The Most Advanced Anti-Aging Skincare of 2022 AiREMD by Dermatologist Dr Stefani Kappel

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hey guys and welcome to today's a video i am so  excited for today's video because it has been so   long since i got to film with my best friend  dr stephanie cappell is here with us today   so fun we get to talk skincare with you guys  today because honestly in our daily lives we   do all the time with each other we text each  other at like midnight talking skincare so i   am so excited because we are here to talk soon  care with you guys today and even more exciting   is her new skincare line and the air which i  am so excited to bring on to skin truth which   is now going to be available and she's  here to talk all about it because she's   the formulator of the skincare like this  is not skincare she's just white labeled   and did all that like she formulated this so  it's super exciting and thank you for having me   and so yeah it's really exciting because um just  from the time i was still in dermatology residency   i always knew that i wanted to formulate a skin  line because i feel like you know you know exactly   what the skin needs how to get it there how to  stabilize it and just keeping up with technology   in the rapidly advancing field is something that  has always been a passion of mine so to be able to   formulate this has been my passion project for  a long time and we finally have it perfected   and you know i go through all the analytics and  the testing and the assays and this trichome   stains and just everything so i wanted it to be  perfect so it's just so exciting to share it with   you so have it for us i know you guys and  and i think that's what's so cool too is   i mean you and me we both like we get to try  so many different skincare products and we love   certain things from each brand or this and  that and then you come to like you're like   i want to put like them all together like all your  favorites and that's kind of like what you did   especially yeah especially because like you and i  both i think you know if you follow us you see we   have a pretty elaborate morning and night routine  and you know with these four products you can use   a morning and night and they're engineered in such  a way that you can do that whereas back in the day   without the engineering you couldn't maybe use one  during the day or or night yeah you know it's just   um with limiting and then also to be integrated  with other products i think is important too   so um that's why i wanted to formulate this a  easy routine where all four products would have   everything covered and you can use it morning and  night and i love that you can use them like all   together you can mix and match them with other  things or brands and they all just they work   really well together and as you guys know i only  bring on products and brands to skin truth that   are amazing like i don't just carry any old brand  like i have to try it out myself it has to be the   best science the best technology and give the best  results so just because steph is my best friend   that's not why i brought the brand on like her  brand is truly next level like the technology   and the science behind it is like above right  right so and that's why and i wanted brianna   to try them and i didn't let many people try  them and i wanted brandon yeah i tried them   like a while ago and i yeah she was one  of the first and i said i really wanted   and i knew that she would give me you know her  honest opinion and like i wouldn't want her to   carry it or you know have it available or market  something like me you know we don't want to   we can't without the passion behind it you  can't really recommend it if you don't use   it yourself and love it yeah it was important  for me too to make sure that she loved it and   she you know she was using it and yeah excited  about it yeah i am so and i am excited about you   will guys definitely be really passionate about  what we do yes we are we really are what it is   so let's talk about the four products and  we'll go through each one let's start with   the vitamins the vitamin c so i think breanna  and are both obsessed with vitamin c vitamin   c is just such an amazing active ingredient not  only for its antioxidant capability but just for   everything that it does for skin health for  cellular renewal for collagen stimulation for   brightening without you know the risks of other  brightness like hydroquinone for evening out   texture and tone for acne for anti-aging all the  things so the most difficult and you probably   understand this too the most difficult problem  with um vitamin c is the formulation it's really   important to have it stabilized and to have it  have a vehicle delivery system that keeps it   intact and bioavailable and active so the problem  i think with most vitamin c formulations is that   either sits on the surface of the skin or can get  oxidized in the dispenser or it gets to the place   where it needs to go but by the time it gets  there it's inactive so it's really important to   create a formulation where it can stay active  until it needs to get to