Experience of studying Computer System Technology at Sheridan College

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hi i'm radha thanks for joining today  so as we are discussing this particular   videos for this channel we are focusing on people  with first generation who are first generation   graduates or people from rural areas who would  like to have a career guidance and career path the   people who have traveled through that path and we  would like to meet them and know their experience   so thanks for joining and people who are  seeing videos in this channel please don't   forget to subscribe the channel and let's now  start the interview with ridhal can you please   tell about yourself how when  did you come to canada and what was your background thanks venkatesh for  having me uh so i'm originally from delhi i came   uh right after my 12th standard i graduated to my  12th standard i had in 11 12 pcm or non-medical   that we call it physics chemistry maths  and i i came here pretty much because i   thought there's at that point as well and even  now i feel there's not a lot of opportunities   uh to the level of uh and the level of technology  and infrastructure is just not there and overall   i i did visit canada when i was little i  did like it so it was a natural choice um i   went to sheridan college for a three year advanced  diploma in computer systems technology in which   you learn programming basically on different  languages the web development and now the   courses are also changing so my course has a  different name now and different courses that's   also something that i knew that happens outside  and in canada that um courses change based on the   industry needs which is i don't think happens at  that pace or it's it's that dynamic in india um right now i i graduate i graduated my college in  december 2019 then since then i was working at   woodbine i also got laid off due to covered then  i got another job at different companies and then   i'm back at woodbine i'm currently on a desktop  analyst row which is kind of like system admin   role and i like it it's uh it has a good work life  balance i i like my company i like my colleagues   and it's it's a lot of learning opportunities  um so you can you get your hands on a lot of   different uh technologies and you are able to  work with the application guy application team   security team networking team uh so it's  a mix of everything that's why i like it   i'm also a people person i think so i like talking  to different uh i like solving problems then i   like talking to people so this was a nice role  correction so you came directly to for after you   finish your 12th standard from india to do your  higher education here in canada so how was this   research experience like how did you how did  how did you start researching on the in colleges   that can accept people directly from  total standard from the point that   how did you prepare your statement of purpose i  know colleges here admit students based on the   statement of purpose so how did you prepare that  on what aspects did you prepare that statement   of purpose um and how what was the criteria for  the university to admit uh you do you think uh   the in uh the if you look on any website  in canada i think uh it's very basic that   you have to have certain number of marks like an  aggregate that this much you need to have either   after 12th or after graduation if you're coming  for pg even for that they have a certain uh mark   so if you you should qualify for that in  canada especially uh i the ielts ielts   uh that's the examination you need to give the  academic work of it um it it consists of four   parts reading writing speaking and listening um  you need to have a minimum band that the college   again like it provides on their website on and it  might be different for different courses because   um the programs are going to be predominantly here  in english so you need they need to know that you   understand it to the level that you will be able  to successfully uh complete the program right so   so was was that your 12th examination board was  it specifically anything like cbse um uh cbse   right okay yes i i graduated from cbs cbse right  so that marks uh uh the the is should we there be   i assume you should have got some equivalency to  convert it to canadian standards so to for them to   interpret the marks or uh was it not needed no so  what uh what happens is you just at that point um   i was just asked to give because i you when  you apply the marks for 12 standard day   for finals they come in maybe the results come  in may so and the the process of submissions   will be over by march or april so for  that the college uh requires you to send   what they call predictive scores and those  predictive scores are written by your teachers and   they're signed by the principal so they give you a  score based on your performance in the school that   this students should get these many marks now  there's and at that point you get a conditional   offer letter from the college if you are accepted  in that condition later there's a condition that   too much variation in those marks will uh if  that happens we they can't retract that offer   you need to make sure that you give a mark you  give marks or your teachers give you marks that   you will be able to get close to or surpass that's  fair so that was one thing um the other is the sop   you should again like uh whenever someone asks me  why in which if they would just want to go out or   come to canada i i do ask them that why they  want to come to canada like there are so many   other countries there's also u.s there's new  zealand there's uk so you need to know why   only canada and why really a particular province  or a particular institution or a particular course   so you need to know um you need to be attracted  to something like you need to be attracted by   maybe canadian nature it is when it is really cold  here sometimes but um it's really beautiful as   well um you i am attracted to that i was attracted  by the technology industry how much it's growing   and so many opportunities so many um big companies  coming into canada and setting up their offices so   the industry was growing