Доклад ООН Курс ДОЛЛАРА на сегодня Нефть Золото ММВБ Фосагро Хэдхантер Virgin Galactic Robin Hood

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friends welcome to the ninja kapital channel evening review today on August 9th let's look at what happened today, what are the driving forces of these events, and well, let's start with the calendar of events, so the data on the san duma came out today the balance of trade in germany positive data a little more than the forecast, but significantly more than the previous value when a country like Germany has a positive trade balance, this is very good, which means it blooms and smells because Germany, but still does not export inflation and its monetary units , unlike the United States, therefore, for her, the indicator is positive the trade balance is very important if it grows it is generally good you can transfer help to other countries from Hungary and Poland and so on and so today at 5 o'clock the number of open vacancies in the labor market came out 10 million versus nine point twenty eight hundredths of the forecasts and the ideal 483 of the previous one, well, here it is necessary to say for gold this is very very unpleasant news because the recovery of the labor market means very quickly and very soon the curtailment of support measures and, accordingly, the blowing of bubbles, the fall of inflation, and so on and so forth, but there are actually people who, but do not think that the bubbles will simply blow off, and yet there is certainly no such thing will be because in the entire civilized world of the United States, these bubble are not associated with the welfare of people who invest in stocks with pension programs and therefore they will act very carefully here and well, without any case, this case will most likely try to mitigate this negative impact as much as possible a puncture of the babams ball that pouted but practice shows that very often the good intentions of the government of the financial authorities do not lead to the fact that everything is going completely differently and according to a different scenario there is even such a proverb in my territory in the theory of catastrophes, I do not remember exactly that everything adverse events that could occur they are usually what happens and only then when the limit is exhausted, then 1 key of something positive something new beautiful the knot Russian news Russian news but I don't find anything special here, except for the so-called export of hydrogen as I understand, they plan to produce a gray water conduit, that is, which is obtained from natural gas, but here you need to understand exactly that such hydrogen that is obtained from a difficult gas carries a very significant carbon footprint and such products are supplied to its subordinate states, it will be postponed by a rather tangible carbohydrate tax so be anode massive warnings that the son of a pit has reached such values ​​that any event she can unbalance everything will collapse, but you already understand that when at high ah such a movement goes at any moment everything can break down, look here the only thing from my point of view remains unfinished pattern is, first of all, to be thrown into the smos all the remaining shares memes the same robin hood entered the market until it was dispersed 10 times more, so there is room to strive and I think now this hurricane of printed money, which at the last moment our wildly circling around the world in the United States just I am obliged to pick up all the remaining memes of the action and throw them to unprecedented heights, so well, today he released a report on climate change, I wrote about this in a telegram, but here, look, in fact, I am very skeptical about all this issue, not because carbon dioxide is acceptable the gas that is obtained as a result of combustion there, it partly creates a greenhouse effect really infrared radiation but does not leave the surface of the earth and, logically, the temperature should rise, but there are too many factors in addition to this, the release of energy and heat by industrial objects , people, houses, and so on. and the fact that the sun has a certain activity in different periods which are very ny significantly affect the temperature on the surface of the earth, in addition to this, there is also another moment inside the earth, it seems like according to science there is a hot molten core which is bad in the mantle how it affects the temperature on the surface, that is also a rather significant question and therefore, from my point of view, claims to carbon dioxide to the gas that arise, they are possibly justified, but my mind cannot understand the degree of their validity and adequacy, a claim in this direction, well, let's start with the fact that, in principle, the very existence of man and civilization, it introduces disharmony and discord to nature and therefore, as it were, human civilization itself is already violates and destroys nature and therefore, as it were, so that no snakes are negative for us, just well, civilization somewhere, I don't know there in the sea space from the big one on earth, it didn’t prevent it from this, of course, it shouldn’t be necessary to come to the forest, so let or somewhere on the beach and the owls left the dirt no need to be very careful about it and not rubbish rit not to create unnecessary problems of excessive pollution it seems to me even on this subject can be no discussion not conduct