where it has to have the   effect and then remains effective without having  you know irritation and sensitization and things   like that so i always say it's like putting an  astronaut into outer space in the in you know in   the space capsule but then the space capsule can't  open like what is it going to do if you can't   get there so i put a lot of you know thought and  time and just testing and retesting and analytics   to try to get a vehicle delivery system that  enables it to pass through the epidermis into   the dermis and remain stable and bioavailable  and if you used it which you've used it   you know it it gets rapidly absorbed which you  can tell just from you know seconds of use that   it really gets absorbed it's not just sitting on  the skin because unfortunately you know some you   know vitamin c formulations are pretty expensive  and they're just basically sitting on the surface   of the skin and they're not doing anything and  sometimes that's why they can be irritating   because they're just sitting on the surface of  the skin yeah exactly yeah so what are what's   the ingredients and the types of vitamin c that  you use sorry me too i know so put your seatbelts   on all right so it has all four forms of vitamin  c and so it has the l-ascorbic acid 15 and yes   which is the probably much the maximum that you  can have without having diminishing returns and so   fifteen percent l-ascorbic acid which is the most  important that's the most powerful vitamin c you   know available for skin and skin health um it has  a thd also and it has a three glycerol or a three   glycerol ascorbate and it has a magnesium glycerol  ascorbic right okay yeah so it has the map   the three ga and it has the um tetradesyl  hexyl specific and the l-ascorbic acid 15   yeah so it's all you know micro encapsulated in  a formula and it also has you know kojic acid and   ferulic acid because they've done a lot of studies  and they've shown that augmentation of the effects   of vitamin c are propagated and augmented when  they're mixed with vitamin c and folic acid too   and then it also has nano liposomal respiratory  which is a really great you know grinder as well   yes exactly so that's what's so great so it has  many forms of the vitamin c which not many like   products out there right for vitamin c they don't  have like more than like one form of vitamin c you   know so it's so cool that you kind of combined a  couple of the different ones and put them together   most effective ones yeah i love that and that they  remain active that's so important because yeah   it's just you know it's just a waste of time  well let's talk about talk about the the vehicle   and the delivery system behind it so the vehicle  delivery system and the reason why i'm it's just   myself and a scientist who i'm working with and  the scientists that i'm i'm engineering this with   i basically hand selected after interviewing many  many people who worked for pharma in biotech so   he actually was working for pharmaceutical  companies for um musculoskeletal um topicals   and um topical chemotherapy where drug delivery  and stabilization is everything he's actually   never worked in the skin care industry but that  skill set and that you know that scientific you   know skill set is so important in our industry  and he uses never been used before a vehicle   delivery system where i mean we can't talk about  it too much but you know i mean it's it's it's   micro encapsulated in such a way i mean he's like  spinning electrons and uses like electrophysics   and also these vehicle delivery systems which in  assays you can see them just like passing through   and staying stable so it's actually the first time  that this technology has been used in the skin   care industry which i'm all about which is amazing  and that's what you know protects the integrity of   it is it liposome like liposomal right which is i  always tell everybody like that is like the best   form of a delivery system definitely yeah because  it keeps it there it passes through the cells   and then it's just almost like when it gets to  the delivery it's like an envelope it opens up   to where it needs to be active right exactly  it's really important and then you know it's   in an airtight um chamber which it maintains the  integrity of the products they stable pepper it's   yeah oxidized so you don't have to worry about  that i love that the vitamin c is bomb your skin   looks low it doesn't leave like a sticky feel like  some vitamin c as you can you know it just feels   really really nice on the skin it's easy to layer  with other products it doesn't like pill under   makeup no other products and a lot of my patients  who couldn't tolerate other vitamin c like if they   break out or other you know formulations  they actually were able to tolerate them   yeah and and you know safe during pregnancy and  breastfeeding where you know melasma and acne can   kind of you know rev up a little bit and it's safe  for pregnancy and breastfeeding which makes very   nice too right it's a great honestly like amazing  form of vitamin c i love the technology and the   formulation that you made with that so so good  so