in itself and i genuinely  was interested in learning about technology so   if you have that drive towards a course towards  when you know what you want to do this statement   of purpose you just you just mention all those  things and yeah you need to mention links that   if you're really interested in that how you have  been keeping up it could have been that you were   a part of a science exhibition competition or  you have been making the school website something   like that or you have been studying online on  your own on youtube some courses and you have   made something or you have learned something or  got a certification on linkedin as well that's   that also counts so just link what you want to  achieve to what you have been doing so there's   a connection so the officer who reads  it or um they know that okay yeah this   student really likes this course so  he will genuinely be trying to look   to learn when he said right um so that's  awesome points so apart from this sop and   uh the the main objective on the course  what what are the other uh criterias that   do you think the college needs apart from your  prospective marks and the sop are there any more   things that someone needs to keep in mind when  applying for the university it's it's nice if   you have some extracurriculars it's not all about  academics when you will come here most probably   you'll be all alone on your own so you need to  have a hobby and you need to be following that now   it can be that you know i i was the head boy of  my school so that was my biggest thing for till   12th that i and then before that also i was in  student cabinet for multiple levels i was good   in sports i was good i like i had so many things  to back me up that i will be able to you know   have a good life even if i'm alone i'll be able  to make just a mix with everyone that i i'll be   good with multiple things so it doesn't have to be  multiple but you should let them know that you're   good at something other than academics i think  that's also something to keep in mind and even   if you're not if you really lie about it i would  recommend that you try something anyways because   when you really come here you'll you'll need  some hobby to keep you busy keep your mind off   you know thinking about back home or  homesickness it still happens so if   you're busy you you might not think about that  too much so it's a good thing so that's something   other than that i i don't think there's a much um  there should be a tough mind like it'll be tough   here for the first couple of years um you'll be  doing a part-time job you'll be working along side   as uh well maybe two part-time jobs sometimes  so um yeah and you need to adjust you'll be   moving a lot if you don't find good roommates  you'll have to move again then moving in   so it's a it's it will be tough but just  uh remember that why you're here always   what's your goal right and from where you  have come and what where do you want to go   right before i thanks for mentioning before  i come to the finding a settling part of the   migration uh i would like to know the second  biggest thinking that one will have like right   from school to college in a different country  going to a different city is a big thing for   many people from rural background or first  generation kids are going to a different country   from the financial aspect how do you think one  can get it ready uh what kind of support do we   get back home uh from india and in indian banking  system or anything or what are the other options   can one have uh is there something that you  can give more information on that yeah so there   are some of my friends who did come here after  graduation and they came here on their own money   some of them like they did not take any money from  their parents so they they had to take like study   loans from india and they got it right now i think  if you qualify if you have an offer letter from   a college getting a study loan is not too much  of an issue in india um so that part is good the   other thing is that uh i think if you're coming  after 12th um or even after p for even for pg   you should consider looking at scholarship  options for from your college if you're   coming in september if you're getting admitted  at that point applications usually start in   january and the scholarship applications should  be complete by february so every college will have   different criterias for giving scholarships in  that sense like if you have extracurriculars that   would help they you just need to prove them that  you are you know you are a little out of the herd   you you you're not like just academic or or maybe  if you're a academic you're really good like you   have olympiad medals for you've been uh topper  of your class for like the past three or four   years so that would help as well so scholarship  is a good option um you can also get in touch   with the university even before that like you if  you're if the applications open in january let's   say you can just email the international center at  the college you're applying to and ask them that   hey do you have you know any programs for me in  which i can get some financial aid maybe there   are programs that are not listed or maybe if  you tell them your situation and what you're   planning and if they really like you they  might be able to provide something for you   so that'll be nice um these are the couple of  things you should always keep in mind but because   and the other part is when you come here you do a  part-time job anyways right to support yourself so   that's a whole different thing before coming here  i think those two are the most important things   just making sure that you're applying your  applications on time for scholarships and uh   that you're having documentation of your  extracurriculars right i know that you did your   course in computer science background but just  in case if someone um decides to come after 12th   how should he or she should get the confidence uh  in terms of that he they will get a job for sure   um this is a kind of doubt everyone will have like  i'm moving to a new country will i will the course   that i am going to study will i end up in a job  is this this