but the problem here is that apparently the color of hysteria and which today started with climate change there and how many degrees varies from burning fuel sources it is connected precisely with the fact that apparently someone understands, maybe subconsciously, maybe these are games that are played by little green men and freemasons who understand that they printed money without urgently opening a new market and updating the market, we mean new technologies for the production of new vehicles and equipment systems electricity generation savings and so on that all this is a printed mass of novosybkov, but I'm kidding, of course, I don't believe any conspiracy theories and I think that this is complete nonsense and there are no conspiracies of external enemies there, masons, and so on, all this is the invention of those people who do not want let's say they begin to cover up some unseemly deeds Xia immediately there is a search for external enemies and conspiracy theories, it's straight, don't go scribbled, so it seems to me that this news that came out today is just due to the fact that they want to speed up this process because they begin to understand that just elementary they can not let them go, a new one will break out a crisis that will turn out to be much stronger than what we saw in March 2020, but then there were a lot of plans about which cars would be produced, how they would have which ones would have more, how they would displace each other, look from my point of view what is presented as fuel cells where hydrogen is oxidized on the electrodes or hybrids are extremely irrational meaningless about because they firstly require much more resources during production and thereby introduce even more dissonance into the environment and therefore, from my point of view, there must be either an internal combustion engine or electric battery motors without any of these intermediate sub stations which, of course, the situation here is clear who is lobbying it is lobbying auto concerns that understand that at all these transitions from one there to another, you can additionally cut the dough, that's all, but in fact there is just a transition and everyone drove a mobile car with an internal combustion engine, then cars drive with electric motors and batteries, there are still no hybrids, no fuel cells and other miracles, it's pointless so friends, but Sberbank surprised behind the wing, finally, a gap you do not miss the artists exterminated them just an ass in hellfire and here we see a picture of him from my point of view absolutely clearly here there was a powerful entry here burned all the artists who hoped for 9 help we will go to 100 77 or 150 this did not happen and therefore we see such a magical growth so friends not the corner of the berg voted points were on the site when the FRS will raise the rate but most people think in the twenty-third year a little less in the twenty-second year still less in twenty pe moat, but from my point of view, it would be logical here that it would all happen that the twenty-first year suddenly turned out to be the labor market completely recovered, they raised the rate after that everything went to hell and they again reduced the rates to zero and then we get that the twenty-first year the rate was raised and in the twenty-third year the rate was raised just getting into all the scenarios turns out, but 22 years from my point of view is not the least likely because here, well, let's say you won't be able to start in the twenty-second year, but this process will noticeably go if everything is fine in the twenty-third year, or now they may be hotly hacking and, at the exit, get a new wave of a new zigzag of the crisis, so friends, let's move on to the graph that we have today in fact, but look at the SMP this is also among the SNT futures and today it is still trying to go down a little, or maybe and turn around in general, who knows, in fact, here, of course, the time has come either to show very powerful volatility here t What kind of plan or already somewhere down to determine where it will go, but today we see a movement on the X with the flu, it opened up significantly increased by five and a half percent until it is lethal 18 half and is close until it has broken through, nevertheless, when such dances begin this indicates that something is about to happen so friends let the oil look from the oil everything is fine here double bottom drew increased volatility at the high ah began to show, of course, why this is happening, but now at the moment the situation, I think it has stabilized like this Well, in general, then Che Savik the first goal, but almost almost completed, I think now there will be a consolidation of the trade and, accordingly, if sixty-eight and three are not struck in the next hours, then we will have a fascinating movement at first at 70 and 879 and then a movement here here at 7 71 72 172 20 if it still goes well, I think there was a reversal here, and it was very likely that there was a time when we would see a call ctional rebound to the growing trend for oil broke but at the moment I think it is too early for it to explode corkscrew blood put up stops collected and that's enough the same market they shared ottimo so friends gave the dollar index but he did all the local goals the question is to gain a foothold not to gain a foothold he achieved ranges if we gain a foothold, then this growth will continue higher and higher, so friends let us