz speed compared to kinetic significantly higher on
the 2.4 GHz channel, the data transfer rate can reach 800 Mbps at 5 GHz as much as 2402 Mbi per second is responsible for the performance of the MediaTek processor with an operating frequency of 1350 MHz, 256 MB of RAM supports ipv6 IPTV and a bunch of other important useful features bam forming and MU mother are also present. But unlike the previous model, there are already six antennas and not four , which means that this router suitable for more serious use cases, for example for a smart home or in the case when there is a need to connect a large nomadic device RK Xiaomi redmi ax6s - This is an excellent solution when you need stable access to Internet resources despite any external factors and a fast, high-quality local network in large rooms with a large number of devices, and this selection is completed by another representative of the kinetic company, which has established itself as one of the most reliable manufacturers and this is kinetic Hero 4G Plus kn 2311 LTE Wi-Fi 6 standard has all the functions of previous participants, the speed on channel 2.4G can reach up to 574 Mbps on channel 5 GHz 1201 Mbps The performance is driven by the MediaTek mt7621a processor, which operates at a frequency of 880 MHz RAM 256 MB and 128 MB built-in Well, the main difference and advantages from all previous participants is the presence of a SIM slot and the ability to connect an external antenna, which means that with this device you can get access to a stable Internet Where before it was not available for country houses and places where it is not possible to conduct wired internet kinetic Hero 4G Plus kn 2311 will be the ideal solution Thank you for looking at the integration, all links to current prices are in the description and pinned comments, in order to find official support you need to know the laptop model or the model of the video card and motherboard if you have a system unit go to the manufacturer’s official website, in my case it’s MSI, enter the [music] laptop model, go to support and download all the above drivers if there is additional software for example, for the keyboard backlight, we also download it; when choosing a driver, be sure to take into account the version of the operating system and bitness. If suddenly someone does not know what bitness of the installed system, then you need to go to the system properties; to do this, just right-click on the My Computer icon and select properties also when choosing a driver for a video card, you should pay attention to the specifics. If you play games, choose Game Ready; if you work in heavy programs, then choose Studio; after all the necessary drivers have been downloaded, I proceed to To remove old ones, I will only remove the video card driver and simply replace the rest. Before deleting, you need to turn off the Internet, otherwise Windows, immediately after removal,
will start loading new drivers, which are not always the latest versions, I will use standard tools without third-party programs for this, in the search bar I write device manager, a window will open in which all devices installed on the computer are displayed, open the list of video adapters, double-click on the video card, open the driver tab and at the very bottom I press delete the driver after the process is completed, I reboot the computer after restarting the system, you need to install previously downloaded drivers there should be no problems with installation. Here everything is as simple as possible, unpack the archive, click everywhere , then do this with all the drivers and reboot the computer if you installed a clean operating system, then after the first launch a lot of updates will arrive, also the missing drivers should be installed automatically and two very important components are Direct X and Visual c + Plus , and before proceeding to the next stage you definitely need to check whether all the updates have been installed, for this I proceed in Start then settings select update security Check for updates I do this after each restart until a notification appears that all the latest updates have been installed the next step is to disable all unnecessary functions which Microsoft kindly provides out of the box that constantly consume resources load up the RAM with its analyzes statistics and tracking disable everything and get rid of only those actions that I will never need before starting in case if for some reason the proposed settings do not suit you, it would not be a bad idea to create a point recovery in order to be able to roll back at any time, for this I go to my computer in the window that opens, right-click and select properties Then in the left area of the window I go to system protection and check whether System Protection is enabled and if it is disabled, click configure, check the box to enable system protection, select the maximum space usage of no more than 10%, click apply, then create a recovery point, write a recognizable name, I will write optimization, you can call it whatever you like, the name does not affect anything after successfully creating a recovery point, I move on To set up the system, to do this, go to Start, then settings, select the system section, first of all, set up notifications and actions, here you can leave what you need in my case, I turn off all notifications for unnecessary, then I go to the quick actions section and delete all unnecessary tiles, after that I go to focus attention, uncheck the box below and all automatic rules, then I go to the priority list, I delete all applications that are there, I also uncheck people calls and SMS, I go back , I go to power and sleep mode, shutdown screen if you have a system unit then in both points Select never if a laptop then to save energy it is recommended to select 15 minutes after this returning to the very important point display here the most important thing to pay attention to is the MA layout section, if the computer is used primarily for games, regardless of the screen resolution, it should be 100%, then I go to the additional display parameters in this