college this course uh will will that   be a job prospect because everyone comes here not  just for education but to also to find a good job   that will sustain a good lifestyle right so from  that aspect as a 12th graduate what kind of things   how did you research to know for sure that yes  i'm going to study this college this course and   i know that this will pay me off so again this  this pulls down to what interest you have right   you should always do something that you like first  of all just don't go after the job that's in the   market you should also like it otherwise it's it's  not really it won't be something that you would   want to do it will be something you'll have to  do so that's a pretty big difference in a job   after that you need to be a little bit proactive  if you are into technology you would know um that   okay which which companies are the big four big  10 companies and you can just go to the website   really you can see how many job opportunities  if you filter in any country or if you filter   in just toronto how many job opportunities there  are compared to that how many you know graduates   usually uh are there in a year so based  on that um you can get a pretty good idea   really just googling the right things um will be  important and after that you should also see that   a country technology is something that now every  country needs so it's a very good industry to be   in but something like marketing um some of my  friends have did ask me that they wanted to go   into marketing and they wanted to be in canada  and get a job in marketing and that's a very um   there are a lot of people that want the  jobs and there are not a lot of jobs so   it'll be helpful if you can reach out  to someone that is doing that job in   the country just reach out to them on linkedin  and uh ask them their honest opinion of uh what   how tough it will be to get their first  job because that's just a foot once you   get your foot in the door that's that's  like an opening then you keep on growing   that's a different thing but to get that first  job you sh you you need a lot of uh struggle   you'll have to go through and even in technology  sometimes uh you that getting that first job is   uh it's like so important um because before  that any exp if you don't have any experience   no one will really you you'll always have  a kind of a back side that okay this guy   does not have any experience so we're gonna give  this to him right it'll be that so search and um think about uh what that country does as well  canada is not really big in manufacturing   so if you're coming here in a supply chain  uh manager line or something like that it   would be a little bit it's going to be a little  bit tough because canada has not manufactured   a lot of things it might be a good place for  warehousing or stocking up or inventorying but   not necessarily supply chain so something like  that you just need to understand you you get you   need to understand the country and then uh what  are strengths and based on that the jobs will be   quite logical like what sector will be most suited  to you right i know that you did internship uh   so how sheridan college helps in finding  the internship for undergraduate students   can you how the co-op department works there how  supportive they are what kind of support do they   provide do they help in preparing the resume  and all so what kind of support how do they do   companies come there for placement or what kind of  support happens can you speak about the co-op uh   placement at sheridan yeah so  co-op here means internship and uh   both college and university courses have a  co-ops some of some of the co-ops are paid   some are unpaid um so but it's a good thing that  if you get co-op you get industry experience like   hands-on experience so even before leaving  college you'll have experience that you can   show right after leaving college to companies  sheridan specifically has a co-op department   that or they say i think the  name of the department is a   student opportunity department or something like  that so they yes they help you make the resume   there's an actual class of i think two months that  you every student has to attend mandatorily and in   that they teach you to how to build a resume um  how to keep up in your search for the jobs and if if they if you find anything and if you get an  interview they also help you in mock interviews   so it it's a good help for someone especially who  does not have a lot of contacts here who does not   know a lot of people it's a really good thing  but don't completely depend on them they also   tell you that there are other websites other  than sheridan that sheridan also posts its   jobs on its own website for co-op but it does  tell you that don't just depend on these jobs   search indeed search monster.com um there are so  many other websites that you can zip recruiter   all the websites just keep searching because uh   like my first interview came after i applied for  130 jobs and i got rejected 130 times but i just   kept applying so it's just uh a lot of companies  might not take you even for co-op they they for   some co-ops they just need experience even  though it's co-op um they won't take you and   always be open to learning that should be either  in full-time part-time co-op does not necessarily   mean anything should always be open to learning so  when you get uh selected for an interview i think   uh the biggest point you should be proving  is that you're open to learning that   you will be willing to do uh hands-on work a lot  and uh you're not you won't be shy for asking   for help that's uh that's something that's  important nice that you touched on how a candidate   has to present himself when there is not much of a  prior work experience how he must present himself   in an interview in a convincing manner that he  open for learning and not hesitate to ask for   help if needed and will do your hands-on in terms  of getting things done that's something is what   definitely i think you have touched on the way the  candidate should present himself in an interview   rhythm uh i have one follow-up question like  you said your teachers were in the school will   be giving the