i know everyone will love that one yeah and   then let's talk about this one this one is so  good i know yeah the nmf hydrator okay so nmf   stands for natural they all have very scientific  even air md is a scientific name because it's the   name of a signal transduction pathway in the skin  but i'm going to try not to get too scientific we like speak a foreign language but um but  the nmf hydrator nmf just stands for the   natural moisturization factors in our skin so  glycosaminoglycan ceramides all the things that   allow our keratinocytes to hold on to water and  it's also packed with anti-aging polypeptides and   a lot of them have never been used before a lot of  them are ones that we have used before that have   stood the test of time and have been engineered to  just be more effective and um it's really fun to   formulate it and blend it in the proprietary blend  where it's going to not only hydrate the skin   and like soothe skin with you know with irritation  from you know if you're using some type of vitamin   a derivative or if you like go skiing in the  mountains or you have like dry irritated skin   it's a good rescue it's like taking a drink of  water for your skin it helps the skin it hydrates   and it restores that barrier and minimizes trans  epidermal water loss so at the same time where   it's restoring the barrier it also helps texture  and smooth the skin helps with fine lines and   wrinkles too because of the peptides right it's  not irritating yeah it's really really nice yeah   it's a good yeah juventud like a vitamin c and a  vitamin a the peptides and the humectants and the   barrier restorative active ingredients are really  important i love it and it feels amazing like it's   actually like silky and like so softening to the  skin but it's not heavy it's not thick it's like   so nice yeah and it makes your skin feel hydrated  but not greasy and like you know like midday when   you're like oh my skin feels a little dry if you  use it morning and night like that's all you need   you know your skin will absorb it and it'll seal  that barrier and just strengthen that yeah exactly   and you guys i mean all my followers know i'm  big on like skin barrier health and like always   constantly like something that we should be doing  every day is like putting those ingredients on   that restores the you know a healthy skin barrier  and i love that you have all of that in there   it's so funny we were able to do like i wanted to  do like immunohistochemical stains and like see   these assays with immunofluorescence to make sure  i mean like we're talking at the dermal epidermal   junction looking at the aching fibrils like the  collagen type seven like all this stuff you know   i was all over it yeah it was more fun to look at  the testing than in yeah just actually like use   the product but i can't say enough about it but  i think it's great for people who just need like   a little bit of like more hydration and barrier  repair too yeah and honestly i have more oily skin   and like i said it doesn't make me oily so i think  it's good for dry skin through oily skin yeah   yeah because everyone needs those same ingredients  definitely yeah and you can use it on like   the neck and decollete area yeah so for a little  added you know tightening effect too it's just fun   amazing yeah okay what is next oh my gosh i know  you love this one this is like stuff you guys know   i'm like obsessed you are two of the under eye  area okay so the under eye area is the first to   show our age that area is so thin and delicate  like the epidermis and dermis and the under eye   skin is so delicate and so thin and it doesn't  have sebaceous glands and you actually did a great   video on this about you know the under eye area it  doesn't need retinol it doesn't need vitamin c it   can actually be like harmful to the skin right the  under eye area needs different active ingredients   than the skin on the face does it doesn't have  sebaceous glands it can't tolerate a lot of active   ingredients and it actually needs other active  ingredients too like polypodium leukotomus topical   melatonin green tea polyphenols and other um other  active ingredients that help increase collagen and   elastin synthesis without irritation because  sometimes i actually saw a patient last week   in my office who was using retinol under her  eyes and she had really bad hyperpigmentation   from the irritation from the from the serum so  this does not have a retinol and vitamin c in   it but it has all the active ingredients that  your under eye area needs and that's all that   it needs and basically using it morning and  night your skin feels hydrated your under eye   area you know it doesn't feel too tight and it  feels like nice and hydrated and it helps with   under eye wrinkles and fine lines puffiness  and the under eye dark circles because of the   niacinamide in it and the green tea polyphenols  which are really important in eye serum as well   it helps kind of like decrease that underlying  vasculature that can give that blue type of dark   darkness dark you can use it on eyelids right yeah  and you can use it on your eyelids i basically put   it on