give the crypt a quick look at the Ethereum daily timeframe look here everything is ready everything is ready for the historical and to rewrite the only thing that can spoil this movement, which has already gathered courage, this is a corrective rollback and breaking through 2350 here there is an intermediate level which, if taken then this growth, it does not receive development so friends gave the ruble-dollar let's see it through a chip let's look at the September futures hourly timeframe look now like oil has begun to anneal mine in such cases a corrective rollback is supposed to move the target of 73 1908 73 thousand 950 v from here this range, respectively, if now there is a worn-out breakout of 74 187 4 200, then today the first target is waiting for us 7 and 4 500 here and then the movement for 75 thousand oil now began to rebound to strengthen rubles, too, it is supposed to strengthen nowhere from this get away, but this formation that has arisen here, she simply has to push this week to the area of ​​74 950 husband be 75100 so friends, but the futures on the RTS index are also hourly timeframes, let's take today very energetic and there were 2 lines at the moment, a movement was developing with the aim of pathos probe 154 160 I think there will still be a correctional rollback and closings somewhere here here in this range so friends further gold now let's take smd there they all differ with futures for a few dollars this is uncritical here the situation is the following good data on the us labor market this folding stimulus splicing incentives is the destruction of excess money supply and the absence of inflation, respectively gold is very much afraid of such news and today we observed it in full, you are looking at a week if you switch, then in fact today in one day we have fulfilled it I don’t know the weekly monthly plan for the drawdown the big question will or will not be re-testing the breakdown of 1670 if such testing with a breakdown will then, of course, from gold, one can expect a more tangible movement, for example, here in the direction of 1540, if the event does not turn around in such a dramatic way, judging by the daily chart, they probably will not turn around in this way, after consolidation, we will still have a rebound here in this range so friends, but look here in gold now the idea is very simple if you have shoulders to transfer through the weekend at all it is impossible through the night it is undesirable now, as it were, it is natural with very elementary when the reversal formation has fallen and for at least an hour, you can take it with a stop and as soon as one grows though 30-50 percent of this drop is expected to sell yours s that it is to increase by 2000 is certainly not necessary but boredom can use their own benefit but again see here should be no illusions here was an attempt by many to success does not start ie it does not mean that each one a strong fall, she will lead the fact that it will surely bounce there for those values ​​that were up to 50 percent, it does not happen that it happens that it gets wet, but here the insurance is very simple it is a stop placed under the minimum value plus there are several magic values ​​added to it and everything is thus up to if and how much there will be no loss, but a loss is not a loss of a head like here, if you do not set the table like this, friends whine the action head hunter daily timeframe which I am actively advertising to you I will immediately tell her to actively advertise because I like it how she walks she does like a crypto doing three sometimes 10 percent a day of the level here in general just works perfectly, I do not know how long it will last at the moment already probably when from the end of April from May, well, here I brought this pattern somewhere in the middle of May, that is, it is practically not at all outside bringing it back and forth, and in general everything is fine, so I do not understand why I should do some kind of nonsense there, well some kind of look for dubious stories, well, let's say not very liquid, incomprehensible there in all sorts of uranium to invest for a long time there, for example a dress, but if for a small value, then you can buy bars of different metals and palladium, silver and platinum and gold, but the fact is that if you put metal you have to understand that this is not speculation is a long-term investment if bars here is that relates directly to the motion will please headhunter goes fine without Gazprom nothing any more that that still need to be happy here but here's what I have now themselves raised it the strength of this maximum has approached, and with a high degree of probability, a corrective rollback will develop from here, the purpose of this rollback will be Movement to the area of ​​3050 3030 can of course draw the spiers, this will happen if today tomorrow there is a breakout of 3490 on the volume, then it is very likely that I will drag on the spire as well, but the likelihood of such an event, from my point of view, is not very high, but the downward movement will rather go here, even if our feather they will pull back then I will still drive here because but it's nice when three-five ten percent of the money goes back and forth, so friends further mermaid this is a weekly timeframe to brusovaya here is quite an interesting picture he now has an impulse movement the target of this impulse 57 when will it be implemented perhaps in the near future