prospective mark the student will be  getting in the exam so i'm just wondering if the   if the if that letter is on school's school's  header uh is it enough or should you get any   letter from this cbse board uh saying that  something something supporting that he has some   past mark something is there anything is  the school's letter letter is enough or   is there uh is any other letter from the  education board is also needed um to them   no the school's letter is enough  if it's a cbse recognized school um   the marks will uh however be only validated after  the final marks of your 12th right so that that   result comes from cbse themselves so you will have  to upload those marks anyway so till that point   um the offer letter will be conditional so even  though you pay a fee even though you have a seat   everything can be reversed if your marks are not  you know if they're not in a range so to speak   right and um since an international student comes  all on his own to a new country uh how do we um   settle uh when you come new to the country like  how did you find your first place did you travel   with anyone uh did you got to get get to make  network networking even before traveling to canada   like whether any um facebook page uh where you can  connect with the students of the same college or   toronto like people who come to the same  city uh can you suggest anything on that   yeah so there are multiple platforms you  can actually do it colleges and universities   themselves reach out especially to international  students their international department reaches   out to them they let them know how really to  prepare and even what to pack like what kind   of things they should be for the when if they  are coming for the very first time in canada   so uh most colleges do that um some things are  that you should not buy a lot of winter clothes   because indian winter clothes here are not really  worn that much canadian winter and winter gear is   very different so the winter jacket you get here  versus the jacket there it's completely different   we you will have to get winter boots here so  don't pack your stuff with unnecessary items pack   with your stuff pack with the pack wisely  because you'll have a certain amount of weight   and after even after they reach out they  will also connect you sometimes with a mentor   so a mentor might be a second year student who  is also an international student who will share   their experience with you personally and they will  they are getting paid for this it is a real job so   if you have any questions you can reach out to  them and they will let you know uh what to do uh   they will a lot of colleges universities go to  the level that they're gonna receive you at the   airport and they will and the student mentor who  is there they will find you a place for maybe the   first month um and a very nominal fee compared  to what the rent is here there is also i think rent for places uh there's a website that  specifically for students that's used for renting   so you can use that a lot of people also website  name i i'm guess just quickly search as well just wondering in case if someone is watching this  and uh it knowing the exact name might be useful   for them uh right especially oh it is uh rent for  students.com it is an actual very straightforward that's where you can research  from india itself and you can   uh book a room and you can pay the rent so that  you know where to go and stay when you land in   the airport right yeah it might be this  for one or two months but it's a good thing   and there's also facebook pages so facebook pages  will uh i think so my sister she's in ottawa she   had to go from here to or from toronto to  warwick so that is in itself a pretty big   thing for me so i also had to search for some kind  of accommodation for her i used their college's   facebook page i found um a pg where all girls  lived they were all indians and they were really   honest and they were open about everything that uh  yeah we are all graduates from this college some   do some are working right now but we're still  living together and there are no issues usually   there are no issues and if you want really if you  really want to make sure that you're not getting   into a scam or anything and you don't have to  pay you don't pay like that um some students   what they do is for the first two weeks or  ten days they take it they book an airbnb   which is a little bit costly but it makes sure  that when you come here you'll be in a place like   home so then you can search for your place um but  i would prefer going to facebook pages going to   the kijiji marketplace as well kijiji i don't  think is a website in india kijiji is also a   website here in which you can get uh rentals  uh all those places we have to have a star mark   saying be aware of scammers so don't don't pay  them upfront sometimes they will not be uh there   won't be any house at all right yeah so then there  are things like that pages are really cool i think   trustworthy like where you can discuss with other  students who are also similarly looking yeah right   so yeah those are the some of the places and then  if you get connected with them the good thing is   if you get connected with that  on facebook page with someone   you can now follow them and instagram you can  actually know that it's a real person so that's   a good thing so these are some of the things  you can do um uh so yeah i think that that's a   fantastic can you say something about your  course like what did they teach you like you   came directly from 12 standards so what did they  taught you and how did that four it was a three   year program you said so how did those three  years went by uh the first year was very quick   um the first so big i i was excited as well and uh  so the college was basically it was programming so   they were coding languages um i focused mainly  on java i learned they taught me csharp.net java all the web development technologies uh html  css javascript c-sharp um java uh what was that   jquery um php and angular so a lot of languages  including that we had the option to take   uh either android or ios so either swift or kotlin  or java as a programming languages to build