like a pump on the back of my hand and i  actually do it with a cotton tipped applicator   yeah i have lash extensions so i can't get too  close to the yeah but i do it with my q-tip and   i apply it around my whole eye area yeah it's nice  it's super like again light and hydrating so it   kind of like absorbs really nice it's really  good under like concealer makeup whatever it   doesn't like you know cake up or anything i love  that and i use the color science three and one   yeah you use that too i'll put this on and then i  just put that on over it just for uh you know yeah   it's like that's like that's what i do every  single day yeah yeah so it stays hydrated and   it's just basically stimulating that delicate  skin to synthesize collagen and elastin because   it's the first to lose collagen in the last and  even in our 20s so that's why you start to see   that on dry wrinkles yeah as early in our 20s and  some people do think that they're going to put   like retin-a or retinol around their eyes and it  can like make your skin make it worse and i see it   every day in my office people coming in for me  to laser their hyperpigmentation from under the   eyes from those products so on that note too you  don't want to take these products too up close   to the eye all you need is this one for them yeah  exactly right which is perfect so i know you will   love that one i love it and steph is like you know  your eye cream's gonna be good because definitely   obsessed with like perfect under eyes yes i know  what's so funny is you can't botox under the eye   you have to like really use good products under  your eyes right because that's like yours are   everything and like we always talk about how  important it is to do you know your skincare   routine and use good products at home because you  know going to the office isn't like a quick fix   it's an augmentation of the products that you're  using at home which are so important so using an   eye serum every day is probably one of the most  important yeah like long term yeah that's what i   would say like what you do daily is gonna make  the the most result you know and then you go   in and you do your in office treatments and it  just goes hand in hand but yeah you can't just   fix like overnight by going in and getting like  an office and even doing like a surgery like i   have people that come in and they'll come in  from oculoplastics referrals after having a   blepharoplasty and like a year later they're  right back where they started from because if   their skin texture if your skin texture and tone  isn't good it's like we always say surgeons it's   like suturing wet toilet paper versus to drink  cardboard like it's going to maintain and hold   those results when you have a lot of collagen and  elastin in your extracellular matrix but if you're   don't it's like it's like suturing like a deflated  balloon it's going to sag again you know you got   to keep it it's really important to upkeep with  products and eye serums especially is really fun   that's what's so funny too and we'll talk about it  quick because i'll get a comment like the random   comment that says like oh like you do botox like  that's like the most important thing for your skin   and i'm like botox doesn't create healthy skin you  know like it's products that are going to give you   all these things you can get botox and i'm sure  you've seen people who get botox but their skin   is like yes they're not exaggerated or they have  brown spots and they have even people who come in   like i just i'm not going to take care of my skin  i'm just going to get a facelift well they have a   facelift and they don't have one wrinkle but their  skin just like looks aged and wet and then like   you know it doesn't and you can't the only way to  get healthy skin honestly is by using skin care   products religiously photo protection sunscreen  and then lasers help too yeah but they all go   together yeah exactly important and i love that  we agree and i know it's talking about this in   circles we can literally make like hours worth of  videos okay and then her last product is her aura yes so let's talk about this but first i want  to like preface everyone because everyone knows   that i'm a big renowned hype fan like everyone  knows that i mean and i respect that yeah yeah   i mean there's different there's different  ways to get that vitamin a into your skin i   mean retin a is the most potent but a lot of  people can't tolerate renee i hate retin-a it   like destroyed my skin um so in all reality like  retinaldehyde and retinol have been proven right   just as effective as retin-a but it's all about  like the delivery and the delivery system of the   product there's so many i mean retinols you  can get at the drugstore yeah retinols you   can get in sephora and there's like they're  not gonna do anything you know and even like   looking like under the microscope just for decades  you're looking at skin under the microscope   i could see the people who were using your cvs  brand versus like you know strength versus yeah   like you know cosmeceutical medical grade skin  care yeah and though you see it under them i've   actually