section, you need to make sure that the maximum Hertz value of the monitor you are using is set, after that I go back and go to the Graphics settings section here one of the most important points that you should pay attention to is planning the GPU with an acceleration device; the work of this function in games needs to be tested independently; it often happens that with hardware acceleration enabled, performance is even worse than with it disabled and if you are engaged in streaming, disabling the automatic memory cleaning function, it is better to remove excess garbage manually. Following the example that I described above, further on the tablet, I select never use the tablet summary in the second list, I select to request permission to switch modes, after that I go to additional parameters and disable everything toggle switches , then go to the multitasking item, here I disable the timeline, leave the rest unchanged, the next step is to go to the general capabilities item, disable the transfer item between devices after that I go to the clipboard section I disable the clipboard at the bottom of the list I click cleaning to clean it I go to the applications section for this you need to press start go to settings I select the application And I go to the offline maps item Few people use Windows maps Therefore, if you are one of the majority then It’s better to remove these cards and turn off the toggle switches below [music] the next very useful item is autoload. It allows you to disable applications that start at the start of Windows and accordingly consume resources, it’s better to disable everything or leave a minimum of applications returning to the main page select the games item I don’t use Xbox on the computer uncheck the box and turn off the Xbox Game Bar then go to the recording tab I don’t record Gameplay using Windows I also completely turn off everything there is a game mode in the on-off state in this mode any Gameplay will be a priority alerts and updates during the game will be paused returning to the main menu item accessibility here you need to disable show animation apply Windows transparency opening stripes then go to the mouse pointer tab I don’t have a touch monitor, so I turn off the touch response in the text cursor, turn off the indicator in the Magnifier section, turn everything off and uncheck all the boxes, go to color filters and also turn off everything in the Narrator section, also turn off everything in the Mouse and Keyboard sections, check that everything is turned off after that I go to the main menu and the next section, privacy, I check that in the general tab everything is turned off, the same goes for voice functions and personalization of handwritten water diagnostics and reviews I put a tick in the first paragraph and turn off all the toggle switches below in the section frequency of generation of reviews I select never I go to the action log item I disable everything and clear the entire log further In the location point I select change and disable the access point to device information below everything I turn off and clear the information log [music] after that I go to the camera section I don’t use a webcam so that’s all [music] then I turn off the microphone we check that everything is turned on [music] [music] The next item is voice activation I don’t use voice commands so I turn it off [music] Next in the notifications, making sure that all engines are turned on in the following sections from account information to automatic downloading of files, I turn everything off interesting Now I’ll clean everything, set it up [music] optimize methods How to speed up a computer I’ll say Yes, there is such a way and Everything is quite simple, all you need to do is clean it computer from dust And thereby reduce operating temperatures on this topic I have a separate video tip I will leave at the end of this video Well, how to reduce the concentration of dust, hair, harmful bacteria and other evil spirits to almost zero that not only your computer but also you yourself breathe, I will tell you right now, many have probably already guessed what we will now talk about correctly about the air purifier, in my opinion, the best representative in terms of price-quality ratio is the Electrolux air purifier It would seem Why spend all this extra money Yes, even think about where to attach this thing, but once you look inside the case of a computer, TV or any other household appliance, you can’t help but wonder what’s going on in my lungs. The electric bassinet air purifier copes with
its main task, but also has many additional very useful functions. I’ll tell you more about these functions. a little later, this purifier, unlike most of its competitors, is equipped with several filters to choose from, for example, a basic blue filter with activated carbon, according to the developers, not only collects dust but also effectively protects against viruses, microbes and bacteria, if you don’t want to pay and don’t need an antibacterial effect, you can install a white filter; it is the cheapest, but when collecting dust, all its useful properties end; a green filter is effective in the fight against tobacco smoke and harmful fumes that are emitted by some materials used in furniture Well, the yellow filter has anti-allergenic properties, it is impregnated with polyphenols, aroma lamps, sticks and all kinds of air fresheners are now also not required for this, there is a special small container with a sponge, just fill in the aromatic oil and enjoy the pleasant smell; the purifier has four speeds first second third and turbo mode is in case if for some reason you want to adjust the intensity of work manually But if If you trust modern technologies, then feel free to turn on the automatic mode and thanks to the contamination sensor, it will automatically set the desired speed. And in fact, there is a night mode in this case, the purifier will work at minimum