a   mobile applications so it was a lot of hands-on  in india if even in a degree course i think a lot   is theory just theory just you know memorizing  things and writing it down on paper but here it's   really hands-on i i did not have to buy a book  in my college i it was everything was hands-on   uh pretty much like at least eighty percent of  my course i you'll sick networking and security   or just networking in general configuring switches  building firewalls making a rainbow table um and at the very end this was my so first year  was pretty simple second year we had uml a little   bit so building workflows and uh we also so there  were things that were core programming there were   things that were building workflows how to make  making how how to make sure that you're following   the right i.t guideline policies and then they  were um then the last year was a year-long project   that you get to do with someone from the industry  so someone from the industry let's say my company   gonna come to the college they're gonna pitch an  idea and they're gonna then the students are gonna   select okay i like this idea i want to build this  for them so you can either keep that idea or sell   it to them so you will be actually making you'll  you'll be making an actual website or an app that   will be out there in the industry for you to  brag about when you get out so that that was   the last year's highlight um and it was  a good course it was uh it got over and   i'm i'm i'm happy i took that corset i don't think  i i should have taken this so that this was a nice   course i am happy where i am how many internships  were allowed during this three year period and uh   just wondering um can you say something about  that yeah so i got my first internship at woodbine   and like how many terms internships you  are allowed to do internship how many terms   in this thing it depends on the college  it depends on your program i think by law   you should have your course should be 50 or more  should be your course and less than that duration   should be can be internship so my course had three  internship in three years which started after um   i think uh the third semester so after halfway  through my co after my halfway of my course they   started i got my first co-op then i had my  fourth semester then i had my second co-op   then i had my fifth semester and then i had my  third co-op and then i had the last semester of course canada allows you to do part-time  job right yeah oh yeah so i i came like if your   company this is a good thing like i i got lucky  if your company and your first co-op likes you   and you like the job they might offer you just you  know come here part-time so my industry experience   kept building because i was actually doing an  job in my industry and not doing a job in tim   hortons or not saying they're bad jobs it's just  beneficial for me because their mind aligns with   what you want to do in our long term right yeah so  it can it co-op courses are beneficial because of   that yeah yeah and if it is paid it could also  help a lot in balancing your expense right yeah   how much do you do how much do you say that  as a student will cost to live in toronto um in toronto in toronto even in general  people who have houses it's expensive so   rent is going to be very high definitely uh  if you move uh or anywhere around gta area   uh and you don't want to share let's say  you want to get your separate room uh   i think uh you were looking at somewhere around  seven hundred dollars to eight hundred dollars   easily uh to get your personal room with shared  kitchen shared bathroom space and no car parking   so that's in toronto and gta area if you want to  share if you're okay with that like if you you   and a friend of yours is coming and you're okay  uh sharing one room then you can do that as well   uh that would be much cheaper you will be  paying maybe like 400 to 350 dollars per month   uh the food is uh now as students a lot of  students either have tiffin services or they   make themselves or it's a mix of both like they  go out and uh either way you are looking now at uh   i think 120 to 130 dollars per month  of uh just food uh that you eat at home   so that's that i think it's almost 450 to 500  per month and then you'll have the next uh big   thing will be your phone bill um and yeah that's  it so phone bills can be as low as 35 dollars and   as high as 110 to 120 dollars it's if you want  a decent plan i think you can get it by 50 55   um so a minimum someone should be definitely  thinking that how much they're gonna spend   will be about 700 to 750 dollars the whole  month if you're living in a shared space   right and then there's oh uh there's a hundred  dollars extra almost over 120 dollars extra   for transit because you need to travel so for that  as well 120 dollars so almost about 800 to 850   dollars eight fifty dollars per month as a student  living expense living travel transport mobile   and grocery expense one can expect 800 to 850  dollars you can go less it depends on how much   you spend but uh that's like the standard you can  go higher there's no limit yeah on an average yeah   that makes sense yeah and and so after uh like  when does the when does students start looking for   full-time job uh in your particular uh course when  does students start to look for in a three-year   program and how does the university at the college  helps in that so it's uh yeah um in here it's not   like you'll get in your second year or a third  year or a second last semester companies coming   in mostly it's not like that you might companies  might come in and there might be job fairs   and you can learn about their opportunities  you can learn about the company you can make   networks you can add people on linkedin and send  your resumes there but it's not like you'll be   having interviews you'll be going through a  stages of you know a process uh or phases of a   selection of for for a particular job it won't  be like that here you'll be finding jobs uh   on linkedin or indeed or zip recruit  or any any of these websites um and uh sorry you you asked about uh getting  the jobs and uh i mean what kind of support   does the college uh provide oh um not much