it will not be implemented if there is a corrective rollback with a breakdown of 50.5 50.1 this range in case of a breakdown is likely a miracle an hour and they carried it to 41 and a half so friends further next paper fire these are human stem cells look there are, of course, forecasts in terms of the fact that they now have a certain drug coming out to fight stagnant I changes in the lower extremities, the market there will be measured well, probably even possible, and tens of billions of dollars, this can also be, of course, a very optimistic statement, but they may well approach this after a while, therefore, from the point of view of the development of this company, undoubtedly its prospects are quite significant and it can grow by 5 to ten and even much more times here we are the current moment, I think here is the distribution that she laid in this range is not over and and of course continues the memory, but in principle it can of course leave here and stop at 150 вот но я хотел обратить внимание что есть определенный уровень который в районе в районе 60 61 опять проходит вот если здесь возникает пробой этого значение тут скорее всего оно сыпется и назад вот сюда куда-то если даже не обвалится но будет коротенькое очень сильное движение которое вышибет вообще всех поклонников флангу в этой бумаге так но если переходить на чистовик здесь куча силикона нахо дится в консолидации вот в этом диапазоне для того чтобы она пошла наверх для этого конечно основании здесь есть цель движения ну как минимум она вот здесь находится 71 и 9 может быть даже повыше но на текущий момент для того чтобы это движение и зашло я думаю более вероятный тобой вот верхнего уровня 70 и какое-то движение для начала на 63 3 потом задер наверх так друзья далее фосагро вопрос был по фосагро смотрите здесь ну как бы рост понятно делаем космический произошел несмотря на то что достаточно ощутимый дефицит в провизии и возможно с учетом еще климатических колебаний здесь ситуация может усугубиться на текущий момент я думаю что по этим акциям какой-то должен быть либо консультационный диапазон либо возможно даже коррекционный откат в ram 3500 здесь нюанс заключается в том что повышенный спрос на ее продукцию он происходит где-то в конце зимы в начале весны поэтому с моей точки зрения я бы ее не рассматривал сейчас в качестве какой-то инвестиции в качестве спекуляции она все таки не столь ликвидные бумага с моей точки зрения на не очень для этого подходит вот конечно если вы огромный знаток сельского хозяйства и вообще принципе всего того что связано с минеральными удобрениями экспортом минеральных удобрений и вы понимаете что здесь просто будет чудовищный дальнейший рост цен и объемов то конечно вы имеете полное право ее купить даже в ломка при таких значениях я вот немножко сомневаюсь в том что по такому пути пойдет развитие сценария и поэтому я бы здесь сделал ставку на консолидацию и возможно какой-то традиционный откат хотя бы сюда так друзья дали ростелеком здесь очень интересная ситуация его высадили на 90 и сейчас от этого 90 поставок по высаживали там там же многие уважаемые люди купили буклетики этой компании и соответственно теперь полагается у хотя бы в район 108 109 сюда куда ты его свозить а если он здесь закрепиться то отсюда следующая цель движения будет уже в район 150 да вот на недель koch здесь можно сказать подогнали взвод три белых сол дата соответственно отсюда сейчас должно начаться движение первое сри движение 109 110 сюда вот в этот диапазон так бы взять дальше давайте вот помимо пробежимся virgin galactic сейчас вот здесь очень интересная ситуация возникает тестирование на пробой 3435 как только здесь пробой оформляется он уже начинает оформляться сегодня то ее отсюда вполне могут в легкую свозить сначала на 49 потом переписать вот этот исторический максимум здесь пошел движняк соответственно этот движняк должен эту пружинку немножко под распрямить ну и соответственно если будет коррекционный откат свое 30 это роста здесь никакого не будет хотя мне кажется для этой акции 10-15 процентов это сущий детский сад так друзья но это ли и конечно же куда в мемы без акции которые воплощение современной американской мечты да и наверно вообще мечты любого современного продвинутого человека это акции компании робин гуд они вот здесь немножко затаились они сейчас переводит дух накапливают консолидируется но могу вам сказать абсолютно точно крайне высокая вероятность того что движение на 71-му произойдет вопрос только как это будет сделано это будет сделано сразу отсюда и это будет сделано сначала движением на 43 или даже на 26 вот но тем не менее сейчас здесь определенный набор позиции он с моей точки зрения произошел вот будут и и конечно дальше дотолкать сразу говорят они инструмент которые используются для работы не то что с последними деньгами вообще самый капитал то есть если у вас есть деньги которыми вы готовы достаточно рискованно действовать и если что их просто отложить в коробочку и подождать пока мы вырастет либо превратиться в ноль то это как раз вот та самая волшебная тема ну либо тогда надо на каких-то форумах отслеживать я думаю на самом рубин гуди всех не разрешить пальчиком по грозит мне кажется здесь с такими инструментами наиболее рациональный способ действия либо купите забыть либо купить и ждать достижение определенной цели ну а там риск-менеджмент он у каждого свой в этом-то вся и з агвоздка друзья спасибо за внимание хороших торгов хорошего вечера сила


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