speed; there is a backlight that allows you to turn the purifier into a kind of night light; the function is ultraviolet disinfection and ionization; the purifier can fill the air with negatively charged particles that cause small particles of dust to stick together into larger lumps and fall off But before using this function, you must consult a doctor because ionization, in addition to positive aspects, also has negative sides, and you need to know how to use it, for what time to turn it on, and so on, this is also written in the operating instructions, the information screen is strewn with various indicators, but what exactly should you look for pay attention to the Ying Yang symbol, which changes color from blue in ideally clean air to red when it is safer to hold your breath. You can control all this splendor from your smartphone through the Home mobile application; in it you can switch modes, turn on and off various options and set up a schedule, the Electrolux air purifier is a multifunctional device that will not only preserve your health but also extend the life of all electrical appliances and reduce cleaning time because the less dust in the air, the less you will have to run around with a rag to wipe the surfaces on which it has settled Well, you can find out the current prices for this miracle of modern technology by clicking on the link in the description [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] in the remaining sections from documents to the file system, making sure that everything is on [music] after that I go to the main menu and select Update and Security, select additional options and disable everything I see Next, in delivery optimization, I disable the function to allow downloads from other computers, after that I go to the Windows security section. And despite the popular opinion about the built-in protection of Windows, I do not recommend it disable At the moment, the built-in protection is of very high quality and is quite enough to eliminate all known threats. We’ve sorted this out and now we need to get rid of built-in and unnecessary applications. To do this, I go to the main menu again and select the application section here at my discretion, depending on my needs. you decide what you will not use and you need to delete [music] [music] after that returning to the main menu section system tab sound moving to the right area of the window select the sound control panel here you need to turn off everything you do not use so that it does not consume the resources of your computer in the background, for this I right-click on the unused equipment, press disable, the same goes for recording devices, I leave only those microphones that I use for most of the settings I have already completed the last push and the goal is achieved and the next step is to disable all unnecessary Windows services; they consume a lot of resources and help at absolutely nothing; monitoring your actions; collecting and analyzing everything that can be analyzed; hardly anyone is interested in this I right-click on the taskbar, go to the task manager, open the services tab and at the bottom of the window select open services on my computer there are no fire and lighting sensors Therefore, I disable the services sensor service sensor data service surveillance service behind the sensors, disable the Windows biometric service, I would not trust Windows with my biometric data. If you have the same opinion, feel free
to disable the following service. If you don’t use it, disable it; if you don’t have a printer, then you won’t need the print manager service; disable the geographic location service determines the location of the computer; disable it functionality for connected users and telemetry, be sure to disable this service, Windows’ main assistant in spying on you, after that you need to go to system properties, to do this, right-click on the my computer icon And I go to properties, select additional parameters And go to the parameters of the performance settings section, here you can configure the visual effects of the shadow and the general appearance of Windows, but our task is to get maximum performance out of the system, so I won’t need most of what is here, select the tab to ensure the best performance so that the changes are visual almost invisible manually I’ll add a couple of options I’ll check the box next to smooth out font unevenness display shadows cast by windows and display thumbnails instead of with my daughter I’ll use this in the same window, I go to the additional section and make sure that the function to optimize the performance of programs is enabled, after that I go to the Data Execution Prevention section and make sure that the first item is enabled, I save everything and return to the main window of the control panel, I go to the Ease of Access Center section, I uncheck the first two checkboxes, after that I go in the section optimizing the image on the screen, uncheck the first three checkboxes, then go to the section making it easier to work with the keyboard, select the tab settings for controlling the mouse pointers, uncheck the control of the pointer from the keyboard and in at the very bottom I set it to disable, then I go to the sticky keys setting I uncheck all the checkboxes and apply it, after that I go to the input filtering settings, I uncheck the last two points and apply the settings then I go to the section using text and visual images instead of sound I turn off the visual notification then I go to the relief section using touch panels and tablets, disabling screen reader is worth noting If you have vision or hearing problems, then you should not change these settings. Run the next step, I will disable indexing, the process is quite long, so you need to be patient, but after this operation, I significantly unload the system from unnecessary actions in the background, to do this, go to my computer, right-click on the local disk, select the property, uncheck the box to allow indexing of file contents, click apply and agree Well, now we can congratulate you, Windows optimization is complete, all that remains is to restart the computer in the next video I will tell and show you How to optimize Windows 11 subscribe so as not to miss Andrey Palamarchuk was with you See you again