to be  honest they can be you can ask for a professor's   referral at the most uh if there is a job the  college is giving that's a different story now   if you really if you if you if you like  uh the job and if you want to do that then   you can let your professors know you can let  you you can let the hiring manager know or   the manager who's uh actually going  to be selecting the candidates know   that you're really interested with that the  job and they will know what you learned so   in that sense that helps but mostly colleges don't  help like that they you'll have to find a job on   your own pretty much so that's also a reason  why students have to engage really in terms   of getting a hands-on during the their three-year  program right yeah and there's just an expectation   uh from you that you will definitely know  these things by the end of your graduation so   if you're looking for a full-time job  right after your graduation you must have a certain number of skills or a certain set of  skills that you have learned throughout these   years because that's the standard so right yeah  but the call not going to help you too much right   right sounds great uh like you have covered pretty  much like a lot of things like from living expense   to the how one has to apply for the college  things that you can get from the college and   uh from the school and apply everything a lot  of things we spoke is are there any uh final   thoughts that you would like  to share for those who are   who come from abroad as an international student  like from your experience these are the things you   must keep in mind before starting your journey or  when you arrive like these are the things that you   need to have need to do like things maybe there's  some mistakes that you did that now you would like   to share it with people that you can please be  aware that you do not do this something like that   yeah um so i think arrival is pretty much  we we covered a lot um and if there is   anyone who's watching this who who have agents  who can't pay that much and uh they have that   connectivity it'll be much more easier for them  to get till here but the main challenge actually   starts after getting here so um making sure that  you're getting up on time he is staying healthy   because no one's gonna take care of you here   you be doing everything everything in your house  maybe you never had to do back home but here from   cleaning to washing dishes to making food to  pretty much everything you you'll have to do and making good friends is really  important in a country that you have   never been in and you don't know anyone  it gets uh it gets kind of depressing   really quickly so it's important to make good  friends and they will help you in your career uh   in your personal life as well you you you guys can  explore together uh canada not necessarily just to   stay school friends but go beyond that and  i have some friends who still help me in   my my profession like uh in getting  jobs like i i can take their referrals   still they are a good company as well and  i i will do the same for them because i've   known them uh since college so i know really  even professionally that what they're capable of   uh so good friendships is important and  knowing what's good for you and what's just   fun stuff there's a lot of things that  uh you you'll get up you'll the the   thing that after 12 if you're coming after  12th you'll get is freedom because till 12th   were maybe with your parents or some relatives or  there was someone who was watching over you when   you come here you're you're on your own so that's  a lot of freedom you we also have gic coming in so   you have money every month that you that  comes in the bank account so you can   fix a deposit right kind of yeah it comes uh like  you you uh give it like ten thousand dollars you   give before coming here and then in small  amounts it's going to keep coming together   that you are allowed to take every  month okay yes so making good choices   in terms of how to spend money and where to  spend money is uh is important uh don't uh don't look at all the shiny stuff a lot  of things here are like i i personally   i i don't mind anyone doing it but i personally  think that if you're a student uh marijuana can be   it's legal here so you can do it but uh do  it wisely don't gamble your money away and   just remember always that why you're here like if  you're here for your studies then make sure you   set your priority to study even if you don't  have a part-time job if you lose it for a week um   try uh to keep your study your priority search  for a part-time job you'll get jobs anywhere but   you came here for studies and that is what  will make you successful at the end so   always know what your priorities are and keep  in touch with your family they want to know   how you are and they want to experience uh a  little bit of canada from your side as well so   uh stay in touch with them stay in touch with  your friends back home and never forget uh   where you came from like your roots it's always  important no one in canada is a canadian mostly   everyone's immigrant so it's important to know  um where you're coming from celebrating festivals   uh don't leave that indian uh mindset like the  the way you enjoyed being indian don't leave that   the part of you and you should always embrace  it so yeah that's uh there are some things that   you should always i think uh keep in mind when  you're feeling low or when you're feeling that   you've achieved something just make sure that stay  neutral don't be too too happy don't be too sad i think that'll help most of the students here  yeah awesome thanks a lot for covering a lot of things that probably many of uh things will be  very new to the people hearing it especially if   they are planning to go abroad after their  12th standard and congratulations on having   done a great journey and i also wish you  do your master's in canada soon go for it   great uh thanks a lot for taking your time today  and uh thanks a lot for connecting accepting my   invitation and connecting with me yeah no problem  thank you for having me again oh thanks a lot uh


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