posted it on my story i don't know if  people are interested but you'd be interested   but you can literally see like the collagen is  like thick and chunky and pink and like it's just   as healthy versus patients who use non you know  medical grade or without the delivery mechanism   that's when you get the thinning of the skin and  just the deleterious like side effects when you   use like medical grade retinol retinol to hide and  you know when they're formulated and engineered   in a very elegant way it definitely makes a  difference yeah yeah for sure so let's talk   about yours because like i said i told actually  all my followers i said there's two retinal brands   that honestly truly have like the technology and  the delivery system behind it and yours is one   of them because i mean you the formulation  and the delivery is different with yours   yeah and also like and you mentioned this too um  retinol retin aldehyde retinol and retinoic acid   they're all going in conversions back and forth  in each other when they're in the skin there's   enzymes that are converting it back and forth  so the vehicle delivery system and the way it's   formulated is everything and we've talked about  that too you want to convert it in one and you   need to bind to sticky receptors and with a high  affinity so it like it's basically like a lock   and key and you can keep the enzyme profile going  one way or another to ensure that you're getting   all the retinol or all the retinoic acid or all  the right now the head whatever it's engineered   to do yeah it's just delivery mechanism and the  stabilization has everything to do with the with   the efficacy of the vitamin a derivative so  that's really important so i know we won't   believe for that point anyway i could talk about  it for like an hour exactly but the other the   the engineering in this and the reason why  it's called the rxr retinol is the rxr so do   you should i get into yeah definitely no nerdy no  we love the nerdy glasses yeah i'm not going to   hold it back i've always my whole life trying  to like curb my nerdy in this video right now   okay so yes so when retinoic acid or any retinoic  acid derivative binds the receptor it's a   heterodimer meaning the receptor has two parts and  it's the rar and the rxr receptor and it binds and   then it takes the product into the nucleus of  the cell and the nucleus is where all the dna   is that's how you literally get you're literally  getting transcription and translation and encoding   of genes that have downstream effects with like  really potent anti-aging effects increasing   cellular renewal actually increasing hydration of  the skin increasing collagen synthesis increasing   the last instance increasing hyaluronic acid  synthesis so all like all of these downstream   effects happen when the retinoic acid derivative  vitamin a derivative retinaldehyde or the you know   the retinol when it's formulated the right way  to have all these downstream effects and what   happens is you want to keep it in the nucleus of  the cell that's where inside the cell it's going   to have most effect when it gets outside of the  cell that's when you get a recruitment of inflam   inflammatory cells you get irritation you get  sensitization you get disruption of the barrier   so the key is to keep it micro encapsulated in  a formulation that allows it to get into the   nucleus of the cell where it's going to do its  work and stay inside the cell where it's going   to have the most potent anti-aging effect with  least side effects of irritation and that's where   the delivery mechanism comes out that's what the  formulation does and that's what's so key because   a lot of retinols can be irritating to the skin  too definitely yeah but yours is not so i have   tested hers out trust me and it's not irritating  my skin and i'm very big on a healthy skin barrier   not flaky irritated all that yours did not do  that yeah yeah i know i made it so it doesn't   i've been working on this for a while and it's  amazing it's amazing like it will help your pores   yeah shrink down pore size it helps cellular  renewal fine lines and wrinkles and we always   talk about this too like the pores you know are  the outside of the filthy osteo or the pore when   it cinches down it cinches down the pore size  by you know it's almost like a purse straight   cinching down those pores and that's what uh the  retinol you know retinol does and so yeah i put   my heart and soul into this delivery mechanism  and formulating in a way because it's just it's   you know it's annoying to not be able to use  the vitamin a derivative without irritation   and you don't want to at the expense of not  having it work as well and not cause irritation   yeah exactly which i think is why some people  like go to the drugstore or something and get   a retinol but those do not have a delivery system  those are not doing anything what they're doing is   they're staying outside in the extracellular  space and recruiting all your inflammatory   cells your immune cells to come be irritated and  that's what causes all the blood flow to come the   redness the dryness the peeliness that's why you  get that that means it's outside in the extractor   space it's not inside that's how you know if it's  actually working is if get back to work and stop   causing all this information and get the gene  transcription to increase your cellular renewal   in your collagen synthetic but that's actually  really really interesting and really good to know   because a lot of people think that like you want  to see flaking and you want to see peeling but you   actually don't right yeah like the more you it's  not like at the gym the more sore you get the more   you know like the more feeling yeah no no no and  that's and i and patients you know i struggle with   that with patients too because they always want  to be on the most highest percent or they want   to be like or there's no yeah there's no need you  don't get um more of a benefit when you get more   irritation yeah the key the key balance is to have  an elegant formulation that's going to give you   the the results you want with you know diminished  fine lines and wrinkles and tightening of the skin   tightening of the pores and all the great benefits  without the earrings out the irritation but yeah a   lot of elegant formulas yeah and that's what's  so interesting to me though because retin-a i   mean it's been around forever but i feel like the  like the formulation could be updated definitely   you know and that's the thing and that's the  reason why it was actually this formulation that   really wanted i heard the scientific lecture like  at our academy meetings they have like you know   thousands of people and dermatologists at these  meetings and there's always different forms and   different rooms and there's like the botox room  in the laser room and i'm like i got that i don't   have to go to this i always go to the super nerdy  scientific lecture hall and i heard the scientists   speak about the vehicle delivery systems on this  and i'm like why are why don't i have that in my   eyes how long do i have to wait for the skincare  lines to come out with this and he's like oh it's   about four or five years before the industry  will catch on and they'll become mainstream   i'm like i can't wait that long it's in my eyes  here and tomorrow i'm like let me have your email   address and like you know i just really wanted  to formulate because knowing the technology and   having your finger on the pulse and like having to  wait for it i'm like i wanted to take it directly   from the science labs to my patients yeah and to  my skin yes and for myself and for brianna for   everybody like we're not gonna wait here anymore  i'm going to be the middle man cut out all this   yeah totally that's what i love so me and stuff  like we like yeah we used products that were like   no this is what we want like what i want this  with it but it's like yeah and that's why i call   it translational skin care because translational  by medical definition is going from like bench   work which is in the research labs to like  products for consumers yeah yeah i love it   so that is airmd kind of in like a nutshell i mean  honestly the products are truly like next level   the formulations are amazing technology is amazing  you guys know i'm always i am literally probably   like a broker record i'm like from relation no  delivery system like that is what's key you know we have the same priorities we do definitely  but that's like that's what's so important and   her products like i said i'm not just talking  about them because she's my best friend like i   am like literally like i was like i was telling  you like feedback even when you were making it   myself i was like oh my god yeah really nice and  i wouldn't and i wouldn't want you to if you your   heart wasn't yeah i think that that's why you know  it's it's you always you were always like try this   like give me like your honest feedback and stuff  like play back and forth and stuff like yeah and   these are like bomb you guys so it's like layers  ahead of everyone so just everybody will catch   on something yeah i know seriously though yeah no  i've even like talked to other you know like other   um product lines and stuff they're like oh wow  you know with this and it's it's important to   share information and just you know always staying  ahead of technology it's good because then it you   know they say a rising tide raises all ships  and maybe other people catch on and hop on the   vehicle deliveries and they'll have even better  products and the brand will continue to evolve i'm   still going to my scientific meetings yeah  i'm still continuing medical education and as   these discoveries are made i'm gonna  incorporate this into this brand i know i   love that yeah exactly yeah so awesome yes i  love it i love it so these are all available   on so we will link them down  below for you i will link that's instagram   down below you can follow her because she always  gives like like awesome like knowledge and stuff   on her stories and all that so thank you guys so  much for watching we're actually going to film   another video so stay tuned yeah so we'll  see you in our next one bye thank you bye


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